THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVE3IBER 12, 191G. JITNEY TO DECIDE FATE WEDNESDAY of two women and three men, the latter creating no small attention among the Saturday shoppers by their long beards and flowing hair. The colony at Benton Harbor Is said to have approximately 15,000 Inhabi tants. Every act is done according to a community-socialistic plan. i TP 110 II TO TUNE OF CHANT REPUBLICAN HEADS PARADE Jackson Democrats Celebrate Elec tion, at Medford. Cars Can Accept or Reject City Regulation Intended to Protect Public. Crowd Celebrates Victory at Polls With Parade and 2 Brass Bands. DEMOCN pjinnnu .; :., :; r ,;-,:t;";t ; . S r ' tt 1 - '- MEDPORD, Or.. Nov. 11. (Special.) Jackson County Democrats celebrated tonight the election of President Wil son with a parade, headed by William Budge, Republican, bearing the Amer ican flag. . There were 200 automobiles bearing legends against Roosevelt and Wall street and praise for the Presi dent. Leading Democrats rode In a cart drawn by a mule. More than 3000 per sons watched the parade. BAKER ORDINANCE DUE OUTSIDE IS REPRESENTED Operators Are Expected to Refuse proposal and to Go Out of Busi- v ness as Council Shows Xo Signs of Relenting. r - Jitneys will become a thins of the past in Portland Wednesday unless be tween now and then they agree to comply with reasonable regulations as 'to service, safety and protection of the MAJOR'S COMMISSION WON H. Ii. Harries, of Portland, Enters Officers Reserve Corps. VANCOUVER BARRACKS, Wash.. Nov. 11. (Special.) H. L. Harries, of Portland, manager and vice-president of the North Coast Power Company, which owns public utility properties in Banners Proclaim Success and Cliil dren Appear in Striking Costume, Some Carrying Flags Most of Paraders Are Afoot. Chanting "Four! Four! Four years more!" several hundred Democratic men and women paraded the down town streets last night to celebrate "LAVENDER LADIES" HOLD CLUB MEETING FOR BUSLNESS AND PLEASURE. ...nil : " '.i y ' Jr j '.x- esr- -1 v. Left to Right (Flmt How) Mm, Snnle Ackroyd, Mrs. I. L. Itroyles, Mrn, C. G. P-alne, Mrfc E. I.onur, Mn, O. Wood, Mrs. J. E. Illaker, Mrs. Marlon Dryden. Second Hon Mrs. E. Copeland, Mrs. D. A. Milne, 31 m. C. Maxwell (Aged S7), Mrs. C. E. Mellin. Mrs. William Dnnean, Mrs. Stands Bnrley, Mrs. S. L Rosa, Mrs. C. I.. Menord, Mrs. D. C. Well.. Third Ron Mrs. James O'A'eal, Sirs. J. E. Knox, Sirs. ti. E. Currier, Mrs. S. C. Eastman, Mrs. A. E. I.cnCiccher and Airs. J. H. Bradley. , ' The Lavender Club met on Friday at the home of Mrs. C. E. Millen. 639 East Fifty-sixth street North. It was ene of the merriest parties and meetings imaginable. The women of the club are all more than &0 years of age. One is 87, but afl are young in spirit and know how to enjoy a meeting; and a festivity. The club was organized two years ago. There are two divisions. One meets in the East Side Library and the other at the Peninsula Park clubhouse. Mrs. Cornelia Haynes is president of the latter club and Mrs. Burley of the former. The members take box lunches and after the repast they have a business meeting. Then comes the social hour and the wind-up is a Virginia reel. Two other branches will be formed soon. Mrs. Burley was founder of the first club. , Ms - J X ' : l t l u 1 1 ua jss . ,srrjBB. aapsB BBnssnBWBBi m . i b 7. m xNrT-t k a K i m jf 'm'?;' f i ...... 1 N3 public, to be Insisted on by members of the City Council. The proposition will be put up to the jitneys Tuesday afternoon to ac cept or reject. Acceptance means the establishment of the business on a dif ferent basis, while rejection means dis continuance of jitney service Wednes day. The jitneys have said they cannot survive regulation, and for that reason the prospects are that they will not be able to get over the proposition to be put to them by the .Council. Conncll Gives Choice. The Council has been waiting for sev eral months for the jitneys to make a proposition. As .they have failed to do this, the Council now proposes to tell them what they can have, the un derstanding being that they can take It or leave it alone. City Commissioner Baker, who was authorized by the Council to prepare definite regulations, expects to have his propositions before the Council Tues day. The proposals will incorporate the ideas of members of the