J " -- TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER IP, 1916. BALLET IS EH ROUTE HUSSIAN TROUPE WILL SHOW HERE JANUARY 13-14. RATES Matinee and Two Evening Performances Will Be Given SO-l'Irce Orchestra With Famous Dancers F". C. Schang-, representing- the Metro politan Opera Company of New York, was at th Hotel Benson yesterday ar ranging the preliminary details of the coming of the celebrated Serge de Ulaghileff Ballet Russe. which will in clude Portland in its coast-to-coast tour of 50 cities, arriving for two even ing performances and one matinee, January 13 and 14. The ballet is now at Fort Worth, Tex., proceeding north. The company travels In a special train of 12 cars, five of which, are of special construction to ac commodate the vast scenic devices de signed by Leon Bakst which form an Important feature of the production. At the head of the organization in the dual capacity of premier danceur and artistic director, is Waslav Nijinsky, acknowledged to be the greatest male dancer now alive. In addition, the principals include Adolf Bolm, the virile pantomimist; magnificent Flore Reval Jes, who plays all the wicked roles; dainty Lydla Lopokova, Olga Spesizewa, Margarcta Frohman, Alexandre Gavri loff, Ekaterina Galanta and Doris Faith full. A corps de ballet of 40 is an in tegral part of the organization. A complete symphony orchestra of 50 pieces, under the direction of Pierre Monteux, famous European conductor, accompanies the troupe. M. Monteux was fighting In the French army before Verdun up to last August. He led the J-lallet Orchestra for two years in Paris berore the war. As the company plays three perform ances here, art-lovers of this city will have an opportunity of viewing prac tically the entire repertory of 12 ballets. Among the spectacles which have helped establish the Diaghileff Ballet as pre-eminent in artistic circles are "Cleopatre." the exotic mimodrama fea turing Egypt's wicked queen; "Scheher azade," the sensational Oriental melo drama from the Arabian Nights Thamar, a cruel Caucausan tale set In a marvelous and sinister tower, and Till ILulenspiegel, ' a new choreo Kraph-ic pantomime conceived bv Nijin sky himself and produced by him for the first time on any stage in New York last October. This ballet caused a sen Ration in New York, critics claiming it to he the best work in the repertory.. Other internationally famous offer ings to be presented here include "Le Spectre de la Rose." "L'Apres Midi d'un Kaune," "Sadko," "Carnaval." "La Princess Enchantee," "Papillons" and "Prince Igor." CLASSIFIED AD. Dally and SundMy. Per Una. Onetime bailie ad two consecutive times ........... bame ad three consecutive time ........ .SOa bmiie mJ six or seven consecutive times 6 He jhe abuve rate apply to aaveninieDn under "fw Today and all oUier claaailic lioott except the following Mtuationt anieo .uaie. rituHtiona Wanted Female. lor Kent Rooms Private families. Hoard and Kooms Private Families. Ho ue keeping Koomi Private i-amiiiee. Kate on th above clans ii lea lions is 1 vents line each insertion. The Oresronian will accent classified - vertiemeuis over t'e telephone, provided the aa vernier is a suoscriner 01 eitner puoue. io price will be quoted, over the phone but Dili wtit ne renuerea tne ioiiowuk any. Whether subfreauent advertisements will be accepted over the plione depends upon the promptness ot payment 01 teiepnone aavcr tiseinontH. "Situutions W anted' and "Per sonal" advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one insertion only will be accepted lor "furniture xor tale," "Business Opportunities." "Koomlns- Hounes" ana "Wanted to Kent." Serious errors In advertisements will be rectified by republication nit bout additional marge, one sucn repuoiication wiu not oe trade where the error does not materially affect the value of the advertisement. cancellation OT orders over tne teiepnone n ot r ecoKii Ized un less conf ir med the same day in writ in jr. Cltv Newit in Rrlff advertisements mnnt be presented for publication for The Sunday Oregon Ian before 5 o'clock Saturday after noonfor other days publication before 9 o'clock P. M. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. H KITSCH MI DT To Mr. and Mrs. Bert TV Henoch midt. :t s Kast Fifty-third street iSorth, November id, a son. HARVEY To Mr. and Mrs. Turllnstora tv. Harvey, Jr., Chicago, 111., November 18, a Bon. M'CREART To Mr. and Mrs. Earl V. Mc rreary. 