N -' . .. . i r 3., 12 TITT3 SUNDAY OREGONIAN, rORTLAXH, DECIDrBElT 10, 1016. ) . ! '1 KM . . ..- f SITUATION'S WANTED FEMALE. M Ucellaneoas. COOK and chauffeur, young couple, first class, desire permanent place before Jan uary 1; beat city references. Call Mar- unaii 4i22. evenings. tXPBKlEN'CEU telephone operator with beat references wishes position In private exchange, teeraporary or permanent. AF 974, Oregonian. KELJABLK woman, German, wants up Jitairs work, email family; sews nicely, at tentive In illness; speaks several lang uages; references. Main 7082. YOUNG woman wants a few engagements to serve at luncheons or dinners. East 3 933. STRONG, willing woman wants washing or house cleaning. Mod. or Wed. Call even ings, Marshall 5056. EX PEUi ENC ED woman wants work Mon days and. Thursdays, $1.60 and carfare, ollwood 1932. I COOK and serve dinners for Sundays, holidays and special; references. Marshall 90. LADY Instructor will tearh backward chil dren or adults in English, in home or pri vate. Marshall 13sl. tPKUlK.N'CED girl wants work, in doc tor's or dentist's office. Address Verna S. VralIace. Gen. Del. Tabor 7310. RESPECTABLE woman wants work for about three- or four hours a day; any vork about the house. Mar. 2444. PUPILS for French lessons wanted by young lady recently from Paris. Call Broadway 2ly between 9 and 12 A. M. A. LADY, .15, wishes position taking charge of apartments. Will furnish reference. AP 076, Oregonian. UJ.RL wanted to help In borne morning and evening In return for room and board. Tabor 490&, sVOSITION, waitress or second maid, experi enced and best references. AO 977, Ore gonian. felTUATIONf WANTED Reliable woman will care for children, day or evening. Eellwood 2180. ' GOOD woman wishes light house cleaning; 3 5 cents an hour or $1.40 a day. Main . T504. liAUNDRY work to take home, apartment house work, ladles' waists a specialty; first-class. Tabor 316. ' COOD, stout woman wants day work, wash in g, cleaning, etc ; experienced ; refer ences. Marshall 806. WORK In candy store or factory; experi enced In sorting, boxing. Tabor 3387. ' "WILL go out by the hour or day, care chil dren or plain pewing. Marshall 5328. VOMAN wants work by day or hour; also good seamstress. Woodlawn 1389. LaDY wants light housework or companion ; to an elderly lady. Marshall 1127. ' fcXPERIEN'CED woman wants day work" or by the hour. Main 2826. ' VIDOW wants work washing or cleaning Saturday. Main 4585. COMPETENT, reliable woman wants day vork; Al laundress. Tabor o7d. MAN wants day work of any kind. Call Woodlawn 4198. fS'OUNG lady desires steady position attend , ing office. AR 976, Oregonian. ITENT piano teacher, 7,i nts half hour. East 7R3 CO ce ; GERMAN lady wishes washing or cleaning. Call East 689. LACE curtains hand laundered, work guar e.nteed. Sellwood 801. "WOMAN wants day work. Tabor 8407 WANTED TO fTENT. Houses. WANT 8 or 0-room modern house In first class neighborhood ; must have hardwood floors, very large living-room and library; will rent or trade for Income Berkeley property in most fashionable district. An swer only by letter. T. II. Williams, Sec, Pacific States Fire Insurance Co., Chamber of Commerce bldg. 'WANTED TO KENT, ABOUT DEC. 15, Completely furnished modern bungalow, with garage, permanently; no children, and will furnish references. AH 939, Ore gonian. 1KLEFHONE US AT ONCE. We need more houses ; best rental service in city. THE ERNEST YOUNGER CO. Main 5195. 105 Park St., near Washington. A 106L IF you have a farm or suburban acreage to rent I have a good tenant. J. A. Turner, at HARTMAX & THOMPSON WANTED A furnished modern house or bungalow, 6 rooms or more, close in, fur nace and garage. Call East 4255. W A N T F U KX ISHED IRVINGTON home, garage; adults; references; $23 to $40-. AO ?78, Oregonian. G. G. KOHUER, RENTAL SPECIALIST. MARSHALL 5-458. 6-P:OG.l house, furnished or unfurnished; modern, reasonable. Mt. Scott district. BF 980, Oregonian. BY responsible middle-aged couple, house to care for during Winter. P. O. box 227, Hood River, Or. Apartments, WANTED Furnished apiif tments, with two beds; give location, price and number of rooms. A V 210, Oregonian. WANTED Rooms and board In strictly pri vate home for mother and two schoolboys; must be first-class and reasonable; West Side or Sun n side district preferred. R 975, Gregoniun. COUPLE with dog want ground floor fur nished housekeeping room, walking cU. tanre; give phone num: FRANK ROWLEY, Gen. Pel.. City. TWO or three housekeeping rooms or flat with sleeping porch, near N. P. College. AG 080, Oregonian. HARRIED lady wishes 2 housekeeping rooms for her work. K 977, Oregonian. Rooms With Hoard. IVOUNG. married couple are desirous of ob taining table board with congenial pri vate iamlly ; meals and service must be f Irtit class; must be near business sec tion ; boarding-houses need not apply ; answer, giving rates and further informa tion to R 972, Oregonian. tbUKRLY lady desires nicely furnished room with good board ; state terms; Irv ington district preferred. AG 9G7, Orego nian. i OL'NG woman with baby 1 6 months old wishes room and board and care of the child while she is employed during the day; reasonable. AG 981, Oregon ian. YOUNG man desires room and board, pri vate family, close in. West Side. S 978, Oregonian. TWO young men wish board and room on West Side; give full particulars in first letter. jy 971, Oregonian. WANTED Good board and room In private family for lady and boy In school, near Thompson School. K 966 Oregonian. ROOM or board in e-rchange for Janitor service ; care of furnace or other light work, by student. P 976. Oregonian. J'OUNG lady employed desires room and board in private I ami I y, walking distance must be reasonable. P 07S. Oregonian. i'yUXG man, attending trade school, work for board. Phone Broadway 42 HOME wanted for two boys, must be reason able. h 975, Oregonian. I FOR RENT. X'umished Rooms. A. HOME FOR SEVERAL BACHELORS. Help me to choose location and I will make a home for you; neat and refined woman, excellent cook; thi is a good op portunity for several young men to have every tiling just uae no me. iv yt, urtgo nlan. AN SON I A HOTEL. 124 4th st.. cor. Washington st. Fireproof, up-to-date hotel, large, at tractive rooms. Individual telephones, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 per week up; &Oc to $1.50 per day. HOTEL LIL-MER, under new management Mrs. Lillian M erry ; transient trade so licited, rates reasonable; hot and cold water in every room. 270H Fourth st., cor. Jefferson, opposite City Hall. Phone Mar HOTEL CONRAOrNE. 30th st. at Ouk Desirable downtown lo cation: reaper table and strictly modern; fireproof building, elevator and large lob- ty ; rooms :$ per week up. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Eleventh and Stark sis., brick building, elevator service, telephone, hot and cold water in rooms; 50c to $1.50 per day. Spe cial rates by the week. STAN DISH HOTEL. r5484 Washington St.. corner 17th. Hot and cold water; steam -heated rooms, $l.o0 per week; $6 per mo. and up, MAKE THE BUS HM ARK YOUR HOME. Good, large, clean, modern rooms, steam heat, walking distance, $1 50 a week; $tt a month ana up. otK yj Washington st. KICELT furnished front room, walking dis tance ; both phones, reasonable. 402 Sd st. l ne w arrenton. Alain 7 i ii. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison St., at 10 th. RATES 50c day up. Weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phones and baths. HOTEL ASTOR, under new management, steam-heated rooms, hot and cold water; nice quiet place, yj.w ana up. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th st. Strictly modem; private baths en suite; rooms $3 , UP. A3 am A -SiSo. HOTEL NORRIS, 535 Alder. Strictly mod era. $1.50, $2 and $2.00 a week. FOB KENT. Furni&hed Rooms. A MObEliAXB PRICED HOTEL. OF MERIT. From the time you enter our spacious lob-by until you take your departure you will be pleased, with the accommodations and treatment accorded you. Ours is not only a good hotel, but one of very mod erate charges. Rooms by the month, $12.50 and up. Transient, 75c to $1.50 per day. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St.. near Grand Ave. ELTON COURT HOTEL. YAMHILL AT 11TH. Fronting Public Library; uptown busi ness district, but away from noise of traf fic; running water or bath in every room Private phones, elevator; $3 to $8 per week. Main 0953. MAXWELL HALL7207 14th; strictly modern, use -of parlor; real home. $1.00 up. M. 1153. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. VERY attractive furnished room. West Side, bath adjoining, in exclusive private fam ily residence; quiet, refined neighborhood, centrally located, 10 minutes to business center; no children. Call Main COlo for particulars. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, walking distance, iarife room with sleeping porch, fine for 2 people; or single room without porch; will consider board. Phone Marshall 309. NICE steam-heated outside room; private; an conveniences, plenty not water; west Side; walking distance; rent very reason able. Marshall 4039. FURNISHED room, fireplace, furnace heat. bath, 2 closets, private family, in irvlng ton ; reasonable to right party. East 2062. 2 BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, modern Hat, Ring Hill district, reasonable. 1 00 Davis su Marshall 12bd. SINGLE rooms In private family for young men; rurnace neat, pnone Alain 4os2. Columbia st. WARM room, suitable for two, board if de- sirect; reasonable. 234 iota st. rnonc Main 1715. EXCEPTIONALLY attractive large front room, fireplace, furnace; modern; piano. 827 Gth. TWO newly furnished warm rooms, private iamlly, cheap rent; Home privileges, owo Harrison st. SINGLE steam-heated room, reasonable -walking distance. 403 12th st. Marshall 47o( V.ERY pleasant steam-heated room in apart ment nouse; warning instance. juarsnaii 4705. TWO FRONT rooms with bay windows, suit able for two gentlemen. alking ais tance. 124 N. 19th st. $S A MONTH ; very desirable parlor bed room; electric lignts, furnace, natn, pnone, close in. 4ir w. Rroadway. TWO cheerful rooms in modern house; heat. light, water Included, rent very reasonaoie; gas for cooking. Tabor 6214. $1.25 PER WEEK, light, comfortable sleep ing room; use ol batn ana pnone. J.utn street. SMALL front room -?1 a week; nice large room for 2. 414 Salmon. $10 NICELY furnished room in apt. Marsnall i.i.y. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms In good home; references; Nob Hill. 738 Johnson. I LARGE bedroom, walking distance. 429 6th st. CHOICE rooms, modern conveniences, walk ing mat a nee. aw ntn ex.. aiain .-ai.t. FURNISl'LD room, beat, bath and phone. l'-u Hoyt. ONE or two nice rooms In beautiful home. running water, shower. 6-i5 Everett st. $1.50 WEEK for front bay-window room. neat, oatn, pnone. 4ju4 j enerson. NICELY furnished attic room, modern con veniences, $1.50 week. 404 Clay, near 10th. 448 TAYLOR st., clean. well-furnished. warm rooms, $2 week. FURNISHED room, small private fainlli, West Side, Nob Hill. Marshall KOirt. WELL furnished room, light and warm. good location, lor gentlemen. 2ol loth. NICELY furnished front room. with home privileges. 323 Salmon st. NICE room, first floor, $0 month to refined man. 410 Salmon. $2.25 FURNISHED front room, also h. k. room, Kitcnenette. v utn et. WELL furnished room, 41 week. 814 Main treet. NICE, lare room, hot and cold water, close in, ?i.tu. 420 Aider. - JOSY room. 252 S. Broadway. Rooms With Board. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 92b3, A 662S. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 Ella Street. An American Plan Residence Hotel, Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 61.11. Mar. ul70. A HOME AWAY FROM HOME. Modern rooms; American and European plan; special rates to permanent guests. KARL HOTEL, Broadway at Tayior. THE MANITOU, 2iil 13TH ST. An attractive, homelike place, double or single rooms, good board, reasonable. THE STRYKER, 554 Couch; family hotel- rooms single or en suite; reasonaoie rates. Rooms With ISoard! In Private Family. LARGE front rooms. Just right for two or three chummy young men, separate oeus, hot and cold water; hot-water heat; real home cooking, $5. 191 11th st. $10-$12 EAST or West Side, 3 nice, large. Bunsniny rooms, complete; electric ngnis, water, phone, yard, bath ; walking dis tance. 134 Porter. Sell wood Ho9. LADY teacher or young man to room and board in a real home; oest oi nome cook ing, good homemade bread, use of piano, walking distance. 711 K. Ankeny. NICKLY furnished front room, large closet. iurnace heat, best board, walking dis tance; everything congenial and pleasant. Main 32-80. 415 W. BROADWAY Attractive double parlors, suitable for 1 or 2, excellent board, all conveniences, private home, 10 m. walk, terms reasonable. Main 4409. PLEASANT front room, nicely turn., mod ern home. Including all home privileges; excellent table ; ideal for young men or ladles employed. Reasonable. E. 1675. ROOM and board in private family for one or two; nome privileges, tine neighbor hood, walking distance. 128 N. 1Mb. st. Main 1589. W ANTED Young lady, em p toyed, to room and board with private family, wno would be chum for girl, 22. also employed. Call Sunday, 5X5 Everett st. LARUE front room, home cooking and priv ileges, terms reasonable to two parties employed. Walking distance to busi ness center. Mar. 4065. GOOD board and nicely furnished pleasant room, with all modern conveniences, in private Iamlly, walking distance, Irvlngton district.. phone East 3607. LARGE, nicely furnished rooms suitable for 2, modern flat, excellent meals, line loca tion, cloe in. 547 Vs 6th.Main 9325. WORKINGMEN to board and room at mod ern home with child to support. 