TTTTC STTXJAV OHFGOXIAX, PORTLANDf -DECEMBER 17, 1916. 13 FOB RENT. Houses A. H. BIRRELL CO. $30 Council Crest drive, choice. l tiJo E. 4vtri uu, near Saudy road, k $25 564 E. Broadway, 7 rooms, modern. I -u Halsty st., irviugton, ti rooms, k $20 o&5 s. Madison bc, 6 rooms, fc, $20 Kose City fur a.. 6 rooms, choice. $10 ldul Division, nr. 5uth, 0 rms. k $15 v oodlaw a T rms., good condition. I tlU Act. is E. 72d St., 5 rma., modern. ) $10 Alt. Tabor, large ground, barn, iruit . $s 0045 E. 72d S. E., b rms.. good. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bidg., Marshall 4114. A 411S. AfJciUulATKD lN'VESXAlKNT CO, 021 Yeon bias. 4 rooms, furnished i 7 rooms. In Lenta i 10 rooms, 2 families 9 rooms, 2 families 5 rooms, close in J-EE Alii. BEERY, Main 4S1. .$ 8 . 9 . 8 . 15 $10 75 YORK ST., 7-room modern, $15 5-r. mod., 940 E. Gluan and 31st. $ b Upper flat, 6&4& E. Morrison, walking distance. $2.50 t-room cottage, 91 E. 74th St. f RANK L. M'GL'IKE, MAIN 1068. X E WLY VV E 1S, T A KLE X O II C E. ONLY $7.30 WATER INCLUDED. Little 4-room bungalow, 2 short block from Rose City Park car. Phone King, Main feli70. Fnrnifebed Houses. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, Rose City Park, $17.00. 6-room cottage, close In, $16.00. o-room house, close in, $18.00. Several furnished flats. ' ALBERT HILL, "The Rent Man." S88 Russell. East 2938. Hes. E. 5125. THIS IS WORTH WHILE. East Side, close in, good district, 8 com pletely furnished rooms, good furnace, gas, water, heater, etc. A bargain at $30. KeuUl Dept. HAKTMAN & THOMPSON 4th & Stark). IRVIXGTON Modern 6-room bungalow, newly tinted; will build garage; open from 12 to 5 p. M. Sunday. 490 Tillamook., near 10th. Marshall 4230. $16 tt RMS., sleeping porch, semi-modern, no furnace, located best part Holladay Jrvlngton district. 827 EX 19th X. Key at 817 Bd. of Trade bldg. S-ROOM cottage with attic, suitable for bachelors or small family, furnished com plete; wood, light and water, cooking pas. $13 month. Sell 3095 or Tabor 3324. FOR RENT 7-room, newly furnished house, close in, furnace, electricity; one room rented at $15; rent $40; no children. 207 Broadway. FOR RENT Very good and clean furnished 5-rooin cottage. Belmont St.. near 37th; $18; inquire 1027 Belmont. Phone, week day. Tabor 219. 620 HALL 2 and 4-room tent cottages, large sleeping porch, fine for Winter, fine view, gas, phone, shower bath; 15 minutes walk P. O. ; cneap rent; see to appreciate. feAiALL furnished house, modern, well lo cated : owner keeping room. Favorable tenant. AX 993, Ore- gonlan. HODERN 3-room bungalow on choice Rlfcht Jy lot. Rent to family without children for $10 per month. See owner, 404 Piatt bldg . - NICELY furnished 8-room corner house, 705 E. 21st, on Brooklyn car, $16.50 month. ' Steady tenant wanted. 3 2t FIXE modern bunealow. nicely furnished, including piano. Phone Main NICK 4-room furnished house and 2 acres ground ; near Montariila. Phone Main 1S$. MODERN 6-mom bungalow, Glenn ave. and E. Main; $22.50. Phone Sunday, B-1351 week. Tabor 219. 2-STORY. 7-room house with sleeping porch, close to car; best section of Laurel hurst ; handsomely furnished. Tabor 5845. 6-ROOM house. completely furnished. 1237 E. 10th st, X. Home afternoons. Marshall 4059. SMALL HOUSE $14. including water. 916 Milwaukie st. Key at 711 Milwaukle. Phone Sell. 103. FOR RENT Beautiful 10-room house, re sponsible parties, or will sell furniture. 455 Market st. Main 4237. kmat.t. house furnished, reasonable rent rignt place for small family. 102S E. 30th st. N. AJDerta car. f.OOD furnished house for SIS. near Wash Ington High School. C. DeYoung, 513 Ch umber oi" Commerce. FURNISHED house, Portland Hts.. 8 rooms, Klf-enin norch. antlaue mahogany and wal nut, excellent view. Main 2094 or Mar. 6013. $2,V-wELL furnished modern bungalow, 100 feet off Rose City car; oppn 2 to 5 today. 705 E.72d st X; b "WANT to rent 5 or 6-room furnished bun galow by young couple; permanent, with garage preferred. Main 2S05. - BUNGALOW flat. 3 rooms, sleeping porch, 3 beds, fireplace, linen, silverware, phone, service, etc. SO" E. Wash, and 28th sus. MODERN 6-room house, nicely furnished, all conveniences; near school and churches. 917Vj E. M aln. $11 3 ROOMS AND BATH $11. Xo. 1 102 E. 34th N. ; Alberta car. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. W E HAVE several customers for furnished rooms and houses; phone us about yours. Phone Main 4S1. ask for Mr. Beery. $35 s:)5 E. 88TH ST. 7 rooms, nicely fur nished. Portland Trust Company of Ore Bon. Sixth and Morrison ete. ' REXT Partly furnished house, $10. 2 4 E. 43d St. Cox P liTCNT laundress wants work Mon. 8 n d We d-; references. Wo o d I a wn 1 6 1 . $12 TO $25 COTTAGES, bungalows, modern. Main 5411. Main 3672. 605 Yeon bldg MODERN, well-furnished 4-room cottage, E. 25th. near Holgate, $15 . Call East 3225. AT t'OS Hawthorne, furnished complete. clean, 7-room house, 3 bedrooms, furnare. FIVE rooms, E 0th, near Hawthorne cheap. Call 310 E. 0th. East 5051. piano. MODERN furnished 7-room garage. 483 E 9th st. X. house, with FURNISHED 6-room bungalow and garage. Phone East 421L 8-ROOM furnished buncalow, $16. lnjr t. Woodiawn 943. 905 Go- HALF of clean, completely furnished double bouse. 3 bedrooms, furnace. Tabor 4Q"9. HIO FURNISHED 5-room house. 4705 Wood wtTk ave., corner 47th st. Sellwood 20O4. ;i-KuO.K cottage, partly furnished, rent oheap. 070 Xorthrup st. FURNISHED 4-room cottage for rent, 383 17th St.. near Clay, West Side. 3-ROOM house with bath. 040 Va Ellla ave; take Sellwood car. THREE-ROOM house, furnished, .E. 57th St. X. MontaviUa car. $4.50. 64 NICELY furnished. 4-room. Mount Scott car. Myrtle Park Sta. 5631 42d ave. S. E. FIX E furnished house of five rooms, very cheap: cloe in. 42?i Sacramento. FOR' RENT Furnished 5-room house, 29 Tioga st. St. Johns. $9. FURNIriHKD 2-room cottage, $10 per month. 5S6 Petty grove st. 3-ROOM furnished cottage, wood 2039. $3. Call SeU- Fl'RXISHED complete, modern 5-room cot tage; near S. P. shops. Tabor 4697. 5-ROOM modern bunvalow, on Mt. Scott line, very re a 9 onable. R 996, Ore g o nia n. FOR RENT In Sellwood', small furnished house; $5 per month. M 993, Oregonian. $12 3-4-room cottages, modern, main 3672. Vfatn 5411. 505 Yeon bldg. 5-ROOM modern bungalow and garage at 1439 E. Lincoln st., S18. Main 1106. Mores. ESIRABT.B corner store In brick building, rorner Gth and Oal:, now occupied as Southern Pacific ticket office, for rent January 1. 1917. Fine location, reason able rent. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bnnk Mdg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. SUN NY SIDE. Fine corner store, 33x100. in modern hrick build inc. corner of Belmont and Kast 35th sts. Has balcony and basement. Also inside stores. Wiil make low rent to responsible tenants. See Mr. Strong at Hotel Clifford. FINE location on Third and Yamhill, no occupied by Haines, tea. store; deeirable market location ; present trade coffee, bakery goods and light lunch business; lease and reasonable rent to right party. Cohn Bros., 209 Stock Exchange bldg. CHOICE DRUG STORE CORNER On Front st., nt approach to Hawthorne bridge, brick bldg1., busy corner, transfer point ; rent is very reasonable. A H. Bl R RET. L CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. " EAST MORRISON STREET. " A verv deslranle corner storeroom In Hotel Clif-ord building; good location for phoe store, notions or delicatessen. See clerk at hotel. FOR RENT Store on Morrison St., between fith and 6th; 40 feet front by 23 feet deep ; l"ns lease. Apply Sherman, Clay & Co. FOR KENT Store, 530 Washington Bt., $15 a month. Phone Marshall 3481. Offices. WANTED Ground floor space for small of fice and window display in downtown dls4 triet; tenant permanent. AF 9b4, orego nian. PRIVATE office and furnished reception- room. Iij. share telephone, stenography. 