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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1916)
' i j - - it THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, DECE3IBER 10. 1916. '1 V TO KXrHAXGE REAL ESTATE. FARMS AND" CITY PROPERTY. 40 acre 4 mile from electric station, all in cultivation, extra good buildings. R cows. 2 horses, full farming outfit; price tf."ini; take house to $4iR, balance mort gag. 61 acres, -within 30 miles of Portland. 45 Tfs in cultivation, good buildings, run ning water, stock and farm machinery; a fine little farm; price $oow, take house in i'ortiana up to jwuit, 606 acr- wheat land, near Prosser, Wash., sou In cultivation. 250 in crop now. Wiil trade for valley larra to fill value. Price ?1 i.Zou. Modern 7-room houe. lot 93x100. fine law ii, garden nd fruits; price .jjou, clear: wants stocked and equipped farm. 4u acres or more, near Portland, not over 9 i ooo. A creaefl nar Portland, part improved, worth S 12.O00. clear, to trade for Port land Income property; will assume some, j Anarrment-house In irnod Western Wash ington town, furnished; price $35,000; inade for valley farm. West Side apartments. 100x100 corner, rood location; price $50,000; consider farm to $40,ooa, balance mortgage. Good brick apartment-house, 100x100, close in, good Income producer; price $85, 0fK; take going farm up to $70,006, bal ance mortgage. LEUDDEMANN' COWANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. BEST EQUIPPED DAIRY RAXCH IN WTI.T.A M RTTR VALLEY. 210 acres, with 50 A-l milch cows, 2 reg'd bulls. 25 heifers and calves. Cream check about 400 Der mo. Enough grain. hay, silage until next crop is raised; 8 good horses, some fine hoes. Implement of every description. $7000 model oairy bam. 4 big silos full of Bilage. good bouse. utbldgs., 100 acres In cultivation, bal. I tinstiirp. timber. 30 m. from Portland on hard road, near R. R. Price $40,000. no Incumbrance Exchange for SIO.OOO casn. $15,000 good clear Portland or Seattle rooerty. bal. long time 6 per cent. See Sam Hewev. 269 Stark st. HARTMAN' & THOMPSON' IP YOU WANT A GOOD PAYING FARM THIS WILL INTEREST YOU. 70 acres on the edge of Yoncalla, 30 cres in cultivation, 12 acres in bearing! commercial prunes, bal. timber and pas- I ture: srood house, tarn, etock. implements I and crop, all for $6000. Will take clear I city property. RICHANBACH & CO., 70T Lewis Bids, FOR. SALE OR TRADE. 200-ROOM MODERN HOTEL. PRICE OF FURNISHINGS. $10,000. BUILDING FOR LEASE. A, J. DE FOREST, 207 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. CjNE of the finest hotel buildings and grounds in the city for sale or trade; three , stores, solid brick building; 52 rooms, fur- i n ished throughout, five stores, all rented ; large poolroom with fruit and cigar stand; ? everything goes as it stands; cnance oi a. lifetime for a live party. Also eight lots e 1 n!i in rn riirllnii Ownr Or T will sell furniture and rent hotel. My health is the I reason. Give full particulars answer Owner, Hotel Newton, 22d and Ballard, B&attle, Wash. PINE 2S-ACRE FARM AND STOCK. i 1 will trade this well improved Wll- i lamette Valley farm of 82 acres, which is 1 clear of debt and well worth $9000, for i a home In Portland to $6000, and give time on balance; included is stock, all needed machinery, hay and grain; over 50 acres under plow; on main road 4 Vi miles town of 2000. D. McChesney, 603 Title Ac Trust bldg. Main 3477. CHOICE corner. ZiUxloo. near the Broadway bridge, with small incumbrance, which I wish to exchange for a modern residence or not less than live rooms and up 1 seven rooms: my corner is a choice loci tion for an apartment-house, but I have no means to build or otherwise develop the property; there is a large old house on the lot. For particulars see my at torney at 404 Piatt bldg. " TO EXCHANGE. Harney Valley, 200 acres, all level and tillable, 1 V. miles from railroad town, on county road, half mile from Government ; range. Price $20 per acre. Will take up ) to J 2000 Portland clear property, some cash, balance terms. H. A. PENMAN, McMlnnville. Oregon. WEST SIDE INCOME. Store building, on 50x100, 2 blocks from Jefferson st. denot: Price 17. 500: trade I for anything cUar to $10,000, balance mortgage. U'EDDEMAXN COMPANY, 91 3 Chamber of Commerce, 15 ACRES, 10 miles west of Portland, elec tric line, hard-surface road, running water. 6 acres cleared, balance easy, 1 acre old asparagus bed; exchange for acreage near 1 Hillsboro or sell $2000. C. T. Bigelow, Hillsboro, Or. NOTICE. If your property, either city, farm or acreage, has merit and is for exchange or sale, can or write lull particulars; no ln- Jlated values considered; have lst-class list to Bdct from. Geo. P. Henry. 22: Henry bid g. Ref.. Iortland Realty Board. MERCANDISE STOCK WANTED. Have 6 bungalows rented for $111 perl mo.; want stock of merchandise for any I or all up to $20,000. . J. W. GRUSST, 31fl Board of Trade Bldg. IRVING-TON". , Modern 7-room and bath; every mod- i ; rn convenience, near Irvlngton Club; will i exchange for lots or acreage, or for in come property and will assume. N 051, Oregonian. JklUDEPk.V 11 -room residence, on East Side, with lot luuxit".. hot-water heat, lire- piace, hardwood floors; price $ ((, mort gage $3.00 ; exchange for unimproved acreage ir unincum Deron. tiODDAHD & WIEURICK, 243 Stark St. 56 ACRES rich level land, all in cultiva tion, clear or incumbrance, i -room house. large dairy barn, 1 mile from Woodland, wash, lake all or pnrt in good city property clear. R. F, Bryan, 500 Cham. ot Com. LOxlOO, NORTH 16TH ST.. corner, some in come, will exchange for Irvington or Rose c:ity Park; price RITTER, LOWE & CO., 2Q.-7 Board of Trade Bldg. .WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM 150 acres. N mostly bottom land, good improvements, stock and implements; price $20,000. Wil; trade for city property up to $15,000. E.J mostly bottom land, good improvements. ill Oeiser. 4 1 1 C hamber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT EXCHANGE. Want clear lots in goodXriistrict in ex change for modern six-room house, cor ner lot. Eaxt Harrison st. ; mortgage jfrvooo. v m. i nomas, r. o. oox f.i. I WANT A HOME. Must be clear and in good locality, $2000 to $3000; will give in exchange deed to city property in Bend, the future Spo- Kane or- uregon. aj uu, oregonian. TO TRADE I have a house and 2 lota Just east of irvington, value $4000, for your farm implements and stock, and will also rent or lease your farm If about 3O0 acres. F 0i3, Oregonian. FORTY acres, under Government irrigation: good land for alfalfa, prurfes and grapes: near town, easily improved; wlil trade for Portland property. Address box 303, Her- mlston. or. FOR SALE or exchange for Southern Cali fornia, sout heast corner Sandy blvd. and eventy-tmra street, c. w. Jayne. Box C, f euows, ijaiiiornia. . CLEAR 40-acre ranch near Grants Pass: good buildings, Tokay and Malaga vine yard, grain and pasture land, $45O0, for modem bungalow. W. Jeffers, Murphy, Or. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Finest Income property in the city, r . E. Bowman & Co., 1 .s i nam i"T or t omm erce. 0 ACRES. 1 mile southwest Canby. $6000: good Improvements; want good city prop- erty. Ji x nnrman st. EXCHANGE $000 equity in business lot; good location, for So. California property or raw land, am u j, tjregonian. IMPROVED, 80. $6000; would divide; want residence, owner, cnauncey Barney, Ore- gon jity. MODERN 5-room bungalow, good district exchange for land. Owner. AF 070, Ore gonian. HOUSE and lot, also two lots, value $500, to trade for farm, AC w, Oregonian. HAVE 10 houses; will exchange any one for farm near Portland iiiatt bldg tG0 ACRES. Sherman County, sale or trade. Alexander, 723 Chamber of commerce. rORTLAND property for property in any wtate or t nited states. oregonian. SO ACRES, good soil, near railroad, town. for house. G n2. uregoman. GOOD delivery wagon to exchange for any- thmg l can ufe. ti. jc. joy, .tuv mstk. IMPROVED close-in 40 acres; take house to $300o, balance time. oregonian. IF It's a saunre deal, Fee Northwest Realty Co.. 22 Chamber of Com. bldg. Mar. 2272. J HAVE 54x72. cor. Vancouver ave., near Al berta st.; want acreage. Woodlawn 2497. EQUITY in lOOxSO Irvington let to trade ! for Cheaper joib or acrmge. iaoor 'j-i'o SALE OR TRAD E T w o SO acres. Medford, Or. AN &70, Oregonian, TO EXCHANGE REAL, ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE 31 acres of fine prune land, 22 miles from Portland, j." miles irom Vancouver, - mites from Camas, Wash.; JS acres now in orchard, ti acres in prunes. Hignly improved. Price $9oo. Will trade for residence property near college town, Eugene, Corvallis or Oakland, California. FOR EXCHANGE $40,000 stock of hardware in large Willamette al ley town, strictly up-to-date, doing: good business. Will exchange for equipped stock ranch anywhere. FOR EXCHANGE: Stock of harware. win invoice irom $oou to io,uoo, in good Southern Oregon town. Own er's health failing and will exchange for residence property in Portland, Salem or Eugene. Must have $2000 cash. If you have anything for sale or exchange in way of farm, stock ranch, business chances, we are in position to nandle them success fully and quickly. Correspondence listed. NORTHWESTERN" EXCHANGE, BECKW1TH BLDQ., EUGENE, OREGON. TRADES: WHAT HAVE YOUT $200,000 brick building, take cheap land. $50,000 brick. S4O.0o0 eauitv. for ex change. Suti.OOO snartment ntm Wn Kid take building, farm or wheat land. Portland Heights home, trade equity Flats for farm, etc. $60,t00, two brick buildings for apart ment buildings. $10,000 clear business propertv: take unimproved land, suitable stock,-part pay- merit. $SOOO clear, 25-room hotel bldg.. for apt site, acreage, etc. Exchanges, houses, lots, farms, build ings, etc. CHAS, RINGLER CO., 228 Henry Bldg. IDEAL. "RANCH HOME" IN BEAUTIFUL "MOLALLA" VALLEY. NEAR ELECTRIC LINE. 47 ACRES: GOOD EOT! T PM EN T. COWS. HORSES, FAIR BUILDINGS, GOOD BARN. SMALL CREEK AND SPRING AT HACK DOOR. ABOUT 40 ACRES CAN BE CULTIVATED. (CONTROL 40 ACRES MORE O. & C. TIMBER AND PASTURE). ON ACCOUNT DEAiH IN FAMILY MUST BE SOLD: OK CONSIDER TRADE. GOOD HOME EO.UITV FOR PART, OR SMALL ACRE- At.rj, etc t-t.h; i t anl iiAhh ur a fc. ADDRESS OWNEi PATT1SUN, 'ELLIMi BLDG 'IDEAL HOME" 0 ACRES; NEAR CITY. PROFIT AND INDEPENDENCE (N E A R O. E. C A R) . S PL EN D I D KO R COWS, PIGS. DUCKS. TURKEYS. ETC FR U IT AN D FLOWERS ON PLACE ) . G OOD HOUSE AND BARN. FENCES, ETC. ( FR E E W ATE U.) ALL C I TY CONVENIENCES; SOIL RICH. NOT -KOOKY: A LOT Kl liX TLltK. rU 1 A TOES AND CHICKENS GO WITH PLACE. YOUR OWN TERMS. POSI TIVE BARGAIN. PRICE UNDER StiO'Ml. SEE IT; CONSIDER EXCHANGE. MAKE OFFER. ADDRESS A. C. KrrlN'.ihi ii, OWNER. P. O. BOX 222, PORTLAND. CALIFORNIA PROPERTY. 43 acres In Mendocino County, Call fornia, 20 acres in Bartlett pears, 15 acres In grain, balance in woods pasture; nouse Insured for $15o0. barn, and outbuildings, trout stream and all rural advantages, close to school and country town; includes team, wagon, buggy, J arm implements. household furniture, ducks, chickens, etc. price $7500. want good improved farm trade, for farm property' in Washington or Oregon. THOMPSON Al SWAN. 6th and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash. 100-ACKE FARM, near Portland: fine barn. house, telephone, milk route, stockea ana equipped; 3.O00.00O fine eaw timber, orch ard and trout stream through place: best of Foil ; $50 per acre, free and clear of incum nrance ; lane modern, cioue-m nouse to 50000 and assume. A J. PRESTON, 422 Henry Bldg.. cor. 4th and Oak. iJO.Ouo MISCELLANEOUS city property which l wish to trade ior one piece or property, preferably timber or farm lands. J his property consists or houses, vacant lots In good additions, several pieces of acreage, and a Tactory site and building. There is a mortgage of $12,000 on a oart, but the majority is clear of incumbrance. W. H. Buoy, T.15 Corbet t building. CLEAR LAND FOR HOUSE. 60. SO or 120 acres clear land near Her- mis ton. ; Govt, water, best soil, lis per fectly, $50 per acre. Any or all for houses. BAD LEY. 21 YEON BLDG. Main 4S1. 100 ACRES, unincumbered, email amount in cultivation, i air set or buildings, aoout 7 million feet of timber and for trade for farm; prefer it stocked and equipped and win assume reasonable mortgage. AM U E L IX) AK 1202 North- estern Bank Bldg. CLEAR of Incumbrance, two small farms alfalfa and apple orchards: $30,000 each for an apartment house; see Vm. Burley, HARTMAN & THOMPSON (4th & Stark.) BARGAIN FOR EXCHANGE. Choice acreage tract on Hillsboro elec trie line; all cultivated. A snap; part trade, pare cash. CHtr;J .J l.V. it HOHTHAGK CO., 202 Stock Exchange. 1TO 3d st. NICE fi-ROOM HOME. In good district, good car service, close to scnooi, nas ii replace, our ret, run base ment. and nearly new; full lot; prlce $2200: will take acreage or vacant lots for part. A J 157, Ort-gonian. AUTO WANTED $1000 equity in South Portland lot wltn two houses, mortgage $1SOO. 7 per cent, rents for $16. formerly $30; will take Ford auto for the ded. Main 1955. FORTY-ACRE Tillamook County stock ranch; good land, fine large house and barn, water piped from spring, plenty free outrange; school close; price $4500, $1000 cash, balance trade. O 080, Oregonfan. C A L I KO RXIA-OfiE G ON. Properties of all kinds and sizes for In terchange; pee or write us. U. S. MORTGAGE fir INV. CO., 607 Yeon bldg. 50x100 LOT on 14th St., West Side, Im proved with two houses; price $10,000; no mtg. Trade and pay cash difference and assume on large income property. Yates, 240 4th st. 32t ACRES whoat land, near Lexington, all cultivated. W ill make very attractive price and terms. Might t"ke some city property in part payment. W.. H. Buoy, 515 Cor bett building. I CAN offer good trade for house equities. vacant lots. land improved or unimproved, first and second mortgages, house and lot contracts. F. J. Robertson, 703 Title & Tnmt bldg. Marshall 240. WILLAMETTE VALLEY 3 miles from town ; SO acres, all good, some cleared, buildings. Trade for city property; will assume. G. Wynn Wilson, 820 Chamber of Commerce. CADILLAC, self-starter, electric lights, for Al building lot. Rose City Park. Haw thorne or Laurelhurst district. Phone Ta bor 543. 