The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 12, 1916, Section One, Page 13, Image 13

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Auxiliary Sea Force Are to Be
Called Naval Volunteers Un
der Recently Voted Law.
Status Will Be That of Regulars
When on Active Duty, and Pay
for Drills at Other Times
Is Provided For.
The Oregon Naval Militia: is aoon to
chan ere Its. name. It will be known as
the Naval Volunteers.
Lieutenant-Commander George V.
Blair, of the Naval Militia, has received
information that the Division of Naval
Militia Affairs is -working to prepare
the regulations which, -under the new
naval appropriation bill, are to govern
the new Naval Volunteers and the
forms for changing: from the old to the
new system. Notice has been Issued
that they will soon be ready.
"The Naval Militia is enthusiastic
over the new law," Commander Blair
said yesterday. "The members believe
they are going to have a big, efficient
organization in the near future, and
that as soon as the provisions of the
law are in operation and understood
there will be so many applications for
enrollment that they will need a bigger
ship than the Marblehead to accommo
date them."
New Name Pleases.
IMscussins the change. Commander
Blair said:
"The new name is probably one of
the most pleasing features of the bill.
In the estimation of the Naval Militia.
The term militia has been used so In
discriminately in the past 100 years
that it has little meaning left, and a
more specific name was unquestionably
"The National Naval Volunteers are
a very restricted class of men, selected
for special qualifications and forming
the first line of the reserve naval force.
"Having been enrolled, a member is
liable for call by the President for im
mediate service, either within or with
out the. territorial limits, in case of war
or other National emergency, and must
serve during the continuance of such
war or 'emergency unless sooner re
lieved by the President. In time of
peace he attends a maximum of 48
drills, and cruises for a period of at
least five days each year. A full out
lit Is issued to him and he Is thereafter
required to keep it complete. While in
actual, service he Is subject to naval
discipline and regulations.
Duty Periods Described.
"A naval volunteer Is only on duty
during his weekly drill period of about
two hours, when upon cruise duty, or
when In active service in answer to a
call from the President during a Na
tional emergency. At other times he is
fre of all military obligations. In re
turn for the obligations he assumes by
enrollment he receives:
"Retainer pay at the rate of 25 per
cent of his base pay, but not to exceed
$120 a year.. .. .
"Full pay of his rate while on cruise
cr other ordered duty or in active serv
ice In answer to a call of the President.
"Application of the pension laws
while in active Bervice.
"Promotion, rewards, brevet rank,
medals, etc., while In active service, the
same as any regularly commissioned
officer or enlisted man of the Navy.
"Retirement with pay after continu
ous service.
"When in active service there Is no
difference between a regular and a Na
tional naval volunteer. The new act
does not make any greater demands on
a man's time. He can obtain his dis
charge as heretofore for sickness, night
employment or removal from the dis
trict, or a furlough on similar grounds.
"Retainer pay will average from $1.25
to J2.50 a man for each drill attended."
Monmouth Head Trying to Meet
Calls for Graduates.
mouth, Or., Nov. 11. (Special.) Not
only are teachers in demand In all
counties in Oregon, as expressed by
communications from various school of
ficials, but the demand for grade pupils
In the state training school here has
been growing until the supply believed
to be necessary for the immediate fu
ture is forecasted as short. A slight
response has been made to the teacher
demand, but the Monmouth supply of
training school children is not elastic.
President Ackerman is studying the
situation in an effort to gain the use
of more pupils for practice work. The
system in practice Is advantageous to
pupils and teachers alike. Every nor
mal school senior must have had 100
hours of practice teaching before grad
uation is allowed under the standard
normal school system.
Former Governor's Appointees Are
Overruled by JeKerson Vote.
MADRAS, Or., Nov. 10. (Special.)
Two years ago the County seat of
Jefferson was located at Culver by the
decision of a Judge and a commissioner
who were appointed by Governor West
la the face of a convention which had
appointed other commissioners.
At the recent election Jefferson Coun
ty repudiated the Governor's appointees
Mrs. Ann McKay Downing:.
