XOVEirBER 26. 191G. 21 Help Your Favorite Charity Win' Part of $500 in Gold Shop at the Specialty Stores Tuesday , lovernher 28, and Vote for Your Favorite Charity THE STJ7TDAT OREGONIAX. PORTLAND. BALLOTS ARE READY Merchants Press Windows for Greater Portland Day. (Porftzndl Clothes for Young Men and Their Fathers, Too CHARITABLE BODIES TO VIE Workers Will Stampede Business Section of City on Tuesday. Voting Places to Be at Newspaper Offices. Distribution of 2,000.000 ballots to the tores of the Greater Portland Asso ciation has been concluded and the merchants are all in readiness for Greater Portland day, Tuesday. Decoration of the windows in the association stores is under way and the wlnaowtrimmers are wonting over time putting their displays in readi Tomorrow night the judges will ride surouna in auiomoonea pruviueu mti members of the association and pass their opinion on the merits of the re spective windows. All of the windows are eligible to prizes in certain classi fications. There will be a grand prize of a silver cup and some 20 additional prizes for the best window displays. The charitable organizations which have entered the contest completed their campaign for assistance and co operation last night. Monday they will marshal their forces and make a final skirmish for assistance from their friends in and out of the city. St. Mary's Home for Boys, at Beaverton, has been canvassing their friends- and supporters in the city, as well as en listing the co-operation of the boys who were at one time inmates of the in stitution. Workers to Stampede City. The recent Presidential campaign will seem tame In comparison with the contest next Tuesday, when 22 charita ble organizations, with their friends and supporters, will stampede the busi ness section of the city. The Salvation Army, headed by Cap tain Andrews, has organized its forces in true army style and will have pla toons, troops, squadrons and regiments skirmishing on the firing line for votes for the Salvation Army. Many out-of-town people have been induced to come to Portland next Tuesday and do their shopping for the week and help their friends in the vote-gathering contest. In order that there may be no con fusion at the ballot boxes, they will be placed at the outside entrance of The Oregonian, Journal, Telegram and Daily News offices, where ballots may be deposited at any time before 6 P. M. Thursday, the 30th. Immediately after the contest closes the Judges, who are W. J. Hofmann, of The Oregonian; Thomas J. Mullin, of the Journal; Charles Rafield, of the Telegram, and "William C Tunks. of the Daily News, will count the votes. Checks to Be Sent Promptly. As there are approximately 2,000.000 rotes to be counted, it is quite likely that the outcome will not be known until some time Saturday afternoon, December 3, and the results will be an nounced in the Sunday morning papers. . There will be no delay in the charities "receiving their checks. They will be mailed out promptly, in order that the lucky associations may have the use of this money for their Christmas festivi ties, if they so desire. W. P. Strandborg announced yester day, on behalf of the Muts, that they would withdraw from the contest, in order to give their support to the other charities which needed the money and could use It to better advantage. There are no restrictions or entrance blanks necessary, and any charity may enter this contest at any time whether or not they have declared their inten tion to do so. Work on the concrete walk in Main street, Damasiscotta, Me, was ham pered by the amazing net of elm roots encountered. Dynamite had no effect on them. Three men were able to hack throucrh only 14 feet a day. Henrichsens 1861 386 Washington St., Bet. W. Park and 10th streets. Sterling Silver for the Than ksg i v i ng Table Individual Salts ana Peppers. New arrivals, new designs. Get your votes with your purchase. $1.75-$2.75 Pair. Washington Street at Sixth S500 IN GOLD Will Be Given To Charity Nov. 28th by Free 750 Votes will be given pur chasers of $75.00 Grafonolas. (fPorltendJ 1500 Votes will be given to pur chasers of $150 Edison Diamond Disc Phonographs. 2500 Votes will be given to purchasers of $250 Pianos. One Vote will be given with each 10c purchase. tS9 MANUFACTURING CO. Tenth and Stark Streets $500.00 In Gold Free To Be Given to Charity on Tuesday, Nov. the 28th EES CHERRY'S, at 389-91 Washing ton street (Pittock block), and they will explain to you. Yes, and they will explain more than that. They will explain how men and women in almost all walks of life, es pecially those who are employed on moderate salaries, -can afford at all times to wear the best and most stylish clothes obtainable on the markets. They will explain to you how, by the use of their ECONOMICAL EAST PAY MENT SYSTEM, you can always be well dressed and not feel that you are pressed for the price or skimp yourself to get the ready cash to buy with. They will show you that, by making a small deposit when you select your clothes, how you can take them and get the immediate use of same, and you have only to make satisfactory ar rangements to pay the balance in small weekly or monthly payments, just as may be the most convenient for you. Hundreds of men and women in Port land and Burrounding towns are using this system to keep themselves well and stylishly