120-ACRE Improved farm. stocked and equipped. $10,000. Want city property with plenty ground. Details, 310 Yeon. Mar shall 2432. LARGE, modern. Mt. Tabor residence, lo cated on E. Roth st. Actual cost. $5200. Mortgage S2000. Will trade for smaller home In Laurelhurst. BC PK0. Oregonian. 100 ACRES, Linn Co.. near a town, all cul tivate n, goon buildings, 46 head stock. Implements. $14 000, wants smaller farm ut to $0000. T 051. Orpponlnn. 40 j .CRES In Clarke Co.. Wnsh., near sta tion, fully stocked, wants a home in Port land up to $5000. balance terms. P i51, Oreironlan. NEAR Broadway and Mill, good Inoome; will trade ror .h-ast Mide residence prop-f-tr t 5000. W. H. Ross, 1100 N. W. "Rank b!di?. WANT business or Income property "of $0000, jmxin, $io.noo respectively; exchange for f!rms near Portland. 416 Piatt bMg. HAVE clear land, unimproved, up Columbia, want five to seven-room nouse; win as sume. BD 061, Oregonian 40 ACRES near Hood River, over 500 cords wood, clear, for Portland home, about $3000 Tabor 7502. ; 5-ROOM modern bungalow and one acre. Oak Grove, to trade ror city property or fruit land. AM Oftl. Oregonian. $1000 eoulty In 5-room cottage exchange Tor cari grocery wna iivmg rooms, owner, 140S Winona st. EXCHANGE or for sale. $7O0 equity In - room bouse lot ooxioo, mr t-oro car or what? Going away. J ?7, Oregonian. I WANT property In California for acreage. lots and cottage nere. v 111 consider Ore gon farm. rtoom 422, Perkins HoteL A FINE modern 8-room house, comer lot, to exenanre ior a oungaiow or lots in good district. T 980, Oregonian. 160 ACRES of Eastern Oregon wheat farm. clear, to exenange ior mercnanaise. shall 56ft. 12 lPt st. $2O0O HOUSE enultv for good building lot : mte. only $Poo. Make offer. Would also consider land. Badley, 21 Yeon bldg. 160 ACRES clear timber, two million feet Douglas Co. Want house.' or will cons'der lots or acreage. Badley. 6?1 Yeon bldg. WANT bungalow, Laurelhurst preferred ; havV Ine acreage to exchange : wll as sume about $3000 on bungalow. Main 3316. TO EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE. $22,400 WHEAT RANCH of 640 acres, In Eastern Oregon, clear of incum brance. WANT ranch in Willamette Valley. $15,000. 142 acres with usual buildings, two acres bench, balauce bottom, Douglas County, clear of Incum brance. WANT irrigated Improved place. Even trade or assume. $16,000 apartment-house In Portland on West Side. Mtg. $t00. Want acreage close to Portland. $40,000, ten modern houses in Portland to exchange for acreage, farms or one large income property In Portland. See Mr. Parker, FRED A, JACOBS CO., 104 6th St. OVER 4000 acres of wheat land., spring and eii3, iair bunaings, part undr cui., over 9J pr cent best of land; price $100,000; consider any clear property of merit to $MJ,tJOO. Well -Improved large wheat ranch; R. R. station and fine creek on place: big farm ing outfit; lOu acres alfalla land; want good income property. Large Income build in r In g in Portland; tner property to price $200,000; consider o iJt,t00; land preferred. Large store building in good valle town; 90oo; consider other property from $5UOU to $tHMH). L K. MOORE, 317 Board of Trade. GET ONE OF THESE FARMS FOR YOUR LOTS. 50 acres, thickly settled community, close to town ; all cultivated, lies well ; S-room modern house, 2 barns, garage and other buildings, all electrically lighted; price $12,0oo; trade for lots to $$nou, bal ance mortgage. Owner leaving state. 20 acres, b miles from Portland, all cul tivated and faclnir main road: good house. barn, outbuildings and private water sys tem; a uinuy little larm ; price fi'W" trade for lota to $5K)0, balance mortgage Ll'EUDEM ANN COMPANY, 113 Chamber of Commerce. t3 ACRES, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Fine productive Willamette Valley farm, mlie town and electric line; 45 acre under plow, balance eauallv as good, now in oak timber valuable for cordwood; river makes one boundary; new house and barn; electric lights and city water; heavy team, 2 cows, hogs, chickens, barn full of feed; mower, rake, plows, wagons, harness and Ford auto are included; $woo0. Take Port land home or suburban acreage to $4H0. D. McCht sney, Cu3 Title & Trust bidg. ilain i)4 ii. ONE of the finest farms In Valley, highly developed, beautiful buildings. 2 mues to school, church, college; price r-u.000; wants Portland Income. 32(--are stock farm, 200 cultivated, fair buildings; $40 acre ; wants small farm or city property to $lo,000. Corvaliia income property, bringing $00 per month, for farm; price $ti000; might go to full value. If you want to exchange your property, write me. F. KEXXEY, BOX 01, CORVALLIS. OR- FOR SALE OR TRADE. For good workhorses, mules or sheep, cattle, about 30 acres of alfalfa land 2 miles northwest of Richland. Wash., on the banks of Yakima River: good soli, no water tax; water within 15 feet of the surface ot the lowest, subs within 4 to 6 feet of the surface in June; land adjoin ing raises 4 crops of alfalfa per season. Price $2500. ADDRESS AV 278, OREGONIAN. SO ACRES, all in cultivation, fully stocked and equipped; 10-room house, electric lights, big barn, outbuildings, mil to town; price $125 per acre; some trade, cash and terms. E. H. FRY, Land Dept., THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Building. - 0 ACRES, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 30 acres cleared, good bearing orchard, rich black soil, good house with bath hot and cold water; 6 cows, 2 hiiers, 2 calves, good team, 3 hogs, 50 chickens, all necessary implements and toots; V mlie from station; price SS0O0; wiii take clear Portland residence to $5500, balance long time at 5 per cent. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, V'13 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU DESIRE to sell or trade your city or farm property, kindly communicate with us. RICHANBACH & CO., 707 Lewis Bldg. WHEAT LAND, $20. 1000 acres near -Kennewick. Wash.. fenced, buildings, windmill, well ; some trade and cash, bal. crop payments; you neea not larm land ; let present renter pay Dai. on crop payments for you. Craig, H35 X. W. Bank .bldg. TRADE for smaller house, near Kenton, b-room houee, full cement basement, fur nace, fireplace, electric lights and gas; lot 50x151 Mi feet, bearing fruit trees and berries; near school, car and Columbia Park. Phone Col. 302 or Wdln. 1930 after Sunday. 207 ACRES, near Roseburg. all In cultiva tion. 130 acres apples, 40 acrefT" pears (5 yrs. old), loo walnut trees. On Pacific Highway and S. P. Ry., running water, good buildings, implements, horses, $50. 