Mrs. Ann McKay Downing died
at her home near Beaverton Fri
day, aged 81 years. Mrs. Down
ing was born in Cathness, Scot
land, in 1835 and emigrated to
America in 1844. She was mar
ried to Hiram Downing at Truro,
Nova Scotia, In 1860. They moved
to Portland in 1874 and in 1876
settled on the home place, where
she died. Her husband was killed
by the kick of a horse October
7. 1875. She Is survived by four
children James B. and H. P.
Downing, Miss Alma Downing
and Mrs. E. D. McGowan, all of
and voted the County seat from Cul
ver to Madras.
Culver now contends that .the elec
tion was illegal, although up to the
night of election day, according to
Madras people, the Culver people main
tained that Culver was on the ballot
and that a "no" vote on Madras and
Metolius was a vote to keep the county
seat at Culver.
Co-Eds Participate In Arrangements
for Co-operative Buying.
Nov. 11. (Special.) At a meeting of
the Bachelor's Club of the University,
Wednesday night, permanent officers
were elected and committees were ap
pointed to carry on the work during
the Winter. Twelve members were
present among whom were several co
eds who have recently become inter
ested in the organization.
Allen Rothwell, of Eugene, was elect
ed president; Curtis Beach, of Portland,
vice-president, and 'Bessie Maguire, of
Bridal Veil, secretary. Con Johnson, of
Rainier, was appointed chairman of
the committee for co-operative buying.
Fred Coley, of Whitaker, is chairman
of the committee on varieties of diet
and menu.
If Cross, Bilious, Sick, Feverish,
or Full of Cold, Take
No Chances.
"California Syrup of Figs" Can't
Harm Tender Stomach,
Liver, Bowels.
Children love this "fruit laxative,"
and nothing else clean -s the tender
stomach, iiver and bowels so nicely.
A child simply will not stop playing
to empty the bowelB, and the result is
they Lecome tightly clogged with
-waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach
sours, then rour little one becomes
cross, half-sick. feverish, don't eat,
sleep or act naturally, breath is bad.
system fun of cold, has sore throat,
stomach a;he or diarrhoea. fasten.
Mother! See if tongue is coated, then
give a teaspoonful of 'California Syrup
of Figs.' and In a few hours all the
constipated waste, sour bilo and undi
gested food passes out of the system
and you havs a well, playful child
Al.-llons of mothers give "California
6yrup of Figs" becaus- it Is perfectly
harmless; children love it, and it never
fails to act on the jtomach, liver and
Ask your drug -ist for a 60-cen- bot
tle of "California Syrup of Figs." which
has full directions for babies, children
of all age and tor grown-ups plainly
printed on the ittle. Be . aro of coun
terfeits sold here. Get the genuine
made by "California Fig Syrup Com
pany.' Refuse any other kind with con-
tempt. Adv,
Conference of Independent Faculties
Will Be Held at Albany.
ALBANY. Or, Nov.. ll.--(Speclal.)
The annual conference of the faculties
of the independent colleges of Oregon
will take place in this city Friday and
Saturday, December 1 and 2. Courses
of instruction, scholarships, athletics
and other matters of Interest to all
will be discussed.
The colleges which will be represent
ed at this conference are Willamette
University. Pacific University, Reed
College, McMinnville College, Albany
College, Pacific College arid Philomath
L. W. Riley, president of McMinnville
College, Is president of the association,
and . F. G. Franklin, dean of Albany
College, Is secretary.
Washington Legislature. Has "but 17
Democrats, All Told.
SEATTLE. Nov. 11. The striking
feature of the Washington election re
sult was the enormous majority of
Miles Poindexter, Republican candidate
for Senator, over George Turner, Demo
crat. With 222 precincts missing, Poin
dexter leads by more than C4.000. Wil
son's plurality continues nearly 14,000,
and that of Governor Lister, Democrat,
over McBride, Republican, more than
Returns from all the districts indi
cate the following division in the next
Senate Republicans, 38; Demo
crats, 4.
House Republicans, 84; Demo
crats, 13.
Albany Man Brings in Trailer Load
of Potatoes.
