THE SUNDAY ORECO XT AX, . PORTXAXD, NOVEMBER 2G, 191G. 13 K V FOR RENT, Furnished Rooms in private tamily. Ois'E or two business women can secure large, comfortabic room with heat, liht, bath and use of piano, very reasonable; will serve breakfast if desired. 431) Last ldtn North 6TSNOGRAPHER, clerk, etc., 3 rooms for care 2 children part evenings, and part holidays; 25 minutes, Beaumont car OSl E. 45ih st. N. A15 BROADWAY W. S.. desirable front room, furn ice heat, electric Ii hts, fcatn, phone, home privileges, $1.50 wk and up. Board jf desired. IJiNlNCi-HOOM, kitchen and sleeping porch, vry nicely furnished; heat, light, phone and bath, also tho use of parlor and piano. Phor.t! Marshall 45;2. Cl-M FORT A BUY f urnlhed room in private fam'ly for one or two gentlemen; all con veniences ; easy walking distance;. Call aft "nioonn, 6S0 East Washington st. TWO nicely furnished rooms, in modern, private home ; very reasonable 422 Kali jt cor of 11th et. Marshall 22t4. JsOB HILL Furnished room in nice, qnlet home ; sleeping porch if desired. 777 Gii "in ct. Marshal! 3S72. FRONT room, first floor, 2 windows, out wide exit, clean; well furnished; -rent $J. Sell wood 1444. NICHED ou'sldo rooms, modern conven iences, walking distance, board optional. Jii 1 Hh nt. Main 3S:i;i. N 1CELY furnished roopt for rent In pri vate residence, every con venlence, reason able' rent. Phone E. 0201, KRY nicely furnished room with Bleeping porch adjoining, with or without board. :o3 Savier. M arshnil 452. FOR RKNT Furnished front room, hot and eoid water, bath and phone, private home; tio children. Womllawn 1427. VERY pleasant bay-window, steam-heated room, in apartment-house ; walking dis tance. Marshall 4705. X HAVE a very nicely furnished light room which I will rent at a reasonable price. Call 441 11th st. VvTLL rent a modern furnished room to a responsible party. Phone Marshall '3735. 733 Kearney st. JbADY living alone will share beautiful apt., fine location, rine view, reasonable, ref erences. AH f33, Oregonlan. WELL furnished front room. 2 blocks from Multnomah Club ; very reasonable. 583 Madison st. M arshall 5474. TWO beautifully furnished sleeping rooms in modern flat; reasona ble ; King Hill dis trlct. 7V Davis st. Mar. 12S6. TWO large, comfortable rooms, good lo cation; furnace; electric light; hot water. 15 Bast ISth Ft. eer.tleman to room. $' mo.. board optional ; modern conveniences. piano; widow's home. Marshall 3 100. FURNISHED room, private family. West Side. Nob Hill. Mar. 3r13. CLEAN, comfortable room, all modern con venlences. 407 Jefferson, cor, 10th., apt. F. tn f u rn i hhr d Room r. 2 LARGE housekeeping rooms, close in ; private entrance, stove, convenient. Mar shall 5$03. Rooms With Hoard. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson fats. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main l2S3, A 662$. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 Ella Street. An Am eric an Finn Residence Hotel. Fuitei Single Rooms Excellent Tuble. A til! 11. Mar. K170. A HOME AAV AY FROM HOME. Model n roo.nii; American and European plan; speclnl rates to permanent guf-fts. KARL HOTEL, Broadway at Taylor. THE MAN I TO L" , 2 01 13T "l ST An attractive, homelike place, double or Ingle rooms, good board, reasonable. ANNA LEWiS HALL. 510 Fland-ra, ress girls and students.' $4 to $5.75 biwd week. THE 6TRYKER, 554 Couch; family hotel; moms single or en suite; reasonable rates. THE PL'GDELL Nicely furnished rooms with board $22.50 month. jjt'S ltith st. Rooms AVith Board In Private Family. 13 E A UT I FULLY furnisned room wi ti board, puitable for 2 or 3, hot and cold water in rooms, twin beds, 2 dressers, parlor, piano and home comforts. 2i 10th st. Main U3M1. WANTED A refined young lady to go into an exclusive West Side apartment with several other young lad ies ; references ru iulrrd and given. Y 133, Oregon i an. GOOD bard and room in private family for 1 or 2 gentlemen ; large room, all modern conveniences, walking distance, Irving ton district. Fhone East 3'V7. LIGHT, airy outside room for 2 or 3 geti tbttien; living-room, fireplace; all com forta of home ; best of meals; moderate rate. 735 Everett. IF you want a good home, w 1th congenial young folks, parlor, piano, steam- heated rooms, everv convenience, walking dis tance, call 41 Mill st. Marshall 2;;01t. 451 1jTH Walking distance, well furnished sunny room, pleasant and warm; all mod (rn conveniences and home comforts with excellent meal. Mar, 1269. i, rY pieasant front room, excellent board, furnace heat: 10 minutes' walk; very pleasant surroundings; every thins home like. Main 3280. ONT3 pleasant front room ; breakfast if de sired ; modern. fireplace, privilege of piano; could be arranged for light .house keeping. Main 8312. 3tU loth st. WANTED To room and board 3 youis; men who appreciate home comforts and good table, $4.50 week. Wood lawn 075. ROOM;?, with or without board, in a pleas ant home. 455 E. 14th at. N. irvlngton far. . ROOM and board, 2 young ladles or elderly worn ax ; reasonable ; home pri vileges; near Sell wood carl ine. Sell wood 134. WIDOW with 2 grown daughters would like - or 3 gentlemen or lauies to room nnd board; all home conveniences. Tabor firtl2. HOOM and bard in private family, one or two; home privileges; piano. 12S N. ISth. Main 153 ft. PLEASANT, warm roum tor 2; board if de--rired : will take Invalids. Fhone Wood lawn 4732. L LDERLY woman, living -alone, would like young -woman to room and board; home privileges; $16 a month. Woodlawn JS14 COMFORTABLE rooms with good board for 2 couples in private home; no other roomers- 52 E. H road way. East 476i. I'i .EASAN X room in refined home, break fast if desired ; suitable for a gentleman. Marshall 720. KOOM nd board in beautiful homo across from Multnomah Club, steam heat, shower, every convenience of home. Mtiin 77l'0. WIDOW with 2 grown daughters would 1 i R 0 2 or 3 gentlemen or ladies to room mia board ; all home conveniences. Tabor "iLJ. FuK RENT Pleasant rooms in refined home with or without board; reasonable. N 1)47, Oregonian. TWO, niceiv furninhed rooms, with or with out board, near Washington. Marshall 44S. NICELY furnished room, excellent board, Ay widow with no children. 422 Jef ferson. Main ti 4 H. KOOM and two meals; home privileges ; no other bcardcrs. U1S E. Taylor. Phone B IS 10. ONE Or two ladies can have nice room in exchange for company evening:, board reasonable If desired. Q 047, Oreg-nin. WIDOW woman, alone, would like 2 or 3 small chilarcn; nice home and mother's e.iie. Tabor 4i2. WANT orfe or two children to care for in a Christian home with mother's best care. Tabor 6547. 1;OOM and board In modern home, reason Able, use of piano; also room with fire place. 