The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 17, 1916, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Experimenting Employer Tries
Out Another Squad in Chi
t cago Campaign.
X Ogden Armour Is New Addition
to Ranks to Provide Places for
Workers Past 45; Fifty Posi
' tions Open Each Day.
CHICAGO. Dec. 16. (Special.) More
Chicago business men have Joined the
campaign to give work to elderly men
through the committee of unemploy
ment The committee was augmented by
the following new members today: J.
Ogden Armour, of Armour & Co.; Hale
Holden, president of the Burlington
Railway; Frederick Upham, president
of the Consumers' Company; Thomas
1J. Wilson, of the Wilson Packing Com
pany; Edmund D. Hulburt, banker, and
Adam Ortzeifer.
1850 Auk for Work.
Letters were received from a number
of firms who have joined the list of
concerns desiring to give positions to
men between 45 and 65 years of age.
The list of unemployed now on file
with the committee has reached 1850
Ten "old men," who were put to the
test by a Chicago mail-ordeV house, to
eee whether they could do the work re
quired, have met the requirements
after 10 days and were declared by
President S. H. Rosenthal to be perma
ent employes. They are between the
ages of 45 and 65. Today 10 more were
tried out in the packing department.
The employment committee an
nounced that employment had been
g-iven 250 men. Jobs are being opened
at the rate of 50 a day and the indica
tions are that the number will increase
as the campaign of education among
employers progresses.
Applicants Advertise Others.
One of the methods adopted in addi
tion to billboard and other advertising
mediums will be to send an applicant
to an employer who has asked for men
and state in the credentials he carries
that the bearer is typical of the kind
of men the committee is sending .out
and if he is found useful others like
him can be furnished.
"Give me a job, anything," pleaded Z.
Bailey at the headquarters of the com
mittee today. "I'm 60 years old. If I
get a position it means a reconciliation
for me with my wife and daughter."
Bailey got a position as a janitor in
the Flat Iron building.
11700,000, OR MORE, YEARLY.
District of Columbia Supreme Court Is
Asked to Ratify Agreement Be
tween Trustees and Heir.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. Edward B.
McLean, son of the late John R. Mc
Lean, Washington and Cincinnati pub
lisher, and the executors of the McLean
Estate, today asked the local Supreme
Court to ratify an agreement which
would end the suit brought by young
McLean to break the terms of his
father's will.
The agreement proposes that Mr. Mc
Lean shall have complete control of the
income from the McLean fortune and
be recognized as the head of the- Cin
cinnati Enquirer and the Washington
Under the terms of th will, Mr. Mc
Lean was to have received a minimum
of $25,000 a year from his father's
estate and the management of the
properties was left almost entirely to
Under the agreement which the court
was asked to ratify today Mr. McLean
would receive an income estimated at
from $700,000 to $1,000,000 a year and
ntlpulates that the executor and
trustees, at all times, will consult with
Jiim on the management of the estate
end afford him free access to its books.
President to Spend Christmas Witli
Family at White House.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. President
Wilson plans to spend Christmas in
Washington with the members of his
It will be the second Christmas sjnee
he came into office that he has re
mained at the White House for the day.
In 1913 he was at Pass Christian. Miss.
and last year Tie spent the day in Hot
Springs, Va.
Weather Bureau Predicts Wet Week
for Oregon.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. Forecasts
for the week beginning Sunday were
announced by the Weather Bureau to
day as follows:
.Pacific States Frequent rains in
Washington and Oregon. Generally
fair in California. Temperatures near
normal average.
Nomination Made for Presidency of
' Xew York State Bar.
ALBANY. N. Y., Dec. 16. Charles E.
Hughes has been named for the presi
dency or the New lork State Bar As
tociation by the nominating committee
of that organization, it was announced
today by the secretary, Frederick E.
Wadhams, of this city.
The Sunshine Safety Lamp Co.. 602
: Factory Bldg., Kansas City. Mo., has a
new portable gasoline lamp which gives
the most powerful home light in the
world a blessing to every home not
equipped with gas or electricity. 300
Candle Power at one cent per nieht.
