. - I TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXTAN, PORTLAND, XOVE3IBER 26, 1916. 10 THANKSGIVING PREPARATIONS FEATURE IN TODAY'S SERVICES Various Portland Churches to Hold Individual or Combined Celebrations on Thursday. If the pastors and the church secretaries will Bend in their notices this week on Wednesday, the CHURCH EDITOR will be deeply grateful. SERVICES today In a large degree will be a preparation for the Thanksgiving season. Plans have been made by many of the churches for the Thanksgiving-day services. The First Presbyterian church will hold an individual service Thursday morning. The First Methodist, First Baptist, First Christian and First Congrega tional churches will have a union meet ing In the Whits Temple, and Dr. Joshua Stansfield, the new pastor of First Methodist Church, will give the sermon. Music, appropriate to the oc casion, will be contributed by some of Portland's leading singers. In the Unitarian Church, the congre gations of Temple Beth Israel, the Uni versaliRt Church and the Unitarian will hold a joint service. To these meetings an invitation is extended to any persons who are away from home and who are lonely. s Dr. Skinner's Thursday evening meetings In Rose City Park have awakened great interest among the people of the community. He is giv ing a series of lectures on the life of Christ, and taking time during each lecture to clear up misunderstandings relative to the person and work of Jesus. The study will continue through Christmas time on "Th'e Infancy and Childhood of Jesus." The service opens promptly at 7:30 P. M., and continues tor Just 45 minutes. The revival being conducted at the Church of God Chapel, Failing street and Union avenue, is drawing to a close. The meeting is being carried on with success. Both the attendance and in terest are increasing. The illustrated sermons and charts made by Evan gelist Masters are one prominent fea ture of the meeting. Meetings daily at 2:30 and 7:45 P.M.. except Saturday afternoons. The public is invited. The meetings will close December 3. . Rose City Park Presbyterian Church Will hold a special Thanksgiving serv ice in the church at East Forty-fifth find Hancock streets on tne morning of Thanksgiving day at 10 o'clock. The sermon will be preached by Rev. L. K. Grimes. The music for the occasion will be furnished by the quartet of the Rose City Park Church. The strong community spirit of Rose City Park de mands a local thanksgiving service and all people of the community are wel come to this service. Tonight the quartet will give the second monthly musical cantata entitled "Faith and Praise." The pastor will give an inter pretation of the scriptural passages. East Side churches that will hold a union service in Centenary Methodist Church at 10:30 o'clock on Thursday will be the Baptists, Methodists, Chris tians, Presbyterians and United Breth ren. Rev. R. H. Sawyer, of the Chris tinn Church will read the Scripture lesson: Rev. P. O. Bonebrake, of the United Brethren, will offer the prayer, and Rev. W. O. Shank, of the East Side Baptist Church, will preside. The ser mon will be preached by the Rev. Arthur F. Bishop, the new pastor of the Central Presbyterian "Church. Cen tenary will provide the music. All strangers are invited. Dr. Bishop was welcomed on Tuesday at an elaborate banquet given by the men of his church in Masonic Hall. "Harvest Cantata" Will Be Rendered This Evening. Flrwt Congrreffrational Church to Have MuKlenl Event St. David's Kplscopal Announces Thanksgiv ing; Serviees. AN EVENT in the religious and musical circles of Portland will be friven in the First Congregational Church this evening, when the quartet will render Weber's "Harvest Can tata," under the direction of Mrs. Leonora Fisher Whipp, organist. This will be the third in a series of musical evenings now being given by the quar tet on the last Sunday evening of each month. Portland people have shown their appreciation of these oratorios in the large and sympathetic audiences on former occasions. The church doors will be open at 7:30 and no seats will be reserved. At 11 A. M., Dr. Luther R. Dyott, the pastor, will speak on "The Hand of God. in the History of America." In this sermon Dr. Dyott will be Just to all phases of our National life, not par taking of a pessimistic note, and thus justify a clearer outlook upon the things that we are facing as a Nation. On Thanksgiving Day services in St. David's Episcopal Church will be at 8, 10 and 10:30 A. M. The offerings will be for Good Samaritan Hospital. J. A. Churchill. State Superintendent of Public Instruction, will open the dis cussion on 'The Bible and the Public School." at the Forum, 7:45 o'clock this evening at the Unitarian chapel, en trance on Broadway, between Yamhill and Taylor streets. At the First Nazarene Church. East Seventh and East Couch streets, Friday . at 7:45 P. M., the monthly foreign mis jiionary meeting will take the form of a. Thanksgiving meeting. There will be new and attractive features and special music. Dr. Myron W. Haynes, -who so suc cessfully conducted the campaign for the McMinnville College endowment fund, will occupy the pulpit of the First Baptist Church (White Temple) at both services today. Mr. Haynes is an interesting and forceful speaker and when he has been in the city before has delivered most excellent sermons. The Temple Quartet will sing "Oh, Lord, How Manifold Are Thy Works fClare) and "Praise the Lord, Oh, Jeru salem" (Maunder.) In the evening thtey will render the anthem "Fairest Lord Jesus" (Batiste) and as an offertory "Lo, It Is I" (Faure). Go-to-Church Campaign Is , Reported Successful. "Self - Denial" Feature Provides Funds for Needed Improvements. DURING- the last week of October