Council expressed heretofore and other regula tions which Mr. Baker deems advisa ble. The Council's purpose is to frame a franchise which will place the jitney under regulations similar to those im posed on the streetcar company, the Jit ney and the streetcar being in the same business, and therefore being entitled to corresponding privileges. Service Extension Probable. Commissioner Baker has not made public the terms of his proposed fran chise as yet, but it is expected it will embody the general proposition of more extensive service, a transfer system and a bond of some sort so that per sons injured by jitneys can recover damages. As the Jitney is running now, the most of them have little or no re sponsibility, many of the cars not be ing their property and the drivers per sonally having little or nothing. In the majority of other cities where Jitneys are operating or have operated they aie required to furnish a bond for the protection of passengers. The amount of the bond ranges from $500 to $10,000 for each jitney. The average for all cities is about ?5000. Portland requires no such bond. If the jitneys go out of business on Wednesday it will be merely the add ing of another name to the long list f cities that have ousted them up to this time. It is said about 25 cities have put them out of business In the last two years. Vancouver and other cities of the Northwest, has won a commission as Major in the officers' reserve corps of the Army. He took his examinations here a little over a month ago, and the notification of his success in the exams was received here today. Mr. Harries had three years' work at West Point, served a year and a half as an enlisted man in the regular Army, and also was a Lieutenant in the villitia of the District of Columbia. CROWBAR ROLLS GLASS EGG Settlement of Freak Election Bet Attracts Crowd of 50 0. It Is easy to draw a crowd nowadays. Five hundred people gathered on Wash ington street last night to watch W. L. Brown, of Sherman. Clay & Co., roll a glass egg from Sixth to Broad way with a crowbar. The excitement started at 9:40 when the egg, pro pelled by gentle strokes of the crow bar, began to roll up Washington. The people who were interested In seeing the egg roll from one street corner to another blocked the streets so that traffic was momentarily sus pended. During the 15 minutes that the performance was under way, lines of street cars and automobiles were strung along Washington street wait- ng until the feat should have been performed. Placards were worn by Mr. Brown which stated "I bet on Hughes," while K, Mitchell, his companion, wore, "I bet on Wilson." CREDIT MEN ARE TO DINE National Directors to Address Port land Association. H. S. Oaunce, of Seattle, and E. M.' underwood, of Portland, National di rectors of the Association of Credit Men, will speak before the Portland Association's dinner Wednesday night at the Benson Hotel. The dinner will begin at 6:30 o'cloca. The meeting Is labeled "National Directors' Night. The subject for the evening will be "Commercial Failures, Symptoms and Treatment." Fifteen minutes will be devoted to the experiences with trade acceptances. Miss Ruth Pfaender wil sing, accompanied by Miss Elsie Bond Bischoff. The Portland association Is prepar ing to send a large delegation to the Seattle meeting November 20. A spe cial car will leave over the Northern Pacific Sunday night, November 19, re turning Tuesday, morning at 7 o'clock. "ISRAELITES" ON MISSION Party From Michigan Colony Stops at Hood River En Ronte. HOOD RIVER, Or., Nov. 11. (Special.) En route to Portland by automobile, a party of Israelites, a Sociallst-religrlous sect, with headquarters at Benton Har bor, Mich., arrived here this morning and spent the day "distributing tracts throughout the business and residence sections of town, The party consisted SLOUGH SPANS GOING UP Last Steel Erection on Interstate Bridge Now Under Way. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Nov. 11. (Special.) The last steel erection work on the Interstate bridge Is now under way. It Is the placing of the five-girder spans across Columbia falough. near Columbia boulevard. The placing of these spans was delayed by the destruction of one of the piers by shifting sands from the approach fill, and the adverse conditions preventing tne immediate reconstruction of that pier. Three weeks will be reauired to com plete the spans, but this will be in time so that the entire approach may be opened when the main bridge is completed, and the approach paved. AUTO DRIVER SENTENCED Year In Penitentiary Is Penalty for Killing Woman. SEATTLE, Nov. 11. W. H. Engle hardt, of Tacoma, who was convicted of manslaughter last month for care less driving of an automobile, whereby Airs. Minnie Hogue was killed on the Pacific Highway, was sentenced today to one year's Imprisonment in the state penitentiary. At the trial witnesses teetifled that Englehardt was Intoxicated, which he denied, saying he bad taken only three armies. the re-election of Woodrow Wilson, It was largely a parade of foot marchers, though there were a num ber of automobiles in line. Captain James P. Shaw was grand marshal, and marched on foot at the head of the procession. His aides included W. E. Finzer, Mark Holmes. B. N. Hicks, J. E. Nev ille, O. F. Livesley, Thomas J. Ham mer, John A. Johnston, Charles E. Mor gan. Harry Aldrich. Charles Miller, Jack Littell, Robert Jacobs, Frank Berry, Charles M. Ross, R. M. Phillips, W. L. Rickman, George Watson and S. A. Morette. Two Bsnds In Line. The paraders had two brass bands and Judge Samuel White, Democratic state chairman, and George F. Alexan der, Democratic county chairman, rode in an auto near the head of the line. The parade started at 8 o'clock from Broadway to Yamhill, moving north to Morrison, thence to Third, to Washing ton and west to Fourteenth, where it was supposed to disband. Instead of disbanding, however, the paraders marched back to The Orego nian corner, at Sixth and Alder streets. where they indulged In a noisy demon stration to the burning of red fire. Presumably this was In celebration of the fact that The Oregonlan's circu lation field, including not only Oreg..i, but that part of Washington In which it circulates, went for Hughes. Outside Towns Represented. The paraders included Democrats from outside towns as well as from Portland. Invitations to participate had previously been sent to Democrats in all towns as far as Corvallis, Eu gene. Astoria and Pendleton, as well as in Vancouver, Wash. Among the features of the parade were small boys and girls attired In striking costumes, and several groups carrying outspread American flags. There were also many banners. One banner was worded: "Brains. Not Whiskers. Another carried the in scrlption: "Wilson Kept Hughes Out of vv ar-shington. Still others bore the following in scriptions: "The Sun Still Shines at Shadow Lawn"i; "The People Put Hu manity Above the Dollar"; " "Wilson Won Without Wall Street"; "Firm Americanism, With Wilson, Marshall & Co., as the Firm"; "California Got Wall Street's Goat"; "Ten Out of 12 Women Voting States for Wilson' The West Comes Into Its Own With Wilson, and others. Jitneys Chamber, Topic. War upon the Jitneys Is likely to be made at the Chamber of Commerce Monday noon, when the Members' Coun cil will take up -the topio for discus sion. Representatives of various civic clubs will be heard In the discussion including C. W. Hodson B. C. Pier, J P. Jaeger, F. E. Taylor, N. G. Pike, jonn Lianneili, w. o. Whitcomb, W. F Woodward and Ben Selling. Alrlle Man Killed In Woods. DALLAS, Or., Nov. 11. (Special.) inaries roweii, or Airlle, was killed instantly in the woods last week when a tree, which hio sons were cutting, fell in the wrong direction. Mr. Powell be came confused and ran directly under tuo tree. Poles Thank Kaiser. BERLIN. Nov. 11. (By wireless to Sayville, N. Y.) Representatives of the League of Polish Commonwealth today forwarded to Emperor William through the Governor-General a tele gram expressing thanks for the proc lamation of the Polish kingdom which is described as a guarantee of the fulfillment of the most ardent na tional ambitions of the Poles. A diaphragm and horn resembllng phonog-raph's have been Invented to make tlegrapb relay instruments audible and save the us of additional sounders. Simple Way to End Dandruff Us4 Charles USC&IE Margery Wilsorc Four Days Starting Today r6l C. GARDNER SULLIVAN (Author of Billie Burke's "Peggy") surely kissed the Blarney Stone when he wrote this rollicking: Irish romance. Sixth at Washington Thursday, Nov. 16, Is the Day MARY PICKFORD Comes In Her $250,000 