The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 12, 1916, SECTION TWO, Page 5, Image 23

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Players in United States Too
Prone to Lose Temper .
When Luck Is Bad.
Courses Are More Like ' Those in
England Many Arc Taking Up
Game and General Trend Is to
Take Creaks as Tliey Come.
Tt Is a pretty well conceded fact that
vp to date at least British golf has
had a lap or two to spare above Amer
ican golf. There are three reasons for
First, Great Britain has been plug
ging away at the gams about 300
years; the United States about 30 years.
Second, as an average, British courses
have been far better training camps
for the development of finer golf; they
have been much harder, have been far
better trapped and have called for a
greater variety in play.
Third, upon the general average
egain the more stolid British tempera
ment is better suited for golf than the
quick-fire, impatient American tem
perment is.
Americans are gradually overcoming
the first two defects. English golf is
being played in the United States of
America to bring on development. And
with such courses as the National, Pine
Valley, Lido and others, golfers in this
widespread land will soon be getting
all the tests that a golf system can
It is only a matter of a few years
now before America will be replete
with courses calling for the hardest
tests that exist, so this defect will soon
be remedied.
As for the third deficit or defect, this
Is something else again. There isn't
the slightest doubt but that many of
our best golfers have weakened their
play by an amazing impatience with
the arrival of any bad luck, while a
poor approach or a missed short putt
will drive them into a frenzy.
Many JlewHll Hard Lack.
In these United States of America
there are too many golfers who fly
apart before bad luck or a poor shot.
They never seem to figure that they
are due to have a certain number of
bad lies in the course of a round and
that they are also due to miss a cer
tain number of , shots, especially a num
ber of putts.
Through the last season alone there
can be recalled any number of cases
where one or two bad breaks or one
or two poor "shots completely wrecked
the game of certain first-class players,
because, through lack of proper pa
tience, they allowed these slips of fate
or fortune to get upon their nerves.
Too many of these take only good
luck and perfect golf for granted.
They make n advance no allowance for
mistakes, bad kicks, cuppy lies or other
Take a certain incident at Merlon.
One of the leading contestants drew a
bad start in one of his matches. He
immediately lost his temper and with
it his poise. His game grew care
less and went to wrack. By the
sixth hole he was five down and ap
parently was a badly beaten man.
It so happened Just at this moment
an older friend called him aside and
delivered a burning address upon the
matter. "You ought to be ashamed
of yourself," was the friend's parting
shot. "Either play the game or quit
it for good."
InMtant Change Noted.
The change in the player's method
ti n ry lusiajjiaiicuus, i it; ettLLIBd 11 U W II
at once, got a new grip on himself and
at the 18th hole from being 5 down he
had come to being 1 up, which is no
small difference, and the entire change
came from the shift in the player's
mental attitude after he had been set
Tight by some pretty sharp but exceed
ingly sound advice.
Three golfers have been used before
as illustrations or examples along other
lines, but they also fit in here. The
men referred to are Ouimet, Travers
and Davis.
Much has been written about their
fine temperament for play. They un
doubtedly have the so-called "golf
temperament" to a high degree, yet
they are temperamentally unlike in
most other ways.
What, then, is the "golf tempera
ment" they possess? In the main it is
this: They take the game as it comes,
accepting the breaks and shifts of luck
without allowing themselves to be up
set. Nobody has ever seen Frances
Ouimet offer any complaint over a bad
lie or lose his poise for a moment be
cause of some poor shot or some un
lucky turn. No one could tell from
his manner that he was not having
the best of luck.
Travprn Never Annoyed.
How many recall Jerry Travers at
Kaltusrol, when he won the open in
At least three shots that started
well kicked off into bunkers. Tet
when Jerry came up to his ball his ex
pression shewed no annoyance or im
patience. Having got into trouble, his
ole thought was the best way out,
not a waste in vain regrets over what
might have been.
How does this help? The answer is
eimple enough. By refusing to become
overly impatient or upset these three
have been able to retain their complete
concentration, to fix their undivided
and unbroken attention upon the main
shot in golf which is the next shot
you have to play. If Oimet had b
come impatient or annoyed because he
hooked a shot out of bounds aginst
Vardon and Ray, or Travers had both
ered his soul because he found trouble
here and there, neither would have
been open champion.
There are grips and stances and
swings that help in golf. But none of
these help any more than the "capacity
for infinite patience" and the ability
to take the game as it comes; the
ability to fix concentration on the shot
ahead, forgetting past mistakes or past
trouble in the determination to get
there on the next one.
