3 Tim SUXDAT OKEGOXIA7T, PORTLASDf NOVEMBER 2G, 1916. y 'i . . m V , - O J: 1 k ' " - 'A J H V' - v' , , - - r t.v V , - JH Hall. Mrs. Solomon Hirsch. Mrw. Frank m ww .i. " - -...w. -n , iff-rrri-vi w-Ti"-ifrirtaiiTmir rnW-iTTr ' "i "irf - rm'"i"flrniff d" t .... . - .v. . ,. .: .. .. v.- - - w. f u H .. . . . ' i VC . WWW i 2T 1 " - fy - - - air VLi ' 4 ' , ' I I - vv" - NsM ;- . j ' ' s . . . .nf. -rmrMninii in i ' University Club, to raise money for Its scholarship fund. ' Intenf lnterit Is b"lnr aroused by the British Ked Cross Society's enthu siastic campaiKn for the "jitney" dance to be given Monday, Pecember 4. at Co tillion Hall for the benefit of the suf ferers in the. European war. It Is hoped by the committee, which Is head ed by te faithful worker. Mm. William Macilaster. that sufficient funds will he derived from this bisr'dance to al leviate the sufferings of hundreds of the victims of the battlefields. Irre spective of nationality or social pres tige, everybody In the city is cordially invited by the committee to attend this benefit and participate In the festivi ties. small admission fee will per mit of any one desiring- to help, to at tend the Jitney dance, and enter into tlie Informality of the occasion. Per sons who want to participate in the big frolic are privileged to appear in the most informal garb, run in from a walk, the theater, business, or any time feasible. Cotillion Hall is one of the largreet ' dance floors in Portland and from present indications it will be filled to Its utmost capacity. It has been donated by M. M. Ringler for this huge and deserving- philanthropy. The committee in c'.iartte of this event is: Mrs. MacMaster, chairman: Mrs. Thomas Burns. Mm, K. K. Baxter, Mrs. I). C. Burns, Mrs. J. U. Edwards. Mrs. D. H. Oowans, Mrs. H. 11. Hewlt son. Mrs. Thomas Kerr, .Mrs. Robert Livingston. Mrs. F. C. Malpas. Mrs. I). W. 1 MacGreKor, Mrs. W. O. MePher son, Mrs. Hubert Morton, Mrs. Francis Sealy, Mrs. H. O. Sibley. Mrs. K. T. C. Stevens and Mrs. Richard Wilder. The list of patronesses selected from different (sections of the city includes: Mrs. H. La. Sherwood, wife of the British Consul; Mrs. James Laidlaw. whose late tmwband also was British Consul here; Mrs. Henri Labbe. wife of the French Consul; Mrs. C. F. Adams, Mrs. Everett Ames, Mrs. J. C. Alns worth. Mrs. W. C. Alvord, Mrs. W. B. Ayer, Mrs. R. Lea Barnes, Mrs. C. V. Beebe. Mrs. W. F. Burrell. Mrs. R. W. Blackwood. Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett. Mrs. Edward Cooklngham. Mrs. Walter M. Cook. Mrs. C. H. Carey. Mrs. Ellott R. Corbett. Mrs. Wilson Clark. Mrs. Vincent Cook. Mrs. Henry C. Cabell, Mrs. W. W. Cotton. Mrs. J. F. Dickson. Mrs. Frank Dooly. Mrs. C. H. Davis. Jr.. Mrs. W. H. Dunckley. Mise Failing. Miss Flanders, Mrs. J. Andre Fouil houx, Mrs. . J. D. Farrell. Mrs. I. N. Fleischner. Mrs. Marcus Fleischner. Mrs. Kenneth F. Fenton. Mra. Welle Gilbert. Mrs. Dnald Green. Mrs. George Good, Mrs. James S. Gauld, Mrs. Louis Gerlinger, Jr., Mrs. Benjamin Gadsby, Mrs. T. T. Honeyman. Mrs. Sherman Hall, Mrs. Solomon Hirsch. Mrw. Frank Hart. Mrs. Morton Insley. Mrs. Henry C. Jewett, Mrs. Victor Jo'-inson. Mrs. Fred A. Jacobs, Mrs. Clarence Jacob son. Mrs. Peter Kerr, Mrs. Alma D. Kaix. Mrs. Jacob i .Gray Kamni, M. James B. Kerr, Mrs. .Samuel ( Kerr. Mrs. Warren Keeler. Mrs. C. Hunt Lewis. Mrs. John Latta, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd. Irs. Walter Lalng, Mrs. L. A. Ijewis. Mrs. J. Louisson, Mrs. Will iam Lines, Mrs. Har.ot Blumauer Lltt. Mrs. George A. Marshall. Mrs. roe A. McKenna. Mrs. William Mac Rae, Mrs. Chester G. Murphy, Mrs. A. L. Mills. Mrs. A. J. Meier. Mrs. Ian J. Malarkey, Mm. Natt Mr Dougal, Mrs, . Ray Matson, Mrs. A. K. Mackay, Mrs. E. C. Mears, Mrs. Rogers MacVeagh, Mrs. John Napier. Mrs. Jo seph Sherman O'Gorman. Mrs. David Fatullo.. Mrs. A. E. Rockey. Mrs. F. B. Riley. Mrti. Thomas Roberts. Mrs. J. C. Robinson. Mrs. Ferdinand E. Reed. Mrs. C. F. Kwlgert. Mrs. E. C. ?hevlin, Mrs. Walter V. Smith. Mrs. Ben Sell ing. Mrs. J. N. Teal. Mrs. L. H. Tarp ley. Mrs. E. L. Thompson. Mrs. Guy Talbot. Mrs. C. E. S. Wood. Mrs. Will iam D. Wheelwright. Ml.