The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 17, 1916, SECTION THREE, Page 3, Image 43

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James S. Smith,
neth Beebe. Dr.
The committee la Ken
Charles K. HiU and O.
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Mr. and Mrs. Walker Willis Kamm.
of San Francisco, who have been visit
ing Mrs. Jacob Kamm during the past
week, returned Wednesday to their home
in the south. Mrs. Kamm is a charming-
young matron whose visits to Port
land are always the source of much
pleasure and the inspiration for con
siderable entertainment.
An announcement of Interest to
Portland and Salem folk is that of the
engagement of Miss Jean Leone Grif
fin to Dr. Ray E. Pomeroy, son of Mr.
Charles T. Pomeroy and Dr. M. E.
Pomeroy, of Salem, and he Is at present
'Benlor surgeon at St. Vincent's Hos
pital. Miss Griffin is a Portland, girl,
the daughter of Mrs. Eugenia F Grif
fin, and is a charming girL The wed
ding will be an event of the holidays
and will be solemnized at the Pomeroy
home in Salem.
Considerable regret Is being ex
pressed over the approaching departure
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Cronin and
little son, Joseph. Jr., who will leave
early in the year for New Orleans.
Mr. Cronin is to be affiliated with, his
father-in-law, T. J. Gorman, in his
sugar plantations in the South. He Is
a native of Portland and has been
Identified with the Cronin Company for
years and also with the Hunt Club
activities. Mrs. Cronin was popular in
society clrclrs In Seattle, which was
her home up to the time of her mar
Mrs. I. Van Duyn left Friday for San
Francisco to pass the holidays in Cali
fornia. She will be Joined in the South
by her niece, MIbs Lulu McDonald, and
they will motor through Southern Cali
fornia for a few weeks.
An event of co-educational and social
importance on the calendar for the hol
idays is the Kappa Kappa Gamma So
rority formal dance at Multnomah Ho
tel Friday evening, January 6, when the
Beta Omega Chapter of the University
of Oregon will be hosts. The affair
formerly was planned for December 28,
but was postponed a week, on account
of the change in the dates for the holi
day vacation. The following are patrons
and patronesses: Mrs. Elizabeth Fox.
dean of women at the university; Mr.
and Mrs. George Gerlinger, .Mr. and
Mrs. L. M. Jeffers, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
erick A. Kiehle. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Fle
gel. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. DeCou, of Eu
gene; Mr and Mrs. A. C. Dixon, of Eu
gene, and Mrs. Etta Holbrook.
The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority
is one of the oldest National frater
nities, and many of the Beta Omega
Chapter girls who live In various parts
of the state will be present at the re
ception and dance.
The guest list includes a large num
ber of former university students who
now live in Portland. The programme
in charge of Miss Helen Purrington,
of Bend; Miss Cora Hosford, Miss Mil
dred Broughton. Miss Dorothy Flegel
and Miss Dorothy Kobertson.
The Drama League will meet Monday
night at 8:15 at the Little Theater,
when the feature of the occasion will !
be Mrs. Mable Holmes Parsons' read
ing of "Cloister," by Emlle Verhaeren.
Your Last Week
Before Christmas
to Order "Her"
matrons, and her death leaves a big
void in the hearts and interests of her
relatives and numerous friends.
Miss Virginia Menefee, one of the
group of attractive Portland girls who
are attending Dana Hall, returned last
week to pass the holidays with her
parents. Mr. and 3rs. Oscar R. Menefee,
at Hotel Mallory..
Mr. and Mrs. Jervis B. Webb, of De
troit, Mich., with their little son. will
arrive in Portland Tuesday, to pass
the holidays with Mrs. Webb's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Campbell. Mrs.
Webb was very popular socially and in
musical circles during her residence in
this city. Since her marriage she has
been living in New York and other
Eastern cities, and her visits to Port
land always call forth a great deal of
Horace A. Cardinell has been signally
honored with the appointment of po
mologist to the Brazilian government,
nvhich position he will assume at once.