Rev. A. L. Hutchison, pastor of the Piedmont Presbyterian Church, issued a call for a "Go-to-Church" campaign for the month of November " with a "self-denial" accompaniment. This Sunday closes the campaign. In the morning the pastor will deliver a special Thanksgiving sermon and the self-denial fund will be received. At 7:30 the Sunday school will furnish a harvest home concert in the audi torium, in which nearly all of the classes will be represented. The month has developed an increased attendance and a general good feeling prevails. The unfinished gymnasium of the new church is now being completed and with the new boys' clubroom will here after ba used for all social and club purposes of the church. The new mis sion study in the Christian Endeavor Society is growing in interest and proving quite a siiccess. "Finding Rest Amid the Desert Places of Life" Is the subject of Dr. Boyd's sermon for this morning at 10:30 o'clock at the First Presbyterian Church. The quartet wUl sing Shelley's "The King of Love My Shepherd Is," and Mrs. Leah Slusser Hathaway will sing "The Promise of Life." At 7:30 P. M. Dr. Boyd will deliver the third of his series of addresses .on "The Re ligion of the Nobfer Self," which are attracting large interest in the even ing services during November. The subject for Sunday evening is , "Social Ideals and the Individual Self." Dr. Boyd will give a resume of the preced ing addresses, so that each of the series is complete in itself. The- sub ject of Sunday evening will include a study of prevailing ideals and aims in the actual world of men and their re lation to the fulfillment of the nobler nature of the individual. Rose City Park Church Plans Campaign. Presbyterian Orsranlzatlon to Seek: ft.lOOO In Work: Which Start To morrow When Men of Church (lather for Dinner Solicitation to Follow. ROSE CITY PARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH publishes a bright little paper called the Weekly- Rose. The church will open tomorrow a campaign to raise 5000. C. N. Wonacott. O. W. Feenaughty. L. R. Bailey. C. J. Mathls and L. E. Carter are 'he leaders of the teams. The men will meet each even ing at the church and take dinner to gether. They will go from the church to the work of soliciting. Patriotic Thanksgiving services Willi be held in the First Presbyterian Church on Thanksgiving Day. Thurs day morning at 10:30 o'clock. The Sun day School orchestra will be present and will render a, number of patriotic selections. Other appropriate and spe cial musical numbers will be upon the programme, and the pastor. Rev. John H. Boyd, D. I ., will deliver a stirring patriotic sermon upon the subject, "The Meaning of America's Greatness." A call to participate in this annual Thanksgiving service has been issued to every family in the church, and a general invitation is extended to all strangers in the city, or members of other churches who find no service ar ranged for this day in their own com munity. A special offering will be taken at the Thanksgiving service which will be turned over to the Men's Resort for the relief of homeless men during the Winter season. m . On December 1 the women of the First Christian Church, corner Park and Columbia streets, will hold their annual bazaar all day at the church. All kinds of useful and suitable arti cles for Christmas gifts will be offered for sale. Some strong committees are giving their time and energy to the en-, terprise. The Endeavorers will have charge of the candy and refreshment booth and they also will have charge of a short and interesting programme to be given in the evening. . A programme of special interest will be heard in the young women's Bible class of the First Presbyterian Sun day school at 12:10 Sunday, when James F. Ewing will speak on Sargent's frieze "The Prophets" and Mrs. Hath away will sing. This is a special class in Bible study for young women and J. J. Jtoss is the regular teacher, but one Sunday in each month is reserved for a special lecture by some authority on the broader features of religious study and today Mr. Ewing has con sented to deliver his lecture upon the "Prophets." All young women will find a welcome. s Rev. Alexander Beers, pastor First Free Methodist Church, East Ninth and Mill streets, will continue his series of sermons on "Faith." This morning the pastor wlll'take for his theme "Faith, Charging the Enemies' Heights." This will deal more particularly with the active and prac tical workings of this dynamic force in Christian experience, necessary to a perfect realization of usefulness. Rev. Mr. Beers will conduct an evan gelistic service at 7:30. Donald L. Mac Phee will sing. Mrs. Adelaide L. Beers will conduct a young people's meeting, commencing at 6:30 P. M. Missionary's Dash to Pole to Be Described Today. Special rrsKrsmme at First Chris tian Church Will Deal With 1'rogrenH of Christianity in Alaska. AT THE First Christian Church this morning the pastor. Rev. Harold H. Griffis, will speak on "The Apology of the Sneak; at night on "Renown Through Self-Renunciation." At the Bible school at 9:45 A. M. the progress of Christianity in Alaska will be de scribed in a specially prepared pro gramme, entitled "Farthest North, or a Missionary's Dash to the Pole." The quartet will render the follow ing numbers: In the morning. "Praise the Lord. O Jerusalem" (Maunder); at night, "Seek Ye the Lord" (Spicker), tenor obligato, "Crossing the Bar" (Morse), "Turn Ye Even to Me" (Harker). The evening programme will include contralto solo by Miss Smith, baritone solo by Mr. Hardwick and soprano and tenor duet by Mr. Deegan and Mrs. Alexander. The union WIn-My-Chum week services held in Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church during the past week, under