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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1916)
12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTIiATOJ, DECEMBER 17, 191G. HELP WANTED FEMALE. MIDDLE-AGED woman to do light house work for room and board; small pay; good home to the right party. 5 - Clay. LADIES, LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE; YOUR OPPORTUNITY; LATEST METH ODS. ROOM Go2-3 -COLUMBIA BL UG. MISS MATTING LY'S SCHOOL. Shorthand, T ypewrltlnr $5 mo. 209 14th. Main :ia'.3. UIRL for general housework. e-nd cooking; good wa. Main 5i19. HELP WANTED MALE"- OR FEMALE. THE ORIGINAL MOLER BARKER COL LEOE will teach you the trade In eight weeks, pay you wTiile 'learning, give you a s-t of toolL, scholarship and diploma, get you position; 32 schools in U. S. and Canada. Write for free catalogue. Cor. lid and Rurnside. MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL wants men and wnraen to l-arn the barber trade in eignt weeks; position guaranteed; tools tree- paid while learning. Export instruc tors; scalp and face massage a specialty. Tuition rducfd. 3S N. Second st. ORE; ON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to loam barber trade in 8 weeks; position guaranteed; tool free; paid while learning; tuition reduced. Can earn from $15 to $25 a week. Expert instructors, 20 years in business. 233 Madison st. MISS MATTING LY'S SCHOOL; Shorthand. Tvpe writing. Day and Evening Session. Mid terms. Beginners and Speed ciassea now forming. 2oiJ 14th, near Jefferson, Main 3b!3. HOYS AND GIRLS. XMAS MONEY. GET BUSY. We pay cash, 25 cents hundred pound for clean newspapers and magazines de livered. - AGENT in each locality, steady work and good commission. Blake Mfg. Co.. vS en- atchee. "Wash. WATCHES cleaned, 75c; mainspring, 75c; work guaranteed. 218 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. VOH BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ATTEND MISS DliJK.KK a,rn v. l-h-m- . ALIBKY BLDG., 8D & MORRISON ST 3. HELP WANTED MTSCEIXANKOrfl. GET WELL FREE. Every day from lo A. M. to 4 P. M. and evenings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7 to 9 P. M. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any way are invited to attend these clinics in our big clinic hall. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will examine and diagnose your case ana direct your treatment, FREE TO ALL. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane, sure and modern science of curing and pre venting diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause; health returns. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, 433 Hassalo St., at 7th, East Side. Phone East 0536. lr. Elliott. Director of Clinics. m UNCLE SAM wants men-women, 18 or over niorkH. sTOO month. Write im- meumieiy tiai hwvjuhs " - i IV n ITRR. some experience, to collaborate in fiction for mutual profit and advance ment. Y ftSl, Oregonian. WANTED Names men wishing to become railway man cierKs; tuiiiuiin.o -p month. AV 301, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. ACCOUNTANT TOUNO MARRIED MAN. Thoroughly experienced, active and able n tnanocrt n volume of work methodically and without confusion and show results of operation, seeks new engagement 1; clean record, first-class reference-. AG 9S3, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 3", married, general business knowledge, ealesman of ebillty, good ap pearance, desires position with good firm, with chance for advancement, moderate salary. If vou need a man who desires to do more than he is paid for, grant an in- t rv i e w . I l!4. Oregonian. I a M a. thorough, competent bookkeeper and cashier; can also use a typewriter. I want a temporary or part-time position. Can give first-class references and furnish bond if required. If you want someone to look after vour bookB a part of the time, I am the man you want. BF 985. Oregonian. YOUNG man aged 30. thoroughly expe rienced in business and accustomed to handling men, desires to become associated with progressive business firm with view to the selling end; references and respon- SlPlllty A-1. 11. Vv, ijresonian. : n a of emnlovment is sought by re sponsible married man where intelligent and ertlclent service as manager, eaiea man secretary, correspondent, etc., shall meet living remuneration ; competent ref erenccs. AJ 9S3, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by registered pharmacist of ability, 27- years experience. 39 years of age; can'furniBh Al references; can leave city. J. F. Kurka, 672 E. Morrison. East 1308. THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper. oredtt man. office manaeer with ability and Qualifications: accurate, rapid, ac quainted; excellent references; salary sec ondary. K vi, oregonian EXPERIENCED man desires temporary- work taking off annual statements, ' trial balances, inventories, etc. aj uoo, wretjo nian. iiCXjK KEEPER and cashier, 8 years expe rience, best of references as to character. L 1H5. Oregonian. liOOKKEEPER will keep books or assist In office of small firm few hours daily for very small salary. Tahor 3i0.s. MinoelliineouH. STRONG, willing American, married, want nlane as farm hand crain ranch work pre ferred. Reply durin g office hours of S :30 to o:;;o. a ion, Aiain vo. GOOD concrete work done at reasonable prices; '20 ears' experience; work guar anteed. Phone East o'.Hi'. EXPERIENCED card writer and window- trimmer wants position, moderate salary. Main 3H&1. U Wii, Oregonian. COMPETENT, reliable auto truck or de livery car driver wants position; refer ences, wooniawn CEMENT finisher and concrete worker wants work: state wages for an 8-hour day to N. Kramer, care Matlock House. Eugene. Or. PRACTICAL male nurse wishes position: willing to leave city. Can do housework If desired; best reference. Main 1071. EXPERIENCED pianDjt and accompanist wants vaudeville or picture playing. AD hks, Oreponlan. WALL tinting with Muresco carpenter con tracts, new worK, or repairs; painting; cheap now. Manny, Sellw. 