If the average golfer gave as much
attention to this latter feature as he
does to correcting physical faults in
swing or stance or grip his game
would never be possible over the other
Utah University's Proposed Course
Xcar Salt Lake Visited.
SALT LAKE CITY. Utah.. Nov. 11.
(Special.) Louis Berrien, the golf in
Etructor at the Salt Lake Countrv Club
aided by two assistants,, has gone over
the course of the proposed golf links
on Fort Douglas territory which the
University of Utah is planning to build.
The course as outlined by Berrien
covers more than 3000 yards for the
nine holes and is so arranged that
parties may begin, play at either end.
This play will make it possible for the
officers at the fort to start at one end
and still not interfere with each other's
and still not interfere with each oher's
" l-rr ..AMe- Herf! A "AD 'NC for Te use -rLV c t V here au- if
, - ! poAV- f . A Time. Today- J I op yoor iHOES 7"er.e''lN? .lrYou 'F;
. "1 1 -jAWFvt! IT. Take MiMtf bill- i want joe- Jhe wexr TRAij)lSRe& tVf
f GREAT 1 I CLUO Mom tg3 C - --I .- . -. t r? rj.-2i
Handicap Golf Tourney Due to
Start at 1 P. M. Tomorrow.
Xeiv Rating Competition Is Proving
Great Success Mixed Foursome
and .Men's Handicap on Bill
for November at Waverley.
A special event for the women a
handicap tourney, has been arranged
for tomorrow at the "Waverley Country
Club, according to announcements sent
out by Mrs. Thomas Kerr, captain of
the women's teams. A trophy for the
event has been offered by Mrs. Helen
Ladd Corbett. The competition will be
18 holes, handicap, and will start at 1
The women's new rating competition.
inaugurated last month at Waverley, is
proving a tremendous success. The
women players have been divided into
four squads and all are privileged to
challenge the player next above.
The ratings yesterday were as fol
Class A 1, Mrs. George H. Mayes;
2, Mrs. Peter Kerr; 3, Mrs. C. H. Davis,
Jr.; 4, Mrs. F. E. Fey; 5, Mrs. R. Koeh-
ler; 6, Mrs. A. G. Labbe; 7. Mrs. Gay
Lombard; 8, Mrs. Victor A. Johnson;
9. Mrs. E. C. Shevlin; 10, Mrs. J. C.
Class B 1. Mrs. Thomas Kerr: 2. Mrs.
Walter M. Cook; 3, Madame Frost; 4,
Mrs. J. H. Lothrop; 5, Mrs. L. Gerlinger,
Jr.; 6, Mrs. Richard Wilder; 7. Miss
Irene Daly; 8. Mrs. Donaid tireen; ,
Mrs. E. A. Baldwin; 10, Mrs. J. M.
Leaders in class C are Mrs. Irving
Webster and Mrs. Walter Lang, and
in class D, Mrs. Everett Ames and Mrs.
H. C. Jewett.
The month's calendar for the men at
Waverley calls for a mixed foursome
handicap on November 18 and a Thanks
giving day handicap on November 30.
Sim B. Archer and II. L. Kcata Will
Select by Rotation and Loser
Will Dine Winners.
"Choose up" golf is the latest wrin
kle on the links. Sam B. Archer, tour
nament chairman at the Portland Golf
Club, has announced a special tourna
ment for Sunday, November 19, between
teams chosen by himself and II. L.
Keats, club president. Teams will be
known as the captain's team and the
president's team, and they will be
chosen by alternate selections from the
list signing up for the competition.
The winning team will dine at the
expense of tne losing team that after
noon at 5 o'clock.
Scoring will be under the Nassau
system, one point for each nine holes
and a third point for the entire 18
holes. The side with the most points
wins. Sides will be chosen Saturday,
November 18, and announced in the
newspapers Sunday morning.
Finals in the annual club champion
ship at the Portland Golf Club will be
played today at the Raleigh links be
tween George B. McGill, traveling
freight and passenger agent for the
Wabash Railway Company, and Roscoe
Fawcett, a local newspaperman. Play
will be over the 36-hole route. The
championship tourney has been in prog
ress at the Portland Club for several
Doty Quintet Beats Dryad, 35-5.
CENTRALIA, Wash., Nov. 11. Three
gacies of basketball were played Tues
day r.ight in the Doty Y. M. C. A. gym
nasium. In the first game the Doty
High School five defeated Dryad, 35 to
5, and in the second the Doty Y. M. C.