131 Division street, November 10, oauRhter. GOSaMAN To Mr. and Mrs. A. Tf. Goss- man, 001 Mill street, November 22, a daugh ter. SASO To Mr. and Mrs. Coslno Saso. 53 luast Nineteenth street, November Jtt. a son MITCHELL To Mr. and Mrs. Harry F Mitchell, Kast Thirteenth street Nortn November 27. a daughter. MAY To Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. May, 3d40 Knowies fitreet. November lit. a son JOLLIKFB To Mr. and Mrs. Clyde loiiiiie, i:to Khone street, November son. WILLIAMS To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph "Wll jianiH. Davis Btre-t, November -y, daughter. PLOTTS To Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman X. TMotts, 641.T Kast Korty-fifth street South cat, November .SO, a daughter. Marrlaire Licenses. KCKET,M ANN-IMPEK Julius Adolph Eckflman, 1-S1 Burrage street, and Emma Matilda Imp r, Oregon City. WACHTM A N X- LT N DE R Ern fft We ch t rnann. IS'10 Peninsula avenue, and Johann Lindner, pamo address. PMITH-HAXGSTEX Frank L. Smith, 44 i-arra nee ptr--t, and Agnes ai. iiangsten, 674 East. Eighth street. MERRITT-GAGXOX William E. Merrltt P.4S Third street, and Julia Gagnon, aoJ Clay street. IIEACOCK-PCOTT Ralph A. Heacock. 191 Kast Fourteenth street, and Valora J. Scott, Cromwell apartments. fVEY-WALKKR Clarence Tvey. 946 Tib betts street, and Rosa L. Walker, 10 East Twenty-second street. Vancouver Miarrlage Licenses. CHAMBERS-FULK ERSON Ieo L Cham iners, 2.", of Portland, and Helen Fulkerson, 21. of Portland. BRECXNER-XOEL .Tohn Breunner. 34, of Portland, and Mary Noel, 31, of Portland JESSEX-M'GREW Emmons C. Jenson, 21. of Hall. Wash., and Miss Adeline Mc Grew, 22. of La Center, Wash. SWA NSOX -WATSON George M. Swan son, legal, of Portland, and Mrs. Madge G. Watson, legal, ot Portland. ROB3IVS-DEXTER Joseph A. Robblns, 25. of Portland, and Anna May Dexter, 22, of Portland.. Building Permits. WILLIAM GADSBY Repair three-story ttrlck. store. Ill First street, between Wash ington and Stark streets; builder, same; $30. NORTHWEST FIDELITY COMPANY Repair 14-etory steel frame building, Mor rison street, between Sixth and Broadway; builder, same : $4r0. O.-W. R. & N. CO. Erect one-story frame emergency hospital, foot of Arthur street, between Moody and Willamette ' River; Northwest Steel Company, builder; $.'iK. WILLIAM DUNCAN Erect frame garage. 633 East Fifty-third street, between Stan ton and Siskiyou streets; W. J. Dunlap, builder; $ir0. L. J. HORXADAY Erect frame garage. 3034 Arnold street, between Marguerite and East Thirty-fifth street: builder, same; $150. WILLIAM CORXFOOT Erect one-story frame machine shop. Loring street, between Lewis and Harding streets; builder, same; 520.0UU. ALBINA ENGINE ft MACHTNE WORKS Erect one-story frame shop, Brendle street, corner Knott street ; builder, same $1500. CORBETT ESTATE Repair ten-story Tireproor orrice ouiidtng, Morrison street, be tween Fourth and Fifth streets; E. Hippely, nil i 1 d er: 5375. (Bible tho different lines of business which the average person inay find cc sion to use. Any information wnich cannot be found iere will be gladly iur- nished by phoning Main 7070 or A eoao, Mouse 40. M. 1&74. Mfg. Jewelers, expert watchmakers. Miliera, 64d Wash., bet. Bdwy. and Park. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 2d- silver and platinum bought. LAWYER, 618 Pittock block. No charge for preliminary consultation. . TOO LATE TO CLASSTFT. One stlckerman. $3.25; 1 sticker feeder, 2 Tiik 11 r- 1 knife irinder. nlaninK mill. S3: 1 Swede lumber handler. $2.50; 2 married men to handle lumber and work in mill later. 22fec per hour up; 5 young men to work in and around laree lumber manu facturlne Dlant. steady the year round. good, chance to learn the game and get mora monev later on. 30 and board start: flooring grader, $3; miil and yard men, $2.25 up; cooks, waiters, flunkeys, dishwashers, etc., come In and see us, we are headouarters. Open today, Sunday, all day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. 235 Burnside Street. 1912 MARMOX. 32 ROADSTER, GOOD SHAPE; MUST SELL. $4o0. MAIN 7035. 434 ALDER. WANTED DESK ROOM In good location bv experienced nubile stenographer, gen eral office and business man, owning ma chine: will give services in return for of fice privileges. R 987. Oregonian. WANTED Man handy with tools to work In general repair shop: cannot handle bust ness alone; must have partner at once; $HM required for H Interest in business, Call Monday morning, 413 Hawthorne ave. COTTAGE '.-room, fireplace, modern, l."o- f t. lot, street paved, near to Broadway bridge, for snle by owner. Price $3500. Phono East 3021. $1500 cash, bal. easy payments. WANTED Man of rood address and per sonality, well acquainted in city, capable of interviewing business men. Good sal ary. Write confidentially. H. M. Field, Portland Hotel. LOST In lavatory of Strand Thea,ter, abou 7 f. M., solid sliver purse, y. e. .d. on back. Keepsake from dead lather. Re ward. Phone East 141. riAS some one a position for a youxig. clean cut man of 22 with tick wife? Delivery clerk, hotel clerk, cashier, elevator man, ete. Main TOM. Tabor 5.MI, A 1517. FI KST-CLASS coat maker and all-around tai lor wanted at onee; state experienc and wages expected In first letter to J W. Ed-wall. Tillamook, Or. ONE DANDY small room, suitable for Ugh housekeeping for either lady or gentle man, all privileges. Call Main 3312. 