This remarkable lamp has no wick and
no chimney, is absolutely safe and gives
euch universal satisfaction they are
Bending it to any person in the U. S.
1 r
Glove and Merchan
dise Orders
Busy Folks, who have little time to
shop around for Christmas gifts,
will find it of distinct advantage
to give glove or merchandise or
ders for any amount they wish to
spend. And such an order from
Roberts Bros, carries with it the
knowledge that it will purchase
nothing but quality merchandise.
Early in the
lnopping -Early
Bay If ITou Please
Positively Our Store "Will Not Open Evenings Until Xmas the Business
Hours of This Store Will Be From 9 A. M. GS.r.) Until 6 P. M.
Shop by Mail Its
Convenient, because we make spe
cial effort to serve our mail cus
tomers carefully and it is time
saving for you who live out of
town. Free parcel post deliveries
to all points in this state. On pur
chases of $5 or over express
charges prepaid to within 100 miles
of Portland.
As a suggestion for the welfare of the. ones most affected by the
stress of holiday shopping, we ask you to do your Christmas shop
ping as early in the day as possible early purchasers will not only
have better opportunity and a more leisurely time for choosing, but
will greatly relieve the strain upon the salespeople behind the
counter and the delivery men and boys.
We advocate 'early closing an eight-hour work-day for
both men and women under no pretense would we
approve of an arrangement that would compel employes
who have labored diligently throughout the day to return
and work evenings as well. .
With Christmas but six short days away, time assumes an unusual value, and so we've arranged everything
displayed so you can see a great sufficiency; cashiers and bundlers have been stationed at every turn. You
to save you as much of it as possible. All gift things
will find the store filled with Christmas gifts of quality.
Olairistmas Handkerchiefs
We've Promised Great Values Here They Are!
It's the biggest showing we have ever had. Down
Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Three in a Fancy Holi
. day Box, at 19cVat 35, at 39, at 49cS
at 59, at 69, at 75, at 89 a Box
An enormous assortment of patterns to choose from in fine sheer lawn
or linen. They come embroidered in -white and in pretty Dresden
color combinations. Three dainty Handkerchiefs in each box. Priced
from, the box, 19 up to 89
Four Beautifully Embroidered Handkerchiefs in a Fancy
Holiday Box at 39c, at 49c, at 79c a Box
Six Beautifully Embroidered Handkerchiefs in a Fancy
Holiday Box at 56c, at 75c, at 89c, at 98c to $2.19 Box
Three Initial Handkerchiefs in Sheer Lawn or Pure Linen
With White or Colored Initial, at 25c, at 59c, at 79c a Box
through the main aisle table after table is filled with
nothing but handkerchiefs thousands of them most
all in attractive holiday boxes or baskets. You have
unrestricted choice from those that are plain and fancy,
substantial and very sheer; low priced and rich are
all represented in this magnificent display. Critical
judges concede these offerings unmatchable. ,
Six Initial Handkerchiefs in Sheer Lawn or Pure Linen With
White or Colored Initial, at 59c, at 75c to $1.59 a Box
Crepe de Chine Plain or Colored Embroidered Handkerchiefs
at 25c Each
Silk Handkerchiefs in Printed Styles Especially
Priced at 10c Each
Novelty Dresden Embroidered Handkerchiefs at 10c, at 15c,
at 19c, at 25c and 59c Each
White and Colored Initial Handkerchiefs in Sheer Emerald
Lawn at 5c and 10c Each 1
White and Colored Initial Handkerchiefs in Fine Linen at
15c, 25c and 29c Each
Books. "Bolls
At Substantial Savings
Inspiring Values and Splendid Selection Lend Stim
ulus to Holiday Shopping
75c Teddy Bears reduced to 59
24-inch Jointed Dolls at $1.98
IE 'nch Character Dolls at 50
65c Character Babies now at 50
$1.25 Character Babies for $1.00
