8 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 10, 1916. v. - : t - ' . I REAL ESTATE. I-or hale Houses. AN ARTISTIC 10-KOOM LAUKEL HURST HOME, his beautiful new home, Just com pleted, la located on one of the choicest idxluo-foot locations In Laurelhurst, over looking b.auuiul Laurelhurst Park. It has 10 extra large rooms, large entrance hall, -2 baths. 4 bedrooms, and Bleeping porch; extra largo living and dining rooms, sun r-om. den, plateglaas windows, hardwood f room throughout, artlstlcaily-papered and decorated, finished in old ivory and white enamel with mahogany trim, large hot w ater heating plant, expensive plumbing, beautiful fixtures. - garage connected to house, construction and materials are of the very best on the market, and are guaranteed by one of the best builders In the city This delightful home will be sold at an extremely close figure. Call for key today at Laurelhurst Tract Of lice. E. 3ith and Glisan st. Tabor 3433. During week call J. Delahunty, Main 1700. ROSE CITT PARK Beautiful 6-roora bun galow; old Ivory woodwork, oak. floors, pretty buffet, tine fireplace, shades, elec tric lights, flower boxes, large attic, ga rage, lawn needed; many conveniences; ready to move into; streets paved; asy terms. Be sure to see iu THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Building. $1850. $500 cash, balance $20 per mo., includ ing interest 5-room, modern, double constructed bungalow ; oement basement with cement floor, wash trays, wood lift, , concealed hot-water boiler, full Dutch kitchen, electric light fixtures and shades. See this if you are looking for a bargain. No trade, no agents. One and one-half blocks to Rose City Park car. 618 Cor- bett bldg. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO TNCOME ?- WE PLAN AND BUILD ANY THING, residence to factory, or any con struction; sketches and estimates free, fur nish the money if desired. All depart ments one office. We actually save you money. Our reputation your protection, L. R. BAILEY CO., Inc., Contracting Ar chitects. 324 Abington bldg. FOR SALE Attractive, modern 9-room res idence. Quarter block, E. 10th and Hassalo sts., Holladay Addition; entire block high ly improved with ornamental trees and shrubbery; all street Improvements com pleted and paid tor; will make material sacrifice on actual value. For term and further particulars see owner, with Mc Cargar, Bates & Lively, 301 Yeon bldg. TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE." Owner ho years old and very ill, must have money, offers 100x100 corner Cleve land and Alberta sts., opposite Walnut 1'ark, with 3 nearly new modern houses of 7 rooms each; both streets paved and paid ; buildings cost (MJO, land worth S400O; total price $0000. UODDAKD & W1EDKICK, 243 Stark St. Is E W Laurelhurst home, tt large rooms, breakfast nook, garage. Thoroughly mod ern and up to date in every respect. Nice lawn and flowers. This Is positively one f the neatest and well-built homes of its class to be found. Located at 1100 Has salo. near 39th. Open during the day, or phone Tabor 5675. See this before buy ing your home. LAURELHURST. . Before purchasing elsewhere inspect cur list of exquisite homes Just completed and obtain copy of our album telling all about the tract. Laurelhurst, the Addition of Beautiful Homes, is the show place of Portland, and challenges comparison with any similar property in the world. Main office 270 fri Stark st. Main 1700, A 1515. ROSE CITY PARK. Five rooms, large, full attic ; modern throughout; full lot; fine location; a love ly home at fully $looo below its value; price $ J75o, terms. These snaps are being picked up quickly now ; better look this one up. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. New ti-room bungalow on corner lot; this is a gem of a place and the only one left ; rather than rent it I have cut the price away below cost; if you can pay me a small amount of cash $40 per month will handle. Key today at Laurel hurst Tract oftica. E. .'litth and Oh dan tls., or phone owner. Tabor 5S45. MV PROPERTY worth $100,000 has been FORECLOSED. It has been appraised by experts for 'bankers lately at $00,000; $30, O0O will save it; can borrow $2o,ooo; con tains 10 lots In wholesale district; has trackage; will make great proposition to anyone who can help me before Wednes day. N 953, Oregonian. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS. 50 FEET FROM BROADWAY. TWO-STORY HOUSE, $2100, TERMS. furnace, fireplace, hardwood tloors, all modern conveniences. Tabor 25-45 or see Russell. 20! Stark st. HARTMAN Ac THOMPSON $100 CASH BUYS BUNGALOW. Rose City Park. 2 bedrooms, living-room, dining-room, bath, kitchen and basement; modern conveniences; nice trees and shrub bery; price only $10o easy monthly pay ments. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. $25.60, HAWTHORNE OR MT. TABOR CAR All Hardwood Floors All Rooms Papered. Biggest 6-room bungalow value offered Jn this district. Even kitchen has hdw. floor. Entrance hall, full basement, fruit room, furnace. Built-in effects: good at' tic. Only $309 down. $20 month. No trade. Tabor 0S03. NOB HILL RESIDENCE. Will sell my home, 777 Love joy st., at a. sacrifice; 5 fine bedrooms and sleeping porch, large attic, run basement and first ciass furnace; two fireplaces; a nirely- Fituated home at the low price of $s75o $325o cash. Phone Main 3 5 'J 2 for appoint ment. A BARGAIN. New modern j-room bungalow, never been occupied, with sleeping porch, cement basement, fireplace, all built-in effects ground 70x275; several pear and cherry trees 13 yrs. old ; 3 blks. from Wood lawn carline; best buy on market. Price $2200. See Geo. P. Henry, 329 Henry bldg. VIEW" PROPERTY. Very fine, high-class It-room residence. West Side, quarter block, in midst of elegant homes; unobstructed view; this is an opportunity to get a beautiful home at about O0 per cent of actual value. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern fcfank bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. AM ABOUT TO LOSE my 5-room bungalow oa West Side within 15 minutes' walk of business center. The mtg. Is $2800. Is ap praised by Assessor at $0500. I will take $3900; magnificent view overlooking en tire city; more man z iots. y2. ore ponlan. A BARGAIN TWO STORIE3. $3250 a Rooms and Garage. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT: Corner lot. All large rooms; large buffet, fireplace and entrance nan. hee iiicKman or W llson 4oth and Sandy (Tabor tiS68. C 2121) oranrn of riartman ee, Thompson. ALBERTA SACRIFICE. Must be sold today. Positively the best buy In Portland. Just completed, modern n-room oungaiow, large sleeping porch Must- see this to appreciate. lo25 East 2Mn jsortn. AiDerta car to 2stn at, block south. HOLLADAY PARK SNAP Modern 6-room house, in fine condition, two fireplaces and lurnace. out tiacKamas, near t;. 24th st. facing south; lot 50x128, with 20 ft. alley liard-surface street. Price $2750. Sunday an laoor or xu. x. xioimes, zuu liy, rxcn. Diug. .ai ii uuuo, $25 BUYS a home Have a good 5-room house with lot 50x100; city water; place sold for $1300; taken on mortgage; will en iot aov, .-:o uown ana per month inciuaing interest. Apply to v Ham mond, of Buffum & Pendleton Co.. 127 Mxtn st. GREAT SACRIFICE. I have a $1900 equity which I will sell for $1000. This Is a beautiful house !n Laurelhurst. This house is rented for $35 a month. I must raise the money. Phone owner, ooaiawn ono, or appointment. S UN N Y S 1 D E SNAP. Right on Belmont at.. In the heart the business district, a house and full Sunnyside lot at a sacrifice price; only t?'i cu neeuea ; f-nance or a lite time. Annrfss owner, .i imi, oregonian. MODERN three-room house with fireplace, sleeping porcn, ount-in conveniences, fo SM; $250 cash necessary; I need som. money and will sacrifice on this oronert v. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. and WEST SIDE $4250 for lU-atory bungalow. on Willamette Heights, contains 7 large rooms ann steeping porcn ; cost forme owner $7oOO; $ium cash will handle. Fred A. JACOBS, 104 0th St. LOVELY IHVINGTON HOME. At a genuine sacrillce, 8 rooms, strictly moaern. cnoice location; price ;mhm; own er leaving city. ap P7S. Oregonian. 0-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. Value $3100: sell for S2350. term blocks Hawthorne car. Sarles. 404 North western iank Plug. $2500 BUYS two-story. 8-room house on Gar field st., near Alberta; lower floor rented at si montn : pavement paid. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. NICE 4-room house, lot 40x110, $G50; $100 uown, oaiance iu. inciuaing interest 6 per cent. If Interested call at 8232 54th ave. H. is. $230A BUYS modern 7-room house. 2 lot with fruit, garage and chicken-house. Ow ner, Tanor t! 097. T4 m e. IKVINGTON HOUSES AND IRVINGTO LOTS. PEE NEUHAUSEN & CO,, TO3 LEWIS BLDO. $bOO. TERMS, for 4-room house. 2 lots. block- from new Franklin High School. John steiger, aiua 53d st. s. E. SPLENDID 10-room home, lot 100x100. Irv in g ton. choice location, reasonable offer accepted. Last V, tL. 11 era man. RE A I ESTATE. If or Sale Houses. HOW ABOUT YOU? If you ar in he market for a 6-room Laurelhurst bungalow I've a message of good cheer for you. I have a beautiful new 6-room bungalow at 1-34 B Burnside et., feeing E. 42d st., and on which I wish you would make me an offer. It has an ideal arrangement of living-room, dining-room and music room, which can be thiown together, massive fireplace with nook and seats, three extra well-ventilated bedrooms, hardwood floors, nice basement, best furnace and fixtures, all ready to move Into, garage to match on paved al ley. Owner must sell and will be at house Sunday afternoon No reasonable offer refused. Inuring week call W. T. Downing. Main 1700. $3000 will buy a choice 5-room modern bungalow with hardwood floors, splendid fireplace, good basement, large attic, built-in conveniences, elegantly finished ; full lot. cement walks, graded street, 4 block south on 60th st.; Rose City car; liberal terms will be made. OTTO & HARK-ON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. NO CASH DOWN AND LITTLE "RENT MONEY" WILL BUY A DANDY BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS. COSY, MODERN HOME (HOLLADAY PARK; ON WASCO ST. NEAR 27TH; BIG FIREPLACE. "BUILT-IN FRILLS," FULL BASEMENT. IN GOOD ORDER (NEAR NEW) MUCH LESS THAN COST. SEE PATTISON, OWNER, 209 SELLING BLDG. I WILL CONSIDER ANY FAIR OFFER for this 7-room new Laurelhurst home on 42d street, between E. Burnside and Couch; 100-foot frontage with less bonded assessments than on a 50-foot lot. House Is well arranged and beautifully finished and built in guaranteed manner. Need the money to finance anotner proposi tion. Owner at house Sunday P. M., or phene Tabor 1792 evenings or Main 1700 daytime. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW, $50 DOWN. $22 PER -MONTH. B-R., breakfast-room, full attic, big liv ing and dining-room, hdw. floors, furnace and fireplace; corner lot, trees; no assess ments; only $3150; big value. See Hick man or Wilson, 15th and Sandy (Tabor t!8G8, C 2121) branch of llartman & Thompson. JUST THINK OF IT, $1800. 10-room house, 163 No. 72d et., near car, 2 lots, fruit, flowers, room for two families; bath, wash trays, etc. Property that cost $;J500. Will sell this week for $1300, price of the lots; $50 down, $15 per month. SEE THIS AT ONCE. BADLET, 021 YEON BLDG., Main 4S1. LAURELHURST CHRISTMAS OFFERING. $3500 buys this modern 6-room bunga low including all assessments paid ; gar age, everything complete ; 2 blocks from car, high lot, thoroughly modern and up-to-date; a positive snap; key today at Laurelhurst Tract Office. E. 8th and Glisan, or phone owner. Tabor 5845. ROSE CITY PARK. IDEAL HOME, on paved street, one blk. to car, 0 rms. and breakfast rra. ; space for one room in attic. Built-in wardrobes. Bungalow type. This is offered below cost. Only $350 complete. See Hickman or Wil son, 45th and Sandy (Tabor C8rt8, C 2121) branch of Hartman & Thompson WNER Is forced .to SACRIFICE new co lonial 7-room home on Wleteria ave., over looking the entire East Side, one block to car, living-room, dining-room, kitchen and sun parlor on first floor; 3 bedrooms and Bleeping porch on second ; will take some trade and make terms. THIS MUST GO. FRED A. JACOHS, CO., 104 5th St. FOR SALE. Will sacrifice my fine 8-room house, all modern conveniences, completely and ele gantly furnished, on corner East 30th and Yamhill streets, all of $3500; will sell on small monthly payments if desired. See owner, 5H Worcester bldg. ROSE C1T1' PARK, 6-room bungalow, one iioor; d Ded rooms, living, dining-room, kitchen, hardwood floors. All built-in fea tures. Plate-glass windows. Shades, fix tures ; 2 mirror doors, attic, full cement basement, furnace, laundry, 34 oo. Owner, 423 E. 4Sth N. Open Sunday, 1 to 5. PORTLAND HEIGHTS VIEW HOME. Attractive modern residence ; select neighborhood, beautiful location and views, near cars, school and club; large grounds: - sacrifice. Call or write owner, 1006 Spalding bldg. Main 80A $5500 SACRIFICE SALE $5500. Good home, on choice SOxlOO cforner lot, close in on East Side in the apartment house district, between Belmont and Haw thorne carlines; $2500 cash, $3000 at 7 per cent. Aauress owner, ai; vw uregoman. $2050 6-ROOM BUNGALOW BARGAIN. ROSE CITY' PARK: Brand new. It's a bargain. Hardwood floors. Fox furnace, full cement basement, large attic! See this today. Hickman or Wilson. 45th and sanciy. Tabor tso8, c 2121. $2SOO. 0-room bungalow, barn, other build in e and one acre land, all planted to berries and fruit, trees full bearing ; mortgage loreciosea; aoout one-nair price. JOHN W COOK, 432 Cham, of Com. Bldg. ONLY $5 PER MONTH BUYS A LARGE HOMESITE! right at electric station, 30 minutes out city convenience; auto road. Call at 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark sta. WHY NOT BUILD and get a home according to your idaa? 1 design, ouua ana 11 nance any building sketches free ; see me before you build N. O. Ecklund, 313 Henry bldg. Main 5S12. LOVELY bungalow with garage ; walis pa- perea, aen. nrepiace, outlet, uutcn kitch en, iunroom, breakfast nook, hardwood floors throughout; terms to suit. E. 43d . and .Knott. Beaumont car. la. 3185. MODERN 6-room house, Hawthorne district. mil oaseniem, 1 urn ace, 1 1 replace, largo rooms, lot 40x101, with fruit trees; wo lainucn, 1 r 111111. lit (,i i ,iubl utj BOIU. AV'iil trade. Owner. Tabor 426. $Sf0, TERMS 4-R. modern bungalow, bath. toilet, stationary tub, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, white enamel woodwork : 50x1 3 0 jot, nose Jity farK 01st. fcSee Frank L, McGuire. Main Ht8. ti-UOOM bungalow, within -block of car- une. ciose to a cnurcnes: acsira n loca tion. Bargain on easy terms, or will trade ior rarm property. oregonian, 313 Main st., Vancouver, wasn. b-KOOM modern bouse on lot 50x1 10 : all improvements in ana pain: on i.orbett St., on the West Side; price $2750; $500 down balance like rent. Owner, 332 Chamber or commerce, ask lor Biggins. SNAP at $2200 if taken this week; 6-room moaern house and larjce lota fruit and ornamental trees In Woodlawn on car- line, o y o, oregonian. 