3tU 3 0th st. CLEAN hardware stock, over $3m0. good location, chean rent; half cash, rest tim or a good 'it ; call Monday; must sel quick. 21 5 Fourth st. STENOGRAPHER and billing clerk. In ulro own handwriting, stating age. ex perince and salary expected. . A 976, Oregonian. TWO furnished H. K. rooms, walking dis tance, lights, water, phone. 275 Williams ave. East 0717. EXPERIENCED newspaper man can devot hair or each day to copy writing or read ing or puoncuy work, s l'To, Oregonian WANTED By neat refined widow lady fou gentlemen to board and room. 391 E. lltn $lftOO WANTED to finance building of home from private party; no agents. O 906, oregonian. WAITRESS for the Carlton Hotel dining room; must be experienced. 14th and wash. Ft'RNISH ED modern cottage, walking dis tance of mgn school. . or rooms; reason anie rent. A 1. 7, Oregonian. SIX-ROOM. West Side home, every moder convenience. Clear lot and some cat! or easy payments. Phone Marshall 41 TWO nice rooms on second floor, priva family; men preferred; small rent. Mar. ua worg wanted by competent woma -Good washer and Ironer. References. Wood lawn 43I7. CAPABLE1, reliable dressmaker desires wor ACCOROIOX PLEATING. . 6TEPHAX, hemthchinsr. Bcalloping. ac cord, ,tde pleat, button, covered; maI ordera. 228 Pittock block. Broadway louu. AGATE C LITERS. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. -Gold. ATTORNEYS. '. J. Alakelim FroDate, real estate, mining and corporation law; abstracts and title examined; written opinion, furnished. 1434 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main &T48. MCSICAL. HMIL. THIELHORN, Violin Teacher, pup'l Sev c ik. m Z 07 gli e dner bl dg. M ar s h a 1 1 18-U. SCHOOL 'of MUSic. STAFF of TEACHERS. CONSERVATORY. 141 13th at., at Alder. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. U. MAHOXE. lawyer, 402 Panama bldg. Marshall 333. CAFETERIAS. PURITAN", 4th and Stark; goad eats; vocal nu orchestral music, noon and evening.. IANCEB. M. Jones. M. t. CANCER TREATED. Brewer bldg.. 18th & Alberta. "Wdln. 41tt. II.IFF Carpet west Rui CARPETWEAVEB. RUGS" FROM OLI CARPETS. cleaning, refitting, Co.. 1SS E. Mh Bl. etc. North Both phonea. tt,l.HLOII) KLTTONS, BADGES. THE IRWIX-HODSO.V COMPANY. 3S7 Washington st. Main 312 and A 1204. CHIROPODIST. William. Bstelle and William, Jr., Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists In tne city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger biag., southwest cor ner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN'S. ELIMINATING medicines,, and operations. Permanently restoring health without drugs or scars. Or. McMahon making good. 31 adjustments Slo. Macleay bldg, and Sanitarium. Patients satisfied. Knockers boost. Case questions free. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. H10 N. W. bldg. Mar. AS22. 10O letters multigraphed for $1. COLLECTING AGENCY. XETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17. No collection, no charge; established HUM). DANCING, WHY PAY MORE? A SAVING OF 23 TO 60. Properly litted glasaea as low a si .mi. aottii satisfied customers; satisfaction guaranteed. Chaa. W. Good man, optometrist, iiutf Morrison. Main 2124. FATKXTS. , PATENTS that protect and pay; avdvlce and Dooaa tree; mgnesi reiere". bu It m, promptness assured; send ketch ot model lor search. Watson E. Coleman, patent lawyer. 24 F at., Washington. P. C. 'FW TODAY. ESTABLISHED 1803. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years experience V. S. and foreign patents. 601 Uekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Alisky bldg. Get my new booklet, "Chronic Disease"; It a free. 1'IANOS. I MARSHALL S " PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 3480. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbein, Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100 H Front St., corner Stark. Main or A 1418. NEW TODAY. Auction RAG RUGS AND FLUFF RUGS. Ingrain. Brussels. Smyrna, Axminster, "a rugs, all sizes; mail ordera prompt; booklet. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO., 64-0fl Union ave. N. East 6516. B 1475. REAL-ESTATE DEALERS. PA LM ER-JONES" COT H. P.. 404 "Wilcox bid. SAFES. , We Have Received Costly Furnlshlnfrs From North Irvlngton Residence. With Instructions to bell - the Same at Auction ON TUESDAY NEXT at the BAKER AUCTION HOUSE Masonic Temple Building Comprising genuine leather rocker, one t.. i. ..v, v..i ii 1 1 f ii 1 tanestrv por tieres which cost J110, andirons, fire screens, old brass kettle, several 8km rugs, quartered oak library table, old Bagdad drape, oak and mahogany rock ers with leather seats, box couch and cover. Imitation leather- couch, Brussels rugs, pictures, upright piano, oak mu sic cabinet; the furnishings of four bedrooms, as follows cak bed and dresser, Vernls Martin beds. Colonial stvle mahogany dresser and dressing table, oak and walnut dressers, maple chiffonier, electric lamps, bronzes, bric-a-brac, very costly quarter-sawed oak dining-room suite, viz., 54-inch top table, beautiful buffet 66 inches wide, elaborate china cabinet with mirror back and set of leather-seat chairs, dinnerware. china chocolate set, etc; cabinet Singer sewing machine, heat ing stoves, etc Also two barber chairs chest of tools and many other useful lots. Auctioneer's Note Kindly call tomorrow and look over t Views, trnods. Tou will find them well worthy of your most careful attention. Auction on Tuesday Next at 10 A. M. AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169. 