67 Trinity place. Mar. 4fJ(t. COMFORTABLE homo for smail children. For particulars. Mar. 3217, or 1004 E. 13th st. s.. near Nehalem st. Sellwood car. FRONT ROOM, with all home conveniences and best of board, very reasonable; gentle :in only. 2iJl W. Park st. MCELY furnished, large. sunny front room, steam heat, electric lights, private ffTliiy. wa Iking distance. Kat 3M77. KuOM and board, refined family, home 'ooKlng. reasorablc. SS4 Park st. Marshall 3fn5ft NICELY furnished room; excellent meals; modern flat ; fine location ; walking di tance; reasonable. M73 'th st . Main 3--". SEPARATE room with board for two young men : modern houte : reasonable. E 4Jl d. THE C A LVARD. 42 Morr i s Wn, Zor. 13th ; rooms, board optional; walking distance. FURNISH ED room with board, sleeping porch. 32 11th st. Main 334. LARGE ROOM in modern home, board op tional. Marshall 4410. 431 w. Park st. CONGENIAL young man wishes roommate ; good board. 20i 10th st. Main 6381. FL.EASAVT room. West Side, board i tion n . 322 W. Broadway. Marshall 42UH. PLE. SANT room, w ith board : modern ac commodations. 1S1 G'.iFan. Marshall 124. ROOM snd boarrl In private family 1 or 2 eentlemen. 574 Ldd ave. EaSt 5145 1'"0 pleasant rooms; board if desired. Lnveioy. Main 2109. A LA DY to room and board, reasonable, private family. 201 Eleventh st. KOOMS with or without board. 295 West Park. A 2865. CHILDREN to board in my home: mother's care; room for parent, tsst "o-t. ROOM with bath and board. In elegant, re fined home. 40 Clay. NIE room, breakfast, for refined woman, 410; near Library. 410 Salmon. ' FOK RENT. Rooms Vith Board In Private Family. REFINED lady having nlca home wishes to rent two larpe front rooms, well f ur nifhed, good home table, running water, well heated, abundance of hot water at all times; terms reasonable to penranent business meu or women employed. W 'J2tf. Oregonian. VERY" large, , light and nicely furnished room, suitable for two people, in mod ern home; walking 'distance on West Side; also fine single room; both on same floor ; tabl cannot be surpassed ; spien- djd home cooking. Marsha-l W.iO. A t RON T suite with two large rooms and bat 1, and large porch In connection, with rplendii, good, old-fashioned, cooking, also a den, iarye enough for one; very in vlting, at 3fJi 10th st. Walking distance. lb LUOKI.NG for a home, see what I have to offer; not a boarding-house, but one big lamily with home privileges; strictly home cooking; reasonable. Walking dis tance. ta; ahall 24S1. FURNISHED rooms for rent, with or with out board, in private family, rooms nicely furnished, good decorations, easy alk in g d ist ante ; ternuj reasonable. Apply 5-id Couch st. LARGE furnished front room, southern ex posure, 2 large windows, closet, running water, home cooking and privileges; $20 to titrpons employed during day. Mar shall 4065. LARGE room, modern, suitable for 2. home ' cooking, 2 meals, parlor, piano, walking distance; near Multnomah Club; gentle men preferred. 227 Chapman at. Main 3533. WANTED Two young men or 2 working girla to board and room in private home; all home comforts; piano and phone ; good heat; whole house- la yours. East 2201. NICELY furnished, large, sunny front room, steam heat, electrio lights, private family, walking distance and 2 meals. East 3877. FRONT room on first floor with fireplace, also furnace heat; nice furniture, good home cooking, for 2, $20 per month each. Main 22 02. 367 1 1th st. ONE or two persons to room and board, or live as one of family in new home with lady and daughters. Tabor 4161. Mount Tabor car to tiSth st., 1770 E. Belmont. FurnKheU Apartments A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined, saTo"' THE WHEF.TDON ANNEX, popular, 10th and Salmon Sta. . well known, (f higheut standing. A house of quality, com tort and per-, ice. v THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sta. ' Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and S-room furnished apar tments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATE:?. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modexn apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking Distance. References, APARTMENT RENTERS. The very best list of apts, in the city from $L'u to S5 per month. Several ex ception;! 1 ly nice ones right on West Side. SM ITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK, KX. PENROSE APARTMENTS. X. W. corner lielmont and Grand ave. New, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building; white enam eled Interior; largo kitchens; service flrst e Iass; alklng distance. ' CUESTEF.Bl'RY. Hotel and Apartment. Dining-room In connection. fOtn snd Marshall 7s4. A 44 W LINCOLN A PA RTM ENTS, 4 111 AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. $1U TO 1:5. WALKING DISTANCE. GAR AH E CONVKMKNT. CARLOTTA COURT Everett and 17th, new, modern, 2 and 3-room apts., 5 mln. from bus. center ; plenty steam heat; laundry ; excellent service; references; save carfare. MADISON PARK APTS., Park at Mauison. Modern 2. 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments, close In, by week or month. 1A RON APARTMENTS, 14th ana Columbia. Two and 3-room apartments, furnished, first-class, reasonable rates. Main 7337. 13 ROOK L Y N APART M E N T H . East IMst and Powell etn., 3 rooms and bath, furnished or unfurnished; rnt $is and -d. ioA.Nl'A APARTMENTS. lh: N. 3d Un- tiate, comp'eteiy furnished, private phone nnd bath ; $-, J'JU up. Marshall 2!'45. L-JO5ANTA APARTMENTS. 1S5) Nt 23d Un tier new management ; everything up to date, completw.y furnished, private phone ami bat h ; ?20, ?22 up. Marshall 2i)45. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, between Uth and Ella streets. Furnished 3-room Apt., all outside rooms, strictly modern; walk ing distance. THE D EZ EN DOR r", 208 16th st., near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Exceptionally nice 3. 4 ajid 5-room apt. All outside rooms, fine view, close in. THE LET A High-class, fine large rooms, sleeping porch, balcony, walking distance Mar. U267. THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnished 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rates In city. Comer N. loth and Northrup. $1S 2 FURNISHED front rooms and kitch enette, private bath free hat, electricity and jhone. East 443S. 035 East Morrison. NICE, weil-fuiniKbed 3 rooms and bath at tike A It h, E. 2 mil and Ash ; $15. Phone Enst M0. 100 N. isTH ; one and 2 II. K. rooms, hea-t, hot an cold w ator, $7 and up. Phone Main S103. ANKENY COURT, C 35 E . Aukeny; well heated, furnished, 2 and 3-room apts.; rent reasonable. Phone East 1204. WASHINGTON GRAND, 2 and 3-rm. apts.. $to up: h'-at. light. Lath; elt-an, respect able, pi Grand ave., cor. Washington. D h: N V EI i A PAR T ! K N 1 S t r i c 1 1 y modern 2. 3, 4-room furnished and unfurnished, M S tip ; " " rar to North nip iar- 227. APARTMENTS for rent. The Winston, 14th n nd M :n kt sts. GRACE A PT.. 24th and Northrup, 3 and 4 -room t urnished apts. M arshti 11 107!. THE OA MA R. 704 l.oveloy, 3-room apt.; i-.-Tit $2. to S27.50. Marshall 2917. CUMBERLAND APTS.. 3fl W. Park; best lot :tion cityj r.-in-g t lie p.i t-k. m. 1 uno. N E V f urnishe'i apts. ; concrete block ; $ 10 and ? 1 2. 1 1'2 10 i nion ave. N. Wo in. 512. 