2421. CHAUFFEUR Drive and keep in repair any make car; useful around house. Woodiawn 4 i WANT work; prefer elevator. Drake arti ficial leg; cniia supported;, 3US Mill. Marshall 171KJ. YOUNG man with widowed mother wants employment ; have motorcycle. T i6tt. Oregonian. MAN wants naintlng. paper haneine or tint ing; call during office hours, 8:3u to 5:30. I A irui. Main mai. WANTED Janitor job in apartment-hn by experienced man and wife. Phone Mar- whall 4327 all-A ROND nrinter. with eood references. wants situation. Address room 4U4 Hotel Washington. North Yakima, Wash. EXPERIENCED young bachelor wants farm work and use or some lana ; reierences. AG 0g3, Oregonian. ' POSITION by man and wife on farm- P1? where both can work. Call or address 213 K. SOth st. N. MAN AND WIFE want employment on ranch; experienced In dairy stock and I farm; wife No. 1 cook. V il, Oregonian. M P OPERATOR wants tZ work. fT C. Hale, 15 Spring st., walla Walla, Wash. '1R ST-CLASS work. J SHr railroad machinist Oregonian. CHIN ESE schoolboy family. A 170. wants work in good YOUNG man wants employment forenoons and Saturdays. Room 227 Fra"nklin Hotel. FI KST-CL AS baker, all-around man, wants Job. AD i84, Oronan. YOUNG man wants steady work on farm; experienced. B POl . Oregonian. MAN wants janitor or other Inside work. Handy with tools. Ainion Hotel, room RELIABLE, experienced man wants Janitor work; city references, a m oregonian. EXPERIENCED Japanese boy wants Job cook In private family. Main R801. EXPERIENCED Japanese couple want Job In private ramiiy. Mam ohoi. JANITOR, ainnle. "ant. work: 3 .year, in Inst place. AR Oregonian. PAINTING, carttenter work, remodeling. cheap hy contract. Phone Mar. shhs. KXPERIKNCED man wants work. cook, por ter or Janitor. tnone uroaaway iu;-f. KAf-SMTXING, painting, plaster patching. reasonn nie. wooam wn S4W. K1UST-CLASS laundry man wants work of any kind. oregonian PAINTING and tintfnir neatly and cheaply none. van an a ' " SH INGLER When you want done call Woodiawn 43M. shingling WE WASH everything hut the baby, t rn 1 Wet. Wnwh. K. 7 ft 4. kindred occupation. ' raoua isMr 7e?a. SITUATION'S W ANTED M A LE . M lf-oellaneou. NEWSPAPER man, 16 years' experience, desires to make" change after first of year; now with live daily and weekly capable, energetic, responsible, executive ability; 33 years of age, married; would consider taking entire charge of weekly or business or mechanical end of live pub lication; might consider investment after satisfactory connection; best reference. Address A V 30, Oregonian. A TRAVELING salesman, with 10 years' successful record selling groceries and specialties in -Oregon and Washington. ' would like position with good house. AK ?M. Oregonian. YOUR roses, vine, fruit or shade tree need practical pruning, efficiently applied. My work is commensurate with long expe rience. Modern flower bed work, trans planting. East 7408. YOUNG married man, with 12 years' expe rience in dry goods, clothing, Bhoes, wants position with good mercantile store by Jan. 1, 1!17. Can furnish A-l reference. AV 305, Oregonian. . CHAUFFEUR Japanese, competent and careful driver, wants work afternoon for - moderate wages, without found; good me chanic. West Side, desirable, excellent reference. BC 1Sl. Oregonian. EMPLOYERS I have wife and three chil dren, need work at once; experienced Janitor, custodian, gardener, or will glad ly accept laboring work; strong, active man; good references., , A J 9S5, Oregonian. JEFFERSON High School boys want work afternoons and during the holidays. Pnone Wdln. 3175. Jefferson High School Em ployment Bureau. EXPERIENCED coal salesman 30, would like position of any kind with coal com pany with chance for advancement; ref erences. S 994, Oregonian. COOKS, man and wife, want work In camp; A No 1 on bread and r,ies: will consider anvthlng. Call 387 Yamhill st., R. 16, or phone Chas. Harold. Main 1310. WANTED HA ULI NO. Have two-ton truck, would like contract or would accept day hauling. L 981, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED salesman desires complete line of janitors' supplies, for coming sea son ; best references. Box 808, North Yakima, Wash. WANTED Position by married man. sev eral vcirs' eenerai business exoenence. also store work; good habits; can furnish references. T B82, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED elevator operator with best of references would like a position in notei or office building or as bellboy, rnone Marshall 76. Chas. Milton. YOUNG JAPANESE desires a position as cook, butler or general housework In fam ily. Keferences. S. Hirota. B 981, orego nian. A NO. 1 baker, wishes employment; best of references : either oastry or bread. Ad dress Charles Maloney, No, 19 E. Rose et., waiia w a 1 1 a, w as n. MAX with small family wants work on farm. Would work on shares; wife can do inside work. E. 0913, CEMENT finisher and concrete worker wants work; state wages for an S-hour day to N. Kramer, care Matlock House, Eugene, Or. xj , . -, (1 with good commercial education. wants work of any kind. M. J. Davis, Wood lawn 4052. CARPENTER. concrete work. oalntlnf?. tinting, shingling, remodeling. J 98J, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED man and wife wish position on dairy rarrn, eapaoie. . j. &anioru, pen. del. Phone. Marshall 2484. YOUNG man and wife wish Janitor work apt. -house, experienced, understand Doners ana repairs. iv ws2, oregonian. MAN desires steady employment as assist shipper, utocKroom man, or timekeeper; have had experience. 227 Franklin Hotel, MAN with 3-ton "White truck wants work; hauling or any Kind, oy aay or contract. Fhone Tabor 8?U3. KALSOMINING, painting, plaster-patching; reasonable, woodiawn Z49U. I GARDEN man. finest references, desires work. 294 Sheridan st. Main 4618. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. HIGH school Rlrl wishes office work, some Knowledge of shorthand; afternoons, even ings and Saturdays, $10 a month. AE tb4, Orgonian. EXPERIENCED book-keeper would like work that can be done at home, as state ments. posting, inventory work, etc. G ysl, Oregonian. LAD Y of ability, experienced in bookkeep ing and genera! office work, wishes posl tion; best of references from present em- pioy'T. aiam -isa-j. or r oregonian. A STENOGRAPHER, unexperienced, but re naoie win worn ior small salary until competent. ij vn., uregonian. AN Al bookkeeper, 10 years experience. tan do stenography; city references. Call Main G334, COMPETENT bookkeeper-cashier, experi enced commercial and hotel work, wants r"siuon Jan. l. a oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman bookkeeper, typist. general office worker. switchboard. Main 33 0.1. POSITION by young lady with general of fice experience. Can use typewriter. Tabor EXPERIENCED dictaphone operator de sires position or copy work. C U94, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants work. j-none Alain 7b0'.. Dreftimakeri. ENGLISH woman desires dressmaking and ime nana sewing, i.o aay, Al reier- encep. Marshall 17jl. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $2.50 per day wotk. guaranteed; reierences. Woodiawn LADIES' tailoring, alterations, coats trimmed. Mrs. Muckler. 443 Morrison. 0133. 