Production "LESS THAN THE DUST" Tl I'lll'tfsJ 1 -s mmm, . SST BE RniBBRIIBBIIBSBIBBHBBBIIIIIIHIBEinBIIIIIIIIIBflBiaaiaiBBBBo CAPT. WILLIAMS NAMED CANDIDACY FOR COLOA'EL OF THE THIRD OREGO.V DENIED. Xstloaal Guard Officer, However, Is Willing to Accept If Elected and Assigned by Department. Among National Guard officer the name of Captain Kenneth P. Williams, United States Army, at present on de tail here as Instructor-inspector of the Third Oregon Infantry and Federal mustering officer for Oregon at the mobilization at Clackamas last Sum mer, is heard frequently in discussions of the coming election for Colonel of the Third Regiment. The election will be held next Wednesday. Captain Williams has been ordered East, but he will remain in Portland until after the election, and should he be chosen he undoubtedly will be detailed with the Oregon Na tional Guard by the War Department. Captain Williams has no comment to make on the election, except to say: "I am not a candidate. If I should be elected and the War Department should assign me to take command, I would cheerfully do 'so." Pullman Company Profits In Oregon SALEM. Or.. Nov. 11. (Special.) Tho Pullman Company today filed Its report with the Oregon Public Service Com mission for the year endlnsr June 80. 1916. The rross earnings of the com pany In Oregon for the year are placed at $411,666.80. and the expenses of op eration in the state at I32S.704.02. RADIO LINKS JAPAN, U. S. Wireless Communication "Will Be Di rect After November 1 6. TOKIO, Nov. 12. Direct communica tion between Japan and San Francisco by wireless teleeraphy will be opened to the public November 16. it is of ficially announced. Tets have been There Is one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that Is to dissolve It, then you destroy it entirely. To do this. Just get about four ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store (this Is all you will need), apply it at night when retiring:; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By mornins most. If not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every sin gle sign and trace of It, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find all itching and digging of the scalp will stop Instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better-Adv, etter Advertising and better merchandising is the object of the Better Business Bureaus recently established by the different advertising clubs throughout the world. These Bureaus endeavor to eliminate all untruthful or misleading advertising, whether it be in newspapers, window cards, catalogues or any other printed word. Portland advertisers believe in this movement and are co-operating with this Bureau in its work for better and more truthful adver tising. The public can have more confidence in advertising now than ever before. This Bureau will protect the public against the false advertiser. If you have been victimized by an advertiser report the facts to this Bureau and an investigation will be made and a correction secured. The services of the Bureau are entirely free to the public Better Business Bureau Portland Ad Club, 708 Selling Building made recently of the system and they have proved satisfactory. Messages between Japan and the Unit ed States have heretofore been re layed at Honolulu. KEEPS KIDNEYS ACTIVE WITH A - ' GLASS OF SALTS Mast Flush Your Kidneys Occasion ally if You Eat Meat Kegularly. Noted Anthority Tells What Causes naokaohe and Bladder Weakness. No man -or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which clogs the kidney pores so they slugrgishly filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the blood, then you get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache In the kidneys or your back hurts, or If the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment. Irregular of passage or at tended by a sensation of scalding, pet about four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonf ul in a glass of water be fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neutralize the acids in urine so It no lnnjrer causes Irritation, thus ending Madder disorders. Jad Salts Is inexpensive and can not injure; makes a delightful effer vescent lithia-water drink which all regular meat eaters should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. Adv,