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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1916)
10 OR BE?T- I ron Rest. fob rent. f . I . . 3 1'arpinheil Apmrtmentt. k. HOUSE THAT 15 quiet, refined. ciean. te. THE WITEEI.TXDN' ANTTETX, popular. loth and Salmon Sts. well known. of highest standing. A house of Quality. comfort and service. TUB CROI1WK1A Flfta ana Columbia Sts. Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank's store: good surroundings: strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, ail outside, with French doors and balconies, ATTRACTIVE RATES PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Gardens n Connection. "Walking Distance. References. $19 MONTH, cozy. 2-room apt., walking dls- 1, 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gas, light; S3 up. New Hart. 170 2d St. CARLOTTA COURT, Everett1 and li Reservations taken for January 1. Unfurnished Apartment. OAEMELITA APARTMENTS. 13TH AND JEFFERSON. AND B-ROOM UNFURNISHED. CALi. MAIN 20bu. IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good ervlce. low rates to permanent tenants; references required. 68a Irving at. Phone Marshall 2748. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room apart ment, with all modern conveniences. In cluding sleeping porch, telephone, gas, electric lights, etc.; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reduced rentals, phones Main 4376, A 13U-1. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Couch sts. Marshall 2559. Mod ern new building, 2, 3 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. RICE SUITE of 1-2-3 and 4 housekeeping rooms at 244 Killlugsworth ave., cor. Vancouver. Lowr rent. Phone Woodlawn 1763. IONIAN COURT. 3 and 4-room apartments, all outside Tooms, every modern convenience; walk ing distance. Main 1102. A FEW of the new Nob Hill 3-room apart ments untaken; light and airy, unexcelled outlook; reception-room, large lawn, etc j Gllsan. net" 23d. KEW WESTMINSTER APTS.. 6th at Madi son, 4-room unfurnished apt., private bath and phone; 5 blocks to Meier & Frank's store ; prices reasonable. ONE VACANT APARTMENT. 6 large rooms, best dist.. $40. 715 WAYNE ST.. WAGONER APTS. Call Main 6111. UNFURNISHED apt., 7-room duplex apart ment, on Everett, near 23d, reduced rental. Marshall 3291. IK5UG-LAS COURT. 45 West Park U, ready for occupancy Jan. 1 Call between A. M. to 3 P. M. Marshall 4J3. W1NJJSOR APARTMENTS 3 rooms, unfur., clean, comfortable, homelike. 2 blks. car line, walking distance. East 2!Mj7. FINEST 5-room $30 apartment In city; jani tor; heat, hot and cold water, phone, light, cooking gas, etc., free. Mar. 1793. iSIX rooms, sleeping porch, all outside rooms; references. 7S Irving. Mar. 1758. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. Large, light, 5. 6 rms.. reas. M.7516, A2ti76 THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson 3 4, 5 rooms, reasonable. Marshall 3360. THE ORMONDE 5"roomsTalloutslde mod ern; 63ii Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 8251. S-ROOM APT., with sleeping porchT Bryn Mawr. 185 E. 15th St.; $30. KnrniahMl or Unfurnished Apartments. KINGSBURT APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton; large, attractive, sunny outside rooms; private balconies, modern, super ior service, unsurpassed view, walking dis tance. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished. 2, 3 and 4 Toom; rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants Phone Marshall 2961 and 2964. Walking distance. 21st and Irving. WELLE SLEY COURT. MELCL1FFE COURT. REX ARMS, fiunnyside carline, close In; 2 and 3 Toom ; desirable and reasonable. 1IIVINGTON Upper flat with apartment service. In finest residence section; con venient to two carlines; hot water heat, ee Janitor today. 409 loth st. N., cor. Hancock fet. THE BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison Strictly modern; all outside apartments; Ideal location; references. Phone Main 1Q91 and 1052. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect In all details. 49 Lu- cretia. st. Marshall 1513. A 3637. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. 49-07 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101 Flats. MODERN 3-room flat, large balcony, disap pearing bed, gas range, linoleum. Cor E 10th and Halsey. W. I. Swank. M 1608. H. 148. 4-KuOM modern upper flat,' with sleeping porch, gas range and hot water heater, v. 1th heating stoves, linoleum and stair carpet. 251 E. 2d Bt. N. liOLLADAY ADD., modern 5 and 6-room Hat, sleeping porch, with or without gar age, close in. K. 2d st. N., cor. Mult nomah. East 2948. C-ROOM modern flat, 42614 11th st. $16.50 water paid. Oregon Inv. & Mtg. Co.. 202 Stock Kxcnangr, 3d and Yamhill. $1S.5i. including water, modern 5-ruom up per; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace etc twc, p;. i;lth st. N- cor jjuvIh. Wdln. 4373. LXJOK TODAY Modern 6-room flat re d.Vcp'1 Jr"ni - to $1.1. Including water. est Side, close In. V2i. Lovejoy st. $10 A MONTH 4 rooms, desirable location close to school and carline. Ogdeu. lo7 .Shaver. Woodlawn 202 $1 5-ROOM modern upper flat. Nob alkins: distance. 702 1.. Finn.i.r. Hill. t. iti mwer uau 5-ROOM. newly papered, walliing dis tance. West Side. Phone Main 904I. FLAT of six rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt st Inquire 6th. Phone Main 627S. MODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d and Washington sts. Main Shtxj. 6 ROOMS, sleeping porch, heated by Central Heating Co. ,3 Kearney. Mar. 3456. t-R. hd.w. flrs ivory finish, hot water sp. entrance. 3li( Monroe. E. 6792. 7-ROOM modern upper and lower flat. $17 50 and I2Q. 612 - Everett. Main B520. MODERN fiat. with or without garage Phon-- Tabor (Wis. 927 Belmont. : MODERN 3-room flat $8; also 2-room flat 7k Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 1953. Jturnined Flats. FURNISHED flat, no furnace to attend, new system, gas heat; 5 rooms, sleeping porch West Side, walking distance, $45; refer ences. Main 1109. ARTISTICALLY furnished flat for two; car ''np: Porrhcs, vaI"d; $1S. including heat. AO 9S9. Oregonlan. 192 CHAPMAN Beautiful furnished 5-room flat, piano, $27.50; also 4-room flat, piano. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room. 7 blocks , from 5th and Morrison sts., $14 up. 2J1 t'ohimbia st., near 5th. Is'ICELY furnished housekeeping suits, walking distance, both phones; $2 per we.k and up; newly renovaud. Main . a iic umitriuon, ill.: an St. TOJl RENT Lower floor. S rooms, bath, furnished or unfurnished. Overlook, 831 Capitol ave. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts.. reasonable. Housekeeping Itminm n fiTvate Family. $10 LADY will rent 3 rooms In modern house. 7bl E. Yamhill. East 3925. $lo Rooms, furnished, private bath and phone; walking distance. East 7128. LARGE front room, water, light hTat every convenience, $10. 4K7 West Broadway. THREE furnished H. K. rooms. 294 Eu gene st. $1 WEEK Clean, quiet, close in, large grounds, phone. 90 E. 8th. TWO nice. warm, single rooms, cooking gas included. $8 and $10. 