THE "SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 17, 1916. D V REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. SPLENDID DAIRY RAMCH. i 100 ACRES FOR $500. Here Is one of the best dairy ranches down the Columbia River, 1 miles from boat landinjr and 45 miles from Portland. There are lt0 acres, all fine, tillable land xcpt 2u acres; 40 acres high state cul tivation, balance easy to clear and good pasture; 5-room house, large barn and outbuildings, spring water piped to prem ises; ben nn ? iruit and all kinds ot ber ries. Personal, is cows, some young ftock, 3 good horses, hogs, chickens, cream separator, all farm implements, hay, (train, potatoes; price lor ail, $0t0; $:-E5ito cash, balance easy terms; owner in jured in accident; must sell. HARGROVE REALTY CO., . 122 X. tub. tit., near Glisan. Bdwy. 43SL IMPROVED COLUMBIA COUNTY FARM- 40 acres, 35 acres tillable, 10 acres In cultivation, wood lot, 5-room house, good barn, stream of water through corner of - pla-je, good spring water piped to house and barn, 10 head of cattle, horse, wagon, buggy, harrow. 2 plows set double har ness, single harness, all small tools and one good stump puller with compiete set of tackle; ground in excellent condition ; free from rock; well located on rock road. V mil from good graded school; close to excellent markets. Property w ell fenced ; bearing orchard, machine shop, granary, fruit cellars, good chir-ken-house; price $42K; terms. Main 0313. CHARLES L. WHEELER COMPANY. 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CHEAP SMALL FARM. fiO-acre Willamette Valley farm, 6 , ml lea from 2 good towns oil the electric ; 25 , acres clear, 23 pasture, mostly oak; V mile to school ; good 5-room house, barn, Xx-iQ, spring water piped ; family fruit, on countv road. D MChcaney, IH3 Title &. Trust b!dg. Main 3477. w a me ! real estate. " your opportunitV Want a good home In od locality of Portland; will give deed to city property In Bend, the fastest growing city in the Northwest, with small cash payment, or assume small Incumbrance. AG U&4, Ore gor.lan. BUNGALOW WANTED. Have Laurelhurst lot as first payment on 0 or ti-room modern bungalow In re stricted district; not over $4HH. J. W. GRUSSI, 310 Board of Trade Bldg. WANT VACANT LOTS WILL PAY CASH. Want from one to 10 lots at about $100 each in Sell wood, S?t. Johns or some other tood district; give lot number. AD irtil) ' n-eponian. "SlOUNCJ graduate architect will design your future nome, furnish plans, specifications and superintend construction work for a price far below that charged by other architects. Advice given, free. Address X tM,, Oregonian. Iti'i ACRES near Yamhill, fully stocked and equipped ; good house and barn ; 60 acres cultivation. Will consider house to value $luou, balance of $smw liberal terms. H. G. EPTOX, 432 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Acreage or small farm to $3u0, iiO miles Portland, for choice 150 feet on Belmont; walking distance, and 4 flats furnished and rented. Owner, 661 Bel mont. IIAVE cash buyer for modern 6-room home; must be In good neighborhood, good value, not to exceed $-JOO0; give full particulars, with lowest cash price; no would-be equi ps wanted. Y 1KS2. Oregonian. HAVE YOU A CLEAR LOT? I need a clear lot to build on. Can give you good trade for It In house leased for $30 per month. Phone J. M. REEVES, Tabor 1732 or Main 1700. WANTED Large wheat, valley or a too, farm ; give highly improved 10-acre home with $12,000 residence, all worth $20,000, as first pay. F. Fuchs, 420 Cham, of i 'om. WANT small place near carline; not over 10 miles from Portland; not less than two acres. Must be a snap and not to exceed $-000. Will pay cash. Zimmermann, with The Fred A, Jacobs Co., 104 5th at. WILL trade vacant Hawthorne or Irving ton corner lots for modern 6 or 7-room house in either Irving ton, Laurelhurst, Hawthorne, Ladd's Addition or West Side. J b82, Oregonian. WANT clear city property. $2500 to J2O.000. Have to exchange some exceptionally choice farms. A. K. HILL. 419 HENRY BLDG. FL'HXJTURE and hardware- stock and 6-rm. house and lot, near car; mortgage pn house and lot, $225; will trade both for farm. Address 5123 S2i st. S. E. TV'ANTED Unimproved land, large or small tracts; I have a very attractive proposi tion to offer. E. J. Roberson, 703 Title & Trust bldg. Marshall 240. WANT vacant lots near Jefferson High School or any part of Northeast Portland for a modern house ; price $4000. J. G. Gustaff. 500 Gerlinger bldg. (400 CASH and $600 lot, balance $45 per mo. Want 8 rooms, strictly modern, not over 13500. Hawthorne district. J 007, Orego nian. WE look up deeds, mortgages, estates, suits, foreclosures, names of owners, anything you wish, $1 up. J. S. Knauss, examiner of titles. 332 Chamber of Commerce. IF you want cash for your farm or suburban acreage make your price right, and then get in touch with Coe A. McKenna & Co., 727 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED House and lot in, exchange for 240-acre stock ranch or 160-acre pine timber; send description. Boggera &. Evans,' 206 Gerlinger bldg. WANT 5 or 6- room house, near Oak Grove; not less than 4 block of land; must be a bargain; cash and terms. AO 070, Orego nlan. . WANTED $1000 CLEAR LOT FOR $2000 equity in a strictly-modern up-to-date 7-room Rofo City Park house, near canine, tan ! i unamDer or commerce. EQUITY In 100x100, 31st and Alberta t., to exchange for house equity. Call 102U E. 2Sth North. $ j U CASH and clear lota or acreage for a clear house. Call or write 400, Bd. of Trade. ONE lot in Rose City Park, give Westmore land lot and cash difference. Tabor 4012, Odell. LOOGED-OFF stump land for Irvlngton home; prefer St. Helen's diet. East 2S44 or BC 0S2, Oregonian. GOOD building lots for acreage. E. & C. Lovegren. home builders, 600 McKay bldg. Marshall 2500. WE have buyers for anything good. In close in city property, farms or nearby acreage. R. F. Bryan. 509 Cham, of Com. IF threatened with foreclosure of mort gage or contract, see J. S. Knauss, 332 Chamber of Commeroe. WANTED Apartrnent-hotrae or hotel for a good improved farm or stock ranch. Wro. Burley, 269 Stark, near 4th. , STANDARD ABSTRACT CO.. and W. R. Has- ACREAGE Improved, unimproved; close in. WANTED To buy lot In Ladd's Add.; must be cheap. J 998, Oregonian. WHAT have you clear for 5 or 10-acre su burban ranch? AM 967, Oregonian. WANTED The best buy in modern 6 or fi-room bungalow. AB 964, Oregonian. WANT bungalow. Sacrifice Rose City, Haw thorne, etc.' C. Rlngler, 228 Henry bldg. WANTED House to $300 for $GO0O close in 40-acre farm. AP 963, Oregonian. WANT Laurelhurst lot, barsain for cash; full details. V 993, Oregonian. WE buy equities, priced right. 407 Panama bldg. WANT lota or acreage for fine close-in West Side home. o 093. Oregonian. FOR REM FARMS. 