1 iifiO .'i.RO( lt h on ia nowTv .ir1i.il street graaea. cement walk. lot 50x100. 1 block to car. Jas. D. Ogden, 107 Shaver st. w ooaiawn HOL SE and garage, one-half block from Union ave.. near good school. $1750. on terms like rent. Other bargains. See Kel logg. 2614 Oak et. Phone Main 1743. BARGAIN. 5-room bungalow. 31st and E. Morrison St., value $2000, mtg. $ir!00; will sell my t 1 1 v r uvvr Liiaii, 1 li L r lis, MY' new, modern six-room bunsalow. T-T aw thorne district, elegantly furnished, piano. modern gas range; big sacrifice; lnvestl- guie; some terms. i77, Oregonian. MODERN 5-room bungalow, Hawthorne dis trict. streets oaved. sewera In. nil nnlii price $2425. 350 cash, balance to suit. 411 j-ienry oiug. S750O Riverdaln Horn. 7r.on Most exclusive homes surrounding this ruverview property; i rooms; nrjxiGO. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 228 Henry bldg, FOR SALE or trade, modern 6-room fur B!hed houseboat. Call 109 Gth et. A 1039 ousicess nours. MUST BELT- 4 block and 4 bungalows. 3 years old, ii ij re n tea. o. oa at. FOR SALE by owner, a dandy corner six room house; full basement, furnace. 3 road-way jjo. bee owner, 15 N. 3d. HURRY, HURRY" I am leaving the cit and win sell my house and 2 lots, close In, i or i . u . i erma. i a oor nfs ( . FOR SALE, cheap, on West Side. N. land, modern- 6-room house; part bal. to suit. Phone Main 1490. Fori cash, GOING EAST. Coey 5-room cottage. Side, street Impts. paid, cost $2750; $1000, $300 cash. B 904, Oregonian. West take tioo xiL .nualu w, Portsmouth ave., near car; moaern o-room; cost owner I30O0. Chas. Rlngicr & Co.. 223 Henry bldg. $lt0o A REAL SNAP 5-room bungalow and garage, close in. Prentiss, 505 Cor bett bldg. WILL build to suit and finance. COS McKay bldg. Mar. 2500. MUST sacrifice $3000 home, mortgage $1425. Sell equity for $J50. AO 973. Oregonian. IRVINGTON Swell and cheap homes, easy paymerfis. See Del a hunt. Ph. East 1275. $2000 BUYS modern 5-room house, 3 Iots, lime. Owner, Tabor 6M7. ROSE CITY PARK 2-room house, price $750. Johnson. Main 6812. $140 EQUITY n lot and small house; ba. $385: Broadway car. East 30th North. SIX rooms, two lots, worth $2000, sale, $1400, terms. Main 1450. Quick FOR SALE A fine piec of property, cheap. Come and see. 342 San Rafael. CALL Main 5812 for good bargain in a fur nished Rose City Park house. LAURELHURST Splendid P-room home, bee before buying. Tabor 27U3. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houea. SOME REAL BARGAINS. Have several small houses in the Haw thorne district at snap prices; have one for $130o another for $1000; also one for $1900. FULTON. 621 Yeon Bldg. tar Sale Business lrerty. SNAP. f Store building, on one of the best cor ners on 2Ud st. This- is not a burden, but la being sacrificed by the owner at a part cash price, which will net bettor than 9 per cunt on your Investment. First-ciass building, good tenants Look into this at once. AO 975, Oregonian. 15.500 BUYS a 3-story, steam-heated, solid double brick business block ; always rent ed; located in the heart of Coeur d'Alene; 15 per cent investment; easy terms. Ad dress Sampson, Real Estate Exchange, Coeur c'Aiene, Idaho. BUSINESS corner. 50x1 U0, on Division tit.. Improvements in; suitable for bakery, gro cery, garage or laundry. Price $2ioo. Or will build to suit tenant. E. J. Geiser, 41T Chamber of Commerce. 40,000 BUSINESS and Income properties today $ol.500; monthly Income, $2GO; also terms; $5000 profit certain ; Investigate. Owner. 549 Tacoma eve. Sellwood 140. WEST- SIDE SNAP. Fractional lot on 23d st., corner Vaughan; Income $3o month: price $2850, GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. FINE apt. site 60x100. . rear pam t.ocks; one DiocK to car; $13.000 ; present income $70 a month; terms. Owner, E 614, Oreo niaa. FOR SALE: Lot on Washington st., near iptn; price reasonable. Marshall 34S1. Huburbaa Home Property. "IDEAL CITY. HOME" (9 ACRES; N2AR PROFIT AND INDEPENDENCE NEAR O. E. CAR). SPLENDID FOR COWS. PIGS. DUCKS. TURKEYS. ETC. (FRUIT AND FLOWERS ON PLACE). GOOD HOUSE AND BARN, FENCES'. ETC. (FREE WATER.) ALL CITY CONVENIENCES; SOIL RICH, NOT ROCKY; A LOT FURNiTURE. POTA TOES AND CHICKENS GO WITH PLACE. YOUR OWN TERMS. POSI TIVE BARGAIN. PRICE UNDER $0O'0. SEE IT; CONSIDER EXCHANGE. MAKE OFFER. ADDRESS A. C. EPPIN VEK, OWNER. P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND. SUBURBAN HOME BARGAIN. 3 acres nicely Improved. all fenced and all in cultivation except 4 -acre; right at station on electric line ; close to store. school and church In well improved commu nity; 10-cent carfare. $2500, on terms. See E. M. Brown. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOMESITE. From 1 to 10 acres, rich land, well developed community: 80 minutes out, with 10 big red steel trains dally each way through It. Buy now at our low prices and easy pay ments. Let ua show you. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. . SUBURBAN HOME SACRIFICE v IN PORTLAND. Nearly 5 acres on Gresham, line, close to station, in Portland. 7-room modern house, fireplace and bath, barn 30x70, chicken house 20x05 with elec. lights and water; lots of fruit, berries and shrub bery; beautiful row of large maple trees in front; an ideal country home right in the city. Owner East. Former price $10, 0OO. now $0500. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. IDEAL home site, 3 blocks to car. 3 1-3 acres, all in cultivation; 50 prune trees, alt kinds small fruit for, domestic use, good box house, small barn and poultry house ; a picture spot suf teI for poultry culture; a bargain at $1900; terms if desired. Sarlefi, 404 Northwestern Bank bldg. PORT L A N D HEIGHTS. Will sell $0OO0 home for $5000; 2 large lots; every modern convenience; hot-water heating; mtg. $2.00 can remain; will take trade for balance. FRED A. JACOBS, 104 Bth Et. NON-RESIDENT owner will sell 30 acres on Oregon Elect ric, cIofo to station, for $350 per acre. Tina is less than half its value; will cell a part of it. See Zimmer man. FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Cth St. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to carllnew easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1-"K." or Sellwood 470. JOHN GIBSON, Owner. $UKKr COUNTRY HOME $0000 1 0 acres, paved road, near Portland; 7-room modern home, o a. trarden. o natural park, shrubbery, creek, etc. IdeaJ. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 228 Henry bldg. BKAL'TIFTL SUBURBAN HOME. Most a rt is tic home and hair acre on market: if you wwnt something cood. call t once. G. A. Sarles, 404 Northwestern uanK oing. CUT high cost of living and get a doto-in pmce targe enougn to Ket-p cnicaens, at'j-hle a cow and have a rarden: one such with bntif e and one. without, -asy terms it desired. ak om. Oregonian. Fu R SALE at a very cheap price. 4-room house, 2 cows. 2 calves, 50 chickens, J acrt-s of land, $25 per month income from milk. Tabor emu. iss E. tjlid st. IfomeM eailM. " RELINQUISHMENT CHEAP. 40 acres bench land 4- miles from Port land, 3-room house, fnrnture, well, 300 cedar posts, I acre cleared, plowed. Call iU. 4.'0!. 14 n;. ASh su For fcr.l -Fruit Iand4. FOR SALE 110 acres in Hood River Val ley, diversified tarm land, own water, ftrottt 55 cres cleared, 20 more easily i-leared, 41m her ejiougu on place to pay for It. 50 rois to R. R. station, 4 acres of bearing apple orchard, 4 acres of pears. 