The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 26, 1916, Section One, Page 15, Image 15

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great educational campaign' which has
penetrated every section of Portland
and vicinity by means of letters, cir
culars and newspaper publicity. This
part of the work has been done at
headquarters under the guidance of F.
ooks Are the Best Gifts
A. Doggett and C T. Malcouronne, who
nave naa tnorouga experience in this
kind of work.
Solicitors to Take Field.
The army of solicitors will take the
field for the collection of smaller do
nations the day after the banquet at
the Portland Hotel, on Monday night.
December 4.
The banquet is to be the great event
of the campaign. Dan J. Malarkey will
be introduced as toastmaster of the
evening by Dr. Andrew C. Smith. Ad
dresses will be given by Archbishop
Christie, Hon. James Withycombe. ex
Senator John M. Gearln and William D.
Wheelwright. Mrs. Wilber E. Coman
Christie Home Committee at
Daily Lunches Plans Ways
to Gain Funds.
What Joy and pleasure nay eooae
la the quiet fireatde Book,
Tbf strife of the world shut out.
With, a shaded lamp aad. a book.
A good book is a present for a lifetime, a permanent testimonial of the donor's regard, and when chosen with a regard for the
recipient's needs and desires, may be read again and again with ever increasing pleasure and profit. .We suggest the follow
ing books publications of Doubleday, Page & Co. as being both appropriate and desirable.
Efficiency of Institution Apparently
Recognized by Public and All
Sects Arei Lending Hand in
' Carrying on Campaign.
Another leap toward the goal of suc
cess In the $10-0,000 fund-raisins cam
paign for the Christie Home for Or
phan Girls was taken last Thursday,
when the committee In charge of the
large subscriptions met at the Port
land Hotel for the first of the daily
lunches which will be served there for
this committee until the close of the
Initial campaign.
These lunches were deemed necessary
In order to afford the men an oppor
tunity of coming in. closer contact with
each other, and by so doing keep in
touch with what is being done and
avoid duplication in their collecting.
During the first week of solicitation
the committee has obtained in cash and
pledges more than f 15,000. '
Cordial Reception Reported.
All the men. state that they have met
with cordial receptions and warm
hearted generosity from the. people
whom they .have solicited. The citi
zens of Portland seem to realize what
an efficient Institution Christie Home
is, and that the movement now under
way Is contemplated to help the many
orphan girls of the state by giving
them a comfortable home and a Chris
tian education.
The people of Portland generally are
In sympathy with the cause, and all
sects alike are lending a. band. A-s Dr.
Calvin S. White says, "In working for
no noble and far-reaching an institu
tion as art. orphanage, religious divi
sions should play no part. From the
time of its foundation Christie Home
has been open to all classes and all
religions, and now that the call for
aid has been sent out. all classes and
all religions should consider it a privi
lege and an obligation to unite and
work for the benefit of the orphans."
Supreme Effort Is Urged.
With just seven business days before
the launching of this big money-raising
movement. General Chairman Dr.
Andrew C. Smith has issued an admo
nition to all team captains to make a
supreme effort to have their ranks
filled before noon of Wednesday, No
vember 29.
The women team captains will meet
In parlors E and F bt the Portland Ho
tel Tuesday at 3 o'clock. Bach captain
Is requested to bring her team members
with her, and if they cannot come, at
least bring the list of their names.
This is absolutely essential to the
success of the campaign, as it leaves
only three days for headquarters to
list the members, send them all their
credential cards and announcements,
before the mass meeting of team cap
tains and members.
Mass Meeting la Planned: .
This mass meeting for all captains,
team members and committees of the
fund-raising campaign will be held in
the Lincoln High School auditorium
Saturday night at 7:30. It will be one
Of the most important and at the same
time most enjoyable phases of the cam
paign period.
Pledge cards and final instructions
regarding the method of procedure to
be followed during the whirlwind cam
paign will be given. A splendid enter
tainment has been prepared. Prominent
men of Portland will give addresses.