209 Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. Main A974. OFFICES $7 up. Furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. 303 Swetland bldg. ADVERTISING agency has resk room, phone, dssk. Clyde Agency, 211 Stock. Ex. bldg. FOR RENT. Office. PRIVATE office, use of reception room and. phone, or deskroom, reasonable. L, K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. WKLL-FUKMdHED private office also desk, room, $5 and $7. 723 Cham, of Com. NEATLY furnished dancehall, corner Front and Gibbs: reasonable; also large, well- -outpped lodge hall. Main 1511. ASSEMBLY HALL, capacity about 100 terms reasonable. Inquire 70l .Northwest ern Bank bldjj. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CAPITALIZE YOUR ENERGY. We have the opportunity and the goods and will back any man who is a rustler. Will either sell you interest in patent and stock and let you pay for lt out of the profits, or will give selling contract where you can make big money in light mfff. business and Christmas novelty. ee Badiey, 621 Yeon bldg. MAN OF GENERAL BUSINESS EXPERI ENCE, a bookkeeper or good salesman with $5000 or more in cash can get into business with me on the ground floor. 1 will put in the use of my fully-equipped manufacturing plant and divide the work and profits equally. Fine business, good profits. Have nothing to sell you. X 955, Oregonian. aTEADY position for young man and an interest in a gooa, legitimate ousinens iur $500. Money to be invested in business; must have references; fine opening in live progressive business with business people. Unless you have the money and good references don't answer. For interview, address K 990, Oregonian. $7500 BUYS AX ESTABLISHED MERCAN TILE BUSINESS DOLNCJ $24,000 llAK LY AT A NET PROFIT OF $400U TO $4500; DOES NOT OWE A PENNY. IK YOU HAVE THE MEANS AND ARE IX EARXEST ABOUT WANTING A SPLEN DID IX VESTMENT, COMMUNICATE WITH OWNER. J 991, OREGONIAN. FOR SALE at invoice, stock of clothing, fur nishings, hats and shoes, at Anaconda, Mont., with a monthly payroll of over half million; well located, reasonable rent and good lease; stock in best condition; must have change of climate; no trade. Address AV 309," Oregonian. RESTAURANT. completely furnlsned, in connection with 11 furnished sleeping rooms, in best Eastern Oregon town, do ing good business; will sacrifice $300 worth of stock in cellar for Quick sale; terms. Best of reasons for selling. Address P. O. Box 309, La Grande, Or, AGEXTS XOTICE. State agency for Oregon and 6 months' option on Wash., Idaho and Montana, if desired, on article every county will want, as well as R, R. companies. Layman, 527 Chamber of Commerce. MUST GET OUT." Will sacrifice my business ton health; business will run over $luu per day; coun try Jown. fine location, nice town, money sure; take $500 cash to handle. Come and Investigate. AV eo, Oregonian. moxeyTakixg "opening! The tivest real estate business In Port land offers a reliable man with some money an opportunity to engage in estab lished, money-making office. Call Main 930. RESTAURANT. $300 takes lt; clearing over $100 per month; owner leaving city; must self quick. In office Sunday after 11 A. M. FULTON, 621 Yeon Bldg. ! oit SALE $001) will buy newspaper and plant in good Washington town, near Port land. Owner has other business. Terms part cash if necessary. Address AV 285, Oreponiiin. Machine SHOP, well equipped, good Will amette Valley town, located in heart of a great lumber section, with 30 or more mills tributary: bargain If taken at once. Address A V 205. Oregonian. ESTABLISHED office In well located bulld ing; has small .court room for rent, with us& of phone, suitable for young attor ney. AC 984, Oregonian. $500 HANDLES poolliall In a town with $160,000 payroll per month, near Portland, pood place and a money-maker. Mr. -De Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. CRE AMERY business; splendid opening fo" energetic man ; pays good pronts and re quires small Investment, ful.y secured. CaH 24SU Stark st. $5oo TAKES biggest bargain in Portland gro cery, candies, tobacco and fruit: thickly settled apartment district. 442 E. Burn side FOR RENT The best located 75-room hotel building In North Portland, cor. 19th and aughn sts. Inquire H. Bauman, Tabor 3055. BUILDING material and cement drain tile plant for pale; small investment, plenty of orders, good location. Address AV 302, Orejonlan. FOR SALE Medical practice, unopposed, town SoT, prosperoua territory; four to tlx weeks' business takes it, with some equip raent; part cash. AV 300. Oregonian. RiGHT man with family and $200 cash to buy team and equipment; can get ptnr route good for $7u0 per year. H 9b0, Orewonian. WANTED Young man with some capital to take an interest and position in estab- :isnea lire insurance state and experience. AV 337, Oregonian. age WANT to buy for cash. 40 to 100-room apartment or rooming-house, no trash; West Side. Pacific Agency, &I5 Swet land bldg. ACCOUNT owner's death, best wood and coal yard will be sold or traded for any thing woman can handle. Sekhers Wood Co.. 18th and Vaughan sts. MILK and dairy businosH. biggeRt snap in city, auto del., good trade, fine equip ment, $1800. Pacific Agency,' 515 Swet land bldg. STOCK of ladies' and gents' furnishings, clothes, puits and cloaks, boots and shoes about $4500. Willamette Valley. Pacific Agency. 515 Swctland bid g . WANT a stock of men's and ladles apparel or furnishings; $25,000 to $50,000 cash. In Portland. Pacific Agency, 515 Swetland bldg. SMALL pool hall and soft-drink place, 2 pool tables, lunch counter, tables, chairs, dishes complete, ready for buriness. Will sell for $175. Inquire 212 Morrison. SOME good country stores, ranging in price $1S00 to $4000. trade on some, if you have clear property. Pacific Agency, 515 Swetland bldiT- WOOD, coal and feed business ; a small In vestment will get you In this substantial - business. Call 24SU Stark st urfOhTL'.MTY to get good Columbia High- wav inn at reai Darcain to riKht party, $750 cash required. G 983, Oregonian. HALF interest general store, established. city, tor nungaiow, ooU0. R 9J0, Orego Bl-aKSMITH TOOLS and stock for sale. shop for rent, in Valley town. -Address pox o. junction city, or. FOR SALE Millinery business. Coast town in Oregon; good opportunity for right par. .