655 Flanders et. VERY desirable housekeeping apartment. Call at 174 13th. $9 LARGE, light front room, modern con veniences. walking distance. 325 12th et. COSY housekeeping suite $9 per month. 5ii8 Pettv grove st. Main 3423. NICE housekeeping rooms, suitable ono or two. mnii heat. rMmnnnhli. 3KQ 'Ta.rln ONE housekeeping room, $4 a month up; electricity, bath, phone. 343 12th at, Housekeeping Rooms In Private Fuullr. 512 THREE laree rlna n mm nlt l v nr. nished H. K. rooms; clean bedding, cur tains and carpets, linoleum, sink, pantry, private toilet, yard, free lights, phone, gas mu wooa range; two Dlucks S. S. car. Call TStl. East Yamhill. THREE nicelv furnished H V mnm nrt vate bath, gas and electric lights. Phone Sell. 2114. . 4yo Umatilla ave., ilO per PARLOR, kitchen, two bedrooms, furnished rumple t sa". wooa ranges, piano, phone, bath. $13 month. 731 Rodney, near Fre- "a. Aiperta. wooQiawn cars. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms, all conveniences, no carfare, for two per- yus empioyea, ivf a month. i . iota st. Pnone Main 7323. TWO newly furnished H. K. rooms, all con veniences, no carfare, lor two people em Ployed. tlO mo. 92 N. 16th. Main 7323. 370 6TH ST.. one and two furnished house keeping rooms, steam heat, electric lights. mining water. waiKlng distance. $1 TO 2.60 a week; furnished H. K. rooms; free heat, laundry, bath, phone. East 6039. v ILL rent my C-room strictly modern fur nished flat, reasonable to right parties. Tabor J4s4. SINGLE rooms, heat, gaa. bath; $8 to 12 also flat with sleeping porch, $20; every thing Included. 235 12th St. WELL-FURNISHED 2-room H K. suites. $S, partly furnished $0 per month; steam neat. i4',fr Hollaqay. Phone East 7568. FRONT suite, running water, phone, bath, excellent neighborhood; only $11 month; worth $20. 42 N. 21st, near Wash. TWO LARGE, clean, connecting "flretafloor rooms, heat, light, bath, phone; also one large corner urat-rioor room, zya 10th. COSY, light room, splendid for person em ployed, light, heat, gas, phone, $8. 407 West HroadTvay. ONE dandy small room, suitable for light housekeeping; all privileges. Main 8312. 361 10th Bt. Houses. $12 900 OARFIELD ave.. 6 largo rm. house, modern, garage. $4.00 t-rm. cottage, large ground, enclosed, small barn, in Lenta dis trict. 1194 Ivon st. 5-room modern home. $10. $10.00 7-room house. 807 N. 19th St., West side. $10.00 5-rm. modern house. 1003 Vernon ave. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. A RELIABLE manufacturer wants general sales manager to establish office and man age salesmen; liberal contract; $300 to $70O capital necessary; money-making possibilities unlimited; will pay expenses to Chicago If you are man we want. Acme Brass Works. Inc. 1012 Republic bldg.. Chicago. FOR SALE at invoice, stock of clothing, fur nishings, hats and nhneii st Anamnifa. Mont., with a monthly payroll of over half minion ; wen iocateu, reasonable rent and good lease: stock in best condition; must have change of climate; no trade. Address AV 309. Oregonlan. MOVE DURING HOLIDAYS. Why shiver or fire your own furnace when you can have a hot-watcr-heated 4-roora-wlth-a-sleeping-porch fiat, including hot water, gas range, linoleum, wall bed, front porch, for only $25? East 21st, near Hawthorne Tabor 1993. WANTED An Idea! Who can think of some eimple thing to patent? Protect our Ideas, they may bring you wealth; write for "Needed Inventions'" and "How to Cet Your Patent." Randolph A Co.. Dept. 3 SO, Washington, D. C. PATENTS Writo for list of patent Duyera and Inventions wanted; $1,000,000 In prizes offered for inventions; send sketch for free opinion aa to patentability; our four books sent free. Victor J. Evans & Co., win m., w asnington, u. c 6-ROOM ED, modern bungalow, with laundry trays, gas range and water heater, sightly location, three blocks from Woodstock car and five blocks from Richmond car; rent, including water, $13.50 per month. Inquire of Chas. E. Lenon. Main 6078. HOUSES FOR RENT. 10-room house at 1164 Patton ave., for $15. 7-room house, sleeping porch and garage, at. 390 E. 9th St., for $20. 4-room house at 360 E. 34th st for $7. Keys 1334 N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main 1677. JUST RIGHT FOR 2 or 3 ADULTS, small 4 room bungalow, $7.50, water included; 2 short blocks south Rose City car. No 1814 Siskiyou st. Get off car at Club ave. No children. Owner. Main 8376. $12 7-ROOM, ciean and modern, 205 E. 76th st. N. ; cement basement, garden, strawberries, bush berries, fireplace, grand porch, nice lawn and roses; snap for good tenant. Main 6641, Main 0596. FOR RENT A modern 10-room residence. West Side. In perfect order, suitable for private residence or rooming-house. In quire room 615 Corbett bldg., 5th and Mor rison. MACHINE SHOP, well equipped, good Will amette Valley town, located In heart of a great lumber section, with 30 or more mills tributary; bargain If taken at once. Address AV 265. Oregonlan. NO. 5810 E. 39TH AVE. S. E. $5 5 rooms, elect., bath, toilet, lavatory THIS IS VERY CHEAP. SMITH -WAGONER CO.. Stock Ex. FOR SALE Medical practice, unopposed, town 800, prosperous territory: four to six weeks' business takes it, with some equip ment; part cash. AV 30O. Oregonlan. $5 FIVE rooms, 100x100, bath, electric lights, 084 E. 7th N. J. J. OEDER, Grand Ave, at East Ankeny. ACRE AND 6-ROOM HOUSE. NO. 5104 E. 50TH ST.. S. E. $6. Woodstock car. Chicken house. Very cheap. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex. MODERN 8-room house, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace; Nob Hill district. 56 Lucretla st. ; very reasonable to good, ten ant. Main 6176. r. WITH fireplace, near E Oliean. $10 6-r corner E. 7th and Failing. $15 l-r. Portland Heights bungalow. Phone Man 570, A 757o. ' EIGHT and 10-room modern house, West Side, walking distance, cheap to desirable and steady tenants; will renovate to suit. Main 24 74. LAURBLHURST HOME. 2-story, modern. 8-room house, cloee to car. $25; lease if desired. J. Delahunty, Tabor 5845. MODERN 12-room house, partly furnished, centrally located, furnace (with coin, elec tricity and gas; walking distance. Mr. Craln. Main 208. FREE STORAGE Household goods stored free: expert movers, packers and shippers. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co., tfth and Hut sts. Broadway 708. 5-ROOM modern house, 2 blocks from Sun nyside car, rent $18 per month. 113 E. 38th St., or apply Hammond Mtg. Co., 424 Chamber of Commerce NO. 260 E. 32D AND HAWTHORNE. $20 6 rooms, modern; furnace, nice yard, good district, front and rear porchea SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Ex. 1KVINGTON Many choice houses, furnished and unfurnished. R T. Street,. Irvlngton agent. 5-ROOM cottaxe, including 2 stoves, garage, on paved street, V block car. 632 K. 31st. Woodlawn 3O70. 4-ROOM house, modern, close to good school and car, $7.54 per month. Call 444 Piatt bldg. NICE West Side 6-room house, desirabLy lo cated on Park blocks; reasonable rent to adults. Main 1955. 