1, 2 ROOMS, bath, ste-am heat, phones, gas, liirht: ?3 t:p. New Hart. 170 14 2d st. LEON AR D 2 and 3 -room apartments ; steam heat, phone, 005 East Main. Unfurnished Apartments. BE A UT1FUL unfurnished 5-room apart ment, with al I modern conveniences, in cluding sleeping porch, telephone, gas, elect ric lights. etc. ; new ly carpeted, renovated, reduced . rentals. Phoirts Main 4371. A 13'l. IMPERIAL ARMS APARTMENTS, i Fourteenth and Clay bts. Most beautifully located. High -class tenancy. Two, three and four-room apartmerf's. Prices most reasonable. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. ISth and Couch st-s. Marshall 255ft. Mod ern nw buiiuing. 2, 3. 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths ana tvt-ry convenience. LUCRETIA COURT, Lucret'.a st., net.V 3d and Washington sts. Strictly modern high-class apt-house. 2-3-4-5-rorn apts., best service;; rents rea sonable;. Ref. required. Mr., Mar. 1513. UN EL'RN 1j? H ED 3-room apartments; also inple rooms: brick building, hardwood fioors; $li to $20; heat, Hgnt, gas range and pilous. Powell Apartments, Haw thorne and 37th. Tabor 37s. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished ti-room apartment, Wickershaia apts., Ihth and Flanders; cen trally located; every modern convenience. Main 22UI. IRV1 NGTON ins E. lth st. N., cor. Han- cock s!. In center finest residence section. One vacancy only, bee Janitor or call 701 "Board of Trade bin1?. C ROOM.S, modern, steam heated, private front and back porches, walking distance, 535 to desirable parties. 307 11th ot. GARDNER, cor. 13th and East Ashsts.; 5 large rooms; fireplace, hot water heat, also garage. il.-vYO APTS.. 553 Union ave. N., near Broadway ; new, strictly modern S-room arn rrments: reasonable. Phone East 10. 4 ROOMS. $14 and $1S. hardwood floor, fire place; Just painted. Phone East S. THE ORMONDE " rooms, all outside: mod ern; 03d Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 6251. 0 ROOMS Bleeping porch; all outside rooms; references. 780 Irving. Mar. 175s. WEIPT APTS.. t3 NORTH 23 D ST Finest unfnrn. in city; private porches. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. Large, light. 5, 6 r:ns reas. M.751, A 27ti THE AMERICAN 21st and Johnson S, 4, 5 rooms, reasonable. Marshall 835'. 5-T1: Of APT., with sleeping porch. Bryn Mawr. "E. 15th St.: -"o. 2-ROOM, $1.50; and 1 sleeping. 75 cts. week. 202 Vz Jefferson. TWO-ROOM apartment for rent : hardwood floors, steam heat. 2S5 Montgomery st. FOR RENT. Cn furnish ed A part men t . CARMELITA APARTMENTS, 1STH AND JEFFERSON. AND 5-ROOM UNFURNISHED. CALL. MAIN 20M6. BEAUTIFUL new Nob Hill apts.. the last word In apt-house construction, will be opened Monday, the l&ih. Light, airy, 2 and 3-room suites, elegantly finished ; Ideal location: unexcelled outlook; large lawn, with all the comforts of the mod ern home ; rates very reasonable ; make reservations now. G'.l&an t.. near 23d. IRV IS U AP ART ME NT S . Four rooms unfurnished, all outside moms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service, low rates, to permanent tenants; references required. 6S'J Irving st. Phone Marshall 274 Furnished or I'nf urninhrd Apartment. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. IStJ Vista ave., near 2Sd and Washing ton; large, attractive, sunny outside rooms; private balconies, modern, super ior service, unsurpassed view, walking distance. Barker apartments. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and 4 room; rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenant. Phone Marshall and 2164. Walking- distance. 21st and Irving. W E L L E t? I . E Y COURT. MELCI.1FFE COURT. REX ARMS. Funnyalde carline, close in ; 2 and 8 rooin : desirable and reasonable. THK HUEN A VISTA. 12th and Harrison strictly modern; all outside apartments ; ideal location ; references. Phone Main mn and )0.v'. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TON E. X 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. FHoNE MARSHALL, HOI. 3 BIO, hot, outside rooms and dandy sleep ing porch, furnished or unfurnished, finest place on earth ; see It sure; adults only. 810 Albina. Mississippi car. FURNISHED suites of 1. 2 and 4 rooms at 244 Va Killings worth eve. ; low rent, cloae to car Phone Woodlawn 1 107. MODERN furnished and unfurnished houses. .? to 6 moms; good location, clove to car. Tabor 3020. RoENFEDD (brick), 14th and E. Stark, 3 rooms, furnished or un fur id shed. KINGFtAViS APT S., 54 King St. 8 and 4 rooms; high-ciass; references. Main 2o58. FOR RENT. Good 5-room flat. 4401, "Broad way, West Side; walking distance. 12 month. EDWARDS FURNITURE CO.. Cor. 6th and Oak Sta. Main 1927. SPLENDID new lower flat, 3 rooms beside dreusing-room and bath, everything mod ern, gas range and water heater; latest style disappearing bed, corner lot, 2 fine porches, eieetric vacuum cleaner, water furnished, yard kept up. heat partly f ur niFhed, located 315 E. 23d St., one blok south of Hawthorne. Tabor U73, or 350 Alder st. COMFORTABLE 4- ROOM FLAT. Why sh iver or fire your own furnace when you can have a hot-water-heated 4-room-wlth-a-eleeping-porch flat, including hot water, gns range, linoleu m. wall bod, - front porch, for only $2."? Eatt 21st, near Hawthorne. Tabor 3 013. -4- , . KNISHKD 3-room modern upper flat, with sh-eping porch and basement, gas rane and hot water heater, 2 heatinc stoves, linoleum on kitchen ftnd stair carpe-t : fine location and very esy walK in distance. 2."1 K. Second St. N. 2 UPPER and 1 lower 4-room flat, heat and water furnished, also gas range and water heater; good car service; very reasonable; no children. Phone Sell wood 1 0' 1 . M O DERN FLA T S $ 1 . Broad way car, walking distance, five rooms, Po nton furnace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen. Got don, E- 0th and E. Prnaiiway. E. 3f. FOR RENT 5-room f'.ats, 2' Chapman st., between Jefferson and Madison sts. Grate, gas and modern plumbing; reaonabl? rent. Apply Wakefield, Fries & Co., b5 Fourth st. FOL" R sunny rooms, sleeping porch and bath, laree front porch, lire view, janitor service, walking riitn nee. West Side. $2vt ; re fere n ce. 4Si 1 1 a 11 st. MODERN 3-rooirt flat, large baleony, dls a p pear In g bed. pas rane, linoleum, cor. E. loth and Halsey. W. I. Swank, Main -1''0', A??- WET SIDE 5-roonv flat. 1)29 Thunnau. Modern conveniences, $ 13 per month. WAKEFIELD, FRIES Co., i5 Fourth Stifcet. EXTRA welt kept flat, four rooms, sleeping porch, den. gas ranee, linoleum, phone, water, garbage collector; $2u. 3tf3 Mon roe, near Union ave. HE A 1' ED apt., f lai. 4 lari,- ilht rooms, sun porch, 4 closets, Dutch kitchen, gas range; choice location; wonderful vi-w. Front, near Eancroft; ?25. Mar. 3'.7.h. $ is. 50. INC UU DING water, moaern 5-room upper; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace etc. 01 4; East 10th st. N., cor. Davis. Wctod lawn 4373. IRV1NGTON. modern lower corner flat, all built In conveniences ; hardwood t Inor, fi replace, furnace heat: 401 East 13th North. Phone East 4200. JIT 5 room, fine condition; good home; near enr; fireplace, f urniice, water, use of phot:?, garbage K. 24:h, bet. Ankcuy and Bur'if tue. E. 7277. I'OP.T LAND HEIGHTS, new O-room fla.t. near Ainsworth School; hardwood floor, sleeping poreh. Ma re ii all 4"7-'. Uiiracp. MODERN, 5 rooms, walking !iiu nee ; upper, one low ei ; corner East 12th CIhv. Phone Marshall 301U. one and i.