100 ACRES near Roseburg; 90 acres in cul tivation; also 166 acres near Gresham, 35 acres under cultivation; good orchard, fair buildings. zoa Wilcox bldg. 25 a. 10 a. IN CULT. : 4-room house, barn. etc.; house completely furnished: also necessary f arm Implements; rent $15 per muiim. xv. .', wirBuiiictu. FuR RENT 55 acres best of bottom land all cleared ; 2 bams. 7-room house. 1 hour's ride from -Portland. Inquire 260 JS. ACRES near Harrlsburg, Or., rent $500; will lease for term of years, at present occupied by owner. Zimmerli, 410 Lum- bermens bldg. FOR RENT 5 acres. 1 in grapes, all kinds or truit, turnisned nouse. o rooms; will sell cow. chickens, turkeys; $20 per month rasn. .MiiwauKie, J-c. x, sox WANTED Year's rent of farm, with stock and tools and hay. Have $1500 in close-in house to trade for same, bal. $1000 mort gage, a yyo, (jregonian. WANTED To rent small farm suitable for cairy; preter one wnere I can make Im provements ior rent. trji, uregonian. feO-ACRE farm for rent, 40 In cultivation; good pasture ana water. Call 420 Mor rlson. FOR RENT 7 acres near station ; small house, suitable for chicken ranch. Phone beiiwooa 25(J. 120 ACRES. 110 acres In cultivation, near Eugene, rent reasonable. Mr. Jouno, 207 Board or Traa- oiog. ACR5S, house, barn, chicken house, . orchard, hard-surface road. Tabor" 4033. FOR RFVT FARMS. FOR RENT. 25 acres close In, $250 per year; 5 acres bearing orchard, principally cherries and prunes ; 5 acres in clover, 5 acres for cultivation and balance pasture; 4-room house, good, new barn, chicken-house and good cistern. Renter would have to buy the farm implements, one buggy and cart at a price of $1Q7. See E. M. Brown. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. 20: ACRES, 16 miles from Portland, on the Willamette River, 70 acres under cultiva tion, house and buildings, good road. 1G3 acres, about 40 miles from Portland, SO acres culttrated; house, barn and build ings; water supply. LAND DEPARTMENT, THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Building. TO LEASE Dairy farm, 1 mile from Dilly, 2 miles from Forest Grove; good roads; 15o acres, io acres In cultivation, good well, large barn equipped with 30 stan chions fur cows, will hold 30 horses, loO time of hay, good sheds, milk-houses, good silo; cash or crop rent. Phone or write B. A. Green, 77 Corbett bldg. Marshall 1256. DAIRY FARM. 130 acres, 50 acres in cultivation, fine dairy stock and modern equipment; price $510; reasonaDle rent. Mr. Jouno, 205-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR RENT 11 miles southwest of Port land, place of 10 acres, 6 A. of orchard. Renter must know how to prune and spray same. $10 per month. Apply E. 14th street. 7 ACRES, fruit, berries, garden, 6-room house, barn, horse and wagon, 2 brood sows, chicken-houses, close to Portland school and 5c car; $475 cash per year. X I;3. Oregonian. HAVE number of acres onion land for rent, located near Puajet Sound. Terms to suit. A 905, Oregonian. FARMS WANTED. WI LL buy a first-class farm, 100 acres or more, suitable for potatoes, near trans portation. Have $1000 cash as initial pay ment and will pay all cash for balance on suitable terms, with substantial yearly payments until all paid. iiend complete details at once. ST. CHARLES LAND CO. St. Charles Hotel. Front and Morrison. WANTED- An Alberta or Eastern Oregon ranch In exchange for an old estaollslw-d feed, fuel and building material business with small grading outfit: also 100 acres timber. AB 984, Oregonian. WANT 1-acre tract. Improved ; small house ; on any electric line near the city. See S. 11. Silkworth, at II ART MAN -& THOMPSON (4th and Stark) WANTED To hear from owner j4t good farm fur sale. Send description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, Mlnneapo IIs. Minn. LIST your farms with us. Have choice list exchanges. We get results. A. K. HILL, 410 HENRY BLDG. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WE CAN LEASE YOUR FARM HAVE A CLIENT WAITING For 15 to 100-acre farm. Will buy stock and Implements ; send descriptions. Mr. Jouno, 20&-7 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED TO RENT On shares, ranch with good buildings, and suitable for diversified farming, having pasture and hay land, west of mountains. CHAS. R. GRAY, Baker, Or. HAVE a client who wants ' a dairy w ith modern bldgs. Mr. Jouno, 205-7 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED To rent a farm from 40 to 100 acres In plow; buy stock; nothing but cash money. AK 083, Oregonian. IF you have a farm or suburban acres to rent I can get a good tenant for you. See J. A. Turner 29 Stark st., near 4th. SMALL farm near Portland, suitable for poultry and gardening. BD 9bl, Orego nian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER for sale, about 400 acres cruised at 32,000.000 feet, with sawmill and close to railroad, $35,000: terms; also some fine Valley farms from $05 up to $2O0 per acre. If you want to buy, sell or trade see Bechtel A James, 2U9 N. Com. St., rooms 21 and 22. Salem, Or. AM in the market forflrst-class timber. oregon ana wasnington ; i win pay cash, but price must be right ; large tracts wanted, but will consider good small claims. O 955, Oregonian. CORDWOOD TIMBER. 850O cords of fine first-growth cordwood timber, close to R. R. spur; can be laid down in Portland for $3.20. FULTON.-621 Yeon Bldg. WANTED Timber lands for my Willam ette valley farm, and Coast ranch land. Give- full particulars. Address owner. Box 218. Albany, Or. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. T. M'CEAKEX. 304 M'KAY BLDO. 160 ACRES, 00 cordwood timber. land near j?cappoose. uooa son. bargain. J. R. Sharp, 557 Sherlock bldg. 40 ACRES of timber land for sale cheap; owner going soutn. ftoo,min ieet timber and title clear. E 904, Oregonian. 1 WANT timber. Northwest Oregon ; give iuii inrormatinn cruise, legal description and price). AC SS0, Oregonian. WAVTFT TTMpFR T.ANDA. WILL exchange $7500 Irvlngton home, un incumbered, for desirable timber; estl matee, etc., must be guaranteed. J bS4, Oregonian. TO KXCWAVGF RFAI. K STAT 15. DAIRY FARM to exchange for smaller larm; v acres, t miles rrom corvaliifl, all in cultivation, on Pacific Highway, lu room house, barn, hosrbouse. milkhoune. silo and other outbuildings; all buildinga yean o i u ; cows, a norses, an m a- chinery to run the place. Price $10,000. Want small ranch close to town from $4O00 to $80O0. Good farm, close to Portland, tr trade for place closer to Corvallls, 327-acre place; a fine dairy proposition, near Vancouver. Price $32,000; would take smaller any where In the Valley as finst payment. t 5-room house, on paved street, in Port land, one block to car; mortgage $1500 runs 2 years; make otfer on equity. Good Income property In Corvallls to ex change for small farm. Price oXHj. If you want to trade, write me. F. KENNEY. box Sl, Corvallls. Or. "IDEAL HOME" CITY. 9 ACRES); NEAR PROFIT AND INDEPENDENCE OHAK U, E, CARK SPLENDID Ff)R COWS. PIGS. DUCKS, TURKEYS. ETC. (FRUIT AND FLOWERS ON PLACE). GOOD HOUSE AND BARNS, FENCES, civ. r nr.r, vvaj Ltlj ALL CITY CONVENIENCES: SOIL RICH, NOT a LU l r IKMTUKK, POTA TOES AND CHICKENS GO WITH ruAi;r,. iuuk uwoj terms. POSI TIVE BARGAIN. PRICE UNDER $3000. SEE IT; CONSIDER EXCHANGE; MAKF OFFER. ADDRESS A. C- EPPINGER, OWNER. P. Q.,BQX 222, PORTLAND. WEST SIDE apartment, furnished : value, $35,000, mortgage, $10,COO; want valley xurm or wueai W. H. BUOY, V 515 Corbett Bldg. 8 ACRES IMPROVED. ALL UNDER CULTIVATION. On the Oregon Electric R. R., right at station, not over n mues out. Ug. 1000. What have you to offer? CALLAN & KASER. 