Mr. Cardinell will leave Sunday for
New York, from whence he will sail on
December 25 for Brazil. He is a
nephew of H. S. Butterfield, and of Mrs.
Cyrus A. Dolph, and has been making
his home for years with Mr. and Mrs.
Butterfield. He attended Portland
Academy and later Oregon Agricultural
College, from which institution he was
graduated a year ago.
Mrs. Frank W. Burke was hostess on
Monday evening for dinner of 10 covers
at Hotel Portland prior to the Monday
Kvening Dancing Club dance. The
table was decked with pale pink carna
tions and ferns.
Miss Consuela McMillan entertained
Friday afternoon with a charming in
formal tea, complimentary to Miss Su
san Green, one of her classmates at St.
Helen's Hall, whose home is in Aber
deen. The younger contingent partici
pated in this affair, the tea table be
ing attractive with a huge bowl of pink
roses and ferns, baskets of similar
WoBsoras being used about the rooms.
Presiding were Miss Nadyne Caswell,
Miss Katherine Hoyt, Miss Dorinne
Wyld and Miss Marjory Hall. They
were assisted by Misses Marguerite
Berch. Adeline Kendall and Lucille
Brown. About 45 girls called during
the afternoon.
Miss Katherin Wheeler, who has
been attending Miss Harker's school in
Palo Alto, will arrive here today to pass
the Christmas holidays with her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G.
Omega Nu Sorority is making exten
sive plans for its Christmas party,
which will be a dance at Multnomah
Hotel on the evening of Wednesday,
December 27. Miss Helen Minsinger
and Miss Kathleen Sealy are at the
head of the committee arranging this
festive party, and the patronesses will
be Mrs. Arthur Maxwell Hears, Mrs.
Oliver King Jeffery, Mrs. Charles E.
Stolte. Mrs. J. E. Stevens. Mrs. John M
Hall and Mrs. Simon Barker, As many
of the Omegas will be in Portland for
the holidays, the .affair will be very
Say and a large attendance is expected.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Clark and family
are now domiciled in the Gay Lombard
house in Cornell road.
A pretty affair of Tuesday afternoon
was the silver tea given by Mrs. H. F.
Johnson at her home at 598 Maple
street. Mrs. Johnson was assisted by
Mrs. E. A. Wyld, Mrs. James Muckle,
Mrs. E. W. Matthews. Mrs, S. E. Jo
seph! and Mrs. F. S. West.
The following ex-Pendleton women
TWJured: Mrs H. H. Hallock, MrsI Seth
Catlin, Mrs. E. J. Burke, Mrs. J. Ross
Dickson, and Mrs. Frank Frazier, who
is visiting here.
The following young women assisted
at the tea table: Miss Virginia Thomp
son, Miss Dorinne Wyld. Miss Gladys
Ferrell and Miss Harriette F Johnson.
The guests: Mesdames J. R. Dick
son. Frank Frazier, Hal Dickson. L. W.
White, Henry Zander. J. T. Dougall,
H. H. Hallock, Charles Hamilton, E. A.
Vaughan. Thomas Vaughan, Frank
Richardson, A. Roupe, M. Baruh.'T. G.
Hailey, W. W. Caviness, B. James, Lee
Teutsch. Charles Lewis," Robert Town
send, James Hayes, E. J. Burke, Seth
Catlin, John Sperry, W. Halvor, M. M.
Hall. Frank Roberts. W. J. Furnish,
Stewart Moore, E. L. Lowell, James
Keeney. Otto Metchan. W. t Dutton.
T. C. Warner, Rader, Roy T. McDaniel,
William House, T. C. Taylor, W. B.
Glafke. Julia Keeney, G. A. Hartman,
F. L Hartman, Charles Myers. Swin-
" '
i ! -
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if 1 ' ? '
borne. Carrie Farrow. T. T. Geer,
George Frantz, B. Sinsheimer. George
Rosen bum, Charles Ivahn. Smith Ever
ingham, Charles Hays. Felzhaub, W. B,
Jackson; Misses Margaret Dickson.