-ijL.HN, desirable lower flat, Hawthorne district, vry reasoiia'olo to responsible party. Phone Tabor 133. MODERN 5-room lower Hat, 052 Marsliail, cor. 20th; $22, Including water and gar bs h. FIVE pleasant rooms, walkin g di-stancu; date rent Dec. 1 If taken at once. Ta- bo r 1 5 2 S. Vl'RY desirable 7-room flat, rent Includes hent, hot water and Janitor service. 713 Jotinson, cor. 2d. Main 2. 05. $10 A MONTH 4 rooms, desirable location close to school and carline. Ogden, loi Shaver. "Woodlawn 2'2. 5-KOOM modern flat. 4 2i, 11th st.. $1G ; water paid. Oregon Inv. & Mtg. Co., 202 Stock Exchange. 3d and Yamhill. VE R Y uesira hie 5-room ; gas raiiKe. water heater, clean, also garage. 2$ East 13th, near E. Ash. CHOICE li-rjom modern flat, reduced rent. West Side, walking distance. iv2 Lo ve iny st., near zlct. C04HNER single flat, large, bright, sunny rooms ; modern, newly t'.nted, line f ur nace. Key 34H fMth st. Main 7040. 743 OVERTON Choice location. modern, sunny, 0iou:n flats, with or w Ithout ga- H-1.00M flat, it.iT. 70 Johnson street, $2u. Main FLAT of six rooms and bath. 731 Tlovt st Inquire 33" 6th. Phone Main 6278. MODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d and Washington ets. Main ,(Si G-ROOM upper flat, gas, electricity and fur nace, close in. GllVa Columbia st. 45 ROOMS, strictly modern, low rent. Cleveland. Phone Woodlawn 22P5. ROOMo, sleeping poreh, heated bv Central Heating; Co. 7 J 3 Kearney. Mar. 34.f.. 5-ROOM lower, modern, between Broadway and Steel hrldfre. 251 Halsey st. HOLLA DAY'S ADDITION, 5-room cor. flat, modern 412" Wasco, E. 3S05. Fum lli e d Fla t s. WILL rent my G-room nicely furnished flat, strictly modern, reasouablc, water paid. Tabor 14J?4. $12.rJ 4-ROOM furnished flat for rent; free phone and water. East CI 53. 366 .in Rafael. CKA PMAN Beautifully furnished six room fhit. piano, $27.50; also 4-rOom flat, riano. ?J0. FURNISHED compJete, 5-room lower flat, outride rooms, walking distance. 424 Til lamook TWO and 3-room furnished flat, sleeping porch, light, phone and fuel; from $iu t:p. 552 Mill St. NICELY furnished down stairs flat. 4 rooms, with piano and sewing machine, $15, witn water, fiifu- Upshur at. 4-ROCM. well -furnished flat, sttlctly clean and modern, r.ith phone. 827 E. Buxton iv. East :0. ONE modern furnished upper flat, all out side rooms. 02 East Madison ; sleeping porch, phone East l!34. FURNISHED 6-room fiat, including heat. ?32Ui V. Tth. Main 16H7. $lu NEATLY furnished 4-room modern flat rn carline; adults. Woodlawn 3-lU. M "ER ".'j 4-r. flat, walking distance, SiS Ross et., 2 blocks Broad ay brld ge. WEFT SIDE, clean, nicely furnished 5-room lower flat, piano. Main 6752. WELL-FURNISHED 5 rooms, furnace. Mar. 6!R8. References. FURNISHED f'.at, 29 Thurman St., $20. In quire Wakefield-Frles Co., S5 4th st. MODERN 5-room newly furnished flat for rent, cheap. 1157 Greeley su Woodi a 2064.1 FOR RENT. Furnished Flat. THREE rooms and sleeping porch, dlsap- Cearinjg bed, clean, heat, hot water, gar age removal, walking distance, 3 car llneg, chea p rent 4 27 Rodney ave. 3-ROOM furnished flat, oak floor, private bath, steam heat, water, garbage, Haw thorne district, near car, lo. 7i E. Main. East 3v24. ft-R OO M corner, furnished. West Side, walk ling distance Couch School district. Main 3" 20. $13 MODERN 5-room flat, stoves, gas, close Reed College. 11S3 .Mnw-uMe- t. J I on ne keeping Rooms. $2 WEEK, completely furnished housekeep ing rooms, absolutely clean; every conven ience, hot water all hoars; also suite, bay window, sunny. $ l:; mo. ; desirable people only; save canare. The Cadillac, 3d. near .lefferson. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam heat, run nine hot nnd cold water phone in every room, 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison Bts., $14 up. 2il Columbia st., near 5th. TWO nice front rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping; free phone, lights and bath ; good brick building, right on car line, $8 per month. Call 515 Vs Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 3707. NiCELY S urn hed housekeeping suite walklne djetance. both phones; $2 per week and ut: newly renovated. Main 7771. Tr.e Warrenton, 40'J 3d st. N 1 c t-Z . u I T K of 1-2-3 and 4 housekeeping roonj, partly fyrnished, at 244W Killlngs-wo-th ave., cor. Vancouver. Low rent. Phone Woodlawn 175. TWO rooms, Juxt newly tinted and fur nished complete for housekeeping for f S per month. 5!."i, William ave.. Phone Wood 1 a w n 37u 7. 4til EAST M OR R I SON -Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts., reasonable. FURNISHED 2-room apu, $li mo. Belknap Apartments, 187 17th, near Yamhill. $14 PER MO. Pieasant 2-room suite, steam heat, elec, phone. i2 Everett. Housekeeping; Rooms in J'rtvato Family. TWO cosy H. K. rooms, extra good kitchen, gas and wood stove, gas, eleciric and linens ' furuislicd, close in. Just off of Washington; price $3 per week; also three rooms, 33 u lyth. PA REo R. kitchen, 2 bedrooms, completely furnished ; gas, wood ranges, $ 13 month ; piano, liKht, ' water, phone included, t.-'l itouney, near Fremont, W. A., Alberta cars. d. L.iKUK housekeeping rooms to working couple; heat, light and cooking gis fur nished; 12 per month. Call bunday, 91 X. 17th st. LARGE, light, cheerful H. K. rooms In nlcs home on sightly corner; gas range, piano, veranda, 1 urn is hed and uuf urn tshed, serv ices, close in. K. 7267 or E. 2209. $12 2 FRONT rooms and sleeping porch, comfortably furnished, wa Iking distance ; free heat, phone, eiectriclty ; no children. Kist 44.IS. 63A East Morrison st. TWO housekeeping rooms, gas range, sink, ti rep lace, furnace htat tind bay window, also housekeeping room with kitchenette. io 14 th et, IRVlN'iTON 3 large, well furnished rooms, on carline, fireplace, piano, etc., $-.ft, lncluues furnace heat. phoni, water, gar hae; adults only. East '43H4. WANTED Congenial young woman to share comfortably furnished apartment ; close in, ;-easonaljle price; references exchanged. M 134,. Oregonian. 4- i OO M furnished apartment, clostit, bath, gas ranne, electric ilht, mouern resideiiee; one block Haw thoi ne car. East 751. 7,;i East Madison. 3 LARGE, cheerful, neatly furnished house keeping rooms, with piano: well located ; adults. 2 Ml E. 47th South. Hawthorne ave. $1 To $2.5j a week; furnLehed 11. K. rooms; free heat, laundry, bath, phone. East OUoU. 400 snco.iver ! ar Broadway. $13 TI I REE clean furnished H. K. rooms, electric, phowe, water. Included. 127 East lth st., bet. Morrison and Alder. ON' E housekeeping room, low rent, heat, light, bath. fru phono. 141 N. 10th st., cor. II oyt st. $0 THREE nice unfurnished first-floor H. K. rooms. 