The students from St. Mary's Academy
and College will render the following
musical programme:
(a) Valse from "Coppelia". ........ .Dellbes
(b) "Commemoration March" . . . .Gruenwald
6t. Mary's String Quartet.
First violin, Rita Manning, Agnes Dooly;
second violin. Helen Kust, Catherine Danlell;
viola, Pauline Waurmes, Bernlco Brawley;
cello, Agnes Kennedy, Blanche Minor; harp.
Do rah Dooly; piano, Alice Enulm.
(a) "At the Fountain" Zahel
b) "Patronllle Kasselmans
' Harp, Corah Dooly,
'Extrase" v ...Ganne
Violin duet. Agnes Dooly, Helen Kust.
fa) "Mignonette" (Frlml)
b) "Cardas" ....................... .Hubay
Violin, Rita Manning.
(a) "Madrlgale" Drala
(b) "La Clnquantalne" Gabriel Maria
String Quartet.
At the piano, Dorah Dooly, Alice Enni.
A number of the children from
Christie Home will also contribute to
the entertainment of. the evening.
Strength to Measure Success.
This mass meeting will be the last
touch to the campaign organization
which has been built up during the past
six weeks. The strength of this or
ganization will mean a great deal to
the success of the work.
- Another factor which has enabled
the solicitors to start off with flying
colors is the preliminary work, the
Every Particle of Dandruff Dis
appears and Hair Stops
Coming Out.
Draw a Moist Cloth Through
Hair and' Double Its. '
, Beauty at Once.
Tour hair becomes light. wavv.
fluffy, abundant and appears as soft.
lustrous and beautifu as a young girl's
after a "Danderine hair cleanse." Just
try this moisten a cloth with a little
Danderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. This will cleanse the
hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and
in Just a few moments you have dou
bled the beauty of your hair.
Besides beautifying the hair at once
Danderine dissolves every particle of
dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invig
orates the scalp. Iorever stopping itch
lng and falling hair.
But what will please you most will
be after a few weeks use when you
will actually sea new hair fine and
downy at first yes but really new
balr growing all over the scalp. If
you care for pretty, soft hair and lots
of It surely get a 25-cent bottle of
Knowlton s Danderine from any drug
gist or toilet counter, and Just try it.
Save your hair! Beautify it! Tou
will say this was the best 25 cents yoi
ever spent. Adv.
if - ' f 1
I ' V At
Louis F. Diets.
Death "deprived Mrs. Gladys
. Parker Dietz, bride of a month,
of her husband when Louis F.
Diets, employe of the Carman
Manufacturing Company at Ful
ton, passed away Monday, No
vember 20. Mr. and Mrs. Dietz
were married on October 21, of
this year. Mr. Dietz was born
in . Michigan February 18, 1893.
He came to Oregon with his par
ents about four years ago. Fu
neral' services were held at the
Trinity PreBbyterian Church on
Thursday, November 23, Rev. A.
A. Hurd. of Fulton, officiating.
Besides his widow, he leaves a
mother, Mrs. Gertrude Diet.
has obtained musical artists for the
evening. The total amount of money
realized from the large donations will
be published at the banquet and the
names of donors made known, provided
they are willing. No donations will
be asked from the guests at the ban
IVevr Penitentiary Warden Says Changes
Will Be Mader Only as De
velopments Require.
. Captain Charles A. Murphy, newly
elected warden of the Oregon State
Penitentiary as the successor of John
W. Minto, arrived In Portland yester
day from Pendleton and went to Salem
last night. He will report tomorrow
morning to the State Board of Control
and will be ready to assume his new
duties Immediately.
Captain Murphy made no announce
ment of his prison policy yesterday,
preferring to make a thorough study
of conditions at Salem before making
any changes In the regular prison ad
ministration. He expressed an under
standing that certain problems needed
solution, and showed his anxiety to
adopt the correct procedure. Any an
nouncement at the present time, he
said, might possibly be a handicap
after fuller Information of conditions
had been gathered. The best working
out of prison problems. In his opinion,
is to be procured by slow and careful
action, with all facts well In hand.
