The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 12, 1916, SECTION THREE, Image 33

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NO. 46.
l V. V -f V' JT 'A
7Fg S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With All Cash Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Filled Books of S. & H Stamps Redeemed in Cash in Our New Gift Room, 4th Floor
Exclusive Portland Agents for Gossard Front-Lacing Corsets Principal Portland Agent for Famous Libby Cut Glass, Community Silver and Hoover Electric Suction Cleaners
Tea Room
Only 35 Shopping Days
Till Christmas
Give everybody a merrier Christmas this year
Stocks throughout the store are now at their best.
Why not begin your Christmas buying tomorrow?
4th Floor
D e 1 i c io u s pies,
rolls, cakes, etc.,
served fresh from
our own home bak
ery. Luncheon 11:30
to 2:30 daily after
noon tea, 2:30-4:30.
Olds, Wortman & King
The Standard Store of the Northxvest.
Reliable Merchandise
Reliable Methods.
Rest Room
2d Floor
M a k e yourself
right at home use
the restrooms, retir
ing rooms, public
' telephones. writing
rooms, etc. Meet
your friends here.
Portland Maid Silk Hose
We have just received a large shipment of our
famous "Portland Maid" Silk Hose for women,
in black, white and full range of all the very new
est colors to match Fall apparel. Price $1.15 pr.
Annual Thanksgiving Sale of Women s Ready -to- Wear Apparel
Thanksgiving Linens
Immense Stocks
At Lowest Prices
WITH the Great
American Feast
Day only a little
over two weeks
ahead,' ambitious
housewives will lose
no time in replen-
II II - 5 IV ishing their needs.
usually large stocks,
I I I i i of hich-erade linens.
Fancy Tea Cloths, Scarfs, Squares
1800 Pieces in This Extraordinary Offering Em
broidered and Lace-Trimmed Styles.
Main Floor Beautiful Pieces for gift purposes and for your own use.
This is indeed a rare opportunity to buy at great saving; the more so
when you consider the fact that prices in all lines are constantly advanc
ing. Just 1800 pieces in the assortment and no more to be had when
these are gone. Scarfs, squares, center pieces, tea cloths, etc., with
beautiful lace edges. See special display in the win-- i r
dows. While the assortment lasts, YOUR CHOICE AT" - l2 1 T1CC
Richardson's Linen Sets
Main Floor Richardson's double damask Linen Sets, consisting of cloth
and one dozen Napkins to match. Shown in a variety of patterns.
Linen Sets Cloth 2x2 yards and one dozen Napkins, priced at $14.oO
Linen Sets Cloth 2x2 yards and one dozen Napkins, priced at jj?l($.0O
Linen Sets Cloth 2x3 yards and one dozen Napkins, priced at $ 1 7.00
Linen Sets Cloth 2x3 yards and one dozen Napkins, priced at $18.00
Linen Sets Cloth 21,ix2,i yards and one dozen Napkins, priced jj10.OO
Fine Table Damask
By the Yard
Main Floor Silver bleach Table
Damask, 2 yards wide, yd. $l.."JO
Napkins to match-, dozen jji-l.OO
Hemstitched Linen Sets with one
dozen Napkins to match $10.00
Round scalloped cloths at $8.00
Round scalloped tray cloths $1
Women's $28.50 Suits $18.95
Women's $49.75 Suits $42.48
Fashion Salons, Second Floor In rearranging the Suit stocks we have found many of our best
selling lines depleted to two or three models. These we have set aside and grouped them into
four big lots for quick disposal. This season's smartest models in belted and semi-fitting ef
fects. Many are trimmed with fur or velvet. Materials include velours, gabardines, whip
cords, serges, cheviots, broadcloths, flannels, velveteens, etc. Black and all the wanted colors.
