TITE STJXDAT OREGOXIAN, POTiTLiAXD, NOVEMBER 26, 191G. $500.00 Free to the Three Most Popular Charities Ballots , Upon Which to Vote Given With Purchases at The G. P. A. Stores, Tuesday, Nov. 28 BUSINESS PLAN NEW LADIES e Are the Largest CI w thing Next Tuesday Is the Big Day Big- for Charity. Big for the Specialty Store. Big; for You. Greater Portland Association Launches Organization. ecialists in the HIGH IDEALS ARE HELD Northwest Shopping Is to Be Made Easier for Customers, With Guarantee on Purchases, While Vendors - - - - j - Although the Greater Portland Asso ciation Is actually making its first really foimal bow to the general pub lic In the celebration of Greater Port land day, Tuesday, this organization has wrought some important things in the city In the past few months, of which the public is scarcely yet aware. It was founded on February 15 at a meeting in the Edwards store, with 15 proprietors of specialty stores attend ing and signing as charter members. Now it has 265 members, represent ing more, than 200 specialty stores In the city, and has carried out success fully the first part of an elaborate LEADERS IX PLANS FOR OBSERV ANCE OP GH EATER PORT LAND DAI', $'2 L- ?vZrv u iC jj "- Many good folks are going to do a lot of holiday buying on Tuesday, thus combining charity with the Christmas thought. A splendid idea! The ladies will be out in full force on Tuesday, and to you ladies we wish to sug gest that a man is especially pleased with his gift If it is useful. If it is bought at a man's store. If it is bought at his favorite store. We have what is doubtless the most select stock of Furnishing Goods ever shown in good old Port land. , -Ties, shirts, hosiery, pajamas, bath robes all are popular as gifts. Hats in Every Style Suits and Overcoats in profusion. Exchanges cheerfully made when necessary. Buy men's wear from a man's store and get quality. Buffum & Pendleton Co. 1 Clothiers, Hatters and Haberdashers 127 Sixth St. Members Greater Portland Association campaign of education among the peo ple to bring home to them the ideals and purposes under which the associa tion is conducted. The membership campaign which brought the association up to its pres ent strength was conducted by means of personal canvass from store to store, and the growth of the organization was as silent as it was rapid. But even while It grew it steadily pounded away on the cardinal Ideas on which it was founded. Square Deal Emphasised. "To the members the Ideal was to create an organization, membership in which shall be to the general public a complete guarantee of the Integrity of the merchant and of honest goods, ef ficient service and square treatment to the customer," says M. A. Reed, as aistant secretary of the association. who has been in charge of the details of the work for several months. Mr. Reed outlines briefly some of the revolutionary achievements that the association has made to carry Into ef fect its Ideal. The old "hieroglyphic" price mark has been abandoned and members of the association have been Induced to mark their goods in plain figures so that the buying public can read. Mem bers of the association have been in duced to adopt a most liberal policy of exchange and refund for the benefit of customers, and the association is de veloping many important features which will strengthen and make more effectively serviceable its mediation between merchant and customer. 1 Instruction Given Employes. , In the past few months series of meetings have been held for the pur pose of Instructing employes of the various specialty stores in modern mer chandising to Insure greater improve ment in the service they might be able to give the public The members of the association have themselves at tended a series of expert lectures on merchandising, systematizing, account ing and various other features which would tend to Improve the standard of service they might render their cus tomers. Arrangements have been made to fa cilitate the extension of credit to re sponsible people by the specialty stores. and the organization is now working out a co-operative delivery system whereby it is Intended to give the peo ple prompt and complete delivery! service. In carrying forward the educational campaign to awaken the interest of the public in the aims of the Greater Port land Association, speakers have been sent to give lectures before various women's organizations, and this method of public education is to be extended through the coming year. Advertising Fund Sonttbt. A special committee with F. Ira Powers as chairman is working to raise the revenue of the organization for advertising purposes to about $2000 a month, which will be applied to parrying to the shopper more and more strongly the Greater Portland Associa tion and its plans. The officers of the Greater Portland Association are: President, F. N. Clark; first vice-president. T. H. Edwards; sec ond