414 Oregon B1 d g. MODERN home. Rose Oltv Park, on corner 75x100. liens paid; 6-R.. hardwood floors. furnace fireplace, sleeping Dorch : nrice $0000; want cheaper home or small acre age; mortgage 9 jaw at 7 per cent. GOPDAftD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St TWO East Side busine'ss properties, value 13,wmj; win consiaer vaiiey farm to value or tio.ow or win divide on smaller ranch. h. u. JCPTON, 432 Chamber of Commerce. 1 OF AN acre. Oak Grove ; large, nice house: close to the riven, on the street of -the new Summer resort water system : trade for house and lot in Portland. Call Mam mo. CALIFORNIA-OREGON. Properties of all kinds and sizes for In terchange; see or write us. , U. S. MORTGAGE ft INV. CO., 607 Yeon Bldg. 8-ROOM modern house, with garafce.' on Hawthorne ; will exchange for smaller place. Smith-wagoner Co., 512 Stock Ex change bldg. LOT, near East 28th and Killings worth streets; value $600; to trade for good auTomoDiie. a tt v, uregonian. GOOD real estate and office business up to $10,000. what have you? Owner, 405 Stock Exch. bldg. HAVE deaf acreage, lots and cash to trade for 1 to 40-H. K. rooms, state location. Ab viz, uregonian. WELL-IMPROVED farm for cltv nronertv $1 6.000. McCoy, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 960 ACRES, Sherman County, sale or trade. Alexander, us en amber of Commerce. 3-ROOM house for sale or trade for car. E 992, Oregonian. FINE dairy farm; $2M monthly Income gome traqe; terms, a wl, oregonian. I $16,000 CITY income to trade Xu? land A uyj, uregonian TO KXCHAXGE REAL ESTATE. $223,000 HIGHLY Improved wheat ranch, consider Income property to $Joo.OOO. $100,000 wheat ranch, stock and ma chinery, a fine place, consider other desir able property to $75,OOu. $80.0f-0 wheat ranch, R. R station and creek on place, big lot stock and machin ery, want good Income property. $75,0O0 3-story- pressed brick, 75x100 ft. West Side, consider farm to $4o,0tn, $32,500 wheat ranch, well Improved, stock and machinery; consider valley farm to $25,000. $0000, pressed brick store building, good town, ronsider other property to $5500; go higher on improved and equipped ranch, $750O improved farm, neas. Molalla; consider any good clear property to $4500. Li K. MOORE, 317 Board of Trade. TRADES: WHAT HAVE YOU? $200,000 brick building, take cheap land. $50,000 brick, $40,000 equity, for ex change. $55,000 apartment site. West Side, take building, farm or wheat land. Portland Heights- home, trade equity. Flats for farm, etc , $40,000. two brick buildinga for apart ment buildings. $10,000 clear business property; take unimproved land, suitable slock, part pay ment. $&O00 clear. 25-room hotel bldg., for apt. site, acreage, etc. Exchanges, houses, lots, farms, build ings, etc. CHAS. RINGLER ft CO., 228 Henry Bldg. "HAWTHORNE HOME" SACRIFICE. 41ST STREET. NEAR CAR. fDOCTOR'S OPPORTUNITY; NONE NEAR THIS). MODERN fFIRST-CLAPS), 6 ROOMS, BATH. FURNACE, HARDWOOD FLOORS, FIREPLACE, SHADES. GAS RANGE AND "KUUD" HEATER, GARAGE, ETC. ABOUT 30 PER CENT LESS THAN COST. SMALL RENT PAYMENTS. TEN YEARS IV DESIRED. TRADE CONSIDERED. SMALL ARES OR SMALL HOUSE EQUITY AS FIRST PAYMENT. SEE THIS. MAKE OFFER. PATTISON, OWNER. 212 SELLING BLDG. WOULD EXCHANGE! Close-in West Fide apartment. . 110 rooms and three "storerooms, on valuable corner and doing fine busi ness; cash price $05.0oo; cheap t n slderlng present income. Owner wants well improved and equipped farm. up to $40,o)o or $43.00o, and would assume $10.0o0 or $12,000. Difference between properties to be adjusted by mortgage. See E. M. Brown. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. SWELL SUBURBAN HOME. Ten miles from Portland, near R. ft. end auto road. Eleven acres, half onion land, running water, C-rm. modern house, fur nace, fireplace, electric light, hot and cold water. Fine shade trees around house. Place worth $10,000. Will take first-class city home up to $75oO. Prefer Mount Tabor, Laurelhurst or Ladd's Add. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Sank bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. , 240 ACRES. U miles from Welser. Idaho, all uiiuKi- cultivation; gooa nuiinmjrs; large b-irn, holds loo tons of hay; lMt acres bot tom land, alfalfa on this. Paid up water right, and plenty water for all purposes. Value $.10,000; mortgage $10.0"0. Death ' puts this on the market. Will trade equity for city property. What have you to offer 7 Someone sure to get a great bargain. 407 Panama bldg. EXCELLENT TRADES. 80-acre fully stocked and Improved farm In Clackamas County for the low price of $32u0. Take vacant lots up to $1200, some cash, balance on timer Get Independent. Many good trades on hand. Let us know what you have and what you want. F. Fuchs, 420 Cham, of Com. CLEAR LAND FOR HOUSES Up to 120 acres, near Hermiston; Gov't, water, fine soil, lies well, easily put to crop; $50 per acre clear. Will assume on good property. Will give land for work. Rare opportunity. O. V. BADLEY. 621 Yeon bldg. STOCK AND WHEAT RANCH. With or without equipment and stock ; exclusive list of first-class properties, any size; many of them personally Inspected by us. U. S. MORTGAGE ft INV. CO.. 607 Yeon Bldg. 40 ACRES WANTED that has some or all under cultivation and near station, and not over 40 miles from city, for clear Portland and Hood River Valley, with some cash. CALLAN & KASER, 414 Oregon Bldg. 6-ROOM bungalow. 19th and Oak St.. close in, neat attractive home. Loan Just ex tended for 2 years, $1800. Will trade equity for lot, acreage, rooming-house or ousiness. - BADLEY. 621 Yeon Bldg. 10 ACRES near Clackamas. Or., and about 300 ft. rrom, station on carver R. R. ; fair Im pro aments; wants city Improved. Mort gage $2000. What have you? CALLAN & KASER, 414 Oregon Bidg. DON'T FORGET THAT WE HAVE ACRfc- AUE AND r A RMS AND GOOD CITY PROPERTIES TO EXCHANGE. CALL AT OFFICE OR. MAIL DESCRIPTION TO C. De YOUNG & CO 513-514 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. BARCiAIN. FOR EXCHANGE. Choice acreage tract on Hillsboro elec tric line; all cultivated. A snap; part trade, part ca sh. OREGON INV. ft MORTGAGE CO 2n2 Stock Exchange. 170 3d St. WHAT -have you in Canada to trade for States? What In States for B. C. or Al berta trade, or crop payments, balance tra Je? Special : 640 A. Frazer River, $1500: 480O A. Rossland, $20. C04 W. 10th, Eugene. Or. BUSINESS corner. 