575 LEXINGTON St., 6 rooms and bath, $13 730 E. Madison St.. 10 rooms, $40. Ernst c.imniern. jit) xumpermens bldg. NICE West Side 6-room house, desirably lo cated on Park blocks; reasonable rent to adults. Main 1955. ROSE City Park bungalow, 5 rms., modern In every way. S. D. Vincent & Co Both phones. 8-ROOM house, hardwood floors, hot-water heat, corner, nice lawn, garage. Main 1963 and Main 6497. MODERN 6-room house; clean; rent very reasonable. 715 East Salmon, corner 21st. Phone East 5SS5. 1RVINOTON Attractive modern home sleeping porch, oak floors; $25. Main 8078 East 394. NO. 5103 42D ST. S. E. Go see this house, only $10. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Ex. ONLY Ji, C-room modern flat, Johnston st. Main 937. 0-KOOM modern house, near new Franklin HI eh School, $10. Main 937. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, near ML Tabor car. $10. Main 937. 5-ROOM modern bungalow and garage at 1439 E. Lincoln St.. $18. Main 1166. S-ROOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy near 22d. Inquire 130 6th St. Main 6278.' FOR RENT Irvington, 7-room house at 637 E. nth st. N. 618 Plttock block. 8 ROOMS, modern. 80S 24th et. N. Phone Main 5290; referencea: rent reasonable. MODERN 7-room houser 245 23d street, near Marshall. Phone Marshall 1079. FOR RENT 9-rm. house. 708 Everett, cor 22d. $30. 6-ROOM cottage. 11SO E. 33d N., near new li'onnoilv Rhnnl tin A FINE 7-room house. S78 E. 56th et., near HflwthnrnA cflrlinn PIiak. o i o $10 MONTH, new 5-room bungalow, near Reed College. Inquire 629 E. 55th st. N. STRICTLY modern Laurelhurst home, ne.r car. No. 110 Laddiagton Court. Tabor 3234. THE ST7XPAT OREGOXIAy, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 24. 191G. FTNB HOME FOR RENT AFTER JAN. 1ST. Originally built for owner's use; oc cupied for several years by well-known business man now leaving city. Contains: 10 rooms In addition to kitchen, bathroom and special cedar closet, stationary wash stand and large clothes closets in each of five bedTooms. Large grounds. Within walking distance of business district. Fine for family hotel or boarding-house. Rent reasonable to desirable tenants. Inquire on premises, northwest corner of 21st and. Ev erett, Phone Marshall 4600, A 6101. MEIER iTRANK'3 RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. We have at all times a reliable list of houses, flats, apartments, etc.. In all parts of the city. Avail yourselves of this FREE service. Information cheerfully furnished. MODERN 4 rooms and den, near Ladd's Ad dition. Call Sellwood 79. Furnished Houses. SMALL furnished house, modern, well lo cated; owner keeping room; favorable terms to careful tenant- P 9S6, Orego nlan. COMPLETELY furnished, modern 5-room bungalow; 646 Karl St., near 28th. 1 block east Clinton Kelly School. W. b. car. Phone Woodlawn 3943. $X2 4-ROOM furnished house. Call 4619 S2d st. S. E.; ML. Scott car, get off at Anabei station. HAWTHORNE AVE. Furnished complete. 7-room house, & bedrooms, furnace. Ta bor 4679. iluDtKN. well-furnished 3-4-5-room cot tages, E. 25th, near S. P. shops, $15 to $18. Call East 3225. IRVLNGTON HOME, furnished, well heat ed, vacant January 1st. Neuhausen & Co. Main 807S. MODERN three-room house in good resi dence section; $9 per month. See owner, 404 Piatt bldg. COMPLETELY furnished cottage, 1069 E. Morrison. Inquire my agent, peer & Co., luOO Belmont st. Tabor 3&6. MODERN 6-room Hat, 292ii Main St., 3 blocks south of Broadway bridge; $18, ln- eluding water. East 361X FURNISHED 5-room cottage, electrio light, large porcelain bath, hot and. cold water; near S. P. shops. East 4970. $11 3 ROOMS AND BATH $11. Furnished complete for housekeeping. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. $20 FURNISHED 6-room bouse. 816 Clack amas. Key at 812 Wasoo. Phone East 7104. EIGHT large rooms, n-ostly furnished; base ment. furnace. Call 141. 13th at Alder. FURNISHED complete, modern 5-room cot tage. near S. p. shops. Tabor 4679. FURNISHED 5-room house for rent rea sonable at 426 Sacramento. FLRN1SHED 4-room cottage for rent. 328 17th st.. near Clay. West Side. FURNISHED houseT 5 rooms. 653 Mllwaukle st. Phone Tabor 1703. btores. LARGEST RENTAL AND LEASING DEPARTMENT IN CITY! STORES FOR LEASE! 20x60, West Stark St., corner. 2x35, "West Alder, fine location. 25x30. West Broadway, good location. SEE THE YELLOW SIGN. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EOC DRUGSTORE LOCATION. On Front St., at approach to Hawthorne nridge, brick bldg., busy corner, transfer point; will make attractive proposition as to rental. A. H. Blrrell Co., 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. SIXTH AND OAK. Corner store, brick building,' now oc cupied as Southern Pacific ticket office, for rent or lease, Jan. 1. 1917. Fine loca tion, reasonable rent. A. H. Birrell Co.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. FOR RENT A fine store room (adjoining tne wise ciotning btore). toe very choicest location in Astoria, one of the best cities on the Coast. Address Leo Wise, Astoria, Oregon. FOR RENT Store on Morrison st,, between bin and otn; 40 leet front by 23 hk feet deep; long lease. Apply Sherman, Clay & Co. "" NICE store room, suitable for barber shop, coffee house, second-hand store or shoe maker's shop; rent or lease reasonable. 11 N. 2d st. STORE AND FLAT building. suitable oakery and grocery. Tabor 2994. Offices. ESTABLISHED office in well-located build ing; has small court room for rent, with use of phone, suitable for young attor ney. AC 984, Oregonlan. FINE opportunity; suite of offices cheap. inciuuing pnone, stenographer. stock Exchange. FOR RENT Fine offices at reasonable rates. Inquire Behnke-A alker bldg., 4th St.. near Morrison, or phone M. 590 or A 1596. PRIVATE office, reception-room and phone. or aeK room. L. i. Aloore, 317 .Board ol Trade. WELL-FURNISHED private office. also oesg room. $a ana si. 7X3 Cham, or Com. DESK ROOM, most desirable location; very rensonao;e. k 99, oregonlan. OFFICES $7 up. Furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. 303 Swetland bldg. Halls. ASSEMBLY HALL, capacity about 100- terms reasonable. Inquire 701 Northwest ern Bank bldg. NEATLY furnished dancehall, corner Front ana uioos; reasonable; also large, well equipped lodge hall. Main 1511. BCSINKMn OPPORTUNITIES. BUILDING corporation wants honest, Indus li hi us man, mecnanicany inclined, to take active interest; wages guaranteed; $20U to $400 required, which goes into treasury. G 992, Oregonian. GOOD, clean stock of hardware, paints and iijiiures i invoice: ousiness doing about $1000 per month; close to Portland; stock and fixtures between $4000 and $5000. AV 330, Oregonlan. CASH business; partner wanted to collect. Denver goods, oic; pay lo weeK; can be Increased; $150 required. Call 248H Stark street. FOR SALE Beauty parlor, fuily equipped. uuuiK kuuh uusiness; rine duv or lady; ex perience not necessary. Address Mrs. W. .Diisenbury. 