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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1916)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAJT. PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 12, 191G. Ruth Teal. Miss Charlotte Laidlaw. Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd and Miss Ella; Stephens. Be Sure to Read the Emporium's Phenomenal Announcement in Monday Night's Papers. The Most Important Economy News of the Entire Season The tea table will be presided over by Mrs. Harrison Piatt. Mrs. Wheel wright. Mrs. A. 15. KMKey ana meir (Emporium, assistants will be Mrs. Allen P. Xoyes. Mrs. Jacob Gray Kamm. Miss Martha 1 Hoyt. Miss Ethel Malpaa. Miss Evelina Magruder, Miss Elizabeth Jacobs. t sQAt ?' - ... .v. . , ' A I F. Tucker. Mr. BIddle is the only son Of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. BIddle, and a brother of Mrs. Ersklr.o Wood. He also Is very popular socially and Is a member of several leading clubs of Portland. He was graduated from Yale, class of 1912. The wedding will be a smart event of February, and as both young people have hosts of friends, Miss Tucker's relatives being very numerous in this city as well as prom inent, they will be extensively enter Jtainedjiwith pre-nuptial affairs. At Mrs. Wood's tea, which was de lightful in every particular,. Mrs. Hal lett Maxwell. Mrs. Lewis McArthur and Miss Esther Tucker, sister of the bride-to-be, presided at the tea table. Many of the young men of society agerly availed themselves of the op portunity to attend the afternoon func tion. The Monday Night Dancing Club will ihold its opening dance of the series Just formed for the season of 1916-17, on Monday, November 27. and there after once a fortnight, as follows: De cember 11, January 8, January 22, Feb ruary 12 and 26, and April 9. The mem bership will be limited, as in the orig inal club, which was one of the most exclusive and delightful of the dancing clubs in the city, the membership then being limited to 45 couples. The committee will endeavor to have the club back to its former standard as regards membership and the informal ity of the affairs. For the past few years the personnel of the club has far exceeded the number of that of the original Monday Night Dancing Club, and this list will be cut down as much as possible and the informal atmos phere resumed. E. C. Mears is president of the club, and the other officers are Alma D. Katz and Walter F. Burrell, who held a meeting Wednesday and adopted the present plans. ' The opening dance will be given In Harlow-Grady Hall. Sixteenth and Ev erett streets. - Mrs. George A. Marshall entertained with a charming bridge-tea Thursday, honoring Mrs. W. B. Channing, of New York, who will pass the W'inter- in Portland among her relatives. Guests were asked to make up four tables of the game, card honors falling to Mrs. Channjjig, Miss Hirsch, Mrs. W. O. Van Schuyver and Mrs. C. Edward Grelle. The rooms were gaily decked with big fluffy pink and white ehrys- foliage. At tea time, a number of ad ditional guests called to greet the visi tor, who is in demand for many smart affairs. 0 Monday Dancing Club will have Its second dance tomorrow night in the gold ballroom of Hotel Multnomah. A new orchestra has been obtained and several prominent folk are planning informal dinner parties to precede the dance. The Monday Night Dancing Club, one of the- oldest dancing clubs in Portland, will hold its first dance of the season a week-, from tomorrow night. In Harlow-Grady Hall. The Monday Dancing Club's Invita tional list embraces not only the young married folk, but also mem bers of Portland's younger dancing contingent, and as the parties are in formal they are sure to be among the notable events of the season. Coming as a big surprise during the latter part of the week. Just as the excitement of the election was sub siding, was the announcement of Miss Mary Meldrum's engagement to Fred erick Shields, of Spokane. The news was made known to 16 of the bride elect's closest friends, by her cousin. Miss Genevieve Thompson, who pre sided at a charming luncheon on Fri day at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Joseph N. TeaL Covers were placed for Miss Mel- drum, Mrs. Teal, Miss. Ituth Teal, Mrs. Harold Sawyer, Mrs. Folger Johnson, Mrs. Preston Smith, Mrs. H. C. Stevens, Miss Mary Louise Feldenheimer, Miss Genevieve Church, Miss Eliza Parker, Miss Helen Bates, Miss Fay Nichols, Miss Grace Kern, Miss Isabella Gauld, Mrs. Frederick Teal and the hostess. Miss Meldrum, who has been mak ing her home with Mrs. D. P. Thomp son, her aunt, and Miss Thompson, comes from Idaho, and was graduated from the University of Idaho. During her college days she met her fiance, who also is a