THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 3, 1916. POULTRY SHOW IS THIS WEEK'S BILL SOME OF THE YOUTHFUL FANCIERS AND THE BIRDS THEY ARE TO EXHIBIT AT THE POULTRY as Gi SHOW THIS WEEK. or. oensi ic Houses uers New Record Made in Entry List and Larger Space for Display Provided. 18 1 fts Die 2m ; , i ' , , E $2000 OFFERED FANCIERS Judging to Be Done Today, so That Premiums May Be Exhibited AH "Week Space Provided for Juniors and Lecture Set. With a total of 1S22 entries, not in cluding: turkeys, ducks and geese, the eighth annual show of the Oregon Poultry & Pet Stock Association will open tomorrow and continue all week on the second and third floors of the New Failing building, southeast corner of Fifth and Alder streets. The show Bill be by far the largest ever put on bv the association, the number of en tries being nearly double that of" last year. More than $2000 will be given In rvrWss this vear. the substantial pre miums rfferpd having: resulted in greatly increased interest among thi rnnpiprs. Indications are that the com petition will be very keen, particularly In some of the more popular breeds. There will also be numerous exhibits of chick feed. Incubators and brooders and various appliances for use in the noultrv-raislns: business. The work of putting the exhibits in shape was rushed rapidly late yester day. The majority of the birds and animals will be in their coops today, so that Judging can begin. Judges Are Xamed. It is hoped to have the bulk of the Judging completed today, so that the majority of the prize-winners may dis play their premiums during the entire wenk of the show. The Judges are James A. Tucker, Royal Oak, Mich. Oscar Nelson. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho William Coats. Vancouver. B. C; Tom Wilkinson. Chase Kiver. B. C. and R. F. Keenev. Euscne. Or. Twice the space which was available for the show last year has been pro cured for this year s show. As a con sequence It will be much easier to handle the crowds which are expected to visit the display of birds and pets this year. Entrance to the show will be on Alder street, between Fourth and Fifth streets. A feature of the show will be the exhibit by the boys and girls of the Junior division of the manual training department of the public schools. They will have an exhibit of their own as part of the show. About 70 entries were made yesterday by the youngsters, and more are expected by Monday. School Reprettentatlves In Charge. H. B. Spaulding, director of manual training at Washington High School, and A. It. Muir, director of manual training at the Woodstock and Albina Homestead schools, are in charge" ot he exhibits. In connection with the exhibit put on by the school children, a lecture will be given to them and their friends in the auditorium of Lincoln High fcchoo next Saturday morning at 10 o'clock by James Dryden, head of the poultry de partment at Oregon Agricultural Col lege. Methods of improving stock will be the subject taken up by Mr. Dryden. It is expected that the exhibit put on by the children will get them in touch with the older breeders and that they will thereby assimilate ideas for the general improvement of their poultry. The two floors on which the exhibit is to be shown presented a busy ecene yesterday Exhibits were being assem bled and put in place, and shipments of birds were arriving and being as signed to quarters. The crowing of the cocks, undaunted by their new sur roundings, and the cackling of hens, several of which initiated their coops by the presentation of fresh eggs, added to the general din caused by carpenters. Exhibit Bent on Record. The exhibit Is declared by those In charge to be the most comprehensive, as well as the largest, ever put on by the association. All the important breeds of poultry, as well as those of ducks, geese turkeys and pigeons, will be represented. Rabbits and cavies are also represented by some fine speci mens of the leading varieties. Large numbers of the animals and birds, it Is connaentiy aeciarea, wouia make a good showing In any exhibit in the land. H. V. Marx Is superintendent of the ' show. Officers of the association which i is putting on the exhibit are P. G. Bet- tendorff, president; H. Ringhouse, vice- ' nrpfiiHpTit: John M Mu nn suprptarv art Joseph ai. itieg, treasurer. t The directors are P. G. Bettendorff, Joseph M. Rieg. H. Ringhouse. H. V. , Marx, J. C. Murray, H. J. Hamlet and John M. Mann. 1 ft 1 ! s- v i L ' V t r 'sz 4 ill - III V . Edison's superb official laboratory model, price $250, is the latest and most exquisitely perfected tone reproducing apparatus the new diamond-point needle and new indestruct ible record. Note 'also 0 our superb $82.55 .combination, which includes our previously advertised se lect list of 31 of the choicest instrumental and vocal renditions (or choose your own equiva lent records); also, the double-faced free demonstration record, as well as record albums, record-cleaning brush, oil can; every thing complete. Where a more portable type is wanted see and com pare our $39.25 Grafonola Combination, which price includes all accessories as well as & great list of records, but not so many as the above. Mow to Pay We demand no fixed terms of payment; no restric tions. These combinations are to bring greatest joy and happiness entertainment, education into the home. Pay as