A. defeated the Dryad Athletic Club by
a score of 43 to 15. The final game
was between two women's teams, the
Republicans defeating the Democrats
, by a score of 12 to 11.
Several of Coast League Teams Have Not Yet Decided on Training Camps.
Harry B. Smith Explains Salary Limit Question and Liklihood of Secrecy.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 11.
(Special.) Major league ballplay
ers are taking a chance of antago
nizing the National commission these
days by engaging to make the trip to
Honolulu with Charlie Swain's All
Stars. At least that is the case with
five of them Harold Janvrin, of th
Boston Red Sox; Louis Guisto, of Cleve
land; Rowdy Elliott, of the Chicago
Cubs; Sammy Bohne. of the St. Louis
club, and George Kelly, of the New
York Giants.
The tourists started for Honolulu last
Tuesday afternoon and each one of the
big quintet received a telegram from
his club that read thusly:
"You must secure permission from
the National commission. Personally
your club has no objection to your
making, the trip."
Commission Is Ignored.
And then the five, without any get
together conference, each decided for
himself that he would beard the Na
tional commission in its den and suffer
the consequences, if there are any.
The fact that the club owners do
not object to a bit of Winter ball is
strongly in favor of the players and
the boys believe, if it comes down to a
pinch, that they can show a clear case.
Al Sothoron and Nixon. of the
Beavers, were to have been members cf
the party, but rather mussed up the
programme by leaving suddenly for the
East, and that too, without any notifica
tion to the promoters. At best it was
a shabby trick to play on Swain, who
has had plenty of troubles on his
shoulders without having to chase a
couple of erratic ballplayers.
New Men Signed In Time.
Fortunately Louis Guisto brought
the word to Swain before there was
actual damage done and new men were
signed to take their places. The team
as it stands for the nine games on
the island is as follows:
Pitchers Wynn Noyes, Chief John
son and Dutch Reuther.
Catchers Rowdy Elliott and Johnny
First base Louis Guisto.
Second base Harold Janvrin.
Shortstop Bill Leard.
Third base Sammy Bohne.
Outfielders Bill Kenworthy, Dutch
Retither and George Kelly.-
Reuther will be used in the double
capacity. He can pitch occasionally
but for the most part he will be an
outfielder. Swain went along, of course,
in charge of the team and the tourists
will be absent for five weeks.
Other Similar To urn Made.
Away back a number of years A. O.
Spalding made a trip around the world
with a flock of baseball athletes. Mike
Fisher, well known to Coast League
fans, followed suit on two different
occasions, while a little less than two
years ago McGraw and Comiskey
headed two great major league clubs
on the same sort of trip.
There have been several college teams,
to say nothing of the O. C. boys from
the winged "O" institution, to make the
trip, so Honolulu fans are well ac
quainted with baseball talent from this
Swain has taken with him a well
balanced club and his boys ought to
furnish some good baseball. Most of
the players' have nothing to occupy
their attention and for that reason the
diversion will be the best thing in the
world for, them.
Rest Advised In Off Season.
Personally the writer believes ihat
ballplayers should rest in the off sea
son, but a short Jaunt of five weeks is
not going to do any damage.
When the California delegation net
sail last Thursday for New Orleans and
the meeting of the minor leaguers,
there was no representation from the
San Francisco club. Henry Berry de
clared he was altogether too busy with
the details of tearing down Recreation
Park stands to make the trip, while
Manager Harry S. Wolverton explained
that as he had no trades to consummate,
he couldn't see the necessity of such a
long Journey.
Wolverton, by the way. Is located In
the mountains of Madera County, some
65 miles from Fresno. He is up 4 there
with Charlie Baum and their two
families. The baseball men intimate
that it will be three months of delight
ful loafing and hunting and Just as
little of baseball mixed in as possible.
Negotiations to Be Made.
However. Wolverton has left orders
for a telephone to be hooked on and
declares that he will do whatever
negotiating is necessary for baseball
over the long-distance line.
"I do need some players but not a
I . f WHAT DVa KsJeu Jf
i J . ii
a .svAjeu.
world of them," said Boss Harry. "I
want a real catcher, who will be the
first-string man, an outfielder to take
the place of Ping Bodie, who is lost
by sale to the Philadelphia Athletics,
and another pitcher in addition to the
men who are lined up.
"The breaks went against us this
last season or we would have been one
of the contenders in the race. I think
I know how to fill up the cracks in
our wall of defense so that the San
Francisco club will be a contestant lor
the pennant in 1917. But this Isn't
going to take much of my time and
most of the next three months will
be spent in the mountains."
liaam to Represent Cotimt.