graduate of tie Idaho University. Miss Meldrum Is very popular with the younger set, and is a very charming girl. Charming In every detail was the bridge tea for which Mrs. Oscar R. Menefee was hostess Friday at Hotel Mallory. The ballroom was used for the affair, the card tables being ar ranged around a French garden scene, which was very dainty and artistic Nine tables were used for the games and at tea time a large number of ftnthemums, and bright-hued Autumnal guests Joined the party. Presiding at the prettily appointed table were Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mrs. William O. Van Schuyver, Mrs. Walter F. Burrell and Mrs. Robert W. Lewis. The charming hostess was further assisted by Mrs. Everett Ames. Mrs. Alma D. Katz, Mrs. Stanley G. Jewett. Mrs. Guy M. Standi fer. Misses Mary Bat-on, Elizabeth Ja cobs, Alice Smith and Helen Honeyman. A sale and a tea has been arranged for Miss Hazel Hall by a number of prominent matrons for the afternoon of Saturday, November 18, at the par lors of Hotel Portland. The hours are from 2 until 6 o'clock and the sale will include quantities of exquisite articles, the handiwork of Miss Hall, who is noted for her cleverness In needlework. A number of tables will be arranged to display the dainty handcraft, which will make wonderful Christmas gifts. One of these tables will contain sam ples from which duplicates may be or dered Sor delivery at a later date. A special feature of the afternoon will be the exhibition of esthetic dancing by Miss Kathertne Laidlaw, who will give two solos, one at 3 o'clock and one at S o'clock. Table No. 1 will be In charge of Mrs. John F. Dickson, Mrs. Thomas D. Honeyman and Mrs. James Laidlaw. No. 2, which is the sample table, will be in charge of Mrs. M. G. Hall, Miss Hall and Mrs. Charles Basey. No. 3, Miss Isabella Gauld, Mrs. George A. Warren, Miss Elsa Grelle will be in charge. No. 4, a doll table, on which beautifully and daintily dressed dolls will tempt the purchasers, will be pre sided over by Mrs. Lester Kollock. Mrs. Otis Wight and Mrs. Frank Branch Riley. No. 6, Miss Allsa MacMaster and Mrs. Hazel B. Litt. They will be assisted by Mrs. Joseph N. Teal, Miss Portland women are taking an active Interest In the special .sale and tea to be held Tuesday preceding Thanksgiv ing in the Woman's Exchange, This af fair is aa annual one and Is eagerly awaited, for at J.his particular time only Is the public able to obtain cer tain articles of apparel as well as food delicacies. The members of tha ex change make and donate two attractive articles to be sold on this day and also prepare two delectables from their treasured recipes and "donate them for this special sale. During tha afternoon tea Is served In the dining-room and prominent women of the city will preside. It is one of the red-letter days in tha his tory of the exchange and all women and men of Portland who are interest ed ara cordially Invited to attend. Miss Genevieve Thompson, one of Portland's most interesting and charm ing young women, will leave today for Chicago, to be gone until Christmas time. Her absence from the social ac tivities of the city will be a great dis appointment to her numerous friends, as she is in demand at practically all affairs of the smart set. Mr. and Mrs. George T. "Wlllett left last night-ror an Interesting trip to New York. They win be away during the holidays and will return to the Coast via Florida and the Southeastern states and also visit California before coming north. They plan to reach here early In January. Miss Mildred Nichols, one of the popular brides-elect, was the inspira tion for a charming luncheon on Wednesday for which Miss Genevieve Thompson was hostess at Waverly Country Club. Monday Miss Fay Nichols entertained with a box party at the Orpheum for her cousin, which was followed by tea at Hotel Portland yesterday Mrs. George A. Warren asked a number of close friends of the bride-elect to luncheon as a compli ment to Miss Nichols, whose wedding to H. Bailey McAfee will be solemnized Thursday night. Mrs. Henry Goode. a former Port land matron, who Is prominent la SO' ciety In San Francisco also, is receiv ing a great deal of attention In the southern city. To show her apprecia tion of the hospitality of prominent leaders of society in San Francisco Mrs. Goode is also entertaining. Re cently she presided at a charming din ner party, honoring Mrs. Eleanor Mar tin, who Is an old friend of hers, at St. Francis Hotel. Other guests at the arralr were: Count and Countess del Valle de Salazar. Captain and Mrs. Frank Pickney Helm. Mrs. E. Grahame Parker. Mrs. N. E. Ayer. of this city, who is also visiting in San Francisco; Judge Robert Campbell, of Manila: .T Downey Harvey. William Sanborn and the hostess. On