ALBANY, Or., Nov. 11. (Special.)
Automobiles are being used more and
more by farmers In this vicinity in
bringing rarm produce to town.
One farmer residing near Albany sur
prised people on the streets one day
this week by driving Into the city with
a wagonload of potatoes, tied to the
rear of the car. Others have hauled
sacks of potatoes to the city piled up
in the car. Clover seed and other
produce has been hauled the same way.
One man recently brought a calf to
town in his car. Garden truck is fre
quently hauled to the city in this man
ner. Some of the gardeners, however,
have regular autotrucks.
I wish to thank the many friends
for their many acts of kindness shown
through the long sickness, and death
of my beloved husband, Edward
Antonisen. Also for the beautiful
flowers, especially to the Portland
Fire Department, and No. 19, to which
house he belonged at time of death.
Advance Book Suggestions
for the Holiday Buyer
When you give books, how much more satisfaction there is when you know you have given just the right book to the right per
son! In choosing at Gill's that satisfaction is doubly keen, for you know all the worth-while books were available. A leisurely
selection now, while the salespeople are not so busy as they will be later, affords the keenest pleasure and satisfaction. Choose
your books this weekl
"Tkc Life of John liny," 2 vols SS.OO
Ii. R. Thayer.
Lincoln's great secretary and America's
great statesman, the most Important as
well as the most delightfully written
biography in years.
Tnmplnit ThrouRh Mexico, Guate
mala and Honduras' . .SXOO
Harry Franck.
A delightful narrative of parsonal experience.
"Happy Valley
Anne Shannon Monroe.
"Til World for Sale"
Gilbert Parker.
The Rainbow's End"
Rex Beach.
"The Iatberwood God"
William Dean Howells.
"The Maa-nlflcent Adventure"..
Emerson Hough.
Mary Roberts Rinehart.
"The Dent Twlic"
Dorothy Canfield.
"Mr. Dritllna Been It Through". . . .$1 JSO
H. G. Wells.
"TYfce a Man's a Man" $1JS
Harold Bell Wright.
"Georg-tna of the Rainbows". ...... .$1.25
Annie Fellows Johnston.
"The llooaler Book of Riley Verse,
cloth. :.oo
New compilation, beautifully printed on
India paper. Contains the very best of
all Riley's dialect verse.
"The Buuins of Brlnx a Krlc-md". . Sl.OO
Bertha Conde.
A book of unusual merit and charm.
Reprint Fiction at 60c
Balcony Floor.
Below are just a few of the worth
while books displayed on the balcony
floor, at the unusual price quoted
above. They're all good. All well
bound. Well printed and well worth
reading. Read the list !
"Penrod,"' Booth Tarkington; 'The
Ruling Passion," Henry Van Dyke;
"Miss Billy," Eleanor Porter; "Molly
Make-Believe," Eleanor Abbott; "The
Eyes of .the World," Harold Bell
Wright; "Martha by the Day," Julie
Lippman. -
Come in Any Time and Inspect at
Your Leisure. You Are Welcome.
f 1' M
Cliildren9 Book Store
Balcony Floor.
In the children's book store you will
find assembled all the masterpieces of
juvenile literature you will find de
lightful books for the little tots fairy
tales and fanciful stories for the older
ones, and all at a price range within
the limits of every purse. Bring the
children in at any time they will en
joy every moment of their visit. The
children's book lists are now ready
make your selection early.
Story II our Every Saturda y
2:30 P. M. and 3:30 P. M.
Come and Bring the Children.
Early Suggestions From the Gift Shop
Crane's Christmas
Stationery, Boxed
Crane's Christmas Stationery, packed
in handsome mottled gray boxes, makes
an attractive and useful gift for Mother,
Sister, Daughter, Wife or Sweetheart.
Each box contains two quires Of paper,
one quire of gold beveled cards with
envelopes to match. The tints for this
season are white, dove gray, Napoleon
buff and Helen pink.' Price per box $2.25.
Second Floor.