2d floor. DRESSMAKING If you want a flrst-claus oresemaKer, phone Mar. shall 4f)2. GOWNS and tailoring at your home; long toam a specialty. raoor 33il. WA.Mt.ti iiy competent dressmaker, sew ing to do at home. Phone Marshall 4124 s A i Jl wardroDei, layettes supplied or garments maae to order. Marshall 3722. DRESSMAKING alteration, sewing, half or an aay. r.asi xjih, iw to 11 o clock. Nurses. MATERNITY AND SURGICAL HOSPITAL, iuho wimams Avenue. Normal confinement cases. lncludln amgs. dressings, physician s services, tw weeks' hospital care, all for $40. Very reasonable prices for medical and surgical cases, including physician's services. Phone v ooniawn ltMj. PRACTICAL nurse with doctors' references, wishes position, reasonable. Woodlaw GRADUATE nurse wishes to care for inea tai case. ihone labor 7H3. LAD V want care of children afternoons or evenings, laoor j.o--j. CHILD nurse; trained and experienced. uregonian. EXPERIENCED, practical nurse wishes cases or any Kind. fhone East 3154. PRACTICAL nurse with hospital training rei. at ain ;souo. Housekeepers, WANTED By a middle-aged lady as house. keeper, neat and practical, prefer wid ower's home in country; a good home, small wages; must De respectable. Ad areas coquine, uregon, box in. RESPECTABLE and refined young lad wishes position as housekeeper for wid ower with children. Tel. Marshall 306! o address Mise J. -iray. tienerai Delivery, SWITZER girl. 25. wants position as house- keeper or governess; speaks French. Ge man find some English. A-l references. AD 970, Oregonian. LADY wishes position as housekeeper widower s home or keeper in rooming nouse; eipenencea, reierences. Call Mai v i i r . HOUSEKEEPER, competent lady, cl-.y country, winower preierxed. AJ 2327 O JH2. Oregonian. SINGLE lady wishes position an horn keeper. 37s Yamhill, corner loth, room . City or country. WANTED By refined elderly lady, liht nouseitceping in wiaowers nome good cook. I' vu., uregonian. wiuuw witn cilia, scnooi ace. desires n sitlon as housekeeper, refined couple: good ii'imr. pi ut u v ngra. an i aoor lsol. LADY wants rooming-house work, or w Keep nouse to terms. Marshall 1737, room RELIABLE middle-aged housekeeper desires position, coiumpia Mr. uuuu cook ana nouseKeener wants dob tion. Apt. x. ijroadway. Marshall 3068. YOU.NQ lady wl.h Position a. houkeeper. YOUNG Japanese woman wants housewor city or country. J. AM A, 225 1st Tometics. WANTED Position by flrst-claAS cook boarding-nouse. or pastry worK ; expe rlfncfd. r i.m '-'regonian. i.nv. an. wants work In boardlne-houi for self and nusoanu m ooara and room ; !n city. N 1, Oregonian. WOMAN wants housework or care of chil dren on West MQe go home nights at o P. M. Mrs. Kirchoff. 808 17th st. RELIABLE cook, wishes dinners or lunch eons to cook or serve. Marshall 1792. M i wella neon . WOMA-N wants day work, phone East 7736. SITCATIOXS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous IGH SCHOOL girl, 14 years old. wants to neip with housework or care for cniiaren evenings, for room, and board; vicinity of Jefferson High. Inquire at 915 Mon tana ave. OR RENT Unfurnished house, $10. 1414 Morse street; good house. 4 rooms, f irst- ciass condition. Portland Trust Company or Oregon, tfth and Morrison sts. EFTNED, intelligent woman desires work as companion to eioeriy may no objection io some lignt nouseworK. jj va, urego nian. JEFFERSON High School girls want work aiternoons ana aunng tne noiiaaye. rnone Wdln, 3175. Jefferson High School Employ ment Bureau. CASH IER wants position ; experienced store or restaurant; best reltirences. Jdarsnau 175. REFINED young lady wishes position as governess; good references. Tel. Marshall 3 90S. i:X)K and. serve dinners and lunches for holidays, Sundays and special ; experi enced, best reference. Marshall 806. ANTED 'Place as Janltress by compint Amcrliaa woman: references. Marshall 5167. OMAN wants work for board, room and some, wages, experienced in sewing. Call Monuay. to S-eilWOOa 11 VI. TOUT German woman wants work by day or nair. washing, cleaning, etc.; much ex perienced, references. Marshall 8i0. POSITION wanted as a fitter in suit de partment in or out of city; long experi ence. C 903, Oregonian. EX PERIENCED woman wants work Mon- days and Thursdays; $1.50 day, carfare. I Sellwood 1932. EXPERIENCED woman wishes washing or cleaning. Call Sunday or evenings. East THONG woman wants washing or house- u ieamng oy tne nour or day. can Mar shall 55M. OUNG lady wants children to care for aft ernoons or any other kind or work during tne aay. call Tabor 3523. OUNG couple will take care of child un- aer g reasonable. 7zi Mississippi. EXPERIENCED girl wants work snop. i .Mississippi. LACE curtains haftid-Iaundcred; work guar anteen nrst class. Sellwood tvU. WJ DOW wants work, washing or cleaning. fcaturqay or ionaay. Main 4,-.. LADY experienced wishes day work, any I kind. EXPERIENCED laundress will work for 20c hour and carfnre. Wooolawn 312. WILL care for children afternoons or even- ings. East 23VJ7. Call 10:30 to 11. LADY, pleasant personality, very neat, of fice work; no bookkeeping. Main 6487. FEW hours' housework daily, vicinity Fre-I mont ana k. 7th. East io to 11. XPEttlEN-CED woman wants day work or ny tne nour. .Main OMAN wants day work, washing and lroa lng preferred. Sellwood 431. 1 GIRL will care for children 4 hours. and carfare ; references. Tabor BIT. XPERIENCED chambermnw wants work. Main H331. GOVERNESS; experienced and well-educat- ed; rFench. dw2, oregonian. WILL care for Children in my home. Tabor 7 Wf!. WANT work by hour or day. Phone Tabor 770. EXPERIENCED woman wants work by day; reierences. Manor 734U. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED to rent; well-rated company now operating in the iast, wants about i:o,(mjii feet factory space on one floor, two acres yard room and dry kiln with approximate capacity of o,wO feet per day, on switcn track; in state of Washington or Oregon: give full description and price. J. -B. Brown, 44(MS Washington bfvd., Chicago. MECHANIC wants shop room from parties wanting building, repairing, painting done. c WNtf, oregonian. Houfes. A MODERATE-PRICED HOTEL OK MERIT v e otrer you all the comforts ani conveniences of the high-priced hotels at lower rates, because we are not in the midst of the noise and dirt of the busi ness center. This makes it doubly to your advantage to stop with us. You win like us and our cllentelle once you get acquainted. Transients 7.c per- day. with private bath $1.25; weekly rates $3 uuu up. a HOTEL CLIFFORD, East M orripon St. at East Sixth. MODERN bungalow or cottaee about & rms. Prefer one w'th chicken-houses, not over $12 per mo. Give description. -C 13, Ore- fionlan. TELEPHONE US AT ONCE. We need more houses; nest rental service In city. inc anneal iuu.mjC it cu. juain ni'n. 105 Park st., near Washington. A K51. WANTED in Piedmont or Overlook, strictly modern 6-room house; must be cheap for casn. East ovi4. WANTED Camp or beach house suitable for house party Dec. 30-Jan. 1. K 104, Oregonian. OR 6-room, all modern ; bungalow type prererrea; witnin z or 3 Clocks or carline. u hki, oregonian. WANTED 7-room modern house, between Hawthorne ave. end 20th and Burnslde sts., with garage. Phone Tabor 7332. Apartments. FURNISHED apt., 2 rooms and kitchenette. w est Side preferred; $la to $20. S tol. uregonian. WANTED Two or three-room furnished apt. at once. V PR3, Oregonian. WELL furnished three-room apartment, near .iti ana fine, w uregonian. Rooms WANTED 3 H. K. rooms, by small family. South Portland, near shipyards and school; clean and reasonable. 