60 Pages Section One Pages 1 to 16 SIX SECTIONS VOL. XXXV. NO. 53. PORTLAND, OREGOX, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS. christ as AWAITS BUT TURN OF CLOCK Santa Drives His Rein deer Here Tonight. CHILDHOOD'S BIG HOUR GOMES Portland, Prosperous, Con tented, in Holiday Mood. ICHURCHES TO CELEBRATE Spirit of Good Will la Everywhere Manifested by Sappy Faces, Cheerful Greetings and Ob servance of Customs. BT CLARK H. WIT.TJAM3. Christmas Is at tbe door. It waits but the turning of the clock around. Tonight Krta K.rlngle -will drive his fleet-footed reindeer from out the North to Portland. Many an eager-eyed child not yet grown worldly wise who still Is near enough the land of dreams to be atune to the thing's most unreal, yet most worth-while, will hear the scamper of the flying hoofs of Santa's scurrying eteeds. Santa Claus is real tonight. Nothing in all the world more so than this patron saint of the children's holiday. And the holiday, too, of all of older years who still cherish In their hearts that vital spark of youth eternal. Christmas Meant for Childhood. Christmas is meant for childhood. A child of sacred memory brought the day straight out of heaven to earth. It was established here that man, grown weary and overburdened with his workaday life, might turn again the backward look to the source of all good things and the supreme love that gave Christmas to the world. While the lids of tired but eager eyes hang heavy tonight, fighting off Im pending sleep to catch old white whiskered Santa Claus to his tricks of sliding down chimneys and filling ex pectant stockings, that blessed holiday-maker will : illy and truly come, Co silently that none wholly out of the land of dreams may hear him, and he will fill every single stocking and whisk away again so eluslvely that none shall mark the flying canter of bis deer. Santa's Glfta for All. None need doubt there is a Santa Claus. His gifts are for every single one, but the best thing in his whole pack Is for those of older years who gladden the heart of a child. Those Who can make the bright eyes of youth grow brighter have the greatest re ward. To those who cannot do this wonderful thing Christmas is not worth while. Christmas greetings are in the air, the spirit of the holiday is here and need not wait another day before it finds expression. Compliments of the season are Interchanged by friends, the good fellowship and human sympathy that are most marked at holiday time are everywhere. It. Is the time of good will to men. If not peace on earth. Christmas brings a meaning to the hearts and minds of men from out the centuries and from far-away Bethle hem's child. Portland heeds the mes sage and will celebrate in the true uplrlt of the day. Peace lavishes her blessings here, where wars that terrify sJl a hemisphere are unknown. Portland is prosperous and content. I That she is not gross and worldly is I attested by the most liberal Christmas buying in its history; a fact that speaks volumes for thoughts of others and devotion to the highest sentiments. In Portland churches today will be (Concluded on Page 14, Column 5.) w . i ------------- ' eeeeeeeeeeaae.ee. - - - - TTTtTTTtTTtTTjst.sttjtsttTTTtSTSstsssttss.sl. ,,ul, ,x s.s s s . t j ijt ... ...,............., ' I ' ' " ! ""v . m- J MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE IS RESCUED SHIPWRECKED AMERICAN SAIL OR LANDS IN WILDS. Berries, Etc., Only Food for Days. Indians From Whom He Flees Prove to Be Friendly. WASHINGTON. Dec 23. Like tba tale of Robinson Crusoe Is the report reaching Acting Secretary of Commerce Sweet today on the shipwreck and res cue of Gustave Nelson, an American sailor, one of three survivors of the steamer Edward L. Hines, which went down in a storm in the Caribbean Sea Friday. October 13. After floating nine days on a piece of wreckage, aided by an improvised sail, with nothing to eat and only a little water collected during showera to drink. Nelson reached Honduras. There he lived in the wilds for eight days, eating berries and small fruits until he met three Indians. . He ran from these, but they overtook him and proved to be friendly Caribs. They took him to the American Con sul at Tela, J. Rivers, who reported the story. Nelson has been sent hack to New Orleans and expects to join his family In Boston. Another sailor, Frederick Troutman, who was with Nelson on the wreck age, drank salt water, became crazed and when they sighted land he jumped Into the water to swim, but drowned. Two other members of the crew, a Nor wegian and a Spaniard, were afloat at sea