- y inn, uregonian. HALF Interest general store, established city, for bungalow, $3500. R 9b0, Ore- soiiiun. GARAGE, will take in partner; good paying jjiuusuiuh; k"jou Linux to ricni party no agents. See owner, C 905, Oregonian. MUST go to hospital Tuesday ; must sell light lunch and grocery, living-room; rent - 9 i'J. rrice can ivi 4th st. A LUNCH business: you can buv thi ni for $1200 and depend on clearing 250 month. Call 24S-i Stark st. $350 WILL place you equal partner in well paying business; can get large returns. L.aymaii, o-1 tnamucr or commerce. WILL locate you in good pine lumber bus! ness near Columnla R.t mills on ground. "'-ii or lease. ac uregonian. STOCK of groceries. $1S00, to trade for room buniralow. Must be clear. Pacific Aseiic-y. o 1 . rwe nana Dlcif. FOR SALE Good hotel, by owner, wishing 10 retire irom Dusmess. ior rasn t mm f uregonian. HAVE a good position for a man, $500 and services; prefer man with car. Pacific a gency, 01a & wet land Dldg. LLNCHES, tamales and sandwiches; good stana; lt0 takes it. See Layman, 527 unamoer 01 commerce. want partner in good substantial office DusinesH, goon opportunity for right pnrty, talik with the owner, 405 Stock Ex. bldg! WANT ,toflc of error-eris aHmif- STftn , Side, for cash. Pacific Agency, 515 Swef mna mag. HAVE contract for R. R. ties, 200.00O cord; wood, have timber. 204 Vz Wash, st,, room .Mar. r. AUTO and garage, $1200. doing good bus! ness; terms. Pacific Agency, C15 Swet land omg. FOR SALE Small restaurant, doing good burl ness. good location, cheap rent, $400. V 994. Oregonian. NEW business that promises exceptionally good profits has opening for secretary with services and $10,000. BC 949. Oregonian. WE CAN sell your business, any place; nothing too big or small. Pacific Agency, 515 Swetland bldg. IF IT Is a farm you want, see our big of stocked farms. Pacific Agency, Swetland bldg. list 515 WE have opening of all kinds if you want a business or job. with small investment. S3e Pacific Agency, 515 Swetland bldg. $1000, WITH or without services, wanted by established collection agency for expan sion. Big profits possible. 605 Panama bldg. BOOTBLACK stand for rent, smaH rent, free light. Inquire cigar stand, 168 8d. CONFECTIONERY cheap for cash on count of 111 health. Call Tabor 30-79. CAFETERIA-DAIRY lunch, a snap, $1000. Pacific Agency, 515 Swetland bidjc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNIST. Advertiser wiil give exclusive terri tory rights for Spokane. Salt Lake City, Denver, Portland and San Francisco, on a proposition uetting annuai income of $0000. This proposition means getting estab lished in a permanent and lucrative business of your own. The business Is closely allied with au tomobiles and homes and la quite new and exclusive in Its field. It is a National advertised article; sells readily, with frequent repeat orders. A capital of about $100 necessary for merchandise. You will have com plete control of the business and the money invested. Complete particulars given to selected applicants at personal interview. Address, giving phone number and full particulars regarding yourself. H. S. JEFFERY MACHINERY COMPANY, Manufacturers of P.AD1AX COMBO-SHINE Office; 90S East Pike Street. Seattle, Wash. STATE of Oregon has Just granted us permit to offer you partnership in the greatest patented educational device In the world; no competition; -wanted in every school; indorsed by your best educators; can you buy a $100 partnership share, pa.ya.ble If AO monthly if we can show you a net earning of $1ih-0 within two years? Management of company controlled by state. A $100 partnership will give you that needed help for future. This offer will stand closest investigation. Interview by appointment only. SJ 994, Oregonian. FREE SIX MONTHS Speciaj offer to intro duce my magazine, "Investing for Profit. Worth $10- copy to anyone who has not acquired sufficient money to provide ne cessities and comfort for self and loved ones; shows how to become richer quickly, honestly. "Investing for Profit" is only progressive linanclal Journal, has largest circulation in America ; shows how $100 grows to $2200; write now; I'll send six " months free. H. L, Barber, 619-22 W. Jackson blvd., Chicago. FREE FOR OXB MONTH. Weekly magazine, "Inside Investments, la devoted to hnanclal idea worthy of con sideration; real "inside Investment" should easily double value every three months. Figure -yourself what $1'K) would amount to in few years if Invested and reinvested on that basis; magazine points way to making such Investments; $2 per year ; month free. Send for it today. Mclntyre Companies, Limited, 202O Westminster bldg., Chicago. Do you want to become independent for life by the investment of a small sum In a Columbia Highway proposition? Un limited possibilities for money making. $10,100 handles this exceptional Income producing property. Farm, suburban or other legitimate holdings accepted in part payment. Owner, C 9.2, Oregonian. NATIONALLY advertised automobile acces sory, greatest deviued ; retails $5 ; 200 per cent profit; thousands sold ; money back guarantee; highest Indoroements; exclu sive territory, caapable man; requires $300 to $000 capital, secretary, ii4 satiouui Life bldg., Chicago. GROCERY and general store; I wish to sell my general store on account of ill health; etock will invoice between seven and eight thousand dollars; all new goods, and have a fine cash trade, in a live, growing town. Address the owner. F. H. TURNER. Stevenson, Washington. GROCER YUEN, ATTEXTIOX. I ha e lor sale a cood. clean stock of g'roceriea, abBo Intel v staple goods; will Invoice about $3000; big discount on fix tures, Kood-w ill of business free-, sales run about $2uoO per month; rent $25. Mr. I? Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. PATENTS Write for list of patent buyers and inventions wanted; $1,00",OUO in prizes offered for inventions; send sketch for free opinion a to patentability ; our four books sent free. Victor J. Evans & Co. 642 9th st., Washington, D. C. . FOR SALE One of the beat billiard par lors in Astoria, the best town on the coast. In the main block; doing fine busi ness : chean rent, lone lease : new equip ment; good reason for selling:; terms. AV zyj, oregonian. HIGH-CLASS CONFECTIONERY FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Clearing 2H and upward per month ; beautiful equipment and good stock n hand; price $7oo0. Mr. De Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. CAUTION BUYERS, r Before closing deal for so-called inter est in established real eetate business get advice of Portland Reaity Board. PAUL A. COWG1LL, Sec 202 Henry Bldg. MERCHANTS, ATTENTION. When you want to buy or sell, or ex chHPrev your business, consult Mr. Blu menthat at t 11 AH TM AN & THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Stark) MOVIE SHOW Sale or trade, best buy in tne state : strictly moaern, two macnines. 425 seats; owner has other business taking all his time. Present manager leaving, can't depend on anyone else. Owner; no agents. tit 93, epregonianj EASY TERMS OR TRADE BUYS. the complete furnishings of luo-room modern hotel, clearing $250 end upward per mon tn aoove an expenses : price siu, O0O. Mr. De Forest. 2vT Board of Trade hunting. GROCERY Corner store in new brick bids new stock and fixtures ; owner unable to attend to business; will sell for $00 or will invoice. RICH AN BACH & CO., 707 Lewis Bldg WANTED Some one who really wants line little confectionery and eupply store to come and see this one; low rent. livinir rooms. Brower, St. Helens, Or. Lock box iili). SOLID cash business- owner alone and wants a steady marrTo collect and deliver goods as partner; pay $15 week and share pronts; only $1 1 o required. Cull 24b ftiarK sl. FOR SALE Confectionery store doing good ouHinvss in live town, witn more tnan si, 004J.000 ryay roll; mut sell to loin my hus band in California, Address L. X., 509 7th tt., ureeon City. MAXUFACTURIXG plant, doing profitable Dusiness witn plenty of orders ahead for sal; plant Is making money, but owner has other interest and can't look after It. Call E. 299, PICTURE theater, best suburban theater In city for f-ioO cash if taken at once owner positively must leave city ; don't reply unless you mean business. AR 9b3, Oregonian. GENERAL COUNTRY' STORE.