Prexy Baum will represent the Coast
League, but there went with him J.
Cal Ewing, president of the Oakland
leam. ana Manager Dei Howard. Cal
Ewing is about the best politician ever
developed in minor league circles and
can be depended upon to watch affairs
from the standpoint of his own sec
tion. Howard admits that he has a lot of
deals under way and he wants to be
in New Orleans to attend to them.
First of all. he wants to make a com
bination, if possible, with the Brook
lyn club, so as to get the cast-offs of
the Trolley Dodgers.
Then he wants to strengthen his
team in certain places and thinks the
best possible manner is by being on
the ground in person
Berry to Start Xm, Park Soon.
The latest word from Hen Berry is
to. the effect that work on the new
park will start about December 1.
The grass on the infield has been
taken up and stored away as a guar
antee of his good intentions. This
coming Sunday there will be a bene
fit game of ball arranged by the Na
tive Sons, after which the padlocks
will be put on the gates until such
time as the wreckers are ready for
Leases on some of the Fifteenth
street property that will be used in
enlarging the diamond and increasing
the distance from the plate to right
field, will not be up until December 1.
Then, so says Hen. work will start
with a rush.
It Is figured that given any amount
of fair weather the stands can be re
built within two months and In readi
ness for exhibition games, providing
the Coasters decide to let an outside
team train here this coming Spring.
Oaks May Train at Bom Sprinn.
Oakland evidently thinks well of
uoyes springs as a training camp.
Secretary Jack Cook and Del Howard
made a trip to the Sonoma County re
sort this last week and returned with
a signed contract by which the Oaks
will be located at Boyes for the next
five years.
"The grounds suit us and the camp
is a perfect one for a ball club." said
Cook. "Likewise advantageous terms
were offered and that determined us
to tie up with Dr. Parramore for the
next five years. We, will know where
we stand and so will Parramore and
his associates."
San Francisco is still shy a training
camp, so iar as any uennlte action is
concerned. Berry says he likes San
Jose, but that he isn't sure he can get
a diamond. When San Jose merchants
gave a rodeo last Summer they tore
up the baseball diamond and converted
it into a field for equestrian sports.
Diamond Needed for Retnrn.
Now, if the Seals are to return, to
the Garden City, it will take some
work as well as some money, to land
them a diamond.
Much depends, of course, upon the
attitude or the .oasters with reference
to the coming of a major league club.
If they decide to allow Spring exhibi
tion games, it will mean that the San
Francisco club, for instance, will be
busy in this city Saturdays and Sun
days during the Spring month of work.
In that case, it will not make so much
difference where the club is sent to
get into shape. ,
It looks very much as if there will
be a move to rescind the Coast ruling
that calls for three weeks of training-
Berry, for one, believes each club
ought to be allowed to settle that
problem for itself. For example, there
are some pitchers who require more
seasoning than others.
Whether there will be a lifting of
tne lid where tne salary limit is con
cerned, no one so far has predicted. 1
think the league directors are con
vinced that it was a mistake to make
public the cutting down of the salary
limit and if they do anything of the
sort this Fall at the Salt Lake gather
ing. ir will be In executive session.
r) LlTT-F j-
":crt x.-sj-"-
18 Games Are Won and Lost
With Los Angeles.
Seven Games Taken From An geld,
Wlille Baum Is Next Willi Five.
Portland Only Fails to Make
Hit Every Inning In 1 Game.
It was not thel fault of the Portland
club that Los Angeles won the pennant
In the 1916 Coast League season. To
be sure. Portland and Los Angeles had
more postponed games than any other
two clubs, but Portland was the only
club to break -even with the Angels for
the season. Portland won more games
from the Angels and lost fewer games
to the Angels than did any other club,
winning 18 and losing 18.
Sothoron was responsible for the
pitching end of seven of Portland's 18
victories over the Angels, while Noyes
was charged with the defeat in six of
the 18 games that Portland lost to Los
Angeles. Los Angeles won two and
lost seven games against Sothoron:
won six and lost only one against
Noyes. The Angels won four and lost
three against Houck and won two and
lost three against Kelly.
Hagerman and Higginbotham were
the only Portland pitchers not to meet
a defeat at the hands of the Angels,
Hagerman winning two and Higgin
botham winning one. Loudermilk won
one and lost two games against the
Angels, while Harstad and Reuther
each won none and lost one.
