2 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, DECE3IBER 19 1G. o ci eirx ' - n jr :- ' y g& c r . - - . , -' . ZSf v - - vM 1 V?R. ; f : Agra ls k&? ' , ' V'-' -J PI X f" -V" " V . - . , - - I MMsseMsassBja ' " " ' f ' ' 1 V ' v ' - F",t ' ' r7r4 A - - A V ' I - j t -nv;v V I- ' 1 v K t l ' ' I c- f - . I 1- , . - ' . 1 I I I ' ' S3.i ; SC f t( sit X x . v (Continued From rirgt gage.) and Mrs. J. C. E. King, Mr. and Mrs.1 L. Jl. Alderman, Mrs. Alice Benson Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Plumraer, Mr. and Mrs. John Pipes, Mrs. Mabel Holmes Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Latourette, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Colt, Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie, Mr. and, Mrs. William Crawford, Vancouver; Mrs." Clifton N. McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bronaugh, Dr. and Mrs. E. p. Geary, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Beach, Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Mas ters, Mr. ajid Mrs. Jl. C. French, Mr. end Mrs. Wilson Benefiel, P. V. Hol man5 Dr. and Mrs. Harry Beal Torrey, Mr. and Mrs. R. A- Letter, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. King:, Dr. and- Mrs. Rajph Fen ton, Miss Dosch, Dr. Bertha Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Huston, Mr. and Mrs. Edsar B. Piper, Mr. and Mrs. F. P, Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Geo r fee Lilly. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pittock, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Word, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Zieg ler. Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Locke, Mr. and Mrs. Craifj McMicken, Mr. and Mrs. Claude McColloch, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. IMcKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chap man, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Jrvine, Hugh 'Hume, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dundore . President and Mrs. Kerr, of Oregon 'Agricultural College; Miss Rocelle CHARMING TOVKO WOMAN WHO BECAMIj BRIDE YES TERDAY ISf SPOKANE. 1 At., - " s. . : Mrs. Roacoe Conklln Lashley (GsctIt Peck). The many friends of Miss Gen evieve Peck will be surprised to learn that she was married at Spokane. Wash., yesterday to Jtoscoe Conklin Lashley. They are expected to arrive in the city today and will be with her mother, Mrs, Herman Koep pen. for the holidays. F ... -e .. r . . 5 i " - J f . I;-. ; .4. 5 Hair; Mr. and Mrs. Karl Outhank, Pro fessor and Mrs. John O'Hara, Professor and Mrs. O. F. Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. W B, Smith. Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Bates, Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Sheldon, Professor and Mrs. W. P. Boynton, Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Douglass, Dean and, Mrs. Joseph Schaefer, Professor and Mrs. R.- C. Clark, Dr and Mrs. F. G. G. Schmidt, Professor and Mrs. Timothy Cloran, Miss Mabel Cumming, Professor Colin V. Dyment, Howard Anett, Earl Kil patrick, all of Eugene; Mr, and Mrs. George Marshall, of Portland; Mrs. C. A. Dolph, Mrs. Solomon Hirsch. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Louisson, President and Mrs. W. T. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fenton, Mr and Mrs. William Killings worth, Dr. Bertha Stuart, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Beats Torrey, Mr. and Ms. Rob ert Farrell, Judge and Mrs. Robert Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fish, Mr. and Mrs. George Broughton, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. A D. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strong, J?ean and Mrs. E. H. MoCollister, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Finley, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Spencer. Miss Emma Griebel, Miss Isabella Gauld, Miss Louise Brace, Dr. and Mrs. Alan Welch Smith, Dr. and Mrs. ' Otis Wight, Mr and Mrs. Franek Branch Jtiley, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grelte, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. John Hansaker. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dey, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Fisher, Dr. Kath arine Manion, Mr. and Mre. John Travis, Hon, and Mrs. Thomas Kay, Hon., and Mrs J. A. Churchill, Hon; and Mrs. W. K. Newell, Judge and Mrs. C. H. Carey, Hon. and Mra. Milton A- Miliar. Misa Elizabeth Fox. Representing the different colleges Smith Mrs. Elliott Corbett, Mrs. A. D. Korria, Mra, Fred Strong and Misa Isabella Gauld Goucher Mrs. Alan Welch Smith. Wellesley Mra. John Travis, Mra. Lewis McArthur. Radcliffe Mrs. Ralph Wilbur. Stanford Mrs. F. B. Riley, Mrs. For. est Fisher, Mra. Edward Grelle, Mra. Ben Dey, Mra. Otla Wight. Mrs. R. A. Leiter California Mrs. G. T. Gerlinger, Mrs. E. H. McColllster, Mrs. W. L. Finley, Miss Louise Boyd. Mrs John R. La tourette. Miss Fay. v Washington Boutin. Miss Marie Miohner. Mrs. D. A. Shindler and daughtera and Mrs. J. N. Page are sojourners In tiouywooa, jai. Dr. and Mrs. J. V. Dickson left the middle of the week for an extended trip south. They will spend the holidays in Berkeley and San Francisco, and will later visit friends in Southern California and Arlsona. Mrs. George S. Whiteside and chil dren, George Jr. and Marian, enter tained about two dozen of the children of the People's Institute Saturday aft ernoon with a Christmas tree .party. - Mra. J. R. Spence (formerly Miss Frances Dekum) -arrrved from Seattle, on Monday, for a visit over Christ mas at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Dekum, 1247 Rodney avenue, 1'iednont. ' . Miss Irene Pokorney Stein, who ar rived Thursday from Chicago, to visit her unolo, Ludwlg L. Pokorney, will be feted at several holiday affairs. She is a chairming girl and will be honored wita numerous holiday functions. To honor Mrs. David K. Brace, a charming young matron of this city, who will leave soon for a three yeare' sojourn In China, her sister. Mrs. Otto A. Cook, will entertain with a large tea on Wednesday afternoon, from 2 to 5 o'clock. Mrs. Brace is a former stu dent of Reed College and popular both in college and social seta. The tea will afford her numerous friends an oppor tunity to wish her bon voyage. The Scottish Rite's next dance which is acbeduled for Thursday night, will be a regular old-fashioned -Christmas affair. Trees, brilliantly lighted and laden with -gifts for the merrymakers will be a part of" the programme. Fir and cedar boughs with electric lights and Christmas, baubles will be used about the rooms and a Christmas tree dance will be the feature of the even? ing. r The patronesses will be Mrs. W. F. Woodward, Mrs. Ralph E. Williams, Mrs, E. V. Llttlefield. Mrs. E. A. Pierce, Mra. Chris A. Bell. Mrs. Robert A. Mil ler. Mrs. Ben Gadsby. Mrs. H, J. Blaes ing, Mrs. Robert Skeen, Mrs. F. It. Trul linger, Mrs. E. H. Sensenich and Mrs. R. D. Inman. Cards will be provided for those who do not dance and rei freshments will be served. . Complimenting Horace E. Butterfleld who will leave for Racine. Wis., Wednesday, his sister, Mrs. Allen Pen dleton No yes, was hostess for a charm ing dinner party Monday night. Christ mas decorations and favora and a basket of deep red, orange and brown fruita decked the table, about which were seated: Oawald Day, Walter H. Korell, Joseph Hammond, Dr. Noyes. Jack Day and Mr. Butterfleld. The gueats are ail former school mates . of Mr. Butterfleld, who will shortly take up his duties with the Mitchell Automobile Company. at Racine. s Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. McNett (Marian Atwater) are passing the holi day with Mrs. McNett'a parents. Mr. and Mra Henry Atwater. The vlsitora arrived from Spokane early In the week. - The wedding of Misa Janet Gray and Karl Steiwer will take place "on Jan uary 10. The bride-to-be la a popular Seattle girl and Mr. Steiwer Ja a former student of the University of Oregon and Oregon Agricultural College. He is a member of the Sigma Nu fraternity and has a number of relatives and a wide. circle of friends in Portland. He is a brother of Mrs. Elmer Connell, of this city. Miss Frieda Baruh left on Tuesday for San Francisco, to be the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. E.- Wangenhelm (Germaine Baruh). Miss Baruh will remain for the holidays. Portland alumnae of Chi Omega will entertain with an at-home or Satur day afternoon, January 6. at 184 King ston avenue, Arlington Heights, from 4 until 5:30 o'clock. The MacDowell Club will give an elaborate programme on Tuesday af ternoon in the ballroom of Multnomah Hotel from 3 to 5 o'clock. A dinner of 45 covers has been ar ranged by members of the Kappa Delta Iota fraternity for Tuesday night in the gold room or Multnomah Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lewis entertained early in the week for Miss Elsa St. Clair, one of the St. Clair Sisters, who were at the Orpheum last week. A motor trip and elaborate dinner were planned for the gifted young cellist, The holiday season is being cele brated at Hotel Portland with many delightful affairs, notable among which are the dinner parties. Both the main dining-room and the grill are gaily decorated with potted polnsettlas. holly wreaths and Christmas bells and in the lobby there is stationed a mammoth tree glowing and glittering in a wealth of tinsel and sparkling ornaments. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O'Brien will enter--tain Christmas night 'with a dinner of 14 covers: Mrs. L. Boyer will entertain with a dinner of 10 covers. Others who entertain informally are Mr. and Mrs. John H. Noyes. Mr. Stiltz. Mrs. T. J. Johnson, W. L. Page. Mr. Babcock, W. T. Pangle, E. Hunt, T. J. Mullen, Jimmy Dunn. Eleven guests will be entertained by Captain M. Hackett. Among those who Will be hosts to din ner parties in the grill are Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Thompson, H. Strowbridge, I. K. Levy and D. Markee. v Miss Dorothy Collins, one of the Wellesley College girls, is passing the holiday season in Washington. D. C, with one of her schoolmates, Mlas Weeks. They are participating in many deligh'tful aocial festivities in the Cap ital City. - Mr. and Mrs. David L. Brace will pcoive informally at their residence,' 550 East Forty-second street North, Friday evening, from !( until 10 o'clock, honoring Mr. and Mrs. David Kingsley Brace, who leave December 30 for Pao-Tung-Fu, China. Mr. and Mrs. Brace will leave Satur day for San Francisco and sail on the Korea January 3 for Shanghai. China. They will make a short stop at Hono lulu, and at Nagasaki, Japan. From Nagasaki they will cross Japan by rail and again embark for Shanghai, fin ishing the 7000-mile Journey by rail from Shanghai to Pekin and Pao-Tung-Fu, where Mr. Brace goes to establish a department of physical education in the higher Normal College at Pao-Tung-Fu. The young people will be away three years. Portland Golf Club officers and di rectors will hold their regular luncheon and meeting in the grotto of Multno mah Hotel on Tuesday noon. . Mrs. Melvina Ferbrache, of Rainier. ST. HELENS GIRL 19 PORTLAND BRIDE OF MEEK. 1 rut -w,j"'k t Mra. 'Williird Mara a. Miss Lucille Hobbs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hobbs, of St. Helens, became the bride of Wil lard Marsh at a. simple wedding on Wednesday evening. y?- fcv ' "I t . x 1 V I) i img$? . V ; i ;i m j . i 1 I X ' A - - JL CZf: its: I . i . . m ' i .i A 4 ? f Or., announces the engagement of her daughter, Maude Elinor, to Peter Zweite, of Glendale, Or. The marriage will take place in the near future. The Phi Delta Sigma Sorority will give a dancing party Friday night in the assembly room of Hotel Portland. Misa Marjorie McCollum is chairman of the committee in charge of the af fair. There will be about 60 young people present. A charming luncheon was that pre sided over by Miss Verna Barker last week in her Irvington home, to honor Miss Madeline Gra.ly, a popular bride elect of the holiday season. The table appointment and decorations were suggestive ef bridal, functions. Miss Grady's fiance, Clarence Oppen, Is of a well-known Eastern family. Miss Grady will be much missed by her many Portland friende. as her wedding will take her to Detroit, where the couple will make their home. To honor Miss Madeline Grady, one of the season's latest bride-elects, Misa Madeline Brown gave a very pretty luncheon Saturday. The room was dec orated with pink and white. ' Miss Grady'a fiance. Clarence Oppen. arrived last week, from Detroit. Mioh., where he will take 1 his bride after the holi- days. The many friends of Miss Elva Humaaon will regret to learn that she is in a Long Beach. Cel.. sanitarium with a broken hip and a wrenched knee, caused by clipping on a rug. One of the interesting events sched uled for the following week is the play to be given by the children of Beth Israel Sunday School for the benefit of the Neighborhood House. The play will be at-the Concordia, Club Tuesday evening, December 26. and wilt end In a merry dance in which players and spectators will participate. The play. "Maccabcan Days,' was writ ten by Mrs. Paul Lebenbaum. who so recently wrote the successful play. Everychlld," for the Council of Jew ish Women. , Mrs. Lebenbaum will be, assisted In dllreeting the play by Mrs. Slgmund Ottenheimer, with Mrs. Sanford , P. Lowengart as general chairman. The following clipping from a Cali fornia paper will be of interest .to Portlanders: In the presence of relatives and a few intimate frienda, Misa Nellie Da mon became the bride of Donald Boat wick -Stuart, of Portland, on December IK. Captain James Ossewaarrie offl- W G.SMITH 1 CO. ' Irwitat lorvs. Arrourcerfort8 Visitirvg iNd At Home Cards Embossed Stationery THREE HUHDKID CLCVEM MCMU BUILSIN Thmo Flqq LADIES If you want to be satisfied with your next Tailor-Made Suit come to B. FINK Ladies' Tailor, Eilers Bldg. ' ins - - i ; : - r . elated at the ceremony at high noon at the home of the bride's uncle. Major G. L. Scott, at Fort McDowell. The young couple plighted their troth in the drawing-room, which had been transformed into a floral bower. Garlands of Christmas greens inter spersed with holly were festooned throughout the room, and vanes and jardinieres filled with polnsettlas and Christmas berries also were used in the decorative