4 years old: - acres or young apple or chard, some peaches and pears bearing now; 1 good team of horses, 1 heavy wagon. 1 hack, plows, drags, cultivators, tetump puller and many small tools. 1 jrood cow, some pure-orea roiand China hojia, chickens and household furniture, all for SQ5 per acre. Bx SJ, Pee, Or. ' SACRIFICE RICH PRUNE LAND. Estacada, 40 acres, $50 an acre; Wash- ougal River; 4 acres $l0t acre, term; Owner, iWS Tillamook st. East 5G01. For Salf -.Acreage. AN EXCELLENT INVESTMENT. acres to be sold at about half of its value. The tract is a short distance from the city limits, front ing on East 80th St.. and one block from paving on Powell Valley road. Land is all in cultivation; small house and barn and about one acre in bearing orchard. Can be bought for $5400, on terms. See E. M. Brown. THE SHA W-FE AR. COMPANY". 102 Fourth St. K SNAP. $200 cash buys $1200 equity; cost $2900 three years ago; all under cultivation; 4- Toom house good family orchard, good well Umbdenstock & Larson. 300 Oak st. Phone Broadway 15K. 10 ACRES east of Gresham. on hard road about ii acres clear; small house, good barn and young family orchard ; hi in lie to station; red shot soil. Price $2000, Owmr. 3:i2 Chamber of Commerce. Ask Tor Miggms. GOOD house and 5 acres. 1 mile Tualatin, 1 3c fare; 3 In cultivation, chicken house fruit trees, we!!., etc. Owner going to Lurope and will sell for $2000, some terms. J. G. Rainey. 505 Yeon bldg. Main Ht72. 6 ACRES. $000. 2 acres in cultivation, 3-room house on the Oregon City line, only a few minutes out from Portland. 411 Henry bldg. ONE acre of ground and four-room bungalow with large hrep.ace, barns, chicken-houses outhouses: land cleared: close to eond car; $1750. For particulars call at 404 Hlatt bldg. FINE l0 .teres H-mlle Wilcox country home, part improved, for l-valuo at $5000, $looo cash. Can treble the amount you invest in a year or two. 'J. G. Rainev. 505 Yeon bldg. Main 3072'. ltio-ACRE cattle or dairy ranch, unincum bered, between 2.000,000 and 3.000,000 ft. timber on It. Must sell. Will take the highest offer. V !74, Oregonian. CHICK EN, FRUIT. OAR DEN RA NCPa, Near Portland; $75 to $20O per acre: easv terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFaTlar.d, 60 Yeon hide. Portland. 3 ACRES, cultivated, 5c carline, 5-room house, " hot and cold water, bath, gasoline engine, barn ; sell or trade. 3U0 Ross St., near Broadway bridge. t 1Oo0. $250 CASH, buys 10 level acres. Co lumbia Highway, 5 miles east of Trout dale, Investigate J. G. Rainey, 505 Yeon bldg Main 3672. 1 ACRE near city lmifs; out-of-town owner will sacrifice equity for $100; balance $400 on easy terms. 306 Oak st. Phone Broad way 1653. NEAR Be'averton 15 A. choice land, cheap, easy terms; some cleared. BD ' Oregonian. t-.ry W59. FOR SALE on easy terms, very desirable 7 acres, with buildings, 18 miles out, at station on electric car. P ft79, Oregonian. 8 ACRES garden land, near Milwaukle; very reasonable. Owner. IC 979. Oregonian. BARGAIN, 20 acres, near Vancouver. Fome timber, only $1C5, terms. J 07 'J, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. for fele Acreage. FOR SALE. A CHOICE TRACT consisting of 15 acres of good land, fenced and cross fenced; all kinds of fruit, 7-room house, barn 44x50 feet, and all other necessary build ings. Personal property One good horse, 4 good cows. 1 heifer calf, about 10O White Leghorn chickens.' 1 single harness, 1 double harness, wagon and other necerary imple ments and tools. Including cream separator (new), hay and straw In barn. This place is located in the vicinity of HilUboro; price, every thing Included, $0500; It is clear of all Incumbrance ; would consider an exchange for a bungalow to the value of $3uo0; must be clear of debts; some cash; will give reason able time on balance due. OTTO &, HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Cham, of Com. Bldg. CHEAP ACREAGE. 5 acres. $250, $10 down, $5 a month, buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Centralia, 1 1 miles on the main line of three railroads; 1 miles from a town of SOO population; sawmills and shingle miUs; somt of this land, is nearly cleared; running stream ; some bottom and some bench ; part of this, is good onion land; can give any kind of a piece you want. Five and 10-acre tracts at Clatskanle. Clatskanie lies haif way between Portland and Astoria; Clatskanie has a population of 1000; a cheese factory, cannery and creamery lie one mile from town; from $35 to $50 per acre; $2 per acre down and 1 per acre per month. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. it 16 Railway Exchange Bldg. CHOICE COLUMBIA. COUNTY ACREAGE. vvumn -0 miles of city limits of Port land, close to couny seat, with cannery, creamery and big payroll; well established farming district and very convenient to best markets; good roads and A-l trans portation facilities, both rail and water; Columbia Highway is paved within few miles of land; soil la rich, deep, red-shot clay loam, very productive and especially adapted to hog-raising and dairying; also small fruits and truck gardening ; very profitable. Tracts any size; some with fine view overlooking the Columbia River; prices v-w iu 4 o per acre ; easy terms to set tlers and will accept trade on some. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTT COMPANY', 225 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE 5 acres, 3 miles from Centra ija. v asn., on aciric Highway; cement pavement all the way, telephone, groceries delivered, electric light line built most of way irem town. The place has a five room hou3a, large barn, two chicken nouses, a 4 acres of strawberries that COme In full ltfarln nrt o.. ct, i nn loganberries that harvested over two tons last season. acre raspberries will be In full bearing next season, raised two tons I'uiaiueB, ana other vegetables in abund ance. There are 0 cherry and 10 apple trees, gooseberries, currants, etc, 1 bay mare, about 150O lbs.; 1 colt. 1200 lbs.; 1 cry row, v. agon, 00 Leghorn chickens Price $:J;00. $1000 down, balance $500 t year without interest. Address John J. -'-ii, w uoQianq, wash. BASE LINE ROAD. I have a fine sub-division proposition about ready for the market, but cannot t L reiurns; o x-3 acres fronting on Base Line road and intersected by the Alt. Hood rail-way. It parallels the Trout dale line and faces Ruby Junction. This land has been surveyed and platted into w tracts, a roaaway has been cleared through the center, and when grubbed ana graaea it will make a good profit if sold in parcels on easv terme. Will let the whole piece go for $9000. This is less than $200 per acre, A mortgage of $4000 i;r ceriL can run ana holder will re lease parcels as - sold. See Mr Strong owner, at Hotel Clifford. 1 ACRE. BUNGALOW AND AUTO $10 wwiiim near xucKiey ave., and Powell Valley road, only 20 minutes' drive from business district; ground all cleared; nice new modern 5-room bungalow; Ford' auto in first-class order; owner forced to sell at once; price $1&50, terms $&5 cash, bal ance reasonable LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. STUMP LAND BARGAIN 42 acres, suitable for stock or. dairy lunula ia.ua out very nttie waste, good soil, can raise anything grown in thii climate; several springs, V- mile from sta tion. 30 miles from Portland school and store near, cost owner $21iH); price now $1200, terms $$00 cash, balance to suit. 013 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ACRES FACING BASE LINE ROAD. ihi beautiful tract is located in highly .ir.