743 East tark, corner 221. East 535t!. DA ND Y rooms. cimplete liiuekeeplng. hvv rent, running water, heat, li-;ht, pnnne, bath. 44u Jeffrson. cor. 12th. 3 WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping roomM. h"at, light, telephone, hot and cold water, $ ir for two. Main &651. LA KG E, comfortable corner room and kitchen; heat, phone, hath; also slngiu H. K. room. 215 lith st. FURNISHED 1, 2. 3 H. K. rooms. Call Sun day or al tcr 2 I' M.. near Wash. 2G N, 17th st. NEWLY pa pered and painted a part men t ; well furnish ea ; hot ana cold waiur. 534 Morrison. FUi;NISHED housekeeping rooms, steam heat, bath, laundry, $1.3 and $2 week. 1 47 1 3t h. near Abler. TWO cosy rooms, for one or two people, gas Included, 30 weekly; single rooms, moiit n I;. . ;53 Flanders st. LARGE iront room and kltcher.eite, hot and cold watt, closo in, reasonable. Main 12i3. 3H0 Hall st. VE ItV 1 -lea nt room, lower floor, house keeping for 1 or 2 ; reasonable ; home Tri I le'cs ; walking distance. M m in 2 I 1. 354 .SALMON. 2 desirable rooms, turn itched for housekeeping; single housekeeping rooms. $is 2 FURNISHED front rooms and kitch enette, private bath, free heat, electricity nnd phone. Knst 4 13S. tt35 lliist Morrison. MolERN furnished housekcejilng-rooms, npi c r floor. $11 ; lower floor, $1 i. 17I1 East 17th tt. 'I k i ) nicely f urn l.hcd housekeeping rooms, light, phone and water, $S. 102 K. lst:i stret t Til E rm. pas. JtCSHM ARK, 53H Wash. Outside wi.h kitchenette, $J2 mo.. Including elec, steam heat : w a iking distance. TWO "ll. K. rooms, with bath, suitable for couple without children ; handy to car line: rent reasonable. 1CJ Iowa st. N'crLY furnished front suite. Well lighted and furnace heated, within walking dis tance. Phone Main 4S3 HOUSEKEEPING room, $1.75 and up; free phone, light, hot and cold water; walking distance. 501) Davis. Marshall 2594. TWo wc-ll-f urnifrdied rooms for housekeep ing. $7 1110., light, wa ter. phono free. East 72il. 431 E. Ankeny. WO newly f urn Isned H. K. rooms for two en Is, emp!o eu ; all conveniunces, no o.r fare; $10. Phono Main 7323. t2 N 10th st. LA HUE, neatly furnished front room, close In, reasonable. 151 Low nsdale, corner Morrison. TH R EE partly furnished or f urn ism d housekeeping rooms, adults. Phone Wood lawn 245, TH REE connecting housekeeping rooms ; telephone, gas and bath, flue location. 3&5 11th st. ON E housekeeping room w ith kitchenette, $5.50 per mo, ; electricity and gas, phone. 51i 12th at. FURNISHED rooms, 1.50 per week up. H. K. rooms. $'2.50. 3S9 West Park. 'IJiREE furnished housekeeping rooms, .vater and telephone, $11. 2'H Morris st. licjU.EKEEPlNO rooms reasonable, bell. 2MS. 547 Maiden ave. 1 AND 2 large, mode? h IL K. rooms, lsl floor, private entrance. 429 Main. 2 It. K. rooms, heated hy Central Heating C . ; reasonable. 73 Kearney, Mar. 34 5 a. SUITE of housekeeping rooms, close in 'and . reasonable. 181 13th. ON E large, modern room, phino. Main 3312. 3H loth. privilege of ON w ell-furnished H. K. room, Including wood. $2 week. 314 Main St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all modern, lng distance. 529 E. Ash. 8-ROOM flet, modern, near Broadway bridge. 3?2 E. 1st St.- North. $11. $1 WEEK Clean, quiet, close ini large grounds, phone. 10 E. 8th. FRONT H. K. rooms, electricity, gas, sink, s plendld bath. 2'J-i JenTer so n. 3-ROOM suitu of light housekeeping rooms at 415 Mill st. 3 oo MS l'Wi no, two beds. Call Sunday cr e ven in t s . 5 5 Yamhill s t . NEWLY furnished ho(keeplff rooms. hit and second floor. t3 N. 2uth St. LARGE H. K. room and kitchenette: fur nnce heat: close-in location. 2'iS 12th. HOUoEKEE-PING 11th st. rooms reasonable. THREE f urn i.-hed housekeeping rooms cheap. E. th st. N. NIC ELY f urnUhed 4 rooms, conveniences, reasonable. 004 Front st.. cor. Meade. NiwELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 4i3 Aider st. $Q PER MONTH Small, comfortable rooms. 2524 South Broad way. TWO nice H. K. rooms, Weldler; steam heat. cheap rent. DOXT search, stranger. 2 corner rooms, electricity, ga rang-?. $10. 30H 4 tic HoUfea. 1R I NGTON Mo 3ern 7-rm. home, f26 E. Irtth N.. bet. Braxee and Knott; Imington car: will kft'.pomlne to suit. Main 1XS. HOUSES; ny place, any size, any price. Badler, 621 Yeon bldg.. Main 4&1. GOOD 7-room house for rsnt, $16. Johnson. Main aS 12. COSY, modern 3-room cottage. 14 block Al berta car. 10S1 E. 7th sc North. $2 SIX rooms, hot-wster heat, water and arc-age lnctudca. 401. lZth su FOR RENT. IIoQMe. Mala 4545 A66A1. POWERS RENTAL BUREAU. 5- room bungalow In Hawthorns di., with fireplace, etc 18 Two-story house In Irvlngton. , with furnace, fireplace, sleep ing poi ch. cement basement, trlct ry modern 20 6- room house tn Rose City d'.st., modern, with furnace, fireplace IS -room house in Peaumont add., sleeping porch, fireplace, etc. . 18 Tf you are looking- for a house, take advantage of our large list of houses located In all dec Ira Me districts. Our list is one of tho )MrR9it and most complete In' th city and we would be very pleaded to help you locate. POWERS FURNITURE CO., Third and Yamhill Sta. A. H. BIRRELL CO. $4 (M1 Overton sc. IO roomi. $30 Council Crest drive, choice. E. 4ith st., near Sandy road. t'J 5.r.4 E. Broad ay, 7 rooms, modern. llalsey at.. Irvlngton, 6 rooms. T-0 5a5 K. Madison St.. 0 rooms. jjt Rose Citv Park, 6 rooms, choice. i:t:l Division, nr. 50-th. rms f 18 Woodlawn, 7 rms., good conultion. $H Nd. 1, K. 72d St., 5 rms.. modern. $10 Mt. Tabor large ground, barn, fruit. IS W'40 .E. 72d .S. E., o rms.. good. A H. HIRKKI.L CO., 217 Northwestern Rank Mdg. Marshall 4114, A 4Mb. IRVINGTON 4ol E. 3t'th N.. 7-rm., si. po., garage, a beauty, $35; 4iU E- 2.Mh N., fi rm., si. po., attic, American radiator heat, a beauty, $40. Others, some nc w. at $-3 and up; also . 4M E. lirth N.; firepla. e, best furnace, full cement basement, $-''. M7 Wasco $15 Others at $15 and $L'0. Several beautiful furnished at 27.50, RO. $50, $75. R, T. btreet. Irvlngton. agent. 6-RM., 1457 Winona st (WoodravO. $7. 5-rra. fst, CbO E. Morrison st.. $3. 4- r.. waiklnK disc, 42 E. Pine St., $&. 5- rtn., StS 0 lads tone ave., $10. 5-nn.. i"i4 t.;. uusan st., 31st), $15. 7-rm., 781 York st West Side, $16. S-r., and garage, 2'20 Division st, $20. FRANK U M'GUIRE. 414 AT.dngton Mdg. Main 108. UNFURNISHED HOUSES TO RENT. $1 ."i.OO 5-room bungalow, garage. $l.nO 5-room modern bungalow. $ 7-room modern house. 5 40.00 7 ronms, mo iem, k;i rage. THE OREGON HOME GUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank BIdg. MR. AND MRS. HOUSE HUNTER. See u before you rmt a place to live; 5 min. In our office, under our new sys tem, equals a month of personal search. We sh o-.v vo u the hou so you w 1 -h to see. SMITH-WAGONER r'O., STOCK EX. LcVKKLiinisT 7 rooms thoroughly mod ern. $21.50; Rose "ity Park, rt rooms, thor oughly modern, $22.50; South Portland. 4 room. $s. PRO v" 1D NT TRUST COM PAXT, 21J Selhni Bids:. tn'. E. 17TH N. Ten rooms, $10. M0 B. 42d ft. N. Teu rooms, modem, with m rar $22.5 557 E. :t7tu sL N". Eight rooms, steam hent. $L'? ,iO, Main 124-j. Tabor 22 MrKav bMg. W EST SIDE. Modern o-room bungalow, hardwood floors, beamed c -filings, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, i'o Thurman st. : rent 2U p r month. Apply Wakefield, Fries &. Co., e5 4th ht. tl-ltOUM house. H.",7 Klandcrs. ti-room bungalow. Rose city Park. 7 - room h 011 at, 7 I S E. .Morrison, $ 1 2. 