Oakland was Los Angeles' chief vic
tim in games won for the pennant, al
though in percentage of games won
and lost Salt Lake City was the easiest
foe of the Angels. Los Angeles won
26 games from Oakland and 25 each
from Salt Lake, San Francisco and Ver
non. Los Angeles lost 12 games to
Salt Lake, 16 each to Oakland and Ver
non and 17 to San Francisco.
Only six Coast League pitchers won
more than three games from the 1916
champion Angels, and of these three
were San Francisco hurlers. Sothoron.
of Portland, finished the season with
more victories against Los Angeles
than any other pitcher, winning seven
games. Baum. of San Francisco, was
next in line, with five wins from the
champions. Crandall, while with Oak
Land. Sothoron won seven and lost two
games against the Angels; Crandall
won four and lost none; Prough won
four and lost four.
Among the Seal regular pitchers.
Couch was the only one who won more
than he- lost against the Angels, win
ning four and losing one. Corbett won
one and lost none. Baum won five
and lost six and Steen won four and
lost six to the champions. Oldham won
two and lost four games to the An
gels: Brown won one and lost five:
Erickson was the only Seal pitcher
who did not win a game from the An
gels, losing three times.
Sixteen times during the 1916 Coast
League season did a club register at
least one safe hit to an inning. San
Francisco turned the trick seven times,
with Oakland next In line, with four
games. Vernon was credited with a hit
in every inning in three games, and
Salt Lake and Los Angeles each added
one game to the record. Portland was
the only club that did not play at least
one game with a hit in every Inning.
Four times each Vernon and Salt
Lake were the victims when opposing
clubs hit safely in every inning. Oak
land's opponents turned the trick three
times; Los Angeles and Portland pitch
ers were bumped safely every inning
in two games each, and San Francisco,
the team that hit safely in every in
ning more times than any other club,
allowed opponents to' turn the trick
only once.
Only four out of the 16 times that a
club hit safely in every inning did that
accomplishment fail to bring victory,
and one of those times was the only
occasion of the season when an oppos
ing club hit safely in every inning
against the Seals. San Francisco won,
7 to 6. on June 7, despite the fact that
Vernon piled up a total of 16 hits, with
at least one in every inning. Oakland
hit safely in every inning against Salt
Lake on May 14 and lost. 4 to 2. and
also against Vernon on July 30 and lost,
8 to 5. San Francisco hit safely
against Salt Lake in every inning on
April 29 and lost. 9 to 6.
Bobby Jones, of Atlanta,
Shows Champion Trick.
Youngster Goes Course In 75 and
74 Against Expert's 76 and 77,
and Play Is Steady, Over
coming Bad Luck.
Bobby Jones, the 14-year-old Atlanta
golfer, beat Chick Evans 4 up and 3 to
plsy matching cards In their recent
four-ball match at Atlanta. The ac
count of the match in the Atlanta
journal, with young Jones and Perrv
Adair, another Atlanta youth, opposing
the National champion. Evans and Ned
Jsawyer. of Chicago,-furnishes some In
terestlng lights on the talents of the
pbenom. Jones.
In the morning Jones took a 75
against Evans' 76 and Sawyer's S3 and.
In the afternoon, Jones finished with
a 74 to Evans" 77 and Sawyer's 77.
Sawyer ranks next to Evans and
Gardner In Chicago.
The individual scores follow:
Mornlns round Individual cards com
pared Jnne. out 4 4 4 6 S 2 4 4 S S
Kvtm. out 5 2 ft 4 ." 4 .1 3 S 3
Sawyer, out 5 3 5 S 5 3 .1 4 il
Jones, in 4 3 4 S 4 .1 5 4 3 :;7 7S
Evans. In . 3 4 4 4 ft 4 o 3S 7
S"Ter. In 634-10505 4 tl t2
Afternoon round Individuals
Jones, out .. .4443334 . 1 S ST
Kvnr.j". out ...' 4 4 3 4 ." 4 2 bii'i
Sawyer, out .5 4 4 4 4 S 4 4 :!
Jones, in ....5 4 4 4 3:43 .V r.i 74 14r
Kvana. In 3 r 5 4 5 3 S 3 54 1 77 l;3
Sawyer, In ..4 3435453 537 77 10i
Paper Report Given.
Following are excerpts from an ac
count of the feat by the Atlanta
"When the bunch teed up the crowd
wanted to see Little Bob drive, not be
cause he's Little itob, not because he's
an Atlanta boy, but because he smashes
the ball with a cleanness, a lack of
preliminaries and a sureness that is a
delight to the eye.