Wednesday Mrs. Goode presided at a luncheon at the Fran cesca Club. Yellow and white rardrn flowers adorned the table, about which were seated Miss Helen Van Winkle and Mesdames Joseph D. Reddinar. Eleanor Martin. T. T. C. Gregory. N. E. Ayer and JS. Grahame Parker. Members of the Drama League are enthusiastic over their next meeting. which will be Tuesday night at 8:20 oclock in the Little Theater. The fea mrc oi ine meeting win oe tne reading or nermann ttagenorn s "Makers nt Madness." which will be delivered In splendid dramatic style by Frank Branch Riley. This la a comparatively new play, but nevertheless Intensely In- 1 leresung. Mrs. Robert Livingstone was hostess on Wednesday at a lunchean at which she honored Mrs. Frederick A. Barker, of Honolulu. ' Covers were placed for 10 at an attractively appointed table. The afternoon was passed wun thimble and needle and fancy work, while the friends enjoyed a chat and visit. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ehrman, prom inent San Franciscans, are being de lightfully entertained during their stay In Portland. Among the recent events honoring them was tha dinner presided over Sundnj night by Mr. and Mrs. William -iXvr Ehrman. a similar afk fair being Tven Monday night by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ehrman, and a dinner on Tusday evening with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Fieischner as hosts. - Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Fieischner also were dinner hosts on Wednesday honoring the Joseph Ehrmans, who left last night for New York, where they will visit relatives for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Ehrman came to Portland to visit their son, William Heller Ehrman, and Mrs. Ehrman. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Edwards were dinner hosts Wednesday night, their guests numbering several of the mar ried folk. Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Allen Lewis en tertained with a charming dinner party Tuesday night, which was followed by a box party at the Orpheum. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. John O. Ed wards, Theodore B. Wilcox and Samuel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. William Heller Ehrman (Minnie Fieischner) are being showered with congratulations over the arrival yesterday of a little daughter. Mrs. William Gadsby and Mrs. McKln ley Mitchell entertained yesterday with a charming bridge-luncheon. The rooms of the Gadsby residence were aglow with fluffy chrysanthemums, yellow and mauve shades, the luncheon table being especially attractive. The guests were: Mrs. James C. Costello. Mrs. O. M. Clark. Mrs. N. U. Carpenter, New Georgette Waists $6.95 The Elect of Blonsedom THE sheer loveliness of Georgette crepe has an irresistible appeal for the dainty woman ! For Monday our Blouse Shop has some remark ably pretty Georgette Waists at $6.95 that you should be sure to see. All with the new large collars, one exquisitely em broidered. Another with wide filet edge and insertion on collar and front. A third with fine scalloped edge. And a fourth with very new knife-pleated collar and frill front. Monday at the Emporium, $6.95. Rarely Beautiful Shades of RED FOX Some of the scarcer, finer skins large animal shape, with large brush tails. Youll recognize these instantly as unusual furs. Red Fox Scarfs at $14.75, $17.50, $21.50 up to $35. -Emporium, Main Floor. 1 dUvJI oyFMTTTCa HPORTLAND'vS M , 124 tol 26 .SbcfhStJurt eg V&frinaiort A Mrs M. Baruh. Mrs. David Dunne, Mra. O. W. Simpson. Mrs. Ora D. Baker. Mrs. William Reld. Mrs. Katherine Daly. Mrs. Lee Arnett, Mrs. Holyoke, Mrs. M J. Delahunt. Mrs. M. H. Lamond, Mrs. F. D. Kuettner. Mrs. N. T. Palmer. Mrs. A. E. Jackson. Mrs. R. R. Glltner, Mrs. A. Tlchner. Mrs. T. K. Baylls. Mrs. J F Clarkson. Mrs. A. C. Callan. Mrs. Ben Gadsbv. Mrs. Frank McCrillis, Mrs. A. C. Coolldge. Mrs. H. T. Burntrager. Mrs. Julius Durkheimer. Mrs. C. J. Crook, Mrs. Willis L. Straugh. Mrs. William Ingo!d, Mrs. John Annand. Mrs. livron I. Miller. Mrs. K. C. Austin. Mrs. Tom Edwards. Mrs. George W. , Cald well. Mrs. W. Y. Masters. Mrs. F. E. ilnson. Mrs. Theodore Nlcolai. Mrs. Louis Gerlinger. Mrs. F. W. Farrlng ton. Mrs. Frank Heltkemper, Mrs. Leon Peters. Mrs. G. B. McLeod. Mrs. J. C. Vcazle. Mrs. L. A. McNary, Mrs. J. Fran cis Doake. Mrs. Albert Brown. Mrs. Lyddon Veysey. Mrs. W. F . Powell. Mrs. John Vogan. Mrs. James P. Motfett, xi r. vim Urore. Mrs. Braucht. Mrs. Sarah Evans, Miss Chemln. Mrs. Blaes- Ing. Mrs. A. Tllxer. Mrs. wiuiam oue. Miss Olga Spiled. Mrs. Walter KorelU Mrs. P. Miller. The wedding of Miss Marian Morgan and Mr. Henry Allan wrignc win place at the home of me oriae s prc.i Mr. and Mrs. W. I Morgan, of 75 Kohuvler street. Wednesday