8- room hotis.-. t.i2 K. M orrison, $ 1 i. 1'. W. TAYLOR, li.Mt Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT A very desirable, modern house in the heart of IrviiiKton; f rooms and , slcepi'ig porch; 1 block to car and 2 hlo.-ks to school. Parker, til Board of Tr&ae, Main 103. MODERN 4-rovm house, J7.50; modern 5-r-.cmi house, 10; mc.rlern 7-room houe. $ lu the places are a. I in A-l con d it Ion and la rga ins at t in- prices. For particu lars ch II 512 Platr lId g. N E A T 5-room. modern butigic low ; fireplace, buIR-iu butfet. Duteh kitchen. wush tr vs. etc. ; convenient to two car lines, stores and school Ow nor. phone E;it 2" 12. ROOMS, Mt. Tabor. 153ft F.. Taylor. $2. 5 rooms. A lberta' 157 E. 24th North. $10. tt rooms, cor. Jarrett and IZ. Uth N.. $13. C. DeVoung & (o.. 513 Chamber of Corn. - R 10 M house a nd aero, hit a, tree, t run s and berries, two chtckeii-houses. luar 5c cat line. flO month; fruit enough tt pay rt-nt. k vul garden soil. Me oy. pl :;d t. 0-liUUM modern hoiit-e, witli guraue, cioo In, rent UK, or can room and board ow ncr in iieu of rent. Address p 'atiil. rt Konhin. A MODERN, S-room house in splendid condi tion; has furnace, fireplace, a larKe poreh -and t he rent will be reasonable. 441 11th st. no. 1:. :t-2D st. $22. "0 d-room, modern ami 100x100; furnace, etc. This is very cheap. V ITH-U 'ArjOMClt Co., STOCK EX. PORTLAND Height, modern home: 8 larvo looms : c lose to c ir ; rent furnished $55, or will rent without furniture, owner, M-tn :125. FIVE rooms, 1ihx1;m, orchard, pardon and ch Ic kea t un. one block from school. Sf 11 w ood ; one iuc.ii th rent f rve to reliable people. I 'hone East 1 7t 5. FOR houses, fl:its, apartments and stores see Mr. Clark nt HARTMAN THOMPSON (4th and stark. GOOD six-room house. hot, odd waC-r, bath, I garden, fruit, chicken yards; w ill rent to pooil tenant ; near Kood car and nl"ot. $1(1 per tiiorth. J !5;. Oregonlau. $ii ATTRAC! 1V 4-ioom cottage. clean, newly papered, gas stove, electrlcltv. lot 5ox1-0: near river. L. L. Gray, Island mm 1 ion. Or'gon city car. NICE 6-room house on Inrk blocks, vncant nttep Dc 12 ; reasonable rent to adults. Main 1955. MODERN six -room house for rent reason able; f.iia house Is clean. Fhone Tabor $;;u lo-room modern house, G'lpan near 23d; alo &-room modern house with garage, che p. W"et Side. Main 2474. FOR RENT, HOUSES AND FLATS. List your houses with us. Phone East 17IU. 604 WiLiams ave. MODFRN 5-room bungalow, newly decor ated. 1 54 S Maryland avenue i'hune Mar shall nl4o or Col. 221. FINE home. R rms., hardwood fiors, ohk finish, hot water heat, parage, corner, $50 a month. Main lhd3. Main 5407. 6- R O M newly pa pe red ho use, close t o Northwest Steel Co. Phone Marshall 443? after 10 A. M. NEW, modern. B-room bungalow, $16. 561 Reynolds, near Milwaukle ave. Sellwood car to Reynolds ave., H block west. NEAT 7-room home. West Side, w a kintr distance; hot water furnaee, small yard, $20. M0 MnrHet. Main 4510. 6-R00M house located at 447 East 37th at. North, cioFe to car. nice neighborhood, every convcrlenep. Phone Bdwy :::pt. G-ROOM modern bourse, furnace, hardwo'id floor. $15 1525 K . Hoyt st. . Marsh. 7'J3 . HOUSE for rmt, furniture for sale, 555 E. Taylor, corner 13th. BY OWN Kit, home t CO'J Everett st. Phone Marshall 44 77, 6-ROOM house. 7s E. 9th at., 2 blocks from Sunny side car, $ 10 $1. $15 THREE and 3-room cottnRen. mod crn. Mh 1n 3.72. M aln 3411. ft o 5 y,on bldg . $14 iiuuhKN rie-room cottage, corner lot. .j.5 K. 6th st. No., corner Broadway CLE A N 7-room houw. 45 1 Mont (tome ry, Infi lire next door or pho n e Sell. 1551. NEW, modern bungalow, two bedrooms, $o". Rose Cit car. 7 1 nt anil Slsk iyou. $5 4-rtooM cottaye, large attic, gas and wnr. Marshall S22. 3. 4 ANp 5-room. ne. modern bungalows at cut-ite" rents. East 0Jtl. MODERN 5-room bungalow, 1 block from car. 773 East 27th it, Phoue Sellwood 173. MODERN 7-rooin house, 243 2'S' st. ntar .lai'tfiiaii. rnuue jiaitnan iuiu. 4-3COM cottage, near Broadway bridge; rent cheap. 325 Schuyler m. WEST Side. P rooms, nice lawn, 1S month. Phone E. 662S. 5-ROOM modern bungalow; rent $16. 771. MODERN S-room house, reduced to $-0. 734 E. Burnsine. ast 3474. $7.50 A MONTH Modern 6-rooin house, 4212 7Crh st. S. E. Inquire n-xt door. i-KOUM, $7.50; 4-room, $5.50; walk ing distance. inquire owKtroy. ht.T cniap. good 5-room cottage, good vsr1. r 4 tat i;tn St. soutn. Fo JK-room irodern, new houee; $10 month, Sellwocd 14t. ti-huOM house, gas, electricity, walking dls ranr e. U7 Everett st. Phone Lest 8. C3 E. 2 1ST, 5-room modern house, clean, with or without garage. East 7 75. 6-ROOM modern house, $20. 402 E, 46th X., near Hancock. Rose City Park. NICE ti-room cottage. $10; 2S8 Stanton, near W illiams ave. : new y cleaned. 7-ROOM house. 4 lots, some furniture. 316 iRth ave. Phone Taor JH . MOD RN 6-room house, rent reasonable, 715 East Salmon, coiner 21st. ast ie5. roR nrfT. liousea $23, AND A BIO PARQAIN. ROSE CITT CAli. NEAR 4D. rooms, fireplace, bookcases, beamed ceiling and paneied dining-room, good lia hi basement, laundry trays. Located hulf block from pavement: street Is not graded, but you wll- be convinced of the bis vaiue. Her Is a cfrinc to make some money. Good terms. 01 i .c opta &unda s. See HickmaD or Wi.ion (Cor. 45 th and Sandy), laoor C 212L t Branch of Hanmin Th o m iua. ) ALBINA, 7-R good condition, $10. Rfs City, ti-R., s.p. porch. $16. Rose Citv. 0-R, garaire. $20. Be union t, 0-R,, paraue. $22 50. Richmond, S-R.. iew bungalow. $25. West fcirto, 8-R.. close in. $25. Many others; also furnished, houses. See Mr. C.ark. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON (Cor. 4th and Stark Phone Marshall 4600. A 610L MEIER FRANK'S P.KNTA I BUREAU 7 TH FLOOR. We have at all times a reliable iist of houses, flats, apartments, etc., in alt parts ef the city. Aail yourselvrs of this FREE service. Information cheerfully f uralsaed, IR VI NGTON PrN'lALOW, $21. 6 rooms, hardwood lloora. beamed ceil ings. Dutch kite lien, new teas rante and heater, built-in buffet, curtains, lull ve in nt bajscment. I a ami ry tra s and pas plate, furnace with coil, fireplace, sleep ing porch, sew ii: k-room, garage runway, nice la-w 11 w ith roses, etc. 5 25 . E. 11th at. North, near Braaee. E. 2303. $.2 OvO GARFIELD ave.. large rm. house, modern, garage. $t.oO 4-rm. (vottaxe, larse ground, en closed, small ban 1, in Lents district. $10. (jo 7-rm. house, 3o7 N. loth W. Wst Hide. OTTO & JIARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. ALAMEDA HOME Cor. 33d and Bryce ave.; Broadway car; 7 rooms and screened sleeping porch ; strictly modern ; cplendlu furnace, ilreplace. large corner lot. line lawn srxl shrubs; Immediate possession ; long lease if desired ; key across the street. B 51. Lombard, 3d and Madison. Main IW'o2. $S 6 rooms. 1744 FLsk St. $0 7 rooms. C 2-"d st. 7. S22.RO 10 rooms. 144 N. ISth. $22.5o ft rooms. 