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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1916)
13 39 See Back Page of This Section For Other ChristmasJNewsFrom This Great Christmas Store Purchases Made Now Will Be Stored Free and Held for Christinas Delivery if Desired 4 toor tie ill e mas THE SUNDAY OREGONIAJT, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 17, 1916. 5A? 1 for Choosiiig G m Decorated Furniture ALONG with the "Moderne"inart and music comes a .strikingly beau itful and entirely new note in furniture. No period has been slav ishly followed no color scheme no fixed and set idea. The whole aim and end of the movement is beauty utilitarian beauty. A number of manu facturers have been scattering so-called decorated furniture over the country furniture decorated in various Oriental designs. But it remained for a cer tain manufacturer, famous for his truly artistic products, to impSrt a number of Japan's best - known artists for the ex press purpose of de signing and decorat ing the furniture which is now on dis play in our Furniture Gift Shop. The wood used in all this furniture is mahogany. For the most part the backgrounds are dark black or rich deep blue or green, with wonder fully beautiful designs in raised lacquer. These are in the harmonious soft tones, with just a sprinkling of rich, gorgeous color or gold, for which the Japanese are famous. Some are in Jolly Chinese red sure to give a bright, happy note to any spot in your home which you decorate with these artistic pieces. Tip tables with lovely de signs quite like an old Japa nese print, mellow in tone to beautify any wall. Desks, chairs, tables, clocks in end less variety of color, design, size auid price. Candlesticks as low as $1.50. Small Tables. $15.25. Tip Tables up to $101. Desks up to $93. Nest of Tables, $29.50 up ward. Fernerie, $27.45 upward. Aquarium, $48. Lamps, $5.35 to $150. Spinet Desks of handsome, rich mahog any, in simple Colonial de sign, are here in widest array. Some are small and severely iain. utners are large, with .ouches of beadinsr and man v have secret drawers for your treasures. These range in price from $21.50 to $l?o. Lamps and Shades are here in such abundance for your choosing it is impos sible to describe them. Beau tiful Italian Polychrome Lamps of all sizes. Mahogany Lamps some as low as $2.50. Lamp Shades from $1 to $40. Lovely Trays First the Chinese peeled Trays generous in size and durable painted in the most fascinating "Vogue" designs. Bright yellow birds on black grounds, pale mauve flowers on creamy white or gorgeous peacocks on softly tinted grounds. Priced at $6.50. Besides these are MAHOG ANY TRAYS in so many shapes and sizes and styles, you will have to see them to appreciate what a splendid assortment is nere. Stools, Seats, Benches Everything from a tiny cricket to a large, elaborate hall bench is to be found in the Gift Shop, in oak, mahog any and Jacobean styles, at prices from $1.95 to $46. Mirrors Almost every style, size ana snape oi mirror wnicn has the stamp of artistic ap proval is to be found in this collection. Mirrors, Tea .Wagons, PedestalsBook Ends, all with the stamp of artis tic approval, here at mod erate prices. Furniture Gift Shop, Ninth Floor A Lowest races r mm 0 m It eraitare (bit t Shop We Have Wonderful Assortments for Last Minute Selection In Most Cases There Are Suf ficient Quantities of These Advertised Specials to Satisfy Every OneMany Others Not Listed Tea Wagon, made by Stickley Bros. In mahogany, $12.60; in Jacobean oak, $11.10 fillip Overstuffed Chair or Rock er, made in our own 6hcps, upholstered in- $4-per-yard tapestry. Hand workmanship. $26.85 II II Nest of Tables in solid mahogany. Finest workmanship. $17.90 Smokers Cab inet in solid fumed and waxed golden oak. At $3.37 Muffin Stand in solid mahogany, from shops of W. K. Cowan. $4.95 Tea Wagon, made by Stickley Bros., in ma fa ogany, at $10.05; solid fumed and waxed golden oak at $9.15 Desk, wax or fumed oak. Priced at " $7.98 -Library Table mahogany, $14.65; oak, $i2.45 Morris Chair, 6olid oak, upholstered, in brown Chase leather. Adjustable foot rest. 813.49 Brown Fiber Rocker, with all the appearance and com fort of reed. $3.49 ml M a r t h a Washington Sewing Table, constructed inside and out of solid ma hogany. Best workman ship and finish. 813.19 ffl : ( 9 I '1 141 Telephone Set in Jaco bean oak and mahogany fin ish. $5.98 Tip Table in solid ma hogany. Handsome piece, as pictured. Very .lowly priced at only $6.65 i I J " Sewing Table in ma hogany finish. Very moderately priced at $7.49 Davenport, as illustrated. Made in our own shops. Absolutely guar anteed finest hand workmanship. Upholstered with beautiful $4 per yard tapestry. Full length 6 feet 5 inches. At our extremely low marked price this ia a really wonderful value only $49.85 Rocker or Chair. Choice of solid mahogany at $11.40, or Jacobean oak at $9.90 Smokers' Stand in solid mahog any, with separ ate glass ash re ceptacle. Very moderately priced $2.49 S mokers' Stand in solid mahogany with separate g 1 a 63 ash receptacle $3.29 Sewing Table in solid mahog any, just as illustrated, above $13.49 Tabourette, a s i 1 1 ustrated. Fumed or waxed oak. At only $1.86 Mission Stool in solid oak, upholstered with leather. The well known and very 'ser viceable "Life time" make. Our price is only $1.95 Magazine Rack, as il lustrated. Your choice of waxed golden oak or Early English oak. Our price is very special, $3.34 Tray and Set of Seven Coasters, as illustrated. Ma hogany finish. A particular ly attractive and useful arti cle and a wonderfully good value at only $2.45 Solid Mahogany Candle sticks, as illustrated above, priced at only . 79c 1 ' 4 I Gate-Leg Table, 'constructed throughout of solid mahogany. Top 26x40. Rocker, upholstered in good quality genuine brown Span ish ieather,' also in good tapestry. Sewing Table, as pictured. Shown in fumed and waxed golden oak. This decorative and use ful piece is marked $4.39 . ffirnr Solid Oak Rocker as sketched, with seat uphol stered in brown Chase leather. First-class construction. S olid Mahogany Floor Lamp, as il lustrated above. Completely wired, with b e a u t i fully fringed silk shade in rose or gold. Useful and highly orna mental. The price is very special only $14,90 5 I $13.33 $19.30 $21.50 $4.87 jwrx -rut oluum .