50x100. near the Broad way bridge, which Is carrying a $4500 mortgage ; has a large old house. Will trade my equity for a modern 5-room cot tage or bungalow. See my attorney at 404 Piatt bldg. 15 ACRES on Scholls Ferry road. Tualatin Valley. Will make very attractive terms and take some trade if clear. W. H. BUOY, 515 Corbett Bldg. FOR LOS ANGELES. Have choice S-rm home on lot tOOxirwv Mount Tabor district, to trade for similar property in Los Angeles. Rm. 217 North western Bank bldg. LAURELHURST fine home, 8 rooms and sleeping porh. hot water heating plant, tile bath, price $S.t0O; will consider land. lots or smaller house; submit offer. D !.., uregonian. ON RIVER ROAD, between Portland and Oregon City. 10 acres, beautiful site for country nome: price Jlli.oOO. want one third cash or mortgage; will take good traue tor the Daiance. kl v:2. Oregonian CHICAGO INCOME properties, some clear, some Incumbered, CALLAN ft KASER, 414 Oregon Bid g. MODERN, new 7-room house, overlooking river, upper Aioina; umncumoered; will take vacant lots, or what have you 7 ."vi ain t. 100 ACRES close to Damascus, completely equipped. 11 1 k 11 - k 1 no Bioc k. new machin ery; price $l.",OO0; some cash, some trade McKenzle &. Co.. 515 Gerlinger bldg. SMALL FARM FOR CITY HOMR Have 15-acre Improved farm near Rt Helens; want a clear house worth about .'..'Ki. ak oregonian. 50 ACRES, near railroad; house. 15 acrs cleared, rest timber, value $2300. for home In or near city; owners only. T 003, Ore- 6-ROOM HOUSE, near carline. on 7."xl50 lot; no city Hens mortgage $1500. What have vou? CALLAN & KASER. 414 Oregon Bldg. $2750 BUYS 5-room cottnee. 10 minute' walk from 6th and Wahincrton sts. Lot alone worthy more than that. C. De Young E. SIDE seven-room house (modern I provements) for acreage or chicken farm, good soil : 10c carfare ; Sandy blvd. pre ferred. 311 5th St., or R 094, Oregonian. CHOICE city Income for vacant lots or acre age at St. Helens, Camas, Ridcefleld or maauiacmrinf town, r wzt oregonian. $18.000 GENERAL store. Willamette V-l ly: want small Improved farm, balance casn. rc m'j. ureyonmn. 160 ACRES, Grant Co., Wash., value $4000; want vat icy or rny property ; will sac riflce: assume. Box 12, Si 1 vert on. Or. FOUR-ROOM house, modern, close to good school and car; $7.50 per month. Cull 404 fiatt mag. GOOD six-room modern house, nearly new. mortgage $1600, to trade for clear lots or land. P 95S, Oregonian. WILL, TRADE 2 Tots and good auto and pay cah difference on good home. F D05, Oregonian. I HAVE a fine Rose City home for farm. 715 Couch bldg. good GOOD auto to exchange for lot or land. Mc Coy, 332 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE 10 houses: will exchange any one for, farm pear Portlsnd. 41G Piatt bl d g. 100 ACRES near Rcsburg; 00 acres in cul tivation. 202 Wiicox bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FINE EXCHANGES OFFERED IN . FAR Mi ANXJ CITY PROPERTY. S3 acres near Oregon City, 2 minutes' walk to electric station, all fine; S-roora house with hot and cold water, bath, etc. Other buildings good; lot of fruit and berries; price $l0,5OO; take house up to $0000. v House and close-In acreage near electric station ; also some unimproved acreage; ell worth $12,000, clear. Trade for et Side property up to $17,0yO. 4 SO meres wheat land. 1 miles from station; Jt-iterson Co., all good, fair build ings; price $15,00o; will trade for good Portland flats to $20,000. Good Seattle corner, close In, semlbusl ness property, some Income; price $ -1. Ovi. mortgage $8000; want clear property for $12,000 equity. Improved farm, stocked and. equipped, on electric line near Portland, to trade for Eastern Oregon cattle ranch from $25, OvO to $35,000. Well located apartment-house on West Side, Portland, furnished; price $50,000; take farm to $40,0o0. Over 4 0O acres near Newberg, highly Im proved, good buildings, lot of fine stock and full equipment; price $0O.Ot0; trade for Income property in Portland. 2000 acres wheat landK in Wasco Co., IO00 In cultivation, half in crop, good buildings, good water, 50 head work stock, some cattle, 1 0O hogs, full equipment ; leased tor half of crop; price MJ,0io; trade for Portland Income property. Brick apartment-house, close in, lOOx 100, furnished, every apartment full; ihon substantial Income price $85,000; take farm to $70,000. balance mortgage. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY", 013 Chamber of Commerce. FINE SMALL FARM. Attractive 30-acre home place on the Red Electric close to station, frequent trains tothe city; 27 acres In cultivation, 8 acres pasture with spring; family or chard ; good ti-rooui house and barn ; city water In house, tree trie lights available; team, 2 cows and machinery; $0iiOO; place clear; will take $:jt00 Portland .home. 1. McCheeney, OU3 Title ft Trust bldg. Main r.477. 80 ACRES. NEAR ALBANY. All In cultivation, 6-room house with bath, hot and cold water, garage, barn, and out-bldgs., 9 milch cows, 6 had young stock, 1H hogs. 300 chickens, 3 mares, har ness, wagon. Implements, orchard, sepa rator. Incubator and brooder $15.ooO, mortgage $250O;wlU trade tor clear city property. , R ICH ANBAyH ft CO.. 707 Lem is Bldg. 40 ACRES FOR CITY. 40 acres, near Gervais, mile from electric car, all under cultivation, 10 acres in berries' and fruits, fine nnw buildings; II cows. 8 heifers', 3 horse, pigs, chickens. Implements and tools, price $10,500; want Portland nroperty ; prefer houses, J. W. GRUSSL 316 Board of Trade Bldg. MT. TABOR HOUSE TO TRADE. Fine, large, 10-room house. 4 fireplaces, 2 lots, fine view, paved street, all paid ; cor. E. 5d and Morrison ; coat $14, ."; will sell for $.wO0 and take bunpalow or small house ls part pay up to $50o0. J. W, UKlSbl, 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. FOR EXCHANGE About 20o acres of land. UK acres of timber, balance in cultivation and pasture land. Good house and barn. Fine family orchard, 4 large springs, ;5 miles from Portland. "Will take a good bungalow up td $5iv0, balance on time at 6 per cent 'Interest. Phone Tabor 25b5 for particulars. loO ACRES of bottom land, about one mile from "nilriraook, river frontage, small house, lartfe barn, part diked ; will pas ture from Go to SO head of cattle will take good property up to $20,000 as part pay ment. La la nee mortgage; prefer Southern Oregon business Drunertv. Zimmerli. 416 Lumbermens bldg. ONIONS, 4 CTS. LB. 300 sacks an acre; $1200 per acre. I will sell you this beaver dam on good terms; close to Portland. milo from electric car. May take some trade. Ad dress owner, J. H. Nolta, 1165 Uaight ave., Portland. WANT A HOME? Have fine acreage, clear of debt, right at station on electric cur, good soil, facing county roai. la miles out. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 205-7 Board of Tra u e Bldg. WILL trade a first-class completely modern home for good standard make mahofcany baby grand piano. If you have the piano and want fine home come and see me. Straight trad-.