304 Grand ave. N., city. WANTED Well furnished strictly piodem hungaiow, close in. Tabor 3f7M. It EAR., 1 large room, small kitchen sep.. mon. con. w Mae. v hhi, uregonian. Rooms With Board. WOULD like a home for a child 16 months old where there are no other children ; very reasonable. M !., Oregonian. BOAR D and room, homelike place, central West Side. AH ys4, Oregonian. WANTED Board for two boys, 12 and 14, in sunnysine. J wuo, oregonian. YoUNG man. attending trade school. work for board. Call Broadway 423. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL LIL-MER, under new management; Mr a. Lillian Merry; transient trade so licited, rates reasonable; hot and cold water In every room. 2704 Fourth at., cor. Jefferson, opposite City Hall. Phone Max- shall 3oa. ELTON COURT HOTEL YAMHILL AT 11TH, Frontine Public Library : uDtown busi ness district, but away from noise of traf- tie; running water or bath in every room; private phones, elevator; $3 to $6 per week. Mtin Wo"i. ANONlA HOTEL. 124 4th sr.. cur. Washington st. Fireproof, np-to-date hotel, " large at tractive itoms. Individual telephones, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 per wee it up; oOc to l.i0 per aay. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Eleventh and Stark sts.. brick building. elevator service, telephone, hot and cold water in rooms; 50c to $1.50 per day. fipe- ciaa rates oy tne weea. HOTEL CON R A DINE, 3 0th st. at Oak Desirable downtown cation- respectable and strictly modern: fireproof building, elevator and large lob- dv; rooms 33 per week up. STANDISH HOTEL. 548 Washington St.. corner 17th. Hot and cold water; steam-heated rooms, $1.50 per week; $6 per mo. and up. MAKE THE BUSHMARK YOUR HOME. Good, large, clean, modern rooms, steam heat, walking distance. $1.50 a week ; $6 a montn ana up. obu'i wasnington st. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance; both phonea, reasonable. 402 3d st. l ne warrenton. Aiain tti. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st., at 10th, RATES &ic day up. Weekly $z up. Running water. Free phones and baths. HOTEL CORDOVA, 26 11th St. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; room $3 up. Main t- i a eeo. FURNISHED suites of 1, 2 and 4 rooms at 244 Killlngsworth ave.; low rent, close to car. rnonn w oouiawn ivvi. MAXWELL HALL, 207 14th; strictly modern. use)l parior, rem uuui. i.du up. Jo.. II 04. HOTEL NORRIS, Alder. Strictiy rnod- ern. y l ..o. sa an u s-.ou a wee k. AUTO express; trunks and baggage delivered. ONE large, well-furnished front room, run-1 ning water and neat. mo. J14 Main st. ONE well-furnished Main st. room, $1 week. 314 Furnished Booms tn Private Family. CLEAN, furnace heated room, easy walking aistance. iurui ipui. ROOMS for 2 roomers, widow's home, close in; board optional. east mzs. FURNISHED room nnd kitchenette, adults. walking distance. o. Grand ave i FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. FOR RENT Bedroom and private dining room in new, modern, beautifully fur nished home In Laurelhurst, near carline, for refined couple without children; ac cess to living-rooms, magnificent library, etc ; references exchanged. Phone Tabor LARGE nicely furnished room, with kitchen ette, hot and cold running water; heat, phone and light free; strictly modern; vacant Monday; see any time; very reojion able. 745 HojH. Marshall 4753. $G.GO A MONTH Vacant today; comfort able room, furnace heat, ate i trie light, bath and phone; 10 mln. wu.k. 41 W. Broadway. VERY pleasant steam-heated room In apartment-house; walking distance, Marshall 475. TWO beautifully furnished rooms, with board If desired, for gentleman; modern; reasonable. TOO Davis st. CLEAN, well furnished ; electric lights, fur nace heat and bath, free p hone r low rates. 373 Taylor st. Phone Main 051' 2. FIVE comfortably furnished rooms, with bath, $10 per month. Call Sunday tifter 2 P. M. 4i7 10th st. WE LL-KURN1SHED room, warm and bright; good location for gentlemen. ol 10th. WANTED Young man for nicely furnished room in a small, private home, $7. 71 Trinity Place. TWO furnished rooms In good, close-in Kant Side residence district for rent to em ployed ladies. Phone EajU &SOO. NICELY furnished room for gentleman; pri vate family. 34 Broadway. Main oojs $10 MODEHN furnished room Un Kordham Apt., near -3d and Wash. Marshall 13'J. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in good home; references. Nob Hill. 738 Johnson. NICELY furnished attic room, modern con- venle nces, $1.50 week. 404 Clay, near 10th. 1 $5 MONTH Furnished room, all conven iences, walking distance. 439 Hd st. LOVELY room, private home, with, home comioris, od.hi. -Main B74. 44t TAYLOR Warm, well furnished front rooms, rent very reasonable. $1.50 WEEK, nice corner room, heat. bath. pnone; close in. 4JOVa Jefferson et. Rooms With Board. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive ates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main H2S3. A 6628. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 Ella St. An American Plan Residence HoteL Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. a ezii. Marshall CI 70. 300 JEFFERSON. High-class bofrrd and rooms. 2 mln. to P. O. Exclusive, but homelike. Call Main iJ.'f-'O. A HOME AWAY FROM HOME. Modern rooms: American and Eurooean pian; special rates to permanent guests. kakl HOTEL, Broadway at Taylor. THE MANITOL. 201 33TH ST. An attractive, homelike place, double or single rooms, good board, reasonable. I THE STRYKER. 554 Couch; family hotel rooms single or en suite; reasonable rates. Rooms Willi Hoard In Private Family. ONE or 2 ladies, employed, can have excel lent room and board. $15 per mo.: no ob lection to 1 or 2 children: house new and strictly modern ; furnace, fireplace, use of piano. iso other boarders; 20 mln. ride. an HiH, oregonian. widow lady, alone, would like to rent to refined employed persons, large furnished iroui room oooa home, table, aikd walk' ing distance to business center. AP lt5. ATTRACTIVELY furnished steam-heated rooms for l ot 2 persons- a pleasant home nn exceptionally gooa meats and all home privileges: j;ood location West Side moderate rates Marshall 2438. WANTED Young man and young working girt ig room ana ooara in private home; mi nome privileges, ireedom or whole house; good heat, phone and piano. Call O.NE large room, suitable for 21: best of home cooking, with all home privileges; good terms to the right people: youne men preferred; central. Phone Marshall FOR RENT To ladles parlor with bedroom ajouiing, use or dining-room and kitchen ior housekeeping or board. $4, walking distance. 