"Chick Evans said this yesterday
"'In four or five years this boy Is
going to be ripe for the champion
ship.' "But why four or five years? There
Isn't a man playing golf today who
has his phlegm, his coolness. Matches
don't bother him. He wasn't any more
concerned about playing the open and
amateur champion than he would be
about playing his dad, whom he always
beats to a frazzle.
"He has the temperament, or lack
of temperament. Just as much as any
body could have. And the Lord knows
he plays the clubs. It seems impos
sible for a stocky kid to hit a ball the
way he does. He had the others beaten
by 10 or 15 yards all along.
Lone Slip Made.
"On the fourth Chick outdrove him.
because Bob's first was out of bounds
and his second was hooked. He slipped
for a moment there: the only time all
the way that he bobbled.
"On the eighth his drive caught the
top of the trap and dropped back In.
It was hard luck, an inch higher and
he would have had the green and been
well up to the flag. Chick played his
ball more into the air and carried the
"Then, on No. 17, Bob's drive was
short and on 18 he used an iron and
hooked, while Chick got a beauty, flag
"On his seconds he often took Iron
clubs where the others fell back on the
brassie and he was with them or be
yond them when the caddies pushed
their way over the gallery-cluttered
course and found the balls.
"In approach shots there wasn't
much to choose, though as someone
put it. when Chick's ball hit dead. Little
Bob's hit Just a wee bit 'deader.'"
E. H. BRYANT. Fdltor.
Phone Tabor 61 1::.
Contributions of Kames. fndlnss. problems
or items of interest, crttirlsms and club
notes Melted. Send direct to 14J East
Thirty-fit to. treet.
The Oresonliin, November 12. 1916.)
I3y Otto W'urxburi;. In Public 1-etlgr.
Otto Wnrtfjiirt, of Grand Hapltls. Mich.,
is recorded as one of the world's best
problemists, and it Is a pleasure to present
on4 of his stU'lies fur our solvers this
Black one piece.
I i "1 I T 1 1 1
1 P I I
( T -j
Wnite seven pieces.
Whit mates In three moves.
White kins on KKt4. queen on K3. bishop
on v".. Kturni on wku. pawns on K5.
QB1 and QKt2.
Black kltic on QB7.
1'ROBl.KU NO. 153.
By E. North.
ravM Mitchell. ' the popular chess and
checker editor of the Public Ledger, be
lieves this will baffle a rood many solvers.
Black four piece: white four pieces.
Wniie mates in two moves
White klnc on KHS, queen on QKt7.
bishop on KH3, knlrht on KKt4.
Blsck kltie on K B4. Mshop on KR3.
knlsht on KKtrt. psm-n on KKtl.
Contributed bv s. T. Adams. Crown Hotel.
Pan Francisco, Cal. Author unknown. An
eav study for beslnners.
Black two pieces: white five pieces. White
mates in two moves.
Wblte klnjt on l)T.. rook on KB", knights
on K3 and Q:t, bishop on QKt 2.
Black kinir on K7. pawn on QT.
Br O. N. Cheney. Flttshurr CJaiette Times.
Black five pieces, white six pieces. White
to piny and mate In three moves.
AVhlre Klis on KR cjueen on KTtS.
knlKht on Qn. pawns on KS. QR" and QKt4
Black kins- on QR3. ronk on QRsq.
knight on QBsq. pawns on QKt3 and QKt4.
Problem No. 14! Kev move. R-ORS. If
KxKt. 2 K-QKt7. 2 K-Q4. 3 K-QB7 and
mate. It 2 B-K. K-Osq. :t Kt-uKi:.. 2
K-QBI. If 2 R-K8ch. K-QKt, 3 Kt-Qkt3.
2 K-CJB2
I'rob'em N" 15" "fev more O-KKt?.
KxKt. 2 Kt-KBS, K-QB3. 3 Q-QB6 mate:
2 Kt-OIM. K-"P1. 3 -K4 mates If 1
K-K. 2 Kt-KB-I, 3 Q-QKt.V mate. If K-K4
2 Q-Q2. K-KB3. 3 O-QKt.1. mate.
Problem No. 151 Key move. R-BS. RtR
Is defeat -d hv R-KHi. K-Kt.t bv R-B4.
B-B by Kt-Q6. PxP by R-R and Q-Kt by
I'KIH (Ktlch.
Solutions hnve been received from some
new California players, and we are pleased
to add th-r names to the solvers lisr :
J. T. Smith. J. Radnmsker, .1. Katon. T.
Collins. J. Kane. u. K. Campbell. F. Woods,
our old friend S T. Adams. J. V. Stlmson
and O. T. nail. From Ore -on and V:ish
Inuton. Roy Trock.-r. . F Woods F Wsn-
, Incton. Oregrus. Roy Crocker, c. F. Woods.