009 E. 19th st. South. ELDEKLY woman, living alone, would like -young woman to room anu ooara; nome privileges, $16 mo. Wdln. 1&14. ATTIC room, good bed, carpet and dresser and board, -i.io a weea; batn and pnone. Marshall 2413. ROOM and board In private house; modern conveniences ; use of piano. 344 Salmon st. Main 4504. PLEASANT room, priiiate home, Portland Heights, suitable for a gentleman. Mar shall 1720. ROOM and board, modern home, large front room with fireplace, ue of piano. 57 Trinity Place. Marshall 466. NEAR Multnomah Club, good room, good family table, homelike, reasonable. Main 2219. BEAUTIFUL room with two meals in lovely Irvlngton home; tiled bath and shower. E. 5116. ROOM and board in private family, $30 a month; home conveniencea. Phone Ta bor 1364. PRIVATE family offers nicely furnished room, with board; walking distance. 703 Hoyt TWO pleasant rooms; board if desired. 778 UOVrjUV. 11(1111 1 " LARGE room $1.50 week; pas cookstove, free electricity, phone, bath. R9- 4th st. NICELY fumifihed rooms, excellent board; modern home; reasonable. E 4616. ROOM, board, with sleeping porch; man. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. gen tle- LARGE ROOM in modern home, board op tion al. Marshall 441Q. 431 W. Park st. ROOM and board. 332 10th st. Goodhome. Main 6979. THREE furaished housekeeping rooms In private family. 294 Eugene st. Small front room, 2 meals, refined family, home privileges. $20 mo. Marshall 3fH9. PLEASANT room, with board ; modern ac commodations. 681 Glisan. Marshall 1248. BEAUTIFUL large front room, fireplace, suitable for 2, with board, 811 11th t. WANTED Boarder in private family. 238 E. 27th at. North. Phone East 2028. FURNISHED rooms, with board; also sleep ing porch. 320 11th st. Main 8834. YOUNG couple wants little girl, 4 to 0 years, to care for. 151 E. 74th N. BOARD and room. Inquire 434 Salmon at. FOB RENT. Rooms With Board In Private Family. TWO PERSONS can have large front room with running water, three indows, large closet, southern exposure, plenty of hot water, good home table, $20 apiece to per. sons employed. Walking distance to bual. nesa center. BD 9o3, Oregonian. ATTRACTIVELY furnished steam-heated rooms for 1 or 2 persons; a pleasant home with exceptionally good meals and all homo privileges; good locetlon. West Side; moderate rates. Marshall 243S. ROOM and board In attractive modern borne for 2 or 3 gentlemen who appreciate only the best; Nob Hill district, near Wash ington st.; no better location on West bide. Main 5043. LARGE room, fine furniture, with or with out private bath; excellent board, modern, new house, well heated, piano ; 10-mlnute ride Hawthorne car; rates' low. 304 East 22d. near Hawthorne. Phone East ti03ti. ONE or two gentlemen to room and board, reasonable, live as one of family in nice home, new bungalow, with lady and daughters. Mt. Tabor car to C8th st. 1770 Belmont st. Phone Tabor 41ol. BOARD and room in attractive home for those who appreciate the btst of every thing; steam heat, plenty of hot water, large living-room with fireplace. 735 Ever ett. WARM, corner room. Nob Hill location, 20 min utes' walk to business center, best of meals prepared by domestic science grad uate, reasonable rate for coup. Main 4341. BOARD and room, modern, private home, price reasonable. Tabor 9S4. lloOMS with or without board in a pleasant home. 45.1 E. 14th st. N. Irvlngton car. Furnished Apartment ft. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined, . clean, 1 safe, THE WHEELDOX ANNTDTfc, popular ! 0th and Salmon Sts. well known, of highest standing. A house of quality. comfort and service. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sts, Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank's tore : good surroundings ; strlrtly modern 2 and 8 -room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Paclflo Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking Distance. References. 6-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. VERY BEST WEST SIDE DISTRICT. $45; 0 fine, big, outside rooms; heat, hot water, phone ; well f urn. ; edults ; easy walking dist. ; just off Washington st. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. PENROSE APARTMENTS, NT. W. corner Belmont and Grand ave. New, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building; white enam eled interior; large kitchens; service flrat claps; walking distance. LINCOLN APARTMENTS, 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. $10 TO $25. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. CHESTERBURT. TJotel and A part men ta Dining-room' in connection. tt and K-arney. Marshall 74. 4411 DAYLIGHT apartment, 3 rooms and bath, exceptional location, reasonable, modern. U41 AIontomery, corner Broadway. Mar shall 3059. BARON APARTMENTS, 14ih and Columbia. Two and 3-room apartments, furnished, first-class, reasonable rates. Main 7337. BOZANTA APARTMENTS, 189 N. 23d Un der new management ; everything up to date, completely furnished, private phone end bath; $20, $22 up. Marshall 2945. THE DEZGNDORF, 208 16th st., near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Exceptionally nice 3, 4 and 5-room apts.' All outside rooms, fine view, close In. CAR LOTTA COURT Everett andl 7t h, new, modern, 2 and 3-room apts., 5 min. from bus. center; plenty steam heat ; laundry ; excellent service; references; save carfare. " MADISON PARK APTS., Park at Madison. Modern 2. 3 and 4- room furnished apartments, close in, by week or month. ANKENY COURT 93l K. Ankeny; well heated, furnished, 2 and 3-room apts.; rent reasonable. Phone East 1204. WASHINGTON GRAND, 2 and H-rm. apts., $10 up: heat, light, bath; can, respect able. 91 Grand av:., cor. Washington. DENVER A PART M ENTS -Strictly modern 2, 3 4 -room furnished and unfurnished, $18 up. "V" car to Northrup. Mar. 227. A TENANT desires to rublet this beautiful G-rooni furnished apartment. Free janitor. 705 Davis st. AROYLE APTS, 841 14th ; nlceiy furnished, clean, airy 2-room apts.; private bath, phone ; $10 up; new management. - NEW furnished apts.; concrete block; $10 and $12. 1162 Union ave. N. Wdin. 512. 1, 2 ROOMS, bath, Bteam heat, phones, gas, light; 3 up. New Hart, ItO1, 2d st. ARCADIA 706 Everett, near 22d. 3 and 4 rooms, walking distance; references. 1 AND 2-room, heat, hot and cold water, $7 and up. Main 6193. LEONARD. 3-room apartment, steam heat, phone, outside room. 605 East Main. 4-ROOM apartment. partly furnished, 599 Montgomery Drive, near Vista avenue. CLARK APTS. 2 rooms, furn. ; dis. beds; phone, light, heat, $12" up. Mar. 0056. Unfurnished Apartments. CARMELITA ' APARTMENTS, 18TH AND JEFFERSON. AND 5-ROOM UNFURNISHED. CALL MAIN 2086. NEAR WASHINGTON AND KINO. FINE UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. $40; 6 rooms, living and dining-room, cabinet kitchen, rear and front porch, large hall. 3 large bedrooms and modern bath. SMI TIT -WAGON E R CO., STOCK EX. FLATS or apts.. whole or half, on second floor of nice home. In fine district; cream tinted walls, white enamel woodwork; gas ranxe, sun room, veranda; separate en trance. 