203 lth and Ash, or phone E. 1737. FINE, large front room, well heated, excel lent Doard, modern new house, piano, good location; 10 minutes' ride Hawthorne car. Rates low, 304 East 22d, near Hawthorne. Phone East GG36. VElt V lage front room, finely furnished. suitable for married couple or gentleman; hot water all the time; breakfast and din ner If desired : reasonable. 086 Everett. T'hone Marsha!! 2v7. FRONT bedroom with connecting slttlnjr- room, suitable for two people, in modern home; excellent table board; walking dis tance; reasonable; good location. Eaat lN.VT. LAiUiE furnished front room with excellent nome cooKing, norne comforts and priv ileges. $ls per month, two in room: walk ing distance. Mar. 40T.5. v ONE or two gentlemen to room and board in nice home, new bungalow, with lady and daughter. Mt. Tabor car to IMh st. 1 770 Belmont fit. Phone Tabor 4161. PORTLAND HTS.. walking distance, larce room with sleeping porch; fine for 2 peo ple; or single room without porch; will consider board. Phone Marshall 369 ROOM and board in lovely Nob Hill home; oest meals; steam heat, large closets, every home comfort; will rent lor $22.50, two In room. X ..4, Oregonian. PLEASANT front room, nicely furn., mod ern home, including all home privileges; excellent table; ideal for young men or ladies employed. Reasonable. E. 173. I EXCELLENT room and board for gentleman in private ramiiy; mooern convenience, good home cooking, walking distance, Irv ington district. East 36o7. CONGENIAL gentleman to room or board and room, $5 wk. Modern conveniences. piano, close In, widow's home. Marshall 3400. I.. A lid k iront rooms, just right for two of tnree cnummy young men. separate beris. hot and cold water; hot-water heat; rea- nume cooKing, ivi inn St. MODERN rooms, with board, home cooklnu. all young people, use of piano, Victroia, onn parior; witnin walking distance. 22 ;napman. Alain s.ia. FRONT room, nicely furnished, best of board furnace heat, always warm; It) mln u tea' waiK, west &iae. .Main 32o. I.KM and board, everything modern, beatt (twiner niunnis, if uuuuica H1K li UIU X . J, Marshall 3212 ROOM and board for gentleman, close In. private, congenial lamiiy, reasonable. .East k) M and boa rd, modern home, large front room with fireplace; use of piano. &7 innity nane. Marshall 46. GOOD room, nine home, near Multnomah jiua; generous table, reasonable. Main NICE front room, hot and cold water, for 2 men. reason aoie; gooa nome cooking. 530 inn st. WILL board boy or girl, age from 6 to 12 years, very reasonaDie.Mr. jvircnoff. 806 1 1 1 n st. KuuM and board, refined, congenial fa mil v. home cooking, reasonable. 384 Park. Mar shall 3tHy. ROOM and board In modern private home ot aauits. use or parior and piano, all nome comioris, rensonaoie l a Dor vh4. PRIVATE family offers nicely furnished room with board, walking: distance. 7o3 IIWJ t. I PLEASANT room, private home, Portland Heights, suitable for gentleman. Mar- shall 3720. ROOM and board in beautiful home. 311 11th. Phone Marshall 2003. ONE or two ladles or man and wife, private nome in ivemon. wain. d-t'.'X. LARGE room in modern home, board od- tional. Marshall 4410. 431 W. Park St. ROOM, board, with sleeping porch; gentle- in a 11. 01D LBiiu ave. cast i.ij.i. BOARD and room. modern, private homo; Tabor St. price reasonable. ROOMS, with or without board, in a pleasant nome. oz r. ntn . irvington car. FURNISH ED rooms, with board; sleeping porcn. j-o inn st. Jiain ;io34. TWO pleasant rooms; board if desired. 778 L.ovejoy. Aiain ziuv. I NICK warm room with German cooking. j.-t 1 a itonigomery i. DESIRABLE room, excellent board, pleas- ant home. waiKing aistance. Mar. 577. Furntshexl Anart ments. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern if. 3 4-room rurnisnea and unfurnished, $18 up. "W" car to North nip. Mar. 227. A TENANT desires to sublet, his beautiful rc-room . rurnisnea apartment. &ee janitor, 70". Davis st. 2-ROOM steam-heated furnished apts.. low rates. Harrison Court. 5th and Harrison. NEW furnished apts. ; concrete block; $10 and $12. 1162 Union ave. X. Wdln. 512. ARCADIA 706 Everett, near 22d, 3 and 4 rooms, walking distance references. 1 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gas, light; $3 up. New Hart. 170 2d st. I CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th 1 innervations tatten ror January i. I ONE front 4-room newly furnished a pi. iiUlana louti FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. A HOUSE THAT 13 quiet, refined, -clean, safe, THE WHEELDON ANNS. popular 0th and Salmon Sts. well known, of highest standing. A house of quality. comfort and service. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and" Columbia Sts. Five minutes walk to Meier A Frank's tore; good surrounilngs; strictly modern U and a. room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Paclfl Coast; 4urnihed complete. Roof Gardens In Connection. Walking Distance. References, 6- ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. VERY" BEST WEST SIDE DISTRICT. $45 6 fine, big, outside rooms ; heat, hot water, phone, well furn. ; adults; easy walking dist. ; Just off Washington st. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. PENROSE APARTMENTS. N. W. corner Belmont and Grand ave. New, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building; white enam eled interior; iarge Kitchens; service first' clsss ; walking distance. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-nOOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. $lt$ TO $25. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. CHESTERBURT. Hotel and Apartments. DInlna-room in connection. lnth and Kearney. Marshall 764, A 4459. MADISON PARK APTS., Park at Madison. Modern 2. 3 and 4- room furnished apartments, close In by w ee k or mon t a. BAKt'N APARTMENTS. I4th and to umDia. Two and 3-room apartments, furnished. first-class, reasonable rates. Main BOZANTA APARTMENTS. 183 N. 23d Un der new management ; eerythlng ui to date, corriplet;i furnished, private phone and bath; sjj un. Marshall 'u-.v THE D E ZENDO R F. 208 16th St., near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Exceptionally nice 3, 4 and 5-room up is. All outside rooms, fine view, clo in. AVALON. Modern furnished 3 and 4-reom apart' ments. sleeping porches, corner Clacka mas and ivoss sts. ftione r.ast Ji-. MIOOM apt everything furnished, heat, light and cooking gud, $14. Milt. Main 412. ARGYLL APTS. 341 14th; nicely furnh clean, airy 2 -room apts.; private bath, phone: lti up; new management. WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and 3-rra. apis. $! up; heat, light, bath; clean, respect able. Ml Grand ave., cor. V ashington. ANT a neat young lady to share apart mei t. Phono Monday, Tabor 3o73. LEONARD. 