clothed, and why not you? At CHERRY'S beautiful and well-arranged store you will find, from "fabric to buttonhole," the best assortment of men's and women's clothing that the markets can produce. Their garments are of that clean, nifty and up-to-date type which can only be obtained by the shrewdest and moat c mpetent buyers, which CHERRY'S, on account of the large volui -e of business done by the Portland store, as well as their chain of stores all along the Pacific Coast, are forced -to keep on the best Eastern markets all the time. To look their merchandise over Is but to locate what you have been looking for and to buy. Rest assured that the most courteous treatment will be given you, whether you make a purchase or not. Don't forget the day, Tuesday. No vember 28, and the place, 389-91 Wash ington street. Edwards 6? Jensen Millinery of correct styles. Yonr choice x 384 now at Half port&nd Washington i rices. Economy Drug Stores 1021 Belmont St. Not a bazaar strictly a drug; store soliciting your patron age. Phones: Tabor 488 and 132; B 1488. Special Agency Men who enjoy handsome style effects, who expect correct appearance as well as comfort, wear Florsheims. Try a pair and YOU will learn why this is the most popular man's shoe of the day. The Florsheim Shoe Shop 350 Washington Street. The Only Exclusive Corset Store So. S40 Washington St.. Kar Broadway, PORTLAND, OREGON. Altering: and Repairs by Expert Corsetiers. Corsets, Brassieres Kayner Italian Silk Underwear. Asent Lilly of France Silk Hose. an LET the designer's genius be what it may let the tailors be ever so painstaking and thorough their efforts are in vain unless they have all-wool fabrics to work upon. And m the famous Kirschbaum shops nothing but pure wool fabrics acid tested and weather tested ever get to the cutting tables. -I J. v S Right fabrics right styles right fit right serviceability that is what you secure in Kirsch baum Clo thes at $15, $20, $25 and Up The new Autumn fashion models in weaves of a hundred differ ent patterns and colors are here awaiting your selection. ley & Cavender Votes with every purchase on Greater Portland Day At the Sign of the Cherry Tree. Corner Fourth and Alder Streets ffansarx least I Am a Member of the Greater Portland Association -1 V r y i . f - , f . - y I U - . 1 HERE I AM, with the 24-L.B. 5iP verslde caught by MB on the Ne halem River last Sunday. John Budelman 424 WASHINGTON STREET Books, Macrazlnrx, Clirintma. Cards, 2oavcnira, stationery, F'lahlns Tackle, Elc. Pcrlfend Secure Votes for Your Favorite Charity With Children's Clothes Let this FACT SINK DEEP into your MIND that HERE is a SPECIALTY STORE selling every conceivable article of wearing apparel for infants and children, small and large girl and boy. A complete store, a convenient store, a reasonable store. Make us prove it. Two Great Specials for Greater Portland Day, Nov. 28 (Not displayed In window.) O,,t-o Ono great lot 125 Boys' New Norfolk Suits our regrular stock nearly every suit has two pairs o uuilo lined trousers colors are medium and dark pray. tan. brown, olive and blue mlx- uuya ouita lined tures they're real $6 and (8.50 values. Sizes 6 to 17 years. One day only $4.75 P'ViIMom'c p0i. About thirty plush, corduroy, broadcloth, boucle and rlbeline coats for girls 2 to 7 1 Ql CI 1 S ViOtXLS years, from our regular stock of real J6.00 and J6.50 coats, newest styles fZCZ one day only w4DO We Sell These and Many Other Nationally Advertised Goods Rnbrn'a Infanta Sblrta, Arnold A Stork Infanta Wear. Dr. Den ton's Sleeping; Garments. Kay nee Blouses and Wasa Snlts, llestyette Italn Capes. Ironclad Hosiery, Kuoo Waists. Ko vers lis. Boy Scoot Sfhora. art Tfe-OJ liven 11 1 Outfitters or- Criildrerv i SIXTH E fporitindj F. Abendroth Watchmaker and Jeweler, moved to 146" Broadway, between Alder and Morrison (Ellers Bldgr.) DIA3.TONUS WATCHES CUT GLASS SILVER ETC.. ETC Allen's Drug Stores Main Store 221 North Sixteenth St. Also N. W. Cor. 21st and Northrup N. W. Cor. 24th and Thurman. We are shQwing the great est line of Men s Wet Weather Shoes At Sale Prices Shoes have advanced 50 already, with no relief in sight. Make good your opportu nity and buy now at the 00TER 325 Washington Street H Complete New Line of Moderate Priced WALL PAPERS THAT PLEASE Paperhanging, Tinting, Enameling and House Painting Urazi POrftZTKll BERGER BROS. NEW LOCATION, 10S TENTH STREET PITTOCK BLOCK The Shop of New Ideas 320 Washington, at Sixth. Our Specialty: Kodaks, Photo Finishing . and Supplies, Oregon and Highway Views Portland Photo Supply Co. 333 Morrison St, near Broadway. 3 V Porttzntl f . ; i- R oav iiireater roruana & Day) and vote for your a at ravonte charity. : ' ' . I - , --- MT PRICES i Lenses Sphero In your own frame l-00 Lenses Sphero in Aluminum ' frame f 1-50 Lenses Sphero curred) In G. E. Lenses Sphero in erold - filled frlas3 mounting 5.5 frame f 3-50 ICryptolc Lenses S-00 to 15.00 STAPLES, THE JEWELER S0 MORRISOX, BET. THIRD and KOIHTU. FURS BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER Our stock of made up furs from our own factory covers all of the latest styles and designs known to the trade. A visit to our store will convince you that we can save you money on every purchase. C. G. APPLEGATH, FURRIER SUCCESSOR TO C. P. IttMMELlX A SON'S Kt'V c-t-io. 124 Second St., Near Washington J