LOT 1 Women's Suits, for- 3MO GZ LOT 3 Women's Suits, for
merly selling up to $28.50, special P10.yJ merly selling up to S45.00, special
LOT 2 Women's Suits, for- J.O LOT 4 Women's Suits, for
merly selling up to $38.50, special P .TO merly selling up to $40.75, special
New Coats for All Occasions
Coats for Street Wear, $9.95 to $87.50
$20 to $35
Pattern Hats
Millinery Salons j New Evening Coats at $35. 00 to $1 90. 00
Second Floor
Beautiful White Hats, Silver and
Gold Lace Hats, Fur-trimmed Hats,
Black Silk Velvet Hats, Breast
trimmed Hats Hats for reception
wear and Hats for street wear.
Monday you may choose from 100
exquisite models priced heretofore
at $20, $22.50, $25 and up to $35
at above price. New large sailors,
small close-fitting turbans, tri
cornes and various other styles.
This is our Annual Thanksgiving
Sale . of Pattern Hats an event
which never fails to attract wide
attention. Hats worth T1 CT (f
up to $35. Monday CplO.UU
Second Floor Women's and Misses' Coats for
street wear, motoring and sport: Splendid
showing of the newest styles in belted; semi-
fitting and loose effects. Broadcloths, zibe-
lines, velours, Bolivia cloth, plush and novelty
mixtures. New large collars, deep cuffs. Many
models trim'd with fur. Priced $9.95 to $87.50.
! Second Floor Evening Coats in a wonderful
i showing of new models in silk, plush, velvet.
satins, brocaded satins, broadcloths and many
other materials. Beautiful new flaring styles
with large collars of fur, maribou or silk
plush. Models in black and all the newest
shades for evening. Priced at $35 to $190.
Beautiful New Gowns and Dresses
EVENING GOWNS exclusive models in
silk nets, silk laces, satins, taffetas, gold cloth,
Georgette crepe and various other materials.
Charming new styles, with flare, overdraped
and plaited skirts. Trimmings of fur, jet,,
beads, corsage flowers, etc. r ull range of
colors. Priced at $35.00 on up to $150.00.
DANCING FROCKS and Party Dresses in
many handsome new models, shown for the
first time tomorrow, including the famous
Betty Wales Social Frocks. Smart models in
taffeta silk, nets, satins, laces, etc. Effectively
: m n . 1 ..,:ju i. : l. . . r
ers, etc. Priced at $13.50 on up to $32.50.
S. & 11. Trading Stamp
Yield a Substantial Cash Dividend
- on Your Purchases.
Wonderful Showing of. -New Waistsl Sale of Imported La ces
$3.79 to $29.50
Hemstitched Linen
Tabl Cloths
Main Floor Extra good quality
hemstitched linen Tablecloths.
Sizes 2x2 yards, priced at $8.00
Size 2x2 V. yds., priced $10.00
Pattern Cloths without napkins.
Size 2x3 yards, special at $0.50
Size 2x3 yds., special at $7.50
50c Huck Towels at 39c .
Main Floor Extra special offering for this week full bleached
good-sized Huck Towels, usually sold at 50c, 280 doz. at, each
Second Floor Novelty Waists of taffeta silks. Georgette crepe,
nets, crepe de chine, etc., made up in combination with dainty laces.
Fancy and tailored effects with latest collars and sleeves. Plain
color, plaids and stripes. Full range of sizes. Priced $3.7!) to $6.50
OTHER MODELS, including the new French Peasant Blouses,
with colored embroidery shoulder straps, belts, etc. $7.50 to $29.50.
New Silk Petticoats
Second Floor No matter what shade or style you have in mind,
you are sure to find it in our magnificent showing of new Petti
coats. Latest Fall styles, with deep flounces. Trimmed with ac
cordion plaiting, ruffles or scallops. All sizes, including stouts.
Prices range from $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00 and up. See these.
GreatThanksgiving Sale of Roasters and Kitchen Needs
V . ,rr":; SS I .
