TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, XOVE3IBER 12, 191G. BRITISH WIN 1000 YARDS Oil SOU Berlin Admits Foe Enters Ad vance Trenches in Night Attack in France. , DRIVE OVER, GERMANS SAY Entente Troops Declared to Be So Kxhunsted Tliat Tliey Cannot Continue In Face of Bad 1 - Weather Conditions. LONDON, Nov. 11. The "War Office announces that German trenches over a front of 1000 yards on the Somme front were stormed last night by the British. BERLIN, Nov. 11. (By wireless to Sayville, N. T.) Northeast of Cour celette, on the Somme front, the British last night entered an advanced German position, the War Office reports today. PARIS, Nov. 11. German forces at tacked last night at Deniecourt, on the Somme front, and were repulsed by the French, who inflicted heavy losses on them, the War Office announced today. BERLIN, Nov. 11. (By wireless to Sayville, N. Y.) Berlin newspapers publish a statement from "competent , military authorities" saying the Anglo Krench drive on the Somme has been halted by the exhaustion of the entente troops and their heavy losses and by unfavorable weather. The statement adds: "After the tremendous losses sus tained by the British and French on November 5, when they employed six British and four and a half French di visions without success In an attempt to break our front between Le Sars and Bouchavesnes, they have been un able to drive forward for large attacks their exhausted and decimated, troops over ground made impracticable by rain. All attempts have been stifled Immediately by the fire of our artillery and machine guns and only south of the Somme, near Pressoire, did the French obtain insignificant local suc cess. "Attacks launched repeatedly on Wednesday In St. Pierre Vaast wood, although oontinued until late In the Bight, were crushed. With the clearing &f the weather the artillery became more active, but the British and French were unable to make a. general attack. "Fighting on Thursday resulted in Isolated violent encounters near Eau court L'Abbaye, Gueudecourt, Les Boeufs and Pressoire, the entente at tacks being stifled by the German fire. In the vicinity of Sailly-Sailllsel, fierce fighting was renewed. French storm ing columns were repulsed in san guinary hand-to-hand fighting. About Pressoire the fighting continued until evening, when it resulted without suc cess for the French. "Among 17 hostile Airplanes shot on the western front was one large bat tle plane provided with two motors and three machine guns. The airplane car ried three men." POLICE GUARD STREETCARS Indianapolis Strike Threatens Become Serious. to INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Nov. 11. Po lice reserves armed with night sticks tonight patrolled the downtown dis- tricts and transfer points for the pro tection of passengers and property of the Indianaplis Traction & Terminal Company, which operates the city cars. After 6 o'clock the company refused to employ men who had not signed an individual contract, and officials as serted that only 200 of 1000 had failed to sanction the agreement. The carmen's organisation, which Is demanding increased wages and a "closed shop" agreement, is enjoined from striking by a Federal Court in. junction. The policemen have been de tailed to every car. ARIZONA VOTE ASSAILED Republican Chuirman Thinks Elec tion May Be Kuled Illegal. BISBEE. Ariz., Nov. 11. at. E. Cas sidy, Arizona chairman of the finance committee of the Republican National Committee, today brought to the atten tion of the latter organization the pos sibility that the manner in which the Presidential electors had been voted for was. unconstitutional. In Arizona all of the electors are bracketed and the voter must cast his ballot for all or none. He cannot? make a choice be tween the electors. On this feature the Arizona man be lieves the Wilson vote in Arizona'may be declared void. B0PP CASEET FOR TRIAL German Consul-General to Face Jury December 1. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 11. United Ptates District Judge M. T. Dooling to day granted the motion of the Govern ment in the cases of Franz Boppv Ger man Consul General here, and others, to consolidate for trial the indictments f conspiracy to do certain acts in viola tion of ,the Sherman act, and to have set forth and attempted to carry out In the united States a military enterprise against a friendly nation. Today's decision means that the cases will go to trial on Decemebr 4. LOW RECORD IS MADE With 10,115 Votes Cast at Albany Emmet Callahan Gets Xlne. ALBANY, Or.. Nov. 11 (Special.) The distinction, if such it be, of receiving the lowest vote ever cast for any candi date for any office In Linn County, on which all of the people of the county voted, undoubtedly belongs to Emmet