- New stoirk and in a new buildine: wll Invoice about $3000; located 30 miles south of Portland. Mr. Dj Forest, 207 Board or Trade bldg. HARNESS shop for sale; located In best nwn in wnitman Co., wash.; no oppo sition; large country to draw from: abou $4. will handle stock and machinery; riainess tnop, jauroe, wash. RESTAURANT WANTED. Will trade my $1350 equity In 1 H crea, rar ngae, ior good paying res RICHAN'PACH & CO., 707 Lewis Bldg BARBERS. ATTENTION. $250 cash will buy a first-clans 4-chai shop, downtown location. See Stelnmets, t wn et. FORD market, Birkenwald, fixtures, cheap, Bouu lotHiion, owner no ouicrier. mus: sell or trade, $.'t50. part cash, balance montniy. y2i Ujvislon st. 12-ROoM hotel, furnished, grocery store and filing station, on Macadam St.. 2o. In quire H. K. Haak, 310 Lumbermen? bldg. uronaway n-at os;. OWNER retiring, will ?acrlflce interest for S20O in old established light manufactur Ing business. Experience not required. A ? . urejronian. MANUFACTURING A small Investmen will enable you to iret in this old-estab Iished business and pays you $150 month. HI1 il1 ' MR rK St. HOTELS HOTELS HOTELS. If you are locking tor a good country notei irom -:o to ivu rooms, see us at once, vandIjyn Walton, si.v chnm. com. GROCERY WANTED. Have beautiful modern 5-room house, just complete', for grocery about $I50t. v an nnu ay, -iv-i c. ;in ;ortn. GROCERY store, -cor. 13th and Jefferson doing cash business $2200. AF 9ti6. Orego nian. j WE have 40 grocery stores from fc$40O to $40,000 cash and fade. Pacific Agency. K Inc., 515 Swetiar 1 bldg. DON T WORRY. I can trade or sell It; anything. Lay man, 1 imoei ui v ornnierce. WANTED Partner for fruit ranch; business Wlli sianu investigation. jki' uso. Ore gonian. K10O WILL put you in restaurant which will pay you salary. Phone Woodiawn 2025 tonay. BARBER SHOP. $60; account other bus ness; one chair; good buy. M 9&5. Ore gonian. SMALL groceries, bargain for cash, after 6 P. M. Broadway 44'.'1. Call SNAP for baker; fully equipped bakery fo rent. mv rran, near -Auunonum. GOOD, clean pressing shop, old place, rent. 632 Mississippi. Wdln. 2422. GROCERY and fixtures very cheap; neve an opportunity like this. See store at 64: Foster roau. FOR snaps In rooming-houses see Pacifl A gene . inc.. 010 awenanq Ding. ONLY bakery in good mining snd also farm ing VAii, nr. n..a v - , vi Trgvuillll. Clothes-cleaning shop; plenty tailoring; small Investment required. 255 N. 17th s $S00 BUYS retail bakery, soda fountain an fixtures; 3uu stock. 001. Lnion ave. FIRST-CLASS restaurant for sale cheap, j?UQnm Ais.m 201. y l&mnui su BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WILLING TO EXCHANGE 5-room plastered house, with 24 acres land with 50 bearing fruit trees, in Hills boro. Or., across the street from basall grounds, short way to high school and streetcar barn, and chicken-house on the place. This place Is worth $4500; will sell for $2500; mortgage of $1200 due in 2 years. If you have an automobile, drug stock or acreage close In, value of $1300, call on owner. 692 Spokane ave. Phone Sell wood 1543, Sunday, between J A M. and 1 P. M. VERY profitable milk. Ice cream, candy business in a country town, best In the state;, booming at present; established 7 years; plant includes modern ice cream, candy, milk bottling and refrigerating ma chinery. 2 stores, fully equipped with soda fountain etc, and 3 autos. My invest ment $ 7000; only because of ill health will sacrifice for $5000 cash; am ready with f'lll informationi. Invite thorough Investigation; will stay 60 clays with pur chaser. This Is fine chance for two part ners. A. C. 406, 742 Market it, San Francisco. INVESTORS' MAGAZINE FREE TO YOU. $10 invested with us has made others $300 in few months. "Hoffman's Investment Journal' tell how this was done. This magazine gives facts about the real earn ing power of money; tells how many have started on the road to fortune; we wii send It three months FREE. If you want to make money, write for this magazine today. Hoffman Trust Company, 339 Kress bti tiding. Houston. Texas. ONE-HALF INTEREST IN CANADIAN RIGHTS IN A NEW INVENTION THAT IS A WINNER A large fortune can be made by a man with a mail amount of capital. An investment of $0OO will put you on the road to fortune. Let us show - you what we are doing; in this country. A good Invention is orth a lifetime of labor. This is your chance. K 994. Orego nian. m i"m BAKERY', fully equipped. 1 5-deck portable oven (Blodgett), 1 0-foot trough. 1 coun ter, 1 $05 Jewel range, 3 showcases. 1 refrigerator 1 roll ton desk. Dans, bowls. douxhnut kettles and all other tools to make up rirst-ciass shop; bakery nas rooms; rent $15 mo.; no other bakery In radius of :i0 miles. This place can be had for $Vj0 cash. VanDuyn & Wal- n. .Mi en amber or commerce bldg. OR SALE General merchandise store, well located in Willamette Valley, 00 miles south of Portland ; good fanning country good roads; stock and fixtures will In voice about $10,000; will sell at invoice price, though much of stock has advanced 25 per cent since bought; did $24.0o0 in business last year. Good reason for selling. No trades. Address AV 289, Oregonian. WANTED Capable, trustworthy man with s.tuoo cash and upward tor permanent po sition with established company, to open and manage separate branch in this city exrentional onnortunitv. safe investment large profits; indorsed by be?t bankers and business men: jrood for S50O a month and better for. the right man. with excellent f uture. A V 33t, Oregonian. RELIABLE manufacturer wants general sales manager to establish office and man- awe salesmen; liberal contract; 30 to $70O capital necessary ; money-making possibilities unlimited ; will pay expenses to Chicago if you are man we want. Acme Brass Works, Inc., 1012 . Republic bids;., Chicago. MEAT market doing fine bu tries, adjoining first-class grocery, ror sale at invoice . owner not -butcher and must ell on ac count of other business; terms $2oO down, $10 per month; buyer may work with pres ent butcher one week to try business before buying. Call owner. Tabor 364 ur Tabor 31 5Q. WtLL-RATED and established manufac turlng corporation wants capable busi ness man to manage oranch office and handl salesmen. Enormous profit; $300 to $1000 capital pecessary. Write for par ticulars and get In business for yourself. Address Gloria. Company, 1427 Carroll ave., Chicago liL CASH STORE. Handles confectioneries, sporting good. Ice cream, cigars, tobacco and school supplies; store established over 18 years and doing eood business; price $280O, or in voice. Mr. De Forest, 2u7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE, for cash only, or equivalent. general merchandise More. In good loca tion In Willamutte Valley; does good busi ness, has good