the auspices of the Port land district Epworth League cabinet, have been interesting and helpful. Each evening there has been brought a clear, ringing message of opportunity, privilege and duty. Many young people have . been brought to clearer vision of the reality of the Christian life and its practical value in all the walks of life. The con cluding service will be held on Sunday night. At 6 o'clock there will be a great Epworth League rally, with rep resentatives from all of the leagues of the city. At 7:80 Dr. William Wal lace Youngson, superintendent of the Portland district of the Methodist Episcopal Church, will preach to the Epworth Leaguers and their friends His theme will be, "Our Impulse and Our Motive. It is confidently expected that this will be the most largely attended and most helpful and interesting Epwortt League rally or the year. This morning at 11, and this evening at 8 o'clock, Mrs. Florence Crawford will speak in "The Comforter" head quarters. Women's Exchange building 186 Fifth street. The subject of the morning lecture Is to be "The Thing Worth While." and Miss Hoard will sing the Twenty-third Psalm. This evening the lecture will be on "The Reason Within the Reason," and will be an interpretation of Robert Her rick's book, "The Master of the Inn.' William Greer will sing at the evening service. , New enterprises are being established here and the town Is advancing. c . I " f V fi )( Christian Endeavor Societies Are Active. Several Important Gatherings Are Scheduled for Near Future. THE Christian Endeavor Society of ,the Fiitst United Presbyterian Church has taken up a degree of social service work in the Immediate past. Their efforts have especially been di rected toward the Waverly Baby Home, which is supported to a large extent by voluntary contributions. Clothinl?, bedding and toys, etc., are needed. The young people are at work collecting various articles and anyone desiring to help" them may call Tabor 468 or Tabor 5521 for further information. The attendance membership and bet meetings contest at tie Sunnyside Sunday school has closed. Of the three sides taking part, the Donkeys won with a total of 1900 points. The Camels finished wtih a total of 1306, and the Elephants 1350. The contest was not only fun in itself, but it has raised the attendance and active work in the meetings considerably. The attend ance has increased about 30 per cent on an average of approximately 80 members, to 115. On Thanksgiving morning at 7 o'clock the Sunnyside congregation Christian Endeavor will hold a surprise prayer meeting. Breakfst will be served later at 15 cents a plate. Forty members are so far enrolled for this meeting. All are Invited to come and help celebrate the true spirit of Thanksgiving at tiiis prayer service. The San Grael Christian Emleavor Society of the First Presbyterian Church will hold the monthly song service at the Open Air Sanitarium to day. All young people are most cor dially invited to attend and help thee young Endeavorers cheer up the ill ones there. Meet at First and Alder streets at 3 P. M. and take the Oregon City car. "The Christian's Mortgage Burned" and "The Optimism of the Infinite" will be Dr. S. N. Standifur's subjects at 11 and 7:30 o'clock today in Trinity Methodist Church. Sunday School Rally Is Set for December. ConKTrsatlonalintn Will Meet at V. M. C. A. rtuildinic and Dinner Will Be Served. A RALLY foT all workers in the Congregational Sunday schools of the city and state Is being arranged for Tuesday, December 5. The rally will consist of an afternoon and an evening session. The first session will be held from 5 until 6 o'clock at room 206, Y. M. C. A. building. At 6 o'clock a dinner will be served in the ban quet room of the Y. M. C. A. for all who attend the rally. The second and final session will be held at 7:30 o'clock in the parlors of the First Congregational Church, Park and Madison streets. The rally will be under the auspices ; of the state Congregational Sunday school committee, composed of ReV. H. N. Smith, chairman, J. L. Bowlby and Mrs. M. A. Danenhower. Its object will be to promote fellowship among the Sunday school workers of the denom ination and to discuss Sunday school work, organization and methods of teaching. The programme" will be an nounced, next week. At the 5 o'clock service at Laurel wood Congregational Church today A. R. Gebhardt, of the Public Welfare Bureau, will speak and Mrs. Belle Ober will sing. WARRENTON, Or., Nov. 25. (Spe cial.) Rev. Alfred Bates went to Van couver on Tuesday to deliver an ad dress at the Epworth League rally. He visited friends in Portland, where he was entertained in the afternoon. The boys' and girls' classes in the Methodist Church, Warrenton, headed by Miss Martha Case and W. C. Wick line, held a slial that was a decided success. The Ladies' Aid societies are growing; and prospering. The last of a series of four meetings on the life of St. Paul will be held to night at the First Presbyterian Church, when Dr. John H. Boyd will lead the San Grael Christian EndeavoT meet ing at 6:15 in the chapel of the church. Every one is Invited to hear Dr. Boyd on this interesting topic, "Paul, His Ideals and Attainments." , The Christian Endeavor Society of the First Christian Church will give a skating party at the Oaks Rink Fri day evening. December 1. Every orre Is invited to come and get some good ex ercise after their Thanksgiving feat Those on the committee of arrange ments are the Misses Leta Kennedy, Faye Beery, Wanda Daggett and Isa belle Kidd Frank Fofrester. Wayne Feike, Loren Wells and Don Morse. The patrons and patronesses are Mr. and Mrs. Meserve, Mr. and Mrs. Mc Farllng, Mrs. Kennedy and Miss West". -Invitations to participate in a Na tional