-vuiuprti uisinet on tnis famous paved road; only 3oo feet from electric station; covered with choice grove of trees; land iias tne maKing of a beautiful country "c, iiij terms to suit pur- clwiser. 0 per cent Interest lueidf;mann company. 91 3 Chamber of Commerce. 13-ACRE IMPROVED FARM, NEAR PORTLAND 1 mile from Elec. Sta., 10 A. cult., bal. Kiuut-i miu pasture, gooa soil, acre or chard, fi-rni. house, barn, nth good well, woven wire fences. Only $30mV Terms. No trade. See Sam Hewey. 202 totark at HARTMAN & THOMPSON $100 FOR U a Summer resort lot tv-o tional Pork Highway and Wlllapa Buy, $25 and $10 per mo., rood hathin? Wnt. Ing, hunting, fishing and shell finh; plenty h"uu Him 1 rey n water; a ipo, -and- lO-a. trarta m nhr rv anil D-ai-ylaH $50 down, easy monthly payments on bal- uuce, 1 mi. to 1 . j. and it. K. sta. Mrs, j. lj. ijye, isancotta, wash. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. $1 500 2 acres, S2d st. $250-5 acres Powell Valley. $45fo 5 acres. 72d, house, barn, $4CMM I acre, house. Wood stock. $10N 10 acres. I'owell Vallnv ILrtart 7-Tl. modern home, natural park and creek. n rtioitit tic 22 Henry bldg. BUY FROM OWNER. 400O A. crazing- land. $4 A. : 34)00 A. tax valuation. $1 and $5 per acre; 400-A. prune land. $12 Tier acre: ISO whent innd $10 per acre; 80 A., some timber, $30 per A. GILFEATUER, 100 W. nth, Vancouver. Wash. BRYANT ACRES. AT OSWEGO LAKE. $-' for an acre tract; lies level, open bocuiiu Kruwiii; ciose to station THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO., 500 Concord Bldg.2d and Stark. 20 ACRES land on Columbia River, no rock spring . 4 mile, store, nost office, nrhnol and boat landing: will sell for $40 per acre. $50 down. $10 per month at 6 per ck-u t if sold before f irM of year. Address v iue nanson. uaK i-oint, wash. I'LL GIVE YOU A SNAP. x r, ii m cultivation, only a minutes' Walk tO 2 elec tr in Stations, hnnrri w ii- $lu down. $10 month; good location. West Side. Call at 500 Concord bldg., 2d and omrK his. 1Q ACRES, ol! In a high state of cultiva tion, i-rice $.soui, unincumbered; will con elder part trade. This lnnrt i u. surveyed extension of the O. E. R. R., 2 H: J. H.. ABSHIER, Centervll!e, Wash. 12U ACRES, all cultivated. choIrA lan.i rrt duced $10O0 crop this year; mile from electric line, hour from Portland ; price t - vci 11 vacant iot part pay D.TKir n. a, i acres. $400; must have cH,n at once; granu place for Summer re sort; risnmg, game, racing beautiful Silet River; 4-room cabin; clear; fine specula tlon. Tabor 4820 from 12 M. to 4 P M DOWN THE COLUMBIA, 10, 20. 40-a tracts: all tillable; near river, rail and uoiumma iiignway; gooa roads, telephone, daiy mail; $la to $35 an acre. Easy terms. Office open Sunday, 12 to 2. G. Wynn Wilson. 820 Chamher of Commerce. GARDEN tracts, close in. West Side: a bar . gain at $350; $10 cash, balance $5 per month. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. For 8ale Farms. CHEAP SMALL FARM. 7U acres, only 2 miles from gocd town, on macadam road, good 6-rcom house and large barn, family fruit, 10 acres cleared, balance pasture, all good soil, $22O0; terms D. McChesney, 003 Title & Trust bldg! Main 3477. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $10 cash and $5 monthly; no Interest or taxes: highly pro ductive land ; close to 3 big markets. Write for photographs and full Informa tion. Munger, A-241 N.s Y. Life bldg., Kan tas City, Mo. 5000 ACRES in southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices. $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, teims, etc WEYERH AEUSHR TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bidg.. Taccma, Wash. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS, Eastern Montana, at $2.0O to $18 per acre; suitable for farming or grazing; easy terms. For Information write or see W. E. Holt. Miles City, Mont. FOR SALE About 600 tons of alfalfa hay; 20OO sacks of barley, feed-lota and mang ers ready to feed beef cattle; ranch 13 miles S. W. of Echo. C. P. Bowman. Echo, Or. CHOICE 40 acres near town, well improved, electric lighted. $2000 worth of stock and implements; $4000; terms. Box 418, Carl ton. Or. LOGGED-OFF stump land, $10 acre op, terms; good soil,, running water, markets, employment. Mr. Sharpe. 83 3d. rm bSJ. CALIFORNIA Suburban farms near Los AnReles. easy payments. E. R, White, Shawnee, Okla, REAL ESTATE. For cule Farms. 103 ACRES, 80 cultivated. 40 miles from Portland; good house and buiiaings; wner piped to them, fenced and cross-fenced; price with stock, implements and feed, $12,000; for land only, $i0.50u; small pay ment down, balance on time; Or will rent. 160 acres, 50 in alfalfa, B0 in corn, grain and potatoes, balance pasture; good water, wire fences, small house and barn-, out buildings; 3 mlies to Hermieton, railroad; good roads, all irrigation ditches in; price, including implements, $13,uK), $2W0 to $3000 cash, balance easy terms. EARL H. FRY, Land Dept., THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 13GO Northwestern Bank Bldg. TILLAMOOK. DAIRY RANCH FOR SALE SO acres of good, fertile soil In Tilla mook County, of which 25 acres is under cultivation, 10 acres slashed and seeded to grass, the balance is in pasture, in all 60 acres can be cultivated; soil is all first, class; good, running water; located four miles from town, close to cheese factory and school ; buildings consist of a new fe-room house, fair barn and outbuildings; nice family orchard and berry patch, the fences are good, in fact, everything Is In first-class condition; house Is partially furnished, which goes with the farm, also some tools and Implements. This nice ranch can be had for $2000 if sold within the next few weeks; can give some terms. Come and see it. F. B. M'KINLET, Beaver. Or. FORECLOSED FARM. The Y. M. C. A. have platted this Im proved city farm into 5-acre tracts, now for sale at a low price and on easy terms, $17& and $200 per aore; all cleared, ready for cultivation; 11 miles from city, on Foster road; hard surfaced, electric trans portation ; suitable for suburban homes, where family can raise anything and every thing; here is your chance to avoid, high cost of living. MACLKOD-PATERSON CO., 6id Plttock Block. ACRES for $1250, 1125 cash and $11.23 per month buys 5 acres of Sunny Cali fornia almond land under Government lr rlgatlon. We take care of it for you for four years and turn it over to you on a paying basis. Close to tne main line of the railroad, fine county roads, fine climate and Is close to town. This will make you a fine home and a neateieir. Come in or write for literature. Almond land pays big; returns 1000 acres to. choose from, BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. BEST DAIRY BUY. 1U4 A. FOR $650O. Located 40 miles down Columbia from Portland, 1 miles, from town and boat landing; loo A., 40 acres cultivated, bal ance fine pasture ; spring water piped to premises, good 6-room bouse, fine barn 55x.S0, all kinds outbuildings and bearing orchard ; price $0500, $2500 cash, balance o years, o per cent ; line aairy iarm; owner carrvine 25 head on nlace now. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. Gth st. Phone r;roaoway 4Xni. THE BEST BUY OF tiOO FARMS WE HAVE LISTED. 