-7 - s . SECTION FIVE Pages 1 to 12 Woman's Section Special Features " 4 - " " -.1 ' v v 1 1 - -i ;. v i w . S VOL. XXXV. PORTLAND. OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER"" 3, 1916. NO. 49. Buy Practical Gifts is Christmas Pay for Them Next Year KARPEN Guaranteed Upholstered Furniture For Gift Giving No better upholstered furniture is produced today than the "Karpen" guaranteed kind.- It is ideaj for grift giving- The quality is guaranteed and will give the user years of service. The Powers Store is the only Portland store showing Karpen furniture. This showing of chairs, rockers, settees and davenports is now complete the most desirable dis play of upholstered furniture ever made ready for gift giving. ' Worcester Axminster Rugs One Dollar Down One Dollar Weekly $2475 The Worcester Axminster Rug is the best rug we have ever been able to procure to sell at a price of this kind. The nap is long, thick and closely woven insuring years of long service. This rug comes in a S-by-1 2-room size, and is the equal of anv $35.00 rug offered for sale today. The special credit terms make it easy for gift giving. GIFT PIECES for the Kiddies Furniture in White Enam el Chairs, Dressers, Beds, Chiffoniers, Etc. Just the best assortment of Children's Furniture we have ever sampled. Dajjo rated Dressers and Chiffoniers little Tables and Chairs to match; dining-room pieces that will make a wonderful impres sion with the little ones; little Roll-Top Desks and Chairs to match in fact. Juven ile furniture of every description is now ready for your inspection. Shop here -before you buy. The Most Desirable Showing of Juvenile 'Fur niture You Will Find A Big New Toy Store That Supplies Your Every Want Tomorrow j-ou will find the showing complete vou will find almost every wanted kind of toy you have in mind. The big. new store caters more to your wants than ever. 21-inch Dolls for $1.49 31-inch Dolls for $1.99 Shoo Flys, extra size, $1.99 No. 1 Velocipede for $2.49 Full Line of Erector Sets priced up from $1.00 Red Cedar Chests For Her Gift Cedar Chests, 3S Inches wide. IS inches deep, 15 inches high, spe-C I I M cial at I I Ai Cedar Chests. 42 tncnes wide. 18 inches deep, 19 inches high, brass I 7 Ofl bound, at . . I I 0U Cedar Chests, with tray. 46 inches wide, 20 inches deep, 17 COO QC inches high, brass bound VfciOU Brass-Bound Cedar Chests, width 38 inches, depth 20 inches, height COO Cfl IS inches, with tray OiOiDU Extra Larce Cedar Chest, with tray, 54 inches wide, 22 inches C Qfl OC deep. 21 inches high $0Ui03 Buy Her Cedar Chest Now Pay Next Year price named above. Have one This Gate-Leg Table Very Special Val. at $15.95 A Gate-Leg Table . of large size, of the Jacobean design, finished in mahogany. A. table of good proportions, splendidly fin ished and of first-class construction. Or dinarily a table of this character would sell for $25.00. This special allotment, while they last, are offered at the special aid aside for Christmas. CASH NOT NECESSARY, BUY GIFTS ON CREDIT At this season of the year when there are so manv drams on the purse-string when ' there are so many presents to buy. this store offer credit terms on gift pieces that will help much to solve the gift problem. Select any item in our stock furniture, carpets, stoves, a carriage for the babv or, perhaps a trunk, pay us a little at the time of "purchase and then a little each week. You will find that vour gift money will go much farther bv trading at Powers. '1'fce real gttt Ja a lasting; rlft buy furniture. i A Our Special Library Table $23.85 A 4S-inch Plank - Top. Kull Quartered library Table with palT-1 ends and low wide shelf. A library table the eciual of any $32.50 pattern shown anywhere. W o nd e r f ul Desk at $13.40 Indeed a splendid gift piece and at a price far below regu lar. Just as illustrated, in quartered oak finished either golden oak or fumed. The large lower shelf serves as a. book rack. The interior ar rangement provides space for all wanted- articles. This Progressive Store Says: No Interest on Gift Purchases Perhaps you have a place or two to brighten up in your home, and, then, you must not forget that a gift piece of furniture is one of the most enduring that you can make. There is much satisfsction In knowrng that you mav purchase any piece in this store for gift giving without interest charges of any kind attached. . You spend no more than if you paid cash for vour purchase, and you are sure of the best quality procurable at the price you have paid. Here Is Her Christmas Hoosier The Best Gift of. All What woman would not be delighted with a Hoosier Cabinet in her home on Christmas morning. It Is surely the ideal gift piece. With a Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet in her home many miles of steps are saved each day. There Is a place for everything and everything is kept in place. Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets sell as low as $35.00, nd there are five splendid designs to choose from. Make hers a Hoosier Christmas. $1 Per Week Pays for It Announcing Powers' Christmas 25VictrolaClub This Victrola for You 5c First Payment Without Question the Most Extraordinary Terms Ever Named These Christmas Victrola terms are surelv most unusual, lower,, indeed, than you will be named elsewhere. Coma In and make your selection of a $25 Victrola and pav o'nlv 5c cash. each following payment you add 5c a week second payment 10c. third payment i5c. etc. until the $25.00 is paid, covering a period of several months. The largest aud last pay ment will be $1.55. Whistler Four - Piece Ivory Chamber Suite $ 10912 REDUCED FROM $lnl.OO. The one real gift for Christmas a four-piece Ivory Chamber Suite, with beaded frames, large mir rors design out of the ordinary. An Ivory suite that would ordi narily sell for $131 for $109.50. $11 Cash, $2 Week A Great Offering of 'Adjusto' Chairs Just study the illustration, note what comfort can be derived from the Adjusto Chair, then take Into consideration that it is upholstered in Spanish chase leather. The Adjusto Chair is superior to all others. It is ideal, for gift giving. It is offered this week at a decidedly special price. $22.50 Chase leath er 'Adjusto' Chairs Extra Special . $ 13M This Splendid Colonial $ 5 Q)50 Bed Davenport Only O S $3.00 Now, Then $1 Week This Full-Length Bed Davenport at many dollars under price. A splen did appearing davenport during the day. converting into a full-size com fortable bed at a moment's notice.' Frame is of selected quartered oak, upnoisiermg 01 oesi apamsn cnase leather. Bed .spring entirely inde pendent of seat spring. The best bed davenport we have been able to offer at a like price. Steel Doll Beds at $ lag Fitted with wov-en-wire spring and pipe rails, finished oxidized. An ex tra quality doll bed underpriced. $34.50 Mahogany Spinet1 Desks $23.75 The real gift fort "her." Splendid in- tenor arrangement, dull rubbed finish. A splendid desk of quality and superi or design. 43 I IL . WA J I 1 SIGNS OF GLORIES ARE STILL SEEN IN DEAD TOWN Deserted Hotel, Abandoned Streets, Idle MM and Weather-Stained Build ings Are Monuments of Past. I ' few.,, Yhg&4.syjyj?., - - -ryvtl VaA-ejDo tA&r rj Ulk" I ; 1 I 'Us 51 )- rs j - I i v I - I BY ALFRED POWERS. LAKEPORT in Curry County U dead, there is no question about that. You can set it down with impunity, for the town asknowledgei the corn. It is dead as Marley, of the firm ot Scrooge and Marley it is dead as a doornail. It is so dead that it is picturesaue. Being dead, it has a charm no other town in this state has. Half obscured by an incroaching and tangled herbage, its populace long since fled. Its evanescent glory faded and gone, its buildings dark and weather-stained, its somber and de serted streets drinking up the Winter rain or white under the moon of Sum mer nights it exercises a subtle ap peal to the imagination, a soporific fascination, a-Sleepy Hollow influence. Its slumberous atmosphere is vaguely remindful of noonday dreams or low voices or an old man smoking his even ing pipe. In its drowsy stillness there is yet a vague echo of its busy days before it dropped suddenly to sleep. Its out lines, rapidly blending with the en girdling thickets, are reminiscent of a town of considerable size and dignity. IUULU III 1111 11 1 1 1 VI - V VI .b w.aw. At one time Lakeport was the largest town In Curry County larger man either Langlois, Port Orford. Gold Beach or Brookings. It had a popula tion ot something like 400 and a payroll of several .'thousand dollars a month. Rrtlalrr Uvriadle. Rapidly. Xo, there is only one permanent resi dent in the town. The sawmill which once furnished employment for a large number of men and which sawed the lumber for the numerous houses of the town, has long been rusting in waste ful desuetude on an