Christian citizenship celebration on December 3 have been sent' by the ' NatTonal Reform Association, from its Pittsburg headquarters, to the follow ing clergymen: A. L. Hutchison and Loren K. Grimes, of Portland. This National Christian citizenship celebration will mark the opening of the 53d annual convention of the Na tional Reform Association in Plttsburs, 3 H-v f t , i y V - li 2 and the first step looking to a third world's Christian citizenship conference to be held immediately following the close t f theOCurt.pean war. The first world's Christian citizen ship conference, held in Philadelphia in if 10, was the first affair of the kind m the world's history. The second world's Christian citizenship confer ence, held here in 1913, was the largest affair of the kind in the history or Christianity, and the third world's con ference doubtless will mark a new and greater epoch in the development or a militant Christian citizenship thorughout the world. The central services about which the National ceremonies will be built will be held In Pittsburg, beginning De cember 3. and tome of the most emi nent speakers in America will be heard, including Frank J. Cannon. Denver, Colo.; Mrs. Lulu Loveland Shepard. Silt Lake City. Utah; Vernon J. Danieleen. Independence. Mo.; Miss Frances B. Patterson, Chicago, Mrs. Alice B. Cole man. Boston, president Massachusetts International Counc for Patriotic Service; Dr. John F. Carson. Brooklyn. N. Y., pastor Central Presbyterian Church: Dr. John Royal Harris, Pitts burg; Mrs. Frances B. Richards. Co lumbus, O.. president Ohio State W. C. T. U., and Dr. Ira G. Landrlth, Boston, who was the candidate for Vice-President on the Prohibition ticket. St. Mark's Church to Have Mission December 3. ltev. J. K. H. Simpson, Rector of Harlsh. Sends Out Announcements Heouestlnir Co-operation. ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH will have a mission, beginning De ecember 3. . Rev. J. E. II. Simpson, rector of the parish, has sent out an nouncement asking all his parishioners and friends to co-operate and to attend the services which will be at 88 o'clock at night. Holy Eucharist will be held at 3, 7:30 and 9:30 o'clock daily for a week. The missioner will be the Rev. Will iam B. Hamilton, of Medford, Or., who will begin his part of the work on Monday night, December 4. Of the occasion. Rev. Father Simpson says: The aim and object of the Mission Is to Five urn all an opprtunlty for a near ap proach to Goq that we may all be stimulated to deeper spiritual efforts for ourselves and others. It is n opMrtunlty presented to each one who can he brouxht to face It. The method of the Mission is carried out in a series of service . extending through a whole week, that Is from Sunday- to Sunda. with special preaching services each even ing In addition to the two eucharlsta each morning. Tne preacher Is to be the Hev. William B. Hamilton, of Medford, Or. Along with the preaching the main work of the Mission It accomplished by the prayers of the people; hence, we beseech youji prayers. In your dally private devotions for W'hlch tne enclosed card Is sent. In your attendance at the services of preparation, the Friday morn ing eucharist at 7:o and the Sunday even ing service at 7:45, a service of intercession with hymns and instruction; and also In speaking of the coming Mission to your friends and Inviting them to come. AVe ask ymi to Undertake these efforts as real and nrartical work for definite ends. Some friend that you may bring In the mos( It.auni nay m.j i u . 1 1 1. v iiuiu ina v. Indllterenre, or -unbelief, or impenitence. w-nich without vour ellort might never nave been accomplished. t ( The churcli is located at Twenty-first and Marshall streets. Rev. J. G. Hatton is assistant rector. Several cottage and parlor prayer meetings have been 4ield in preparation for the mission. "The Voices We Have Heard", will be the theme at the First M. E. Church South, at 11 o'clock. Rev. W. J. Fenton. the pastor, declares the voices to which people listen determine not only their worship but their character. Rev. C A. Rexroad, of Chautauqua fame, wTll speak at the evening service, his theme being one which ought to create much Interest, "Making Your Life Pay Divi dends." Grace Memorial Episcopal Chut will hold a bazaar on November 28. Sunday Church Services ADVENT. Advent Christian, 438 Second strt. near Hall Mtreet Rev. J. 8. Lucaa, pastor. Preachinr. 10 30. Sunday school. 12; Loyal Work r, 6:30; preaching. 7:30; prayer meat. Ins. Thursday avenina, 7:80. AOVENTIST. Central, East Eleventh and Everett streets P. C. Hawaid. minister. 10, Babbatn school; 11:1.".. church service; prayer meet ing, WednetKlay. 7 :a; Young People's bo clet y, Friday. 7 :S0. Tabernacle. West Side. Kn!hts of Pythias Hall. jCleventh and Alder Sabbath school, lu; preacblng. 11; preaching Sunday even ing. 8. MontavlUa. East Eightieth and Everett streetc J. F. Bi-atty. local elder. Sabbath school. 10; preaching, 11. Young People"s meeting, 4; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:10; Helping Hand Society. 1:30 Tuesday. Lenta. Ninety-fourth street and Fifty eighth avenue Poutheast D. J. Chltwood, local elder. Sabbath school, 10; preaching, 11 ; prayer meeting. Wednesday evening 7 :30 o'clock. St. Johns. Central avenue and Charleston street E. L. Hurlburt. local elder. Sab bach school. 10; preaching, 11; prayer meet ing, Tuesday evening, 8. Mount Tabor, Eaat Sixtieth and Belmont streets J. M. WUloughby, minister. Sab bath school, i.0; preaching, 11; prayer meet ing Wednesday evening. 7:4.". Alblna (German), Skid more and Mallory H. J. Dlrksen, minister; A. C. Schweltxer. local elder. '-abbath school, 10:30; preach ing. 11:3"; preaching Sunday evening. 