Callahan, the lone Progressive Presi dential elector who accepted the nom ination. Out of 10.115 votes cast in this county, Callahan received a total of nine. BIG TIMBER TRACT SOUGHT Seattle Investors Want Body of 500, 000,000 Feet Xear Eugene. EUGENE, Or.. Nov. 11. (Special.) Miller & McLean, Eugene real estate dealers, tnaay received an Inquiry from Seattle business men desiring to pur chase'600,000,000 feet of standing tim ber, naming a price they are willing to pay. Tlris is the second letter of this char acter received by this firm within the last few days. ' OFFICIAL WAR REPORTS LONDON. Nov. 11. The official an nouncement from the western front follows: "Last night the eastern portion of Regina trench (on the northern end of the Somme front), being a continua tion of the length of trench captured by us in our successful assault of Oc tober 21, was stormed and captured on a front of 1000 yards, in spite of a heavy enemy barrage. The new trench has been joined up with the old line and the position secured. Prisoners of two regiments were taken." . German AVest Front. j ji.LiiX, jnov. li. (By wireless to oayvme, i. x.) The German official statement of the western front follows: "North of the Ancre a German patrol brought In two machine guns from a hostile position. During the night the British, in an attack, succeeded In en tering a small portion of our most ad vanced trench northeast of Cource lette. "In a house-to-house engagement near the Sailly-Sailllsel Church, the French gained no advantage. Attacks launched there on a large front also failed. "Yesterday nine Inhabitants of dis tricts npptmltiH )iv us, vii.tw. A bomb attacks by hostile airmen upon towns Denina our front. "Ten hostile airplanes were ehot down yesterday In aerial engagements and by anti-aircraft gunfire." German Eastern Front. BERLIN. .Nov. 11. The German offi cial statement of the eastern front fol lows: "On the Narayuvka (southeast of Lemberg) German troops penetrated the Russian main position southwest of Fojv-Krasnolesie and during the night repulsed five violent counter At tacks by the enemy. "An advance by 'German riflemen upon Smotrac, In the Carpathians, was successful. They brought In 60 Rus sians as tHsotii fmm th ion. and destroyed position." Russian Front. PETROGRAD. " Nov. 11. The state ment saye: "In the region of the 6kroba,wa farm our troops, by stubborn counter at tacks, recaptured a section of the trench lost yesterday. The battle slack ened toward evening. ' "East of the Narayuvka River On Galicia, southeast of Lemberg). the enemy conducted a fierce attack throughout the day against the ridge we occupied. All attacks were repelled. In the afternoon after repeated assaults the enemy succeeded in pushing back portions of one of our regiments, but in the evening was driven out of the trenches lie had occupied." British, Macedonian Front. LONDON, Nov. 11. The following official communication from the Mace donian front was issued here today: "Enemy bivouacs at Provista have been unsuccessfully shelled by naval guns. Our patrols and artillery are continually active on both fronts, not withstanding bad weather." Bulgarian. SOFIA, via London, Nov. 11. The official statement issued by the Bul garian War Office today says: "West of tho Monastir-Florina rail way there was the customary cannon ading. East of the same line and in the Cerna bend there were sharp ac tions all day. Repeated enemy attacks were repulsed with heavy losses;, the fighting continues. On the remainder of the front there was weak cannonad ing and patrol engagements. On the Aegean coast all was calm. "Roumanian front: There Is noth ing important to report." French. PARIS, via London, Nov. 11. The of ficial statement issued tonight reads: "We delivered this afternoon a rharp attack on the village of Saillisel, a greater part of which we recaptured. Our troops are -occupying the north eastern and southeastern outskirts. The struggle continues in the eastern RETREAT STILL 0 Bulgar Population Is Fleeing From Dobrudia.1 BIG FIRES ARE OBSERVED Bucharest Thinks Teutons Have Ap plied Torch Preparatory to Evac uation of Tehernavoda and Constanza, on Danube. LONDON, Nov. .11. A Bucharest dis patch as forwarded from Rome to the Wireless Press, reports that Field Mar shal von Mackensen's retreat in Do brudja is continuing and that the Bul garian population is fleeing from Do brudja to Bulgaria. The dispatch says great fires have heen observed in the direction of Tehernavoda and Constanza, the ter mini of the railroad between the Black Sea and the Danube and that it is thought possible these towns have been set on fire preparatory to their evacu ation by the Teutonic forces. PETROGRAD, via London. Nov. 11. Russian troops advancing southward on the right bank of the