The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 24, 1916, SECTION THREE, Image 29

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PORTLAXD society lias been- bris
tling, bustling- and 'bubbling- with
duties and pleasures during the
past week. In which the preparation
for receiving the out-of-town relatives
to the family hearthstone, the school
girls and boys from colleges East and
South, has played an important part
Social affairs have 'gained a tremendous
impetus with the month of December
rapidly drawing to a close amid a
burst of gaieties.
Christmas, with Its impending fes
tivities and merriment, is almost here,
and the enthusiasm of the younger
element keeps the adults In a continu
ous state of excitement. Children's
parties are the order of the day and
the older set is sharing in the mer
riment. There is a rumor afloat that
society is to be given a surprise this
week, as the announcement of the en
gagement of a popular and attractive
young girl will probably be made.
The social pendulum, which so long
lias remained in the same little orbit,
has at last swung over to the side of
gaieties. A list of the affairs sched
uled for the next fortnight which rank
among the most prominent and brilliant
In social circles shows that- Thursday
of this week is the most popular of
the holiday season.' On Thursday Mr.
and Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox and Miss
Vilcox will' be hosts' for a dance' at
Waverley Country Club; the Oregon
Alumni will give their big holiday
dance at Multnomah Hotel; the Scot
tish Rite Masons will entertain their
members with a Christmas party: Mrs.
Horace S. Butterfield and Miss Butter
field will be hostesses for a tea. In
terspersing these functions there are
numerous smaller and more informal
affairs, principally for the college sets
who are making merry in Portland dur
ing the vacation period.
The announcement made last week
that the Charity Ball would be given
this year on Thursday, January 18. at
Multnomah Hotel, is creating a great
deal of enthusiasm among the dance
element. The affair is, of course, for
the benefit of the Woman's Exchange,
and if present plans, which are In their
incipiency, carry, the aft'air will eclipse
its predecessors, which are noted in the
brilliant- and successful events of Port
land's social history. The entire mez
zanine floor will probably be used for
this dance, as In the past year, and
when the committees and sub-committees,
as well as the list of patrons and
patronesses are selected many Inter
esting ifeatures will be arranged- for
the event. '
The new year will be started merrily
on its way with the fancy costume
dance for which the Corbett family
will be hosts New Year's night at the
Waverley Country Club.
The wedding of Miss Elizabeth Cad
well and Irving C. Tomlinson also will
be among the holiday events, as it is to
be solemnized on December 30. It will
be a simple affair and attended only
by relatives and closest friends.
Xow that the Cinderellas have given
their dance, which was a charming and
delightful affair, it is possible that it
will be followed by one for which the
bachelors of Portland society will be
hosts, as this custom was established
after the first Cinderella balL A group
of the guests of Cinderellas' entertained
with, one of the large dinner parties
preceding the ball last week, and there
were a few smaller ones with maids
and men as hosts.
An event eagerly anticipated by the
married element is the next of the
Monday Night Dancing Club's series
which will be held January 8 at Harlow-Grady
Hall. These dances are
proving very popular, and the club,
which is one of the oldest of the dan
cing clubs in Portland, has the follow
ing membership for this year:. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles F. Adams. Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Ames, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Ball,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Browner Reeves,
Mrs. Margaret Biddle, Mr. and Mrs.
W. 1. Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Walter F.
Burrell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Burke,
Colonel and Mrs. Henry C. Cabell, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson Clark, Dr. and Mrs.
John N. Coghlan, Hamilton F. Corbett,
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott R. Corbett. Mr.
and Mrs. Henry L. Corbett, Mrs. Helen
Ladd Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cot
ton. Mr.- and Mrs. John E. Cronan, Mr.
and Mrs. Edmund L. Devereaux, Mr.
and Mrs. Marion F. Dolph, Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Shepard
S. Eells. Miss Failing. Miss Mary F.
Failing, A. A. Ferns. Mr. and Mrs. J.