Folding Doll Carts on sale now
at 50, 75 $1.50 to $2.98
Boy Scout, Bird and Motor Books
priced at . ... 250
Muslin Books at 5, 10, 150,
250 and 350
Comb and Brush Sets on sale 980
Brush and Comb Sets now $1.50
Fancy Whisk Brooms now at 500
Crumb Tray and Scraper at 980
Seven-Piece Ebonoid Set $1.25
5-Piece White Manicure Set 980
5-Piece German Silver Set 980
7- pc Ebonoid Manicure Set $1.25
8- pc White Manicure Set $1.49
3-piece Dainty Toilet Set $1.98
3-Piece German Silver Set $2.98
3-Piece Ivory Mounted Set $3.50
5-Piece Ivory Mounted Set $4.98
Ivory Picture Frames 500, 750
Nickel-Plated Shaving Stand for
only $1.50 and $1.98
Military Brushes at 750, 980,
$1.25 to $2.50
Perfume at All Prices 250, 500,
$l.O0 to $2.50
Toilet Water at, bottle, 250, 500
and ..... T 750
Box Paper at 150, 250, 350,
500, 750 to ...$1.00
10K Gold Lavallieres now $1.25
Gold-Filled Lavallieres now 650
Gold-Plated Lavallieres for 490
Gold Front Brooches now 490
$2.50 Silver Purses on sale $1.50
$1.50 Leather Hand Bags at 980
Cameo Brooches reduced to 490
10K Gold Scarf Pins at 75S $1
up to $1.25
Gold Front Cuff Buttons at 490
$1.25 Rosaries to close at 890
Bead Necklaces at 250, 500, $1
-Mrs. Mead's Books for Girls 250
Mother Goose Books priced 500
ilk Hosiery
An Ideal Christmas Grift
Every woman of taste
prizes silk hosiery,
; whether, of her own pur
chasing or received as a
gift. Here you'll find a
complete, line in staple
colors, black and the pop
ular new shades. One or
more pair will make an
ideal Xmas gift at a mod
erate price.
The Phoenix Silk Hose at S0 and $1.05 Pair
These high-grade celebrated Silk Hose are shown here in all wanted
new and staple colors, including white and black. They are perfect
fitting, durable Stockings, shown at two prices, 800 and $1.05 pair.
Pure Ingrain Silk Hose at $1.50 a Pair
The very best of pure Ingrain Silk Stockings shown in the most popu
lar colors and all sizes. They come in the perfect-fitting leg and re
inforced heel and toe. Silk stockings of unmatchable quality, $1.50 pr.
Women's Silk
Boot Hose at, Pr.
Women's Silk
Hose Priced, Pr,
All sizes in black, white, pink,
sky blue, etc.
Infants' Pure Silk Hose, all sizes and colors, at, pair. ..."....,. .000
All sizes in desirable colors.
: r
Christmas Slippers
For Men, Women and Children
On the Main Floor, Morrison-street Entrance, we've
arranged a special showing and sale of Women's,
Misses' and Children's Felt Juliets and Slippers that
it will pay you well to investigate.
All sizes for women spe
cially priced, pair..
Sizes 8Yz to 2, for misses, QQ.
special, the pair.
Sizes 5 to 8, for children.Q
special at, the pair. . .... I C
Selling regularly to $1.50
It is the. best and most complete assortment we have ever shown.
Included are the most popular styles and colors in ' Fur or Ribbon
Trimmed Juliets, with fine belting leather, hand-turned soles, All
colors. Also the Padded Sole Moccasins.
Women's. Felt Slippers in regular $1.75 lines on sale at only $1.19
Men's $1.50 Leather Slippers, in all styles, specially priced at $1.19
Men's $1.75 Leather Slippers, in all styles, specially priced at $1.49
Men's $2.00 Leather Slippers, in all styles, specially priced at $1.75
Men's $2.50 Leather Slippers, in all styles, specially' priced at $1.98
A Great Showing of
Useful Christmas Gifts
In Our Domestic Section
Bath Robe Blankets Especially Priced at $3.50
Best quality Beacon Bath Robe Blankets, shown ' in beautiful styles,
in desirable color combinations. They come complete with cords to
match and are specially priced at $3.50. ' "
Fancy Turkish Towels
at 59cV
65c and 75c Grades
Check, stripe and border styles in
pink, blue and helio. Regular 65c
and 75c grades. This sale at 590
Fancy Turkish Towels
at 2S
Best 35c Grade
Dainty Turkish Towels in check,
stripe and border styles the jcind
regularly 35c. This sale 280.