Alma Hallock, Bernice Roupe, Elizabeth
Hailey, Geraldine Hall. Eloise Hal
Louise Rourke, Sally Warren, Harriette
Johnson, Dorinne Wyld, Virginia
Thompson; Bishop W. T. Sumner, C. S.
Jackson, J. R. Dickson, J. T. Dougall
Dr. E. A. Vaughn, Dr. Thomas
Vaughan, Dr. William House, Dr. C. J.
Smith. M. Baruh. E. J. Burke, T. C.
Taylor. T. T. Geer, H. F. Johnson, E. W.
Matthews, James Muckle, E. A. Wyld.
F. S. West, Dr. S. E. Josephi and H. M.
The week has been brimful of fes
tivities for the latest bride of the sea
son. Miss Ruth Marvin, whose wedding
to Charles Thomas. Jr. was an event
of yesterday. One of the charming
events in her honor was the dinner
party presided over recently by Miss
Marjorte Lewis, her guests numbering
12 of the younger set.
Miss Aline Johnson, opened the
week's festivities with a box party at
the Orpheum, followed by tea at Hotel
Portland. Her guests were Miss Mar
vln. Mrs. August Van Roosendael, Mlsi
Marjorie Lewrft, Miss Cornelia Stanley
and Miss Annie Mackay Brown.
Tuesday Miss Annie Mackay Brown
was hostess for a delightful tea com
plimentary to the bride. Miss Sybil
Spencer, of Spokane, shared honors
with the bride in this event. The
attractive young hostess was as
sisted by Mrs. Charles Blaisdell and
Mrs. Harold Young, who presided at
the tea table. Further assisting about
the rooms were Misses Cornelia Stan
ley, Ruth Shull, Clea Nickerson, Isabelle
Clark and Marjorie Lewis.
Miss Nickerson entertained for the
bride with a tea and linen shower on
Wednesday, about 15 of the close
friends of the honor guest being pres
Several informal dinner parties and
luncheons filled the intervening days.
Kiolle Simmons.
Little "Heinle," Etoile Simmons,
and Ruthie Schneider celebrated
their fourth birthday anniver
saries Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Simmons, 1304
Fourteenth street street" North.
Music and games and a feast
were enjoyed. Those present were
Myrtle McAllister, Twila Morton,
Zelda and Leotta Radlev. Del-
bert and Raymond Bennett, Del-
mer Morton. Willie McAllister. -
Jack Schneider and th
hostesses, Ruth Schneider
Etoile Simmons,
cAllister, '
le little T
Miss Evelina Magruder has been
added to the attractive galaxy
debutantes. She was formally present-1
ed to Portland society on Tuesday I
afternoon at a pretty reception for I
..kl.k V. ... n . V. f t ' .. , f.. I
nuiui ilea uiu nit, , .'i i o. vxcvigv .'i cvnuil
Magruder, was hostess. A more festive!
air than usually surrounds the after
noon reception was added by the pres
ence of several men, who Joined the
guests later.
The rooms were prettily decked with
a profusion of floral gifts which had
been sent to the debutante, as well as
by. the additional decorative scheme,
which consisted of beautiful mauve
chrysanthemums, roses and violets.
Presiding at the tea table were Mrs.
Harrison Piatt, Mrs. Charles E. Wolver
ton. Mrs. Herman N. Burpee and Mrs.
S. R. Johnston. Assisting about the
rooms were Misses Charlotte Laldlaw.
Amy Robinson. Ethel Mai pas, Martha
Hoyt and Helen Piatt.
A dance will be given by the trustees
of the Portland Motor Boat Club at
their clubhouse, foot of Woodward ave
' nue. on the evening of. December 20 at
8:30 o clock. Patronesses for the even
ing are Mrs. George L. Baker. Mrs. C.
W. Boost. Mrs. Charles E. Hi" Mrs.'
One of the largest and most delight
ful dances that the Alexandra Court :
management has yet been sponsor for :
was the first of this aeason'a series,
given Wednesday night. A throng of
young folk assembled at the Court for
dinner and many others Joined the mer
rymakers at the dance.