K. Gamble, Miss Isabella Gauld, Albion
I. Gile, Rodney L. Glisan, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Edward Grelle. Mr. and Mrs. Sher
man Hall, Hugh Hume, Mr. and Mrs. ,
David T. Honeyman, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas D. Hon-eyman, Mr. and Mrs. J
James D. Honeyman, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Heminghouse. Mr. and Mrs. Mor
ton H. Insley, Major and Mrs. Henry
C. Jewett, Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. John
son, W. A. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Alma
D. Katz. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kerr.
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Kollock, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mrs. J. Vanleer
Eichbaum. Dr and Mrs. George A. Mar
shall. . E. W. Ortmann. W. J. Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Roberson. Mr. and
Mrs. John Latta. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
erick W. Leadbetter, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Hunt Lewis, Mr. and Mrs.'W. B. Mac-
kay, Mr. and Mrs. William MacMaster,
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mears. Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar R. Menefee, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
erick P. Morey. Mr. and Mrs Donald R.
Munro. Mr. and Mrs. Chester G. Mur
phy, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kevins,
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Nichols, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Noyes, Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick H. Page. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
erick N. Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
B. Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sher
rard, Mr. and Mrs. Arhold S. Rothwell.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shevlin, Mr. and
Mrs. Clark D. Simonds. Dr. and Mrs.
W. H. Skene. Alfred F. Smith. Mr. and
Mrs. Lansing Stout. Mr. and Mrs. Guy
W. Talbot, Henry Teal. Mr. and Mrs.
George A. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. George
K. Wentworth, Jr., Mr. ahd Mrs. Lloyd
Wentworth, Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Wer
nicke. Dr. and Mrs. 'George S. White
side. Dr. -and Mrs. Otis B. Wight, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph E. Wiley. Mr. and Mrs.
W. O. Van Schuyver, Jordan Zan.
A visit from the Philip Schuyler
Kamms is anticipated with a great deal
of pleasure by their hosts of relatives
and friends -in this city. They are ex
pected to reach here in time to. pass
the holidays with Mrs. Jnamm ana -lira
Charles T. Kamm.
Miss Margaret Biddle. daughter of
Mrs. Margaret Burrell Biddle, arrived
here, the latter part of the week from
a California school to pass the holt
days with her relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Bodwell returned
with J. D. Farrell from a trip to Call
fornla and are passing a few weeks
In Portland before going to their home
in Victoria, B. C.
New Tear's house parties at the coast
are the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs
Walter M. Cook are among the cot
tagers in Gearhart who will entertain
with a large party, and Dr. and Mrs.
James Rosenfeld will be hosts for
merry gathering of young folk at the
Lang cottage In Gearhart over New
Year's holidays. Their guests will be
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin I. Neustadter, Mr,
and Mrs. Aaron Meier Frank, Mr. and
Mrs. Sanford P. Lowengart, Dr. and
Mrs. Laurence Selling. .
to town. She was accompanied on her , Aubrey Watzek, Philip Fry. Alan Green.
travels by Miss Mabel Neal, who after Maurice Dooly, Ernest Swigert. Merle
few days here with her sister, Mrs.
John Claire Monteith. left for Califor-
ia to pass the holidays. Mrs. Houser
was at home Thursday to a number of
er close friends, the little tea assum-
ng the atmosphere of the holidays.. A
ny Christmas tree held a gift lor each
Master Hunt Lewis, who is attending
a military school In Pennsylvania,
joined his family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
W. Lewis and Master Bobbie Lewis, at
their apartments, Stoneleigh Court, in
Washington. D. C, for the holiday va
cation. Miss Sallle Lewis also is in
Washington with her brother-in-law
and sisccr, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fair
banks, for the holiday celebration.
Miss Katherine E. Schnabel, a senio
In Miss Harker's school, Palo Alto, Cal
is passing the holiday season with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Schna
feel, of Park avenue.
One of the most Interesting patients
at Good Samaritan Hospital Is Mis
Helen Ladd, whose condition is of in
terest to Portland folk. She is slowly
improving from the effects of an oper
ation and her complete recovery is soon
Mrs. Max II. Houser. a charming an
lovable young matron, who ha bee
sojourning in California and New York
for several weeks, returned lint week
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Clark III
were In Portland for almost a week.
reparing for their departure for their
future home in Philadelphia. They have
eft for the East and soon will be
domiciled In their handsome new resi-
ence In the fashionable St. Martin's
ection of Philadelphia, the house hav
ing Just been completed. The Clarks
ave been traveling through Southern
California and were joined there last
week by Mrs. Cyru A. Dolph, who re-
urn ed to Portland with them on Thurs
day. While in San Francisco the Clarks
nd Mrs. Dolph delightfully were e-
ertalned by Mrs. Eleanor Martin, the
oied and popular leader of society In
the Southland. She was hostess for an
elaborate dinner in honor of the bride
nd bridegroom recently,, at which sev-
ral distinguished personages were
Dr. Richard Dlllehunt Is one of the
many Portianaers who are journeying
o the family home to pass the Yuletlde
holidays. He left last week for De
catur, 111., to be with relatives and
later will visit in New York and Roch
ester, Minn.