00. Will trade for good Income. C. D. St row, QQ5 Stock Exch. bldg. WEST SIDE. Refused $85oo for 9-room house S years ago; corner lot. near Multnomah Club; will take $050o; $35(M) can remain on mtg. ; trade for the balance. FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 5th St. HOTEL WANTED. Want good hotel building and furniture, Oregon or Washington, up to $50,000; have good Income proper tv to trade. J W. GRUSSI, 316 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED Modern Irvington home; w ill not consider anything ept of 25 th nor north of Stanton ; will trale 7-room mod ern house, splendidly located in Rose City Park and pay difference in cash. Y 071, Oregonian. WHAT have you in Canada to trade for States? What In States to trade for Can ada 7 Give topography, improved or not. location or numbers, price, property de- sireu, ior. quictt action, oy w . lOtu, Jiiu , gene. Or. WIDOW anxious exchange 4-flat near Wai nut Park; price $6Ho, mtg. $3O00, for small improved acreage with" house, un- Kicumuurfu ; iiais reniea at OODDARD & WIEURICK, 243 Stark St. 4-ROOM cottage, lot 50xl027pavedtreet, city water, located Forest Grove, valued $1200, for Portland property ; will pay small difference in cash. Address 227 N;. J3d st. WANTED. Properties of merit to match our large lists or improved city, farm and Income properties: no inflated values considered. ( ALLAN & KAarJK, 414 Oregon bldg. ua v n. tour-acre i-year-oid cherry ma ap ple irfWision-ciarKston orchard, improved with 7-room house, barn, etc.. to trade for 15 to 25 acres on electric line near Portland, value $oou. AK Q71. Oregonian. CULTIVATED 110 acres, near Eugene, house, barn, small orchard, near car; $25,00o, for Portland property; will assume. Address 1220 No Oaks, Tacoma, Wash. Might lease rancn. SO ACRES 8 miles from Kalama. house bam. -orchard. 4 acres cultivated, balance pasture; good water. Price $3000. Will trade for Portland house and lot same val ue. L. F. Imus, Kalama. Wash. 40-A. BOTTOM farm, near Eugene, to trade lor city residence; a. cultivated, bal. saw timber; good bouse, old barn, good furnace, value $5000. Phone Woodlawn lir after 0 p. m. milrs from Hermiston, under Government irritation: price $5500. will consider city propero or wnen lanu. UOUQ Sc JveUnedy, UNINCUMBERED income property, mostly city, vaiue aoww; iour small improved farms, Willamette valley: would assume small mortgage. Tabor 23. T. R. Bown, Koute J, uresnam, or. $6S0 EQUITY in 5-room hoube and lot sidewalks paid ; modern ; will take lot. o what? Handy to school. Brown, Woodlawn 2d4 Sundays or evenings. $ BRICK HOTEL, strictly modern Willamette Valley town, for equipped dairy farm near xinamooK city. 1. o. Hoi men, ciatskanie, or. want el? from 4 to ao-acre tract near ' electric carl in e, 30 to 45 minutes from Portland; have desirable Industrial stocK for part payment, a vii, oregonian. 320 ACRES. unimproved, unincumbered grass land, IO miles south of Kalama th Falls, for Portland home. F vb'2, Orego nian. FIVE ACRES at Lents, 6-rpom house, and barn; traae ior smaii tarm or dairy; ma; assume small amount; prive $55oO. incum" brance $500. Write owner, 83 h Grand ave. $18.000 ESTABLISHED general store, W1I lamette Valley's best town, small im proved farm, balance cash. AG Ore gonian. MODERN 6-roona house, Laurelhurst. eouit for clear lots, value $5000. 1070 Sandy blvd. Tabor 36 is. WANT 10 to 3" acres, some timber an ' spring. Inside 15 miles Portland, for a cant lots ano casn. n, oregonian. 100x00 CORNER. 17th and Highland sts, for sale cheap or trade. What have you Leon smith, o fc-aat t2a st. 1300 SHARES Oregon Home Builders stoc for 1916 Ford touring car. Address L. bo. Forest Grove, or. TO EXCHANGE RKAL ESTATE. I MEAN JUST WHAT I SAY. 'These Are Snaps. 1200 A. wheat ranch in Klickitat Co., Wash.; fair bldga; 800 A. in cult'n Plenty water. Part trade and terms. Must go. 1200 A. wheat and stock ranch"; good bldgs. Plenty of water. Part trade. 1250 A. farm and stock ranch up the Mc Kenaie River. 3o0 A. in cultn; can Ket all tillable land desired. Finest ranch house in state; for income property. This must go. Might as sume. 55 A., adjoining city limits of Eugene, Or. All in cult'n; considerable fruit; for income property. Must go soon. 500 A. wheat farm in Eastern Ore. Work stock and machinery. For Income property. Prefer merchandise. See O. P. Hutee and make offer, with HARTMAN & THOMPSON (4th and Stark 160 ACRES, near The Dalles, partly culti vated, want city property. 307 Henry bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WANT to exchange 15-H, P. Fay & Bowen marine engine in good order for about 7 H. P. engine In same condition. Address AV 274, Oregonian. WOULD like house papering and tinting In exchange for l lr&t-ulass dental work, AM 172. Oregonian. WILL exchange hand painted china for any thing I can use; antiques and curios pre ferred. Marshall 5t03, FOR SALE or traue, ninth edition Encyclo pedia Britannica; good shape; what have you. S t74, Oregonian. FINE Xmas present, small moving picture machine and lilms,' brand new; will trade for what haVe you. AO 976, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE party w ill trade $30O soli taire diamond for Encyclopedia, Britannica, 11th edition. BF t78, Oregonian. WILL exchange lady's or gent's suit or over coat for furnished apts. Phone Marshall 1127, room 47. W ILL sci or trade good gas range and heater, cost $50 ; will consider fuel propo sitlon or what have you? Call Main 2566. WILL trade collection of silver foreign coins (dollar size) for 3 x3 kodak, au astigmat lens. Box 301. Centralia. PLAYER-PIANO High-grade, good as new, will sell at half-price; easy terms, or trade for clear lot. Tabor 3517. POTATOES for good carpet or rug. Piano for Victrola. Tabor 35i7. WILL trade a new high-grade mandolin for a gent's bicycle. Call 0OO Schuyler. $10 RA1MOPTICAN (postcard) for trada or cheap for cash. AR U7S, Oregonian. FINE old violin to exchange for good f ur niture. Phone Marshall 55IS. 14 LOTS to exchange for good furniture. or what have you? Marshall 53t'.. TK ACTION engine, tank and log truck for stock or what have you ? Tabor 7 1 10. WILL exchange room and board for paper hanglng or violin. Phone Broadway 6t9. FOR SALE OR TRADE Established fuel business. Phone Wdln. 245. WE wash everything but the babies. tral Wet Wash, E. 704. $60 CORNET (Conn) $40 cash, or trade for candy outfit. AL 975, Oregonian. TOll SALE. Horses. V chiclet. Harness, Etc. COMMISSION AUCTION SALE. HORSES, HARNESS. WAGONS TV e sell for ah yon e on 5 per cent com mission, r Don't miss our sales If Interested In the norse business or buying. PORTLAND HORSE SALE CO., 30tt-310 FHOST fc T. TWO teams and harness, weight about 1400 lbs., we will trade for lumber and some cash. Columbia Carriage & Auto Works, Main 26J2. 20J Front st. RENTED place, have good young team mare and horse, 6 years old, weight 2 Too, well matched, sound, well broke, single and double; must tell, as I have no place to keep them; price $245; take Oregon City car to Arlington station, come up rivet to wagon bridge, cross, turn to left, first house. HAVE finished work; must sell at once several good young farm mares and horses, true and gentle, weight from 1UOO to 1U00. Come, make an ofier; every horse guar anteed, also wagons and harness. S tables IQl N. 11th st., near North Bank station. TEAM mares. 