morning. November 15, at 11 oclock. The wed ding will be very simple and only the members of the immeoiaie . L. relatives will be present. Mr. Wright formerly resided In Portland, but now resides In Seattle, where they will make their borne after their noneymwu. The Portland alumnaa of Chi Omega fraternity are planning a largo charity ball and card party for December 1. during the Thanksgiving holidays, at Hotel Multnoman. ine Dauruvm been donated by the management. Spe cial features will be an added attrac tion of the evening. , The incentive for this benefit is to raise funds for the Chi Omega lunch room, which has been maintained the last two years at the Stephens School, and Is now located in the Albina Home stead School, where there Is a much larger field for social service work. A brilliant Shrlner ball Is the event being anticipated by hundreds of Port land folk for Wednesday evening. Al Kader will be hosts for the affair, which will embrace cards as well as dancing and a musical programme pre ceding the dance. The entire mezxa nlne floor of Hotel Multnomah will be used for the occasion, dancing to be in both ballrooms and the cardrooms to be prepared for the non-dancers, mis ball and card party is to honor the out-of-town Shriners. Patrons and patronesses are: Potentate and Mrs William E. Grace. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Toma slnl. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Thurlow. Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton X. McArthur. Mr. and Mrs, H. R. Albee. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Orange M. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Avertll, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Runyon, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Lee Steph ens. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin A. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Finzer, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wells. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Orton. William Davis, Mrs. Mary Cree, W. J. Hof mann. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. L. G. Carpenter. Miss Lillian Carpenter. Lea. Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. James P. MorTett. Mr. and! Mr. and Mrs. Hug J. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Thomas McOuskwr, Mr. and Mrs. " ici ntlnucl rag" 4 ) H. Liebes 6? Co: 288 Morrison J. P. Plagemann, Mgr. ' TRe individual touch the mark of style distinction the orig-, inality and excJusiveness which characterize Liebes Furs is an achievement resulting from fifty years of specialization in produc ing furs, and designing and manufacturing fur garments. See tfie Nev Fox Animal Scarfs, the Late Fur and Fvr-Uhcd Coats and the Cape and Collarette Effects in nil the popular fun. -1 r ..." ' i m. . . ttT i y I WONDERFULCOMPLEXION BEAU : TIFIERONFREETRIAL "Princess" Beautifler Is a remarkable preparation that removes Imperfections and makes possible a beautiful com plexion that Is natural to alL Great success in Europe for years. We, will send full Jl package on i"HEE TRIAL. and a valuable pamphlet on the care of the skin and hair, on receipt of 10c to cover mailing cost. We trust you to pay the balance when satisfied. Princess Toilet Co., Arcade Building, Seattle, Washington. .dv. - ' ' Aqu a s c utum ' "Burberry" "Toga" London Walking Coats London Motor Coats London Great Coats Londoi Raglans London Loose-Fitting Coats London Rain Coats You can tell at a glance, when you meet an "Aquascutum," "Bur berry" or "Toga" coat, that the man or woman inside KNOWS and insists upon the best the world offers. The "Aquascutum," "Burberry" and "Toga" have the "London ness" of the thoroughbred coat, and the makers of these coats have given London Overcoats and Rain Coats their world standing. For Men and Women K. S. Ervin & Go., Ltd. CUSTOM CLOTHING r IMPORTED ACCESSORIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN CUSTOM SHIRTS Second Floor Selling Bldg, Sixth and Alder Streets i 1 1 m Fine Leather Goods For Men A complete line of useful and necessary arti cles for the business or professional man, all assembled in one department for easy choos ing. Included are: PURSES, BILL FOLDS, WALLETS," PASSBOOKS, JOUR NAL TABLETS, TRAVELING CASES, BRIEF CASES. CARD CASES, CCfLLAR BOXES, CIGAR CASES, AD- DRESS BOOKS, AUTOMOBILE RECORDS, BANKERS' CASES, DESK NOVELTIES. It takes but a moment to complete a purchase at Gill's. Prompt and efficient service in every department. il ? his The J. K. Gill Company, Booksellers, Stationers and Complete Office Outfitters, Thfrd and Alder Sts. III! Holiday Greeting Cards ENGRAVED TO ORDER. NEW AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS THE IRWIN-HODSON CO. SS7 Washington St