- No cash. E. J. Roberson, 703 Title Jk Trust bidg. WHEAT RANCH WANTED. Up to $100,000, Washington or Oregon; will give you OOO-acre dairy rancn that will stand closest investigation; $65, 000 and assume. E. A. tTASLEY, 212 Selling Bldg. BEAUTIFUL seven-room, large, f uil attic, modern throughout house, acre of land, fine location on tnterurban line, 40 min ute from Portland; valuation $4000. to trado for city property; no agents or com mission. F 0:. Oregonian. COUNTRY HOME FOR CITY. acres, 6-room house, right on the carline and at station, only minutes' ride on Red Electric, Oswego branch; price $:i.V0U. What have you? Call 4ul Bd. of Trade bldg. WE are in a position to submit any propo sition of merit for a fine dairy and hog ranch that has river and rail transporta tion and not far from Portland; improved . stocked and equipped; price $20, 000 CALLAN A KASER, 414 Oregon Bidg. FREE of Incumbrance, 3 20-acre ' farm in Southeastern Oregon, suitable for grain or stock raising, to trade on cash basis for improved city property, from $4oo0 to $yo0Q, or would consider good merchandise. Owner. 120S E. Yamhill st. SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES, city, country, exchanges. Northern properties wanted. Largest list, fair treatment. Cor rect valuations. References. Horace G. Hamilton. 6sl Market st.. tean Francisco. WANTED 8-room modern house in ex change for two smaller houses; no in vestigation will be made unless full par ticulars are given with price and loca tion. P 9ts2, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE $13.r0O equity in a $20.0u0 Portland Income property and $S000 stock gen. mdse., doing a good business in a valley town; want a good farm. L tS4, Oregonian. CLEAR land for equity In house, 430 acres unimproved land, no incumbrance, to trade for modern bungalow Rose City Park; will assume up to $1200. K 083, Orego nian. V A LLE Y FARM 150 acres, mostly bottom land, good improvements, stock and ma chinery, on Willamette River. Price $20,OoO. Will exchange for city property. E. J. GIser. 417 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or trade, 150acresgood "land, OO acres cultivated, orchard, small house, large barn, farming implements, some 'stock, on good gravel road. Address Own er. box HQS, Cottage Grove, Or. AUTO WANTED. $1000 equity in South Portland lot with two houses, mortgage $liKH, 7 per cent, rents for $1. formerly 30; vkill take auto for the deed. Main lo&o. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow, hard wood floor, built-in features, fireplace, shades, screens, lights: choice location. near cars. Take some trade on part. F. y . a orgier, luo cneriocK oiag. 320 ACRES wheat land, about 7 miles from lone, all cultivated and fenced, will trade for Poitland or Southern Oregon income property. Zimmerli. 41o Lumbermens bldg. IXCOtlE property, flat building, rented for su per montn; price xooo, morttc. $180; trade for unimproved land. J. Singer, 6i7 Pittock block: WE HAVE IMPROVED FARMS, and ranches, $50,000. to trade for Im proved city property. RICHANBACH & CO.. 7Q7 Lewis B!dg. S. PORTLAND lot. 50x100: also '2G acraa at Corbett, no Incumbrance; exchange for small bungalow. Owner, Hail, 211 Wash ington st. ONE acre in cultivation, fair house, on East 4j2d st., fronting on R. F, Win sell for about H Rs value. Ritter, Lowe A. Co, 205-7 Board of Trade bldg. TIMBER lands from 5 to $15,000 for Vood farm- this is good and will make money for someone. Zimmerli,. 416 Lumbermens bldg. WHEAT land in Christmas Lake Valley. Lake Co.. to exchanxe for used car, lat model. Call Tabor or address Y iv3. Oregonian. MOVING picture for first payment on house and rental payment for balance due. reas onable for cash. Iazzolino, 105 Vs Caruth f-'"v inui iKun ii ear ismniit. 10 traae I or clear lot. John Prodir.ger. 026 Taggert st. MODERN HOTEL; will exchange for a small 1 arm near fortiand clear of In- cumorance. aj uregonia n. Wl LL accept land In exchange for modern bungalow, well located; give full v detail. viwner, v V5, uregonian. SMLL farm or equity for 10 A. timber, $2000; give full particulars. M. Chauncey, Mpter. Or. WE get results. Have choice list exchanges, farm and city. Owners only. A. K. -HILL, 430 HENRY BLDG. - WELL located timber claim, cruise 3.3r0.O'A; want stock of groceries or farm. C OS 2, uregonian. 5-ROOM modern bungalow and about 1 A., Oak Grove, to trade, city property or farm land. B PS5. Oregonian. I W',L trade for stock and implements 1356 E. Madxson TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. I MEAN JUST WHAT I SAT. 1200 A. wheat ranch in Klickitat Co., Wash., fair blugs. ; eO A. in cult'n. Plenty water. Part trade and terms. Must go. 120O A. wneat and stock ranch; good bldgs. Plenty of water. Part trade. 1250 A, lurm and stork ranch up the Mc Kenzle River, 3i A. in cult'n; can get all tillable land desired. Finest ranch house in state; for Income property. Thi must go. Might as sume. 55 A. apjoining city limits of Eugene. Or. All in cult'n; considerable fruit; for income property Must go soon. 50O A. wheat farm in Eastern Ore. Work stock and machinery. For income property, prtfer merchandise. See O. P. Hulse end make offer, with HAR I'M AN Ac THOMPSON . (4th and Stark. tiOOD FARMS FOR TRADE. 40 acres. mile from electric station, all In cultivation, extra good building. 6 cows 2 horses, full farming outfit; price $&x; take house to $4000, balance mort gagee. 1 fc5 acres, stocked with 11 head cows, 8 horses, hogs, chickens and all necessary machinery; only 1 miie to electric station; extra fine Improvements, running water; price for ail, $, clear- take small farm within 30 miles of Portland to $7000. 7 acres only 10 miles from Courthouse, half in high state of cultivation; 6 scr?s of real beaverdam land, balance pasture" with some valuable tlmbt-r, running water; 5 cows 2 horses, hogs and all equipment. Price $14,000, clear; trade for larger farm and assume. Ll'EDDHMANN COMPANY, 113 Chamber of Commerce. FOR TRADE. Good, close-In East Bide dwelling prop erty for tan Diego real estate. 10-acre farm, house, barn, fruit, near Clackamas station, on. electric line, for Portland property. 2 tracts of 10O acres each ot unimproved land, suitable lor farms, for Portland real estate. A. W. LAMBERT A SON, 404 E. Alder tit Cor. Grand Ave.. Portland, Oregon. WASHING TO N CO UN T Y . 