6-7 years old. weight 200O; sound and true; team mares, 275o pouuds, young and true. -In loal; 1 4-year-old mare, 2400; team geldings, $65; seta double har ness, 3 stock saddles, l business buggy. East Dth and Flanders AUCTION TODAY. HORSES. 2 P. M. 30S FRONT. WE have lot ofsrood farm horses for sale mat we nau on tne iransier wagons wnen we bought auto trucks, and they are all for sale, and harness also. Columbia Stablee, 302 Front st. rOR SALE Young team, harness, wagon. Shire colt, two years old ; 3 blooded heif ers, buggy, cart, express wagon, two single harnesses, three scrapers. E. L. Auder son. R. 3, box 141. Gresham, Or. OR SALE Good 8-year-old horse, $loo; light delivery wagon, $25 ; large goose neck wagon, $225. Edwards Furniture Co., ror. 5th and Oak sts. Main 1927. 2 HORSES, harness and 2 light delivery wagons for sale cheap. Inquire 370 N. 23d SI DE AD horses taken free; $5 paid for dead cows, crippled, worn-out horses. Oregon Bone Meal Works, Lents, Or. Tabor 423. TO one assuring good care can have the use of small wors or driving horse lor his feed. N 066. Oregonian. WANTED To trade driving horse weigh ing about 1000. u years oio. ror iresn cow. R Ool. Oregonian. WANTED A 1056 or lloO-lb. horse for its keep ; miht ouy later If satisfactory. Phone Tabor 995. FOR SALE cheap, four teams horses. Star Sand Co., barn Delay St., bet. Uoidsmitu and Runeell. DEAD horses taken; $5 and up for dead cow?; cash for do n-and-out horses. Call me up without fall. Milwaukle 69 -J. WANTED To buy good gentle horse, har ness, wagon and fresh cow. S. Hood, box 327, R. 1. Portland, CAPITAL STABLES, 287 FRONT ST. Just received a carload of houses and mares, 1100 to 16UQ los. 2500-POUND team, age 6 and 7, harness and farm wagon, nisiop iiaii, apt. 311. Phone East 814. THREE teams, wt. 240O each. 4 farm wag ons and harnesses. 2t7 E. fcth. 2006-LB. blocky team, good harness and ranch wagen, $16o. Phone Marshall 455. HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness for sale. Apply 20 Grand ave. FOR SALE Wagons and horses cheap. 7tn st. ortn. DEAL) horses and animals hauled away free. w 000 law n u. L'ort land tendering co. WILL trade pair of ponies for anything of equal value, xaoor 10-0, HEAVY wagons exchange for 1. Gresham. cows. Box 114, A 00O-LB. pony, broke single, double or ride, for $16. Main 6026. HORSES for hire by day or month. C. Townsend Co., 30 Front. Main 1571. FERTILIZER manure for sale; done. Phone E. 814. plowing FOR SALE 3-in. farm wagon. 1967 E. Stark st.: also 2-seated rtwck. Pianos, Organ and Mimical Instrument. $Io.oo BEAUTIFUL, fine piano, $125.00; Olsen Storage House. Owner must sell Sunday. 1 to 5 p. M. only. 248 Pinf WM. KNABF7, "The World's Best Piano." Bargain new. Main 5111. 747 Everett st. VIOLIN bow and case for sale; value $75: win tane $40. al ui 1, oregonian. $350 PIANO $140 cash; real Ivory keys; not a stencil. Liaroin ts. uiioert, 84 Yamhill st I PAY cash tor used pianos, bert, 34 Yamhill st. - Harold S. Gil- $18 BUYS $100 parlor organ for Christmas at security storage co.. 109 4th t. FOR SALE Cornet $30; bargain- good as new. oya n.mricK. Mars nan nszi. WILL store piano for use ; dren. Sellwood 904. no small chll- $850 ELECTRIC player piano, have no use for same, $120 tqkcb it. n vn, oregonian WILL pay reasonable price for high-grade used player piano. Af vtA, oregonian. $00- GIBSON mandolin, $8 case, $35. Wood lawn 4SS2 - FOR -SALE $260 Victrola, nearly new, very reasonaoie. l.-in 01., corner main. $206 EQUITY In player piano, Graphonola or 5 do casn. aej v 1, urcgunian. HIGH-CLASS violin at reasonable price. 501 PittocK diock. .j WESTERN cottage organ, high top, mir ror: cost $150. sell for $2r. Main 6174 CATALOG! ' e your records. A full line of albums Just received. 356 A Ider st. FOR SALE Meyer system flute, fine con dltlon, $12.00. 3L5 ITlf ord bldg. WANT good diamond, part payment on piano. M 978, Oregonian. FOR RENT Nearly new pino to reepon fible party. Phone Main 678J. i FOR SALE Violin and cello. Main 224.6. FOB SALE, Plan of.. Onrtn and Musical Instruments, LOOK OVER OUR LIST OF USED PIANOS ON SALE THIS WEEK. Every one unconditionally guaranteed. Crown, a fine make $175.00 Singer, good bargain 87. 00 Belir. Bros., an old standard 1T.5.0O Sieinway, fine condition lt5.H Jesse French, almost new 25.00 WilTard, good practice piano 120.00 Reed French, slightly used 215.00 Starck. regular $450 315.00 R. S. Howard Co., walnut.. 27S.O0 Jacob Doll, good condition......... 14S.00 Haddorif make, oak case 155.0O PLAYER PIANOS. Brewster, fine shape $365.00 French & Sons., used 9 months.... 537.00 R. S. Howard, like new.... 405.00 Starck, was $K00 5s7.h) Conway, slightly used 465.00 Weber Pianola, mahogany 6OO.0O ORGANS. prlcrl n1Tir rusn ........ .$63.00 Estey. fine walnut, with mirror.... 50.00 Mason & Hamlin... 82.00 Durand 27.00 Schultx S7.50 REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO, 10th and Stark Sts. Store open every evening. AT FILERS STORAGE AND FOR WARDING DEPARTMENT, 151-153 Fourth St. CLOSING OL'T. $6V) Stelnway & Sons old model, cash $06.00. . . $373 Kohler & Chase modern upright, cash $110. $375 J. & C. Fischer old model, cash, $35. $250 Angelus player, mahogany, cash, I2K. 056 Hallett & Davis, finest mahogany player, cash $275. $805 genuine Autoplano, mahogany. cash, $265. S250 Boudoir, neat uDrlght. cash. 40. $1000 New York concert graad, cash. $155. Kjr.ev Farhnff narlor organ, cash. $12. Substantial Western cottage organ, cash, These and a large number of others equally low priced now being closed out at Filers storage and forwarding department, 151-3 Fourth st.. cor. Morrison. Fourth floor. ' SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $1.K Stelnway & Sons old model. casn.$ii3 350 Kohler Chase upright, cash.... 110 275 J. Jk C. Fischer, old model. cas. 35 250 Antcolus Player, walnut, cash. . . 25 55 Davis & Sons Svnote Player, cash 200 2-50 Boudoir, small upright, cash.... 45 1100 New York Pianoforte Grand, cash 165 100 Earhoif parlor organ, cash 13 SECURITY STORAGE CO., 109 Fourth .St. AS we have the finest facilities for storing and moving pianos we are malting pos ltlvely the lowest rates for reliable serv ice; small sizes and organs stored for 25 cents a month ; larger pianos, uil cents, cartage rates very reabu liable; or will sell your niaao for you on commission or buy it outright for cash. Telephone Eilers M UFlC House. Main 1 123. $1 CASH, then $5 or $6 monthly, begin ning next year, buys best brand new latest l:iT model Christmas piano, wen worm $325 : now only $23b : genuine Ivory keys. Eilers Music House, 151-3 Fourth st., near Morrison. $7Th ELECTRIC and hand-play piano, fine shape, only $lu.t. parlor organ, like new, $25. Pianola, tS-note plaj ir, "Vith music roils, $4o; must be sold at once. 204 iiar kt nt. Oj'cn Sunday. ALL kinds rebuilt musical Instruments manv used onlv for demonstrating. We sell for loss. Write for list. Portland Musical Ins. Co.. 245 Morrison St., room 10. $350 1U15 MODEL upright piano for $135, in the sale 01 the uonand oanarupt stocn, at Eilers Music House. 