on a hatch cover for 13 days w' "i rainwater to drink and two gulls, caught with their bare hands, to eat raw. They landed on Utllla Island and were reported by F. J. Dyer, American Consul at Celba. WEATHER TO BE VARIABLE Temperatures Along; Coast Will Average Near Normal. WASHINGTON, Dec 23. Weather predictions for the week beginning Sunday, December 24, issued by the Weather Bureau today, are: Rocky Mountain and plateau regions Snow is probable in northern and central and rain in southern parts at the beginning and after Wednesday. Temperatures will be below season normal, decidedly so over the northern parts. Pacific states Unsettled 'weather with frequent rains probable. Tem peratures will average near the normal. ASHLAND SNOW 8 INCHES Fall In Sisklyous Two Feet Deep and Trains Are Delayed. ASHliAND, Or.. Dec. 23. (Special.) Eight inches of snow covered the entire valley this morning and condi tions tonight promised more. Trains were somewhat delayed, vary ing from a half hour north to three hours from southern points. The snow fall on the Sisklyous is reported two feet deep. SNOW SLIDE KILLS MINER Party of Seven Caught by Avalanche In Colorado, OURAT, Colo., Dec 23. Snow slides claimed ther second victim within two days here today when an avalanche caught a party of seven miners on their way here to spend Christmas. Elmer Anderson was killed, but his six companions escaped with minor in juries. JOHN D. GIVES MEN $10 Each Employe on Estate Receives Gold Piece and Greetings. NEW YORK. Dec. 23. John D. Rockefeller's Christmas present to each of the employes on his Tarrytown estate is a $10 gold piece, inclosed In a case, on which Is printed "The Season's Greetings from John D. Rockefeller." CHRISTMAS-EVE THOUGHTS ON SOME LIVE ROADS GIVE 8-HOUR DAY TO SWITCHMEN Wages Increased Five . Cents an Hour. PAY FOR DAY 40 CENTS LESS Federal Board of Arbitration Makes Time Optional. SENIORITY WILL PREVAIL Older Men in Service to Have First Chance to Work Ten Honrs If They So Wish Report Is Not Unanimous. NEW YORK. Dec. 23. An eight-hour day. an increase in wages of S cents an hour and a straight pro rata overtime was granted to the members of the switchmen's union employed by 13 Eastern and Middle Western railroads In an award filed here today by the Federal Board of Arbitration that heard their differences. The decision of the Board had been eagerly awaited by the railroads in general and the four major brother hoods of railroad trainmen for what bearing It might have on the contro versy between them over the Adamson act. In which the eight-hour day Is a question at Issue. Day Hied mt ELK lit Bonn. The decision says that "eight hours or less shall constitute a days work," gives "an Increase of 5 cents an hour on the present rates of pay and rules that overtime shall be paid at pro rata, rates" to be computed "on the basis of the actual minutes worked" Switchmen at present receive a maximum hourly rate of 40 cents. The award increases this rate to 45 cents so that, as explained tonight by Judge Charles B. Howry., chairman of the Board, on the eight-hour basis they will receive-13.60 for a day's work 40 cents less than they received under the. ten-hour basis. By working ten hours under the new rate, they will receive 34.50. or 60 cents more than under the old rate Burden Falls en Roads. In a statement appended to the award by Judge Howry and Professor Jere miah W. Jenks, the neutral members of the board of six. it Is declared that the long hours of switchmen do not imply "excessive physical labor"; that It has been established "It will not be possi ble to make the actual working eight hour day effective In the case of mnr. than a small percentage of the switch ing crews- ana that "with the excep tion of one experiment, the testimony was unanimous to the effect that the efficiency of switchmen on the shorter workday would be only sliehtlv in creased so that the burden of the short er hours would fall almost entirely upon the railroads." While the switchmen asked for a 10- cent increase, the statement emphasizes the point that the 5-cent advance is the largest given In any arbitration. The increase was granted, the neutral arbt. trators explain, because of the high cost of living and "hazards and hard ships of the work." Decision Net Unanimous "The Increase." they state. "lminM a heavy burden upon the railroad, which, owing to the Interstate com merce law, they are unable to transfer to the shippers and thence to the public." i They add that "5it is the dutv of the properly constituted governmental au thorities to protect