301 Steeves bldg.. Salem. Or. WANTED Baker capable of producing high-class bakery goods, with $looo to $3im0 to Invest in first-class bakery and lunches. G 994, Oregonlan. AN excellent opportunity for a f irst-clai;s. live promotor. one who Is familiar with oil properties preferred: will stand strictest Investigation. A E 995. Oregonlan. OFFICE . business: owner wants a reliable partner to help him; will be some outside work and can make good profits; $200 re quired. Particulars 24S1-j Stark st LUMBER YARD for sale; good trade and location: small investment and I will take clear Portland lot to $1500. Owner, AV 320, Oregonlan. WILL sell half interest In best paying dance impie ana scnooi in citv; invoice about $2000; will teach buyer business. T 968, Oregonian. BUSINESS of merit, for an honest man; less than $lOO0 will handle it. Call at 506 Buchanan block, 280" Washington street, for particulars. FOR SALE Grocery. 3 blocks from ship yards; staple, fresh stock, about $900: living-rooms: will discount for cash; cheap rent. X 993. Oregonlan. CREAMERY business; splendid opening for energetic man; pays good profits and re quires sman investment, ruliy secured. Call 24SU, stark st. v.- v..uu... ii .tca.i., i, juu I'llllliHK DI1B1-nau- lnvft(.a , 1 1 ili'l - rinln. n 1 L. , will sell $800, terme. AK 991. Oregonlan. WE have 40 grocery stores from $400 to $40,000. cash and trade. Pacific Agency. Inc.. 515 Swetland bldg. ' SMALL grocery, living-rooms, close in. full stock. 2-yenr lease, $70 if taken before Jan. 15. 421 E. Burnslde. corner 6th st DON'T WORRY. I can trade or sell It: anvthlng. Lay man. 527 Chamber of Commerce. A SMALL Investment will place you as equal partner In well paying business. Layman, 527 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE By owner, stock and fixtures of grocery doing good business. AE 994, Ore gonlan. CONFECTIONERY and light grocery clear ing $100 mo.; will sell or trade Mlllershlp 4S1 Chamber Commerce. WE have rooming-houses all sizes. Miller ship. 431 Chamber Commerce. HAVE cash and clear property for grocery store. Mlllershlp. 431 Chamber Commerce. FOR SNAPS In rooming-houses see Pacific Agency. Inc.. 515 Swetland bldg. PATENT RIGHT on meritorous article for sale or trade. AC P95, Oregonian. BARBER shop and poolroom, country, $300 pays well; snap at price. Lewis Stenger Co! THE finest small wholesale store in city 450 Burnslde. Established 1909. WE sell or trade anything and everything AILUership, 431 Chamber Commerce, FREE six months, special offer to introduce my magazine, "Investing for Profit"; worth $19 copy to anyone who has not ac quired sufficient money to provide necessi ties and comforts for self and loved ones; shows how to become richer quickly, hon estly; "Investing for Profit" is only progressive financial Journal; has largest circulation In America Shows how $lo0 grows to $2200; write now, I'll send six months free. H. L. Barber, 619 22 W. Jackson blvd.. Chicago. FOR SALE. CASH OR TERMS. Natatorium. movie show, barber shop, confectionery store, etc, located at New port. Or., one of the best Summer resorts on the Coast. This business Is run from June until September and nets the present owner from $4000 to $6000 every season. This business will stand the closest Inves tigation. Don't write or call unless you mean business. O. S. PURDT, 219 North Commercial St.. Calem. Or. FREE FOR ONE MONTH. Weekly magazine, "Inside Investments," devoted to financial Idea worthy of consid eration; real "inside investment" should easily double value every three months; figure yourself what $100 would amount to In few years If Invested, reinvested on that basis. Magazine points way to making such investments. $2 per year; one month free fiend for it today. Mclntvre Companies, Limited, 2Q20 Westminster bldg., Chicago. INVESTORS' MAGAZINE FREE TO YOU. $10 Invested with us has made others $300 In few months. "Hoffman's Investment Journal" tells how this was done. This magazine gives facta about the real earn ing power of money; tells how many have started on the road to fortune; ws will send it three months FREE. If you want io maae money, write tor tnis magazine today. Hoffman Trust Company, 339 Kress - building, Houston, Texas. BUSINESS CHANCES. EAST PORTLAND. Wo want a Muslo Teacher. Osteopathic Physician. Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Christian Science Practitioner. 2 Rooms, $15 Light and Heat Service CITIZENS BANK BLDG., Grand Ave. and E. Alder. SOMETHING GOOD. Rare you got $18,000 in real estate and cash that rou wish to exchange for a stock of up-to-date general mdse. and real estate, located In a cood caimirv tnwnT This proposition will pay you a salary f $100 per month and 20 per cent on your investment; win invoice stock and price real estate at actual cash value. Address owner, AV 323. Oregonlan. DISTRIBUTORS WANTED. Camelford attachment converts any Ford into strong serviceable truck, $40: great money-making proposition; National ly advertised. Liberal discounts given dealers, agents, everywhere. Maremont Mfg. Co., 916 S. Wabash. Chicago. A WELL-RATED and established manufac turing corporation wants capable busi ness man to manage branch office and handle salesmen. Enormous profit; $30O to $1000 capital necessary. Write for par ticulars and get in business for yourself. Address Gloria Compau;, 1427 Carroll ave., Chicago, 111. FOR SALE Hotel of 27 rooms. In the best iime city in the Northwest; fully modern, with nice lobby and small cigar stand: will sell building and furniture complete, or win sen xurniture ana lease Duiiding; these rooms are full most of the time; I am of fering for sale, as I haven't the time to devote to the business. F 994, Oregonan. "WORLD - WIDE OPPORTUNITIES." A. book Just off the press; contains upo-the-mlnute plans for hustling men and women; $1.00 per copy. "Wealth From the Soil" and "Making the Farm Pay," $1.00 each. Other interesting books and useful spe cialties for sale. Condon Realty Co.. box 24. Condon. Or. $100,000 CORPORATION manufacturing talking machines, wants territorial manag ers with $160 to $500 capital to finance contract. Plays and equals any $50 in strument. Wholesale price $lo. Big money-maker. Address salesmanager, 1012 rtepubiic bldg.. Chicago A BRICK building 53 feet wide by 10O feet deep. 80 feet north of corner of East 37th and Hawthorne ave., perfect for establish ment of a garage; rent very reasonable. Inquire of Chas. E. Lenon, attorney. Main 6078 or Tabor 3270. or at 33 Lafayette NATIONALLY advertised automobile acces sory, greatest devised; retails $5, loo per cent profit; thousands sold, money back guarantee; highest indorsements; exclusive territory; capable man; requires $300 to $6oo capital. Secretary. 334 National Life bldg.. Chicago. $75 DOWN, balance less than rent, 8 beau tifully furnished modern rooms, upstairs permanently rented, good tenants who pay entire rent of bouse, light and water bills; everything goes, fine carpets, beautiful paintings. W. A. or Broadway cars. 306 Hancock st. iUR SALE Cigar store and billiard parlor. good lease, good location, doing more busi ness than any poolroom In Willamette valley; no blue sky for sale. Come and lnvectlgato. or writo H. Hutton, owner, Eugene. Or. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter est In established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL, Sec 202 Henry Bldg. ON account of health, will sell my tine furnished hotel: annual Income $1200, for $.500; also my up-to-date general mer chandise cash business; some terms, or good mortgages. JAMES O'NEIL. Marysvllle, Wash. FOR SALE in Astoria, first-class billiard parlor and confectionery doing good busi ness, long lease, cheap rent, new equip ment, fine location, good reason for selling, terms. Address AV 332, Oregonlan. DANCE hall for sale, the only dance hall in Southern pregon, good town. $4oo buys the furniture of the Waldorf dance hall, long lease; a swell chance for a live wire Ad clress Waldorf Dance Hall. Grants Pass. Or FOR SALE An Interest in a staple food mfg. company, doing a fine wholesale business, with private trade-mark, money , will go Into care for a rapidly increasing trade: big future. A 9S9, Oregonian BARGAIN if takt-n soon; harness store and repair shop; gasoline filling station, oils in connection; good Main street location. Pacific Highway, doing good business Ad dress P. H Miller. Aurora. Or. FOR SALE; One of the best general mer chandise stores In Oregon, doing a busi ness of about $60,hk for cash; reasons for selling, owner has other and larger Interests to look after. J 990. Oregonlan HOTEL MEN, READ THIS. One of most prosperous hotels fn capital city, for sale; will sell property or furni ture and li-asp. For particulars address Hay View Hotel. Olympia. Wah APT. -HOUSE sacrifice on account of other business: 19 3-room apts., with private bath, phone: brick bldg.. Nob Hill district; doing good business, but must sell. Paone Marshall 2250. HOTELS FOR RALE OR LEASE. A complete list of country hotels; don't fall to see us before buying. VanDuyn & Walton. 515 Cham Com. 5 M. CAPACITY satnlll, complete, also donkey engine, lines and blocks; out of timber reason for selling. AV 321, Orego- WA.NTED Partner light manuracturring business: exclusive control staple goods: large profits, increasing buslners; small capital required. H 9Mt. Oregonian. taixt WILL buy one of the best suburban stationery and school supjaly stores In the city If taken at once; good reasons for selling. Address box 62. Arleta station. FOR S.iLR CHEAP Two-chair barher shop with 2 living-rooms: established 5 vears; cheap rent; good location. For Informs- mm iniiuire ojii c. j sin st.. near Clinton. MOVING picture theater; your last chance to buy the best suburban house In the city for $1!750 cash: owner must leave lmme dlately. no brokers. M 90O Oregonlan FREE rent of dining-room. Including heat, until trade is established; In a first-class hotel and In the best little cltv In the Northwest. Address AO 5, Oregonlan i cu jji or itf rename parties or con cerns to occupy space in exclusive mar ket In most prominent location In Port land. For Information Broadway 2114 DENIAL office and practice for sale cheap: no opposition; health cause. Box 1S6 Yamhill. Or. FIRST-CLASS grocery store, $3200 prop for $2000 cash or $1500 with security on bal ance. L. E. Stone. 490 Burnside. I HAVE a good grocery proposition If you nave cash at good security; no trades. AP 991, Oregonian. FOR SALE Up-to-date confectionery and Ice cream parlor at a bargain Call on P. lleitzman. Yaeolt, Wash COMPLETE stock of millinery goods and fixtures for sale or trade at 127 13th St.; must dispose of same. FOR SALE One poolroom and soft-drink place; will consider an automobile In ex change. Call stViO First st. $395 TAKES fine grocery worth $700; biggest snap In city; thickly settled apartment trade; reason. 440 E. Burnslde. A REAL SNAP. Best offer gets a nico corner grocery store; 276 Holladay. FOR SALE Cigars, candy and confectlon eries, soft drinks and groceries, living- ronm Xfalw K'ift VITa-K -. WANTED Cashier secures position: $250 required; Investigate. AG 989, Orego nian. ENTERPRISING woman with capital can acquire a well-established paying busi ness in this city. AG 9S7. Oregonian. WANTED Small business can be handled with !25Q cash. L 990. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Special night patrolman beat. Call Mala 2164k. a I . I GROCERY, CORNER STORE. IN NEW BRICK BUILDING. NEW STOCK AND FIXTURES; OWNER UNABLE TO AT TEND TO BUSINESS; WILL SELL FoR $800 OR WILL INVOICE. RiCliENBACU CO., 707 LEWIS BLDO. AUTOMOBILE business; owner busy In the shop, wants a reliable partner to wait on customers, sell gasoline, etc.; good pay and small investment required. Call 24s x Stark st. ANY MAN with push and $300 can make big money In handling the best perpetual calendar ever Invented: everybody wants It. For particulars call on Mr. Hanna any time Tuesday at Hotel Blackstone. $13.5U0 FIRST-CLASS stock consisting of shoes, dry goods and gents' furnishings; must be sold In the next few days at 75a on the dollar. For particulars phone Tabor 630. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. MEN'S clothing and furnishing goods busi ness wanted, around $12,900 stock; must be open to thorough investigation; corre spondence treated strictly confidential if desired; no objection to good small town. Address L. Manheim. Spokane. Wash. WANTED A gen. mdse. business, country location preferred; will give a quarter sec tion of flno timber tributary to Coos River and cash balance for $7000 to $10,000 stock. Address AV 25. Oregonlan. . WANTED. Stock of second-hand goods; will trade land or pay cash. J. M. JUDP. Roseburg. Or. WOULD like to Invest about $150$200 In an established little manufacturing business as half interest; toilet articles preferred; money must be secured. 7311 Millard ave. WANTED To rent garage, with or without shop; give particulars. R 991, Orego nian. WANTED Clay brlcs: and tile mfg. estab. Write H. C 3.. Aurora, Or., box S3, R. D. No. 2. ROOMTSft-HOCSES. HOTEL, strictly modern fine corner, doing fine business; don't mss this snap; going to California, must sell; make offer. Wells & Anderson. 163 V4 West Park. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel, Apartment-House Astnt Oldest Reliable Agency In City. (524 N. W. Bank Bldg.. 6th and Morrison. FIRST-CLASS commercial house. In good town; sickness compels me to sacrifice; $5oo if sold at once.. Layman, 527 Cham ber of Commerce. FOR SALE Furniture of 32-room hotel, house for rent; everything ready for busi ness; selling on account of being called away, inquire 23 N. 8d. 12 ROOMS, housekeeping, low rent, nice, clean home, big snap; have other busi ness, must sell; make offer: easy terms. W'ells & Anderson. 163 West Park. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale. 362 H Alder at. Apply to owner, or call Main 2S4. FOR SALE 10-room apartment-bouse, good location. 