151-3 Fourth, st,, corner Morrison. $17 BUYS excellent parlor organ. Priced when new, $lt5. Eilers Storage and lor warding Department, 151-153 Fourth St., fourth floor. 5 CASH. sl monthly, beginning in January lyit. buys $350 1017 model Christmas piano 41 1 $205, without interest for 2 years, at fci'jn wan fiano Co., 1 n tn st. 1350 1115 MODEL upright, piano for $145 cash during closing out sale of Nlchoils Piano Co. tan Francisco stocK at cawa& Piano Co., Ill 4th st. TRADE your piano for a new high-class phonograph. Phone us and we will call Hyatt TalKlng Machine Co.. 350 Aide ft., or Main GS36. A 3277. UPRIGHT piano for sale; cost $-150; wlil sell for Main 2413. in good order $l2o cash, le $550 HIGH-GRADE cabinet grand Lafi'aruu piano used very little; going south ; wil take $Kh for It. AB 972, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL Crown piano. 450 style. $200, terms. Soule Bros.. 16G 10th st, near Morrison. FINE oak case piano In good condition: m-ed the money ; will sell for $75. AO Pi4, ortgonlan. PIANOS stored, 50! monthly; will sell at your price or buy for cash. Security Storage Co., 109 4th St. LESTER piano for rent or would sell; easy terms, bargain for cash. AK Ui3, orego man. FO ii bargains in pianos and player piano; for Christmas gifts see Soule Bros., at 166 loth, st., near Morrison. ARTISTS' model (F-2) Gibson mandolin; D Luxe case; great bargain. Address 285 V Burnslde st. can Jiomiay. RESPONSIBLE party wishes to rent playe piano: will pay good rent and insure atntnst damag. Phone Bdwy. 423. S9U0 ELECTRIC concert piano, complete with motor and music rolls, cash $290. AL 9.9, Ort-gonian. A $100 TALKING MACHINE and stock records at a sacrifice. Cash, terms or trade. E 9S0. Oregonian. A BEAUTIFUL mahogany case, 88-not player piano, almost new, $250 cash. 979, Oregonian. BE ATT Y organ, in cheap. Nina Grimes, 9451. condition, 22 stops, 171 13th st. St. Main EDISON diamond disc phonograph, inahog any, very reasonable; records. E 073, Ore gonian. PIANOLA for sale: cost $250: loo roi choice music; will sell outiit for $35; good condition. Tel. Main 2413. Will sell my quite nAv player-piano an other furniture at half cost. 47fc3. Call Main V M. K N A BE piano, like new ; bench ; wo derf ul tone: big sacrifice. Tabor 1619. 55 E. 4'id N., near Couch. Furniture for Sale. A LARGE, new, solid oak golden wax arm rocker, with genuine leather automobile seat, size 19x16 inches: a very comfort able rocker, worth $15; our special offer b"'3 MISH FURNITURE CO., 1&4 First St. NEW Jacobean library table, genuine ma hogany, brown rinisn, size ot top is --tx 36; this Is u. beautiful piece; regular price $22 .M. ot $14. MISH FURNITURE CO., 14 First St. 1 E LEG A NT brass bed, 2 4-in. continuous post. l-. -in. ru:r. rms tea is to ne seen to be appreciated. Regular price $75, re duced to $35. Feldstein Furn. Co., 166 and 16S First street. OVER-STUFFED rocker in genuine Spanish leather: a regular $.- value Tor 17.00. G E V I'RTZ FURNITURE CO., 1S5-191 First St.. near Yamhill. FOR SALE Second-hand oak and mahog any office furniture or all Kinds; riling csblnets and safes. Kilham Stat'y & P tg Co., Fifth and Oak. MUST sell at sacrifice furniture five-room bungalow; new ana ciean; tne nouse mod ern, with basement; can be rented for $6 a month. "Phone sellwood 2409. SEVERAL largo Turkish rockers, uphol stered in gen nine leatner, sngni :y usea ; former price $55, reduced to $22.50. Feld stein Furn. Co.. 166 and IBS First street. NEARLY" new dining-room set In fumed oak. table ttw-in. top. jz rt. long: ounet serving table. 4 leather-seated chairs and carver. Phone Main j 1. FOR SALE Writing desk. Roy croft mis sion design, cost $4., will sell for $12 chair to match Included. Mission book case, excellent condition, cost $30, will sell for $ 1 5. Phone Kant 6ff Lj $17 NEW wool mattress, $10; only one to a customer ; t - luu couon man reus, 1 , for this week only. Owl Furniture Co., 204 1st st. FOR SALE Furniture of 7-room honso. ex cellent condition, family movlns to Cali fornia, fhone a 4i:. MONARCH range, slightly used, and !u good condition. $35. Feldstein Furn. Co., 160 and 16S First street. ROUND dining table, oak. $4.95; $2.50 oak dinlnp chairs, latent patterns, at $1.45. Owl Furniture Co., 204 1st st. 1 DAYTON computing scale, late model. extra good value at $30 Feldstein Furn. Co., lc, and 108 Flrt street. ONE beautiful mahogany library table, cost price $70. for $35; one rug, cost $25, for Sio. t an .Main j i;o. FOR SALE Two xbeautiful rugs, 25 yards stair carpet and one sanitary couch, nil E. 21st St. N. IRON BEDS, $1.25 and up- Mattresses, 75c and up. Springs. W. W., 75c and up. Feld stein Furn. Co.. 166 and 168 Firsts street. 0X12 AX MINSTER rug. $10; oak bureau. $7.50. Woodlawn 3850. NEW Wilton rug", price $50; cost $100 12.9x18. Phone East 463. BLACK walnut, marble top bedroom set, spring, mattress, very cheap. East imp, FURNITURE of 6-room flat for sale cheap, close in. West Side. Mam oi73. BABY grand piano for sale cheap, or rent. Call at Ji4 low a street, r iiiion car. WAX oak bedroom set, 6-ft. 4-ply screen, ele?. percolator. 1 abor 4r)iH. WILL swan furniture for Victrola with records. F Oregonian. FOR SALE. Furniture ior Bale. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., Complete House Furnishers. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. nrijcsim ranfic 111 imo luiiuiuuni i 1 . $32.50; steel ranaee with reservoir and IS-1 inch oven, for $12.56; kitchen treasures. $1.50 to $2.56; kitchen cabinets, $t; sec .tional bookcase, $1 2.5o : 4-pi-?ce fiber sit-tlng-room set, a bargain for $25; double flat-top desk, 54x6o inches, in golden oak. for $18; square extension tables. $3 to $7.50; sanitary couch with pad, $4; break fast tables, $1.50; folding screens, 5c to $4; tea wagon in oak, $7.75; mahogany music cabinet, $10; dining-room suites, $12 to $75; nearly new ivory enamel bea roorq suite; 3 pieces, bed, chiffonier and dressing table, with triplicate mirrors, for $55 ; white enamel dressers, $7.50; white iron beds to match. $ 1.50 $30 Wabash tiling cabinet for $15; Morris chairs. $3.30 to $7.50; manufacturer's sample line of fine library tables as cheap as second hand, sizes 20x45 inches and 30x4$. $13 to $16; also some fine extension tables, 45- mcn, -j-tnch and 54-inch tops, nusn rim and plank tops, at about one-ha;f regu lar prices; flat-top desks. $5 to $12.56; of- nce tao,?3, x.ixi to 3t.tu: room-size car pets and rugs. $2.50 to $10; $40 roll-top desk for $1S.75 ; ladies desks, birdseye maple and oak. $5 to ilO; heating stoves, $1 and up to $10; Iron and brass beds. $1.5o and up; drop-leaf dining tables. $1.50 to$2.50: full-size dreesers. $6: hotel dress ers, $3.56; genuine birdseye maple dre&ser. si; center ana parloiv tables, ?l to $. steel ranges, good ones, from $15 to $20 cook stoves, $5 to $12 ; gas ranges, lower ovens, $5 to $7.56 ; upper ovens, $S.75 to $15; gas water heaters, $4 to $7.56; ail fc stoves and ranges strictly guaranteed ; rocKers ox an ainas. i to st.ofi. r.asy payments, no interest; free delivery. Both phones. 