133 ACRES, WITH STOCK, $S0O0. Joining town and railway station; fine to, and dairy district consisting oft both creek bottom and upland; acres cleared, considerable more easy clearing and the rest lu cordwood timber, 7-room house, 2 barns, spring mater piper, 8 horses, b cat tie, farm "machinery and feed; take $ro0 Portland properfty; farm is lr. D. Mc Chesney, tio3 Title Trust bldg. Main S477. FOR PALE OR TRADE. For good work norses, mules or sheep, cattle, about 30 acres of alfalfa land 2 1, miles northwest of Richland. Wash., on the banks of Yakima River; good soil, no water tax ; water within 13 feet of the surface at the lowest, subs within 4 to 6 feet of t he surface In J une ; land adjoin ing rat 9 a 4 crops of alfalfa per season. Price $2.oo. A DDR EPS AV 278. OREGONIAN. FINE GOING FARM, acres rich land, m to ry. station; 26 miles Portland ; dally auto stage and truck: 2o cows and heifers, $5oO team: all needed farm machinery, hay and feed ; good O room hoiv and large dairy barn; $10,00t; take J.'iwi) Portland home, balance long time, 6 per cent. Farm is clear of debt. D. McChesney, 6o3 Title A Trust bldg. Main 3477. looxl 00 W 1TH 1 2 -room house, fine grounds, sightly East Side district; no incumbrance. Trade for Valley farm. loo acrrt, OO cultivated, level, house, barn, silos, outbuildings.' fence, water, stock and equipment ; price $11.0OO; rea sonable cash payment, balance terms. LAND DEPARTMENT. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank Building. 100 ACRES. STOCK AND CROP. $."0 per acre takes everything 25 miles from Portland ; 42 acres In cultivation, house, new barn, 6 acrs prunes, ft .acres potatoes, nay in Darn, oats in Dins, team, 3 cows, wagons, harness, hark, all farm tools, telephone; close to school. Will take clear house and lot as first payment, long time on 'Daiance. Jiunay, 411 rienry biug. XV TO 60 -A. VALLEY FARM WANTED. HAVE 0 A., fine irrigated alfalfa land in i:rooK t oumy ; water an paia, gooa Duiiaings, iree ana clear; price sio.ouo; want 20 to O0 acres, Improved. Portland, Salem or nearby, up to same price. J. W. GRUSI, 816 Board of Trade Bldg. WANT city property and will assume for a dandy 160-acre wheat farm In Adams County. Wash. A bargain. I have a number of acreage tracts, lots. etc, to tra tie for house equities. Also want an auto, E J. Rnberson, 703 Title & Trust Bidg Mar. 240. NOTICE. If your property, either city, farm or acreage, has merle, and la for exchange or auie. can or write lull particulars; no in flated values considered; have first-class list to select from. Geo. P. Henry, 329 Henry bidg. Ref.. Portland Realty Board. So ACRES. Hood Rlv?r. free of Incumbrance. one-half cieared, fre water, buildings and bearing orchard. Exchange for Portland property. 0O0 Selling bldg. Marshall 2416. WANTED. Properties of merit to match our large lists or improvea city, xarra ana incoin properties; no Inflated values considered. CALLAN A- KASER. 414 Oregon bldg. ML'sT sacrifice fine tidetsnd dairy ranch In high state of cultivation, stock of im plements, feed ; Incumbrance $55oO; con sider small farm. Income, hardware or fe-d business. Adtlress AV 303. Oregonian. 40 ACRES, fair buildings. 16 cleared, flue sot, family orchard, near school. 10 miles Oregon City; mortgage $1500, long time to trade for city or suburban acreage. N J. McLean, 431 Burnoide st. 10O ACHES withn 3 miles of station, easy to clear and put in cultivation; lies fine. Will exchsnge for house and lot in city. A. vv. bmith, 23 Chamoer ot commerce. M.itn 312V. NOTICE 100 acres of fine level and tillable farm land in Crook County, partly im proved, value 4oM; win traae ior nouse acreage or business proposition. Address - hox Lents. Or. WANTED To exchange a clear city lot. 1 suburban piece of ground tOx300, as pay ment on a city home, or to some builder who would tane same on ouiiaing a nouse. AB 95. Oregonian. I CAN offer good trade for house equities. vacant lots, land improved or unlmoroved first and second mort gages, house or lot contracts. E. J. Roberson, 703 Title A Trust b:dg.. Marshall 1MO. 160 ACRES -in Christmas Lake Valley for Portland property; no equities considered value $32o0. 609 McKay bldg. Marshall 2.oo. 2 LARGE, modern, 8-room houses, mortgage $4uoo, t per rent, on .ast 12th, near Burn- side; make oiler ior equity, if. u. box 2064, city. LARGE residence. E. 00th. Hawthorne Hue Cost $.i200. mortgage S20O0. Give good trade for smaller place on anay roaa, 5th st. west. L i".4. Oregonian. WILL trade equity In bungalow and lot at 712 Mlsfisslpul ave.. for $200 cash and va cant lot; mortgage $1550. Inquire Louis Salomon A Company, OO oak st. CHOICE Rose City Park lot. cltar. and sub stantial equity, fine Eastmoreland lot. for acreage or gooa vviuamette vauey larm- v oregonian. ROSE CITY Park bungalow, $4000, subject ooo mtg. win consioer clear lots or acre age for full amount equity. Call 401 Bd. of irade. SOUTH PORTLAND 6-room house, large lot. price $2750; Incumbrance $1250; trade equity ior real eiruie or ior anytning o: vain. J. Singer, 607 Pittock block. LLKGAXT Portland Heights home. 12 min utes to postofflce; will trade $4000 equity on any reasonable offer, regardless of value. Phone Pehwood 3 036. WILL exchange $1o00 cash equity In $2500 Irvlngton lot. 3oth and Tillamook ; im- firovements paid; or cheaper lots or close n acreage. Owner. Tabor 42&tt. 5 ACRES, cultivated, at Beaverton. $2500, mortgage $1275; will trade equity for house equity and assume. W Ore- gonian. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Finest Income property in the city. F. E. Bowman A Co., 213 Chamber of Conimerce. 160 ACRES level land on the river 25 miles south of Bend ; fenced and Improved; $2o acre. Phone 35 F3. Oregon-City. CLE A R Font Grove 6-room corner house, 100x100. $2000; want home. D 005, Ore gonian. 1 LL exchange $4.10o equity In Portland Heights home for unimproved land and assume. East 7484. 3 LOTS In Milwaukee. Wis., $1600. to trade for a farm or cows. I, 3136 03d st. 8. E. PORTLAND property for property in any state of United States. BC 849, Oregonian. SO ACRES, good soil, near railroad, town. for house. O 032, Oregonian. 1916 7-PASSENGER Studebaker, fine con dltton. O Oregonian. WANTED Ranch for clear house and lot In St. Johns. D ftb4, Oregonian. ill ST sell or exchange houst In good local ity; make any offr. L 913, Oregonian. $425 3-ROOM. nice lot, your own terms. 0S McKay bldg. Mar. 2 .' TO EXCHANGE 100 acres Missouri land for Portland property. Main 2246. WHEAT ranch for apartment, hotel or res idence property. AP 9fl. Oregonian. $2.V FIRST mortgage for rooming house, nto or diamonds. O 994. Oregonian. TO EXC H AN G E C nnrn Beach lot for piano. M 112, Oregonian, TO EXCHANGE RKAL ESTATE. WANT house, 4 or 5 rooms, up to $3rrf. free of dbt. in exchange for modern res idence on East 57th street. Re City Park; lot 75x100, on corner, with bolii streets paved and paid; hou?e of 6 rooms; has furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, sleeping torch. brAkfastroum thre bed rooms and bath; price $tvxHi; mortgage of $1'3ki at 7 per cent, Goudard ft Wieurick, 243 Stark su WI IH-'V anxious to exchange 4-fiat near Walnut Park; street liens paid; income $44 month. Price $rt000. Mtg. $3000. Wants small Improved acreage, near good town, free, for equity. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. to exchange: MISCELLANEOUS. NEW Redpath's histories, late German dic tionary, text books, ieather bound, stan dard authors; opera glasses, jewelry, cheap.