Danube River yesterday occupied the villages of Qhisdarechti and TopaL Topal is 12 miles south of Hirzova. In the Do brudja Province, Russian detachments made a further advance to the south ward. BERLIN. Nov. 1. (By wireless to Sayville, N. Y.) French and Serbian foces yesterday made several attacks against the Teuton positions east of Monastir and in the heights north of the uerna Kiver, in boutnern berDia, but were repulsed with heavy losses, says today's German official statement. Only at one point, to the south of Polog, were the attackers successful in entering the most advanced German positions. German and Austro-Hungarian troops on the northeast front in Tran sylvania, says today's German official statement, yesterday made successful advances. Several entrenched rou manian lines were taken at the point of the bayonet to the west of the Predeal Sinaya road. LONDON. Nov. 11. Serbian troops. In a series of attacks Friday north of the Cerna River, entered Polog, three miles north of Skochlvir, and captured 600 prisoners, according to a Reuter dis patch to Salonlkl. The attacks against the Bulgarian positions met with com plete success. It is announced, and the Serbians captured strongly organized positions in the Chukerange by assault, and occupied the southern half of Polog. Panama Passes Bill of Exchange. PANAMA, Nov, 11. A bill providing part of the village. The number of prisoners counted exceeds 100, includ ing four officers. "South of the Somme an attempt by the Germans against our position south of Pressoire was repulsed. "Between 10 and 11 o'clock of No vember 10, a group of 17 British air planes bombarded the steel works at Focklingen. One thousand kilograms of projectiles were dropped on the buildings, which were damaged seri ously. Three enemy machines were felled. "During the night of November 10-11 our squadrons drenched with projectiles the stations of Ham, St. Quentin, Terg nier and Nesle, in the Somme region, and the airdrome at Dreuze, the blast furnaces at Romsbach, the airplane sheds of Freecati and the blast furnaces of Hagondanse. These opera tions caueed great damage and several explosions and fires were observed. "A German airplane during the night of November 10-11 bombarded several French towns. Nancy and Luneville re ceived projectiles which caused damage and casualties. The open town of Ami ens also was bombarded on several oc casions during the same night. Nine persons of the civilian population were killed and 27 injured. "Eastern army On the left bank of the Cerna the Serbians, taking the of fensive vigorously in the mountains of Chuke. north of Skcohivir, bustled the Bulgarian forces and drove them back, notwithstanding fierce resistance from strongly fortified positions. Up to now BOO prisoners, including 10 officers, and 10 guns and 10 machine guns have fallen into the hands of our allies." Saturday's War Moves. VIOLENT fighting is again Is prog ress at various points on eastern and western fronts, but no great change In the positions of the opposing ar mies has yet been reported. General Halg's men in an attack In the Thlepval-Courcelette area, London relates, have taken 1000 yards of the Regina trench. The other portion of this trench was taken October 21. Ber lin says that only a small portion of an advanced trench was entered. Crown Prince Rupprecht failed In an attack against the French lines in the neighborhood of Deniecourt, south of the isomme, Paris records. Berlin states that a French . attack in the Sailly Sailllsel sector was repulsed. In aerial combats on the western front the Ger mans brought down ten entente air planes and the French put five German machines out of action. Petrograd says that parts of trenches near Skrobowa, Northeast Baranovichi, taken by the Germans, have heen re captured by the Russians, but Berlin asserts that all attacks in that sector were repulsed. On the Narayuvka front the Germans entered a Russian position. Berlin says, and held it against five counter-attacks. Petrograd, however, says that German, attacks in this region were repulsed. The Russian and Roumanian advance In Dobrudja toward the Tcherna-voda-Constanza Railway line continued. Petrograd reports the occupation of two more towns along the Danube be tween Kirs ova. and Tehernavoda. A be lated official report from Sofia admits entente successes, but Berlin continues to report no change in the area under Field Marshal von Mackensen's control. Unofficially, it is reported Von Mack ensen has been driven back to the rail way line. Both the Austro-Germans and Rou manians claim successes along the Transylvanian-Roumanian frontier. South of Predeal Berlin records an ad vance for Archduke Charles, while Bucharest claims the capture of a trench near Dragoslavle and of Mount