Community Silver lPrice
Discontinued Patterns
$1.00 Pickle Forks at 50c
$1.50 Dessert Spoons
priced special, only 75c
$4.50 set of six Preserve
Spoons priced at $2.25
$4.75 set of six Salad
Forks, special, set, $2.38
$1.25 Cream Ladles, 63c
$4.50 Soup Ladles, $2.25
$6.50 Orange Knives
priced, set of six, $3.25
$2.00 Cheese Scoops in
hollow handles, at $1.00
$4.00 set of six Butter Spreaders priced at S52.0O
$2.00 Child's set of three pieces, special at $1.00
Community Silver Plate
SO-Year Guarantee
Floor Complete line of the beautiful
"Patrician" design in Community Silver
Plate. Guaranteed for 50 years' family us.e.
Design and finish equal to sterling silver.
Community Tea Spoons, set of 6, at $2.50
Community Dessert Spoons, set of 6, $4.50
-Community Table Spoons, set of 6, $5.00
Community Table Forks, set of 6, $5.00
Community Model Handle Knives, 6, $3.75
Community Butter Spreads, set of 6, $4.00
Community Salad Spoons at, each, $2.00
Community Cream Ladles at; each, $1.25
OTHER PATTERNS at the above prices.
Community Par Plate
Third Floor Oneida Community Par Plate
Silverware is guaranteed for 10 years' wear.
Tea or Coffee Spoons, set of 6, for 88c
Table Forks or Spoons, set of 6, for $1.75
Dessert Spoons, priced, per set of 6, $1.50
Butter Spreaders, Salad Forks, 6, at $2.00
Soup Spoons, set j --M e at Forks on
of 6, priced at $1.75 lle at, each, 60c
SPECIAL BARGAIN in Carving Sets.
Make Out Your List, Bring It to This Store
and Save Money on Your Thanksgiving Needs
7IT 11t'S 71? nm
ivioaei Kjne-jricce
Third Floor "Model" one-piece Seam
less Roasters, like this cut. priced
very special for Thanksgiving" Sale.
$1.00 Model Roasters priced at 7."
$1.25 Model Roasters now Sl.OO
$1.65 Model Blue Enamel at $1.40
$1.25 Casseroles, in frame, at Ofl
90c Enamel Cake Boxes now 7i!
No. 7 extra grade Skillets at 44 1
No. 8 extra grade Skillets at 40f?
No. 9 extra grade Skillets now 590
25c Wire Soup Strainers now 10
35c Potato Ricers priced at 250
25c Automatic Egg Beaters at 100
Bread Boards priced now at 2O0
Dover Egg Beaters priced at O0
Wire Potato Mashers at, each, 40
40c Baking Sheets at, each, 300
60c Baking Sheets at, each, 450
$1.75 Nickel Waffle Irons at $1.50
Cake or Biscuit Cutters now at 50
Paring Knives priced now at 100
Universal Food Choppers at $1.00,
$1.25. $1.50. Soon save their cost.
$3 JO Alu minum Kettles, $2.18
Third Floor Seamless Aluminum Tea
Kettle with wood handle. Nice size for
general use. .These are
actually worth $3.50. Special
75c Aluminum Sauce Pans at 590
$1.00 Aluminum Measures now 5)
$2.25 Cov'd Pudding Moulds, $1.1:5
0c r Iat Skimmers priced at :t2t
Manufacturers Sample Pieces Of
fered at J3 to l2 Regular Prices
Center Circle. Finst Floor Come downtown early tomorrow and get first
choice qf these exquisite Laces and Trimmings. Manufacturers' house
samples pieces ranging from 3 to 10 yards. Beautiful designs and color
orings for the trimming of evening and party dresses and waists. Dark
and light colors, but remember there is but one piece of each kind.