4 acres on hard road, near elec. line, only 19 mi, from Portland; 60 A. In cult'n, part in crop. bal. plowed ready for seed ing; no better soil in the valley; lies well, no rock, abundance of good water, also piped into good 6-rm. house; barn, family orchard; fine neighborhood; near . good town; $140 per A some cash, bal. long time. See Sam Hewev, 269 Stark at, HARTMAN & THOMPSON THE PRIDE OF UNDERWOOD 30 aores, 2 o acres in full bearing com mercial apple orchard, 4 acres bearing peaches; modern 5-room bungalow ; grav ity water system; will grow early straw berries; close to Underwood, opposite Hood River ; a charming home with an Income. Owner compelled to sell -account eickness. Ought to sell for $15,0x0; buy it quick at GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. ONLY $20 PER ACRE. 160 acres of splendid land, less than 40 mues irora 'ortiand ; good set 01 tarm buildings ; 2 acres of good bearing or chard, 20 acres in- cultivation, 100 more eaaily cleared that is good tillable land. Place Is ideal Tor sheep or dairy. This price is less than you would pay for stump land. It Is greatest bargain In the Northwest. Coe A. llckenna & Co., 1 Chamber of Commerce. OWN YOUR OWN FARM PAY LIKE RENT. 130 acres near Gaston, only 32 miles from Portland. Beautifully situated. Ideal for stock or dairy, .to acres under cultlva tion, 7 fine springs, good soil. Will rent, or you can buy on very small payments. This estate must be closed very cheap for cash. See' owner, who will make any fair arrangement wit n right part y. o. Vinton, 312 Central building. 10th and Alder sts. 100 ACRES. YAMHILL COUNTY. Near McMinnvllle, 75 acres under plow, land adapted to grain, clover and dairying, 25 acres wooded pasture ; all lies well to farm ; on a main road, convenient to school. I will sell this farm for $0 an acre, which is far below what surround ing land Is held for : good 5-room house and large barn. D. McChesney, COS Title Trust bldg. Main 3477. 30 ACRES 20 miles from Portland, near Ore gon Electric. Lovely country home, with large, well-ken t lawn and shade trees, Family fruit, good hopyrd and new hop drier; old barn ; place furnishes Its own wood. On good road to Portland. Trade for Portland or near Portland home up to $r0OO. Further particulars and picture, of place by letter. Address A V lltti, Orego man. SHERMAN COUNTY WHEAT RANCH. 4R0 a., 450 cultivation, 2o0 res3y seed 2 mi, town and R, R. ; all fenced, build ings, everlasting wells, equipped wind mills: water pined in house: owner re tired; wlM sell small cash payment, bal. 10 yrs. ; value $10 a. E. A. EASLEY. 212 Selling Bldg. A FREE TRIP TO CALIFORNIA "Your Chance." An almond orchard on very easy terms; an income borne that guarantees independence for $250 per acre ; S years to pay. no interest : aimonfis is the bes paying and surest producing crop raised in tne uate; miniate and social surrouna ings idea!. Investigate this offer. Box A 204. Oregonian. 320 ACRES good wheat lanff in Alberta, Canada; all tillable; 160 under cultlva tion ; lair ntn ldings, fenced and cross- fenced. mile to school. 8 miles to town watered by well; will exchange for a good mixoa rarm in Oregon. w ashlngton or Idaho. It interested write owner. No nimhrance, J. F. Farlcss, Burlington, v asn. SPLENDID, well-stoeked-80-acre farm at a great sacrifice; crops In; barn: a splen did 7-room plastered house, bath, hot and com water pi pea to house and big barn gooa orcnara ; everytning ready to ste in una go to worK; 1 am a lono woman and must sell: $S0i0. clear title. Address Mrs. c. C. Cox, Camas, Wash., Route Box 73. A GOOD STOCK FARM. $3000; 10 acres of good land, 15 acres in cultivation, o acres alfalfa, good Tamil orchard, 100 acres well fenced. 1 million feet or ro4Ml saw timber, fair buildines. good running water, no trades. Terms $500 casn, oaiance to ne arranged, one A. lie Kenna Co.. 727 Chamber of Commerce. FRUIT AND DAIRY FARM. Highly Improved farm, closf to Port land, on west side Willamette River? vnnt bulMlngs, deep, rich soil, hard roads, city , waicr, electricity, scnooi. witn or Withotii stock and equipment. Sacrifice, part caA balance time or clear property. Own IO00 Spalding bldg. Main 866. CREEK BOTTOM DAIRY FARM. 100 acres, 1 mile from station, Benton county; Marys River and snrinK through: 50 A. In cult.: all level excent 2 A. ; 7-room house, large barn ; price $45 per acre. GODDARTV& WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. HAVE some splendid bargains. 120 acres at $60, 90 3 $100. 5 $200, 11 m. out. House & 1 acre. $23AO. Close in. House & 1 acre. S1700. 7 m. out Many ot her good buys. See J. A. Tur ner. 2ow stark, near 4th. lOO-ACRE FARM. CLOSE IN. $S0OO. 55 acres In crop, bal. pasture, tlm oer; nne smi, jies wen, near gooa tow in Washington Co., house, barn, outbldgs. Will divide farm. Good terms. See Sam Hewey. 200 Stark, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON FOR SALE 119-cre ranch, 4-room house, with outbuildings; 4 acres pasture, fenced also 2 acres In garden, fenced; well lo cated. two minute to railroads: aired own er will sell for $1100 each. Address Mrs. A. M. Lewis, Gen. Del., Hortland P. O $10,000 UTS choice alfalfa farm at Whit Bluffs. w asn.. iron ting on Loiumbi River; under irrigation; modern buildings fine home with beautiful view; a money maker. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St COME to Gresham for chicken, fruit, garden, and dalrv ranches: country homes, cit comforts. Modern high school, paved roads, Bull Run water, Portland gas; farms and small tracts for sale, all sizes. GRESHAM REAL ESTATE CO. TTTri'HT.Y improved 60-acre farm. lies ner f eetlv. Creek, rich soil, edit (rood town, Yamhill Co., $9000; will consider residence to $4001. A. K. HILL. 419 HENRY BLDG. 200 ACRES, improved farm. Southern Ore gon: sacrifice; 40 acres lnrproved near Sheridan; 10 acres stump land near Scan poose, running water. J. R. Sharp, 634 3d st. FARM for sale or rent. 50 acres good land, 8-room. house, gooa Darns with basement niertv of water. 34 miles from citv limit on Barr road, east of city. Call Tabor b370, ALMOST 100-acre prominently located, htirh-clAss home farm, all cultivated:- croo bldgs., 8H miles of Eugene. 604 W. 10rh, Eugene, tir. - INFORMATION all Oregon-California rail road land. Northwest Oregon. Write AN 075, Oregonian, REAL ESTATE- A WINTER BARGAIN. When you buy a home you deeire to buy at a low price and get all you can for your money ; that's your business. I am gjlng to California and wih sell my five acre home at a great big sacrifice for a quick sale; that's my business. If you buy it my Ions is your gain. It is one of the most deeirable little farms in Oregon ; a real city home in the country with every modern convenience and the price will please you; let's get together on this; no exchanges, but terms if desired. H. W. RUSSELL, Gresham, Or. 30 ACRES RtGHT ON CARLINE. FULLY EQUIPPED. ' Here Is a splendid x buy In a well equipped 30-acre home, all In cultivation except 2 acres timber; right on carline and hard-surfaced road; 4-roora 1 house, barn and outbuildings; bearing orchard; 45-cent fare to Portland. Personal: Team, har ness, wagon, 2 plows, buggy, cow, calf, sow, 5 shoats, 200 white leghorn pullets; lots hay, grain, potatoes and Implements. Price only $5500. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 322 N. 6th St.. Phone Broadway 4381. $1750 A REAL BARGAIN. 40 acres, some cleared, some more slashed, stumps pulled and ready to burn; fair house, barn, chicken-house and yard ; incubator and brooder; some tools; tele phone in house ; one share of telephone stock goes with the deal- 2 miles from R. R. station; good farming district; best of soil, nearly level and easy to clear; 2 fine young cows; all for the price men tioned, cash, balance terms'. FULTON, 021 Yeon Bldg. EQUIPPED WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM 63 money-making acres with 60 cleared and In crop, 3 acres oak and ash grove; fine location, 5 minutes' walk from school and Ry. station; first-class farm build ings, standing on banks of beautiful stream ; 5 cows, 4 heifers soon fresh, bull and heavy work team, wagon, cream sep arator, farm machinery, 300 bushels grain and 30 tons hav, $0500. D. McChesney, 603 Title & Trust bldg. Main 3477. 