stock. Owner is doing well, but does not like store business. Will not sacrifice. If this interests you, address owner, AV 205, Oregonian. AUTO garage ; owner alone and busy In the repair shop; wants a reliable partner to wait on customers, sell gasoline, etc.; must be ia Untied to make $10( month at start, which can be Increased; requires a small Investment. The man Is wuntcd more then his money. Call 24S1. Stark st. FINANCIAL OR INVESTMENT. Another factory for Portland. Well known manufacturer, established 8 years, forming new company, branch here. In vestors $2000 to $5uO0 invited to partici pate. Safe ' and conservative. Principals only; no com. paid. D Otis, Oregonian. FOR SALE Exceptionally clean-cut, going nusinesa ror the actual cost 01 mere nan die on hand; will run about $225; good will of business worth J05OO; listed cus tomers thrown in free. This is a specialty line and pays 40 per rent net. Mr. .De Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED An idea! Who can think of some lmple thing to patent 7 Protect vour Ideas, they may bring you wealth ; write for "Needed inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent." Randolph & Co., Dept. S4, Washington, D. C. PARTNER wanted In business now clearing $2.0 per month ; will soon double; small Invent ment for half Interest ; permanent position, share profits; experience not necessary; investigate fully. For interview, W US4, Oregonian. r h iiv. SOM E terms or good paper, buys a 1 2i"H) annually Income property; prop erty easily worth $lO.OOO. Five-acre poul try farm, fully Improved, 2''-acre dairy farm finely improved, $2'500, Jamea KJ eii. owner, Marys vine, va?n. FoR SALE CiKar store and billiard parlor, stood lease, good location, doing more busi ness than -any poolroom in Willamette Valley; no blue sky for sale. Come and Investigate, ur write II. Hutton, owner Eugene, Or. GENERAL COUNTRY STORE. Also the real estate. $5050 for the whole thins; nice place to live and a xood bul ness; no other Store near; will sell for half cash. Mr. De Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldjr. $150 CASH will buy a splendid cash bnsi- ness; sell cigars, sort drinks, lunch bakery goods, etc.; has living room; can make a good living and good pro tits be sides, can '4fc MarK st. tUK SALE Complete country printing plant; soid a little over two years ago for H0OO; offered as a snap, if taken at once, for $500 cash. Address Ed M. Pew, 204 Bankers 7 rust bldg., 1 aroma, wash. Bl'HIXKSS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANTED A gen. mdse. business, country location nrererred: win cive a Quarter sec tion of fine timber tributary to Coos River and cash hu lance for $7000 to $10,000 "to; k. AaaretiB a v sns, uregonian. EXPERIENCED business man. Rood stand ins. win luvest few thousand doiiars witn services in established business. T 002, Orei?onian. ELECTRIC light plant or repair shop and salesroom in good town. Address A V 200, uregonian. YOUNG man wishes to Invest up to 5o0 and services in good, going business. Write only. V. J. Tyia. 4UJ loth at. WANTED ruoininr house or restaurant; have $1500 equity close-in house, balance imm mortpa-ge. js ir.n, urexor.ian. WANT to buy a barbe town within 100 mil Ik:4, Oregonian. shop In a small of Portland. AM WANTED Small printing plant or type alone 11 in gooa conuition; must ne cneap. au dress AV 300, Oregonian. WANTED by salesman maklnr Northwest machinery or hardware sideline. AD ib5, Oregonian. HUSTLING young man hss $250 or more to invent in business that will give him good position. AV 2.SS, oregonian. WANT grocery etore; will exchange city property and assume. F uOO, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel, Apartment-House Agent. Oldest Rfiliable Agency In City. 524 N. W. Bank Bldg., 6ih and Morrlwoir. 40-ROOM hotel, strictly modern. well cor ner; every room rented; making Rood -money ; coins away; big snap Immediate sale. Wells & Anderson, 1Q3 West Park. bu-KuOM apt house, swell little place, riKht downtown, modarn in every way ; rent $250; price of furnishings $3000. part time. Mr. re Forest. 27 Hoard of Trade bid. 44-ROOM hotel, some with private baths, beautifully furnished; price $J0OO, part time. Mr. De Forest, 07 Board of Trade building'. 11 ROOMS, housekeeping, low rent, nice cor ner, dandy home, clears t'AS. Snap If sold today. Make offer. Particulars 174 10th" st. HOTEL, up to date, A2 rooms, newly fur nished, rent $25; $8711, easy terms. Call White House. Pt. Johns. Or. .ITY to get good Columbia Hlch rra v inn at real bargain to ritrht party, KT.'O cash required. G PS4. Oregonian. 14 ROOMS, housekeepin; rent $30; good furniture, nice corner; $325, terms. Wells ft Anderson, 13 H West Park. MODERN, close In spartment or hotel, less than 30 rooms, with heat furnished ; no -aents. SHy3, Oregonian. liOR SALE 10-room apartment-bouse, food location. 240 Vs Fifth. iu Main 2143. BOO MING-HO USES. 28 RMS., all on one floor. West Side cor ner; rent $50; free heat and hot water. Hot and cold water la ail suites. Price $aoo. Terms. 36 H. K. rms.. West Side ; rent $50. Every room full. Big money-maker. Price $2250. Consider part trade. 45-rm. modern brick ; corner; all mod ern conveniences. Splendid fumltura. Price $2500. Trade for part Improved acreage. - 88-rm. fireproof brick, absolutely mod ern in every way. Very best of furniture and beds. Oringlnal cost over $5090. Price $ld00. , 62-rm. modern brick; central location; many private baths, etc Best of oak fur niture. Rent only $150. This Is one of the best hous&s in town; $1000 handles. YATES REALTY CO., 249 4TH ST. 65-KOoM APARTMENT-HOUSE. PRICE $15vO. Arranged in one, two and three rooms, located on the West Side, close In. only $.Vjo cash required to handie. thts is a good -opositlon for the right party;; 24 ROOMS PRICE 120O. Brick building. Northwestern heat, hot and cold water In rooms, private baths, rent $ IOO; price Just reduced from $1MM. IO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. On Sixth si. rent $25; owner leaving the city; price $30o for quick sale. MARY E. LENT, B24 N. W. Bank bldg., 6th and Morrison. EASY TERMS OR EXCHANGE. The complete furnishings of 19u-room absolutely modern hotel, clearing $250 per month; furnishings cost over $25,om; will for $lo,oo0; take $1500 cash, balance monthly, or take clear property as part or all; owner nonresident, must dispose of It. A- J. De Forest. 207 Board of Trade bldg.. Portland; Or. WILL SELL CHEAP. -s 105-room apartment house, consisting of 4 2-room. 11 X-room and 16 4-room apart ments, all absolutely modern, good brick building. West Side, in White Temple dis trict, easy walking distance; rent $3"0 per month : priest of Curnlnhlnfcs $4K. part time or trade. Mr. Do Forest, 207 Hoard nf Trade bldg. A GOOD BUY. 136-room apartment house In 44 apart ments, absolutely modern. West Side close-In location, clearing from $250 to $3U0 per month above all expenses, price of furnishings $2050; $650 down, balance monthly. Mr. De Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. 2-ROOM hotel, rood furniture, money maker; cash, terms; 14 rooms, house keeping; rent $30; wood furniture; cheap for cash. Have $5uoo Income property; equity 3OO0; want hotel or apt. house. See us for snaps in rooming -houses. Mrs. Kranlz. 