Laces Worth to SLOP at 50c Yard
Laces Worth to $1.75 at 9Sc Yard
Jet, Spangles, Silver and Gold
Laces, narrow and wide Edges and
Flouncings, 2 to 27 inches. Also
Bead Laces and novelty Trim
mings, worth up to $1.00 CHf-.
a yard. Special, the yard
In this lot there are beautiful
pieces in silver, gold, jet. spangles
and beaded effects. Especially
adapted for evening wear. Values
up to $1.75. Priced special QQ,-.
tomorrow at only, the yard 'P'
Laces Worth to $3.00 at $1S5 Yard
Laces Worth to $6.00 at $2.9S Yard
Silver, Gold, Bead, Spangle and
Jet Laces and Trimmings on fine
quality net. Shown in black and
light colors. Many pieces in this
lot worth up to $3.00 T1 QC
yard. Priced special, yd. PA.OJ
Words cannot describe the
beauty and richness of the trim
mings in this lot. Suffice to say,
you will find almost everything
hew and desirable here. CJO QQ
Worth to $6.00 the yard 45 .O
$1X)0 to $5j00 Laces at to '2 Off
$6M to $10.00 Laces at Vn to Off
Crystal Bead Trimmings, Cas-.
cade Fringe, Pearl, Silver and Gold
Fringe, Gold, Silver and Jet Bands
and Edges, and other novelty trim
mings. Regular prices, $1 to $5
yard. Now at Is . to Vj off.
Silver, gold, spangle, bead laces
scores of different patterns, but
only one piece of a kind. Good se
lection of light and dark colorings.
Regular prices $1.50 to $10.00 the
yard. Priced now at H to Vi off.
m Saleof Room-Size Rugs
Carpet Dept., Third Floor
TO MAKE ROOM for our new stock now beginning to arrive we will
close out a number of high-grade Rugs at greatly reduced prices.
$27.50 Axminster Rugs, size 9x12 feet, priced for this sale at $21.75
$35.00 Axminster Rugs, size 9x12 feet, priced for this sale at Ss27.Xo
$46.00 high-grade Wilton Rugs, size 6x9 feet, priced special at
$60.00 high-grade Wilton Rugs, size 9x9 feet, priced special at
-(575.00 high-grade Wilton Rugs, size 9x12 feet, priced special at
New lines Reversible Fiber Rugs just in, priced at $0.50 and
$3.00 Curtains $1.98 Pair
Third Floor Marquisette Curtains
with wide Cluny lace edging. Very
attractive Curtains for living-room
or dining-room. Curtains C1 08
worth $3. Special, pair
$2.50 Scrim Curtains with lace in
sertion and edge to match. CM 7Q
Priced special at, the pair P S
Curtain Voiles with fancy
colored borders. 35c grade
vm ' ..... i : j
S59.75 ifj
$10.50 ii?
Dainty New Camisoles
$125 Grade
Special for
Styled Like This Picture
On Sale, 2d Floor
Very appropriate for gifts. Made
of good quality crepe de chine with
fine lace yoke, hand-mbroidered
wreaths, ribbon strap over shoulders.
Just the thing to wear under sheer
waists. These are an exceptional bar
gain even at the regular price, $1.25.
Shown in white and flesh (PI ff
color. Priced very special l.UU
OTHER Styles $1.50 up to $3.50
Special lot of Laces, worth up to $6.50, priced special, the yard, $3.98
Lace Waistings
$3 Grade $1.98
Main Floor 36-inch Lace Waist-,
inga in light and dark colors and
attractive new patterns. These are
also shown in black. Worth up
to $3.00 yard. Priced
special Monday, yard
Georgette Crepes,
Nets, Tulle
SPECIAL for Monday. Excel
lent quality Georgette Crepe in
party shades. Quality T1
well worth $1.75. Yard "V x
never sold in the regular way for
less than $1.25 yard. 35 (T1 ff
colors. Monday, yard P-LW
SILK TULLE 72 inches wide,
in black, white and col- P1 7;T
ors Special, the yard PJ.J
TULLE NET 72 inches wide,
very fine quality, black
and colors. The yard P J
SILK NETS for dresses and
waists. Black, white and HQ
colors. Priced special, yard '
-r- l
BestNewReprin t
Fiction 60c
Molly Make-Believe
Wild Animals I Have Known
The Eyes of the World
Miss Billy
Martha by the Day
The Clansman
The Garden of Allah
V. 's Eyes
Your special attention is directed
to the large tables of 50c to $1
books being closed out at 25c
The Book Shop, Main Floor.
Ifci. "-'"Vl