- Virginia Wilson. Mrs. Otis B. Wight. Mrs. C. F. Whitney. Mrs. F. M. Warren. Jr.. Mrs. Morris Whltehoupe. Mrs. Joseph' Wiley, Mrs. E. A. Wyld and Mrs. Irving Web ster. - Dr. and Mrs. Gustav Bruere were hosts for a very charming dance and supper at Hotel Benson Saturday. The affair was In celebration of Mrs. Bruere s birthday anniversary, and their guests numbered about half a hundred promi nent men and women. m"t of whom are members of the Neighborhood Dancing Club, which meets once fortnight In the Benson. One of the most interesting events to be anticipated in Portland society for this week is the meeting of the. Drama League, to be held Tuesday nlcht In th Little Theater at 8:1 .1'' . ana Social THEtjHWIN HODSON CO. 38r WASHINGTON ST. PITTOCK BLDO. For High - class, Stylish and Classy Tailored Ladies' Suits and Coats See S.WEISS The Ladies Tailor, 128 ,i Tenth St. SOCIETY slowly unfurled itself to ward the end of the week and tn tere1 Into the pnrrpnr cAieties with considerable enthusiasm. The coming to Portland of the "Garde of Allah." that widely-known and beloved play, was responsible for the spurt "of gaiety, as it brought In its wake many delightful dinner parties and each per formance closed with jolly supper par ties at the different grills. Hotel Multnomah's supper dances were very popular and many of the dance-loving contingent chose the Ar cadian gardens for their supper par ties, where they were enabled to enjoy the dances. Dinner parties at Hotel Fortlano. were also included in the fore part of the programme of the week, one of the largest at the Portland be ing presided over by Mrs. W. Burke Channing, of New YorK, oi Thursday night. She entertained a party of 18 at dinner, extending her hospitality to a, theater party at the ' Heilig. her guests occupying three boxes. The F. O. Downings also entertained with a dinner and box party Thursday night and the Allen Lewis' dinner and box party was a charming event of the same night. Benefits filled the biggest part of the cocial activities of the week and will continue to hold the attention of so cicty women for the next few weeks. as all the church bazaars, suppers and sales of various kinds are chronicled to take place between this and Christ mas week. Foremost among these affaire is the "Jitney" dance to be given by the British Red Cross Society at Cotillion Hall Monday, December 4. The list of patronesses alone insures a h'-ige attendance, as there are about ICu prominent women, each of whom will have an escort and possibly a group of friends, and the friends of the organization throughout Portland and vicinity and sympathizers of the war surierers indicates a party of enormous size and great financial as sistance. Yesterday was notable for the splen did support of Portland women to the saie and tea arranged for Miss Hazel Hall by Mrs. Harrison G. Piatt. Prom inent matrons and m.aids devoted themselves assiduously to this woithy function and made of It the chirir.ins and profitable affair it was. Next comes the special pre-Thanksgiving sale for the Women's Exchange, which will be a-i event of Tuesday, and ths .big lan? planned by the Chi Omegas at Hotel Mullr.omah December 1 to raise funds for their hot lunches for school chil dren. This will be followed by the Trinity Guild annual Christmas 'sale and tea. vhir.h is scheduled for December 7, at Trinity parish house. The premiere of the Monday Night Dancing Club tomorrow night at Har low-Grady Hall is awaitted with pleas ure by their members. Another event of interest the past week was the Pan- Hellenic bazaar held vesterdav at the W.G.SMITHCO. ' Irwit&t !ors, Arsrxourxcerrvervts Visitirsg ard At Homo Cards Embossed Stationery three hundred eleven Third Floor LADIES If you want to be satisfied with your next tailor-made suit come to B. FINK Ladies Tailor, Eilers Bids. A Fairyland of , Lovely Creations In competition for the Greater Portland Window Display Silver Cup, our decorator has done himself proud with what we con sider the most effective window display he has ever put in; Breathing of the Thanksgiving spirit, one glance at our fine big windows makes one think of the parties, the good dinners, the good times that go with Thanksgiving. Each window is given to the display of one color in exquisite party gowns; perhaps a delicate pink appeals to you, or yellow may be your favorite color; stilf others can wear a beautiful lavender, light blue or rose pink they are all there the prettiest colors of the season in fashion's daintiest models. Besides the fashions displayed in the windows, we have many, many other lovely frocks, as well as beautiful cloaks for party wear. $500 Given Away Watch our ad in Monday evening's papers. We will have some wonderful specials. Take advantage of them, and vote for your favorite charity. Your Charge Account Solicited Washington St. at Tenth