234 E 20th, near Hawthorne. East 7217 or 2299. IRVING APARTMENTS. Fonr rooms unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service, low rates to permanent tenants, references required. C8o Irving st. Phone Marshall 274S. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room apart ment, with all mad era con venlence, in cluding sleeping porch, telephone, gas, electric lights, etc.; newly carpeted, renovated, reduced rentals. Phones Main 437i!. A 1301. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS, 18th and Couch sts. Marshall 2559. Mod ern new building, 2, 3 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. NICE SUITE of 1-2-3 and 4 housekeeping rooms at 244 H Killings worth ave., cor, Vancouver. Low rent. Phone Woodlawn 1703. FINE front 2-room apartments, with bath and dressing-rooms; phone, hot-water heat ; rent $18; walking distance; brick bldg. 355 Chapman, cor. Mill. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 6-room apartment, Wlckersham apts.. 18th and Flanders ; cen trally located; every modern convenience. Main 2201. A FEW of the new Nob Hill 3-room apart ments untaken; light and airy, unexcelled outlook; reception-room, large lawn, etc. Glisan. near 23d. ELM WOOD APTS.. 10TH AND HALL. Lobby, social hall, modern 3-room un- rurnisneu apts., reasonaoie. 6 ROOMS, modern, steam-heated, private rront ana duck porcnes, walking distance, $35 to desirable parties. 307 11th st. MAYO APTSV 553 Union ave. N., near Broadway; new. strictly modern 3-room apartments , reasonahie. Phone FTast 92. WINDSOR APARTMENTS 3 rooms, unfur.. clean, comfortable, homelike, 2 blks. car- line, wa'king dist. East 29o7. FURNISHED suites of 1, 2 and 4 rooms at - 244M Killlrrsworth ave.; low rent, close to car. rnone vvoouiawn i07. THE ORMONDE 5 rooms, ell outnlde; mod ern; 656 Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 6251. 6 ROOMS Sleeping porch; all outside rooms; references. 7S0 Irving. Mar. 1738. THE MARLBOROUGH. 2lst and Flanders Large, light, 5 6 rms., reas. M.7516, A26.6 THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson 3, 4, 0 rooms, reasonaoie. iarsnaii ajtw. 5-ROOM APT., with sleeping porch. Bryn Mawr. 185 E. aotn st. ; sw. 3-ROOM. front and rear porch. $15. 171 fireon ave.. near and v as run gt on. SIX moms. sleeping porch, all outside rooms: references. 7lf Irving. Mar. 1 75S, Furnished or Unfurnished Apartment. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2, 8 and 4 room ; rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2961 and 2964. Walking distance. 21st and Irving. TRINITY PL ACTS APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TONE. 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101, FOR RENT. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave., near 23d and Washing ton ; large, attractive, sunny outside rooms; private balconies, modern, super ior service, unsurpassed view, walking distance. WELLESLEY COURT, MELCLIFFE COURT REX ARMS. . Sunnyslde carline close in- 2 room ; desirable and reasonable. and S- THE BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison Strictly modern; all outside apartments; ideal location; references. Phone Main loul and 1052. ATTRACTIVE 7-ROOM DUPLEX APART MENT FOR RENT, FURNISHED OR UN FURNISHED, CLOSE IN; VERY REA SONABLE. APT 1. 730 EVE RETT. 3 BIG hot rooms, biff sleeping porch, fine corner. very homelike; unrurnunea, sonable. &16 Alb in a. Woodlawn 16. Mississippi car. LLCKETIA COURT APARTMENTS. High class, perfect In all details. 49 Lu cre tia st. Marshall 1518, A 3537. Flats. SPLENDID new lower flat, 6 rooms, be sides dressing room, bath, closets, all mod ern, gas range and water heater, latest style disappearing bed; corner lot, 2 fine porches, electric vacuum cleaner, water furnished, yard kept up, heat partly fur nished; located 315 E. 33d St., one block south of Hawthorne, $19.00. Call Tabor v I o. or rt.TU -rt iqt ru Why shiver or fire your own furnace when you can have a hot-water-heated 4-room-with-a-sleeplng-porch flat, including hot water, gas range linoleum, wall bed, front porch, for only $25? Kast 21st near nawtnorne. iauor t'o. 5 rooms, hardwood floors, Boynton fur race, 2 blocks Broadway car, walking distance. Gordon, E. tith and E. Broadway. E 35a FOR RENT 5-room lower flat, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, built-in sideboard and bookcases, furnace, gas range and water heater; close in. Phone E. 2171, or call 544Vj E. 7th st. N. FOR RENT. im Modern 5-room flat, on Wert Side, walk ing distance, $12 month. EDWARDS FTJRN. CO.. Cor. 5th and Oak sts. Main 192T. MODERN four-room lower flat, linoleum on kitchen and bath; kitchen rang and fur nace ; nne block from car. 631 Francis ave. Phone Sellwood 175. FOR RENT 2 5-room modem flats, 615 Milwaukie St.; large yard and 2 carllnes; $10 a month, with water. Phone Sell wood 602. HOUSES, FLATS AND STORES. J. J. OEDER, Real Estate and Rentals. Grand Ave. at E. Ankeny. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, new 6-room flat, near Ainsworth School, hardwood floors, garage, fine view, reasonable to couple. Marshall 4v73. $18 .5 0 INCLUDING water, modern 5-room upper; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, etc. 60V, E. 19th sU N., cor. Davis. "Wood lawn 4373. MODERN 3-room flat, large balcony, disap pearing bed. gas range, linoleum. Cor. K. 10th and Halsey. W. L Swank, M. 1603, E 148. FOR RENT Nice 6-room flat, Glisan St., near 23d Hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace. "$15 per mo. to careful tenant. W. L, Morgan, Morgan bldg. AN attractive furnished or unfurnished flat of 5 rooms on Portland Heights, bath, fireplace, furnace, beautiful view. Phone Maishall 2270 or Broadway 1S71. ELEGANTLY finished upper flat, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, gas range, ,-o. 54-G E. 15th St. N. East 8015. DESIRABLE 4,-room flat, furnace, sleeping porch, hardwood floors. 361 Larrabee near Broadway bridge. Main 4S6S. WEST SIDE, walking distance. C-room flat, good condition. tUlVj Washington. Mar shall 34S3. $10 A MONTH 4 rooms, desirable location. close to scnooi ana cwrtiuo, wbc, Shaver. Woodlawn 202 5-ROOM modern flat. 426Vi Hth st. $16.50; water raid. Oregon xnv. at aun. v Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. LOOK today, my choice 6-room modern fja-t. rent including water, v ea-L C"' walking distance. 692 Lovejoy. near 21st, $lf NEW 4-r.. hdw. floors, ivory iinisn. iront. nacK porcn, eeparaie cm.in.m-c, In. nr. Union ave. cor. 360 Monroe. LARGE 6-room flat, newly papered, oppo site new Auditorium, ,io. do u. 9304. ' 7-ROOM modern upper and lower flat, $17.50 and $''); all outside rooms. Malrt 8529. SIX or 8-room upper flat, light and clean, 275 14th, cor. Jefferson. Woodlawn 4455. 