, F. Wander. George Blnnchard. D. Marion.
neor-ce . u. ivens. u. t. Alexander. 11.
Buker anti C. F. Reed.
St. I.ouls OJlobc Iemoerst: Kvery admirer
of the famous Paul Morphv will he h chlv
delighted with the possession of the October
ro'der or tne tiocxi companion t hese Prob
lem Club, as It contains cit cf no less than
lt ena-ravlnr of the a-reat American chess
plnyer. besides a picture of the fioon aold
and alive chess men presented to him upon
his victorious return o New York on the
evefilrr of yav 2o. 1 ".. One rut riDrv-
sants him playing- A. Aoderaaen. th German
professor. In Paris. 1RSS. whom he defeated
by seven to two, with three draws. An
other sh.-w Mm r!a inic. In London. J. J.
Lowenthal. The final score of the. match
was Slorphy. ; Iiwenlhal, 3: drawn. 2.
Still another presents him flavin- elsht
fames blindfolded at the Cafe de la He
fcence. Paris. September 27, Be won
six and drew two. This was th hlchest
number of fames of such character played
up to that time. There are aiso two cuia
of busts made d urine his Msit In Paris, and
reproduction of rare portraits, lnrludlnc one
from, the collection cf J. G. White.
GAME NO. 13.
At a slmnltaneous exhibition risen by
our champion. Frank Marshall. In Brooktvn.
Captain Jay J. Hopkins, of the Coast Artil
lery Corps, was one of his opponents, and
executed a brilliant tumlns movement
around the champion's riKht. Marshall,
white: Hopkins, black. (Chess News.)
hite. Black, .white. B'.ack.l
I P-K4 P-K4 7 P-KS KKt-Kt5
P-CM PxP S Q-K3 p-q;
3 P-QBS PxP; 0 KPxP QxP
4 KB-B4 CKt-BS'lll P-KRJ Kt-Qr.
5 J5JL"Ba Kt-B.Tll KtxKt Q-K7
OO B-K2; mate.
Banks, white: Caprblrtnca. black.
C.AMH 131.
White. Black. 1 sVnite. Blsck.
1 P-K4 P-Ki;-.-.l K-PJ K-K:3
2 KKt-BJ QKt-B:t :; P-QH3 K-K'l
3 B-Kli B-QK3 ::i R-H7 R-QBS
4 BxKt l'xB J2 KxJ KxPch.
.. P-Q4 PltP;:;:l K-K Rxl
b QxP QxQ 34 RJ7 K-B3
JMxCI B-Q.: R-viH R-tWKt7
R OO Kt-K2,3r. p.fjKtl 1-xP
Kt-Q2 O0. .7 PxP Rl
10 Kt-U4 Kt-Kt;l.s P.-KR8 P-3K4
11 KtxB PxKlol. KxP p.i:.
12 B-KJ P-KliUi K-Q2 P-Rrt
13 PxP BxPUl K-K R-Kt7ch
II KlxB KxKt, 42 K-Q3 P-R7
jr. -J1J:Q P-yt -13 K-R K-Q4
35 -tHl R-K',44 P-Kf4 P-KI4
17 R-B" K-KS!(5 P-KIS R-K7
1- P-KK13 Kt-K4,4t P-KfS P-Kt5
III KR-B ItxB 47 P-Kt7 RxP
BxRch is nil' R-Ktrtch
21 KjR RxKPIlO K-K! R-Kt7cl
S? K-B2-...1 K-j! R-Ktrtch
H S't.'.-' B-K2 M K-K2 P-Kt
24 R-B::-h K-K .12 R-Rt P-KtT
H 5"lil?, K--JS3 R-QHtl K-BS
b"-13 K-B2 54 R-Bch K-Kt rt
27 R-BS P-B4 55 R-KtSch v.BT
P-K13 P-QJl Resigns.
From the, Chess News. The Milwaukee
tramhlt. really a counter ramhlt. evolved
In the fertile Imagination of w, E. Von
Barv. A specimen brick: 1P-KB4. P-K4:
2 P-Q4. 3 K-Q2. Q-B7. 1 Q-K.
QxQP mate. Pretty neat, eh!