convenient. i These offers cannot be beat. It is impossible to get all of the above for so little money elsewhere. We guarantee positively more musical value at a lower price than ever heretofore. Eilers Music Houses are not mere agents for one or anotner make ot machines or records. All that is best and worthiest is on sale at Eilers stores and may be readily compared side by side. Don't go from one agency to another, hearing one and then another make. Come to Eilers Music louses. Hear them all side by side. Compare them for tone and for beauty of design and construction. Then, and then only, can you make proper choice, and determine as to which is best for your purpose and for your purse. Gifford Three Vtevrs Showing; Boys and Girls ot Manual Training: Department of the Public Schools, pete In Their Department of the Show. & Prentiss, Photos. Who Are to Com- ! GEORGE H. HILL DIES Mrs. H. E. Chapman and Mrs. Beatrice Gadsby, of ths city. Funeral services will be conducted Monday at 11 o'clock from Flnley's chapel, with interment, in Rivervlew Cemetery. The names of pallbearers have not been announced. Life for 35 Years Connected TRAIN SERVICE PROMISED With Portland Activities. HIGH MASONIC POSTS HELD A CHILD DOESN'T LAUGH AND PLAY IF CONSTIPATED Look, Mother ! Is Tongue Coated, Breath Feverish and . Stomach Sour? Widow and Two Daughters Survive Deputy City Treasurer Born In England 62 Vears Ago and Came to America in 18T6. George H. Hill, prominent in local Masonic circles and former vice-presi dent of the Title Guarantee & Irusi Company, passed away yesterday morn- Ins- at his home, Zoo 'rweirin sireei, after an illness of some weeks. For 35 years Mr. Hill had been a resident of Portland, where he was widely known and popular. During the past six years he was a deputy in the City Treasurers office. e was one of the best known of local Masons and was past eminent commander of the Oregon Commandery Knights Tem plar. Mr. Hill was born In England Octo ber 14, 1854. Forty years ago he came to this country. When bookstores were rarities in Portland. Mr. Hill opened a book and stationery store at First and Morrison streets, a business in which he was engaged for several years. Afterward he was employed by the First national Bank and later became an official of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company. He was vice-president of that lnstitu tion when it went Into the hands of receiver. Various other business activities en gaged Mr. Hill, until he became con nected with the City Treasurer's office, six years ago. He was constantl In service until last July, when illness overtook him. He is survived by his widow, who was Miss. Minnie Nicholson, whom he married, in 1880, and by two daughters. Improved Schedule Due for Oregon Eastern Branch. SALEM, Or. Dec. 2. (Special.) A petition of citizens residing in Burns and Ontario, asking for an improved train service on the Oregon Eastern and Homedale branches between On tario and Crane, which was filed some time ago with the Public Service Com mission, has been effective in bringing statement from the railroad com pany that a time card is now in the course of preparation which will give service as asked for by the petition ers, with the exception of a six-day service between Ontario and Homedale. Between Ontario and Homedale. It Is stated in the communication, the busi ness does not justify a service of six times a week, as the present service shows earnings of less than 10 cents per train mile. Salem Boys Organize Club. SALEM, Or.. Dec 2. (Special.) The Salem Junior Commercial Club has been organized with a membership of 21 as a start. Philip Koskoski has been named as temporary chairman and Kenneth Waters temporary secretary. As a re quirement for membership in the club each boy shall be engaged in some work from which he earns money. Boys between the ages of 10 and 21 years are eligible for membership. STREET FESTOONS STOLEN Motorists Are Warned of Arrest if Decorations Are Taken. Motorists and paseersby, who have carelessly plucked sprigs from th evergreens which are stacked along th streets for the holiday decorations. must refrain or accompany a patrolman to the police station on a larceny charge. Orders to this effect were issued last night by Police Captain Inskeep, after complaint had been made that motor ists were looting the convenient sup ply to decorate their cars in true holi day trim. Those who feel tie yearning for ever greens would best serve their own in terests if they visit the suburbs an hack down a few fir saplings for them selves, is the police warning. Hearing to Open at Prlneville. SALEM, Or.. Dec. 2. (Special.) At torney-General George M. Brown an Assistant Attorney-General Bailey will leave Monday for PrinevHle, where they will represent the state in one of th riyae-tsenson lana cases. Something like 10.000 acres of Crook County land is involved in the suit. 1 1 California Syrup of Figs" Can't Harm Tender Stomach, Liver, Bowels. I; EFfI DIG IN Esuopy 4 ' -' i Mother! Your child lsn t naturally rross and peevish. See if tongue ia coated; this is a sure sign its little siomacn, jiver ana ooweis neea a cleansing at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has atom- aen-ache, -diarrhoea, remember, a gen tlci liver and bowel cleansing should al be the first treatment given. Nothing equals "California Syrup ot Figs" for children's ills; give a tea spoonful, and in a few hours all the foul waste, sour bile and fermenting food which is '-logged in the bowels passes out of the system, and you have a well and playful child again. All children love this harmless, delicious fruit laxative," and it never fails to effect a good "inside cleansing. Direc tions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are plainly on the bov tin. Keep It handy in your home. A lit- i rivBn todav saves a sick child to- I t morrow, but get the genuine. Ask your rirnrffist for a 60-cent Doxue or jaii- fnrnia. SvruD of Figs," then look and a that it is made by the "Caliiornla si i " f - .11. J LI J """ ,1 I -J :; i--', - ' i I k;! l f !'i " ! 