The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 17, 1916, Section One, Page 24, Image 24

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g Books of Every Good Kind New
Favorites and Old Friends A Wonder
A ful Assortment for Gift Choosers in
3 Our Newly Enlarged Book Shop.
M. & F. Merchandise or Glove orders
solve the Gift Problem. Issued for $1
or more. Redeemable in merchandise,
any department, any time.
M U. S. Postal Substation, Express Of-
16 Passenger Elevators and 7 Escala-
tors transport you quickly from floor to A
floor. Over 40 delivery vehicles bring f
our Xmas stocks to your doors. A
?,yv? xice axiu Accommoaauon nureau, rsase-
iN ment Balcony packages wrapped free.
t. pi j ii
tit. - lear
Tur quality Store or Poktlmto
oxiup on ixansier ine convenient way.
j54 Shopping Hours Till Xmas
Service E
Minute of the DAYS
-- , ; V 5
i This Store Will NOT Be Open After 6 P. M Evenings Are for Our Employes Who Thereby Serve You Better During the Day i
, ....... , II , . -jg
?zilj Buy His Tte in Our JIen s Shop lYteier (& Frciiilc's Toytown, GrcQtcst m tlie Vcst
i I 3Sr T$k Th k Buv It During This Wonderful , , . . . . $
r.--r. i.Vw.V.'i".
ESS! 3rX
9 raVWS3WS . lVOTBSgaS
Buy It During This Wonderful
Christmas Sale
Men's Ties
If a tie is on your Christmas list by all means
share in this great Christmas sale. There is
a tie here at a price to suit every purse and
every one represents an excellent saving. Di
vided into five great lots for your convenience
in choosing, each lot big enough and worthy
enough in itself to be the subject of a separate
sale. Extra salespeople to see that you are
waited on promptly. Sale begins tomorrow
morning at 9 A. M.
50c Ties Now at Only 35c
Three for $1. New spick and span, wide flowing end ties
in many patterns and colors stripes, figures, brocades, etc
$1.00 Ties Now at Only 65c
Generously cut silk scarfs in stripes, brocades, allover pat
terns, Persian designs and changeable effects. AH with slip
easy band.
$1.50 Ties Now at Only 98c
Lustrous silks in wide flowing end shapes. A multitude
of clever new patterns, including dots, ombres, changeable
effects, allovers, etc. With slipeasy band.
$2.50-$3-$3.50 Ties $1.65
An adequate force of
courteous salesmen to wait
on you promptly each an
expert in his line.
Rich heavy silks, finest imported and domestic weaves, in
brocade and scroll effects, Persians,' basket weaves a daz
zling array. Slip-easy bands. t
$4-$5 Finest Silk Ties $2.35
The last word in silk perfection and artistic neckwear in
one. Exclusive patterns in superbly woven satin silks. All
hand-finished and made with slip-easy bands.
Men's Furnishings Shop. Main Floor
Everything is in readiness for the busiest week in our history. This Christmas store
of a million gifts has assembled more- toys' and doll3 and games and playthings of every de
scription than the West has ever known before. Here are a few specials for early-in-tbji-week
shoppers. There are thousands more. SANTA CLAUS on our Sixth Floor tomorrow and all
week from 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Souvenir house containing candy FREE to children accom
panied by grownups 10 to 12 only.
13.50 Jointed
Bisqus Char
acter Baby
Doll, with
m o h adr wig
and Bleeping
eyes. 14 In.
tall, dressed
In c h e m 1 se.
T o m o r -
11.25 Teddy
R a a w IB
ko o v e r e a
I trlth tc o o d
grade plush
1 o t ti. re-
d u c e d to
to. . .
J 1.25 "Blue Bird" Racing
Aeroplane that is guar
anteed to fly. A very
up-to-date gift that every
alert boy will be glad to
possess. Special to-QDp
morrow at. ouu
11.75 Electric Train, with
locomotive, tender, two
passenger cars and four
pieces of circular J I OQ
track, tomorrow. . W I it u
$1.25 "Irish Mall" Kid
Lk11. attached to well
made wooden handcar;
operates by pulling QQ
cord, tomorrow. ..... w Ob
35c Architectural Rtiilr-
Ing Blocks, assorted cut
out wood blocks in nrat
wooden box, special
tomorrow at....
