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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1916)
THE SUITDAY OltEGONIAN. PORTLAND. DECEMBER 17, 191G. ,. . v $ .,, .. if s4 I 1 A - -j 5 ' ;r f J C.i " 1 1 'l W2' V ' , -" .. , k . , . .V. . i. v 4 .ol tf ,.r w - ft ....V.'ZJ.V-Ur.; vJ' . " 4 w ;- : : i - Is. - V nlgrht at her home in Ewahwe station. It was a deligrhtful affair, and one of the many that have marked the return of the Latourettes from their wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mills were din ner hosts complimentary to Miss Tuck er and. Mr. Biddle on Wednesday evening, and several other affairs will mark the Christmas holidays for the young couple. Although small and simple. Miss Ruth Marvin's wedding to Charles Thomas. Jr.. of Philadelphia, was a charming- affair. Rev. Mr. Howard, of All Saints Church, read the Impressive service, and the young folk were un attended. Miss Clea Nlckerson played the wedding music. The house was a bower of beautiful and fragrant blos soms. In the drawing-room, where the ceremony was solemnized, a Christmas atmosphere was given the affair bv the use of holly wreaths, clusters of Oregon grape with gleaming red ber ries against the glossy dark foliage, combined effectively with exquisite Richmond roses. The bride, who Is a charming and attractive girl. was attired In hr ANT pis TvT now society has. a new diver Blon, indoor golf, which is being layed at Multnomah Hotel by dev. otees of the time-honored game. Not only are the devotees of the game availing themselves of the opportunity to continue their sport during the in clement weather, but groups are being arranged among the young ? married and single contingents for "indoor golf parties," who practice daily on the "course." Mr. Watson, of the Waverley Club, Is In charge evenings at the Mult nomah. These affairs have the inevi table train of festivities attendant upon any social function, and joining the dancers In the Arcadian Gardens and supping invariably follows the Interesting game. Arr-nrrilnir ta the latest advices, the true season has only Just begun, 'and at this fittingly gala tlme- Christmas When everyone absorbs more or less of the holiday spirit. The dancing ele ment, it Is safe to- predict, will have , their full quota of the terpischorean paieties. To begin with, there is the Cinderellas, which Is scheduled for Fri day. December 22. followed by numer ous small private parties, and the big fancy-dress ball for which.the Corbett family will be hosts on the first night of the new year at the Waverley coun try Club. This will be followed by an avalanche' of festivities, as society has awaited the ' lead. With the Monday Night Dancing Club's series proving so popular, the dinner-dances at the Uni versity Club, and the various "other ones planned for the next. few. weeks, will add Impetus to the eoclal ball which has started .on- its career, of de lightful functions. The week just ended was busy pleas antly with varied diversions, one of the notable affairs being--the. debu tante reception given to present Miss Evelina Magruder to .Portland ..society. Miss Ruth Marvin,, who yesterday became the bride of Charles Thomas, Jr., occupied the social limelight prac tically for the entire week, and the re turn to Portland of Miss Margaret Ayer has been the cause for much re joicing in the way of social functions among the younger contingent. Per haps the biggest and most unique of all the week's festivities was the Old Eng lish- Christmas pageant given by the Association of ' Collegiate. Alumnae at Multnomah Hotel Friday night. It was brimful of Interesting events, carols, plays, games, music, and refreshments being included in the, elaborate pro gramme. ; The return of many of the 'college set for the holidays is sure to make, the next few weeks ring with joyous so cial . functions. Church bazaars, benefits, pet chari ties for the individuals, all have their place In the whirl of pleasures and duties of Portland men and women. Miss Alice Tucker, charmlnr bride- elect, and her fiance. Spencer Biddle, were the honor guests for the charm ing dinner, party for .which .Mr, and Mrs. C. E. S. Wood were hosts Thurs day night. Seated around the daintily appointed table were Miss Tucker. Mr. Biddle, Miss Mary Bacon, Miss Marian Howe, William Howe, William Wheeler and the hosts. t Another link has been added to the steadily increasing chain of festivities for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bowno Beebe by the charming dinner presided over by Mr. , and Mrs. Wheelwright on Tues day night. Society's younger contingent is wel coming Miss Margaret Ayer back to their midst. She has been in the South for several months with her mother, Mrs. N. E. Ayer, and came to Portland to attend the wedding of Miss Ruth Marvin and Charles