Frurtzile, on the left bank of the Alt River. , Official reports indicate a renewal of activity of the Macedonian front in the area north of the River Cerna. In the region south of Polog, Berlin says, the entente troops have gained some ground. Except for a small Italian ad vance on the Carso, there has been no activity of moment on the Austro-Ital-ian front. for uniform bills of exchange between Panama and all other American coun tries passed the Aesembly today on its first reading. A law for uniform bills of exchange in pan-American countries was recommended by the International High Commission, which met at Buenos Aires, Argentina, last April, under the presidency of W. G. McAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. BIG RELIEF FUND WANTED Campaign for $10,000,000 for Jew ish War Sufferers to Open. NEW TORK, .Nov. 11. A new cam paign for the purpose of raising $10, 000,000 for the relief of Jewish war sufferers will be inaugurated at a mass meeting to be held in Carnegie Hall here December 21. it was announced today. Louis Marshall will preside at the meeting, which will be addressed by Dr. Judah L. Magnes, who returned recently from European war zones, whre he worked on behalf of Jewish relief. President Wilson has been asked to attend the meeting. MONTANA 17, WHITMAN 0 V Missionaries Make Little Yardage In Game In Bitter Cold. MISSOULA, Mont..' Nov. 11. The University of Montana football team came suddenly to life today, after two weeks of disappointing failure, and completely smothered Whitman Col- riege. 17 to 0. The game was played in bitter cold weather, before a small crowd. Mon tana was never in danger. The Mis sionaries made first down only twice and gained only 30 yards by scrim mage, while Montana advanced the ball 450 yards. SOLDIERS VOTE FOR WILSON Wisconsin Company Casts 6 4 to 16 in Favor of President. MADISON. Wis., Nov. 11. The sol dier vote of Company G, First Wis consin Infantry, on border duty, an nounced by the state canvassing board tonight shows: Wilson 64, Hughes 16. For Governor. Williams (Dem.) 57. Philipp (Rep.) 20. This is the first report from the guardsmen's vote. No changes in the general situation in Wisoonsin can bo effected by the vote of the troops. Foreign Vessels Get No War Bisk. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 11 Marine in surance agencies in New Orleans today received instructions from New York headquarters of British companies to place no war risk Insurance upon ves sels nying nags or belligerent nations. unless approved by the home office. These Instructions, it was stated, were issued because of rumors that a Ger man submarine was operating in the liuji oi jnexico, PLAN OF 1912 CHARGED TO RUSSIA Germany Reproduces Order Regarding Attack on Teutonic Nations. CAMPAIGN DETAILS GIVEN Army Commander Advised That Mob ilisation Proclamation Should Be Construed as Declara tion of Hostilities. BERLIN, Not. 11. (By wireless to Sayville. N. Y.) The assertion of Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg in his address to the Reichstag main com mittee that as long ago as 1912 Russia had made plans for war on Germany was supplemented today by the semi official Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zei tung, which published what is given as the text of the Russian govern ment's general order to which the Chancellor referred. In his address. Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg said at the time the war began, here was still valid an order "from the highest place that a proclamation of mobilization would' be at the same time a procla mation of war against Germany." The text of the order as given by the newspaper follows: "Secret-Chief of Staff of the Warsaw Military District, Quartermaster's Gen eral Section, Mobilization Department, September SO. 1912. m "Number 2450. "Urgent: To the commander of the Sixth Army Corps Modifying all for mer orders. I communicate the follow ing by order of the chief commander: "It is ordered from the highest place that a proclamation of mobilization at the same time - is a proclamation of war against Germany. - German Move Anticipated. "The German army. In full readiness for war, can complete the occupation of strategic points in the district of the Mazurian Lakes on the 13th day of mobilization. The German van guard corps may cross the frontier on the tenth day. "The armed forces of Russia will be divided into several armies, previ ously assigned for simultaneous opera' tions against Germany and Austria' Hungary. The armies assigned for op erations against Germany will be combined into one group under com mand of the chief commander of the group of aixnics before the German front. The second army, to which the Sixth Corns belongs, will be incor porated in a