vice-president, G. J. Mathls; secre tary. S. S. Mayer; assistant secretary, M. A. Reed; treasurer, Jacob Rosenthal; executive board, William Gadsby, J. H. Joyce. C. F. Berg, S. Solomon, Charles Jennlng. E. A. Roblson; advisory board, .T. P. Plagemann, F. J. Lichtenberger. T,eo Friede, K. S. Ervin, W. S. Settle, E. A. Cartozian and Z. Swett. The Greater Portland Association has been working quietly for the past few months, but effectively, so Its members believe, and in the observance of Greater Portland day It expects to give the people of Portland a striking birds eye view of what it has accomplished. Ten Votes With Every One Dollar Purchase of Lertnon's Women's, Men's, Children's Gloves, Hosiery , Umbrellas Handkerchiefs, Men's Ties and Canes, Women's Un derwear, Umbrellas Repaired, Umbrellas Re-covered On Special Sale for Greater Portland Day Women's Lenberg Washable Gloves in colors tan, ivory, gray, pearl and black, pair ...$1.35 Women's Wayne Knit Indestructible Hose, regular 50c quality, 39c pair; 3 pairs $1.15 Every pair guaranteed. Purchases Put Up in Christmas Pack ages if Desired. Lennon's Glove Orders Now on Sale, Purchasable for Any Amount. Morrison Street Chas. F. Berg, Manager Postoffice Opposite Special Offer! greater Portland Day 10 OFF THIS DAY ONLY fS AN inducement to purchase your Holiday Jewelry Tuesday, V November 28. Greater Portland An-v nnrl fhoroVvtr ccic -., favorite charity to win part of the $500, I will give a 10 per cent discount on every cash purchase (contract goods excepted). See my special $50.00 and $100.00 Diamond Rings, they have no equal Largest Diamond Dealer in Oregon 334 WASHINGTON STREET Opp. Owl Drug Co. With a combined selling area in our Portland and Seattle upstairs stores of over 12,000 square feet and combined stocks of over 15,000 garments OUR ENORMOUS BUYING POWER, GASH BUSINESS, INEXPENSIVE FIX TURES AND LOW UPSTAIRS RENT Give You $25 Value Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats for We invite your inspection of our immense dis play of men's smart, splendid-fitting clothes Vy for Fall and Winter wear. ALTERATIONS FREE i minimi if n mi imiiu . oATimrTN -;:-v ' .: J OPEN SiCTUTO&Y j mm- ;H3SE..iaiaEsasB aas mm'mm' till iop.k " lb ii' ii ii i mi n Northwest Building Washington and Sixth FOR TOVR THANKSGIVING NEEDS VISIT THE SARTORIAL STUDIO OF C. C. BRADLEY MEN'S HATTERS AND FURNISHERS 352 WASHINGTON STREET, MORGAN BUILDING. Sf N HAZ LLWU OD i j.j mm -L The Hazelwood SERVES THE BEST OF EVERYTHING We specialize In Good Things to Eat and Deli cious Soda Fountain Beverages. Thanksgiving Day we will serve an Old Fashioned Turkey Dinner from 11 A. M. to 9 P. M. at One Dollar per plate. The Hazelwood Confectionery & Restaurant. Washington St., at Tenth. greater portland association day tuesday, november 28th Pcribnd this shop shows all the standard advertised articles of men's wear, and in addition many exclusive novelties that can be found nowhere else in the northwest, priced as reasonably as quality 'will permit, most complete line of imported and domestic neckwear in the northwest. agent for the following lines of nationally known merchandise: FOR MEN A ND WOMEN IMPORTED Shetland or Kashmir Sports Jackets with and without sleeves: various colors in a variety of patterns. ALSO Men's Scotch and English Wools. Fancy Socks tor sport and ordinary wear of very fine quality and smart design, are among the new arrivals. AT. S, Ervin & Co., Ltd. CCSTOM CLOTHING. Imported Accessories for Men . and Women, Custom Shirts, English Coats j or Men and Women SECOND FLOOR SELLING BLDG. SIXTH AND ALDbR STREETS. manhattan shirts and underwear knox hats arrow shirts and collars stetson hats dent's and fownes gloves e. and w. shirts and collars interwoven, phoenix, m'callum and wayne underwear mark cross leather novelties paris and boston garters cooper, vassar, b. v. d. and sterling underwear brighton outdoor sleeping wear triangle soft collars krementz collar and cuff buttons g. p. a. vote with each 10-cent purchase, vote for your favorite charity. mnu sictiei 331 Washington street, near broad way PHILLIPS Sell The Best Shoes Poniisnd 262 Morrison Street. for The Least Money PHILLIPS Noon-Day Luncheons Confections Ices, Sodas THE. POPUL.AFL-. SWEET 6HOP $ Pa -71 Trade- Marie $15 S - , The very best at the lowest price. jj-' OUR SPECIALTY MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS OVERCOATS AND RAINCOATS Come in and inspect our garments, have the salesman explain why a specialty honse can sell just as good for less money $500in Prizes .PorKand GIVEN TO CHARITY szz&S If you need a Suit or Coat now or are going to get one in the near future, get it Greater Portland Day and help some one who is un fortunate enough to need help. ONE GLANCE IN OUR WINDOWS "WTLL CONVINCE YOU THAT IT WOULD BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO STEP INSIDE. IT- " Elaotrla tftlrlaa;. Kepalra, Maada Lamps and Appllan T"