railway interests in this regard, so far as it is necessary." The arbitrators were not unanimous (Concluded on Page 7, Column 1.) INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 89 degrees; minimum. ZZt desreea. TODAY'S Ram, probably part snow. Sun day and Monday; south to southwest winds. Berlin sees aim of weakneaa In Lloyd George' speech. Section 1, pas 6. Prominent neutrals differ on outlook for peace. Section 1. pace 3. War. French families excuse Santa la Interest of economy. Section 1. pass 2. Britain considers American note above all other topic. Section 1. pace 4. Domestic. Modern Robinson Crusoe rescued. Section 1. pass 1. Thomas W. Lawson says ha made millions on advance Information from Waahlns ton. Section 1, page 4. Passenger routs train robber In pistol duel. Section 1. page 1. Chicago puts lid on New Year's eve festivi ties. Section 1, page S. National. Japan's new naval policy worries Washing ton. Section 1, page 1. Sight-hour day and wage Increase granted switchmen. Section 1, page 1. President's note designed to get details of peace terms. Section 1. page 1. Republican Leader Mann repudiated by Rep resentative Gardner following Indorsement of peace cote. Section 1. page 6. Malls swamped with Christmas gifts. Sec tion 1, page S. Navy upsets efforts to agree on oil land claims. . Section 1. page 2. Pacific Northwest. Mrs. Josephine Preston leads statehouse of ficers in recent election. Section 1. page 8. Night rider case ends la acquittal. Section 1. page 7. Commonwealth conference to consider road code. Section 1, page 10. Washington Legislature to see fight to make state bone dry. Section 1. page 9. Albany man receives assassin's bomb. Sec tlon 1, page S. Last span of Intertsate bridge goes Into po sition. Section 1. page 8. Governor has plan tor centralized power. Section 1, page 9. State may get (500,000 from Hyde lands. Section 1, page 6. Sports. MeCredies hope to get first baseman from Cleveland. Section 2, page 2. Portland to have three 18-hole golf courses. Section 2. page 8. Bronson-Madden fight expected to be fast. Section 2, page 8. Xoblo has five offers to eoach, but bualneae may defeat gridiron ambitions. Section 2, page 2. Two bllliardlsts In tourney yet unbeaten, section 2. pact 2. Les Darcy arrives to fight a few fights here, then he's off to war for Great Britain. Section 2. page 8. Brewer Blllle, ex-Oregon Aggie, here, of Hoqulam gridiron. Section 2. page 2. Oreron's secrets betrayed to rival. Section 2; page 1. Commerrlal and Marine. Auxiliary schooner Alpha takes water. Sec tion 2. page 12. Hide prices are declining In American mar kets. Section 2. page 11. Immense purchases of wheat by Europeans during week's slump. Section 2. page 11. Stock traders cautious In consequence of ap proaching holiday. Section 2. page 11. American bankers will be called upon for peace loans. Section 2, page 11. Christmas b untie pervades waterfront. Sec tion 2, page 12. Portland and Vicinity. Christmas awaits but turn of clock. Section I. page 1. Joe Harty, crippled newsboy, gets Humane Society's gold medal. Section 1, page 16. Fairyland brought to little folk at Baby. home. Section 1. page 12. ' New records established by pub 11 o carriers. Section 1. page 12. All institutions remembered. Section 1, page 14. Christmas shopping ends In last grand rush. Section 1. page 12. Salvation Army and Volunteers of America give hundreds of Christmas- dinner bas kets. Section 1, page 12. Witnesses of streetcar-Jitney wreck blame all drivers. Section 1. page 1L Plan proposed to make vacant lots garden plots. Section 1. page 13. Bill for illegitimate child debated. Section .L, page 14. Results of secret milk tests given eut. Section 1, page IS. Portland's 1017 tax levy 27.4 mills. Section x, page io. Bdward J. Jeffery dies at 8L Section 1. page 16. Weather report, data and forecast. Section page o. Orpheum adds Columbian Ladles' Orchestra lor mianignt matinee, section 1, page 10 Northwestern National Bank scene of merry u ... . ow.n A. page 1U. James' new Broadway Theater opens. Sec tion 1, page 10. v REPUBLICANS GIVE REBATE Clarke County Campaign Contribu tors to Get 13 Per Cent Back. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Dec 23. (Spe cial.) W. S. T. Derr, secretary of the Republican County Central Committee, today declared a 13 per cent rebate to all contributors to the campaign ex penses. The Republicans elected every can didate on the ticket, carried Clarke County for Hughes by 600. and yet had a surplus in the fund. TOPICS EXPRESSED JAPAN'S NEW NAVAL PROGRAMME. EXING Washington Concerned at Warlike Activity. U-BOAT SITUATION STRAINED Entente Allies Seem Resentful Concerning Note. - BERLIN APPEARS PLEASED Nippon's Policy or Increasing Its Navy so as to Be Greater Than That of United States Causes Uneasiness. BY JOHN C ALLAN O'LOUGHLIN. WASHINGTON, Dec 23. Two sig nificant facts, bearing upon President Wilson's peace move, have Interested Administration officials today. The first was the announcement of Japan's new naval programme, de signed to make that nation more powerful upon the sea than Is the United States. The second Is the deep concern of the Administration over the recent torpedoing of the steamers Marina and Arabia and the effect of such action -upon the relations of the United States and Germany. Central Powers Welcome Note. There were no actual developments today in connection with the Presi dent's suggestion. Cables have been received from the American Ambassa dors accredited to the central powers showing that official circles welcome the President's intervention, while the press is more or less divided In its also have been received from the American Ambassadors accredited to the allies. These indicate distress that the President has acted and even resentment, especially in unofficial cir cles. But there Is nothing official yet from any source nor can there be until the allies have consulted among them selves and Ambassador Gerard has had opportunity to talk with the German Emperor and the German Chancellor. King's Speech Significant. The authorities here accepted as an Indirect answer to the President the speech from the throne, delivered by King George in connection with the adjournment of Parliament. That it expresses the allied attitude Is accept ed beyond question. But as has been stated, there wiil be long discussion between the allies before their re sponse to the President will be framed. It is not believed the allies will Join in a single note. That would be ex tremely discourteous to the United States. Probably they will follow the example of the President and send notes identical In most of their fea tures, but containing paragraphs deal ing particularly with the matters ' of vital and intimate Interest to each. "Watchful Waiting" Ia Role. In the meantime, a llcy of "watch- i ful waiting" will be observed by the President. He and his advisers realize that efforts may be made to curtail the activities of the United States and therefore they are deeply Interested In the reports from Japan as to the naval programme adopted by that govern ment. As the ally of Great Britain. Japan has nothing to fear upon the sea. The British navy, however, is occupied with blockading the German coast and pre paring to meet the German fleet should it come out. Moreover the chances are that in a war between the United States and Japan, Great Britain would be neutral. Therefore the Japanese statesmen, believing they may have to depend upon their own forces, are pre- (Concluded on Page 8. Column 4.) PICTORIALLY BY CARTOONIST REYNOLDS. PASSENGER .ROUTS . BANDIT ON TRAIN PISTOL DUEL IS FOUGHT IN SMOKING-CAR. Desperado Leaps Through Window While Train Is Running After Dropping Ills Loot. SIOUX CITT. Ia., Dec 23 A robber made & futile attempt to hold up the passengers In the smoking-car of Mil waukee train No. 3 from Chicago as It was entering the yards here tonight. The robber escaped with J 10 In cash after shots had been exchanged with passengers and he had leaped through a window while the train was in mo tion. The robber boarded the train at Mornlngside, a suburb. With a mask drawn over his face and a large revolver in his hand the man commanded J. R. Robblns, of Jefferson. S. D.. to begin taking up a collection from the other passengers. After $30 had been collected Will Beath. of Plum bush. Colo., appeared in the vestibule to the rear of the robber with a drawn revolver. He ordered the robber to throw up his hands. The robber swung around quickly and fired at Beath as the latter took shelter behind a parti tion. Several shots were fired by Beath and the highwayman. The robber grabbed the collection which Robblns had taken up. kicked the glass from the nearest window and leaped through. Most of the cash col lected by Robblns was dropped on the floor during the exchange of shots. Many passengers hid under the seats. A piece of glass deflected by the bullet from the robber's gun struck Beath over the eye. causing a deep but not serious wound. Beath believes his first shot hit the robber. 