Bids From East Are Expected on
Grade Crossing Jobs.
Strong competition for the contract
to erect viaducts In connection with the
elimination of grade crossings along
the line of the 0.-W. R. N on the
East Side Is expected by George Ed
mondstone. municipal engineer In
charge. Bids will be opened Decem
ber 6.
Mr. Edmonstone says bids will be re
ceived from contractors of Chicago, St.
Paul, Omaha, and several other parts of
the East, as well as contrsccnm tf
Portland, Or., and Washington. No fewer
man is bias are expected. Each con
tractor will have to bid for the entire
Job, there being 76 specific items of
construction in the plans and specifi
cations, covering every phase of he
work from the beginning of the grad
ing to the laying "of the final pavement.
Council Defers Complaint Till City
System Is Voted On.
There will be submitted to the voters
at the city election next June a
measure providing for the establish
ment of a municipal garbage collection
system, so it is probable no action will
be taken by the City Council on the re
quest that present garbage collection
rates be made uniform and that collec
tion be stopped during the day time.
The Portland Heights residents have
complained that the private garbage
collectors charge whatever rate they
wish and that oftentimes tea parties
are disturbed. There is no city ordi
nance regulating rates or methods of
gathering the refuse except in the busi
ness section, where hauling of loads
of foul garbage is prohibited in the
day time.
Train Crew Not Blamed for Death.
A Coroner's Jury, which heard tes
timony regarding the killing of J. W.
Erickson, 827 East Tenth street,'" by
an Oswego electric train, near the
Portland Lumber Company's mill, last
Wednesday, decided that the death was
accidental. Erickson, who until re
cently was employed at the Multnomah
Hotel, was struck by the train and
dragged 60 feet. He was looking for
work at the time of the accident. He
was 30 years old, and la survived by
a widow.
Germans have developed a process
for spinning kapok fibers Into yarn
that can be woven into textiles.
The Complete Works
' of O. Henry
A choice gift. Order from this list:
Options, Rolling; Stones, The Four
Million, The Voice of the City, The
Heart of the West, Roads of Des
tiny, The Trimmed Lamp, Cabbages
and Kings The Gentle' Grafter,
Strictly Business, Whirligigs, Sixes
and Sevens.
We will be pleased to "fill your mail
orders and will make prompt shipment.
. Bound in uniform flexible red leather.
12 Volumes, each... $1.65
Per Set 1 .$10.80
Penrod and Sam
Rudyard Kipling's Complete Vorks
Limp Leather Edition
1. Abaft the Funnel.
2.. Actions and Reactions.
3. The day's Work.
4. Departmental Ditties and
room Ballads.
5. The Five Nations.
6. From Sea to Sea.
7. Just So Stories.
.8. The Jungle book.
9. The Second Jungle Book.
10. Kim.
11. Life's Handicap.
12. The Light That Failed.
13. Many Inventions.
14. Naulaka.
15. Plain Tales From the Hills.
16. Puck of Pooks HilL
17. Rewards and Fairies.
IS. Seven Seas.
19. Soldier Stories.
20. Soldiers Three, etc.
20. Stalky & Co.
22. Traffics and Discoveries.
23. Under the Deodars, etc
24. Songs From Books.
Bound in flexible red leather, with elephant head seal stamped in gold.
24 Volumes,- each $1.65
Full Set $39.60
By Booth Tarking
ton. Author of
A new collection of
"Penrod" (stories, de
liciously humorous,
utterly Irresistible.
A gift to please
Price, $1.35
Good New Fiction
'Always a Welcome Gift
We recommend.
"The Heart of Eachael" (Kathleen Norris) $1.35
"The Leopard Woman" (Stewart Edward White) $1.35
"The Grizzly King" (James Oliver Curwood) -. $1.25
"The Wishing Moon" (Louise Dutton) $1.35
"The Bird-House Man" (Walter Prichard Eaton) $1.35
"Life and Gabriella" (Ellen Glasgow) $1.33
Complete Tales of
Joseph Conrad
An ideal gift. Order from this list:
Romance, The Nigger and the Nar
cissus, Tales of Unrest, Folk, The
Secret Agent, Chance, Under West
ern Skies, Victory, A Set of Six,
Typhoon, Twixt Land and Sea,
Lord Jim, An Outcast of the Island,
Nostromo, Alymaer's Folly, The
Mirror of the Sea, Within the
Tides, Youth.