21 Yeon bidg. 70- hOuM modern hotel, with 40 private baths, cheap rent, Al building, place mak ing money; furnishings com $1 d.uOO ; my price $5bO0, time or part trade. 1 t's an absolute bnrcaln. Mr. De Forest, 2u7 Hoard of Trade bldg. fo-KOOM APT. HOUSE. Beautifully furnished, and furnishings, when new, cost $11,000; all are in tirst clas condition, and my price Is only $:(250. part time. Mr. Lo Forest, 2u7 Board of Trade bldg. 50-ROOM apt. house, all in 2-room spts.. good place for a woman alone, clearing $200 per month ; price $0ik), $70 down, balance monthly. Mr. De Forest. 207 Hoard of Trade bid.. $100 CASH, balance ($175) $2 50 week. 1 cures really beautifully furnishod M-room modern home, furnishings cost $7"0: 4 rooms rented permanently, pay rent, light water bills. 300 Hancock. W-A or B cars 11 ROOMS, housekeeping; low rent. line corner, dandy home, Imk snap; immediate Bale. Wei is oc Anderson, 105 h West Park. A REAL bargain; Ht rooms, all housekeep ing, all full; will pay you to look tnls up. Owner, 2i3 loth St. LOST AND FOr'D. THE following articles were found in cars of the Portland Railway. Llsht & Power Company. Dec. 1 5, 1016 Three baskets. 4 purses, necklace,- glove, puckage mtcks, shop bag, package underwear, pack ise glomes, package cloth, lunch box, pack sack, package tin cans, package col .ars, packaee lace, package letters, spade, pack age 1 umber, gocart, lait ern, grip, 3 suit cases, lodge pin. 2 packages overalls. package apron, sack vegetables. Ow ners may obtain property at station. First aud A idcr streets. NOTICE If the psrty who took a seal hat at the Maccabees card party and dance on Thursday evening lust will return same at once to '.HQ Oregonian building, no ques tions will be asked. The party la known. Portland Tent. No. 1, 310 oregonian bldg. LOST Topaz pin' between Hoyt und Mar shall, on 2lst st. N. Leave at 0O1 noyt, Reward. LLEWELLYN setter, male, 8 moa. old. white ioiy, brown heua with white stripe be tween ey-s. Call Tabor 180. Reward. LOST Dec. 10, lady's watch and chain, on Wash, st or 23d. Monogram "S. M. H." Phone Sellwood 1521. Mrs. Hart. Reward. LOST An oval cameo brooch between Pan- taffes, Llpman oc Wolfe's and 11th and S' ark. Reward. Phone Mar. 277 1. LOST Mule Spitz dog. Corbet t snd Hamil ton ave. Reward. Phone Woodiawn 2405, evenings. LOST Blue English setter, fwnnle. M. I 'ick on collar. Main Rewaru. LOST Irish uater spaniel, white spot on l-r.-ast; name Mick. Tabor 5"51. LOST Sunday nftrht. between S and 5 o'clock, a necklace. Pleas call Main 1074. LOST Airedale dog. license No. 007. Re- ward. Mar. 2 . Sd, . LOST Small purse containing keys Please call Mar. 4150. prescription. SPECIAL NOTICES. Mis r I Ian eons. YOUNG graduate architect will design your future home, zurnisn plans, speculations and superintend construction work for a price far below that charged by other architects. Advice given free. Address X '.ml orcKonlan. HARGES for rent, capacity 50O tous. Main 85. FINANCIAL. QUICK LOAN SERVICE CASH READY SHORT NOTICE. LIM ITED EXPENSE. $20O TO $5000 ON FIRST MORTGAGE, 7-8 PER CENT; WILL HU Y FIRST OR - SECOND MORTGAGES OR CONTRACTS. WILL LOAN "MONEY TO ASSIST IX BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. WILL LOAN UPON (OR TUTY LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES. EQUITIES 1 N ESTATES. ETC., UPON LI HE KAL TERMS. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. OREGON nOND A MORTGAGE 20W SELLING BLDO. CO.. WILL LOAN $2500 AT t AND MAY DIVIDE ON GOOD 8ErXRITY. I IT 1 OK 1 Alt.M UOA.N. ( .NO ATTOR N E Y FEES NOR APPRAISAL). EXPENSE REASONABLE. WOlLF T1UY GOOD MORTGAGE. GIVE FULL INFOR MATION. AOOKESS OWNER, M U04, OREGONIAN. WILL LOAN ANT PART J50OO. $250 TO $3000, 7-H PER CENT. NO EXPENSES TO APPRAISE, OR AT TORNEY FEE. CITY OR FARM LOANS WANTED. GIVE FULL INFORMATION, ADDRESS - C. EPPINGKR. P. O. HON 222. PORTLAND. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount on improved city and farm property ; will consider good build ing iona. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. Main 015 171 4th st. A 2815. GREATER Miami Copper Company stock, best buy of low-price Arizona coppers ; engineer's leport, etc., on request. Hewitt Copper Company stock st 2iij;ent a slinre; splendid speculation, H. M. Brown, stock broker, box 4, Miami, Arizona A MANUFACTURER -will entertain partner ship proposition with - man of rharacter, ability and financial responsibility in an established local concern wishing to en la rice; we want the man rut her than fi nancial assistance. Y 976. Oregonian. MONEY LOANED. Residence property, 6 to 8 per cent. Business property. 5 to 0 per cent. Farm property. 7 to 8 per cent. WH ITM ER-KELLY CO.. 71 1 Plttock bik. FIRST and second mortgages; also seller's interest In contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen blu. WE FT. Y mort nates, WESTERN BOND bonds and notes. A MORTGAGE CO., 80 4th St., Hoard of Trade Bid. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts. mort gages purchased. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis bid. Money te Loan 011 Real Ktat. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security from $100 up on oinp rate of Interest. OTTO A HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. $1S.".0 TO loan, rate right, no delay. Jamison, 480 Worcester. Main 194Q. v $500 TO $2500 and up at 7 per cent for good term security. jajn j:ro. $500 TO $3500 on improved city or suburban J property; principal . cast orfjw. $120-3 AND lsrsVr and smaller sums to loan. M 904, Oregonian. MONEY to loan at low Interest rates. O DeYoung Co.. B13-514 Cham, of Com. $.1:10. $5110. $1000. $2foo. YOUR own terms. Pofrs Co.. ?06 Gerlinger bid. $tju. ?-"HiO, 7e, Irvlngton residence, Jos. C. Giuson, SOti GerUn&ex bid. . FINANCIAL. Mony to Loaa on Kal Etut. $luuO s PE it CENT, city or farm. 75ti b per cm, city or farm. 3KK) 7 per cent, city or larm. 2"u 8 per cent, city or lurai. 4 wo b per cent, farm. 2010 6 per cent, farm. Iikmv b per cent, farno. 1504 7 pr cent, city. 2x;i0 7 per cent. city. J5u0 7 per cent, city, v HMH.I 7 per cent, city. OREGON iNV. A MORTGAGE CO., 202- stock Exchange. 170 Third St. OUR installment plan is the best and surea method of paying a loan. $o2.26 per month for 3d months or $.:i.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loan and Interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. Xo coinniUsiTn charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark Street. Portland. Or. 'MONEY," tt-7-S PEIt CENT. EXPENSE LIMITED. NO APPRAISAL FEE. WILL ARRANGE AMOUNT TO SL IT, $20O TO-$50i HI i RESIDENCE LOANS 7. SEE US TODAY. NO DELAY. MONEY READY. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 2H SELLING BLDG. "FARM LOANS" 7r-S?t. RATE DEPENDS UPON LOCATION AND CONDITION) LONG TIME. LIBERAL TERMS REPAY MENT; MONEY HEADY; REASONABLE fcXrfc.Nct; WRITE OR CALL W. J. PATER SON, 200 SELLING BLDO. APPLICATIONS solicited for loans on Port land properties aud Oregon farms at low est rates ; money ready ; n-payment privi leges, prompt attention. Va.uabies kept in our vaults are acct-sMhle only to the box renter or his utnurlzd representative. Union Safe L) poq & Trust Co., -&4 Oak. RESIDENCE LOANS AT PER CENT Any Amount. N o Uelsys, Repay ment Privileges. CLARK. KENDALL At CO.. 205, 20d Northwestern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive reps ving privileges A H. BIRRELL A CO. 217 Northwestern Bank Hide. Marshall 4114. A 4118. 