group of armies on the northwest front. The staff of the chief commander of the second army will have quarters in Warsaw until the seventh day of mobilization and later on at Volkovlsk. "The general task of the troops on the northwest front, after the com pletion of mobilization will bo to march against the armed forces of Germany with the object of carrying the war into its territory. The task of the second army will be masking of mobilization and of the general concentration of armies. In any event the army must maintain control of the Bialystok-Grodno district. For this purpose the second army will concen trate on the front of Sopockini- Lamza." Detailed Orders Given. Detailed orders are given, the news paper -continues, in regard to the dis position of troops, transports, etc., and finally the high political importance of the orders given is pointed out follows: "The contents of this order are strict secret of state." The order is said to have been signed by Lieutenant-General Kliou jew, Major - General Postovski and Senior Adjutant-Colonel Daler. The Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zel tung says this order was not canceled and consequently was valid when the war began.. It adds that judging by the close co-operation of the Russian and French General Staffs the order also must have been known to the French government and through it to the British government. Inasmuch as in tho last few years before the war permanent relations had been built up between the French and British staffs as was shown by frequent trips of General French to France. PARIS TO CURB THEATERS All Ordered to Close One Day a Week as Part of Economy Plan. PARIS, Nov. 1 1. An ordinance is sued by the prefect of police requires that theaters, music halls and moving picture shows shall be closed at least one day a week. This action has boen taken' In con nection with the gas and electricity savins: mesoures recently adopted. WAR SSI i at $25 EE ' ' E5 Sets a quality standard at that price that is hard to equal. Each garment receives that individual touch of high-class tailoring which gives style, quality and character far U above the average. We show a large number of new models in new fabrics 3 and splendid patterns, which will meet the requirements EEs of the up-to-date young man and the conservative man Er of affairs. j "Quality First' is the Buffum-Pendleton slogan, as it has been for 32 years. 55 The entire second floor of our new building is devoted to E the sale of Men's and Young Men's Clothing. We are growing and "there's a reason." Buffum fs? Pendleton Co. E Clothiers, Hatters and Haberdashers g 127 Sixth Street r - 30 Easy Steps From Washington St. 3 F. N-Pendleton I B H H B R H H B El B E H KaUHUMMi MlMHiiBMiaiiuiiii,UBSSSSMsasaiisiiBBunBws Ml Mi and vou'd like Vonr wll Ml W til:-3 B tt ms'r -fa Ansco" Canii m::v -p 4 i I. l p J ffSii 1 ':-' "'IS FREE With every Xmas Camera w e give a course ticket to our Photo School, which opens in January. mm ALWAYS DOUBLE STAMPS ON ALL FINISHING Ha I Ba v En rial UMUUnauUaHdHaMaUlIiaaadBUlUtiBDIilaHfiaBb&ilSIRaEBCSbSIk UUOaBtsiS YELL LEADER MARRIED JACK DOLPH AND MISS PEBRINGEB WED AND GO EAST. Popular Tnlveralty Students Harry Weddloa- When Attractive Place Is Offered at Akron, O. Jack Dolph. youngest son of Mrs. Ellse C. Dolph, widow of tho late Cyrus A. Dolph. of this city, ajad Miss Muriel Perringer, of Pendleton, were married yesterday at Vancouver, Wash., and left last night for Akron, O., where Mr. Dolph goes to take a position with the Firestone Tire Company. Mr. Dolph was until last week yell leader at the University of Oregon. While the University of Oregon foot ball team was defeating the Pullman, Wash., football team on Multnomah Field yesterday afternoon, the yell leader was being married. The cere mony followed a hasty decision to leave at once for the East, where an attractive position had been offere.1. The managers of the Firestone con cern are relatives of Mr. JJolyh's father. Mi?s Terrinrer is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Perringer. of Pen dleton. The family is a wealljjy one with large Interests In wheat in that section of the state. The young courle have been engaged for some time. The wedding had been planned for next Summer, but the hurried call to the East hastened their plans and Miss Perringer agreed to go with uiru at once. This is the second marriage in the Dolph family within a short CI mo. a daughter. Hazel, having recently been married to Edward W. Clark, of Phila delphia. Mr. Dolph is a member of the I?eta Thota PI college fraternity an3 was very popular at the University of Ore gon. His bride was a frefhman at tne same Institution and had been pledged to the Uamma Phi Beta eorority. WAR SCENTED BY BORAH 11INT