240V Fifth st. Mala 2143. IXST AND FOUND. THE following articles were found in cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company: Dec. 22, 1916 Package let ters, bank bo'jk, 2 books, purse, handbag, string beads, globe cage, package pie plates, 3 gloves, package cloth, 2 lunch boxes, pair shoes, package decorations, box. notebook, package augers. Jug, pack age yarn, package breakfast food, pack age handkerchiefs, roll tiu, 8 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at station. First and Alder sts. LOST A straw suitcase, about four blocks south of Union Depot, either on 6th or Broadway. It was dropped in the street out of automobile, containing clothing, etc. Reward. Call Marshall 2285 or 408 .broad way South. LOST Application book, application from National Hospital Association on Moose. 2 promissory notes. Book from American Life Ins. Co. Main 2051. LOST Lady's blue leather purse. Friday evening, between To and lo:30, 5th and Washington, containing 2 keys, cards and about $3. Please call Marshall 487. ENGLISH s-tter pup, male, 4 mos. old. black and while. Reward for return or in formation. R. P. Knight, 2J2 Nartllla st. Main 6721. IF tinder of V-sIze Presto tank lost Wednes. day will return to 229 Pine, liberal re ward will be given. LOST Brown Irish water spaniel, white spot on breast: name, "Mick"; reward $5. Phone Tabor 5051. LOST Agate watch fob in box attached to Christmas card from Sister Olive. East 4501; reward. LOST Pair men's shoes at 2d and Colum bia. Return and receive reward. 280 1st. Mat Costanzo. LOST Lady's breastpin In form of a ski; valued as keepsake. Call Marshall 54o0, local 6?. Reward. FOUND Bracelet. Dec. 21: owner glv de ecrlption and address. AO 9!, Oregonlan. LOST Mink neck piece. Friday night, 7:30. Irvlngton. Reward. East 42SO. LOST M6h purse. Friday night, Westmin ster Church. Reward. East 5033. LOST Elk tooth, with Chicago, No. 3. on It. Call Tabor 406. LOST Brown purse containing necklace and money. Reward. East "Oil. LOST Male Spitz dog: reward for infor mation. . Phone Woodlawn 2408. LOST lilack leather bag downtown Friday evening; reward. Tabor 2S74. LOST French bull pup. female; reward. Phono C 1937 or Woodlawn 2649. FOUND Suitcase. Phone Marshall 593. SPECIAL NOTICES. ProMsalH Invited. $260.0tx BIDS FOR P.OAIJ BONDS. WASCO COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON. Notice is hereby given that the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County will receive sealed bids until Sat urday. January 6. 1917, at 2 o'clock P. M. for $260,000 of road bonds of said Wasco County; said bonds shall bear Interest at the rat, of 5 per cent per armum. payable stiml-annually on July 1 and Jan uary 1, of each year. Bonds to be dated January 2. 1917, and to run and be payaLle In Ten lUi) an nual equal payments, as follows: $20,000.00 each year, beginning Five 5 years from date of bonds and ending Fourteen tl4 jears from date of bouds, inclusive. Bonds to be Issued in denominations of $50.i;o or multiples thereof, up to the sum of $1000.00. No bonds will be sold for less than the par value thereof, together with accrued Interest to date of delivery of bonds. Bids to state as to whether bidder will furnish botKis or not. and all bld must he sealed mid addressed to Ifc B Fox, ountv Clerk. The Dalles, Wasco County. Oregon, ana the envelopes marked. "Bids Road Bonds." All bids must be accompanied bv draft or .-ertified check, pavable to aforesaid ounty Clerk, for at least 5 per cent of bid. to be forfeited If successful bidder Rhall fail to tnke up bonds according to bid within 30 davs from receiving notice by registered mull that the bonds are ready for delivery. Tho court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. BJ'.ordcr of ,h court, dated November 27. 1916. L. B. FOX. Countv Clerk. Wasco Countv. Oregon. , P. O. address. . The Dalles. Oregon. (Certified copies of all court orders snd the law upon which the above bond Issue Is based are on file at this newspaper of flce for Inspections SEALED bids will be received at the office of R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, room 401 Courthouse, until January 4, 1917. for 2237 collapsible chairs, and win be opened at a meeting of the Board of Directors to be held in room ;to4 Courthouse at 4 o'clock on the above date. Certified check for $3ihi, pavable to the undersigned, must accompany each pro posal, as must also sample or cut of the chair bid upon. -Specifications may be obtained of the undersigned. fThe Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids, divide the award or to Increase or decrease the number of chairs at the time the award is made. " R. H THOMAS. , School lerk. Portland. Or , December 23. 1916. Miscellaneous. NOTICE. All persons having repaired Jewelry at the Roval Jewelry Co., 151 1st. must call by Wed., Dec L'7, as the store will be closed after that. I WILL not be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife. Mrs. C. E. Nichols, as she has left my bed and board . C. E. NICH QLS. TO WHOM It may concern : I have purchased poolroom located 1015 Belmont street, from H. L. Robertson, this 21st dav of December, 1916. J M. STEWART TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I have pur chased grocery business located 25 Yam hill st., from S. Nurieiman. this 22d day of December. 1916. MRS. P. POLSKY. FROM this date I will not be responsible for bills contracted by Mrs. E. R. Zlm merman. Mr. E. R. Zimmerman. BARGES for rent, capacity 50O tons. Main FINANCIAL. WE BUY mortgages, bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO 8Q 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. GII.T-EDOED seller's equity In contracts"; also mortgages on real estate for sale. HALF., 202 WILCOX. LLDG, QUICK LOAN SERVICE. CASH READY SHORT KOTICE. LIM lieu ii.VfJ-NSE. $20, TO $5000 ON FIRST MORTGAGE. T-8 PER CENT; WILL BUY FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES. OR CONTRACTS. WILL LOAN MONEY TO ASSIST IN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. WILL LOAN UPON (OR BUY) LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES. EQUITIES IN tS-t,,."' ETC.. UPON LlliERAL onjio. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 209 SELLING BLDG. $iooo. 8 PER cent. 3 yrs.. on 10 A., Polk Co.; also a $2oo mortgage 8 per cent. 90 day, on 3 East Side lots, well located; will discount. H. U. Epton, 432 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY LOANED. Residence property. 6 to per cent. . Business property. 5 to 6 per cent. 1 arm property. 7 to 8 per cent "HITMKR-KELLY CO.. 711 Plttock blk. FIRST and second mortgages; also seller's interest In contracts purchased ; Oregon or Mash. H. E. Nobie. Lumberniens b;dg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages purchased. Lewis A Co., 4 Lewis bldg. fc-tocks and Bonds. WE WILL BUY 500o Alaska Petroleum A Coal, loo American Telegraphone. 25 American Druggist Syndicate. E WILL SELL 1000 Mother Lode Copper (old)... .Market -ooo Amalgamated Mines $ .20 loo U. S. cashier ............... l'5 looo Highland Surprise la All marketable stocks and bonda'bought and sold, viuotatlons furnished on apuU cation. HERRIN & RHODES. INC STOCK AND BOND BROKERS. , Established 20 Years Main 1812. Seattle. Wash. 119 Cherry St. Money to Loan on Real Estates $9000 8 PER CENT, city or farm. 75uO 8 per cent, city or farm. 3500 7 per cent, city or farm, iiooo 8 per cent, city or farm. 4ouo 8 per cent, farm. 2oo s. per cent. farm, lwo 8 per cent. farm. 25oo 7 pur cent, city. 2ioo 7 per cent, city. 15oo 7 per cent. city, looo 7 per cent. city. OREGON INV. oc MORTGAGE CO., -'Q2 Stock Exchange. 