A number of charming dinner parties
preceded the dance, one of the largest
being presided over by Dr. and
Mrs. John Forest Dickson. Their party
numbered 20 of the' younger set, who
included Misses Margery Hoffman,
Charlotte Laidlaw, Catherine Laldlaw,
Mary Robertson, Isabell Gauld, Jean
Morrison, Allsa MacMaster, Cornelia
Cook and Colin Livingston, Donald
Sterling. Mac Snow, Joseph Lambert,
Seaton Taylor. Leland Smith, Ferd
Smith and J. II. Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hemminghouse
entertained six guests at dinner Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Cotton, Mr. and Mrs. S.
E. Mears and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morey.
Table decorations were delicately tinted
pink carnations in small silver baskets.
Mrs. Thomas A. Halley's party in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burrell.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Teal, Mrs. Walter
V. Smith, Bishop Sumner and Mr. and
Mrs. Kerr.
Mrs.' W. M. Wallace presided at a
daintily decorated table, her guests be
ing her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Guy W. Talbot, Mr. and Mis.
Jewett and Howard Schroye.
Miss Chemin entertained Russell John
stone, Miss Effie Johnstone. Mr. and
Mrs. R. Jtl. Cake and Mr. and Mrs. J.
D. Leonard. The table was decked
with a wonderful basket of pink roses.
" J. A. McHolland had as his guests Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Ball, Miss Helen Barnes.
Miss Sara Patrick. Miss Florence Mur
phy. Miss Helen Harmon. Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Cornell, John Scott, Lovelle Win
ters and Thomas Greer.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Brunn entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Luders and Lieu
tenant and Mrs. Blackburn.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Camp's party
included Mr. and Mrs. William Banks,
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Fenton. Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Fish, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Freeman and Dr. and Mrs. Treve
Mrs. Bolcom entertained Colonel and
Mrs. McLaughlin, from Vancouver Bar
racks, and Dr. and Mrs. Noyes.
Others who entertained with small
dinner parties were Dr. and Mrs. Ko
be rg. Henry Goode, Miss Cameron, Mrs.
L. A. Frank, Dr. and Mrs. Walker and
Miss Bertha Moores.
Owing to the departure of Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Cousins for Ogden. Mrs. J
L. Bowman will assume charge of the
social committee of the Irvington Club
for the rest of the season. Mrs.
Cousins capably filled that position
since the opening of the season, and the
social affairs of the club have been
delightful and increased in popularity.
Mrs. Bowman plans to start her reign
with a large Christmas formal dance
on Friday night. Mrs. Bowman is
work upon a committee to assist her
during January, also a list of patron
esses for the coming ball, which she
will announce this week.
A charming luncheon was that pre
sided over by Mrs. P. A. Devers on
Wednesday, to honor Miss Hazel ivurtz.
a popular bride-elect. The luncheon
was followed by a line party at the
Orpheum vaudeville, for which Mrs.
Devers also was hostess.
The table appointments and decora
tions were suggestive of both a bridal
fnction and the approaching holiday
season, holly, a bride and attendants
DONT procrastinate on that fur for Her Christ
mas Gift this is the last week before
Christmas choose early and choose at Liebes
the leading furriers for fifty years. She
will enjoy a Liebes Fur not on Christmas morning
alone, but the whole year through. Liebes Furs are
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you of this you are welcome to call at any time -do it
Fox Animal Scarfs Made in the Latest Fur-Lined and Silk
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Muffs to Match.
Black Fox Scarfs at $13.50, $17.50, $25.00
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Baum Marten Fox Scarfs at $25.00, $32.50, $45.00, $52.50
Natural Blue Fox Scarfs at $85.00, $120.00, $150.00, $240.00
Taupe and Sitka Fox Scarfs at $25, $35, $42.50, $50
Jap Cross Fox at $18.50, $25.00
Also Other Fox Scarfs at Reasonable Prices
Fine assortment of Neckpieces in Collarette and Cape effects, in French'
Seal, Moleskin, Sealine, Skunk, Opossum, Blended and Natural Muskrat
in a wide range of styles and prices.