171. 173 SECOND ST. (Near Yamhill) REGULAR. SALESDAYS MONDAY WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EACH DAY AT 10 A. 91. roil MOXTJAVS SALE we have a choice lot of good furniture, as follows; Library and parlor tables, bookcases, three-piece librarv set. including settee. rocker and arm chair: genuine leather Sleepy Hollow chair, wicker rockers. Morris chair. Roman chairs in mahog any and Flemish oak, electric reading lump, "jardiniere stand, pedestals, Schmldler sofa bed (cost J65), round and square solid oak extension table, set of box-seat chairs with leather seats, white and gold dinner set. fancy glassware, lot of choice fruit; brass and iron beds, good "springs and mattresses, pillows, quilts, dressers, chiffoniers, birdseye maple dressing table, hall trees, kitchen cabinets, gas range, etc, etc, all in fine condition. "WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, wtt 10 A. M we shall have a good assortment lot general housefurnishlngs. NEW TODAY. '.-w-" " ""V.: V.- '. "- 1 K : 1. I - 'id JOHN E DAVIS. Phone Main 4234. Stand ard makes. Cor. Morrison and 1st. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. 85 6th, oet. ciarx ana oak; 4 private lessons, x-j; A. M., P. M., eve: latest dances guaranteed; class Thurs., Sat. eve., 7-8:30. Bdwy. il6i. HEATHS SCHOOL Lessons daily: class Tuea., Frl. eve.. 8 to 10. 109 14. St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. Main 3205. Lessons "iuc. UKTKCTIVES. EXPERIENCED, E. 1. Kellogg, Or. reliable; consultation free. Jr., box Oregon City, KVK. F.AR. XO.SE. THROAT, LUNGS. Treatment by specialist; plas-os fitted. Dr. v. f . i aFeday, 01T Dekum bldg., 3d Wn. FIRE INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE MESSENGER INSURANCE SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phono Main 53. A 2153. FREE STORAGE. FREE MOVING. Telephone for our proposition; we can save you money; storage, packine, mov ing, shipping. Modern Brick Storage Warehouse. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. Office lO.'i Park st. Main ol!5, A 101. Warehouse 44-4G E. 6th at. N. ALWAYS- PICK THE- BEST Household goods specialists; storage, packing, ship ping and moving; horse or auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.. 2d and Pine sts. Broadway f0. A 1I1H6. OREGON" TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan St.. corner 13th Telephone Main 69 or A 1109. We own and operate two large class A warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest In surance ratea in thecity. MADISON-ST." DOCK AND "WAREHOUSE. Office. ISO Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7691. WOOD. r.BF.EX AND DRY SLABWOOD. blockwood. Panama Fuel Co. Main 5720, A 5899. WHOLESALERS AND fclANUFACTURERS AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. IUBRT"IU.E BUGGY Top CO.. 209 2d St. AUTO tePRING LAMER SPRING CO, MAN UFACTURING. M I g. and repair ing: 40uO springs carried In stock. 1.1th & Couch sts. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. BRCRHse & omnibus Trimmer, park fc Davla. DRY GOOIf L. DinkeLspiel Co. WHOLESALE. 112 buerlock Bldg., Third, corner Oak. GRAIN MERCHANTS. HOI..-KK, Board of Trade Bldg. WADHAMS gc C.KOCEK.S. Co., r57-7.1 Fourth ntreet. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAVSEK HAT CO.. 0-55 It 1 1 lis. WOOL. fASCABA KAHN" HKOS., 191 Front street. Front DARK. MAN I I'ACII RKKS LADIES' EASTERN" NOVELTY MFG. NECKWEAR O., h.1 ,1th st PAINTS AND W. 1'. Fi'Ll.KR vnv. lTilll'ATINIi 11EVEKAGES. WKl.MlAlllJIi l.ULUb.. AMBEK NECTAR. Heniy Weinhard plant. i;;th and Burnside pts. Phono Main 72. A 11 2. PAINTS, RASMl'SMiN t OILS AND 1LASS. CO., 2u and Taylor at s. l'IPE, PIPE FITTING ANI VALVES. M. L. K1.1NK. M-Sti Front st PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. 1- KLINE. Sl- Front si. 1'RlNTlSli. nnurxuinF w. baltes & company. rfiiil I lif UFirst & Oak sts. Main 160, A 1105 PRODUCE. PRnmVK. dried fruit, correspondence i licited. Union Produce Co., 12S Union ave. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKD1NG & FAKKKU. 14U Front St. KIll'K AMI BINDING TWINE Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS" W. P. Kl LI.BIt & CO. AND GLASS. , 12th and Davis sts. LUBRICATING OILS. K CO.. llh and Uavls sts, WALL PAPER. Mnn PAN W LI. PA PEP. CO.. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. l..io Main day 7051. and carfare. A 1517. k. Al references. EDWARD H0LMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Streets Main 507, A 1511 - WANTED Yoimg man who can drive Kord car. Tuesdays and Fridaya. Apply Ore Ron Taundry. TEXT wanted, state elze and price in letter. huu j rem on t st. YOITNG man wants evening work, any kind. 544 Flanders 'et. IDA HALL gives card readings daily KST'A E. Burnside st. FIXE size. FLAT, phone, electric lights, water and garbage: only $12. 412 Hall Bt. Main 23t6. WE wash everything but the babies. Cen- tral Wet Wash. E. 764. ' W A N 'i E D G e n 1 1 e box 40. route 3. MEETDfG NOTICES. PORTLAND TENT NO. 1. THE MACCA BEES, will give one of their famous card parties and dances on Thursday evening. Pec 14, at 8:30 P. M. Two sixteen hands of P00 on the programme, aiso dancing Come and bring your friends and enjoy your self. Good prizes, good music, good time lor all. Admission tiOc. Committee. MACCABEES. ATTENTION The ladlea of Queen Elizabeth Review, No. 24. wiii ive a "SOO" narty Tuesday nleht. Decern ber 12, In I. O. O. F. Hall, East Sixth and Alder sts. Good prizes. Admission luc. Kverybody welcome. PORTLAND COUNCIL, KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY, will give a dance in their hall. Front and Gibbs sts.. Thurs day, Dec. 14. Union music. Good time. Ad' xnittance 25c. MODERN FORESTERS Invite you on Friday, December 15, to their card party and nance, uooci music, frizes. Laras o:-a r. ja Stepping, 10-12. 85 H tth St. Manchester Hall. ADVANCE ASSEMBLY. NO. 501. UNITED ARTISANS will give a social dance In W O. W. Temple, 128 Eleventh street, Monday evening, December 11. ZuiTlush Orchestra, Admission 2 cents. Come to the Portland Art Club's special ROO party Saturday night, orange bowl 1st, 10 hand-painted china prizes. Every Tues day afternoon. 129 4th at. Everybody wel come. Aq mission Jc. WEB FOOT CO. NO. 65, W. O. W., 500 and dance Friday. Dec. 15. In W. O. W. Tempi 12S 11th st. L. Van way's orchestra; cards 8:45. Dancing at 10 o clock. BOO ROYAL CIRCLE. NO. 528. W. OF W. Wednesday evening. Dec. 13. W. O. W. Tern pie. 128 11th, nice prizes. Admission 20c Cards 8:30. Members and friends welcome. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. New designs. Jaeger Bros. 131-3 Sixth at. FRIEDLANDER'S. Jewelers, for Emblems. Class Pins snd Presentation Medals. Designs and estimntfB rurmheri free .-iio wsn Ufe Prfierrem. Topeka Journal. Flubdub How are the life-preserv rs oi this boat? Guzzler Fine. I've Just had three as good a ever drank. 2000. 3 years on suburban acreace. A. Oregonian. very cheap. Sellwood large Shetland pony. Damascus. Address OI'XG lady wants general housework. Main SrtCT. $25 YOUNG Catholic man. rer or commerce. -Apply 720 Cham- CASH paid for false teeth, Hotel jewelry Shop. any kind. Alder WANTED Two solicitor, salary or com- mission B 970. Oresronian. WANTED i Large mirror to be used over rirepiace. B 97, Oregonian. window wash-735. MAN wants house cleaning, Ing, pruning. Call Tabor LADY agents wanted for very satisfactory peiiing Hi" LimnuiB o. vii, uregonian. TV OMAN for general housework, family of i wtj. inquire nop aeat Aiaer St., Sunday. WANTED Baby's Iron bed. Phone Mar. S4. DIET. KEATING At the family residence. 148 Laurelhurst avenue, December 9. Dr Mar tin Keating, aged 77v years. Remains are at Hoiman s iunerai parlors. Announce mcnt of funeral later. DO RAN In this city, Dec. 9. John D. Doran, aged 6B years, beloved father of William Doran and Mrs. William Janlsch. Remains are at A. R. Zellar Co.' a parlors, funeral announcement later. PERFECT FUNERAL fcLii. VICES FOR LESS MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Ia4y A..itiint. Wash, at Ella St.. Bet. Main 26'J1. A 7S85. 20th and 21st. West Side. 'KV TODAY. DUNNING & M'E.NTEE, funeral directors. Broadway and i'ine street. Phone Broad way 430. A 4558. Lady attendant. A. R. ZELLEH & CO.. 0U2 WIULIAHS AVK. Bast libH, C lo&S. Lady attendant. iay and night service. J. P. F1NLEY & SON, Progressive Funeral Directors. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. at run Logins o NO COJIMISSION Eastern life insurance money can be borrowed of us on first class farms at 6, without com mission. Write to us direct and save money. We refer to any bank in Portland. We Retail Furniture ON THURSDAY NEXT We Shiill Sell Another Hon Kull of Furnltnrr, Carpels, Ktc. I Auction on Thursday Next at 10 A. M. Also at this time we shall sell trunks and contents for storage, owned bv J. O. (iraham. at Baker s- Auction House. Yamhill and West I'ark streetB. commencing at 10 A. M. DON'T FAIL TO VISIT OUR PRIVATE SALE DEPARTMENT If vou contemplate makintc CHRIST MAS filFTS, let it be something useful and lastincr. Our utock includes aome of the best goods the market affords In the line of pianos. e have for sale: One "Weber concert grand. ?