Miss Janet Gray, a charming girl of
Seattle, soon will become the bride of
Karl Steiwer. of Jefferson County. Ore
gon, the wedding day having been set
for January 10. Mr. Steiwer Is well
known in thl city, where he has a
number of relatives. He was a student
of both the Oregon University and the
Oregon Agricultural College.
Complimenting Miss Alice Bobbins.
whose wedding to S. M. Mears, Jr., will
be an event of 1917, Miss Margery
Hoffman, her cousin, was a luncheon
hostess on Thursday.
m m m
Mise Maud Alnsworth will present
the artistic and clever danseuse. Miss
Katharine Laidaaw, in a recital of in
terpretative dances on the evening of
Friday, January 5, in the auditorium of
LlncolnMIitrh School. Miss Laldlaw fre
quentry has appeared In public in this
city, as she generously danced for sev
eral philanthropic affairs, her latest
appearance being at Hotel Portland at
the sale and tea for Miss Hazel Hall
She has studied during the Summer
months at Denis-Shawn School In Los
One of the events of the week wa
the dinner, followed by a line party, at
the Orpheum vaudeville on Monday
night, which Included Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. Davis. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward
Grelle. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hunt Lewis and
Mr. and- Mrs. Victor A. Johnson.
The Cinderella ball Thursday night
at the Benson Hotel was one of the
notable events of the season. About TO
of the most popular belles and bach
elors attended. Several men came here
from Hood River to attend this affair,
which reflected. In several Instances,
the charm and artistry of the fairy
book ball. A number pt dinner parties
preceded the affair, one of which had
a number of the men as hosts, and-waa
given at the University Club. Prescott
Cookingham and Aubrey Watzek ar
ranged the party. The participants
were the chaperones, Mr. and
Mrs. John Randolph Latourette,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Giesy. and
Mrs. Hazel Blumauer Litt, Miss Claire
Wilcox. Miss Ruth Teal, Miss Rhoda
Rumelin, Miss Margaret Meare, Mtss
Ailsa MacMaster. Miss Mary Brownlie,
Miss Mary Stuart Smith, Hamilton Cor
bett. Dr. Richard Dlllehunt. A. D.
Wakeman, Charles Holbrook, Prescott
"nd Ho!. C'.'Okii'-rham, James Piatt.
O. Campbell, L. R. Wheeler. John Lar-
rabee, John Watzek and Jordan Zan.
. .
Society ta on the qui Vive for fhe mld
hollday dance to he given bv Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox and Miss Claire
v ilcox. on Thursday night at the
Waverley Country Club.
-nr. ana Airs, jonn i. Edwards are
among the Portland folk who are plan
ning on tnelr annual trip In the East
and South. -They will leave tomorrow
for - ew York, and make a tour of the
Bermudas and fashionable Southern re
jir. ana wrs. fnerman a .Hall are
in the East. where they jolnea their
son. Sherman, Jr.. who is attending an
r.asiern scnooi, lor Ills holiday vaca
Much delving into trunks, fashion
plates, attics, and racking of brain i
absorbing society among the . dance
contingent, now that Christmas will
soon be gone. The costuming for the
fancy dress ball to be given by Mrs.
M. Ladd Corbett. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry L. Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott
R. Corbett and Hamilton F. Corbett will
embrace all the characters of fiction,
the magazine cavers, old portraits and
& issryvjj. - swo?t
old friends, one or the recent events
was the informal luncheon for whiclx
Miss A Una. Johnson was hostess
Wednesday at the Waverley Country
Club. Her guests were Aliss Ayer.