3-room apartments. outsiue rooTns, phone, bath. 4tK East Main. I of urnlMird Apartments. CARMEUTA APARTMENTS. 13TH AND JEFFERSON. 4 AND 5-ROOM UNFURNISHED. CALL MAIN 20bd. IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service, low rates to permanent tenants references required. tiH'J Irving st. Phone Marshall 24h. BEAL'llrLL unfurnished 5-room apart ment. with all modern conveniences, in eluding sleeping porch, telephone, gas, - electric lights', tc. ; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reduced rental. Phones Main 4376, A 1301. NEAR WASHINGTON AND -KING. FINE UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. $40 6 rooms, living and dining-room. caoinet Kitchen; rear and front porch; large hall; 3 large bedrooms: modern bath. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. IKY I.NGTON J ust vacated, upper corner flat. Apartment service always in demand. See. Ja.11 it or in time, or you will be too late. 4o3 E. Kith st. N., cor. Hancock st. R. J. O'Neil, owner, 701 Board of Trade bldg. THREE clean, light, airy rooms, very cen trally loiatea. close in; suitable for doc tor's office. Weriderburn Apts., 14 Grand ave. N. East 3blb. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 2Hth and Couch sts. Mart. hull 255U. Mod ern new building, 2. 3 4-room unfurnlshea 'apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. A FEW of the new Nob HUI 3-room apart ments untaken; llxht and airy, unexcelled outlook ; reA..-ptiou-i uoiu, large lawn, etc Glisan, ne . 23d. PA LAC 13 APARTMENTS. East 37th and Market; four rooms, unfurnished, private bath and phone, all modern conveniences; gooil st 1 vice. FINEST fV-rooin $30 apartment in city; jani tor service ; heat, hot and cold water; phone, lights, cooking gas, etc., free. Mar. 1703. NICE SUITE of 1-2-3 and 4 housekeeping rooms at 41 iv tilings worth ave., cor. Vancouver. Low reut. ' Phono Woodiawn 1 TvJ. FIN E front, st rictly modern, 2-room apart ment ; iarge dressing-room, heat, phone, etc. ; rent $20. ;i.",5 Chapman st. WINDSOR APARTMENTS 3 rooms, unfur., clean, comfortable, homelike, 2 blks. car line, walking distance. East 2907. FORDHAM 170 Vista ave.; a 4-room un furnished moderate-price apartment. Mar, SIX rooms si epln porch, 1 rooms: references. 7S0 Irving. ill outside Mar. 175S. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders. Large, light. 3. C nut, reas. M.7516. A 2076 THE AMERICAN. 21ft and Johnson 3, 4, 5 reems. reasonable. Marshall 3360. 5-ROOM A PT., with sleeping porch, Mawr. ls5 E. 13th st.; $30. Bryn THE ORMONDE 5 moras, all outside mod ern; Flanders. Nob Hill. Main h-01. KE A RN E Y A PTS. rooms and bath on first floor. Phone Maruger. Marshall 247. Funilslied or CnfumilieU Apartment. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 1SG Vista ave., near 23d and Washing ton; large. attractive, sunny outelde rooms; private balconies, modern, super ior service, unsurpassed view, walking dis tance. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and 4 room; rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2iil and 2Ut4. Walking distance, 1st and Irving. WELLESLKY COURT, MELCL1FFE COURT. REX ARMS. Runnyslde. carline. close In ; 2 room; desirable and reasonable. and S- THE BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison Strictly modern; all outside apartments; Ideal location; references. Pnone Main lOlt 1 and I0o2. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect In all details. 49 Lu- cretia st. Marshall 1513. A 3637. TRINITY PLATE APARTMENTS. THE HOL'SB OF TONE. 4!-07 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. Flats. MODERN FLATS. 5 rooms, hardwood floors. Boy n ton fur nace, Holladay Add., 2 blocks Broadway car; waikinx distance; rent $lt. Gordon, E. tih and E. lJroudway. 6- ROOM modern flat. $15. including water, furnace heat. West Side. 0i2 Lovejoy, near 21st. 7- ROOM modem upper and lower flat, $17.50 and $20; all outside rooms. tii2 Everett, Main ar2. fi-ROOM modern flat. 420V 11th su. $ld.u; ater paid. Oregon In v. & Mtg. Co., 2oi Stook Kxcnange. 3d and Yamhill. $10 A MON'.'H 4 rooms, desirable location, close to school and carline. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodiawn 2o2. . $18.30, Including water, modern 5-room up per; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, etc E. I'.nh st. N cor. Davis. Wdln. 4373 $11 MONTHLY. 5-room flat, electrtc light, free water, bath, clean. 37 N. 21st. FLAT of six rooms and Lath. 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 130 6th. Phone Main 6278. MODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d and Washington sts. Main fcUSS. $19.. 10 STEAM heated. beautiful f lat ; gas range. East So 15. 5 ROOMS, sleeping porch, heated by Central Heating Co. 73 Kearney. Mar. 3456. Sli FI V K rooms, modern, corner flat. East th et. and Belmont. 5-ROOM upper, fire-place, sleeping porch. Hawthorne and Glenn. Tabor 1304. 5-ROOM modern flat, close in. rent cheap. Phone East 2384. LOWER 5-room Tat 47S Park 7-room house. Inquire 46-H Park. MODERN 6-xooni flat, low rent. MIn &75. FOB RENT. Flats. SPLENDID 3-room lower flat with dress ing-room, bath, closet, newly ouiti. u all modern conveniences such as gas range and water heater, electric vacuum cleaner and latest style disappearing bed; two fine porches, on corner iot. heat partly furnished and yard kept up; rent $L. Including water. Located 315 East o3d St., one block south of Hawthorne ave. Call at above address or 304 Alder st. Phone Main A 3277. AN' attractive unfurnlsned Hat of 5 rooms I on fort. and Heights; bath, nrep:ace, mr nace, beautiful view. Phone Marshall 2270 I or Broadway 1S71. HOLLADAY ADD., modern 5 and 6-rootn iiat, sleeping porch, with or without par age, close In. 202 E. 2d st. N-, cor. Mult nomah. MODERN 3-riwm flat, large balcony, disap pearing bed. ga range, linoleum, cor. E totn and Haisey. V. I. Swauk. Main IrtOS. P 148. $18 NEW 4-r.. hdw. floors. v ivory finish. ftni range, not water, front, buctc pon-n : separate entrance: clone in. 30o Monroe near I nmn ave. E. 67i2. ONE and 3-room flats. $S; also 2-room, i on V ancouver ave. oodlawn 1.K.S. 6 OR 8 -room, upper cor. flat, near-la. 27 14th., cor. Jefferson. Wdln. 44.5. FIVE pleasant rooms, walking :istance ; montn rree ir taken et once. Kant mioi, 5-ROOM lower flat, modern, between Broad way and steel bridge. 2M v Haisey. rurnlftaril Flats. MODERN five-rooni flat, neatly furnished. 