170 Third St. OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per mouth for 36 months or $21.24 for Co mouths, or $15.17 for 96 mouths pays a $L000 luan and interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark Street. Portland. Or. WILL LOAN ANY PART $5000. $250 TO $3000. 7-S PER CENT. NO EXPENSES TO APPRAISE. OR AT TORNEY FEE. CITY OR FARM LOANS WANTED. GIVE FULL INFORMATION. ADDRESS C. EPPINGER. H. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND. WE have 6 Per cent money to loan on farms in Multnomah County. Green ei oiicl, t-M Chamber of Commerce bldg. Marshall 216u.' "FARM LOANS" 7-8c,. I it ATE DEPENDS UPON LOCATION AND CONDITION.) i-.9-NG T1ME' LIBERAL TERMS REPAY J -i- H- -M.'-'f;EY. READY; REASONABLE EXPENSE; WRITE OR CALL. W. J. PATERSON. 209 SELLING BLDG. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 6U PER CENT. Any Amount. No Didaya Repayment Privileges CLARK. KENDALL dc CO. 203, 1106 Norinwealern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount on improved city and farm properly; will consider good build ing loons. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. Main 691a. 171 4-.h St. A 2813. APPLICATIONS SOLICITED for loans on Portland properties and Oregon farms Lowest rates, repayment privileges, prompt attention. Safe deposit boxes for rent $3 50 per year. Union Sale Deposit Trust Co . 24 Oak. . . MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR gFl.LSJ,Na PURPOSES; VERY FLKXI BLE CONTRACTS: NO COMMISSION COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO 202 Stevens Bldg. 6 PER CENT money, 3 to 5 years, residence property; will accept $100 or more on principal at any interest period payment; oi per cent money on business property, same terms. Pacific Title & Trust Co., 7 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 12. MORTGAGE LOANsl Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges A. H. BIRRELL & CO 217 Northwestern Bank Bide Marshall 4114. A 4118. $1000 TO LOAN on good acreageor farm .ii ioo ur irom l-ortland: Interest 7 per cent. Might split Into two 5oo loans If bfl Particulars call at 4o4 Piatt MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security from $100 up on going rate of OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO, i-iiBiuoer oi commerce. 5 PEK, loans will be made on central , j ... . ur. 0 nun i per cent on other securities. EDWARLf fl. GOUDKV CO., Nortnwesteru bank bids: farn?"..? FyT DeHerhiUX M1ortaa Company, 6o7 Con- I WANT to loan 3soo this week at 7 ner cent on ,nn) 1. . ...... ----- -- j . 1 mortgage; 1 would divide for good loans. U 6as. ore gonian. ' IF you want $35oit or less on good security or have mortgage to sell, write D 9M., Oregonian. $5oo TO $2000 up. 7 p. r cent. In sums to i . . irm or city security. Vanduyn & alton. 515 Chamber of Coin. MONEY" to loan on good residence or rrm property. 6 to life. Business blocks a- H. L. Archer Co., Northwestern Hank hM..' $10110 TO S4'lOO to Irian rlir-. t I.-. -.. ,.r farm or city. Write N. P. Peterson. 620 E. 13th North. SEE US today for loans tin improved city property, a to 8 per cent; $Jo0 and us Celiara-Murton Co.. 825 Yeon bldg. $.iixi, iioo AT ;. on good unimproved or improved real estate. Also 520oo $"".oo at 7 on improved. Tabor 1993. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE Co INC Slock Exchange bids.. 3d and Yamhill. " CITY AND FARM LOANS FARRING'i'ON. SO Fourth Street. Portland. Or. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR FARM PROPERTY: WILL CALL IF INTER- 0 PclR CKNT FARM AND CITV LOANS OKSIIOX & HAWK. MAIX lltfcj. 7 Jo ftiaiiiber of i'fmm.i-,... o'-i- $:M0. 0to TO LOAN ill sum to uit; buildm loans, owet ratej W. G. Beck, aiO-aid Failing bldg. Phone Main o 7. a!oGO, 43UOO, $5.00 AND 100 00 to loan at 7 per cent. F. E. Bowiuu 6c, Co. 213 Chamber of Commerce. $-."), OOO TO loan on city Income proprtv at 0 f-a per ceau lckcnzlo 6l Co.. 1 Gor liiiKer bids. $1'JV) TO loan on cfty property at 6 per cent. McKenzin fc Co.. 515 Gfrlinyr blilg. $500 TO $2500 and up at 7 per cent tor good fcrm security. .Main lf."5. $1000 OR ?100. Mult. Co. acreage; a.uo citj loans. Ward. 4o7 Spalding blug. MONEY TO LOAN IX ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Cham, of Com. MURTGAOE LOANS. O AND 7 PER CENT. LUC l BALUaiUA x v. W., O JJ UAiv ST. UNLIMITED Eastern funds. 5 to 7 per cent. DOOLEY St CO.. 312 Board of Trade bidg. MONEY Any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. W H. fettlt. JilOSplglPg:Mam C5S4. HAVE clients with money to loan Oliver MHlckey. Atty.. 8tf X. W. Bankbldg. 200. $400. SSOO, $650. $750. Fred VOeT man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. $1000TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm, no commission. P. O. box 873. City. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. Harding. 313 Chamber of Commerce LOANS on city and farm property 5 per cent up. F. Fuchs20 Ch.-ro, of Com. FARM and city loans, per cent. No com mission. E. 147. Oregonlan. $200. $350, $WOv. $1 200. $ 1 800. Fred W. German fc Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE private money to loan at 6 per cent A. K. HILL. -41W HENRY BLDG. $1M AND $2500 to let. real estate, rates right. Jamison. Main 1040. Money to LoanChattels ajid Salaries, REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION EatatT llshed by Portland business men to pro tect borrower. C. Myers Herman, man ager. 394 Stark st. Money loaned on dia monds. Jewelery, pianos, h. b.. furniture. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; lega rate; s'.l articles held 1 year; tstaoiisaed sicca lbSa, Dan. .Marx. b3 Waa&U.ti, Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. IP TOU NEED MONET, EEE US. SALARIES . . . CHATTELS .nJnf Xnd ta Pron on salary or fixed income; ou household furniture, planos. fegLa,i?atesna 0lher Jeroni Property; onT?nfl,3ntlI: Prlvt offices. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). 3t0-aO7 Dekum Bldg. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY . r making a specialty of quick holiday loans to salaried eraplovea. Also loans on household furniture and pianoa. without removal. special rates until January 1. Call and sk us. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. Licensed. S17 Failing Bldg. HOME INSTALLMENT CO. Orgauixcd by saiaru-u men for mutual protection. Money advanced on salary, aiamonds, furniture, etc. Easy lusiaU nienLa. Legal raws. Securities purchaswi 2oj McKay bldg. Main 12-42. PIANO and xurniture loans; licensed by thm state. Geo. Harvey. Tabor 3t'ti. Loans Wanted. want $7too at 7 per cent Thoroughly reliable builuer wants $7000 8 or 5 years at 7 per cent, on magnuicent Laurelhurst home about to be built over looking park and ciub, house costing $12. ooo, lots $o375; youU be protected by ' large eecond mortgage heid by responsible outness man ; bona furnished on other property to guarantee completion of bouse free lrom liens; money advanced aa house progresses; p.aas ready for inspection, a UiU. Oregonian. 