-i5 a bargain. One " Needham " upright. izt in good condition. One square piano, good lor oe-ginners. Universal Tractor Attachment OPPORTrXITY WITH BIG FCTrBE. Your automobile and our Universal tractor attachment will make you big money. Agents selling one a day. Hig demand. Big profits for you, driving through the country taking orders for the new Modern Workhorse. This trac tor attachment can be applied to most any automobile in a few hours' time. Exclusive territory. Write or call at once. GER LIN G Ell MOTOR CAR CO, South Kite and Hood Streets. Tacoma, AVnuhlogton. MORTGAGE LOANS We have Insurance Money at 674 Private Funds at 0 and 7 ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 IMorthTrmtern Bank Bids;. REAL JCSTATE. For Sale -Lots. ON SATURDAY FURNITURE DEPARTMENT Includes almost anythfnt? you may need to furnish a modern home or apart ment. A K CORDIALLY IN'VITK AN IXPKCTIo.. We also carry a. large line ot rug's, linoleum, steel ana gas ranges of the very best makes and good as new. PARKROSE BUSINESS LOT SNAP. Corner, end oC Parkrose carllne, la ths business center, jut opposite store and next to etation. Sidewalks and paving all paid. Water, pas and electric connections, f rr0. See Hickman or Wilson, 4Cth and Sandy (Tabor tjtiS. C 1.X branch ot Hartman & Thompson. SNAP TO CLOS E AN ESTATE. TarKO corner, with 4-rm. bungalow; cloae-in, near Hawthorne, $1400 ; lO0 down, -tal. monthly. awelL neighborhood. ' See Wm. Burley. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (4th and Stark) ROSE CITY PARK, Corner Lot, $SO0. Half block to car; nice trees; 5 per cent less for cash. Big value. See Hick man or Wilson, 45th and Sandy (Tabor (vMiK, o branch of Hartman & Thompson. 3 LAUKELHUKST BARGAINS. Tn. heart of LAurelhurst, 3 unincumbered lots, one corner, and two adjoining, all taxes and assessmt nts paid to date ; best offer this week takes them regardless of sacrifice. AU 07. Oregonian. NEXT We Shall Sell Freight. Etc.. for the S.. Jr & s. Ky. at tne isortn JianK Depot, Kleventh and lioyt Sts. Sale Saturday, Decem ber 16th, at 10 A. M. GROCERY AND MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT RETAIL DEPARTMENT We Sell Good Furniture for Cash If looking for a poott rocker suitable for ChriHtniaa present, don't buy until you see what we have to offer you. These are brand-new rockers (not old ones varnished over). The celebrated Oreeron Chair Co.'s goods. .Ilade in Portland. IV CONNECTION. IlARfJAIN PRICKS REir.N IV THIS 11KFA1U'HE.T AT ALL TIMES. LARGE ASSORTMENT Store Fixtures and Equipment F. S. DUNNING, INC. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder Btreet. East B 2525. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANV. 8d and Clay. M" n 4152, A i:3'Jl. lately attendant. MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. E SOth and Olisan. Tab. 4319. KKICSON Uesidence Undertaking Parlors, 12th and Morrison sts. Main 6133. A 2235. P. Lu LE.RCH, East 11th and Clay streets. Lady attendant. East "81. B 1888. BREEZE & SNOOK lUJti Belmont at S4th. CREMATORHBI9. SCHEER In this city December 9, Earl Ij. beneer, age zl years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. William Scheer. Funeral serv ieea will be held at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey tomorrow (Monday), December 11, at 3:30 P. M. Friends in vited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. Services at the grave private. MTSGROVE In this city. December 7, Will- lam xi. Aiusgrrove, aged el years. Beloved husband of Naomi A. Muagrove. J-"u n e ra 1 services will be held tomorrow (Monday) at 2 P. M. at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. Washington at Ella street, interment iKne r ir cemetery. AHREXS The funeral services of the late Paul Frederick Ahrens will be held to morrow (Monday), Dec. 11, at 2 P. M., at the conservatory cnapei or . b. Dunn in?, Inc.. East Side funeral directors, 414 East Aider st. f rienas invitea. interment Riverview Cemetery. WELCH The funeral services of the late William M. Welch will be held Monday. - December 11, at lO o clock A. M.. at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley & Son Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Inclreratlon at Portland Crematorium. BEDFORD The funeral services of the late John Bedford will be held Monday, December 11. at 1 P. M., at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley A Son, Mont pomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at MC Scott Park Cemetery, HENDRIE The funeral service of the late Erne B. Hendrie, beloved wife of R. J Hendrie, will be held Monday. Dec 11. at 2:30 P. M., at the residence. 304 Park su i? rienaa invitea. Cemetery, M0UNT SCOTT PARK Cemetery and Crematorium XaDOr L Dl. TXOKIST9. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. Florists. 