Bound in uniform deep-sea blue, flexible
leather, pocket size.
18 Volumes, each ...$1.G5
Per Set $20.70
Somewhere in Red Gap
By Harry Leon
Further adventures
of "Ma" Pettingill,
who created so much
mirth in "Ruggles
of Red Gap." A
book that will make
bright any dark day.
Price, $1.35
A Partial List of Useful and Inexpensive Gifts From Gill's Gift Shop
Second Floor MECCANO
Personal Greeting Cards
for Christmas
Our selection of Personal Greeting Cards
for Christmas embraces a variety really
noteworthy from a standpoint of price,
as well as beauty and originality.
Whether you desire a card for friend,
family, sweetheart, acquaintance or em
ploye, you will find the appropriate sen
timent expressed on our this year's col
lection of personal greeting cards.
Fifty Two Page
Calendar Selections at
Special Prices for the
Paul Elder Impressions Calendar. .. .60c
Fanny Merritt Palmer Dinner Cal
endar priced at , .60c
Household Calendar 50c
Calendar of Toasts 50c
Witty and Wise Calendar 60c
Mark Twain Calendar... ....50c
Globe Wernicke
Sectional Bookcases.
The J. K. Gill Company,
Special Features in Leather. Novelties
Our assortment of leather novelties includes a wide range of suitable holiday articles,
including Handbags and Novelty Purses, Vashette, Pin Seal, Dull Morocco with
Moire' Silk Linings in bright, attractive colors. The price range is from $2 to $10.
Leather Novelty Gift Books
Address Book 2Zz to $3.50 Appointment Books .......$ .50 to $ .75
Visiting Lists ..' 35c to $1.00 My Trip Books $1.25 to $2.50
Shopping Lists 35c to $1.00 Motor Records $ .75 to $1.50
Engagement Books 35c to $1.00 Line-a-Day Books $1.00 to $5.00
Birthday Records 75c to $1.25 Dayologue 5-Year Books $1.00 to $5.00
Leather Desk Novelties, Calendar Stands, Inkwells, Telephone Registers, In and Out
Cards, Music Bags and Roll-ups, Leather Tourist Tablets, compact and convenient for
your correspondence, contain correspondence paper and envelopes, address book and
stamp case. Made in note and letter sizes. Priced from $2.00 to $5.00
Character Dolls and Gamess Assembled for Easy
Choosing on the Fourth FJoor,
The Greatest Structural
Toy of the Age
(Fourth Floor)
There is no hard work attached to build
ing Meccano models. All the work and
thought have been put into the parts by
the designers. All necessary to construct
Meccanno models is to follow the instruc
tions and screw or join the parts to
gether. Meccano outfits contain a num
ber of accurately made and finished en
gineering parts which make it possible
to duplicate any and every unit and
movement known to mechanics. The
prices depend on the size of the outfit
and number of parts and range as fol
lows: No. 0 Meccano Outfit ,.$1.00
No. 1 Meccano Outfit $2.00
No. IX Meccano Outfit., $3.00
No. 2 Meccano Outfit $4.00
No. 2X Meccano Outfit $5.00
No. 4 Meccano Outfit $10.00
Cameras and Amateurs9
Booksellers, Stationers & Complete Office Outfitters,
Third and Alder
Jndse Coke, of Marshfleld, However,
Rnlea That State Muat Re
pay Half to County.
Of unusual Interest to sportsmen Is
the recent opinion handed down by
Circuit Judge Coke, of Marshfleld, de
fining: the status of a sealion and the
duty of the counties regarding the
payment of bounties for such animals.