60d and 65 a yard for All-Linen I luck, 18-inch width, in
20 different patterns.
25c? each for all white Turkish Towels, with 7-inch plain
border, suitable for stamping.
Women's Georgette and Crepe de
Chine Waists at $4.9 5
A beautiful gift. Chic styles in Women's Crepe de Chine and Georg
ette Waists in all colors and sizes. An unsurpassed show- iflj Q C
ing. Waists selling regularly to $6.59 prjeed for this sale X.I0
Women's Bath Robes at $5 & $6.75
The best styles, patterns and colorings in the celebrated Beacon Blan
ket Bath Robes for women. Extremely well made garments with silk
bound seams and silk collars and cuffs. All sizes at $5.00 C? d 7 Cl
and.... T. Oi0
Unsurpassed Opportunities for the Advantageous
Buying of Practical and Pleasing
Gifts for Men
Gift Things of Beauty, of Usefulness, in Fascinating
Variety Priced to Please the Most Frugal Buyers
25 and 30 Each
For Men's Fine, All-Linen Initial Handkerchiefs.
49 for Box of 3
Men's All-Linen Handkerchiefs in a fancy Box. v
65 for Box of 3 ,r
Alen's All-Linen Handkerchiefs in a Fancy Box. '
65 a Pair -P'
For Boy Scout Fleece-Lined Gloves in All Sizes. i
A Pair for Men's Fine Wool Gloves All Sizes.
Boys' Sweaters
At $1.50 Fine Jersey Knit Sweaters in All Sizes.
Men's Handkerchiefs in an Unlimited Variety
The items listed here are only a small part of the many special holiday
offerings which abound in this department.
'5 Each 6 for 25
For Men's Plain White Handkerchiefs With Neat Hem. f
10cV Each 3 for 25
For Men's Initial or Plain White Handkerchiefs. J
f 15 Each 2 for 25
For Men's Initial or Plain White Handkerchiefs.
20cV Each 3 for 50 ,
For Men's Fine, Plain White, All-Linen Handkerchiefs, 'v'
25 and 30 Each
For Men's Fine, Plain White, All-Linen Handkerchiefs.
79 and $1.25 .
For Men's Suspender and Garter Sets. Neat and attractive colorings
in many different patterns each set in a fancy holiday box.
25 and 50
For Men's Fancy Silk Elastic Arm Bands.
Pleasing styles and colors. Each pair put up in a fancy holiday box.
$2.9S Up to $5.98 '
For Men's Custom-Made Bath Robes.
An unsurpassed showing of the most popular styles in all wanted pat
terns and colorings.
25, 50, $1.00
For Men's Silk Four-in-Hand Ties.
A complete new assortment of patterns to select from in light and
t ' dark colors.
50, 75S $1.00
For Men's Fine Elastic Suspenders.
The best styles and colors. Each pair in a fancy holiday box. A wel-
come gift!
$1.25, $1.50, $1175
For Men's Outing Flannel Pajamas.
Neat-appearing, well-made garments in popular styles, in all sizes.
Dainty White Aprons
For Christmas Gifts
fn n m n
At All Prices From
25c np to $1.25
For reason of its usefulness the gift of
a pretty Apron will be appreciated by
almost any woman. If you have a gift of
the kind to buy, you 11 do well to inspect
the infinite variety of newest kinds
shown here, and in which youll find pre
cisely the Apron wished for at a price
that will please you to pay. - Included
are all styles in dainty materials with
trimmings of pretty laces, embroideries
and ribbons. You hays unlimited choice
at 25c, 35c, 50c, 59c, 65c, '75c to $1-25.
on 15 Days' Free Trial. If you want to
try it send them your name and ad
dress at once. Adv.
rrn m TmtiiMiiMirTrrTitgMtHirtrM