3-ROOM basement flat, close in, 483 Jet- f erson. cor. I4tn. .do. 6-ROOM, modern flat, 770 Johnson at.. $20. Main VJi. FLAT of six rooms and bath, 731 Hon t- . -. . j.i. r- W.in ROTfl lng'ii re i jv phi. nunc iq.h MODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d and V ashlngton sts. jiainea. 5 ROOMS, sleeping porch, heated by Central Heating to. go iearncy. Mixi. o-tw. $12 MOD KIRN, clean. 5-room flat, east end of Broadway bridge; bargain. E. 1415. i-Km.nl lower flat, all outside rooms. 662 K. Main and jam. e.asi t o-. 5-ROOM upper, fireplace, sleeping porch; Hawthorne and Glenn. Tabor 1364. MODERN 5-room flat for rent, S'-5, and Weldler sts. E. 1370. C 13S. J25, E. 13th 5-ROOM. lower, modern, between Broadway and Steel bridge, aoi naicy 1 umlnhed J-lats. ONLY $16 Four-room, well-f urnlshed flat clean. oesiraoie, iirot nwui. -w j electric lights, gas stove, wood range, bath Two carllnes. walking distance. 72 E. Taylor. E. 6260. MODERN, well furnished upper 5-room and upper unfurnlsnea o-room nais, imuh distance; close to school. 10th and East Alder st. Main 172S. $22.50 NICE 6-room flat, good furniture. fireplace, gas n fating vieiu, uuiu cleaner, walking distance. 444 Rodney, cor ner Tillamook. Woodlawn 1241. MODERN 5-room flat, neatly furnished, 9',H Margin. 3 blocks south of Li rood -wav bridge, $18, Including water. East 3612. ' FULLY furnished 4-room flat. Including piano, heat, phone, sewing machine, both gas and wood range in kitchen. Call East 47o8. -ROOM furnished flat, sleeping porch, pleasant home. 533 Montgomery; $12.50. water. MODERN and newly furnished 5-room fiat for rent cheap 1157 Greely st. Woodlawn 2064. MODERN. completely furnished 5-room lower flat. 647 6th St. -West Side. Main 6762. . FOR RENT Furnished, convenient, 4-room flat, water and pnone xree, fiu. i-s j.utu. Main 8117 WILL rnt my 6-room strictly modern fur nished flat, all conveniences, reasonable. Tabor 14S4- ATTRACTIVE, complete 5-room lower flat, outside rooms, walking distance. 424 Til lamook. 4-ROOM modern flat, walking distance, 8S3 Robs St, 2 DIOCKS uroauwa '"fio. v " rent. 192 CHAPMAN, beautifully furnished G and 6-room flat, pianos, y-i.uo eacn. 4R O OM furnished flat, 337 Sacramento, $15.50; between Union and Williams. MODERN" 4-room furnished upper flat. 11 East 60th N. $10 4-ROOM furnished flat, 36t San Rafael; free pnone ano water, r.nai moo. A SMALL flat for rent at 146 E. 26th and Morrison. -ROOM completely furnished flat, close in Upper AIMna. East iuo-i. NEW. modern. 5-room flat, nicely furnished, West Side, walking distance. Main 8311. WELL-FURNISHED, five-room flat, $25 furnace and fireplace. Mar. 616S. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur ninhfrt steam heat, running hot and cold water." phone in every room, 7 blocks from Gth and Morrison sts., $14 p. 291 Columbia st.. near Gth. NICE SUITE of 1-2-3 and 4 housekeeping rooms, unfurnished, at 244 Klllingsworth eve., cor. Vancouver. Low rent. Phone Woodlawn 176-1. $2 A WEEK up ; suites $2.75, completely furnished for housekeeping; every . con venlence; desirable people only; save car fare. The Cadillac, ad near jeirerson. y-cr r-m t um1hed housekeeplnr suites. walking distance, both phones; $2 per week rnd up; newly renovated. Main 7771. The Warrenton, 402 fr 3d st. $1 TO $2 50 a wek; furnished H. K. rooms; free heat laundry, bath, phone. East 6039. 406 Vancouver, near Broadway. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts., reasonable. MERCEDES. 20th and Morrison; single and en suite; furnace neat, f up, monthly. Housekeeping Roonm In Private Family. OR 4 desirable rooms, with every conveni ence tor nouseKeeping, reasonaoie. o-i eth street. TWO or 3-room suite, modern, reasonable: also single rooms, $2 per week; walking distance. 67 a. zuxn , FOB RENT. Housekeeping Rooms in Private 1 amily. NICE, large one and two-room H. K. suites, newly furnished, steam heat, phone, light and bath free; East Side, walking distance; $S per month up; also nice unfurnished rooms cheap. 2744 Holladay st. FURNISHED modern housekeeping rooms, gas, electric lights, bath and large dou ble sleeping porch; Vb block to carline, 20 min. to Alder st., $11 per month 17i Epet 17th st. ONE large, light room, free gas and light, sultablo for bachelor or man and wife. Phone Sellwood 2114. 490 Umatilla ave.; $4 a month ' 14. ou THREE completely furnished house keeping rocms; electric lights, private bath; gas range, phone; neat, clean, cosy, close In. 128 East 19th, near Morrison. LARGE, well furnished, single or double housekeeping rooms, heat gas, bath, elec tricity, phone; also flat with sleeping porch, easy walking distance, 235 1 2th st. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, sin gle and en suite, hot water heat, light - and phone included, nice laundry, etc. 414 Mill st.. cor. 11th. 8 ROOMS and kitchenette, furnished; closet, bath, gas range, electric lights; modern residence, 1 block Hawthorne car. East 7531. 734 E. Madison. FRONT suite, 3 sunny rooms. In beautifully furnished, modern home ; electric lights; "gas range, bath; $12. 50 month. This will surely please you. 3od Hancock. 3 NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, private bath, gas, light. Phone Sellwood 2114. 490 Umatilla ave.; $10 per month. TWO housekeeping rooms, steam heat, run ning water, gas and phone, walking; dis tance. 870 6th st. TWO housekeeping rooms, suitable for two, lower floor, front entrance, private bath, price $10. 421 12th st. Main 6453. THltEE furntahed H. K rooms, downstairs, in private family. 440 Williams ave. East b05. TWO nicely furnished rooms, sink, gas range, free light, bath, phone, $1L 475 E. Bumaide, corner 9th, TWO and 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, suitable for children near school. 651 E. Morrison. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, cheap; either single, 2, 8 or 4-room suites. Call at 266 Clay or phone Main 7953. FOUR 'connecting furnished housekeeping rooms, elect rue lights, phone and water, $15. 89 E. Mh N. FRONT II. K. rooms ; gas range, running water; electrlo lights, furnace heat, use of piano; bath and phone. 60 N. 21st st. TWO well furnished rooms, housekeeping, 1 or 2 persons, $5 or $6; light, water, phone. E. 7291. 431 E. Ankeny. TWO large, light housekeeping rooms, $2.23 week; l housekeeping room, 91.25. 305 Cd st. NICE housekeeping rooms, close in, -modern conveniences. J2 up. 426 Alder. $7.5-0 Medium sized, light, well heated, h. k. room ; light, phone, bath. 295 10th at. 469 YAMHILL, pleasant housekeeping room $8 a mo. THREE rooms, nicely cloee In. furnished housekeeping 9 E. 7th st. $1 WEEK Clean, quiet, close In, large grounds, phone, fed E. Sth. TWO good rooms with two large clothes closets; walking distance. 4oO Hall st. 3 OR 4 desirable rooms, completely fur nlshed for housekeeping. B41 6th mt. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. ,nas, bath, S10 month. 692 Front. TliKLK furnished housekeeping rooms, close In. Phone E. 805. -- TWO nice, single rooms, all conveniences, $10 and $12 monthly. 655 Flanders st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely furnished, $1.50 and up. 509 Davis. Marshall 5544. THREE connecting7 furnished H. K. rooms, well furnished, desirable. Phone 885 11th. COZ r housekeeping suite $9 a month. 5i8 Pettygrove. .Main 8423. THREE rooms, large, furnished housekeeping low rent. fe02 East Salmon st. $9 THREE unfurnished lower floor H. K. rooms. 73 E. Stark, cor. 2 2d. E. 0336. ONE light, neatly furnished, well-heated, homelike housekeeping room. M. 3154. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms. 2; inerry, near Broadway bridge. Cheap. xtoo.u and Kitcnenette. electric light, fur naco heat, $4 per week. 1S9 Park st. TWO comfortable front rooms, gas range, electricity, fine bath. Phone 300 4-th, SiO. CLEAN furnished and unfurnished houe keeping rooms. Marshall 4771. 328 Clay st. 304 SALMON Two desirable rooms, fur- nlshed for housekeeping; single h. k. rms. ONE large, well furnished housekeeping room. 314 Main st. Houses. A. It. B1RP.ELL CO. $SO Council Cret drive, choice. J30 E. 49th st., near Sandy road. ?25 564 E. Broadway, 7 rooms, modern. Halsy Bt., Irvlngton, 6 rooms. $20h 585 E. Madison st., 6 rooms J2i Rose City Park. 6 rooms, choice. 116 1391 Division, nr. 60th, 9 rms. f 15 Wood lawn 7 rms., good condition. 10 No. IS E. 72d st., 5 rms., modern. ?lO Mt. Tabor, large ground, barn, fruit. $ 8 0O45 E. 72d s. E., 8 rms., good. A. H, BTRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. IRVINGTON HOME. For rent, modern home, 5 rooms and sleeping porch. East 16th, near Thompson, 1 block to car, 2 blocks to Irvlngton School. PARKER. MAIN 163. 7-ROOM home, modern, furnace, etc., Sandy Blvd. 35th at.; $18. Fine modern 6-roorn flat, furnace, fireplace, si. porch : all buiit-lns; ga ranRB. E;'t 7lh st. N-, $17.50. L. L. Saunders, 617 Board of Trad. Bldg. Main 163. IRVINGTON AND LAURELHURST MODERN HOMES. WITH AND WITH OUT GARAGES. ALU HIGH-CLASS. G. G. ROHRER, RENTAL SPECIALIST. MARSHALL 645S. WEST RIDE. Modern, 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, beamed ceilings, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch. 9G8 Thurman st.; rent $20 fer month. Apply Wakefield, Fries & Co.. 5 4th el 6-ROOM flat, newly painted, walking dis tance, Ct6 E. Morrison st., near luth. 7-rooni modern, 7K3- York St., 23d su car. FRANK L. M'GUIRU, Main lo68. $10 6 R., Gantenbein ave. $12 5 11., 10th, Mt. Scott. $15 6 R. . HOth & E. Olisan sts. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 228 Henry bldg. TWO-ROOM cottage. 877 E. Oak. $5 per mo. ; wood shed, small yard water; two carllnes within 3 blocks. Call A M. Mar shall 5341. NO. 260 E. 32 D, HAWTHORNE. $20; 6 rooms, modern: furnace, nice yard, good district ; front and rear porches. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. NEAT 5-room modern bungalow, fireplace, buffet, wash trays, etc.; house Nq. 988 E. 3oth st. N. House open for Inspection Sunday. Owner, East 2oI2. $10, EAST 7th and Falling. 6 rooms. flO, 6-r. bungalow, fireplace, Jones-more, 15, Portland Hts., 765 Upper Drive. Phone 5laln 670. $1S MODERN, 6-room house, walking dis tance, cor. 18th and E. Washington. Phone East 1269 or call at 663 E. Washington. WEST SIDE, 5-room modern, large yard. 6 min. from t usiness center. Manager Car lotta Court. 17th and Everett. NICE West Side 6-room house, desirably lo cated on Park blocks, reasonable rent to adults. Main ihdo. SPLENDLD 6 rooms, very modern, choice lo cation; elderly couple. East 273. Herd man. FOR RENT Strictly modern 8 rooms. 1092 E. Flanders St., Laurelhurst. Phone Mar shall e o, or call at 5'MI McKay bldg. WHY pay rent? I. will build you a home for $100 cash, balance $10 per month. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. 6-ROOM modern bungalow 904 E. Glisan St., near E. 31st, on carline, Frank L. McGuire, Main 106S. MODERN 8-room house in first class con dition; has furnace, fireplace, large porch and reasonaoie rent. umi 441 ntn st. MODERN 5-room bungalow and three lots, two blocks from end of Woodstock car line. $10. Sellwood 1233. NICE bungalow In Woodstock, vacated yes terday: your own price. 5119 44th st. 6. TZ. Main 934. CLOSE-IN 7-room house on Commercial t.. rem io. Main oci. MODERN 6-room house. 2 lots and chicken yard. : a month. Tabor 2Trfi8. MODERN C-room house, with garage, east end steel Driuge. inquire zus Adams st. MODERN 4-room cottage, close In, month. Tabor 219 Monday. $6 $12 4-ROOM cottage, E. 19th and Sandy oou leva ro. abh ST. JOHNS, 8 rooms, $8; modern, newly $15 MONTH Modern 6-room house, 1009 Albina ave. Main fvsrT. 8-ROOM modern cottage. t4 block Alberta car, nice yard. 1065 K. 7th st. N. BUNGALOW for rent; lovely 6-room, two sleeping porches, gzz.no. Phone East 89. 15-ROOM house for rent at 699 Everett st. owner, aiarsnan 4477. 6-ROOM house, gas, electricity, walking dis tance, nit t r.verett bl, rnona n.sst 8, $30 10-room modern houe, GlUan, near ia, nanay xor rooming nurses. Main 247a. FOB RENT. II oases. IT'S DIFFERENT when you own your own home. You don't have to watch this column constantly in order to land on your it-et when your landlord sells your house or refuses to make repairs. It's yours, to do w ith as you like, and it 'costs you no more than your rent. You can easily pay for it dur ing the next few prosperous years. READ THIS. We have a wonderful opportunity for you a non-resident has recently ac quired a brand-new. beautifully finished 6-room bungalow, with garage, in best section of Laurelhrst, near park, which he doesn't want to rent- It cost $4.ro0 to build, but he'll let responsible party have it for $4000, a small payment down and $40 per month, including interest, will carry. It3 a wonderful opportunity for you to get out of the rent class. J. M. REI7VES. Main 1700. Sundays and even ings. Tabor 1792. $12 OOO OAR FIELD ave., 5 large rm, house, modern, garage. $4.oO 4-rm. cottage, large ground, enclosed small barn. In Lents dis trict. 1194 I von st.' 5-room modern home, $10. $10.00 7-room house. SOT N. 19th t.. West Side. $100 5-rm. modern house, 1002 Vernon ave. OTTO & HARKSON" REALTY CO. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 4600. A 6101. MEIER & FRANK'S RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. We have at all times a reliable list ft nouses, flats, apartments, etc., in all parts of the city. Avail yourselves of this FREE service. Information cheerfully furnished. $15 5-room bungalow; garage, $18 5-room modern bungalow. $20 7-room house. $40 7-roonx modern house; garage. THE OREGON" HOME BUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank Building. MOfciERN 4-room bungalows. hardwood floors, beds, buffets, bookcases and win dow seats, gas ranges, water heaters, lino leum in kitchens and bathrooms; on Web ster and E. 13th, block north of Alberta car. We have a 6-room, completely fur nished. Owners, Bianchard &. Clemson, 7Q2-B Selling b'.dg. FOR KENT Furnished or unfurnished. 