212 - Margin st.. 3 blocks south Broad way bridge, fronting river; $lb, including water, t-ast itti. b-KOOM flat, nartlv furnished. Rector heat ing system; references 2J-V . J tun. tain 1 7. MODERN 5-room, newly plastered flat for rent, cheap. 110 Greeley st. woodiawn NEW modern, five-room, nicely-furnished I flat, west Side, walking distance. Main I S311. 0-HOOM flat, completely furnished, near Couch School, walking distance to town. -Vain 30- 4-KOOM modern flat, walking distance, 33 Ross st., ii blocks Broadway bridge. Low rent. lyj CHAPMAN Beautifully furnished five- room flat, piano. ; also t-room nt. MODLRN r.-room lower flat, all outside room a, wa.king distance. 424 Tlllamookl COMPLETELY furnished 3-room flat, rea sonable n:;ft Rodney ave. MoDEKN well -furnished rent cheap. Wood la a n -room 2075. Hat for WILL rent my 6-room modern flat, rea sonable. Phone Last .0O. $J. i-ROoM furnished flat, walking dis tance. 13 p:ast 8th N. E. IS6o. llouaekeeplng Rooms. d x F! room with kitchenette, completely fur nished steam heat, runulna hot and cold water, phone In every room. 7 block from 5th and Morrlsou sts.. $14 up. 2U1 Col umbla st. hear uth. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites. walklnr distance, both phones : 2 p week and up; newly renovated. Main 7771. The Warrenton. 402 Va 3d st. 4-ROOM flat, gas and electric, wood range. near Broadway bridge. ofeJ E. 1st st. $1 l.QA. 2-KOOM suite, first floor, very ronvtuitut ani rcasonaDie t lanaers mu 401 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and t wo-rm housekeeping apts. reason at le. NEWLY renovated housekeeping rooms, $2 to per weeK. 321 wet farK. llounekeeplnc Koom In Private Family. $12 TH REE large, clean, completely fur nished H. K. rooms, clean bedding, cur tains and carpets, linoleum, sink, pantry, private toilet, yard. free, lights and phone. gas and wood range; 2 blocks . S. car. Inquire 7M E. Yamhill. $11. $12 EAST OR WEST SIDE Nice. large, sunshiny suites on lower floor, com plete; electric lights, water, phone, yard, bath; walking distance. 134 Purler. Phone Sellwood lloy. KuK RENT 1 completely furnlsheii house keeping roomi, ground floor, private resi dence; will furnish Ufiht. heat, fuel, etc., 11 desired. Tabor .ni3. $14.00' THREE completely furnished house keeping rooms : electric light. private bath; gas rank's, phone; neat, clean, cosy. close in. 12S East llth. near Morrison. 3 ROOMS and kitchenette, furnished; closet. bath, gas range, electric ligh le; modern residence, 1 bock Hawthorne car. East 7.'31. 734 East Madison. ON K 2-room suite, $16; one largo r Ingle room, $li; newly furnished, hot watei heat phone and light Included; nice laun dry. '414 Mill t. Si TO L'.'iU a weok; furnished H. K. rooms; free heat, laundry, bath, phone. East 603U. 400 ancouver, near xrouaway. FOU R unfurnished housekeeping rooms; gns range, water, phon furnished, pri vate bath. 31 1 Cherry st. TWO nicely f urnibhed rooms, range, free litrht. bath, phone Burnslde. corner lth. sin k, 11. gas 475 ONE large room and kitchenette, u ater, on first floor ; private rood lo.-ation. 31 I Columbia. sink and entrance. PL" RN 1SH ED housekeeping room, water room, bath and phone, $11 a month. 3 Weldler. at Union. TWO clean housekeeping rooms, bath. llKht, phone free. .434 Jefferson st. Phone Main 73..3. KKi large plain and outside H. K. rooms and suites, $-h ty $12 per mo.; home piace. large yard. of 1st. A 13 HOUSEKEEPING suit" for G; hot wat--r. phone, close in. bachelor or working girl preferred. 3VH Mill. l-KuOM H. K., good furniture, wuIUin dwtance. West Side, elec., gas stove, heat. rhrap rent, cash 2.x. Main 2444. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, liuht. I phone, water, free. West Side. Tabor Rol. SINGLE warm, dean housekeeping rooms; electricity, gas, phone, hath; also flat, pri vate bath and entrance. 2.. 12th st. HO US EK EE PING, one and two rooms. $." to HO per month; free bath anil pliuae, 400 Yamhlii. between ana l.stn. FINE alcove 3-room apartment, cold water, furnished, modern, Everett. hot and $20. OtiU DON'T SEAIICH Two corner rooms, gas ranc. electricity. cian. J'Va 4th, TWO larKe. Mo,-. 3d. light H. K. rooms, $2.20 week. LARGE front room, heat, light, water, every convenience. io. 41W w. Uroadway. 3 N EWLY kalsoinlned furnished housekeep ing rooms; gas. bath. os. hurman st. $1 W EKK Clean, quiet, doae In, la grounds, phone. io E. Sth. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, lower floor, yard and porch. IOO E. 18th st. FURNISHED H. K. euites. cosy, clean, walk- ins: d iatance. East H2'J. 13 E. 7th ; cheap. THREE nicoly furnished H. K. rooms, close in. very reasonable. E. 7th. COX. V housekeeping suite $1 per month. SS I - Petty grove. Main -. ONE clean H. ing distunv-e, join, kitchenette. Main H17W. FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms. 415 Mill St. TO RESPECTABLE worklngmnn. H. K. room. mly $5 month. 2.4 Jefterson St. g LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms. modern, piano. K2 L. Salmon st. HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping rooms, $1.50 and $2 per week. 241 lth st. 1 OK 2 water; housekeeping rooms, cheap. lOtf No. 1st h hot and cold Bt. Main SIM. WORKINGMAN or woman may have H. room, hot water and furnace heat. 1SI Park LARGE room. $1.50 week. gas. cook stove. free electricity, phone, bath. 4tn st. THREE furnished H. K rooms, downstairs. 44 Williams ave. E ast SOvVJ. $j THREE unfurnished, lower floor H. rooms. 743 E. Stark, cor. 22d. E. 53.Vi. 3."- SALMON", two lovely rooms, furnished for housekeeping; single furnished room. TWO and 4 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. t4 l-ront. cor. viean THREE furnished housekeeping rooms in private family 24 Eugene st. $10 LADT will rent 3 rooms In modern home. 7l East Yamhill. East 4:1. H. NICE large room with kitchenette within walking distance. Phone Main 4Ss.". lfounes. $10 6 R., Gantenbein ave. $12 5 R l"th. Mt. Scott. 17, t r 30th A: E. Glisan stw. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 22S Henry bldg. NICE 6-room furnished house, s.t-epmg uorch and fireplace, on E. Burnslde. near 2tth ; rent reasonable. Marshall 2o2 4. IRVINGTON :t0 E. 13th N. ; good 6-room house, choice location; rent reduced to $18. Main 84 2. ; tlrt I KVINGTON, clean, modern home. 6 rooms, furnace, china cabinet, electricity. gas. 35 F.. wth st. cor. Broadwray. ROSE CITY PARK Modera bungalow, bedrooms. 375 44th st. Tabor 4'.U2 in A BIG SNAP, not far out; ee moder bungalow at 75Q E. Fortieth. East 62H. jl'j CLEAN 7-rin. modern house; nice yard. 265 E. 76th N. Main w-ti. hast wjht. $12.50 NEW 5-rm. modern hunMiow, near A Iberta line. No children. Last 6'Jl IRVI N'GTON Desirable, modern home, w located. $25. Main SQ78. East 34. IR VTXGTO V 7-r. modern bom, 526 E. 1th at. ii new Braaee and JtLnott. Main I06. FOR RENT. Main 4645. A 6661. POWERS RENTAL BUREAU. 