- Sell wood lOOi. FuK SALE or exol.a.uge, Ba'.tlc cream sep arator, nearly new, for chickens. R. I. R.. Leghorns or Minorca preferred. Call Tabor 7o25. WILL exchange first-class carpentry, paint ing, tinting, for dentistry. M 0S1, ure gonlan. A HANDSOME young Jersey cow, will take horses bugg'.es or harness in exchange. irj t;. iainnui st. K.ODAK. Seneca, lt-aiher case and tripod. outr it at nan price, tor beans, po tatoes and other vt-getabl-is. East lo34. GENTLEMAN'S 21 Jewel Hamilton watch. ior lauy s watch, set of furs or row boat motor. H iJ2. Oregonian. LNG LISH setter, 10 months, male, to trail a ior chickens or sell $10. L. Glover, 60 Linn ave.. Sell wood. GOOD $300 first mortgage. Want diamond. Am leaving city, f uj4, oregon:aa- D1AMOXD ring or lady's gold watch, trade ior v ictroia or wnatT l. 1st. OLIVER typewriter, trade for rugs. Wood- 1 awn it or c l-i 1. 01CE lessons for 2 half days work a week. IKON bd for chickens. Xiin S'.2. KOK 5 ALE. Horcw. Vehifle. Harn . :tc. AUCTION! AI'CTION! MONDAY, THURSDAY, 30 FRONT ST.. 2 O'CLOCK. We will offer several big horses that have become a' little etr--t sore; wiil make fine ranch horses; consigned by ex press and transfer companies, who hat e replaced with trucks. We place our stock before all classes of buyers on f per cent commission. POR TLA N D HOUSE S A 1- E CO. TEAM black mares. 2 ."' lbs., true to work single or double, perfectly gentle In every way; price $13-V Team gray geldings. 3000 lbs., gentle and true to work, good lugger ; price $123. Single and double harness for sale cheap. NOBBY STABLES, North 12ih and Flanders. TEAM BURROS. ' SELL OR TRADE. T E AM. V T . 2 r.00. AGE 7. $ 1 6S ; T K A M . WT. 21o. GOOD WORKERS, $50; RfH-PER-TIRED MUGGY WITH HARNESS. $2i. GOOSENECK AND CAM KLBAi'K WAGONS, EACH. CALL 240 E. 6X11. PHONE EAST 4200. BLOODED rotter, sorrel, 8 years old about UoO lbs., very stylish, sound ana true, . city broke, safe for women and children to drive, work any place; thle Is some nap; norse, narni s ana oucgy ail lor $140 cash or tim. Write farmer, Jos. Lwundfn. R. 2. Portland, Or. BARGAINS! BARGAINS' A few buggies and spring wagons will be sold for 1 than cost; make the boy a Christmas present. Inquire 20$ Front at. Tr'-A M of oung matched bav mares, good limbs and fet, weight 270. price $j2A : one ba filly, one bay gelding. 7 s-ts double-Vreeching hrness. 2 saddles. Call and make offer. Transfer Stable. East fth and Flanders. TWO teams and harness, weight about 1400 lba.; we will trade for lumber and some casn. t oiimiMa carriage & Aute Wor:, Metn 2H;j. ot Front st. FOR SALE -Pair matched block v mares, about 24O0 lb., one In foal ; w ell broken and gentle, handy and useful for ranch purpon-s and very cheap at $12o. Phone .Mars nan 4tod. HORSE, welsrhs 11O0 lbs., harness and llchi farm w-SRon. all In good condition. pru --. 1 wooqsiock car 10 o4tn St., n v blocks north to tent house. HOUSES FOR SALK-F our work hnrss, weighing 100 pounds. In sound condition at a bargain. 1200 Macadam road. Main 4 jaLLh. tc-am and delivery wfcgon; want to dispose or account buying auto truck Marshall-WeUa Hdwe. Co., 14th and Love toy sts. FOR SALE cheap, four teams horses. Star tana Co., b&ru Delay st., bet. Goldsmith ana rtuasoii. OMv pair of sorrtl geldings, weighing 2"i0 ifs., must be sold to square foed 111. rrira j arw riarqy, & second st. N. Dt-AD horses taken free; $." paid for dead cow s. crippled, worn-out horses. Oregon r-om; Jieai v .tks, wnu, or. TSnT 4-0.1. X WANT to buy a team, harness and wagon cheap for cash. Write 122 N. 0th st., or r OR SALE 2 teams mares and sm lti;ht geldings, dirt cheap. East 2d and Broad way. M A HE. 10OO pounds; w 111 work slr-e or double; city or country, cheap, or will trade for stock. C. K. Rogers Beaverton. Or. DEAD horses taken : T at.'d up for dTTd cows; cash for down-a nd-out horses. -Cill lioRSES of all kinds; harness and wagons; teams from $."i up. See me btforo you buy. H4 North 12th st. FAST driving mure, tinmen, bugiry, $100. 217 Argyle st. Phone Wood lawn 140 week days. SMALL mare, kooI f nr light w-ot k. young s nd Mvely. for boa rd. 1 i.'iO Or.tnd N. roR SAi.KWagv-ns and norses ciieap. 3 K. 7th st. North. DEAD hoists anil animals hauled awav free. Woodlawn 2. Portland Rendering Co. POR SALE or exchange, wagon. Tabor 24.2. heavy wood 1 HORSE, harness and light delivery wagon for sale cheap. 870 N. 2."td at. HOKSES for hire by day or month. C. W. TOwnaend Co.. SSO Front. Main 1371. HORSES, wagons, bujrries and harness for fs le. Apply 2" Grand ave. $100 BUYS large team with heavy harnets. Tabor 4?0. PoR SALE All kinds f wagon, buggies, harness and htryrh. 10 Union ave. 1300 LBS., BAY HORSE, light ranch wagon and harness. $o.'. Marshall 4o.5. FOR SALE Ch'ap, buy mate, wefrhs 0o0. Phone East 4H:t between and 12 Sundwy. GOOD team work mules for sale cheap. Ap ply G. W. Cooper, Goble, Or. Ku R SA LE Horse suitable for r.wich work. $25. Will give cow. ll07 E. St. irk. WANTED -Good pasture for team for three or four months. 5u5 AIder. I'lano. Orcan and MiutU-al Instruments, FOR your Xmas piano, see the stock of McPhall. Behr Bros., Phomlnger. Schulz, Emerson and other pianos at Soul Bros., 166 10th st., near Morrison. Main 2S20. UPRIGHT piano for sale; In good order; cost $430; will sell for $150 cash. Tel. Main 2413. WM. KN ABE. "th world's bent piano." wonderful tone, beautiful case and bench. Ma barn ain. like new. Tabor !. HIGH-GRADE piano. I am leaving for the south; will take $S5 cah. Call E. D. RIke. Eaton Hotel. WANTED Piano, cash for bargain. Answer quick, tood make. Marshall 11'. I PAY" cash for used pianos. Harold S. Gii bert. 8n4 Tamhlil at. FOR PALE - or trade. Tenor, low-pitch, single octave key saxophone. East 17lo. $75 COLUMBIA graphonola and $20 worth of records, only $50. Main 4355. FOR SALE Violin and 'cello. 315 Tllford bldg. $VO MAHOGANY Vlctrola and record for -b rrire Call Sunday, ltrjo E. 2:h North. ALMOST new Strohber piano, oak case. $225. Main S0S7. PIANO for sale: going awav; very reason able. 24ft Grand ae. North. 1 FINE McPhall pfano. mahogany case, for sate; terms given. rnont Main h.jvi. CASH BUYER WANTS VICTROLA OR OR AN ANOLA. PHONE MAIN 4415. 12S FIRST. $18 BUYS $10O parlor organ for Christmas at SrnrUy Storage Co.. 100 4th st. FASHIONABLY made gowns and suits by y prlenced dressmaker, day. East 5411. $550 PIANO, $14 cash; real Ivorv keys. not a stencil. Harold S. Gilbert. CM Yamhill st. FOR SALE --Edison diamond disc phono graph. MeThall 2250. ALMOST new $1lo Columbia Graf jtjo!, with new records. 5. Mam 2 2 . apt. 31. FOR SALE Oraphophone. one-third oi'tirst cost. 234 East lth. VICTROLA and records, l.tie new, cheap. fit'7 Summer St., A Iberta car. NEW Kimball piano. $Jr0 ordinal cost $425; terms If desired. Mln 20ff. FOR SALE Two violins at a - sacrifice for a quick ante. 501 Pittock block. VIOLIN for sale. Mala 246, F0 B SALt, I'iaiittw. Org hub and Musical Instrument. AT EILERS STORAGE AND FOR W A R 1 1 1 N G DEPARTMENT. 