21 ARE CHRISTMAS BRIDES Vancouver License Bureau Makes Year's Record. VANCOUVER. Wash., Dec 23. (Spe cial.) Twenty-one couples came to Vancouver today to 'be married, making the record number for one day this year and nearly reaching the record of 25 set July 3. 1915. Cupid did a land-office business and all the ministers and Judges were kept busy tying nuptial knots. Some of the couples will postpone the ceremony until Christmas day, but those from Oregon have to be married in this city. Eight of the couples claimed Clarke County as their home, several of them living in Vancouver. The others were all from Portland and other points in Oregon. There was a rush for holiday mar riage licenses yesterday when 20 cou ples sought the license window at the Courthouse. The day before Christ mas a year ago there were only 17 ap plicants. Thursday there were 14 li censes Issued. BERLIN BETTING ON PEACE Wagers Made on Exchange That War Will End by Angust. LONDON. Dec. 23. A Frankfurt dis patch to the Exchange Telegraph Com pany from Rotterdam says there was heavy betting on the Berlin exchange today that peace would be signed be fore August. The same dispatch says that the German Emperor will return to Berlin for conferences with the American and Spanish Ambassadors. PAPERS WILL SKIP ISSUE Omaha Publications Not to Go to Press Christmas Day. OMAHA. Neb, Dec. 23. No news papers will be Issued In Omaha on Christmas day. This will be the first time the morning papers have missed an issue since their establishment. In making the announcement they give as their reason a desire to con serve the paper supply In the Interest of the press generally. TERMS OF PEACE IN DETAIL ARE DESIRED Words of Hostiles Re garded Too Vague. WILSON FEELS FACTS DUE U.S. America Ready to Enter Any Agreement to Prevent War. MONROE POLICY MIGHT GO President Is of Opinion This Xtt. tlon Can Be Committed to an Abandonment or Doctrine Without Senate Action. WASHINGTON. Dec 2J.Informa tion as to their exact meaning In seeking a "Just and permanent peace" is tht whole purpose of the note ad dressed to all the belligerents by President Wilson. The United States desires a full, practical and detailed statement from each of the govern ments addressed. This outline and what follows was. stated officially to day for the Administration. This Government does not know and feels that it haa been given no real means of knowing what terms would be required by each of the belligerents to make peace. It regards the recent speeches of the leading statesmen in ail countries as vague and undefined and sees nothing in them that would enable a conference to draw up a treaty. All speak of the rights of small nations, the repugnance of con quest and the guarantees of a perma nent peace, but no one nation has yet gone into what It means by these phrases in a way that the Government of the United States can understand. Press Eska Vicucneu. Recent press comment has been tak en to enhance that vagueness. France, for Instance, has not disclosed If what she consider a just peace means the evacuation of her northern provinces, or, in addition to that, the restora tion of Alsace-Lorraine, ,'jc If in addition to both those claims she ex pects a money indemnity for the dam age of Invasion, or. beyond that. If she has an actual programme for doing away with so-called German militar ism. In thort. the United States asks what would she accept today as the basis of peace. .Similar issues apply to all the bel ligerent countries in merely a varying; form. What President Wilson wants iu their details. As the largest neutral facing grave problems, and as the friend of all parties concerned, the United States feels most earnestly that it ia entitled to know those facts. Un less eome one of the group lays down its actual terms there will be no basis for negotiation and no possibility of peace till the world is bled white, of ficials declare. Some Demands Impossible. There is not tbe slightest expectation here that the terms laid down will be reconcilable at first- It is known that some of the nations will demand what in actuality Is impossible. Neverthe less, the naming of those terms will afford a basis of negotiation, a start ing place from which the conflicting interests can begin to converge. Nor Is any embarrassment seen to any of the nations In naming such terms. It is understood In advance that they are apt to fluctuate with the military changes and are not per manently binding under new conditions. Whatever any nation feels must be in cluded In Its terms for moral reasons can also be added to the terms with out embarrassment. It is said. As to permanent guarantees. It was (Conclude' on Page 4. Column 4.)