Fur Coats, in All Furs, From
$65JOO to $400.00.
j Children's and Misses Fur Sets, $3.50 to $15.00 Set
Store iOpen Evenings Until Christmas
Order Early This Week
We'll Hold and Deliver
Christmas Day
IT iebes&Co.
i. 288 Morrison St.
LWJ J. p. Pl
all being delightfully combined. Places
were marked for Misses Kurtz. Edna
Minsinger, Ruth Ralston, Helen Dunne
Mamie Helen Flynn. Mrs. F. F. Spauld
Ing, Mrs. Earl Dome and the hostess.
Mrs. Frank Vincent Du Mond and lit
tle daughter. Miss Elizabeth, and son.
Xavier, of New York, arrived in Port
land last week to be the guests of Dr.
and Mrs. Henry E. Jones for the Win
ter and early Spring. Mr. Du Mond.
the noted mural decorator and portrait
painter, was unable to come to the
Coast, being detained by important
decorative work, but plans to reach
here early in the Spring.
An item of interest to Portland so
ciety is the following from a Victoria,
B. C. paper of December 7:
"St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
was the scene of one of the prettiest
weddings of the season last evening,
when a large throng of interested
friends gathered to witness the marriage
of one of Victoria's native daughters.
Miss Jean A. Patterson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James Patterson, of 1605
Belcher street, to Ross L. Osborn. of
Portland, Or.: Rev. Dr. Clay officiating.
The church was effectively decorated in
ivy and chrysanthemums, while tall
palms banked the altar. The bride
entered the church to the strains of the
'Wedding March' from 'Lohengrin.'
played by the organist. Jesse Longfield,
and passed down the aisle on the arm
of her father, who gave her in mar
riage. She looked lovely in her wed-
U'ontlnued on Pair 4.)
Lei us suggest
I This Christmas 1 1
"She' will like
Felt Slippers
In the dainty boudoir colors,
gray, old rose, pink, blue, lav
ender, wistaria, red and black,
in every attractive style that
women love.
Priced at SI. SO, SI. 7 5
and $2.00.
jBuy trecirom maJcerr.
Vfijh ffvitlr St!: IS
Engraved Wedding Invitation anef An
nouncements. Social and Business Cards.
Steel Die Embossed Personal. Lodge. Frofea
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f samples desired.
Ladle' Tailor
447 Alder St.
C. E. Hollfday Co.
355 Alder Stret
Medical Bldg.
"hie" will appreciate
These Slippers 1
J The popular leather House
2 Slippers, in Romeo styles, at r
I S2.00, S2.S0 and S3. 00 I
5 the pair.
1 In opera styles, in tan and I
black, at S2.00 to $3.50 I
I Pair-
j Felt Slippers, in the new i
I cavalier style, at $2.25. I
r In Romeo style, black, 5
-7S' j
5 In Comfy styles, at $1.50. c
Second Floor. I
6 6
Q-tUJnJimm cf cJ Merit 0
Easllah Haad-Loom Silk Ties.
Kvesilaai Drru Tie.
KvealntT Jacket Ties.
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On tins; Caps,
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Kaahsalr Waistcoats.
Kashmir Wool Scarfs.
Sartlaad Slumber Socks,
"Walker" Estllik Carters,
Scotck Uolf Htscklscs,
Walklss Sticks.
Rlrtias: Crop.
Frrsck Snapcaders.
Leather Prsdsrtlsss,
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Sleep's Easlisk t.lovra.
I risk Mars Handkerchiefs,
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Leather Helta,
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Teasla Hoae.
Scotch Kascr Woolea Hose.
Athletic I'aderwesr,
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Womea's Kaltted psrt Coata,
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"Colamel" aad "Silver KIsr" (iolf
Golf Mass.
Golf Acccaaorles,
EiflUk -Vcather-Hroof Coats for
All PvraoRfa for
The prices of all are remarkably
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