7.30; prayer meeting. Wednesday, 7:80. Standinavtai.. Ogden Hall, Mississippi avenue and Shaver streets O. E. Sandnes, minister. Sabl-ath school, 10: preaching. 11; preaching Sund&, Wednesday and Friday evenings at 6 o'clock. ADVANCED THOUGHT. Portland Hotel Assembly Hall Sermon lecture every Sunday -night by Dr. Alxamon Ira Lucas. X era pie of Universal Fellowship Rev. J. . - Endeavorers Will Have Spe cial Services. Programme for Rodsep - Avenue Christian Church Arranged. AT THE Rodney-avenue Christian Church this morning, the pastor. Rev. J. Carlos Ghormley.. will deliver a sermon, entitled "Modern Religion." In the evening the Christian En deavor Society will have charge of the services. Clarence Sprague and one or two other members of the Oregon Christian Endeavor Union will be the speakers. Special music will be pro vided by the choir led by Mrs. Beatrice Luzader Kimmons. The Rodney-Avenue Christian En deavor Society will hold its regular monthly business meeting at the home of Mrs. B. S. Kelsey. 336 Monroe street, on Wednesday evening. A short debate will be held afterwards. the topic being 'Resolved. That the franchise the City Council offered the Jitney is Just." R. W. Davis and H. T. Larson will take-j the affirmative and F. C. Johnston and G. W. McKay the negative. e Rev. O. T. Deever. general secretary of the Christian Endeavor Society of the United Brethren Church, will visit the several United Brethren churches In the city today. Mr. Deever comes from Dayton, O., and is on a visit to the Pacific Coast district In the Inter est of the Endeavor work. He will hold meetings In the city next Sunday at the following places: At 11 A. M., Al berta Church. Twenty-seventh and Sumner streets: at 3 P. M., at the Tre mont Church, and at 7:30 P. M.. at the First Church, corner of East Fifteenth and Morrison streets. ' Mr. Deever is a young man of unusual ability as a leader and insplrer of the young. His work everywhere is attended with fruitful results. African Methodist Church to Hold Quarterly Service. Rev, C. A. Douglas, of Missoula, Will Occupy Pulpit Today. IN Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. W. H. Prince, pastor, the first quarterly services of this con ference year will be held today. Rev. O. N. Douglass. D. D., of Missoula, Mont., the newly appointed presiding elder, will occupy the pulpit at each service. Dr. Douglass will be accompanied by Rev. M. C. Knight, of Bremerton. Wash. Sunday school will be at 9:30 A. M. ; morning services at 11 o'clock, followed by love feast and baptismal services. Allen Christian Endeavor will meet at 6:30 P. M. Evening services at 8 o'clock will be Tollowed by tne administration or ine Lord's supper. Monday evening at 8 o'clock Rev. M. C. Knight will preach. A Thanksgiving turkey dinner will be served to the public by the women of the church from 12 M. until evening. The public is cordially invited to at tend all services. The Ladies' Missionary Society of Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, East Thirty-fourth and Gladstone, will hold their annual praise service at '7:45 tonight. Mrs. Henry V. Noyes will be the speaker of the evening. Mrs. Noyes recently returned to this coun try, after 43 years of missionary serv ice in China. Thanksgiving week will be observed at the Montavilla Christlarr" Church. Seventy-sixth and Hoyt streets, with services today as usual and preaching each night of the weel up to Friday night, when the choir will give a sacred concert. Rev. Eugene Burr is minister. H. Dickey, pastor. Service at 292 Eleventh street, corner Columbia, at 7:45 P. M ; oe cult leseons oa the Blbe, followed by answer ing Queeuona. Advanced Thought. Chrlstenaen's Hall, sermon lecture and healing by Ajxemon Ira Luc us at 11 o'clock. AlSHOt L4TED BIBLE STUDENTS. Christensen's Hall Eleventh and Yamhi.i streettf '2 P. M., Eureka drama; 8 P. M public discourse by W. A. Baker, subject. "Hope of the Church and Hope of the World." BAPTIST. First. White Temple. Twelfth and Taylor streets 9:!ro, Bible school claass for all ages; preaching at 11 and 7:30; B. Y. P. ti. at 6:30. East Side. East Twentieth and Ankeny r streets Rev. W. O. Shank, D. L., ptor. 10, Sunday school: li. preaching by the pas tor theme, "Some Things America Should Be' Thankful For"; ft:30, n. Y. P. L; 7:30 preaching by the pastor, theme. "The Place of the Atonement in the Divine Economy of Salvation.' Glencoe, East Forty-fifth and Main streets Rev. A. B. Waits, pastor. 0:43. Sunday school ; 11, preaching by Kev. A. Lawrence Black, theme, 'The Christian's Job"; o:3o, B. Y. P. V.: 7:30. preaching by Rev. A. Lawrence Black, theme, "Turn On the Power." University Park. FUke and Drew street 10. Sunday school;" 11. preaching by Rev. A. B. Waltz, theme, "The Gain of Following Jemjs"; 6:30, B. Y. P. C; 7:30. preacblng by Rev. A. B. Walts, theme, "Letters on tbe Page of Life." i Grace, East Seventy-sixth and Ash streets Rev. H T. Cash, pastor. 10. Sunday ahool; preaching by ltev. El wood P. Lyon. Ph. D. ; themea. 11. "What Baptists Believe"; 3, "Tempter. Tempjitlon and Overcomen" ; 7:30. "City of Retuge." Calvary Morning sul'ject. "Things That Help tli a Christian i-ite"; vvenUia- subject. "The Religion of the Scribes and Pharl-, se-s." No. 3 of serK-s. Swedish-Finnish Baptist Mission meets at 7:45 In the lower Whit Temple. Twelfth and Taylor streets. Lenta Rev. J. M. Nelson, pastor. 10. Sunday school: 11 and 7:30, preaching by the pastor: SO. B T. P. U. University Park. Flsks and Drew streets 0:50. Sunday sch ol ; 11 and 7:30, preaching by the pastor; 0:80, B. T. P. V. Mount Olivet. Seventh and Everett streets Rev. W. A. Vligett. pastor. Service. 11 and 8; Sunday school. 12:80. First German. Fourth and Mill streets Rev. Jacob Pratt, pastor. 