45vo b PER CENT, East Side lots. $ HHH) 6 per cent, suburban Income bMJJ ! per cnt, cloee-ia acreage. 20ik 8 per cent, income suburban. . 5XMJ 7 per cent. 25 acres on Canyon, A road. 6 miles from Courthouse. $15.000 4 per cent, income business. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 2l-2 atock Exchange. 170 Third St. $600 tk0 bI " 4 acre tract near - n cultivation, new 2-room houe. chicken. house and other Improvements; owner's) value $1750. Fred W. Crurmaji Co.. 7J Cham, of Com. 1 WISH to borrow $2500 on 2-K acres o land on the L?wla Juver; over half of this la In the bottom. I will pay S per centi w ish to u&e the money ior three years, fenould like to deal with principals oiilv lb lOU HAVE fundi to loan on first mort gages consult us. WL1 alo be pleased to show you our modern fire and burglar proof safe deposit vaults, the safesL and most economical place for your valuables. Union Safe Deposit . Trust Co., U4 Oak, $700 b $7KrbVi ' S-acre tract, all in cultivation, adjolnln; North I'laius; h-room house, large barn; owner's value $:.ou. Fred W. German Co. .112 Cham, of Com. LOAN wanted Ho for 0 months on higu grade furniture and very Una mahogany pluyer piano. Total value over $.,oo. W ill pay 2 per cent per month- Address C 37. Oregon i a n. WILL pa $oo bonus for 0OOO for 1 ear; West Side value times the amount of loan ; iucome $70 per month. AN 7. tivt,'onutn. $2omi. 8 PER cent, private party, 160-acro ranch ; god Uuiidinss, near La Grande J so i d for $ 4 5 00. A G t !5. Oregonian. LajAN of 50uo on good improved farm, 3 to 5 years, ti or 7 per cent. Route 4, box 212A. Hood River, or. WANT $25ot at 7 per cent from private party; modern dwelling, value Ckmj0; no rcmmissMon, k tMi. Oregonian. WANT $10m at 7 pT cent on f.irm wortb. $o4iM, closo to i'ortlanu, . Fuchs. 4-0 C of C. $5u00 FIRST mortgage loan on income bear ing city property; no commission AE yyl. OreKonlan. 11 A E fifst mtg.. $:oo, Rtgned by respon sibly party; will discount; want cash. U Wo. OrRonlnn. WANT $.".Cjm from private party. First mort gage. West Side income property, gilt edi;e security. H fr.U, Jregcnian. WANT J1700 for 3 years. 7 per cent, on. $45t0 Portland residence. E V00. orego nian. WANT 1500 LOAN on 5 close-in lots. Ho'.. Or"KunIan. S. WANT $M0. S per cent; $2250, 7 per cent. Charles Ktngler. A; Co.. 22S Henry bldg. WANT $oo on ti lots. 4 blks. Rose City car. 8 p-r cent !ntret. R IM0. Oregonian. $220 FIRST MTG.. S per cent int.; security. ?'oo. tor $2'to. v Oregonian. WANT $50 on Jt-room house, 2 lots, at ltJ 72d st. N. Badle-y. !2t Yeon bldg. M. 41. JKoO WILLAMETTE VALLEY city bonds frr gali. Hat-pain. H Ore son Ian. WANT $4ak) on 5 IVn insula. lott; w rito ownrr. p 95:;t Oregonian. rtRSONAL. GET WELL FREE. Every day from lo A. M. to 4 P. M. and evenlims on Monday. Wednesday ami Friday from 7 to i P. M. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any wuy are invited to attend these clinics in our big cimic haii. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS W'ill examine and uiaguose your cao and tureut your treatment. FREE TO ALL. CHIROPRACTIC is the afe. sane. sur and modern science of curing aud pro ven ting diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the causoj health returns. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. 4i Hassan &t., at 7th. East Siu.. Phone Ed.-t tiOJtj. Dr. Elliott, Duector Clinics. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. oO-incu wavy switch, 2 sup $1.50 24-inch wavy switch. 3 sep l.OO Ail-arouna t rainstorm a uou 1.4 Hairaressing, khampooing, lace ma.esjo, hair bwbbing, manicuring, 25c. Hair io moved by e.ectnc i.eedie, switch made of combings, t5c We buy your cuiuoiug. Saniiary Par.ors, 4oo-412 Dekum blag.. d and W isshliiutou. Marshall 17u REV. MRS. J. C. SCIIORI will opCU 3;itti st., Sunuuvs 1'. M.. coutinuniK until 10 P. M. ; ail interested in occult work in vited; bring your lunch, we Hcrv cofre; tonsults with ou oaily. Beverlv. ELlv"TRiC.. I. TREATMENTS give bet re fcuita in noi ire. lumi.afco, constipation, piles 4t'iiia. ariL-usu Vt-in and facial bl-misns; regular licensed physician. Bo lt7. FEU VET HANEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair gooua; ti a ird i esiug, manicuring, fact aud scalp treatment. Removed lo 54 Aider, m-ar Bruailway. Mala 540. LoUlSE NETZEL. German trained nur&a ami masseuse, gives treatments for rheu matism, luinoago. neuralgia, etc.. massag and baths; lady assistant; now located at an Park st. .Marshal 5u5:t. Open Sunday. PROF. GRIFFITH in a free Fecture wTTl expose the take fortune and tutu re tell .rs, 2. 1. M. dally at 51 North bin. All w clcome. -ii iivoi'KACTIC, steam baths, liht. heat, el'ctric and vibratory massage. Dr. Mar g.ttet Ha nie. M7 Swetland. Main 17i;'. GRACE UELMONT. manicuring, vibratory massage. Office 4ii, 5d i.oor. 115 Broad way. ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation, rheumatism, lumbago, face and scalp; saxt baths. 4-t Clay gt. Mam bl0l. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by maitiplo-needlo meinod; consultation free. Ml !e. DeLong. 5o4 Swetland blag. A7.A H. R IH Li EC K E. featural correctional, face and scaJp massage. 121 12th st.. near Wash. Mar. li2'jo. Advice free. SOPHIA B. s-ElP. mental, spiritual seienMet. aoy Tourney bldg.. ly to 4 daily. Writtuu questions Wed.. 7:45 P. M. Mar. 3mn. SPIRITUALISM Rev. May A. Price, circle Tuesday, U and K p. M. and Suu. S P. M.. ; reaaing dally. 21.'2 Clay. Marsh all o'Jtio. ASCAPSO promptly relieves headache, ne"u ralgia and la grippe. For sa.e by Port land Hotel Pharmacy. bP. RITUALISM Rev. Mary I LaMar teaches occult science and palmistry. AC lu-im daily. 2l'. 5th ?t. PAULINE IA RE, fr-'in the East; facial, scalp, massago. 407 Wash. Rm. o25. Hours 2 to 7. MRS. STEVENS. 24 years In Portland; 20th century science in palmistry taught; spirit ual readings daily. 575 Taylor st. MASSAGE treatments, electric vibrator y trained nurse. 5 S 3d. Apt. C. Main 104tf. ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism. Of fice 215. 350 Morrison st. ELECTRIO treatments, scalp and massage. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. MANICURING, indies and gentlemen. 2D1 Vs Morrison st. Office 30. FKANCES rE MAYO, scalp specialist. 21 1 Vi Morrison st. office 2 1. MISS NEV1NS, chiropody, massage and light magnetic. Appointments only. Mam 504. ROSENA TATLOR Ma&eu-e and ecalp spe cialist. 169 Park st. Marsha.) 3l3tt. LIFE reader. Hart Apts.. 170-, 2d. $15. 4th floor. Mar. 631. MAGNETIC healer; treatments dallv L70S 2d st- 4th floor., apt. 9. Mar. 24$7. MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. C. Hill. 429 FUedner blrtg. Main 3473. BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND. Royal Toala TaJieU. 5i Hoyt U Phono 2daia -535,