t : A. a. s . 4 - C 4 1 T -:: : : . I . I 4c ,'1 s THE SUNDAY OHEGOXIAX, POIITLAXIJ, NOVEMBER 101G. GERTRUDE F rr r- ' -" . 7 : - - . in v W" '7 -V 2-5 mm Ml 1 72 J 2& functions were eschewed for tha time beint-. . , Ju5t as the atmosphere vras aettllna; Into a peaceful calm, another rlnple off excitement wan furnished by the an nouncement of the envrairement of another fair tielle. Mips Mary Me I drum, who will wed I'Tederick Shields In Jan uary. This interesting bit of news was made known hy Mimh tienevieve Thomp son, a routln of the bride-to-be. at a pretty luncheon on I-'riday and It Is causing inanv notes of Joyous wishes and flowers to be showered upon the yountr folk. Events of Interest which have been arranged for the next fortnight are the nieettnsr tomorrow ni.eht of the Monday HridKe Club, whl' h will lie at the apart ments of Mrs. Hazel I). L.itt In Hotel Henson, th second of the Monday Daiu ing- Club's dances at Hotel Mult nomah, the wedding of Miss Nichols and Mr. McAfee on Thursday nisrht at the home of the bride-elect's father, JJr. A. A. NI-hols: the big- Shriner ball at Hotel Multnomah on Wedneaday night and many Informal luncheons. teas and dinner parties that have bee planned. One of the interesting announcements of the day is the plana of the Monday Nieht Psnrlnu Club to bold their first tinlsii this year. She also attended Mi5S Catllns rhool before coinc: Knst, ani l.s one of the very attractive and Pop ular of the younrer -t. is the eldet daughter of nr. and Mrs. Krn.-t dance of the season on Monday, No vember 7. at Harlow-Grady Halt Miss Hazel Hall's sale and tea on Saturday Is creating a great deal of In terest among the prominent women of the city. Mrs. James D.- Hart and daughter, Mrs. Carl L. Wernicke, added to the chain of festivities for Miss Hold en on Monday with n charming informal luncheon at the Hart residence In Vista avenue. The table was artistic In floral decoration and appointments and covers were marked for Miss Holden. Mrs. rhllip Hart. Mrs. Stanley Jewett. Mrs. Coe A. McKenna, Mrs. Chester 1. Mur phy. Mrs. Denny Clark, Miss tSenevteve Thompson, Miss Stella Krohman, Miss Isabella CSauld. Mrs. Gilbert Kurliam, Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Wernicke. Misa Holden left Tuesday for Cal ifornia en route to her hone in Ver mont. When Mrs. Krsklne Wood asked a number of young women and men to tea on Sunday afternoon to meet Miss Marlon Howe few suspected that an engagement would be announced. Miss Alice Tucker's friends were delightfully surprised when the newa was made known of her engagement to Spenc r Biddle, as Miss Tucker la one of the youngest of the belles In town. She has never made her formal debut, and only last Spring returned from Slmmonds College. The previous year she attended Wheaton College, and had planned to return to Simmonds to Wholesale A Retail. Katahtlahed ItMMI. Oriental Rugs AT "OLD PRICES" This should attract the lovers of these beautiful Oriental floor cov ering's, as our prices are 25"J, to 40 less than present-day prices. Make your selections now for your home or for Christmas gifts. Cartozian Bros. Importers of Oriental Rugs. Washington at Tenth, Pittock BIk. LADIES If you want to be satisfied with your next tailor-made suit come to B. FINK Ladies Tailor, Eilers Iildp. Z-y-sr Js? SfrSrr V-XCITEMENT prevailed during the H . week In society's circles, the f Irat thrill of surprise coming on the first day of the week when Miss Alice Tucker's engagement to Spencer Biddle was announced at the charming tea on Sunday for which Mr. and Mrs. Erskine Wood were hosts. Election returns and numerous attendant nerve-racking features kept society men and women on the qui vlve for days and social New Billie Burke Dresses Silks, Serges and Velvets We have just received a wonderful line of loose-line dresses, and will put them on special display Monday. There are serges in the prettiest of all styles, pleated from the yoke, and either loosely belted or made to tie; in green, navy, wistaria, brown and Burgundy. These are priced from $12.50 to $25.00.. Then there are combinations of velvet and taffeta, in pretty effects and the most popular shades- . All velvets, trimmed in Oriental beaded designs; and crepe de chines, velvet or fur trimmed. These are the pret tiest dresses we have shown this season and re just what our customers have been asking for. The prices are most reasonable. Pretty Taffeta Petticoats S3. 75 The newest thing: in taffetas, changeable and plain, are re pre sented in this lot. No petticoa in the lot sells for less than $5.0 and many could sell for more. There are those in the change able tones of apricot, green and blues interchanging, Kelly greens, grays, etc Cut full, with fluted or flounced ruffles. It will be worth one's while to take a special shopping trip to procure one of these Monday. New Coat Numbers Arrive Daily We are pleased to inform you that our coat stock is one of the most complete and finest in the city. ' - DON'T FORGET! our Waist Shop when in need of m new blouse; ''the enchanting novelties shown there will surely please you. Furs Your Charge 'Account Solicited. The Prettiest Novelties of the Season are here for j-our choice. There are the wide cape styles, flat an imal effects, and new scarfs and muffs. See the flat cape styles in white Iceland fox, white coney, dotted with black, and gray and white coney we are selling at 10. 'Outfitting Washington Street at Tenth