6 PER CENT money, 3 to 5 years, residence property; will accept $ UK) or mote on principal at any in teres t period payment; o per cent money on ouvinew properly, same terms. Pacific '1 ttle & i rust Co., 7 . nam ner of Commerce. Marshall 12. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR 1LU1.NU I'l.'KI'OSES: VERY FLBXI BLK CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. tULlJlb 1 A LIFE A TRUST CO, 202 Stevens Bldg. I L-H to borrow $2500 on 240 acres of land on the Ia i$ Kiver; over half of this is in tne Dottom. i will pay per cent; wl.h to ue the monev for three vearn Should like to dent w itu principals onty. Cbll at 4(4 Piatt bldg. SLMS front $5u0 to $10,000 on good reai es tate security. A. W. LAMBERT & SON. 404 East Alder St.. Cor. Grand Ave. Portland, or. 5 PER CUNT loans will be made on central retail business properties. 0 and 7 per cent on Otner securities. fcOWAKU tu. UOlUtl CO.. .North western Lank biug. TO LOAN $5O0. f 10K. $1500. $2000. $2500 and $54M) on lmpro ed city property at t ana per cent. E. J. Oeiser, 41 1 Cham- ur 01 Commerce. Phono Main 2"0. O CENT MONEY Willamette Valley farm loans; no delay; no commissions. I Oevereaux Mortgage Company, 00 7 Con cord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. $looo TO LOAN on good acreage or farm land. 7 per cent; might split tills amount at iv per cent. For particulars call at 4o4 'iati iiag. tEE L'S today for loans on improved city property, o to per cent; sjuu and up euars- .viurion to., r-o 1 eon mug. MOH rG AGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT OREGON INV. et MOiiTGAGB CO.. INC., frtocK i,x change Plug . 3d and Yamhill. CITY AND FARM LOAN 3. FARRINuTON. Fourth street. Portland. Or. iONKY TO LOAN ON CITY OR FARM PROPERTY ; WILL CALL IF INTER- hiTM. l'none 1 aborjML'i. 0 PER CENT FARM AND CITY LOANS. DESHON & HAWK. MAIN lldd. 720 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MONEY to loan on good residence or farm I property. O to G 3 To. Business blocks 5rt. I H. L. Areher Co., Northwestern Bank bldg. $5oo TO $2000 up, 7 per cent. In sums to suit, loan on good farm or city security. A annuyn ft Walton, ola Chamber of Com. $200,000 TO LOAN' In sums to suit: bullulnv loans, lowest rates. W. G. Reck, 315-410 I Kainnff ttiK- l'none Main J407. 1' it I v A T v. money to loan in to $2500 ; no commission. con in M. sums of $500 1 AR Sa, Ore- $2uuu. $aoou. $'1M AND $10,000 to loan at 7 per cent. h. liowman 4k Co.. 214 1 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU want a loan, try Mann &. Car- lock. Marshall 555b. h. f;oo. $10mj. $15mi; no com., no uciay. v ard, -Ot p"ildiutf bids;. FARM snd city loans. 64 per cent. No com mission, r-. 044, Oregonian. 2uO, $350. $000, $1200. $lSOO. Fred W. German &. Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce-. UNLIMITED Eastern funds. 5 to 7 Dcr cent. DOOLEV dc CO., B12 lioard of Trade bids. MONEY Any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seitz, 410 bpaiding. Main uo4. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOIIS SAI.OMO.NAt CO., 3UO OAK. ST. HAVE clients with money to loan. Oliver M. Hickey, Atty., S20 N. W. Hank bid-. $250, $400. $500, $650. $750. Fred W. Ger man Co., 1 a cnamuer or Commerce. $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm. no commission, x. o. dux et., city. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. Hardlntc. S13 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS on city and cent up. F. Fucha. farm property. 5 per :u c nam. 01 coin. $2'00, d i'KK CKNT; no com.; will spilt. Nelson, 001 Journal bids. Main 1007. Munry to Loaie Cliattel and Swluvrie. CHRISTMAS MONEY. FTJRNITUivE. SALARY. LOANS. - LOANS. All that is necessary to- establish credit with us is that you either owu furniture. pluitos. or that you uie working either wiil do. HOURS: 8 A. M. TO ! P. M. FROM NOW UNTIL I'M P. 1ST MAS. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. LICENSED. 317 Failing Hid. IF YOU NEEX XMAS MONEY, SEE US SALARIES .... CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed income; on household furniture, pianos, olamonds and other personal property . legul rjttes. liuiin' confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). 4o0-307 Dekum Hi itf REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Ebtao llahed by Portland buaiueas men to pro- teet borrower. C. Myers Herman, man a-cer. oil Stark at. Money loaned on 0.1a mond a, Jew-eiery, pianos, h. h. furniture. OKGANIEI by salaried men. we make sal ary and cbaitut loans on ta.-y tvr:n. Home lnaiaimient 'Co.. Cli McKuy bag. UptL Sa t ii 1 u a y u ntii a P. 51 . MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; lega! rate ; ail artu-les lie.d 1 ear ; establiaued since Dau Marx, 2b4 Washing; to n. PIANO a!id furniture Iona; licensed by the state. Ceo Harvey. Tabor .1? Loans Wanted. OOuU responsible party want to borrow $LV-0 on Kood hull section or land in Cen tral Oregon. A li !l. Oregonian. tt.rt.vr -". Sl'tM. $-M' and $:;h.o on good city Fet'urit Irom private parties. 1' Uone Sellwood luU. WANTED $1500 at 7 per cent on 1 2-room Portland Heights resilience. AF l07, Ore froman. W A NTP-D $fi."(n loan on orchard valued fi 'j.iM. Owner, East 5001. 4voo AT ti'j per ---n t no bro'rveraP. AK 0' iCllt-edire securlt ; 1, Oregonian. W A N T about 7 50 $J5i0. Owner, A on clove-in lots wortu 0." 4, t reg ' WANT $'J5l on W'el SL! liiingaiow, near Portland HeiRhts car. IF i7'. ore son 1 a 11. WANT $1M0 on IrviiiKton Park Write owner. O w:0, or. -gonlan. reaiuence. WANT ."'' loan on four Peninaula lota. BF iiS. Oreiionian. WANTED $'00 at 7 per cent on frood res idence. Wen Side. T 14, orenonlun. $lliK ON $4i" o 7-room modern home, cent. T Ore k on i an. WANT f T.V. 1 per cent, bungalow, park. Y P-", Oregonian. WANTED $50u0 at 7 per cent on property worth $200, F. Fuchs. 420 Ch. of Com. 2Tt0 buildlne loan st 7 Per ceut. Chamber of Com bldg. Mar. 2272. $ti,'Oi) AT 6 per cent from private party; close-in property. BD C're onlfan. WANT fnt", 8 per cent; $2250, C. Rlngler. 22 Henry bids- 1 per cent. Simii on cloe-ln Eat Side property, value $4-0d. Cell East C:i2. $SX ro. ON house and lot near LUl.iU worth, ave. East FINANCIAL, Loans Wanted. $6o0 8 PER CENT. Eui Side lots. S4O"0 8 pr cent, suburban income. tMtt'O $ per cent, ciose-in acreage. 2tfc-u b per cent, income suburban, fwo 7 per cent. 25 acres on Canyon road, 6 miles from Courthouse. 315,0007 per cent, income business OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 2"J Mock Exchange. 