3.'2 K. Taylor. $15 7 rooni!, iS7 E. Ever-it. PLM EK-.TONES CO., 4 04 Wilcc-x BIdg. Main hCO'J. OUR HOME FOR RENT Very deslrab.e room house, S22 Clackamas, in splendid condition, modern, t hrec large bedrooms, very desirable neighborhood. handy to two carllnes; 2o minutes' ride to town; - on corner; vacant Deo. 1. Phone evenings or mornings. Tabor 5S!t: 6-RO M hoiwe on corner of E. a i;d I von. close to Division st ; 1 block from Richmond car; furnace, fireplace, beamed celling and built-in conveniences, 11 no- :um in kitchen, new gas range, double v a rage. Tabor 3420. WILL le;ise for 2 or 3 y:trs modern 6 t oorn house, hard wood floors, fire pi ace, furnace. H minutes walk from Postof :"h-o. S25 per month. Reid, Main 3517, -"2 WUenx M!:r. FOR RENT A modern 10-room residence. West Side, in perfect order, suitable Mr prix ate residence or room in g-house. In qulrw room 613 Corbett bldg., oth and Mor rison. FIN K 7-1 00m licuse la Laurelhurst, $5 per month ; also 7-room furnished house f.r $35; key Sunday at LaurvlOurst tract of fice, r.'.nii and Gl sun. Wtekdas call J. Dclnhitnty. Main li'W. F li K K STORAGE Houxeliold goods stored free; expert movers. Backers snd sh Ippers. Manning Wareh-oie tv Transfer Co., Ulh and H.tyt sta. Broadway 703. A. SN A P it-room house. East 34th. bet w e-n Belmont and Hawthorne; $25 un r;irnishi. $.; pai tly furnished. Main u.v u, 1'reu tis. Bi:ST MENTAL SERVICE IN CITY Call or pmme. We sa e you t;me and trouble. THE ERNEST YOUNGER CO. Main 5 1 .5. 7 "5 Pa rK hi., near Washing to n. A 1051. HOU S E S. F I . A TS ANDSTOr.HS. J. J. OKOKK. REAL ESTATE AND MENTALS. GRAND AVE, AND L AN KEN V. Hi CS ES. FLATS N D S TO I ; ES. J. J. OLDER. REAL ESTATE AND RENTALS GRAND AVE. AND E. ANKENY. I It V I KG PoN 6-room houe, firepiace lari wood floors, w a ter coii, furnace, b . . pin g porch, Kas range and hai-r; will furuiaii for right partv. l'hone Tabor 2s 1. MODKRN 8 -room house; hot-water heat, fireplace; lot 50xl"0 36( Fast 41st (comer Harrison. l"l)One Mala 34uL W. G. Beck. 3 1 i Failing bldg, R OS I cl TY I'AHK BUNGALOW. 5 reo.ns. H. W. fioors. furnace, modern; a desirable and CJtnloitab.e home. Owner, Toi'or ls.3. FlR RENT 3-room hui, haif niie from Lents Junction station; chicken iird and city w a ler; $4 per month. A K Poj. Ore po i'. 1. 1 n . i-1 v ' 1 house; up to c.ate, ciean. eozv, 110 forin-r; $! per luoiilli. II. 6176. 3'.'3 L. !Jh st. 4-ROOM house, ganlen sj ttee and ciiirk. n run; rent $5. Woodstock car to 3''th. Sell. 144 I. 5-ROOM modern house, cor. Myrtle and Chapman sts , Portland Heights; beautiful vu.v. Call Mr. Cram. Main 20s. $0 5- ROOM cottage?, clean, on the river bai.k; bath and electric l.ghus. 7ul E. 7th st. Sout li. FOR RENT Irvlngton nioii-rn houw, H rooms, 3 fireplaces, hardwood floora. E. 4M1. GOOD 6-room house, thvtric light. 2'.m,IM1 sey st., nenr Williams ave. Cheap relit. Walk i r. fc distar. re. East r.7 7 7. WES'r SIDE, walking distance, two neat slx-rotun houses; 26 13th st., 510 Market Ft. Phone Main 4510. WE-T SIDE, 5-room moJern, large yard, 5 mln. from bus ine center. Manager Car lotta Court, 17th and Everett. FOR RENT Irvlngton 6-room modern house, almost new, $22.50, 61S Pittock block. Broadway 5175. SPI.K.Vl'ID 9 -room house, nice! a it an i and heated, sh-epliig porch, at Dith arol l". Morrison ; nnlv $25. phr;i E. lf.iv.i. IRV I NGTON AttraetJ v modern, ce.jufeirt aol home, wtil located, $2 7.5u. East l4. Main &o7. 5-ROOM, modern houo. 20 min. out. 3 blocks to car; only $7 per mo. Main t'.5S4. Monday. FOR RENT Irvlngton S-room modern house hardwood f.oors. bufiet, etc. Last 4tU. FOR R RN'T S-room modern bunralow, gas, eiectric! and tirep'sce. In o-ood location. $14 a month. Inc. watr, at li'.G E. IJncln. FI V E rooms and sleeping porch, f urnac-, all modern convenience s. 4"4 E. 52d st. Talior 7bUi. FI NE modern 7 -room house, 37 S E. .Vlth st- near Hawthorne car. 1 hone La.-t 34. g. FOR RENT Moderti 7-room house, lartee ..rd. n a r Haw t home and 57 tn su Call Tat, or .'1570. dPKRX -roim house, chedee neig hbor hood. centrally located, rent reasonable. o'5 11th. - FOR RENT Your own price. nood xlx-room house. bKfement nnd attic; Piedmont dis trict. Ow tier. Main !. li-ROoM furnished hu-.u; $7 per mo.; wa ter paid. Tabor RisS. 6-ROOM houfit, large lot. bat h avd f ui na -e. 512 Glenn ave. and Main st. I abor i -o.i. 5-ROOM modern house. Very cheap. P57 Wl'.'iam ave. 5-ROOM bun n n c- h ild ren HM bunri low modern except furnace; children. 2t-7 K. Sth st. N. B ear. MUlEKN 5-room bunaalow, -j. C rink m V n t ti OVil O- K mjM house-, sleeplnx porch and gar ace. 750 W a sco St. Ms, in 4stu. jTrOOM bunKalow- near Franklin T T ! h School, mod. 5415 Powell 'al. rd. K. t!22S. $1 A MONTH Neat S-room cottage. lilJU 42d avf. S. E. Se 1 1 wood 27 1 5-ROOM cotmo for rent. 12.5 Milwaukie st. Phone East 234. MODERN 5-room ho-ise. 22 Webster a e. Chftp. Call Main 2ni. Mr. Johnson. G- ROOM hous ; as. eieetrielty. 2. a) Halsey, near I'rojQ w ay hrhi ge. E, 4::Hi. LiCNGALOW 5 rms, modern; $17 water inc. :uo Division ; scant Doc 1. AV-R, car. $12 4-R 0' cottage, Vlvd. L. 23" L 1. lDth and Sandy b-KoOM modern house, 712 Lovejov, near 22d. inauire 130 6th St. Main 27. a l:o(Ol l"w- rent, f lre ! oration. Petty -ri t . p. ar 2tth. Msin SS. aj;, irt MCDKN 5-room bungalow, 4&0U 74th 6t. 4i. i- Main 2129. " , MODERN 5-room bur.palow. two blocks east :: 1 1 r t on Ke 11 y School. East 60(i. "r 6-RuOM bunsalow, S7th and Braxee, stricl-ly modern; rent only $20. East 4143. 8ROOM?. modern, 306 24th L X. Phone Main 5290, references; rent reasonable. FOR RKNT Trvlnpton, 7-room house at 63T E. 11th stN. 13 Pittock block. ' cTrooM house. Rood condition, with or with out guraue. 541 E. 17th; rent $12. R. M. GOOD 6-room Vungaio-w. 209 E. 6th, near Taylor: rent $12. 5-RooM cottars, 550 5th. bath, big yard, cheap. Bi oadway 2o;a. H ROOM?. de?e:rsb;e. Main. Cor. 24th. vsry low rent. "SO E. 120 PLaSNT 6-room house, ffiwj 35th, near Ha a thorns. Ky at 64, uext door. FOB RENT, FumMtfcl Hoe $19 Art 4-RM. well furnished !at. 27 Buxton st. 2 blks. from Candy bld. . OTTO sV HARKSOS PEALTT CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce BIdg. MODKRN -roo 4 house fully furnished, in cluding victro.a and line furniture to rent to s mail family ; references required. 17.50 per month. W , not rent for !ei tiian tiirvo iiiouis. See owner. 51J Flatt bidg. 8-ROOM house. corner'K. SOth and Tamhill. 1 block to carline ; full basemen t. wa!. trays and furruice, gas, electric light and bit h ; completely and eieitanUy furnished ; J lu per month. 912 E. - i aiuhill at. li. N. Scott. GARDEN HOME. Will sell r urrntui e of Mnall house, 3 cordis fir wood, sawed. 23 laving hens and will rent houf wttli acre cheap to reliable t-nant before firot of ye ax. Main 22. 