6- room house In Rose City park dist.. with furnace end nreplace Jl.00 5- rooin bungalow, near l-aure!hurst. modern, with furnace, etc flS.OO 7- room house in Sunny side d:s,rict, mod., furnace, fireplace, nice yard. J'--.M 6- room bungalow, Hawthorne dist., mod . with furnace and nrepiao. $-". If you are looking for a house, take ad vantage of our iarse list of houses located In all desirable districts of the city, fur list is one of the largest and most com plete In the city. POWERS FURNITURE CO., Third and TamhilL 12 ftv GARFIET-D ave.. a large rm. house, modern, garace. 4 OO A-rm. cottage. larp counfl. enclosed, small bain, in Lents Uis- trlct. 1 114 Tvon, st. S-roora modern home. $10. flO.oo 7-room house. 3oi N. lltn St.. West Side. $10.oti .'.-rm, modern house, lw Vernon ave. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 4600. A 6101. MEI if R A: FRANK S RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. 1o have at all times a reliable list t houses, flats, apartments, etc.. in of the city. Avail yourselves of this service. Information cneeriutiy iui OlR Irvington Tiome for rent tinfurnished Seven rooms, 3 bedroom, muniry, basement, koo-i furnace, moo em auu v to date, very desirale neighborhood, cor ner l..t. lot- of fruit and shrubbery; rent low to desirnble tenants. See the place. SCJ Ctackamax t.. or phone Tabor .M. b-KuoM h.ui.. T." L4th st ,7 a 7-room itouso, ii I nn.on si ' 7-room house. 71 East Yamhill st... 1 . C-room house. 4sr4 t;.;d st. S. E. ... 0-room cottag. n-nnioni si..... J"-'-" THE LAW HK.N. k,j mx-a.s . M. fi'.nr. 171 4'.h. A 2i1S FOR RENT Bedroom and private oiiiiok- room in new, hiou'th, ,,ul, ,v nished home in laurelhurst, near carline. for refined couple without children ; ac cess to living-rooms, magnificent lthrnrv, nr.; references excnan;.d. l'hono laior 004. HOUSES FOR RENT. 10-room house at 1HM Pntton ave., fr $!. 7-room house, alecpius porcri snu garage, at 3-.IO E. :un st.. for $2-. 4-rooni houite at iitio t.- n . N. W. Bank Wig. I rone jutin f .. $3 ni.ini', f'"4 E. 23d st. N. -i,s E. 12th st. N.. 7 rooms, 4 io rooms, 144 N. lth. O S rooms. .".rj E. Taylor. $25- 22.: $22.J PALM UK-JO.-s t-E 40 4 Wilcox Bldg. Msin St. HOLLADAY PARK. IRVINGTON. Modern rt-room house, two f ireplaeei., furnace. fcjiM Clackamas St.. near -un. rent $23. Phono Eatt o'.;i. or kci cj next door w est. 3iTiI ST. RSE C ITY ( A It minpaio. - age. rooms, sleeping porcn. out. hent also in enrage; all hardwood floor. Inrce rooms. .0 month. Hickman-WIIon, 4M h and Snndy. Tbor t.;s. C 212 1. KoOMS. inndt-rn. Juat r.noattd, fine con diiion. 40 East 24Ui North, near E. Couch .t : rent 1 . 1'ARKISH. W ATKINS & CO., imt Second St. FOR RENT A modern 10-room residence. West Side in periect orner, nnifl private resldenco or rooming-house. In quire room 615 Corbutt bldg., 3th and Mor rison. NO 2W K. 32D HAWTHORNE. REDUCED UKOM TO 6 rooms, modern; tuni. nice yard. ,i.K!rtft front .in-1 norcnes. SMITH-W AOONER CtJ.. -TOOK EX. FREE STOR AG E Household goods stored free: expert movers., puin-n "''' ? Manning Warehouse Transfer Co., 9th and liot cui. Broadwa ONE. 2 or 3 j.res. lots tree iruus nu n - nes. 3-room iioute, kuu.''. -" ll- ' bonnes, near ."c carline, Sl month up. Mf-Coy. 332 Chamber of Commerce. ; ROOMS AND ACHE LAND. rt Mo.iern: 30t h and .v;d avenue; fine .i... f.,r chickens: Woodstock car. SMITH-WAGON Kit CO.. STOCK EX. Hi dims and bath, tsi uoor u iv-ie..v. lmo.eum on Kii' ii-'ii diii 1 furnace, nl iot, ue of phoue. bl r r.n- cU ave. riione Sellwood 17. . $1 FIRST-CLASS modern w-room nouse. an'cf fhoiitt East 12C3. or call tW3 l Washington. yO'll RENT Port lan. I He ignis, fvii-r hotino; periect n-paii. - . view drive; fine view; $20 month. Main 2242. BEST RENTAL SERVICE IN CITY Tail or phone We mivc you time and tro.ibi TME ERNEST YOUNGER CO. Main T.KK.. Park st.. near Washington. A. IOjI. & S.NAP to tiuiet I'rotestant adults; rle trie, garbiige. iitaters and linoleum lice. 121! K. Tu ljr. . . FIVE r joms. loxloO, E. 7th N J. J. OKDTT. Ave. at Kan batli. electric t I.iAIN'JTON St., 0 roms and ath. $1; 73 E. Madison St., 10- room?. $1". Ernst miner 11. 4l' l.wmbTiiu'ii bldg. TWO modern cottages, cneap. o o un , also one to rent in exenauge ior Main tti7A G-ROOM inouvrn houie. mk I. ours. furnace Phone HTIH UJ'-l"-UiiC. o v. . i l " " Tbor It' 19. MolKUN S-room house in s con dition; has I iirepiace, .kc t.w.. and renonal le rent. Tail 441 lHn st. W SIDE, inoOern, .i , mis. from u;now eenier. lotta Court. 17th and Everett. 1 .. -vt .l.v r.-t 1 tiavt nouses. :m to ivy.-. ; .... .... .k $12.0, loo casn. na.Hiue ju M " E Lee, ot.' 1'orhet t bid g. 14-ROOM modern Howe. n eiepnni '- rooms. suitau.e tor uu.b-""". -,M. Ke. ml Marshall .'.rioL'. MODERN -rt n house; clean; rent very " East Salmon, corner 21st. reasfinanie . Phone East uSy. 5.ROO.M hous.o in sunnysine, diocks irorn car l;ne; f. , Chamber of Commei ce. COMFORTABLE tl-ruom home. West Slue. walking uistnnce; ihk imw, small ard. o. MO Market. Mntn 4..1Q. st Side G-room lioun1. dosira-bly lu ll I'ark blocks; rtasunaule rent to Ma. in l.'. NICE W cated t adults. bunpalo ...." -v, ;:.fM ..t 74h place, lo "Main 212'.. st. S. E. $l.tV; MOL1KUN i-room litmdlow. Main U12U. b-ROOM modern noiise, 1 1- , -U-.-'a :2d. inquire u r'- .am FOR REST IrviriKton. 1-room house at US J E. 11th st. 1 v ..-.v 6-ROOM cottage, gas Darn, fecirR-: y . b RoOM. 1 21th st. N. Piioue rent rerisonahi. Main .!". references 0 ROOMS, modern. No. 1 N. 72d su, rent $11. Main 4:-J. 5 ROOMS, m dern. with . lots. No. 0 62d si.-i. Main 4M2. MtIKKN 7-rom nous', -on mhtv, . . . w Yl..rci..ll 1 OT Marshall. J ",n"n" j,"-oR RENT U-rm. house. 7oa Everett, oor. r:d. - Fult RENT -room. ;-etory modern bo no woodl: wn rt:6- lloiiu-m v i-iiTK. r-n GooD o-'coui ttatic. $1"; dista nee. V 4th; w a 1 K 1 r , g L.00D 5-room cottage. io. ;.- Ji" utw 0-lioOM modern iioue. -t"- -.-vi. . n-ar lluiK OCK.nor.e'. FOR RENT Modern 3-room nouse. ruon Tabor 4 l -tt. FOR -RENT 5-room bur.caiow. ciean condi tion. 4.i'i ana r. .vi :iu;3qq. i-roorn cottage. E 10th and Sandy blvrt. r.a"t -" 6-ROOM houae. gas. electricity. wsiKing a i- tanre. r.v re-.v m. r -- - 5-lt04M uuiurn.shed bunralw. modern, in , vt."rioU Add. S4I Colonial ave. RS car. -, PLEASANT 6-r'om hnu. 2 '. E. :i."th. near Ha thorne. Kejr at 2;4. next door. jl4 fi-ItOOM moinrn nouse. in sdto tonai- MODERN 6-room houe. ii ana cnicnen yard. ?: a monin. 1 aoor .fn. il-HOOM hou-e. corner E. Rhone Main 57. ith and Fail I ii NEAT buncalow with fireplace, j rnis. Knone .Main .n-. S-H ii'M boost lu KOud conauion. niuiri Third t. B-KOuM modern, furnsce, hardwood floors. I MTK S-room hnii Ryan Viace, 5 roonto. wwner. l.i ai. au t.