1st floor of residence, consisting of bedroom, living-room with fireplace, dining-room and kitchen; reasonable rent; desirable lo cation. 2 Mks. from Multnomah Club. Apply 200 NartHIa St., cor. Madison. CONVENIENT, close-in, East Side, 6-rm. furnished house. Good neighborhood, $30. Renting Dept. HART MAN & THOMPSON (4th and Stark. $oO 7 ROOMS, 584 E. 23d st. N $22.50 10 rooms, 144 N. 18th. $22.5o 8 rooms, 892 E. Taylor PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox blug. Main 8699. FOR RENT Nice 7-room house, unfurnish ed. 822 Clackamas st., corner 26th st; fire- flace, double shades, fruit and shrub ery, laundry, modern in all respects. Phone Tabor 5S9. FOR RENT, 7-room modern house, electric, gas, fur nace, basement, yard good order, close In. G48 and 650 2d St. Inquire 606 3d St. fore noon. FOR RENT A modern 10-room residence. West Side, In perfect order, suitable for private residence or rooming-house. In quire room 615 Corbett bldg., 5th and Mor rison. FREE STORAGE Household goods stored free; expert movers, packers and shippers. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co., 9th and Hoyt sts. Broadway 703. ONE acre, good soil, lobs fruit. $10 month; near 60 carline; three-room house, stable, chicken-house. McCoy, care Ryder Print ing Co., 191 Third. $1S 6-ROOM and sleeping porch, semi modern cottage. located in best part Holla-dav-lrvington district; vacant on 15th of Dec. Main 066. FEW A-l HOMES. REST. DIST. G. G. ROHRER, RENTAL SPECIALIST. MARSHALL 5458. S-ROOM Irvlngton home with or without garage. 53 E. 20th st. N, near the club house ; hardwood floors and fireplace. W. L. Morgan, Morgan bldg. BUNGALOW on Willamette Heights, large lot, fine view, lots of flowers, 2 blocks to car. F. E. Bowman & Co., 213 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. BUNGALOW AND GARAGE. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-R., sleeping porch, furnace, modern, desirable. Owner, Tabor 1S63. A MODERN 7-room residence, with bath, furnace. electricity and gas, within 2 blocks of streetcar; references required. Phone E. 3030. BEST RENTAL SERVICE IN CITY Call or phone. We save you time and trouble. THE ERNEST YOUNGER CO Main 519.1. 105 Park st., near Washington. A lo51. NICE 4-room house, baths, electric lights, close to car, 6S7 Woodward ave. and 19th st.; rent $8.50; water paid Peterson, 213 A. Park et. Main 6827. $10- NEWLY renovated. 5-room bungalow, 322S B2d st and 33d ave.. Clarks Station, near Franklin High School. Inquire ou premises. WE have several houses for rent and several lor sale. Just like rnt. See the agent one block north of Woodlawn School on Union ave. The Prong Co., Inc., 207 Oak st. $5 FIVE rooms. lOOxlOO. bath, "electrlo lights. 0S4 E. 7th N. J. J. OEDER, rand Ave. at East Ankeny. LAURELHURST. OPEN SUNDAY AFTER 2 P. M. ELEGANT MODERN 7-RM. BUNGALOW. 1225 E. DAVIS ST. $2.50 1-ROOM modern house. 91 E. 74th st , near Stark; M.-V. car. Frank L. McOulre. M. 108. IRVINGTON Neat 6-room house, near both "IJ" and "B" cars; rent very reasonable to ngnt tenant Main i2tt. FINE 6-room bungalow and garage for rent lor fii.ro. Hancock St., near 33d. Phone East 6285. FOR RENT 5-room cottage. Rose City Park. Price to suit you. Phone Broadway tanor snop. 1R VI N G TO N H OUSES OUR SPECIAL F'. AtUHALbE St CO.. 7u3 Lewis bldg. main ouio. OR RENT 6-room modern house, 252 Stout St., near Multnomah Club bldg. In quire on premises. NEW, 4-room, modern bungalow, $10 6 room modern house, near new Franklin iiign scnooi, iu. Main 937. FOR RENT Modern cozy G-room cottage, 15 minutes' walk to Postoffloe 540 Broad way. West Side. 6-room house fr rent, close in. plenty fruit, cheap. Phone Sellwood 766. Fre- mont, pet ween union and "Mallory. 5S7 FLANDERS ST. Neat dwelling of 7 rooms and bath, walking distance; good repa ir. 5-ROOM modern house, corner Myrtle and Chaorann sts., Portland Heights; beautiful view. Call Mr. Crain. Main 208. ROSE CITY PARK. MODERN BUNGALOW, garage. 6-R., loevi" b iwitu. u.uor .101 or ). i . WAVERLT HEIGHTS Modern 11-roora nouse; gooa rurnace. large yard, garage, 915 Woodward ave. Sell. 15ol. COMFORTABLE 6-room home West Side. walking distance: hot water, furnace, small yard. w. mi market. Main 4510. MODE RN four-room house on sightly lot ciose 10 car ano scnooi; modern con veniences; $7.50 per month. 4Q4 Piatt bldg. $22.50 IRVINGTON, 7-room modern home, will tint to suit. 526 E. 16th N. McGuire, Main 1C68. $14 Attractive modern Hawthorne bunga low, 4 large rooms. 425 E. 43d st. 6-ROOM modern house. 340 East 17th St., near nrunuway. inquire tv ( einier. MODERN bungalow. 5 rooms. E. 37th and Grant, $12. GO. Hatfield, 165tC 4th st. BUNGALOW 5 rms; modern $17 water inc 905 Division and 29th st. W-R car. b-ROOM modern house, 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. Inquire 130 6th st. Main 6278. 8 ROOMS, low rent, fine location. Petty grove st., near 24th. sialn 38. FOR RENT Irvlngton. T-room house at 637 E. Uth st. N. 618 Flttock block. $b 5-ROOM house, 2 l-ts ; fruit, flowers, 1 block car. Key 574 Failing. ONLY $16, new seven-room house, furnace overlooking river. East Side. Main 3517. 8 ROOMS, modern. SO 24th st. N. Phone m ft in o2u; reierences; rent reasonable. 6-ROOM house, with garden, berries, fruit and nui tree; cneap rent, woodlawn 4085, $16 MODERN 6-room house, walking dis tance, goo a locaiion. nasi iiuw. SEE the 6-r. bungalow, 1014 E. 32d N., only $12.5: no children. East 62M. $10 A BIG SNAP 2-4 min. out; see the nunr"ifw at imi rj. vrn st. Kast n2nl. 6-ROOM cottage, $7.50; 4-room, $5.50. walk ing distance, inquire v.i Kerby. 8-ROOM honse, gas, yard, good order, in quire 666 8d st., forenoon. 5-ROOM 1 ungtalow, modern except furnace no children. "7 E. Sth t. No. B ear. EXTRA good 7-room house, sleeping porch. rurnace: riose tny firK; woodlawn lm. FINE new modem 7-room houe, H block xrom Montavuia car. lotf , e0th st, L FOR RENT. Houses. Main 4G45. A 6661. POWERS RENTAL BUREAU. 6-room house in Rose City Park dist. with furnace and fireplace $18.00 6- room bungalow in Laurelhurst, modern, with furnace, etc $15.00 7- room house in Sunny side dist., mod., furnace fireplace, nice yard, $22.50 6-rm. bungalow in Hawthorne dist., mod., with furnace and iireplace. $22.50 If you are looking for a house, take ad vantage of our large list of houses located in all desirable districts of the city. Our list Is one of the largest and most com plete In the city. POWERS FURNITURE CO.. Third and Yamhill. 8-ROOM house, 875 14th st $18.00 f-room house, II16 Clinton st 14.00 7-room house, 706 East Yamhill St.. 15.00 6-room house, 454 63d st. S. E 7.50 6-room cottage. 569 Belmont st. . . . 10 00 THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, .31. 