Personal Greeting Cards
There is a Personal Greeting Card suited to every
degree of acquaintanceship expressive of every senti
ment and truly suggestive of the Holiday Spirit I
Choose your cards this week while the assortments are
Fine Leather Goods for Men
Gill's showing of fine leather goods for men is unex
celled in point of variety and completeness. Every
kind and quality of leather is represented in the show
ing of useful articles for every-day use. Included are :
Narcissus and Chinese
Lily Bulbs
Handsomely boxed with holiday greet
ings on the cover. Box containing three
narcissus bulbs, 23c Box containing
one narcissus bulb in green pottery bowl,
35c Box containing two narcissus bulbs
in green copper bowl, 60c Box contain
ing five narcissus bulbs in green pottery
bowl, $1.00; Box containing one Chinese
lily bulb, 25c Box containing one Chi
nese lily bulb in green pottery bowl, 50c
Myrtle Wood Gifts
Made-in-Oregon novelties of Myrtle Wood
one of the hardest and most beautiful
woods known. The assortment Includes
nut bowls trays collar boxes trinket
boxes, etc They are finished In a natural,
hand-rubbed, spar varnish finish will not
crack-check or craze water will not dam
age them or destroy the gloss.
The colors and grain effects of Myrtle
Wood must be seen to be appreciated they
run from the deep chocolate effects of wal
nut to the brown tones of hickory. Send
one of these Oregon products to your
Kastern friends.
"Fitall" Cases for Men and Women
"Fitall" Cases are a unique and practical adjustable
toilet kit for men and women priced from $2.50 to $10
Globe Wernicke Sectional Bookcases
For Office, Library or Den
Complete Stock of Holiday Decorations
and Dressings Now on Display
Obiter Dicta
The holiday season f?lves to Gill's the same
opportunity to serve the happiness of its
patrons as it does the Individual to his
friends. Every department head every
salesperson every errand boy is bubbling
over with enthusiasm and a sincere desire
to make your visit comfortable and profit
able. Never before were the holiday storks so
bountiful so varied and so complete
Never before were Gill's so well organized
and equipped to servo you promptly and
well. Come early if you can if you can't
come when convenient, with the full
assurance that you will be efficiently mid
conscientiously served, whether your pur
chase be largo or small.
THE J. K. GILL CO. Booksellers, Stationers and Complete Office Outfitters THIRD AND ALDERX
Luncheon Tuesday Arranged and Busi
ness Men Invited to Hear
Informal Discussion.
Portland business men have been in
vited to attend a luncheon at the Mult
nomah Hotel at noon next Tuesday to
hear HI C. Gill, Mayor of Seattle, dis
cuss the benefits of prohibition in the
state of Washington.
Mayor Gill is active in the enforce
ment of the prohibition law in his home
city and will present reports showing
its effects and the methods of enforce
ment. He will compare notes with
Portland and needed changes, if any are
needed, will be pointed out. I
Arthur Langguth. Judge of the Mu'
nlcipal Court, of Portland, will discuss
the sale of alcohol in drugstores. A.
series of questions and informal dis
cussions will follow.
The following group of Portland busi
ness men interested In the prohibition
movement constitute an invitation com
mittee for Tuesday's luncheon:
H. R. Albee. J. K. Gill, Thomas Rob
erts, D. A. Pattullo. C G. Wilson, J. L.
Hartman. John H. Boyd. S. B. Huston,
Robert S. Farrell. Arthur Langguth,
Herbert Gordon. Fletcher Linn. J. S.
BardJey, T. W. Lane, A. King Wilson,
John Bain, J. J. Ross, E. Quackenbush,
E. A. Baker, J. T. Wilson, W. O. Shank.
- i I
Seal The Oregonian Classified Ads,
III GUI, Mayor of Seattle. "Who
Speaks Hera Tuesday Night.
Programme at Pure Food Show Is
Planned for Friday Xlglit.
Richard Atkinson was chairman of
the evening at the regular meeting of
the Portland Salesmen's Club nt the
Oregon Hotel Friday night, and S. C
Lancaster was speaker. Marguerite
Moore Bourne -sang several numbers.
Chairman Atkinson called on several
of the members for one-minute talks.