0:43, Sunday school: 11 and 7:3f. preaching by the pastor Second German. Morrla and Rodney 9:45, Sunday school; preaching services, 11 and a; B. Y. P. U., 7. The Young Men's Class (H. Y. it. C of the Highland Baptist Church. East Sixth and Alberta streets, meets at 0:43 A. M. Sunday. Italian Mission, East Eighteenth and Tlb betts strosts Rev. Francisco Sannella, pas tor. 10. Sunday school; 10:SO. short ser mon for English-speaking people; 11. preacn Ing service; 7. pastor's clrcis (prayer serv ice); b. preaching servlcs. Swedish. Fifteenth and Hoyt street Rev. T. Gideon SJolander. paator. Services, 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. CATHOLIC. Pro-Catnedral, Fifteenth and Davis streets Hev. E. V. O'Hara. alaas, S, 7:13. :30. 9:45; high mass. 11; evening service, 7:43. fct. Lawrence. Third and Sherman streets Rev. J. C. luchea. Mass. 6. :3U; hlga mass. 10:H0: evening service. 7:3b. St. Patrick's. Nineteenth and savler streets ltev. 13. P. Murphy. Mass, a; high mass. 10::iO; evening aervice, 7:3U. St. Francis', hlait Eleventh and fk streets He v. J. li. Black. Mass, i, 8, ; high misa, 19::40; evening servlre, 7::10. immaculate Hiart ot Mary. Williams ave nue and Stanton street ltev. W. A. Ialy. Mass. 6. 8. 9: high mass, 11 o'clock; even ing service. 7:80. Koiy Htiai. Kast Third and Clackamas Rev. C. J. Olson. M.ii. ti. 7. S, U; high mas. 11: evening service. 7:o. The Madeleine. East Twenty-fourth and Siskiyou Kev. G. F. Thompson. M ass, 7: Jo. It; high mass. 1U:30: evening service. 7:4.". St. Andrew's, East Ninth and Alberta streets Hev. T. Kiernan. Mass. 8; high mass. iO::to; evening service. 7:30. Ascension, East Yamhill and Hast Seventy slxtn Krftnclscaii Fathers. Muss. 8; high mass. 10 30. evening service, 7:3U. blessed Barramcnr, Maryland avenue and llianuena street Kev. B. V. Kelly. Mass, s; hiKd mass. lo:3U; evening service. 7:3t. Holy Redeemer. Portland boulevard and Vancouver avenue Rev. F. H. Miller. Mass, 6. b; l-.lgh aitss. 10: JO; evening service. 7:30. Holy Cross. 7" Bowduin street Rev. C Raymond. Mass t; high mass. 10:30. even ing service. :80. Sacred Heart, Eaat Eleventh and Center Rev. i. Robl. Mass. g; hlch mass. 10:30; evening service. 7:34V St. Agatha. East Fifteenth and Miller Rev. J. c'ummleky. Maes. 8; high mass. 10:::0: evnlna- eervlee. 7:30. St. Joseph lOermanl. Fifteenth and Couch streets Kev. B Di;rrer. Mass. 8- high mass. 10 30: evening service,, 7:80. " St. Clares. Capitol Hill Franciscan Fathers, ltev. Father Modestua. Low mass. 7:30; Mgh mass and benediction, V:20; ser mon at both masses. Su t-tanlalaua Italian). Marvland avenue eseeeefj J CIIUKCII TVOTICaR IVK HY -4 1 M- KAIII Till KSDAV. Notices for the Sunday church t I directory must reach the office I J of The Oregonian by 4 o'clock 4 Thursday afternoon. The follow- Ing- 'form should be adhered to: Name of church and denomina- tion, the location, pastor name, J time of services, subject of morn- J Injr theme, subject of evening 4 4 theme, time of Sunday school, 4 young people's and other meet- ings. To insure accuracy, the writing should be plain, or. If I convenient, a typewriter should T be used. J and Willametr bo.ulevmrd Rev. T. Mat hew. Mnam. to; lilgft fflua, 1U:3U; evening service. 7:80. M. Petefe. J ents Rev. p. Buetgen. Mass. 8; high mass loTSO; evening service. 7:30. St. Clements, Smith and Newton streets Rev. C. Smith. Mass 8; hlh masa. 10:30: evs-nlnr service, 7:20. St. Charles. Thirty-fourth and Killings worth Rev. g. Snlderhom. Masa. 8; high mars. 10;:t0: evening pervlce. ":3. (it. Rose's Fifty-third and Alameda streets Rev. j. M. O'Farrell. pastor. Masses. B and 10 A. M. ; ev. r.ing devotion. 7:;t0. 8U Michael's (Italian, Fourth and Mill Jenult Fathers; M. J. Baloeire. S. J., pastor. Low ma9. 8:S0; high masa. 10:30; evening service. 7:80. tu Philip N'erl. East Sixteenth and Hick ory Rev. W. J. Cart wright. Masa. 7:30. U hish mass, lrt:3; evenina service. 7:SO. fct. Ignatius. 3220 Forty-thtra street East. Jesuit Fathers Father William J. Deeney. rector. Masa. 6 :30. 8, 0:15. 10:3O; evening service, 7:SO. , CHRISTIAN. Firt, Park and Columbia Harold H. Griff is. pastor. Preaching, 11 A. M-. sub ject. "The Apology of the Sneak"; 7:45 P. M., subject. "Renown Through Self - Renun ciation"; Bible school at U:4i A. M.; Chrls tion Endeavor at 6:30 P. M Eaat Side, East Taylor at Twelfth street R. H. Sawyer, pastor. 11. "Daniel Webster Opinion of the Bible"; 7:30, "Oainlng LIfe'a Goal." Rodney avenue, Rodney avenue and Knott stn.in Rev J. Carlos Ghormley. pastor. 10 A. M Bible school ; 11. preaching; Young People's Society, 6:30. Vernon, Eul Fifteenth street North and Wygant street Regular services 10:30 and 7 .3o. Preaching both morning and evening. Woodlawn. East Seventh and Liberty streeta w. L. Mltllnger. minister. Bible school. 9:45 A. M.; social service. 11 A M Christian Endeavor. 6:80 P. M. ; preaching uy u r. oievena, t :sv r. m. CONGREGATIONAL. First Church. Park and Madinon etreets turner K. uyott, minister. 9:00 A. M., Bibl.- school; G.'MH Y. P. S. C E. - Dr. D,ott's theme. 11 A. M.. "The Hand of t.od in the History of America" ; 7 :-IO P. M., foer 1 "Harvest Cantata." by the ouariet. Pilgrim. Shaver street and Missouri ave nue Rev. W. C. Kantner. minister. :4u A. M., Sunday school; 1 1 A. M., "The Ever lasting Yea"; 3 I. M.. Junior Endeavor; 6:30 P. M.. Y. P. S. C. E. : 7:30 P. M., "Los Ing One's ("5 real est Treasure. M Finnish Mifiiun. 107 Skid more street Rev. Samuel Neva la. pastor. . Younc t opl-Ts meeting, 6 o'clock; preaching, 7:30; prayer meeting. Thursday evening at S: 13. Highland, Prescott street, near Union ave nue Rev. George Edward Lewis, pastor. Sunday eervlces. 