Thomas, Jr., which was solemnized yesterday. Miss . Ayer win remain with Miss Marjorle Lewis for a short time and later may visit her grandmother. Mrs. S. r. Smith. With her mother she will make a tour of the Orient and the Hawaiian Islands, sailing early in January. m m Mr. and Mrs. John Randolph Latour ette were the honor guests for a charm ing bridge -party for which Miss Har riet Cummins was hontss Tuesday : i Q ri sniiivi i LADIES If you. want to be satisfied with your next Tailor-Made Suit come to B . FIN K Ladies' Tailor, Eiler Bid. traveling suit, a smart blue Tel vet tallleur. with toque to match, both the suit and hat being adorned with mole skin furs. She also wore a corsage of orchids and lilies, of the -valley. - - Immediately following the ceremony, a reception was held and a buffet wed ding breakfast served. Mrs. Oustav Bruere presided in the dining-room and a few of the bride's closest friends as sisted. About 25 guests attended the charming function. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas left immediate ly or the East, to pass the holidays with the former's family In Philadel phia, and upon their return about the middle of January, they will make their home in Seattle. Another item of interest that has been anticipated for several weeks is the announcement of the approaching marriage of Miss Elizabeth Cadwell to Irving C. Tomlinson. of Boston. The wedding is scheduled for December SO at the home of the bride-elect to which only a few closest friends have been asked. Miss Cadwell Is a daughter of the late Mrs. Cornelia Burkart and she Is an interesting and popular young woman. It Is the source of much regret to her many friends that her marriage will take her from Portland, as Mr. Tomlinson's business is in Boston. Mrs. E- C. Shevlin Is passing the holidays in New York with her sons. Crosby and Ned, both of whom are at tending Eastern schools. She plans to return to Portland early in the year. Mr. .and Mrs. John L. Burke will be In Portland today to pass the holidays with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Burke. Their visit will be filled with social gaieties. Monday night was notable for the second of the series of Monday Night Dancing Club's series, which was held at Harlow-Grady Hall, in Sixteenth street. It was a delightful affair, about 70 of the members being present. The next party will take place on Monday. January 8. H. M. Stevens entertained on Tues day night with a line party of -0 young folk at the Orpheum. where the party entered into the festivities of the supper-dance. Society Is eagerly anticipating New Year's night, which brings the fancy dress ball for which Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. Henry 1 Cor bett, Mr. and Mrs. Klliott R. Corbett and Hamilton F. Corbett will be, hosts. There already la mum delving into trunks, attics and boxes for costumes. Notes and messages of condolence are finding their way to the family of Mrs. William B. Honeyman, who are sorrowing over her dsth. which oc- curred last week. Mrs. Honeyman waa one of th most beloved of Portland's Wholesale : Retail. Established lttOO. vxLv? : -mi Store Open Evenings Till Xinas. Worth-While Gifts in Oriental Rugs Nothing could make a more ac ceptable Christmas gift than an Oriental Rug, lasting, as they do, indefinitely, bringing back memo ries of the giver, and being a con stant source Si pleasure to the for tunate recipient. Cartozian Bros. Importers sf Oriental Rags, WashlagtoB mt Tutk, Plrtoek Block. A Very Few Days Left to Shop g AV E time and money by purchas ing what you still need at the Eastern. Our courteous salesforce will be glad to help you select suitable gifts for those you must remember; choos ing useful gifts will -give you the assurance of satisfaction and pleasure to those who receive them.. Waists Lovely styles suitable for gifts. There are beautiful Dresden chif fons, Georgette Crepes, Crepe de Chines, Laces and Taffetas. You could not wish a more charming array from which to select, and will findJhe prices are most reasonable. Sweaters The styles are so temptingly pretty this season, especially for the girl who skates. And then there are the caps and scarf to match, which give such a fetching touch to a costume. .They may be had in bright-colored fiber silk, as well as angora and wool styles. Umbrellas Pretty bright-colored silks as well as the conventional black, with the many novel handles now in vogue. You will like the styles we are showing; they represent every thing that is new for the season. Umbrellas for both men and women priced as low as $1.00. Ties, Suspenders, Hose, Shoes, Smoking Jackets, Bathrobes, Hats and Many Other Things for the Men Folk Will Be Found in Our Men's Shop Open a Charge Account and Pay for Your Purchases After the Holidays 3 JVashington St. at Tenth Outfitting QJs