J3 Mechanical Train,
with good iron locomo
tive, tender, three couches
and 13 pieces of track;
operates by clock- CO Q7
work: tomorrow.. ViiOl
Toytown. Fifth Floor.
$12.50 New Silk Mandarin
Coats $6.98
Japanese silk mandarin coats
beautifully hand embroidered in ar
tistic designs. With light interlin
ing, to make them warmer and
All the loveliest Japanese shades,
both light and dark, are to be found
in this group. A limited quantity
very special Monday $6.98. Beauti
ful gifts.
$11.00-$13.50 Fiber
Silk Sweaters, $9.75
A splendid sift suggestion! Beautiful
fiber sweaters, made with sailor collar or
plain V neck and sash. Trimmed with self
shade or striped effects. In Copen, yellow,
rose and emerald special $9.75.
Third Floor. Sixth Street.
Xmas Sale of
Splendid reductions tomor
row on sterling silver as fol
lows :
$3.00 Sterling Silver
Steak Sets 83.79
$6.30 Sterling Silver
Steak Sets, S4.79
Hammered, plain and fancy
designs. Gray and bright fin
ishes. Two-piece sets.
$4-$4.50 Sterling Silver
Pie Servers, S2.9S
Plain and fancy designs.
Bright and gray finishes.
Silverware Shop. Main Floor
Boxes of Dainty Handkerchiefs
For Women -Acceptable Gifts
Where is the woman who receives too many dainty handkerchiefs?
You will be sure to please if you choose from among these i harming
kerchiefs. A wonderful variety awaits your selection. Here's a hint:
Box of 6 Linen Initialed Handker
chiefs $1.
Box of 6 W h i t e Kerchiefs, em-
broidered corners, $1.
Box of 3 All-Linen Kerchiefs with
embroid. corners 48
Box of 6 Linen Initialed Handker
chiefs $1.
Box of 6 Lace - trimmed Embroid
ered Kerchiefs $1.
Box of 3 All - Linen Embroidered
Kerchiefs- 73.
Box of 3 Kerchiefs with colored
basket embroidery 750
Box of 6 Elaborately Embroidered
Kerchiefs $1-$1.25.
Box of 6 Fancy Linen Embroid
ered Kerchiefs $1.50.
Box of 6 Sheer Shamrock Lawn
Kerchiefs 750.
Box of 3 All-Linen Amriswyl
Embroidery 750.
Box of 3 With neatly embroidered
corners 500.
Box of 3 Sheer white, hemstitched
and embroidered, 430.
Box of 3 With white or colored
embroidery 250.
Box of 3 All linen with hand em
broidery $1.25. . .
Box of 6 Fine Swiss Embroidered
Kerchiefs 500.
Box of 3--Elaborately embroidered
- Appenzelle effects $2.
Box of 3 White and colored em
. broidered initials 250.
1 Handkerchief Shop, Main Floor.
$11 to $12.50
Black and tan traveling
bags of smooth and grained
leather. All sizes,' leather
lined. Good gift suggestion !
$25.00 BAGS, 18.65
Women's handsome fitted
bags. In the best grades of
smooth walrus and long
grain leathers, also calf and
seal. A most pleasing and
acceptable gift reduced for
Monday only! Sixth Floor
$4.50 VALUES
. $3.85
The "Beacon" Blanket
Robes are famous wherever
bath robes are knowrr. They
come ready to make, with
cords and loops. They are
simple to make are warm
and comfortable and make
the most acceptable Holiday
gifts for men, women and
children. All the popular
colors, special Monday $3.85.
Pendleton Indian Blankets,
Complete Assortments, $8.50
Blanket Shop. Second Floor.
Furs for. All
Sets of Angora, $1.35.
Sets of French Ermine, at
only $3.15.
Sets of Angora and French
Ermine, $3.15.
Sets of Iceland Fox, $4.95,
$5.85, $9 and $11.25.
Sets of Chinchilla Coney,
Muskrat and Fox, $5 to $15.75.
Separate Collars and Muffs
from $3.60 to $9.00.
Nutria Melon Shape Muff,
at only $8.45.
Nutria Muffs, Special at
$10.25 and $13.75.
Fur Shop. Fourth Floor.
$10:00 to $15.00 Cameo
An unusual holiday sale made
possible by a large special purchase
just effected with a prominent
wholesaler !
Handsome gold-filled bracelets
every one guaranteed for 20 years.