IS GIVEX OK EXPECTED TROU BLE WITH MEXICO. Belief Crows In Washington That Ac tion Is Probable Now That He Klecdon Has Been Won. OREGOXIAX NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Nov. 11. Senator Borah, after a conference with officials of the War Department today, expressed the be lief that National Guardsmen now on the Mexican border will be kept theVe for the remainder of the Winter and possibly longer, and he added it is his opinion that before they get home they will likely see something more than mere border patrol duty. Senator Borah called at the Depart ment to file requests from mothers of members of the First Idaho National Guard that their sons be returned to their homes as speedily as possible. He could get no assurance whatever, but rather gained the impression Indicated. Senator Borah's inference is in ac cord with a belief growing in Wah ington that the Administration having "kept us out of war" long enough to win a re-election, is now preparing to make an active move aeainst Mexico, A. Buffum Pendleton Overcoat Winthrop Hammond W B SI W IS H HI H B E H C W J H B Mavhara you've a film, a plate or print of others to enjoy it as a eif t. Wp rpnrnrliirp nnnt pnlarirp and artistically frame. Now is the time to crowds the rush. Our Photo Section is eras are truly the perfect picture makers, from the dear little Buster Brown at $2.00, the popular Vest Pocket at $7.00, to the 3A Speedex at $55-00. FREE development of films when pictures are A1XZE STREET AT WEST RfcEK and his belief also bears out reports, suppressed by the War Department, that the Mexican situation is daily growing worse instead of better. If Senator Borah's inference Is cor rect, not only will the Idaho regiment spend the Winter on the border In Mex ico, hut ynttrry A fini Troop A. of tho I SAW NIMEI I tt 1 1, f s jP i For Men and Women This Is "The Store of Style and Service" -m-Cf! A new stock of Cloth-of-Pil- y ?;', ver Mippers. line insft Qfz T' ,j-" SS styles, our Drice vJiJ (:--.f (p-cvV,1" Ladles Popular ling-Pi IE fo'V lis" S-inch Boots 00ir0 Ladles' Black Vamp, champagne, gray and white QC STZt tops 3 All Grav Kid- Snuff Brown, with Tan Tops; Patent Button. F?,4 x-i'J with White Kid Tops, anil a host of extremo styles that I . ; V-J , are too numerous to mention and too good a value for r-".Vr Hro tOO Tit V. i . 1" you to mi SaLmpleUhoeStore 129 4th St bt-t.jjVo..hinSton$AMn GET RID. OF YOUR FATi Thousands of others have ffotten rid of theirs WITHOUT, DIETING OR EXERCISING often at the rate of over a pound a day and WITHOUT PAYMENT until reduction has taken place. . AFTER ItKUUCTIU V has taken place, if you so desire. Do not postpone, sit down right now and write your name and address clearly, send It to me by first mail, and so start on the road to recovery of your former health and figure. DR R. NEWSMAN,1-'0"'"1 Phylclan Sie of Xm York. 28BC Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. We Have Specialists in Every Line, Which Insures You the Best. Our Staff Are All Known, Competent and Skillful Surgeons, vi"- rv -v ki- me .ovs.,v H H ? r B !f H W W (."S'JSIBIIffPSrt person or place you prize Rm Kg a "a km M m a fa Ka m tn a tM i 2 What more appropriate? f irit nr rnlnr wntpr nr nil do this. Later come the different; it's complete. . y-ufsi fr- FREE An 8x10 enlargement $3 worth of finishing. Save checks. "1 w3 ordered is31 Oregon National Guard. wi'.I bo in for a prolonged slay on or south of the border. If trouble should develop, those Na tional Guard regiments which have been returned to their homes and mus tered out undoubtedly will be called bsck into .rvice. Tan Russia, with whit tops, new heel; tun 0 QC Russia. English cut.. vOiOvJ Ladles' New Kid 0 QC Luce Boots. ii33 wtw)j MA2SKALL -4.00 -HOMT A 6171 J 1 . IlIM i2m m I am a licensed practising physician and personally select the treatment for each individual case, thus enabling ma to choose remedies that will produce not only a loss of weight harmlessly, but which will also relieve you of all the trou blesome eymptoms of overstoutness such as shortness of breath, palpitation. Indigestion, rheumatism, gout, asthma, kidney trouble and various other afflictions which often to. company overstoutness. My treatment will relieve that depressed, tired, sleepy feeling, giving you renewed energy and vigor, a result of the loss of your superfluous fat. You are not required to change In the slightest from you regular mode of living. There Is no dieting or exercising It is simple, easy and pleasant to take. To all who are overstout 1 will send FRI2E a trial treat ment and also my plan whereby I am to be PAID O.M.V We Assign Your Case to the Memoer of Our Staff Best Equipped for Your Iseeda Office Hours 10 to 4 and 6 to S. Tele phone Main SOI4 t