11 A. M.. subject. "Thanks giving, to Whom?" Sunday night at 7:3i, sermon-lecture, "A Streetcar or a Jitney." laurelwood. Forty-fifth avenu- and sixtv- flfth street Southeast lrt A. M.. Saht.ath school; 11 A. M.. preaching service; 3:45 P. M .. . . o. C K. meeting; 3 P. M . vesper service, a. . ieonarat, of the Public Wel- xare Bureau, speaker. CHRISTIAN rKTENCE. First, Everett between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets Services. 11 and ft: sub ject ot lesson s-rmon. "Ancient and Modern Necromancy. Alias Mesmerism and Hypno tism. Denounced"; Sunday school, tt:4 and 11; eanesuay evening meeting at e. Second, East Sixth street and Holladay avenue Services. 11 and ; suTJect of 1 - son sermon. "Ancient and Modern Necro- many, A has Mesmerism and Hypnotism. De nounced"; Sunday school. U:-I3; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Third, East Twelfth and Salmon streets Services, 11 and 8, subject of teon sermon, "Ancient and Modern Necromancy. Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Oenounced ; Sunday school. 11 ar.d 12:15; Wednesday ev ning meeting at 8. - Fourth, Vancouver avenue and Emerson street Services, 11 and Hi subject of lesson sermon, "Ancient and Modern Necromancy. Aliai. Mesmerism and Hypnotism, De nounced" ; Sunday school. 0:40 and 11; Wednesday evening meeting at H. Fifth. Myrtle Park station Services at 11 A M. ; subject of lesson sermon. "Ancient anl Modern Necromancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism. Denounced ; Sunday School i:S4 and 11 ; Wednesday evening meeting at S. Christian Pclence Society Holbrook block, St. Johr.a Services. Sunday 11: Wednesday evening meeting at R; suhject of lesion ser mon. "Ancient and Modern Necromancy Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, De nounc-id. IHVINT5 SCIENCsE. First, Divine Science, 131 Twelfth street. corner Alder nev. u. m. Mlnard. pastor Services 11 A. M ; Sunday school, 12 :10; B'.ble claws. Tuesday. 2 P. M.; study class Thursday. 8 P. M. EPISCOPAL St. David's, East Tlfth and Belmont Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. Services, 8 o'clock. :3.. 1 1 and 7 :30; sermon at 1 1 o'clock, "Modern Kplsths"; 7:30, "A Word in Season"; Thanksgiving day. services at 10 o cloek and 1j:oj; offeriims for tl Good Saniai'itnn Hospital. fiu Mark s, 1 weuty-flrst and Man j.aii streets Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector; Rev. John G. Hatton, associate. Services, Sun das. 7:30 A. M , holy eucharist; w:5. Sun day school; 10:15, matins; 11. holy euchant and sermon; 7:4A P. M., service and preach ing In preparation for the mission; week days, holy eucharist daily at 7:30 A. M. Trinity Church. Nineteenth and Evere:t streets Rev. Dr. A, A. Morrison, rector. Holy communion. 8 A. at.; morning prat and sermon 11; evening prayer euid ser mon. 8; Sunday school. v:-ft3 A. M. Church of St. Michael and All Angela. Broadway and Kast Forty-third street North Sermon, 11; holy communion, first Sunday, 11; third Sunday. 7:80. Grace Memorial. Weldler and East Seven tsenth streets North Kv. Oswald W. Tay lor, vicar. Holy communion. 8, excepting on first Sunday in the month ; morning prayer and sermon, 11; Sunday school, lu. No evening service. All Saints. Twenty-flftn and Savler streets Sunday school, 10; morning prayer and sermon, 11 ; celebration ot tne holy com muidoa the first Sunday lu the a.onih at 11 and the third Sunday at 8. 8C Paul's, Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, vicar. Holy communion, first Sun day of month. 8 ; evening pra er and ser mon, 4. except the first Sunday of month, St. John's, Mllwaukle Rev. John D. Rice, vicar. 8, holy communlou, except on first Sunday of month; id. Sunday scrool; It. morn tug prayer; 7 :30. evening prayer; holy communion, first Sunday of raonth, St. John's, Sellwocl Rev. John D. Rice vicar. Prayer. 8; holy communion. a:3i; first Sunday of month. Church of Our Mvtor, Woodstock. East Forty-first street and Six t let u avenue Archdeacon Chambers in cbarge. Sunday school, 10 A. M. ; Mervlce and sermon at 1.1 A. M. Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel, Good. Samaritan Hospital Holy communion, 4 A. M.; evenaot.g. 7 :13. fit, Andrews, Hereford street, opposite Portsmouth Si hool -Archdeacon Chambers in charge. Sunday school, lu- A. M. ; service and sermon, 11 A. M. St. Matthew's. Corbett and Bancroft streets Rev. W. A. M. nreca. vicar. Sun day school. 10; sorvices and sermon, 11 A. M. Churcn of the Good Shepherd. Graham and Vancouver averues Rev. John Dawson, rector. Sunday school, 9:43 A. M. ; morning service, 11; evening scr ice. 7 :30. St. Stephen's I'ro-Cathedral, Thirteenth and Cl The Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop of Oregon; the Very Rev. E. H. Mc- toliister. dean. frervices. 7:43 A. M.. 11 A. w- . Ai. ; cnurch school. 10 A. M. ; weekdays. 7:30 A. M . on Tuesday, Wednes day and Friday ; Strang rs cordially Invited. asnington-street cars, transfer to Thir teenth, off at Cia ; Sunnysiuu cars, olf at Clay, two blocks west. st. John's. t;i"i Vmnt ilia avenue John D. Rice. Vlenr. Morning. "The Heaviest lasers In t War " : cvcnlnie. "The Kttiat- dom of St If.'' EVANGELICAL. The Swedish Free Church, corner of Mis souri atenue and Sunm.r strt-ei tl. 1;. Rodin-, rjHior. Sunday school, V:4o; preach ing. 11 A. M : y ung pvopK- s roettini. 