151-153 FOURTH ST.. NEAR MORRISON. MUST CLOSE OUT. $0O PTEINWAT PONS, old model, $00; arid $373 J. & C FISCHER. $35. $250 AN GEL US player, mahogany, $25. Genuine mahogany pianola with 1 $35 music roils. $115. Also special for a well-to-do home, $:50 HALLET & DAVIS finest ma hogany player, $275. and $st5 genu ine a u topi an o. mahogany. $265. $25o BOUDOIR, neat upright. $30. $-'73 M'CAMMON, upright, cash, $550 KIMBALL concert, used, now $00. $10oo NEW YORK concert grand, cash. $155. A substantia- cottage organ, cash, $0; and a r lue-toned parlor organ, cost $!(. $1. Fire-damaged HOB ART M. CA-B-LE piano. eost $35. w ith refin isned quarter oak extension dlning table. quarter sawed oak chiffonier and oak commode, all for $!5. A very fine-toned EST EY organ for $js. National cash register, fine condi tion. $55. Hand-made gooseneck truck, cost originally $00, to close out, $07.50. Nearly new Remington typewriter, ells new for $ioo. now $jj.oO cash. $100 Reglna music-box, $3.50 cash. Bass viui. $ltnt value, to close out for $21; also very fine violin, com plete with bow and case, said to have cost $150. to close out, $20. A baritone horn, slightly dented but splendid tone, $0 75. A phonograph, original cost $90. closing out ior $20; anouher one for only 16. Electric concert phonograph, cost $5oo. will take $100; another older model, $00. These and a large number of others equally low priced now being closed out at Eilers" stornge and for wardfeg department. 151-3 Fourth St., cor. Morrison. Fourth floor. LOOK OVER OUR LIST OF USED PI AN OS UN SALE THIS WEEK.. Everyone unconditionally guaranteed. CROWN, a fine make $175.00 M NG K K good bargain S7.o BEHR BROS., an old standard.... Ittf.Oo bTElNWAY. fin condition l'.5.0 W ILLARI. good practice piano.... REED-FRENCH, ullghtlv uted 215.10 K. S. HOW ARD CO.. walnut. 27S.OO PLAYER PIANOS. BREWSTER, f'ne shane $365.00 FRENCH & SONS, used 0 mo 537.00 R. S. HOWARD, like new 4!5.0H STAKCK. was 5UO0 57. OO CONWAY, sliKhtiy used... 4ti..xi WE HER PIANOLA, mahogany.... 5u0.oo ORGANS. PACKARD, rlano case $65.0 KSTEY, fine walnut, with mirror 5O.0O MASON & 1IA51L1N 32.0O DL'HANb 27.O0 SCHULTZ 37.00 Terms to Suit. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO. lOth and Stark St. Store open every evening. Na'HUl.I.S PIANO CO. Frico stock ued pianos and player-pianos. Sale in progress. OUR USED PIANOS. $250 Upright pinnos Si" Upright pianos 30 Upright pianos 423 C priKht p:anos OUR l'.'3 MODELS. '$"25 Upright piano 37. Upright p. alios .................. 4i't UpriKht - 450 UpriKht p:ar- OUR 1V15 PLAYER-PIANOS. $."5A Ss-note P avers , f.oo ss-note Pl.tyer 700 st-note P.ayers 775 frS-uote Players - Ol R 1014 PLAYER-PIANO. $6."A P.;iy-r- Hla 110s - 750 p:n er-Ii;tius 650 Flay -r-l't j.ttos - OUKUSED GRANDS. $7T'0 Grar.ds. mahogany 85- Grands, ro- wood lloO Grand, rosewood OUR lyJS MODEL $50 Paby Grand s t5o Ha by (Jr.ui(i9 Terms cash, or $ or more monthly. No Interest. FCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill 4th Ft. and now $ S H0 1 55 105 $10. 25 Jrt5 2th $35 8:5 4;i5 41' 5 $"5 . 45 , 555 $3 . 4!5 . 6'.'5 , $5PA . tit' 5 FORDS JtflT FORD New and Used Forda on Easy Payments. We will trade your used Ford In cm new one or pay cash for it. We also have several larger cars which have been iert with us for . PALACE GARAGE CO.. Authorised Ford AKnt. rd ani Kt-amey St, llhin U0. SECURITYPTulAGEaLOSINa-OUT. $375 K. Sk C. F.scher upright, cash $ 05 275 F. sc C F.s.-her. old rajdel. cash. a. 4"o Steinway A Sons, old model, cash, lio '-r0 A 1. gel us Pla w-r. old mod- I. can. 25 275 Cui-ard : Coiiard upright Crown Orijan, oak 20 425 Smith & Rarns. upright HO You have heretofore, paid inflated piano store prc-s now reduced to meet our ator ace prke. However. com;ure our Ste;n wav, eic. $05 or ft 5 piano, with pianos i-M at l;5 and li5 fieher and you wl'l realize unat we are still djmj for p::im bu ers. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. lOtt Fourth St. C 11 K 1 ST 51 AS PRESE N T S. Sell or tr.-if. Mi. ior. piano. Pianola ana 10 roU u( music. rg:m. Hue old vio lin, Stewart buns', trap drummer's out til. Kra fnnuJa. t hree ctlon:il maho&any booki:iM. inc:uilii(f t-J volumes of the world s n-st history. 1 1st, near Ald?r. WI i.L t rude a first-class, completely mod ern home f-T pood standard make baby grand mahogany p.ano. If you have t am Cm no and want a nome at m prcatw.! nr;a:n In Po: land, come 'and s-e nie. No cash rnu iru. Stra :rh t trade. E. J. Rih-rsin, 7ui Tit.e -V Trust hidjf. $5 "ASH. inrtrthiv. nginnltiK in Janur. 1!17, buy .15 lt17 model Christmas piiinu tit 2t5, without interest tor 2 , -:trs. st Si-hvv;tn Piuno Co.. Ill 4th st. JKvlLlA pTaN5 PLAYER music ro'.ls. Huaranteed l:i every way; inanoaay nnnn, tinlv &5 down. Jl ler Call 50 A ,.1ai t BEAUTIFUL toned piano. tak-n for storafca. Wo have no use for jme; will sell chep. Portland TrantXer & aoragd Co., 1U2 1st. Main 3S55. RICH MONO PIANO, handsome oak. cas. excellent shaoe, b-autitul tone, only $ l4i: terms to suit. Hyatt Taixlus Machine Co . 35Q Alder st. $o5J 1H15 MODEL upright piano for $155, in the sal of the Dorland bankrupt toe it. at Eiler Music House, 151-3 Fourth at., corner Morrison. BEAUTIFUL toned piano, taken for storage. We have no ue for same; will sell cheap. Portland Transfer & btoraso Co.. Mam S riANOLA fr snle; cost $250; 100 rolls choice music; will sell outfit for $15; good coiiQitlon. Tel. Main 2413. PIANOS t tared, 5ic mont My ; lil s.l at your prKe or buy for cash. Security Stor HKe Co.. 10'. 4th st. SLIGHTLY used Vlctrola and records. Phon or call. V. O. Lunt. Landon Apu. Main 710 SNAP. Leaving; cltv, must sell $225 piano; will take $! cash. AK U&3. Oregonian. PARTY with Ford would like delivering, city or rountrv. Box X. Beaverton. Or. Phone M ain 4102. MUST sacrifice brand new mahogany Oraph ouola, with 3u new records, leaving city. Tabor f..V24. VuKK professional cornet, u&ed two months, perfect cA'nuttlon. com $7i; for quick sale, $40 Marshall 1005. suite 55. Nob HiH apis. AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT A full- line of record albums just received. Hyatt Tn'kins Machine Co., 350 Aldor St. Furniture for Sale. HAN" PSOM S dining st. comprising 42-lnch round ti-f t. extension table and four fine d.iritiifr chairs to natch. Brand new. Three sets onlv. $12 5o a pet complete. CEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., 1S5 First St., near Yamhill St. SINGEK scwlnjr machine, first-class condi tion. $5 75. Whc-ier-Wilson. $5. We have many u sed machines and we g ua ran tee tht-ni. At wonderfully low prices. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., 15 First St.. near Ynmhill St. a 1 .E. cnaj 1 rooms of ood f ur- nit ure. a 11 In houackeepiiiir suites, house fu'i : in pt-rd lc-ntin. 1S 14th st. ROUND dlnir-n-room table. 6 chairs, leather t!ip-tat couch. Ittrae leather rocker, Pxl2 AViiton rug: no dnlors. Phone Main 67iT. SOUTH END maiieable range. 6 holes, la-in. oven, polished to p. in Ui best of condi tlon. $X7.GO. Owl Furniture Co.. 2Q4 1st at. Fl'MTt KM I'Ji u-toom" f lat. almost rtew, solid wax fln.fch. 4SS E. 12th st. S.