6915 171 4th A 2815. Furnished Houses. MY DEAR wife did not return from the noapuai. 1 nave no use for the home. You could not duplicate the furnishings today tor $5uu0; Oriental furniture, rugs, tapestries, brasses, etc., all hand-made and of highest quality. House completely furnished, all goes. Will take about one third of Its real value for quick sale ; house can be rented. J. W. Blain, Abing- ton bldg. SUITABLE tor boarding-house, private resi dence 01 b rooms ana large attic, com pletely furnished with hot water In all bedrooms and attic; can get 20 young- men borders from dental college at $- per month; large garage; on Union ave. GrODDARD At WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. MY HOME, 8 ROOMS, CORNER 80TH AND EAST YAMHILL. 1 BLOCK TO CARLINE. ALL MODERN CONVENI ENCES; COMPLETELY AND ELEGANT LY FURNISHED. A REAL HOME. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. SEE OWNER, 912 E. YAMHILL ST. SCOTT. $30 6-room modern house. $45 s-roora modern house. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Building. FURNISHED house, with garage, 0 rooms. with modern conveniences; $40 per month. 150 North 19th, bet. Hoyt and Irving; hardwood floors; will lease for six months. References. WAKEF1ELD.FRIES4 CO., 85 4thjit. WANTED. TO RENT, ABOUT DEC. 15. Completely furnished modern bungalow, with garage, permanently ; no children, and will furnish references, AH 939, Ore gonian. TWO exceptionally well furnished houses in toe City, one in Alameda and one West Sloe, all six and seven rooms; $25 to $35 each. FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Gth 6C LAURELHURST HOME, 2 -story. 7-room house, with sleeping porch, close to car, handsomely furnished, piano, $3j: long lease if desired. J. Del ahunty. Tabor 5S45. COMPLETELY furnished modern 6-roora home : furnace, fireplace, piano, linen ; Hawthorne district; $25 monthly. Phone Tabor 87S. NICELY furnished modern 5-room bungalow, reasonaDle, Alberta car to 84th and Emer son. 1111. Key next door. Information phone Tabor 1739. FURNISHED house, Portland Hts., S rooms sleeping porch, antique mahogany and walnut, excellent vljw, near car. Main 2oi4. POKT IjAX D H EIGHTS .Modern nine-room house, mahogany furniture. Oriental rugs, etc., 1 block from car, $50 month, or will ent unfuri.lshtMi. phono Main S32-5. NICELY furnished bungalow, one large room art giass windows, kitchenette, bath, sleep ing porch, electricity, walking distance; $14. CaU 749 Belmont Phone East 6136. FOUR and 5-room furnished houses. $S and $12.50 per month. See owner. J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber of Commerce. "Main 5129. $20, BEAUTIFUL modern lungalow, nicely furnished; Hawthorne- district. Phone Main 136, room 502. FURN I.'HED 4-room un plastered house, sleeping porch, location central Albina; rent reason aJ'Ie. Inquire f-O 4th st. $11 3 ROOMS AND BATH $11. Furnished, Alberta car. tlood lot. SMITH- WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. WELL furnished modern 6-room bungalow, w iil build garage. clo? In. open from 12 to 5 P. M. Sunday. 4!K Tillamook st. FURNISHED house on Willamette Heights, every modern convenience. 6 rooms; rent reasonable Main 4"lO, A 2924. FOR RENT 5-room furnished modern bun galow, 1 block from car, $12.50 per month. Phone Broadway 43S1. FOR RENT Beautiful 10-room house, re sponsible parties, or will sell furniture. 455 Market St. Main 4237. 7-ROOM house, furnished complete, every convenience. ISO Mirimar Place, Laurel hurst. AV. L. Page, Main 8640. NICE 5-room bung.-i low on Mt. Scott car line, across street from Arleta School; gar age. Call Main 992. 0 ROOMS furnished. 63 E. Stark. $17. 5 rooms furnished. OS E. 19th, $ 15. C. De Young, 614 Cham, of Com. bldg. MY 9-room house, furnished, $50 for thrt-e months to party with references AM 971 Oregonian. MODERN 5-room cottat, neatly furnished, 614 Delay, near 0.-t. R. N. shop, $14, Including wBtr. jiast 3612. $15 MY dandy nome for Winter, well fur nished, adults, near MV car. 131 E. 69th Ft. N. FURNISHED 4-room cottage, 828 17ih at., near Clay, West Side. $12 TO $23 COTTAGES, sungalows, modern Main 6411. Main 3672. 505 Yeon bldg. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow, 1033 Arnold st. Marshall 4075. 5-ROOM house, well furnished. 1033 Arnold st. Phone Fast 5529. FURNISHED cottage, six rnnms, $20. Gth and Hall. East 6628. modern. MODERN 7-room house, 145 23d street, near Marshall. Phone Marshall 1079. FIVE rooms, completely furnished, $10. 1237 E. IO th North. Phone Marshall -059. NEAT 5-room bungalow, Hawthor.ie car to .17th st. M21 K. Mill. Tabor .S99. FURNISHED 6 rooms, also 8; piano, modern. 514 E. 21st St. Richmond car. 5-ROOM house, furnished, reasonable, at 428 Sacramento st. PART of pleasant home, desirable neighbor hood, reasonable. 193 Jarrett st. NICE 4-room house, furnished, only $4. 621 Yeon bldg. Beery. MODERN furnished home. garage, 1204 Mixter. $25 per month. Tabor 2132. AT 968 Hawthorne ave., completely fur nished 6-room house, 3 bedrooms, furnace FURNISHED home. West Side, $50. Chas. Rlngler. 228 Henry bldg. 5-ROOM furnished cottage, close in, $12. Woodlawn 2997. 5-ROOM cottage, furnished, $8.60 per mo. Taoor 4457. NICELY furnished 3-room house, $8.60 per mo. ; water paid. Tabor 1388. THREE rooms and bath, electric lights and gas. 864 E. Ash. Stores. STORE. HAWTHORNE BRIDGE. Excellent corner on Front St., at ap proach to bridge. Brick bldg. A success ful business location for drugstore, cloth ing or restaurant. It's the corner where the crowds pass. Rent Is very reasonable for this choice location. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. TAILOR SHOP, best facilities', specially con structed, new building, desirable for la dles" or men's tailor or for workshop; well lighted, hardwood floor, electric connec tions, large room for 20 or 30 workers; living apartmen t in connection ; low ren tal, floor space 80x100 feet. Call 1025 Yeon bldg. DESIRABLE corner store In brick building, corner 6th and Oak. now occupied as Southern Pacinc ticket office, for rent January 1, 1917. Fine location, reason able rent. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. GROCERY store for rent In new brick building: also lunchroom (with 6 living rooms in rear. $8 per month. See owner. J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5129. LOW RENT. BTlHard room for rent. Bowling ally adjoining for rent. Good Eat Sid location. East 491. VOR RENT Store on Morrison et., between Gth and 6th; 40 feet front by 23H feet deep; long lease. Apply Sherman, Clay & Co. STORE with fixtures, living-rooms; rent $10: corner Graham and Delay bus. East 5692. STOREROOMS, $10 and up; bakery (oven In), $15; millinery. $10; cleaning and pressing. $SQ. 621 Yeon bldg. Beery. FOR -RENT Store. 530 Washington street, $16 a month. Phone Marshall 8481. ft 1 1. f i V. 5 V'-'-: , t: .e I-', r- I: - 1 .