Last Bummer William Hunter, a
fisherman at Gold Beach, shot 247 sea
took the 247 sklna to the County Clerk,
J. R. Stannard, who advised Mr." Hunter
that the county could not pay the
bounties of a dollar a skin. He said
that In the first place a sealion was
not considered a seal, the hairy species
of which brine a bounty of $1. In the
second place he said that the boundaries
of the county stopped at the shore
line and did not extend to the three
mile limit.
Carl D. Shoemaker. State Game
Warden, advised Mr. Hunter that 1e
was entitled to the bounties in his
Interpretation of the state game laws,
so Mr. Hunter had a writ of mandamus
Issued compelling Mr. Stannard to pay
the bounties. The case was fought in
the Circuit Court and there Judge Coke
reversed the opinion of Mr. Stannard
Simple Laxative Remedy
Best for Constipation
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
Gave Satisfaction When
Nothing Else Would. '
Nearly everyone, at one. time or an
other, suffers from constipation, or in
active bowels, and one of the few con
clusions upon which the doctors agree
is that regularity of the bowels is an
essential to good health.
In the family medicine chest of most
well-ordered households will be found
one or more of" the various remedies
recommended for the relief of consti
pation. In the majority of homes today
the combination of simple laxative
herbs with pepsin known as Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin is-recognized as
the standard laxative. Druggists every
where report a constantly increasing
demand for this splendid remedy which
is sold for fifty cents a bottle.
Mr. James Ash, 102 Green St.. Cum
berland. Md., wfote to Dr. Caldwell that
he found Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
the most effective remedy for consti
pation he had ever used and that he
always keeps a bottle of it on hand
for use when necessary.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a mild
laxative, and does not gripe or strain,
but acts gently and brings relief in an
easy, natural manner. Its freedom from
M& 4 i'!:; ,?,
opiates or narcotic drugs makes It the
Ideal family laxative.
To avoid Imitations and Ineffective
substitutes be sure you get Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin. See that a fac
simile of Dr. Caldwell's signature and
his portrait appear on the yellow car
ton in which the bottle is packed. A
trial bottle, free of charge, can be ob
tained by writing to Dr. W. B. Cald
well, 455 Washington St., Montlcello,
In both Instances and the county will
have to pay Mr. Hunter his $247.
The court made the stipulation, how
ever, that in such cases the state of
Oregon should reimburse the" county
for half the amount of the bounties,
inasmuch as the fhore line ,was a part
of the state as well as the county.
This is the first case of Its kind to
be decided in Oregon.
War Tilts Ccntralia Woman.
CEXTRALIA, Wash.. Nov. 25. (Spe
cial.) Word has Just been received by
Mrs. J. B. Sareault, of Cowllts Prairie,
that one of her nephews, who left for
Europe with a Canadian contingent,
was killed In action by a bursting shell.
Another nephew was wounded in the
arm. but has recovered and returned to
the front.
The Chickering
The Decker
The Hazelton Bros.
The Lester
The Kimball
The Kranich & Bach
The Smith & Barnes
The Autopiano Player Piano
The Bungalow Player Piano
The Player Piano De Luxe
The Edisdn Diamond Disc
The Victrola or the Grafonola
These superb instruments
need no advertising. Every
body knows their unrivaled
superiority. It is merely
necessary to announce where
they may be purchased.
In the West this is at the, Eilers Music Houses.
Eilers Music Houses not only supply these highest-quality instruments, but they sup
ply them at lower prices, grade for grade, than obtainable in any other way.
Nor is it necessary to pay all cash in order to obtain these low prices. The new
Eilers easy-payment plan enables every home to have a good piano or a good player
piano, because terms are made to suit the convenience of every purchaser.
And last, but not least, every purchaser at Eilers Music House must be a satisfied
purchaser. No transaction, great or small, is ever considered as completed unless it
means positive satisfaction to the buyer.
Two Great Music House
Morrison at Fourth
Broadway at Alder
Two superb main floor talking machine
Now Consolidated
Graves Music Co.
Mail us a postcord and will send illustrated Catalogues; will also ship Talking Machines and
Records on Free Trial.