213 Fen ton bldg. ESPECIALLY desirable nine-room strictly modern home tor rent, completely lur 11 islied. tncludlns; linen and silverw are. If d.ired; Weal Side. Inquire u Lewis bid J. ROSE CITY PARK HOME F U R-N I siiilD. UEDl CED b ROM $.. TO $25. Complct-'ly f ui nibbed, also plDO, 60x 10O jot. Photo in our office. SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EX. FoR KENT, furnished, 0-room inodexn bun galow. Hawthorne d 1st net, ail conven iences. $u a mouth. Tabor 4U53. Mar shall 104. MODERN 5-room cottage, furnished; av dauvi y j: Utce to keep cn ickens; all kinds of fruit. 2 blocks from Alberta caxilue call Woodiawu i369. 5-ROOM modern house, convenient to car; maii furnished house, electric lights, hot and cold water. Inquire at 1571 Macadam sire t. Main tttcjo. FURNISHED modern 6 - roo m buugalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, player piano, eiec, cleaner, furnace. 1053 Vaughn St., Willamette Heights. 2-SloKY bungalow for rent reasonable. The best in tiie city for the money. Take A iberta or Woodlawn car. 4uO Going sU Woodiuwn 245. FOR RENT, furnished, snall modern house; w eii lo.-a ted ; owner k eping one room ; attractive tnns to congenial tenant. AE !47. Oregon ian. FOR R E N T S-room house, modern, except furnace, full basement, large attic, lawn, roses, good large ga rage. $15 A month furnished. 110 E. 31st st. North. NH'KI.Y f umts-hej 6-room house, w th large sleeping porch, fireplcoe. etc.. cn E Burn side t.. near 2tth; rent $25. Call Marshall 23 1 (1 or A 5 725, HOl'SK, furnished or unfurnished for rent. it's modern ami comfortable, two blocks ' only to car. Inqulr 1 352 Rurrage st. FoR RENT Furnished or unfurnished 7 room house and g a race, near 2 carliucs, center of 1 rv ing ;ou. East 7;i2V $2o MONTH. Vomp:et.-l v turni.-hed. new moiiern bungalow-, Haw thorne disLiicL AI 121, Oregonian. ATT U At 'TI VE ti-r- om hou.- In Mt. Tabor, furnished or uuf urn I? hed. Phone Wood lawn t. 12. CHOICE r''dence district, we'l furnished or unfurnished home. ::tracti grounds; b:il:i city. Tabor 227. MoD E RN 5- room cottage. $ I linen. sll er and w a ter in. iu.i"d. 5'0 I'nlon ave., 10 minutes on Alberta car. NICK 4-iooTn farnlsncd c-ottage. rnt $12 pt-r monili ; take A' t. S- ott car to Clark-- Uitlou. See G. il, Taslor. WELL f'triiished mod rn stx-ioom bungtilow. tboroughly c!ran. cios. in. fireplace, fur nace. 4'. TlWnmook. irvlngton. Open 11-5. N E W 5-rm. bungalow, nicely furn. ; piano, furnace. $25 . pneu streets ; loO feet to csr ; Wen more. and. Sell. Mo. 20 min. out. $! FOR r.let-Iy furnished hunslow, six looms, :iimi- ; 11 ; ot.u r wuhes tJ reserve rooms. Call Tnlor l'."!'. Ki ' MS. c'lt ap rent to rlht I ;ri . Wlliamet lu Helmut home. Phoau A 5" " 5 li 1 c;oiiM :ie mi ty, jjiy modern 5-roori furr.i'-lit'il 'ouijm.ovv In Richmond Uist'Li. v 1 1 n ok!yn t . M In vt ";. FkKi-; f-T one month to r-liable part y. ti rooui cottUfic-, 1. ear Franklin High School. 1 h--ne M.iiii 4t'2l. C M i'L! ".IT. I .V furnii'lied ten-room h..u. lor one ear or ; es. cou v 'lit' nt local lou. A4 d. s" t-uT AG ", oi' fiuiimn. li A W 1 llOKN E ave.. coin ;! 1 T ely furnished 7-room l.oue; 3 l-vdrooin. furuace. Tabor 4J7n. -ltoM ! in niod Iiui:m. close In, il;ist r-i'ie. rent cite up to riht party. Maia 1 li V i N i'i'i N N nflv 1 irni-ioMi 5-room bun aio.. near Freinor.t st. 717 K. 27tr St. N. Mrs. 11. t. h. r. M. 31''. Nn EUY fur. .is' ed i-iioiu niii alovN. fur-n.i-.'. fifpl-ie. 414 E. 4dth ft. N., I ! lv. R- ' !: en r. Phore Ta br ti '..".. Tl: 1. TI.Y 111 oder u. e U-an. 5-room furnished h! 11 r 1 i i.v : ei" v w a ! k 1 n ei in a nee. 727 s Yamltrtl. Key 735 E. YamhlN. AT I RACl l E 4-;. furn. 2 2-1 sc. N., n.-r liurnn.ue 3474. hed house, l E. rent $15. Kat ONE i in I-. im 1 1 tf t I ooiu, ;H ' , k U 1-1 i ch. i- e:t ri- i t , 1; a s. out. Pi"io- EaM i. :iette. SieP" luiuire 4:i liF.AI I i r'l l.L 1 .irm: 1 .-.1 ;--mui modern Irvmutoii 1 .idfiie-.-; v . ! ? t li uitf f lrist-elas-; o. .:;s Pitard. S. ward Hotel. M iin 71o4. 7-ltuoM fun.i!hel house wi'h or without furniture, la s li. oo-i. Phone Sell wood 1 lu.V M -: o..:n mod-; 11 lo !He. part ly f.l. lilsned or uuf ui t.UliT't or wi i fe 1 undr value. --fv t. n-i:. I'ti- ne C-'umia 't"4. 5 K ' 1. iMS. Ii: i-.r. v.. -a n. In; $li. tell. 25 4N eveii.1 u-;. and S U li ( i a . P. 4iiO.M i unuiK'W. furnished, Mt. Scott car iine. .jU.w...d 241. pttRi'LAND 1 1 il IG li 1 S, house, cuu p!-t. ; fun-islo-d, Main Cf..; ti-iiooM f urnih h cd ho i--. 4 2S Hrookiya iu; rent $15. Call Tabor "los mornings. h-IU'i'M f ui n.- hed h'.o. Sn;ni.ii'.. 11. V s mh ' v -.: h piano, $10, Main 571 F I'HMHKU house of 5 roomie, piano. 653 Milwaukee. Ph ne Tabor 17a. mm cot t .t UCJ, IUOU - -mi bids. 5-RooMEl furnished hou.-.e, modern, fue in basement. l-V-7 .Ionian M. NICELY fum. shed 4-ro.Mii house to reut. 4'.t Col Ic-n Pt. Ml. 507 5. M D K I : N H M 1 n ie 1 y furnished or U n -f'llithed. JuTcll. Tab. :i42L ... AloDERN 4-roo:n cuttDtf". E. 25ih and Cora, $1;. Ca'l Ku"t 3225, morning or evening. WILL lease my house, furnii-hed; Reed Col lege district. E 157, Or-eonian. tr, mT7i !; RN bun i: : w , finely furnished. Mnln 3172. Main 5411. 3"'. Yeon Mug. Stores. TAILOR SHOP, best facilities, specially con structed, new building. Ctsliable for La dies' or men's tsuor or for workshop; we. I ll hted. hai d w ood floor, electrio connec tions. lare room for 20 or 30 workers; Uinw apar'.ineiH in couneciion ; low ren tal 'floor space UOxlOO fucst. Call 1025 Yeon bid". x SIXTH AND OAK. Cornrr si or., iirlcK hid irood locatlnn. now occupied by South rn Pacific ticket, office; to I eie at v, ry c I o - e rent f ro m Jan 1 T.1 7 i"or f u.l particulars a pply A H RIRPKI-L CO.. '-17 Northirestcro TTni.k bhlff. Mrfimll 4 114. A 41 IS. Cr.c ' Kit Y ston-riKim. next to new meat market. In rvw hrick building, nice drug store on corner only $2 ; a.o storeroom with 5 li vina; -rooms in rear. $10 per mo. See owner. J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Ml".. . FoR It I'.'NT R: owner. No. 1 location for grocery or confectionery; all new shelving and r'uun t rn. "W I ! I v 1 v 1 "a w t o gooj tenant. Cm 11 at 57 7 MUw auklo st. Mou day. phone " C H!XKK,'M) !"U)Oi SNAP. ONLY M 'NTH. PMITPoVAUuXKK CO., STOCK FX. Fo R H E NT Store on Mrruon St.. he t ween 5th and Oth : 40 feet front by 23 fet teep; long leasv. Apply Sherman, Clay & Co. STOLE" ioar busy Wnsn i-i ion- strict ro - ncr 14 by 5o, cheap rvDL AD 15, Ore K o r. i j n. .. STORE. 3 living -room, rent $5. 64 Kil iinkiWi'rtli. Iroiuiro 115o Vernpn F-R 1? E NT St ore. 5".0 Washinroa st.. $15 a month. Phone Marshall 54J1. jp aMALL stre. auitahle fcr barber shop. RrsiiwRy and Williams ave. Offices. PR I V A IE office, teieohone, steiiosi apl r service, very res cur. able. 315 Stock Ex c h a n a e . Mnln f : V 4 . WILL rent offire ratis In exchance for an swering telephone v 5 Concord b.dg. Msin 24j2. WA NTE D - Dtp room, desirable location and surrouuuings, etitap. AD &2. Ortyo- W l.LL-FCRNISHF.D private office. ' dtk room. $ and $7. 723 Cham of Com. DESK ROOM, with or without steno service. C. S. preferred. Y Orrgomtn. GRC-L-N D f .oor dek room space fres. ssrv- Ice- $10. 1 02 1 t t. GFFIC3 $7 up. Furnished oif.ces. des room, rca&ctiab ie. CC 3 S etland bids;. UP-TO-D.VTF. of lice, desk room, very rea sonable. 404 Northwest bldg. 107.5v