They are set with genuine shell
and coral cameos most of which
are worth more than the price
asked for the bracelet complete.
Several exquisite designs some
in filigree setting, others with
green gold worked into a dainty
pattern, others in plain watch-link
--Just a limited number of these
beautiful gift pieces Monday at
$6.19. Jewelry Shop. Main Floor
The Gift of
brings cheer to the heart of man
or woman. From among hun
dreds that we might mention,
here are two interesting suggestions:
MEN'S vici kid leatner slippers
in tan and black. "Romeo" style,
as illustrated; "also Everetts and
Operas. Flexible turned soles.
Made on comfortable lasts. All
sizes $1.79.
WOMEN'S "Siesta" felt house
slippers, as illustrated. Made
with soft heavily fleeced wool in
soles. Solid colors and combina
tions wine, gray, tanpe, royal
blue, brown, purple. All sizes
Immense new stocks of holiday
slippers and fashionable footwear
of every worthy kind here for
your selection at lowest prices.
Shoe Shop, Third Floor.
Tea Kettle $2.79
100 combination tea kettles and
double boilers of good quality alumi
num. Capacity of kettle, 6 quarts;
inset, 1 quarts. - Each one packed in
holly box. Makes a splendid and use
ful Christmas gift.
Christmas Sale Cut Glass
Rich American cut glass at greatly reduced prices. Our entire great
stocks at one-fifth off. The following articles are reduced even more:
$5.00 Bowls, 8-ftich, $3.49 '
$4.00 Bowls, 8-inch, $2.98
$3.50 Bowls, 8-inch, $2.49
$3.25 Nappy, 7-inch, $2.18
$1.50 Hid. Nappy, 6-inch, $1.14
$1.25 Hid. Nappy, 5-inch, 890
$5.00 Celery Tray, $3.79 1
$2.75 Vinegar Cruets, $1.98
$2.75 Mayonnaise Bowls, $1.99
$2.75 Comports, $1.78
$4.50 Vase, 12-inch, $3.29
$2.75 Vase, 8-inch, $1.89
$3.50 Cut Glass Sugar and Creamer, pair at $2.59
$7.50 dozen Cat Glass Water Tumblers, set of six $2.79
Roasters Reduced
For one week only we offer these
splendid roasters at .special prices. Make
ideal gifts.
$4.40 Roasters, small size, $3.96
$5.40 Roasters, medium size, $4.80
$6.15 Roasters, large size, $5.54
Ribbon Covered Goat Hangers
Reduced for XMAS. Giving
Simple gifts--yet very dainty and especially practical. We have a
particularly large assortment now for your choosing. Some in delicate
light shades pink, blue, lavender and maize others in the darker, more
durable tones. Made in a number of pretty ways.
$1.25 and $1.50
Coat Hangers at.
O0 I 75c Covered
Coat Hangers at OV
Ribbon Shop. Main Floor.
U n d e r gar men t s
are here in endless variety for gift
giving. Choose from the most com
plete assortments to be found in -the
VESTS Extra heavy Italian silk
vests for women. Pink and white,
sizes to 42, at $3.50.
BODICES Fine quality Italian silk
bodices with shoulder straps of rib
bon pink and white, $2.50.
in Italian silk knickers pink and
white, sizes to 40, at $3.75.'
CORSET COVERS A large assort
ment of covers and camisoles, all
sizes in pink, $1.15 to $3.50.
Undergarment Shop, Main Floor
Special Sale of Holiday
New coats for holiday wearing
or giving reduced now at the very
time you want them most! This
sale brings wool velours, gabar
dines, serges, broadcloths, mix
tures, plaids and novelty fabrics in
all the smartest new models to you
at worth-while savings. All the
wanted colors are here and every
size included."
$33.00 Coats, S37.50
$39.50 Coats, S26.50
$33.00 Coats, $24.50
$30.00 Coats, S22.50
$22.50 Coats, S17.50
Others S12.50 and S15
Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor
Dainty Gift Blouses 85.00
Exceptional values in channing blouses of Georgette,
crepe de chine, taffeta, pongee and La Jerz silks.
White,' flesh, peach, Nile green and dark blue, brown, green and
black waists are here in all sizes at $5.
Both tailored and dressy styles. You could not spend five
dollars to better advantage for a gift than in one of these
blouses. Blouse Shop, Fourth Floor