arm of Florea Lake. The hotel, which originally cost J10, 000. still Keeps most of its appoint ments intact. The faded register tells the story of the bursting bubble. At the beginning the entries are thick with urban signatures, most of the impor tant towns of Oregon and Washington being represented in the address col umn. Then almost abruptly the en tries grow thin, thinner, thinnest, un til there is no name but in the clerk's handwriting and spelling a laconic phrase, like Perry's or Caesar's, but negative instead of affirmative: "Not a dam sole." Those four words were the hotel's and the town's obituary. The "Merte D' Arthur" part of this article is done. Before the subject is dismissed, however, something else ought to be said. The suggestion ought to be made that you visit Lake port the next time you go down the furry County Highway south from Ban don. From the south end of Flores Creek bridge a road turns off to the right. This leads to Lakeport. It is a fairly good road and the first mile of it has recently been graded and improved. It is only three miles till you will as cend a low. sandy hill and look out over what was once the metropolis of a big county. Xo Signs- Point Way. Recently a sign lured the writer off the main highway to visit a water fall. He looked upon that liquid descent with no special enthusiasm. The truth is that waterfall wasn't what It is cracked up to be. Yet thousands of people visit that waterfall annually. On the other hand, most of the people that travel the main Curry County road pass up Lakeport. For one rea son, and the principal one, there is not a sign. Signs with good black index fingers or big plain arrows have a lot of influence. And as between that squatty waterfall and a dead town with all the concomitants, in a young and vigorous country where there are more waterfalls than a mathematics pro fessor can count, but only one dead town well, as between them there is no comparison. It is true that God built the country and man built the town, but in addi tion to a picturesque decay of what man has built. Nature has an exhibit of some pretty good handiwork around Lakeport. There is Flores Lake, for Instance, with scarlet patches of wild honeysuckle along its banks till late in the Summer, with its surface usually calm and undisheveled and with its long arms and tulle swamps, where lurk trout almost as big and almost as. suicidal as those in Crater Lake It does not have the winds or the mosquitoes of most of the mountain lakes. Lakeport is at the juncture of two distinct and separate kinds of beaches the level sea edge that runs north to Bandon and the sheer bluffs that go southwest to Cape Blanco light house. Tortuous sheep trails, just about wide enough for your feet, lead you through low and matted salal. along the edge of those ever-crumbling; cliffs that lead to the, cape. Occa sionally a narrow clay point has caved in and the-two ends of the interrupted trail point horizontally out- through; the empty atmosphere, a dizzy dis tance from the beach below. PIGS ARE KEPT IN HOME Meanest Man Kcfuscs to Allow Wife to Wear Out Broom. COLUMBUS. O.. Nov. 27. After tes tifying that her husband kept pigs and chickens in their home, and that he would not even let her sweep the house because she would wear out the broom, Mrs. Mary Rolison, of Licking County, won a divorce from Alva A. Rolison. Mrs. Rolison testified that after her marriage on November SO last . she went to her husband's home and found the five rooms arranged in this man ner: One room housing pigs, one hdusing chickens, one for an automobile, one a kitchen and another a bedroom. - Mrs. Rolison testified her husband would not permit her to use soap, "be cause it cost money." She told the Judge her husband would not take her to church Sunday in the automobile because the gasoline for the automobile would cost too much money. HOBO ADVISES HIS BRIDE Woman Asking Divorce Is Told Not to Marry Itinerant Again. CLEVELAND. O.. Nov. 27. "I am certainly enjoying myself In a box car with nothing '. to do but watch the scenery. If you ever marry again take my advice and don't marry a hobo." This little message, alleged to have been written to her on a postcard by her husband. Charles Brodnick, resi dence unknown, is to be used by J-s. Anna Brodnick, 261$ Erin avenue South West, in asking a divorce. 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