20 ACRES COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 12 MILES OUT. Here Is the tract of land you have been looking for. Directly east of the city, paved road, 12 miles from the Courthouse; there are 20 acres, right on carline and all in a high state of cultivation; perfect land and free of- rock; good red barn on place; no house; price $5100. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 322 N. 6th St.. Phone Broadway 43S1. SPECIAL bargain in Sherman County wheat rancn. oiO acres: over hoo acres plow land: Joins extensive free bunchgrass range. 4 miles from railroad station; school on place; good well .with windmill; raised 7500 bushels grain last year and can do It again this year. For special reasons I offer this good ranch for a short time only at the low price of $25 per acre. Address at once, William Klnsel, 9S2 E. Main st., Portland Or. COMBINATION STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH BARGAIN. S20 acres in Benton County, 180 acres under plow, balance pasture; good creek, free from rock or gravel, fair buildings, 2 miles from railroad, family orchard, best buy in the Valley at $30 per acre, some terms. Other good farms for sale at right prices. Phone, write or wire F. KINNEY. Box 91. Corvallls. Oregon. IMPROVED dairy farm for sale at a bar gain on account or health; 400 acres Columbia River bottom, 7 miles from Van couver, Wash.. $90 per acre, including $10,oo0 worth stock and machinery. 21 silo and feed for the Winter ; no agents, , no commission ; terms on part purchase. C. E. De Long, Vancouver, Wash. Rt. 3, box 132. 120 ACRES, partly improved, cabin, barn. creek and spring, 20 a. slashed and seeded, bal. fine grazing land in the goat and sheep belt 3 miles N. E. of Chitwood, Lincoln Co., Or. ; clear; find I must live in dry climate; price $2000. or will exch. for Cal. land same value; will be In Port land 22d. Write Robert Mann. 2180 Sutter st., San Francisco. CLARKE COUNTY'S BEST. 168 acres, 130 in cult., bal. in pasture, on paved road, close to Vancouver. This is one of the best ranches in Clarke Co., worth $4o,o00; price, $32.00o, cash, bal. long time, N. K. D AITL. !Of W. flth st., Vancouver. Wash. For Sale Miscellaneous. $30,000. WORTH of property for $18,000; in come over $100 per mouth. AL 980, Ore gonian. BUILDINGS and repairs, satisfaction guar- anteea, low prices. Xaoor ii0.'. WANTED REAL ESTATE. CITY PROPERTY WANTED. $30,000 wheat farm, clear, to trade for good apartment-house ; will assume. $ 1 5, 00 wheat farm, clear, to trade for good flat or apartment property up to $2 5,o0O, Stocked and equipped valley farm, good Improvements; price $22,500; will trade for apartment site or vacant business lot to $2O,000. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. WANT GOOD BUILDING LOT. Taxes are eating your lot up. I can use It at a fair price on my new Laurel hurst house which will rent for $30. Let's talx it over. J. M. Reeves, Main 1700, evenings Tabor 1792. WAN TED Nice in: proved acreage In Ger man Lutheran settlement, not over 50 miles from Portland, about $:1000: give good home In Portland value $2000 and $1000 cash. F. Fuchs. 420 C. of Com. WE havo many cash customers for small places near Portland of 10 to 20 acres: must be on a good rosd ; prices must be right. Coe A. Mcivenna Ac Co., t-t Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED Acreage or small farm to $S,"U)0. 30 miles port land, for choice 150 feet on Belmont : walkln g distance, and 4 flats mont. WANTED Small farm no less than 15 acres. close to Portland, for my $4000 equity on Union ave., property, mortg. $2500. or will sell cheap. Take clear lot or small home. no commission. O 9 its. Oregonian. I HAVE $lO.KK to invest in unimproved property near Portland, will divide to ac commodate small tracts I bargains are of fered; pive description ttnd price. AL 961, Oivjfonian. WANTED, to buy for spot cash. $Snr of non resident claims of Columbia Southern irri-irn'i-.n ontriH'ts. Stat Inwes: price you will tak name and address in first let ter. C 9i2, Oregonian, EXPERIENCED" young bachelor wants care of farm or developing new place ; wants to use acres for himself; references. Ad dress M 973. Oregonian,' WANT bargain in modern hyme; have Bulck roadster or an acre in rar Knurs t as 1 irst payment ; some cash. C. DeVoung 8c. Co., M3-514 Cham, of Com. bldg. WANTED Houses and Iota on Peninsula; must be bargains. Hove customers wait ing. Coe A. McKenna & Co., 727 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE clients wanting real snaps In 5 and 6-rnom bungalows. If you are willing to sacrifice come and see me. Prentiss, 505 Corbett bldg. WANT vacant lot near Jefferson ffliffh School or this part of Northwest Portland for a modern house; price $-1000. J. G. Gufttaff, COO Gerlinger bldg. WANTED A small house on Peninsula, 5 rooms; must be real bargain, on terms; state location and particulars In first let ter. T 955. Oregonian. T WANT WHEAT land in exchange for fine modern Portland Heights home. L. L. Saunders. 617 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 103. WANT 0 or 7-room bungalow. Price $1800 to $25O0. Prefer with two lots. Will pay cash, but price must be rock-bottom. See Mr. Teepe: 104 5th st. WANT 5 to 10 acres under 15 miles to city; must be "bargain for cash; give exact lo cation, lowest price If want prompt reply. M odest improvements. S 913, Oregonian. W'ANT modern bungalow, not over $3004 for choice acre in Parkrose. $1250; will assume equity. J 973, Oregonia n. WANTED Apartment-house, hotel or de sire residence property for wheat ranch. 976 Oregonian. WILL PAY CASH for snap In Laurelhurst lot; give price and location In first let ter. N 954. Oregonian. WE WANT good city property for fine farms near Portland. C. De Young & Co., 013 614 Chamber of Commerce bldg. APARTM ENT or business property wanted, value about $80,000; will trade Willamette Valley farm. E. 947, Oregonian. WANT Piedmont house, $3500 to $4500. Will pay $1500 cash and give clear prop erty for balance. AE i;55, Oregonian. IRVINGTON HOUSES AND LOTS OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAUSEN & CO., 703 LEWIS BLDG. HOUSE barpain, round $2ii00; full lot, fire place, Hawthorne district. 209 Mohawk bldg. HOUSE and lot Wanted. IGO-acre, 320-acre stock farm; other equities to trade. Bog gers & Co.. 2o0 Gerlinger bldg. ?890 REAL estate contract, exchange for lot or first payment. AK 977, Oregonian. ACREAGE Improved, unimproved; close in, far out. A R S53, Oregonian. HOl'SE, bungalow preferred, for real estate. Will assume, AF 972. Oregonian. HAVE cash buyer for acreage near city. 307 Henry bldg. WANT acreage, improved plae on Oregon City carline preferred. AP 071, Oregonian. STANDARD ABSTRACT CO.. and W. R. Has lip Co.. 405-6 Stock Ex. bldg. Main C774. WE buy equities, priced rlffht. 407 Panama bld. WANTFD REAL ESTATK. HOUSE wanted; have 12 beautiful acres Fall wheat. edfc; Htllsbnro, this side; $32o0. Marshall 125. AP t'77. Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT, near Turner. Or., 00 acres, nicely improved, almost all in cult'n. $30 a month cash. Also, near West Stayton, 38 acres, house, no barn, nearly all In cult'n. $10 mo. 56 acres, about 20 In cult'n. larce house. barn for IO cows, $20 per mo., or 30 more clear acres at $4 per mo. add'I, or 2o more at $S extra. 