170 Third St. SELL p:trt interest or borrow $."Oo1 on fui.y equipped, goinq laundry plant in town of lvtMv, between Seatt.e and Portland. Plant Inventories at over $ present Trtiuat ion. Other Interests demand nr attention. Stand any In v estimation. Ad dreys A V 29 7. t'rogonlt n. WANTED $0000 on West Side apartmei.t property, ciose in; MJihi on house and h-t on Mt jaoor: $15H on modern bunsaiow ncfir E. 40tti and E. Sherman. Inspect our wfo ai'pus.t vaults. Union Safe Deposit As Trut Co., 24 Oak. $5mm TO IO.00O wanted for 1, 2 or 3 years 1 per cent or less, with no commissions. on approd security. We only asK for Id per cent of the appraisal valuation. IL 0:2. Oregonian. -WH WANTED In a staple ir.fR. food busi ness, well establish d, registered trade mark; a repeater and at-survd piolu par; money goes into business to cii iarge. li "4, Oregonian. IX KM Lit banker and dealer In real estate loana from middle west, would like to form connection for cheap money to loan on good Oregon fa rms. Address, 1th fu.l par leuiars. AH t, OreKonmn. MY moo. cm West Side home, which I bu:lt two years ago, cot SI 2. "00. no incum brance; want loan of $.ot at 6 per cent. I am absolutely responsible. Will pay no commission. P Q box 4 1 5. $55u0 AT 7 per cent, no commission, on 25 acrea choice land one mile from Newberjc; all under cultivation. iie acres tn hop, five acrea in beurinc orcharda; 6 -room house. AF 065. Uregonian. W ANTE L T o borrow A 15 .0 for 3 y rs, . 7 per cent, on West Side home valued over $0u. McKenzie 4it Co., 515 Gerllcger bldg. V a. TED Loan $ 1A.OOO. Four to one se curity. Paying commercial building cen trally located Principals only considered. E Ptf5. OrcKontan. WANTED 250 on cloaa-ln East Side rea-i- Oence property for term of years at per cent; no commission, no agents. Address AN 1'.-', Oregon tan. WANTUD To borrow $15.0oo for 3 yra. at S jer cent on West Side apartment house, good value and excellent moral risk. N '.. Oregonian. V AN T $luO, ill pay 8 per cent; 12t- acre farm near Astoria as securl: y ; value over 3 to 1. L, L. saunUtrs. til 7 Hoard cf Tra-1" b:dg. $i.""j M 1G. on So acrea 1 ini. from electt ic line, near Portland ; runs 5 yrs., rt per cent; wi.l discount; no brokers. N Orcnoman. CLIENT Mants S.iuoO loan, residence. Ladd's AUtiuion; value . jhi ; no commission. Roy a, attorney . tienry bldg. Main 1 WANT $4oo0 at 7 per cent on improved. well located. East Side business property; jrnd income. UK Oregonian. WANTED $7000 at 7 per cent, for mSKOlrl- CHiit Laurel h urst residence, costing $15,5uu. A R t0.. Oregonian. $j:m AT 7 PER CENT, improved burlnov properly, goLd income; Insurance $4200. l- MTii, Oregonian. l'.iu AT 7 PER CENT, on 9-room, c'ose- in haft Mde residence; $J5U0. AO 0J4. Oregonian. $uooii AT t per cert, newly improved. We-t Mile, value $15,OoO; no brokers. D OregoniJiii. WANT a private loan of $4m )n my resi dence in Lents d Lt rct. Portland ; ftrct-cl.-i-s security. Adurcss box 050, Lents, Or. Hni .-IX per cent, three years, roal estate security. .No commission. AE tht. Ore Foni.iii. . $K WANTED on 10-room hou. and 3 lots, lt.i Lust 2d st. No. Lad Icy, tial Yeon bidg. Main IM. W ANTED Lo in of $ 1 ;oo, 5 years, d per Ax 1 cO, 7 -room hoarse. Laurel - 4. Oregonian. cent, on lot, huist. Y ? WANT $40 on two Heiiinsula lots, value $i-"0; owner win pay e per cent and costs. P y;.0, oreirontan. WANT $4'o at G per cent on ciose-in acre age: hitru-sui face road ; 10 acres, O id, Oregonian. WE hve a party wanting to borrow $10-0 on good Port land proper t y ; call tomorrow. The Prong Co.. 2Q7 i Oak st. WANTED Loan of $2.0 011 a $0OO lot, R. C. I, district. Tabor 1WA. $20o0. S years on suburban acreage. A 67N Oretconian. PLKtoONAL. GET WELL FREE. Every day from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. ana evening on Muiiuay, Vv odutsuay and Friday I roni 7 to u P. M. IhUfaAMJS tF sLFi cRERS WHO HAVE FAILED to set re. let 111 any May are Invited to ait'-nd cuic in our tt.g ciinic hail. illE Lc-Si OF CHiUUiUACl'iO iJiAG.NOS 1 iCl.V.SS will examine auu uiui;uum lour case aud direct our treat ai en u Fi;r.E IO ALL, ClilROPiULiiC is tne aufe. sane, sure and aiouern nuuuctt of c urin aud pre- Illli(i UUvUStS. ciiniUi'UAL l lC re mo vei th e cause ; heuitu 1 el urns. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. 444 HasUto ft., ut 7 ta. Last bmo, i'lione East Oo4d. Dr. Elliott, Dnector Clinics. HAIR OOOLS, LOWEST Fi;iCES, fio-iuca w m itrtiich, J sip $1.5$ 2 4-uch w a tAiu-ii, 4 kep l.uil A.l-arounu iru r.biraiutlou I.4. iitiiroie.-sint;, Mtaaip'jU'iiK, face mass. ire. ha.r boOuiiix. Mtiiiuuraii, 2u. liair ru in o v cu u ciucuic iiiiuk', switch ntude of combings, u.'C- Vv u uuy your ciuOtiig Sanitary Fartora, tU-4L U.kuiu llu., 4d and uhm g Lou. iiarail l u2. FEH VET & 11 AN Eli L T, loading wis aud luapu maker , liuvnt stock numaii hair (coous; iiuirut'ets.iiK, manicui iiitf. lace and cip trtulnicii t, Il mu d lo 44 4 Alder, near liroaii Aay. Main 540. LoL IE N E IV. EL, German trained nurae at. a niuMei.i-, ive 1 refitments Xor rheu IiUllHtit, luiiilJUO, IK'Uiaitu. etc., mafis n i 1 bulbs; iuu )isi:tiui.l. now located at :;10 l'atk tt. .Mriiiu.l ;.u..;i. Open sunatyi. GERMAN nui'e, iiLio.f. ei una Lu.ihs lor rii-i;n.aiMii. ra.tiU. etc. ; 1mu 11 nincd 11 250 11th st. Opwil Minuaj. ctric L'iunkrti iumoaKO, neu j:s.e asMsiunu M arjna : I iiou . U A N I L I . Address of Hairy 1. riiicldon. Notify box lys. Oak li.i.-tor. Was :i lo liu Interest. MUa. N r.l-Ll E Sll tXUOX. SL i'EKFLC'Ot S HAIR destroyed forever by iuu.iipie-u ecie tiitinou ; cuisu.tatiun frca. M.:e. UeLoi.K. 04 wetand MLS. sl'i-.Ve,.N tn a lu Portland ; 2v a century tcKiico in laum. spirit, tal le.idni.N tli.ilv. .1.5 Ta lor it ! AA 11. KlJ.liLCKi.. n atural corrcciiunisi. lace auu cu p hia?x:. i-i i-tn at., in sir W .ih. Mar. 0-U0. Ad ice free. SufiilA l. SEii. iiicntal. ai'irilual sciential. ;ie'J 'Aournw bid.. 1 to 4 ua:y. v raua uuejitioiia Wed , 7 :45 P. M. J-.r BuW. Sl'iiilTV" ltv. May A. Price. clr.s Tut-tiiluy i: una 1 , -i . una cn. 3 i-. al. , Traill! l.ali... '1--V. : ar.)all o'.fj'f. .i-;V. MLS. J. C SCHolil. circles b P. M., n-.iliiiK daily, (juciluu uiiswred. I'irh, 1 or. uinlu.l hi. Mat. C'.'TS. GRACE U 1. 1. MON 1. mauu-ur::ir and vibra tory masaaiie. afc, iiuor, iu .1 Hroad ay. El-1-' I'KM: m : : i:i u is for poor circulation, miu l 1. lu lit ja k o. Uci and sc.ip ; a. t ADAMS AST iiOl.OGlCAL SCHOOL, scian tit.c f -iiif ;isia anu iiistruvtioti. Best it.' erences. M orr;ou al. Write or ca.l. Asc A PSO pi iy relieves haMdache. n au ra. Kla and la arippe. For saius by Port- 1 ; . n-t H tel 1'harii; a i y. Uti jKN.-rON, -!4 ii t .1 1 :iiii t s lo; nerve a-.J orKali.c 1: Iropriii tK). 1145 Ai-l-iiia. cor.ier im ii r l--"voi 1 h. TEACiiLii of life r- :i d or. amliii Mnin 2''-M. iii(. Hart Apt., lTt'a 1, apt. 15, 4 lb lioor. M Aci.N ETlc' healer; 1 l.l sc. Hart Ap:y.. KS flu Mar. 1.0 Vj Mol E .superfluous hair removed. Mrs. si. " !.' Hi!., FMeUner bhlg. Main 34t!s U "A AN" I it EV.- aches pbr-noiog and "card reman.'. '-2 l ark at. Ma n T54. RO'VA TAYl.tMt Jblnaseuse and cra'p spe rlalrst. 10i l".rk tt. Ma rah all Cllll. BALM OF Tablets. '-' t O S COMlOi'.VU. Hoy a: TfOi ro Hoyt Phone Main 23U3. m-;i;h trt-alni'-nia. electric vibrator, ty "trained nury. a' 3. Apt. C. fnln 14i. FUANUL LC il WO. n st. Of. ice : c a 1 p s;)tv' 11. .Ul. ,-3 Pauline Dare. ma:ts'. 4"' from the East. Facial .scalp W a-h.. ltm :;:. lira. 2 to 'lillS ad. an1 2."c tuod for niasaii or man icure. 4 7 proadwav IMi;. i'iume M. llg'. LADY shave, H r.r.c. :;25 ?: hair eul, ;Urtn st. M ANliT KlNii. !' 1 b and gentlemen. 2ll rj vrvn-'-i'in t or; Ice 1". ELI CTKIC tr atnient for rheumatism. Of fiee J l .". S iO 1- Morrlon st. WE WASH e v e 1 t ! 1 1 n a trr Wet Wash. E. it the baby. 74. Ooa- Ei.' .O T U IC treatments, 417-20 Nrt h weiLprn aalp and maasaae. Hank bid?. CHIROPODY. T l-ointments 01 lass-ice ar.d magnetics. Ap !y. Main 504. KOrrATlONAL KXiT'l L IN"" ED lu'-'-r. I private sod cas liMOfti. :(er w'Tl give