561-563 Washington, corner 17 th st., our new location. All kinds of ex changing. For out-of-town customers we pack. crate and deliver to depots or wharves! free of charge. YOU WOULD BE surprised to know how popular EDWARDS' EXCHANGE DEPART M ENT has become with those who want good furniture (not the kind t hat Just hangs together), but can not afford to buy new. It's true there's only one each of nearly every item on this floor, but t he assort ment is great. Eventually you, too, will become acquainted with this fast-growing department. WHY NOT NOW? You'll save 50 per cent or more. Consider these prices today; select . tomorrow; we'll deliver them promptly. Handsome golden oak dresser, t 24x30-inch oval mirror, 45-inch top, $14.95: highly polished hotel dres ser with oval mirror, $S,50; white enamel double beds. $3.75. $4.75; Vernls Martin double beds, $3.50, $4.50; 42-inch square top dinlng table, 6-ft. ex.. $5.75; 2 solid oak dlnlng-chalrs, $2.45 each ; solid oak settee. $5.75; golden oak arm rocker (high back), $4.75; "Luxurious" up holstered rocker with coil spring seat. $9.90; 6x Body Brussels rug. $12.75; velour upholstered bed couch, $9.75; 6-hole Wetter Tange, 16-inch oven, $31, , connected. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE. EDWARDS COMPANY. 5th and Oak. Exchange Dept. 4 th Floor. WILTON VELVET RUG $17.50. We have a Wilton velvet rug, size 9x 12, in xirst-class order, very neat pattern sells new at $45. our price 51.o0. And s splendid Oriental rug, 9x12, reversahle pattern, good as new, first coat $20, for $9.50; also a medium-size buffet, finished In earlv English, with an 8x36 French oeveieo mirror, good as new, regular i for $10.50, and many other bargains too numerous to mention. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURN. CO., 221-23 Front st. BEAUTIFUL white enamel bedroom suite. consisting of white enamel dresser, witn 1 are ft French bevel nla.te mirror, white enamel chiffonier with bevel plate mir ror, white enamel Deustead. con spring, 40-lb. felt mattress; this suite cost $ and is a snau at $42.50. Kitchen heatt-r with coll. is Just like new, nickel doors and polished top ; reg ular $22.oO for $13. oa). GEVURT'Z FURNITURE CO., 15-191 First St., near Yamhill. EXCEPTIONAL OFFER. A massive mahogany "Colonial dining- room set and library table. Sheraton bed room set. Inlaid mahogany, cost $1000; j wicker chairs. breakfast-room furniture and other pieces: rugs, purchased at F. A. Taylor's and placed in storage shortly after. To be sold to satisfy mortgage at private sale on Tuesday arternoon at Port land Van & Storage Company building. Fifteenth and Kearney streets. No dealers. Main 2iuu. $75 EXTRA large modern cellarette, built of solid select quarter-sawed oak, early English finish; has large white enameled bottle holders, fullv equipped. 2 large up per drawers, dze of top 36xlS; stands 40-in. high, with aouoie ooors; mis is beauty; like nw for $22.50. M1SH FURNITURE CO., 184 First St. QUARTERED oak dining set in beautiful waxed finish, consisting of round colo nial table 45-ln. top. six-foot extension. with f iv solid oak and genuine bat her. slip-seat chairs and arm chair to match; a regular 1 5 set. ior o 1 GBVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 1N5-191 First St., near Yamhill. TAKE advantage of otir low prices; we have hundreds of very suggtstable Xmas gifts, pictures, china, clocks, rugs, fancy mir rors and bric-a-brac of all kinds at less than t-i price. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 First St. GENUINE mahogany music cabinet, conven iently made with double doors. 5 shelves and roomy upper drawer ; size of top, 21x15; stands 41 inches high; just slight ly used, worth $2. for $9.50. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 First St. DUO-FOLD davenport. " waxed frame, brow n chase leather; cost $o5 new and cannot oe told from new; our price $30; be sure and see this piece of furniture. G E V URTZ FURNITURE CO. . 185-191 First St., near Yamhill. JUST received, a large shipment of Mon arch gomrvrt Morris cnairs; tnese cnaim should ell at $26 to $40, but we will price them at $15 to $25. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1S4 First, St. 5-FOOT Leopold roll-top desk, sanitary do- sign, all quartered oau musn; positia-eiy e. $100 desk and could not be duplicated for that munev now; only $47. 5. GEVIRTZ FURNITURE CO.. 185-191 First St., near Yamhill. HERE Is a brass bed bargain: A 2-ln. post. colonial style, wltn neavy lining ruas, full size, has been used, but in good shape, eelis new at $18, for $6.50. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1S4 First St. NEW electric lamp. $9 value. In old ivory finish ; a sultaole Christmas present; price $4.50. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 15-191 First St., near Yamhill. BANK FIXTURES. 75 DISCOUNT. BANK SAFE. 66 2-3 DISCOUNT. COMPLETE OUTFIT CHEAP. CIT1ZE NS BANK, PORTLAND l nttw malleable range. IS-In. oven, nickel trimmed and high warming closet. Regular price $5. reduced to $45. Feldstein urn- Co., lfi.i and 168 First street. WE have all kinds of furniture, consisting stoves, ranees. bedding. sheets, chairs. dining tables, carpets, etc.; will sell cheap or exchange. - 121 1st. Main wn. FOR SALE Furniture for small apt., either separately or collectively; dining s-t, breakfast table, library table, rockers, box couch, mattresses, etc. ca;i Marsnau .M14, FINE leather davenport, with three genuine leather pillows. also leather chair match; electric reading lamp. Main 1559. lrtd N. 23d st. $60 FIRST-CLASS malleable wood and coal range, in first-class condition, $27.50. Owl Furniture Co., 24 1st st. Dogs, Birdrt and Pet Stock. CHEAP Carneaux and homer pigeons; must sell. Edward Mills, Lents, Or. Phone Ta bor 22 S4. REAL TOY' Boston male pup. beautifully marked, $25; 12 weeks" old. 858 Kerby st., Mississippi car. ENGLISH pit bulldog cheap; must sell at once. tnone aeiiwooa iwi. THOROUGHBRED Scotch collie puppies $5 each, 4304 both st. s, ml scott car. XMAS AIREDALE PUPPIES. LADDIX KENNELS. EST ACAD A. OR. WANTED Newfoundland male pup, 2 years old. Mar. 2.i. SELL cheap, pable and white Scotch collie, 7 months. '"-W 173. Oregonian. 30 PAIR fine Homer pigeons for sale; y oun g stock. 