354 Washington. Alain xty. a l-tiu. blowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.. Flor.aUi. 287 Morrison St. Main or A isuo. f ine nowers ana norai designs- No brancn stores. MAX. M. SMITH. Ing bMg.. Otn i Main '215. A nd Alder ets. !121. Sell- TONSETH FLORAL CO., 285 Washington st., between 4tn ana stn. Main oiu'j, A llul. M ONVMENTS. PO!tTLANT) MARBLE WORKS. 284-2S6 4th st.. opposite City Hall. Main 8564. Philip Neu & Sons tor memorials. BE BUAESINGQRANITE Co3 OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Room 153 Courthouse. Mh -street Entrance. Phone from S to 5 Main 378. Home Phone 2525. Night call after offlc bourn. Main 2706 Report all cases of cruelty to the above address. Electric lethal chamber for small 'animals. Morse ambulance for sick and dis abled animals at a moment s notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pets, communl cate with us. Call for all lost or stray Interment Lone Fir I There Is no more city pound. Just Oregon Humana beciety DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY 607 Concord Bldg. Corner Second and Stark Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON We Pay Cash for Good Furniture, Carpets and Rugs Phone Main 3332 W. C. BAKER fc W. II. DEAN, Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers Yamhill and Went l'ark Streets, MASOMC TEMPL.E Bl'ILDING. MILLINERY SALE TUESDAY NEXT AT 2 P. M. AT OUR SALESROOMS we shall sell a lartce const crimen t of T H I )l H E I) IIV'I'S, SMAIi:S, I'BATHRRS, FWW KKS AM) KAM'V 'l'RIMHlMiS. This stock of poods must absolutely he sold lor what they will bring. Bargains for everybody. ON THURSDAY NEXT AT 2 P. M. AT OCR SALESROOMS AVE SIIAL.I SELL A STOCK OP AuCtlOn FANCYGOODS MERCHANDISE ALL CASH SNAP. $1650 buys bunch of fix lots on pved Ftreeta in restricted district, one block from Irvlngton car, subject to ptreet liens; miKht divide. Uuddard e AVIod rlck. 243 Stark st. DKSIRABLK VIEW LOT. 40xltM, on MonlROmery St., near 16th; affords a. masnificent view of the city and within 15 minutes' walk of postoffice. Will sacrifice lor $J700 cash. Sea Mr. Strong at Hotel Clifford. SNAP O.N" LOT?. Lots in M.Miticello, tvheatland and Prunedale additions, at less "than one-half former prlc.-s, for limited time only. UHK. 1NV. MOKTOAUB OO., J'yl stock Kxch.. !" :td st. 5boo. 2 choice Council Orest lota, close to car; splendid valley view; all improve ments in; very easy terms. J. J. McCarthy. Abingtoii bldg. A GIFT. 60xlOO lot. adloining IRVTN'GTOX; on block to car; price $450, $15t cash. bl. xnortgaKO. . . Kl'I.TON. G-1 Yeon Bldg. TWO fine lots. iH'xllO each, in itose Cliy district; cost M..O eacn, 4ou win uk. these two lots as I need cash; these lots are a block and a half from bandy boule vard. S.. 1-6 North 3d Bt. FOR SALB LOTS. Speculators and Investors take notice. Greatest bargain in high, grade Portland hts ever ottered, tio.wo required. L lt. Oregonian. v rOKIUM) HEIUHIS KXCLLSiVBLT. Houses, lots, tracts and acreaj la this choice district; a few sacrifices. Marsnail 4-27. BHOUltli. A S939. SACRIKICE. GUxlDO. cement walks, street improved, cement basement and plumbing fir whole house, ail for ftiOO. Phono East 7118. . 100x1 IK), on E. 8th and E. Ankeny. l-'or particulars see J. J. OEDER. Grand Ave., at E. Ankeny. HAVE extra large lot on AVest bide, a reat bargain at ;.o; win Duiia you a nou to suit, on your own plans. Fulton. 6-1 Yeon bldg. GRAND, beautiful view, home site, West hl. gas and city waier; oesv m .i.o-u t J3."il on very easy terms. 1L E. Lee, 505 Corbett b Id s- 5xlu0 ON Peninsula. $450. Flske street. R1TTER. LOW E & CO., -07 Hoard of Trade Bldg. XMAS BARGAIN. Acre In fruit, at city limits, 6o tare. AK. U70, Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city property at 6 and 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment privi leges allowed. No delays. A. H. BIRRELL CO. C17-319 Northwestern Bank Balldlnat. Marshall 4114, A. 4118 es MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, AT 2 P. M. Each Day, 191 SECOND STREET Vnv .ATnnrlfi v's sale we have a nice assortment of furniture suitable lor modern housekeeping, anu inciuaes) such items as brass beds, steel springs, riosn mattresses, oak dressers, oak rockers, round dining tables, oox-seat choirs wardrobe, walnut Darlor suite. library table, steel ranges, neaters, etc. etc.. and. n you are hiiiim.hib wi ur- nishlncr vour home. It will. pay you to come ixi anu fc. p. G. KORD, AUCTIONEER. FORECLOSURE BARGAIN S8500 BTTYS lOOxIS. I XIOX-AVEMB 111 It A 1". It. AKAK ltL9t;t.Sj. Income 974 fer .Month. !? Better Than Sco Net. Actual Value I5,(K)0. GODDARD & WIEDHICK, 243 Stark. 6 Loans of flO.OOO and T"p proved BuHinett Property improvement lurpoe. J. P. LIPSCOMB, 243 Stark Street. on Ira tor Xor Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Oar Own Money at Carrent Rate, UIIIVICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS. FARM AND CITY LOAN. fcO Puartb St., Board of Trada Bids, Property Management We s;lTe careful and efficient attention to apartment-houses, office buildings, leases, rentals, all property supervision. f Coe A. McKenna & Co. General Real Estate. 