scheme. It was a Christmas wldlnr. and throughout A "Merry Christmas to All We also take this opportunity to ex press our sincere appreciation of the liberal patronage extended us by the people1 of this community. The Season's Greetings to You and Yours Clearance Sale Starts Tuesday. Big Specials in Every Department 'Outfitting Washington The Management and Employes of the Emporium wish YOU a MERRY Christmas Watch tomorrow's papers for our big Before-Stock-Taking-Sale Announcement ir4.te12& Sixth St . the house the floral arrangement per tained to this season, with the ex ception of the dining-room, which was in yellowT The cavalry color was chosen as a compliment to the bride's uncle, who belongs to that branch of the service. After the ceremony a reception was held, to which all the service set re siding at the Army' post was invited. The bride made a pretty picture in her gown of gray Georgette crepe, ornamented with real lace. Her two cousins were her only attendants. Mrs. Spencer Hunt, the matron of honor, wore a beautiful gown of cream taffeta and carried an armful of Killarney roses. The ring bearer was little Miss Georgia Hunt, who was In a dainty frock of embroidered white net. and carried a basket of Cecil Brunner roses. The best man was Lloyd Nlckle. son of Judge Nickle, of Oakland. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ly man Damon of Independence. Or. She has been making her home with her uncle and aunt at Fort McDowell for the last six months, and has many friends on both sides of the bay. Donald Bostwick Stuart is a" gradu ate of Stanford University, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Stuart, of Portland. - The Portland Heights Club, in lieu of the usual New Year's party, will give give a basket picnic Friday even ing. December 29. Each woman will prepare an attractive lunch basket for two, tying with a blue ribbon, if mar ried, and with a, white ribbon if un married. Each man will pay 23 cents for the privilege of eating lunch with the woman whose basket he may se lect. The picnic will be under the su pervision of the social committee. Mrs. Jay Smith. Mrs. A. V. Charlton and Mrs. J. E. Davidson. The patronesses will be Mrs. Lloyd Smith. Mrs. Chester V. Dolph, Mrs. L. C. Gilman and Mrs. Fred H. Page. EVENTS OF THE WEEK. Kenton Club was the scene of a pretty party on December 7. Mrs. Joseph Burke being hostess to mem bers and friends of the St. Gerard So ciety. The early part of the evening was devoted to cards. Miss Marie Meagher and P. J. Hanley receiving the honors. A short programme fol lowed. Little Miss Florence Young danced "The Butterfly" In an artistic manner, and responded to an encore with a vocal solo; Miss Rita Manning played a violin solo; a vocal solo by Mr. Brennel was enjoyed:" Misa Edna Young, accompanist. The remainder of the evening was passed in dancing. SILVERTON, Or.. Dec 23 (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Nels Tokstad, prominent farmers of the Evans Valley, celebrated their silver wedding at their farm home on December 17. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Grlnde, Mr. and Mre. Ed Obion and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Loe, Mrs. Knute Loe and daughters. Misses Tina and Emma, John Hatteburg and fam ily, G. M. Opsund. Mrs. O. K. Flnseth. Dr. Anna Finseth. Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Roaeland. The bazaar held by the ladies of Queen Elisabeth Review. No. 24. of the Maccabees on Wednesday was a great success. Commander Culla Dunnlnd commended her assistants for their splendid work. The "600"' party which followed the basaar in the evening also was a success, so much o. that the of ficers have decided to give a similar party each month. Locust Chapter. No. 119. Order of Eastern Star, held their election De cember 12 at lone. Or., and the follow ing officers were elected: Worthy ma tron, Ruth B. Mason; worthy patron. T. B. Buffington; associate matron, Beulah Buffington; secretary, Syntha Walker; treasurer. F. L. Christenson; con ductres, Gra-e L. Chick; associate con ductress. Ida Moore. Mrs. H. Y. Blackwell entertained at her home on East Seventeenth street, on Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Earl Schafe, a recent bride. The rooms were decorated with pink carnations and roses. Covers were laid for eight at the refreshment table: Mesdames Ed ward Lloyd, Charles Lloyd. Frank Giles. William Daughtrey, Frrd Ward, Georgia Hoas, Earl Schafe and W. B. Mack. Mrs. IT. Ehlers and Mrs. Orth enter tained their friends with a "500" party Saturday night at the home of Mrs. Orth, on the corner of Melrose and Ar lington avenue. Ocean Park. Watih. Cards were played at stx tables, honors felling to Mr. Bsllle. Mrs. Loomls and 4 n St. at Tenth 55 Jetf V&sriir.aton, A X