157 E. 86th st. N. BEAUTIFUL Main 5450. Persian kittens, Hillsdale, Or. reasonable. BELGIAN hare rabbit ry. once. 746 E. 11th St. S. $25, If taken at WANTET Male Oregonian. fox terrier pup. J 9S1 AIREDALE pupa, very fine; also laying pul lets 570 Fast Main. East 303. CHRISTMAS canaries, fine singers, reason able. 288 4tn st., apt. 1. REGISTERED fox 'terrier puppies, little beauties, for sale. Mar. 441, FOR PALE. log. Bird and Pet Stock. IRISH Setter puppies. Beautiful litter of Irish setter puppies, whelped Oct. 30, of the very best breeding, sire and dam registered and litter enrolled ; prices very reasonable; if you want an Irish setter of real class for field or bench write mo tnr TiMrtli'iiiara. R W Jones. McMlnnville. Oregon, ' CANARIES and other cage birds, kittens. pups, pets, cages, foods, remedies and sup plies. Illustrated bird and pet cata'og free. Routledge. 145 Second. sC. near Alder. AIREDALE winning 60-lb. stua by Co, Illuminator. McKenna Park Kenne.s, McKenna ave. and Lombard st,, St, Joans canine. Col. 66. N Bull terrier Norman Captain on Stud. Registered b-nch winner. R. L. Wing, 05$ Hillsdale Ave. FOR SALE Brindle pet bulldog, year old. Montavilla car. Phone Tabor 7106. WANTED Small dog for watching auto; Ore- state Kind, age and price. V 96, gonian. AT service, "Pot latch Mike' Boston ter rier, batt ears, screw tall, registered. Phone -laoor iui-'. REGISTERED stock. Persian kittens for Lie. Telephone Tabor 7773 Poultry. CLOSED OUT ALL. BUT! A grand pair of young blue Orpingtons aid 3 extra fine R. C. R. L Red cockerels. One of '"Bill Taft" stock, one out of 233 ,eggs record here, the third out of 200 eg record here. Address, F. G. Wilde, 5413 60th Et. S. E. city. MUST SELL THIS WEEK. W Mated homers, 40c a pair; Carneaux, S0c a pair and. up; white Swiss Mondains, $2 a pair, or pen of 14 pairs for $25; white Kings. $2.50 per pair; or will trade for chickens. 172 E. 76th N. Tabor 5047. Take MV car to 76th. one block north. 40 PAIRS selected red Carneaux. large squab breeders. For sale or exchange for large hens, or what have you ? Phone Main 6S30 or Tapor 3197. FOR SALE Very cheap, 12 White Wyan dotte nens; King house stork. Telephone Se'lwood 164R. THOROUGHBRED Black Lanashang cock- ereis tor gaie at M4 Oswego st.. t-t. Johns. 2S IO-DAY-OLD chicks, R. I. Reds and Barred Rocks. 1443 Mallory ave. l.lvetitoca. AUCTION SALE DATES. V. P. Wood, A uctionee r. Vancouver, Wash. Dec. 12. Near Kidscfleld, Wash., reached by auto from Vancouver: 2 horses. 9 cows, 1 hogs, 2 coats, immense amount of ma chinery, etc. Dec IN Melrose farm, end of Base Line Road. 14 mile east of Portland. R. H. Thompson, owner: .'; cows (one of them an excellent Hoi stein . tome young stock, 1 team, i5t o-pound in a re. some colts, and a. lot of ni ariy-new machinery. COW 4 years old, fresh three days and heavy milker, also have a 5-year-old cow, be fresh Dec. 12. These are extra gooi cows, both tei-t high; must sell, as I have no place to keep them. Phone Oregon City. S22.T. V FOR SALE 1506 head select Rambouillet ewes, largely 3 and 4 years old, all full mouth, all bred to full-blood Lincoln bucks; to commence lambing February 25. Price $10. Address C. A. Hales &. Son. Pasco, Wash. GRADE Shorthorn ; coming 4 ; fresh Feb ruary, to exchange for good, fresh cow, 4 giLllons or better; pay difference. Ta bor 1903. WANTED To tnu:e driving horse weigh ing Hboirt looo. 9 years old. for fresh cow K lull. Or 'gonian. FRESH Jerse -Gut ri.sey cow, 4 gal. rich milk, will take dry or tat cow In ex change. 95 E. 30th, cor. Wash. HOLSTE1N, D uiiian. and Jersey; terms. crucc, L. nion Mockyarda. vv dm. 2400. FOR SALE Fresh family cow. 5 yrs. old. 9?7 Maryland ave. FULL-BLOODEL re. is l red Jersey cow. fresh soon. W. W. Scott. Aurora, Or. iv c .-v r ihm cow miu can. -o xus- sell st. GUERNSEY cv. fredh one month ; ; . Call Sellwood 476. gal- Ions per day, $71 WANT EL 200 head gouts. wethers. L. Garden Home, Or. Laurence, 5 YOUNG, fresh cows. 751 E'ist Ash st. Laiuhea aod Boats. A-l 70-FOOT steamer hull, cheap. Address, li. M. jiU.MUUJi fcKl, BOX 761, City. A LAUNCH BARGAIN 40-FT.. 25-h. p. launch. "Blue Belle."' completely fit ted out, for sale chea p. 1 u qulre A. T. Whitman, foot of Madison. 30-FOOT cabin boat, 4-cycle heavy duty mo tor; capacity 20 passengers; launched 'j years ago; bargain if token at once. D. A. Chambers. 167 Broadway. I AM leaving city; will sacrifice my S-room houseboat ; give me an offer. Call Mar shall 5S29. 2S-FOOT cabin launch, good condition, for ale at any reasonable otfer ; will moor free a!I Winter. Sellwood d 417. $175 FOR fully equipped motor boat, 25x 5. speed 11 miles. Call Sell. 1622 or see Ray at Portland Motor Boat Club. TERMS or cash, for sale, houseboat of 2 rooms, well furnished, phone weekdays, Broadway 314 or AK 981, Oregonian. FOR SALE 3-room houseboat and wood house, nearly new. $60. Call Main 49S5... FOR SALE A comfortable modern house boat, l'none Sell. 39S. FOR RENT. $14. nice houseboat, furnished. Phone Mar. 3533. FoR SALE Nice, neat, warm 4-room house boat, furnished or unfurnished. Main 9340. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS. SELECTED STOCK. Before buying get our prices on re- built typew rite rci Irom our selected stock, fully guaranteed, very easy payments; machine sunt on week's examination free of charge. Rebuilt Department, ' REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 68 Broadway. Phone Broadway 621. ALL M AKES. LARGEST STOCK. LOWEST PRICES. EASIEST TERMS. Send for new Illustrated circular. Retail Department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO..- 321 Washington st, Portland, Or. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With man ul act urers guarantee ana rentals ap plying on purchase; visible models $3 mo.; $7.5o for 3 mos, other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company, teti Broadway. Telephone Broadway ti21. WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of t pewriters; send tor our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash. St. TYPEWRITER, late model 5. two-color rib bon, back spacer, tor sale, reasonable. Phone Tabor 3199. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cuv rates. P. D. Co., 231 stark st. Mam i CORONA portable folding typewriter. Matt 22f-. K. w. ease co., agents, otn o- RKMINGTON standard typewriter for sal or trade. BC 98, Oregonian. L. C. SMITH typewriter. In good condition. cheap for cash. N. 967, oregonian. Automobiles. FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS Every one a real bargain; In fact they can hardly be told from new. and, Just think, we only require $160 down, balance $25 per month, with a whole year's free service on all minor adjustments. 1916 FORD roadster; new tire and speedometer. $295. 3916 FORD touring; speedometer and shock absorbers; $2.15. 1016 FORD tourlnar; speedometer, tool box and hand horn; $205. . 1915 miles; FORD $205. roadster; run only 5000 1914 FORD touring-; $250. 1915 FORD tourlnar; fully equipped; $295' 1914 FORD touring-; $225. v 1915 FORD roadster: 255. 1916 FORD roadster; $295. 1916 FORD louring; Hassler shock ab sorbers and speedometer; $295. You owe It to yourself to see these cam before vou buy, as they are wortii from $23 to $50 more tnun thepric asked. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. E. 1199. East 13th and Hawthorn Av. f . - V ... a V i- if r m m c r-- r