727 Chamber of Comraerea. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Mere la Your Chance to But Goods 11 our Own Price. J. T. WILSON. AUCTIONEER. We Pay Cash for Furniture, Stocks of Merchandise, ltc. Sales at Residences a Specialty. Main m-lii. BUY THESE BARGAINS NOW THERE WILL BE BIG MONEY IN THEM LATER ON WHEN PRICES GO BACK TO NORMAL. IKVINGTON I.OTS DON'T BUT BEFORE PKE1XU NEUHAUSE.N & CO., 703 LEWIS BLUCi, iT.ic) IajT 5'JxlOO. E. lth and Siavrr. All improvements raid- Oregon lnv. & Sits. Co.. 202 Sloelc Kxch., 170 ad St. LOT SACP.IFIOE Two lots, Hyde cost fiOO, will taKO t-ow, casu. A" via. Oregonian. AM GOING South December 14. will sell lor cash lots :i ana jh in "iut a . ....... Aduitlon. Tel. Main 345.'.. or Mar. 4il2. LOT in Koso City Park district; cost 750; sell for S450. Wood fawn 1 158. TWO beautiful lots one block to Hawthorne car, $20 eacn. t"a "'"s, EQUITY Parkrose acre sacrificed for less than one-third. BP S0, Oresonian. ALAMEDA PARK .10x100, well located. 400. Owner, East 7to5. CHOICE Lauieihurst buIlJlug lot, near the park. Cooper, East r.203. -lies, n property. WE SELL PRIVATE LY AT ANY TIME If you cannot spare the time or do not care to attend our sales, can at any time ana we win prove to you that we can save you money on the purchase price or your furniture. Ford Auction Co. Quarter block, with concrete build ing:, on Grand avenue, freight and pas senger elevators, . (bo,uuu; only $ ooou cash; $90,000 was refused for this property less than four years afro. By spending additional $10,000 would pay splendidly on investment. Villi lot. eleht-room house and rar- agre, irvlngton, near ciud; property cost $7250, win lane oaau. mortgage on same for $3000. Quarter block, very close In. with apartments on same leased for $300 1 per montn; -so.oou, i,auv casn. inia lis paying over 10 per cent on price asked. The ground alone is worth the money. Might consider some close-In vacant. clear property in excaaags tor aoove. 9-INCH, four-side moulder, as good as new. BOX 114. . 1, UR-giiai. 1'or Sale -lIoues. A. HOME FOR $1330. Good 4-room house, bath, toilet; close to car; lot 05x100; 8 bearing fruit trees: berries, chicken-house; nice location; price $1350; terms &uO Lueddemann Co.. cash, balance U13 Chamber of miir. Com.' $'750 BUYS D-room house on Sixth street. 30 minutes' walk from Sixth and Wash ington streets; this is a biff bargain for downtown property. C. DeVoung He Co.. 613-514 Chamber of Commerce bldg-. OWNER will sell modern 5-room bungalow In gOOd fc.aSl Ciae I r:a,l. in.n u.,.. v 00 below value; small payment down and balance like rent. See W. E. P.. 67 Broadway, bet. Oak and Ankeny. AM leaving town permanently: will sell at sacrifice my new o-iu " . . home on the Heights: fine view; sleeping porch and garage; terras. .Phone Main 43 Monday. WILL BUY W. L. MORGAN, 138 MORGAN BLDG. QUARTER BLOCK. VACANT, FOR FACTORY, UNRESTRICTED, OX PAVED STREET. EAST SIDE PREFEailEU, nrmdwar 304 1. 303 Oalc $5000 50x100 Southeast Cor ner Twenty - sixth and Marshall Wakefield. Fries & Go. 85 Fourth St. ' FOR SALE AT APPRAISAL. VALUATION MODERN, 7-ROOM- BUNGALOW, SLEEPING PORCH. FURNACE, FIREPLACE, WHITE ENAMEL FINISH. A-l CONSTRUCTION. OPEN SUNDAY AFTER 2 P. M. 1225 E. DAVIS STREET, MAR SHALL 5458. BKfiUBI LGOIIDEVXO e 7 LOANS ON MORTGAGE SECURITY N0RTHWCS1ERN BANK BUILOU-XJ MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment Jfc Mortsjns; C Oitlces 202-4 170 Third St. $1750 BUS'S B-room bungalow, Alberta dls- t r l ; easy iciw,, w, . - - r- for equity. G. CeYoung, 614 Chamber or Commerce. S1730 BUNGALOW; COST t'2500. 5 rooms, modern, large lot, easy terms. Lot or auto part payment. - CHAS. RIXGLER & CO.. zia Henry dips. &-ROOM BUNGALOW on 71st street, near Gllsan: nearly new. in",..-. ... , . . (Cost $240O. Kasy terms. Umbdenstock & Larson, 3CK1 Oak St. Phone Bdwy. Hi.'.s. 15 MONTH PliEUI, -r.v, r i r,-njj.i. NO AGENTS. SEE OWNER. K. iwIH ST. N. ; ' SACRIFICE 7-room modern bungalow, just nortn or rieamoni aiiiui, imih.w hardwood floors; small payment down. 30tf Oak st. Phona Bdwy. 1638. 4-BOOiI house, lot looxlo. near station. frood place lor cnicken raiins; tM pew more ground; ?tHH, i5 down. 10 tr month: low Interest. Sletten. Main 3S1i. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow with all mod ern, up-to-date improvements ana ouui-m conveniences. For full particulars call T s bo r207 6. CT.OPK IN MODERN HOME SNAP. B 26th St., Mixioo. 6 rooms, soutj or Hawthorne, $2500. terms. Tabor 2546. F0K SALB Modern bungalow, with garage. Laureinurst. snnp; payments ntvw icn, open Sunday. Phone, owner. Tabor 6029. B-ROOM bungalow, bath and hot ana com water. Copt ii.u. &eu ior tJw. can ul ii nionUUy. O 878, Oregoniaru . - -. . i' . . r i . -- :