From the Salem Chess and Crecker Club:
Room lo. McCormick Building. Novem
ber 4. 191'. We wish to commend vou for
your most excellent chess and checker
columna and the interest It Is creating here
in a!.-m. in our club, the Commercial Club
and Willamette University. Students In
form us they are orcnnizin a club there,
both the Boys" Phlladorean Society and the
Girls" Phlladoclan Society. Your columns
aro kept on file there, as well ss in the
other clubrooms of the city. Wo believe
this tribute Is due you. and the help from
every organization and pljiyer n Oregon.
We are looking forward this Winter to
contests with the University. Commercial
club and Portland tt-anis. or any one that
thinks he can plav the games. Keep the
good work up. You are doing more for
the advancement and study of these games
man any other on the "coust. Respect
fully. C. C. GIVFXS, President.
r. W. F1hcr. Secretary.
Youth Will Return to San Franrlaco
l Spring Record of 19 V
Bad 14 iMmt la Held.
Rudolph "Kurve" "Kallio. Portlsnd
youngster, who broke into the Pacific
Coast League with San Francisco,
striking out 13 Portland batters in his
first start, arrived home Friday by
boat from San Francisco. The young
Seal came to Wolverton from the Great
Falls club, of the Northwestern League,
where he won 19 games and lost 14.
He Is credited with three wins and
one loss with the Seals, but he started
in some other games which he failed
to finish. Most of these contests were
won by San Francisco, so Rudy's aver
age looks good. He says he developed
a sore elbow on his throwing arm after
leaving Portland. Kallio goes back to
San Francisco next Spring.
According to the Portland youth,
Henry Berry started fixing up his San
Francisco park shortly before he start
ed for Portland. The entire grand
stand will be torn down and moved
back 65 feet, which will make the right
field fence 55 feet further back.
At the Nineteenth Hole
JR. STRAIGHT won the handicap
sweepstakes at the Waverley
Country Club on election day with a
gross score of TS and a net of 71. Since
the advent of wet weather anything be
low 80 Is good golf on any of the Port
land links. A. E. W. Peterson and
William -MacMaster tied for second
Walter Travis, the grand old man of
golf, tells an amusing story of a golf
match at Palm Beuch. There the cad
dies are colored and they go bare
footed and also bet among themselves
on the mutch. Mr. Travis In this par
ticular instance noticed that his op
ponent was getting much louper drives
than seemed natural and he wondered
why. About the seventh hole he dis
covered the reason. His opponent's cad
die would walk along looking for the
ball and when he came to it he would
step on it and carry it between his
toes so naturally that the act was hard
to see. The caddie frankly admitted
the trick.
A feature of the recent international
match between the Vancouver and Se
attle women's golf teams was the in
dividual competition between Miss
Agnes Ford, of Seattle, the Northwest
women's champion, and Miss Phepoe,
of the Shaughnessy Heights club. In
the international team play Miss
Phepoe beat Miss Ford 2 up and 1 and
on the following day Miss Ford atoned
for the defeat in a friendly match by
the same margin. Miss Phepoe is the
leading woman player in British Co
lumbia. see
In appreciation of her feat of winning
the National women's championship.
Miss Alexa Sterling has been made a
life member of the. Atlanta, Ga., Ath
letic Club, which organization she has
always represented.
The annual meeting of the Portland
Oolf Club will be held Tuesday, No
vember 21. at 8 P. M.. at the Multnomah
Hotel. Five directors are to be elected
to fill the terms of the following: It.
L. Keats, David Pattullo. Sam 15.
Archer. A. G. Mills and II. H. Pearce.
John O. Clemson. one of the prime mov
ers behind the building of the new club
house, has been elected to fill the un
expired term of Kenneth Hall.
An interesting interclub match was
played last week between employes of
the Waverley Country Club and the
Portland Golf Club. Boyd Bustard,
formerly a Waverley caddy and now
assistant to Harry L. Pratt at the Port
land club, registered a 76 over the
Portland course in competition with
Anton Fredin and Todd, of Waverley.
Todd came hack at him later in the
week at Waverley by hanging up a
score of 80. Todd came back over the
lower nine in a par 36 strokes, after
a bad start on the upper.
Knergetic beavers raised a dam
across the creek running through the
Portland Golf Club course recently, and
the water, overflowing on a farmer's
meadow land, nearly precipitated the
golf organization into trouble.
When the club Investigated and
pointed out the real cause of the over
flow there was a hearty laugh all
Heavy Snowfall In State Keported.
ALBANY. Or.. Nov. 11. (Special.)
Snow fell last night in the mountains
of this section of the slate. Word has
reached the headquarters of the San
tiam National Forest here that there is
16 inches of snow at Fish Lake, on the
Willamette Valley & Cascade Mountain
waton road, near the summit of the