4 ( 1 J .'f-w :: , , ft fHf " if ' 1 t r- " , -''It '' ',y :: S . - it r--: U i J? ' : it ' " r ? - J & '. r y:Yk li ; F r A I i i 4 f.V' : 1 In order to build up the system there must be, first of all, effi ciency in digestion. From this source comes proper nourish ment of the body, enriched 1 1 HSU The truly wonderful Edison Laboratory Model GreatesF variety at Eilers Stores Hear This Musical Marvel. It pays to investigate. It pays to make careful comparison. Every purchaser at Eilers Music Houses is sure to be a satisfied purchaser. Every transaction, great or small, is covered by our noy. tamous unconditional money-back guarantee. Two great Music Houses at your service to meet every musical demand. Now Two Stores MORRISON AT FOURTH BROADWAY AT ALDER Two Superb Daylight Main Floor Talking Machine Salesrooms You )an safely drink Benetol for destroy ing Disease Germs that can be reached internally. . Drink it for stomach disor ders, gargle with it for throat trouble and as a mouth wash and you will be safe from dangers of disease germs. . Always Follow Directions In booklet packed In all Red Cartons. Gcortce H. Hill. Prominent Alas aud Deputy City Treasurer, Who Died Yesterday. blood, liver and bowel regularity, a strengthening of all the forces that stand for better health. Try HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS as soon as any stomach weakness develops. It is for Poor Appetite, Indigestion. Cramps & Constipation. iySV fllll w-tw-- V V Oil ilM4 fssss? . -1 Try This Treatment and Recommend II to Others 3ipcil FOR THE Benetol Treatment As a means of effecting a permanent and positive recovery from indigestion, gas on th.6 stomach, lower bowel troubles, gastritis, cataxra of the stomach, ulcerated stomach, stomach sore , . throat, grip, biliousness, ptomaine poisoning and all similar ailments. -- - -. . For Stomach or Bowel Troubles, take 5 drops in Vi glass of hot water. In the morning upon first arming. Same after breakfast, dinner (or lunch and supper and again at bedtime. This should be gradually increased from 10 to 30 drops per time. For Grip, Sore Throat, TenslHtls. Hoarseness, Etc.. make a Benetol solution by adding 20 drops of Benetol to a glass of hot water. Keep this at hand and gargle frequently, swallowing a lit tle each time, but prepared fresh each day. For severe cases spray with a solution of a tea spoonful of Benetol to a glass of hot water, or touch the sorest spots with pure Benetol applied by twisting a little absorbent cotton on the end of . a small stick or pencil. for Ptomaine Poisoning take teaspoonful of Benetol in glass of hot water. If vomiting oc curs, repeat the dose until retained by the stomach. Take thorough cathartic and if vio lent send for a physician. Alter pain ceases, continue with 10 drops of Benetol to a glass of hot water five times daily and keep bowels open with any good catharjtic. Benetol Sold By All Good Druggists As Follows: l-oz. Bottles in Red Cartons at .25c 3-oz. Bottles in Red Cartons at 50c 6-oz. Bottles in Red Cartons at. . . .$1.00 . 13-oz. Bottles in Red Cartons at $2.0O Always insist that your drupgist snpply you trith Benetol in the original Red Cartons. Notet Benetol Is not a cathartic. If yon have been depending upon pills or any form of pur. gative, it will be necessary for you to con tinue with some form of cathartic for a short while until Benetol can have a chance to right thi wrong you have been doing yourself. After a short while you will not require any more false stimulants for the bowels. ; (We would suggest the use of carbonated cK . rate of magnesia as a temporary cathartic dur ing the few days required for Benetol to show definite results.) Benetol is a wonderful stimulant to all the organs of digestion and may be used at any and all times with never failing delightful results. . After you feek that a few weeks of the Benetol Treatment has effected a cure of your troubles. It will be an excellent practice for you to con tinue taking 12 to 15 drops in a glass of hot water every morning. This will keep your en tire system antiseptically clean and fortified against germ diseases. CAUTION ! Do not accept Benetol from any Druggist in any other way than in the Original Red CAR TON. Some Druggists will attempt to dispense Benetol ont of large bottles. You should refuse tt. There is no advantage for you in accepting such, because you do not "get the directions which are packed in all Original Cartons. Benetol without directions is like a boat with out a rudder. For any desired Information regarding Benetol preparations, address' THE BENETOL COMPANY Benetol Bunding MINNEAPOLIS, MINN T Fig Syrup Coippacy." Adv, 4