6 -io: prearhii.g. a p. M. First (Jcrniin. Tenth and Clav streets G. F. Lieniinx. Sr.. pastor. Sunday school at t 30 A. M. ; preecning s-rvic by the pa tor at 1U:43 A M. ; Younc People s Society servli-es at 7 P. M., auu preaching uy the pastor at 8 P. M. Third Reform. Lents w. g. Llenkaemper. pastor. Sunday school at IO A. M. ; preach ing service at 11 A. M.; catechetical ciass. Saturday at 10 A. M. Norwegian Danish. Sumner and East Twenty-third at reel North Morton Olsen. pastor. Service Sunday at 11 A. M. and l:o P. M. ; Sunday school at IO; young people s meeting at 6.30; praer meeting, Wednesday at 8 o'clock. Portland Mission N. Shupp. pastor. Car son HelKhte. Sund.iy school at 10 and preaching at 1 1 A. M. ; West Portland. Sunday v.nool at 3:30. Y. P. A. at o:.J0 and .Teaching at 7 :30 P. M. LATTKK-UAY ISA INT 9. Latter-day Saints. East Twenty -fifth and Madison lu o'clock. Sunday school ; service at 11:45 and evvnii.g service at 7:30, LUTHERAN. West Side Norwegian Lutheran, Four teenth and Davis streets Wilhelm Petter on. pastor. English m r vices, first and third Sundays of each month at 11 A. M. and second and fourth Sundas at 8 P. M-; Norwegian services first and third Sundas of each month at 8 p. M. and second and fourth Sundays at 11 A. M. ; Sunday school at 10 A. M-; English and Norwegian Mens Club the third Monday at P. M. ; Y. P. S. Tuesday evening; English Bible clas Friday evenings: vesper aervu at 5 P. M. eacn Sunday in the hall on the corner ot IriXteeoth and Alberta. Grace, Evangelical. Mason street and Al bitm Hev. K. Proivet. p.istor. bervles, 10 .iO A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Sunday School :30 A. M. Grace English. Missouri Synod, Me for, struct and A I Lin a av.-uut- Rev. K. Probst. patr. Services. 10.3 A. M. and 7.30 I. M. Trinity German (Missouri Synod). Will lams and Graham nvnues J. A. Kunbactj. pastor. Servl'-es. 10:13 A. M., 7:30 P. M. Sunday School. tf:i: A. M. Bethel Free, Stuhen Hall. Ivy street and Williams avenue Rev. G. A. Staiey, min ister. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 8 P. 1.; Sunday scnool. IO A. M. Bethany Danish, Union avenue North and Morris street. M. C. Jeusen-Engholm. pas tor. Services. 11 and 8; Young peoples meeting. Tuesday. 8 P. M. Immanuel (Swedish). Nineteenth and Irving streets. Services. H A. M. and 8 P. M . ; Sunday school, !:43 A. M. ; Y. P. Society, Tuesday s 6 P. M. ; Ladles' Aid. first Wednesday. " P. M.; Pipe Organ Society, first Friday. 8 P. M. St. James English, West Park and Jef ferson st reets Rrv. Mr. HuBsard, pastor. Services 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ; Sunday school. 10 A. M. ; Luther Leaxue. 7 P. M. Our Saviour's, East Tenth and Grant Rev. George Henrlksen. pastor. English. 10 : 13, Norwegian, 11:15. St. Paul's German. East Twelfth and Clinton istreets A. Krause. pat-tor. Refor mation festival; Sunday school. w:30 A. M ; service, 1U:30 A. M. ; coniession and holy communion. 7 :3o P. M. ; Friday and Sat urday concerts. 7:30 P. M. METHODIST tri.HOPAL. First, Twelfth and Taylor street! Dr. Jonhua S:ansf!e'd. pastor. Sermons. lu:;;u A. M. and Too P. if. t'entnai y. K.it Ninth and East Pine Mre.-is Dr. T. W. Lane, pastor. Preaching at 11 A. M., "God's Gifts, Our Jo"; sermon at 7::t0 P. M "Jesus As a Frlt-nd"; Sunday school. 1 :4." A. M. ; Epworth League, o: lo P. M.; class m.-oiinp, p. M. Rose City Park, Sandy boulevard and East Fifty-eighth street North. Aaron Alien Heist pa si or. Morning service, 11; vetpers, 4. .3d o'clock. I jiurilw tod . Slxt y-thlrd street Southeast, near Foster "oad Kv. l". It. Carlon. past nr. I 1 A. M.. "The Di ini l y of t he Gospel" ; 7 :3U P. M., "The Reasonableness of tne Gospel." There will bo a meeting for men o-nly at 3 I'. M. with special programme. The speeiul meetings will continue during the v-ek. Trinity. East Tenth and Sherman streets Rev. S. N. Sandif ur. pastor. Sr ices. 1 1 o'cloc k and 7 :3i ; Sunday school, ly ; Ep worth league. to p. M. Mount Tabor. Fast Stark and Slrty-flrst streets E. olln Eldrldge. minister. Preach Ine. 11 A. M., subject. "The Key That tn locks"; 7 "Of Heroic Mould"; Sunday school. ; Epworth League, f :.1h; mid week pra t service, Thnrsda v. 7 P. .i . University I'arC Fik and Lombard streets Rev. J. T. Abbott. I. D. Ser ices. 11 A. M-, 7:3" P. M ; Sunday school. :43 A. M. . Epworth League. H.3t P. M.. Prayci meeting. 7 :43 o'clock Thursday. Westmerelond. 1 P. I Mllwaukle R, W. Mauldea, pastor. 1 'reach ing. 1 1 and 7 :30; Sunday school. 10; Junior League. 6: M0. Woodstock. Woodstock avenue and Forty fourth street Southeast Rev. Frank James, pastor. Sunday school, lu; 1- :15. class meeting; 6:4, Epworth League; 11 and 7:4 A. sermons by the pastor; midweek prayer service. Thursday, a P. M, German. Roaney avenue and Stanton street T. A. Schumann, pastor. Sunday school. 9:43 A. M. ; services, ll A. M.. aua b P. M.; Epworth League, 7:15 P. M. Sunn) side. orner Eaat Yamhiii and East Thirty-fifth streets R. Elmer Smith, pas tor. Sunday school. .Z0 A. M. ; preaching. II A. M. ; Epworth League. 6:3o p. M. ; peo ples ' popular Service, 7:43 P. M, Vrintiy. East Tenth and Snerrran street Rev. F. D Sandlfur. pastor. Sunday school. iv A. M.. pr. aci; ng at 11 and a. Lincoln, East Fifty-second and Lincoln Rev. B. H. Morse, minister. Preaching. 10 SO A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; miaweek serv ice, Thursday. 7:30 P. M. First Norwegian Danish, Hoyt and Eigh teenth s'Ceets Rev. Ellas GJerding. pastor. Preaching at 11 A. M. and at 8 P. M. ; Y. P. Society every Tuesday night. 8:13; prayer meeting Thursday n:ght at 8 o'clock. Wood.awn. East Tenth North and High land streets Rev W. E. Kloster. pa tor. Sunday school, lit A. M : morning servic-. 11 A. M . Epworth League. 7 P. M ; evening service 7 -43 P. M.; prayer meeting. Tuurs diH. " P. M. St. J-.s. Leavitt and Hay stteeis Rev, J. H. ii Nii.t-. minister. Morrint; service a.t J 11 o'clo; evening worship, 7:3d. METHODIST EPISCOPAL POL'TII. -ir.t, l"n!on avenue and Vultnoma street fi v V.'. .1. I'etit in. pastor; service1, 1 1 o'e'ock and 7 : 0; morn In sermon by tho. pFto . them . "Tlu Voice ve Ha e H f-.i V. -lint- by Rev. C. A . tCoucludtt'l on Pag 11, Column 3.)