5b acres, all In cult'n, good home, bam and fine dairy barn, $27.50 per mo. 27 acres, all in cult'n, neat home. goo4 barn, $ 12 per mo. Also at West Stayton. Ore., 10 to loo acres, all clear, at $4 per yr. in monthly installments. See owners at 209 Stark, near 4th. 56 ACRES, all in cultivation, good buildings, near Woodland, Wash., to lease for 3 years, reasonable cash rent. R. F. Bryan 509 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE some splendid farms. Some choice, close-in acres. See J. A. Turner, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON tCor. 4th and Stark) EARLY vegetable ranch for rent; 2 large water reservoirs: all equipment for irriga tion; S acres, ii7 in cultivation. Inquire 203 Morrison. 245 ACRES, 50 acres in cultivation, near Cherry Grove; rent $300. Mr. Jouno, 2oo-T Board of Trade bldg. 31 ACRES, 23 acres in cultivation, near Van couver, rent $200 per year. Mr. Jouno, 205-7 Board of Trade bldg. 40 ACRES, near Portland ; new bungalow ; easy terms; must buy stock. M 975. Ore gonian. LAND under cultivation to rent on shares. Team and implements needed. Handy Bros., 170 3d mi. SMALL acreage, orchard, good buildings, hard-surface 2 blocks, 5o fare. Tabor 403, 12 ACRES Some fruit, hard-surface road, all cultivated; 512 Gerlinger blag. FARMS WANTED. FARMS WANTED. For cash, 25 to 40 acres well Improved and on main road. For each, the best farm In the Wil lamette Valley up to $15. OoO. $3000 cash and $5ooo clear suburban home, well worth the money; waut 40 to bo ac res, improved. $4000 cash and $6000 clear Improved Portland property for a farm not over $lo,000. D. McChesney. tK3 Title ik. Trust bldg. Main 3477. WANTED The best improved 100 acres. with or without buildings, in Willamette Valley, near R. R., that $7000 will buy. See Mr. Silkworth, at 209 Stark at HARTMAN & THOMPSON WANT to hear from owners small and large larms zor said or exchange. e get re sults. A. K HILL, 419 HENRY BLDG. to ANTED To hear from owner of good farm for sale. Send description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, Minneapo lis. Minn. WILL PAY CASH RENT for 80 to 100 acres, at least 30 acres iu cultivation. In Clarke Co.. Washington. Mr. Jouno. 205-7 Board of Trade bldg. WANT guod farm to $20,000 for good Port land income properties. C. Deioung & Co., 513-514 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Tj hear from owner of farm or unimproved land for sale. O. K. Hawley, Baldwin. Wis. WAVTFD TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent farm about 35 ts 60 acres, 5 to 8 milus of Portland; must have improvements. VI Spada, Hilisdale, Or., route 2. box 312. WANTED. SMALL ACREAGE WITH BLDGS. j-iaving a great many calts fur such prop erty to rent riirht now. SMITH-WAGON ER CO., STOCK EX. WILLAMETTE VALLEY Small farm, with TO RENT 40-00 acrt-s, suitable for dairy; give full particulars. C. D., 2'4 2d st. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. ABOUT SR. 000 acres of high-grade eugar pine, white pine, Oregon pine, or Douglas ilr, and small percentage other timber. Situated about 170 miles from San Fran cisco. About one billion feet of timber and very valuable water power on the property. Opportunity to purchase large amount small adjoining holdings. Would accept loan 0 cents or more per thousand, fc satisfactory terms. Principals only., Au ply to DR. E. B. PERK1N, William. Arizona. SAWMILL AND TIMBER. Sawmill, fully equipped, 3 donkey en fines, capacity 50,000 per day, and 45.000, 000 feet fir timber, on railroad. Willamette Valley, for little more than sawmill cost. Terms. JOHN W. COOK, 432 Cham, of Com. Bids. SAi ALL tract timber tributary to Columbia River; best of logging; chances; can get at it immediately ; big mar in of profit. Call or write. Timber, 605 Concord bldg., city. THREE miillt.n feet red fir, 12 to 30 inches, on stump, near S. P. R. R.. st $1. 15 million, feet red fir, near S. P. R. R.. $1. R !77. Oregonian. 1 WANT 1 1? uber. Nortn west Oregon ; give full Information cruise, legal description and price. AC Ss;. Oregor.ian. TIMBK R LA N DS POlfJHT AND SOLD. C. .T. M'CRACKEN. 3i4 M KAY BLDG. GOOD logging contract for party who has steam power. Particulars A 972, Orego nian. $1500 CASH, $1000 time or trado, takes timber assessed $6000. AR 970, Ore gonian. 100 A. TIMBER LAND for sale, 15 miles down the Willamette. P 977, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 'HAWTHORNE HOME" SACRIFICE. 41ST STREET. NEAR CAR. ' (DOCTOR'S OPPORTTUN1TY; NONE NEAR THIS.) MODERN (FIRST-Cr-ASS, ROOMS. BATH. FURNACE. HARDWOOD FLOORS, FIREPLACE. SHADES. G A3 RANGE AND "kU'JD" HEAlblU, GARAGE. ETC. ABOUT 30 PER CENT LESS THAN COST. SMALL RENT PAYMENTS. TEN YEARS IF DESIRED. TRADE CONSIDERED. SMALL ACRES OR SMALL HOUSE EQUITY AS FIRST PAYMENT. SEE THIS. MAKE OFFER, PATTISON, OWNER. 212 SELLING BI.DG. WANTED Farm in Valley to $. .0,000; have scattering city property, mostly clear and clear suburban acreage, and will assume some. Dandy S7-acre Valley farm, $11,500; take city to jsooo. Fine city home, large grounds, clear; want clar farm or cheap stump land to $20,000. a JOS. C. GIBSON, 305 Gerlinger Bldg. SEVEN acres, best soil, nearly all In culti vation, good, house and barn with modern conveniences, including splendid water sys tem, electric lights, etc.; located close in on good road, right at station with good . car service and for exchange for clear house in Portland, or timber. SAMUEL LOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bids. CLEAR LOTS FOR HOUSE EQUITIES. Nice residence lot in Astoria, S good, lots at Newport beach. Business lot on Main street, Woodburn. Some dandy lots In. Idaho towns. 2 nice building lots at Lents, 3 fine view lots near Haw thorne. BADLET, 21 YEON BLDG. STOCK A N D W H E AT RAN CH. With or without equipment and stock ; exclusive list of first-class propert.es, any size; many of them personally inspected by us. U. S. MORTGAGE A tSV. CO., to7 yeon bldg. I HAVE a good 7-room house and six-room bungalow and some cash for a good farm, mostlv under cultivation, within 100 miles of Portland; might assume to $25(MX Full particulars and location first leLter for attention. AH 981, Oregonian. LTTTLEFARM FOR CITY HOME. 15-acre improved farm, near St. Helens; berries, fruit, rich soil, house, barni on fine creek; will trade even for clear house worth $2500 to $3000. AE 954. Oregonian. LAURELHURST, fine, modern home, hot water heating plant, tile bath; $&5o0. sub ject $4500 straight mortgage; will ex change and assume; what have you? Em pire Inv. Co., 401 Bd of Trade. 75 ACRES, highly improved. 15 miles from ,city limits, want city residence. 307 Henry bldg. TO EXCHANGE A good dairy farm for a Portland residence. T. E. Dodson, 715 Couch bldg. FINE Rose City Park home : modern, cosy, convenient: exchange for farm. T. E. Dodson. 715 Couch bidg. INCOME property to trade for farm not to exceed $2500. 307 Henry bldg. WANT 40 to 80 acres, partly improved, for desirable houne. L 970. Oregonian. GOOD HOUSE for close in improved acre age. L 977, Oregonian. WILL take clear Laurelhurst or other good lots for my Iaurelhur?t home. Tabor 5-1 5. A 1 HOUSE equi Li?s, rented, some cash, for Wnd near city. T 97f. Oregonian. FIVE acre;". Jennings Lodge. $2500; want lots for $1300 equity. B 953. Oregonian. LOTS or acreage for house In Portland. 1102 Spalding bldg. Collins. Main 27. WILL exchange auto for good lot. cuLoo. P 94, Oregonian. Givi io-