Miss Isabella Clark. Miss Marjorie
Lewis. Miss Annie Mackay Brown and
Miss Cornelia Stanley.
one of the most interesting events oi
the season, and will auspiciously open
the new year on Monday. January 1,
at Waverley Country Club. It will
have the customary attendant dinner
partiew as a prelude, some of which will
be given at the Golf Club.
characters, am well as the ! aunt. Miss I-aura Smithr
and humorous. It will be I tortalned Id lent f " 11 y by
Mrs. Horace Seel- Butterfield and
Miss Genevieve Butterfield will be hosts
for a large tea on Thursday afternoon,
which will he one of the notablo events
of the holiday season.
... -v
Miss Helen Piatt, entertained Monday
with a pretty tea in honor of Miss
Evallna Magruder. the most recent of
the season's debutantes. The hostess
was assisted My Miss Isabella Gauld
and Miss Evelyn Carey in the drawing
room, where about 30 of the younger
set "fathered. The tea table, at which
Mrs. Henry Wessinger and Mrs. Charles
Thornton Ladd presided, was gay. witn
hria-ht no I n set t las and Christmas green
ery. Tne Misses uonnne --
suela McMillan. Martna Hoyi ana Amy
Robinson assisted In the dining-room.
Norman Rupp left early last week to
nass the holidays with relatives in
Saginaw, Mich.
Cecil II. Bauer, who has been so
active and prominent in the organiza
tion of the Tualatin Country Club, was
tendered a charming reception Sunday,
when the directors and officers of the
club presented him with a handsome
gift in appreciation of his splendid
efforts in behalf of the club. Mr.
Bauer, accompanied by his sister. Mrs.
Alex J. Bernstein. left Wednesday
morning for New York, where they will
pass the holidays as house guests of
Miss Emelie Frances Bauer at 251
West Ninety-fifth street.
. . .
Miss Margaret Ayer. charming young
debutante, who is visiting here with
her grandmother. Mrs. S. D. Smith, and
being en
number of
One of the largest and most elabor
ate of the holiday parties will be
the University of Oregon. Alumni
ball, to be given on Thursday night
In the Multnomah" HortTl. - TheT"wilI
use the entire mezzanine floor and -will
introduce many novelties apropos
of the season. Christmas scenery and
decorations will prevail, and the affair
is creating a tremendous amount of
interest among the college and frater
nity set in and around Portland.
The general committee Is: Miss
Alice Benson Beach, L. R. Alderman
and Elmert Furuset, Floor committee:
Mrs. Beach, chairman; Mrs. Louis Ger
linger. Jr.. Mrs. Katie Stanfield. Miss
Grace Mackenzie, Miss Bertha Masters,
Miss Henrietta Lauer. Miss Florence
Kendall. Miss Ruby Hammerstein, Miss
Beatrice Locke, Miss Cecil Miller. Miss
Esther Maegley. Miss Mae Norton.
Refreshment: Miss Norton, chairman.
Publicity: Miss Clara Wold, Mrs.
Alice Benson BeacJi.
Finance: Roy Terry, chairman, and
Oscar Furuset.
Patrons and patronesses: Governor
Withycombe. Miss Withycombe, Presi
dent and Mrs. Campbell. Dean and Mrs.
John Straub, Hon. and Mrs. Ben Olcott,
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald West, Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Moser. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Kubli,
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Linn, Mr. and
Mrs. G. T. Oerlinger. Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Winslow. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Kinney. Judge and Mrs. G. N. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Veazie. Mr. and
Mrs. John Burgard. Mr. and Mrs. R.
Giltncr. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kerr,
Dr. and Mrs. Gustav Bruere. Roswell
Dosch, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Laurence.
Professor and Mrs.. George Rebec. Dr.
fr'ontlnuotl on Pntf 'J.
H 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 M M I M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 M M 1 1 M U 1 1 11 M tl i I M I M I in 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 H M II I M 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 II I M I M M 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 M 1 1 II M M I H M 1 1 1 H M 1 1 M M C
TbcStar)cfapcf Stare of The 'Ftarilrcnzst
Olds ,Wortman & Khij
Ttelitvbre Merchandise lelrable Metfjods
The Store Will Remain Closed A 11 Day Tomorrow
Christmas Day
See Tuesday's Papers for Special
Announcements of Unusual Interest to
Our Charge And .
Cash Customers
We Give S. & II. Green Trading Stamps Always Ask for Them.