The Portland Salesmen's Club will
give a programme at the Pure Food
Show in the Ice Palace next Friday
night, at which time the Women's
Quartet will be featured. On Novem
ber 22 the club will give a dance and
card party In the East Side Business
Men's Club.
Sirlngrield Officials Elected.
SPRIXGFIELI5, Or., Nov. 11. (Spe
cial.) The Presidential race was not
the solo cause for the extreme Interest
taken In Springfield. This city elected
M. C Bressler and M. W. Weber Coun
cilman on the citizens' ticket, Herbert
E. Wnlker was re-elected Recorder.
Most Effective Remedy
Mother Had Ever Used
Dr. CaldivelVs Syrup Pepsin
Relieves Baby When Other
Medicines Failed.
There Is nothing so necessary to a
child's health and comfort as regularity
of the bowels. All children are espe
cially susceptible to stomach trouble
and any overstrain of the sensitive or
gans has a tendency to obstruct elim
ination. This condition Is responsible
for much of the illness of childhood.
To relieve constipation a mild laxa
tive should be employed. Cathartics
and purgatives are violent in their
action and should be avoided. Mrs. Al
fred Du Bols. Mt. Holly, N. J., says Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is without
doubt the most effective remedy for
constipation she has ever used and that
it Is the only remedy she could find
for her baby. Little Earl was badly
constipated during his first year and
nothing she tried seemed to help him
until she got a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin. Xow he is a fine, strong,
healthy boy. and she thanks Dr. Cald
well for it.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is a com
bination of simple laxative herbs with
pepsin, free from opiates or narcotic
drugs; it acts gently without griping
or other discomfort, and appeals to
children because of its pleasant taste.
Druggists everywhere sell it tor fifty
-MSC4 , . . .'J i i1 I
V :.- :f.;;, v M hi I I! I.
h lllillli
x : il'H)
Earl DuBois
cents a bottle, and every mother should
have it in the house for use whenever
occasion arises. y
To avoid imitations and ineffective
substitutes always be sure to ask for
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. See that
a facsimile of Dr. Caldwell's signature
and his portrait appear on the yellow
carton In which, the bottle is packed. A
trial bottle, free of charge, can be ob
tained by writing to Dr. W. B. Cald
well, 455 Washington fit Montlcello,
W. R. Dlmra was chosen Treasurer. One
amendment to the citv charter wns
vGet Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
That is 4he joyful cry of thousands
since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tab
lets, the substitute for calomel.
Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician
for 17 years and calomel's old-time en
emy, discovered the formula for Olive
Tablets while treating patients for
chronic constipation and torpid livers.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not
contain calomel, but a healing, sooth
ing vegetable laxative.
No gri-ing is the "keynote" of these
little sugar-coated, olive-colored tablets.
They cause the bowels and liver to act
normally. They never force them to
unnatural action.
If you have a "dark brown mouth"
now and then a bad breath a dull,
tired feeling sick headache torpid
liver and are constipated, you'll find
quick, sure and only pleasant results
from one or two little Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets at bedtime.
Thousands take one or two every
night just to keep right. Try them,
10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
passed, removing a farm from the cily
limits east of here.
You Can Erinr; Back Color and
Luster With Sage Tea
and Sulphur.
nPFN nostrii 5T pwn
How To Get Relief When Head
and Nose are Stuffed Up.
When you darken your hair with
Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell,
because It's done 50 naturally, so even
ly. Preparing this mixture, though :it
home Is musy and troublesome. For
fi cents you esn buy at ay drutrstoro
the ready-to-use preparation. Improved
by the addition of other ingredients.
I culled "Wyeth's S.tge and Sulphur
I Compound." You Just dampen a sponire
I or soft brush with it and draw this
jthroueh your hair, taking one small
I strand at a time. Ky niorninir all trrHy
hair disappears, and. after another ap
plication or two. your hair becomes
beautifully darkened, glossy and lux
uriant. Oray, faded Imir. thouch no disgrace,
is a. sign of old aire, and as we all de
sire a youthful and attractive appear
ance, sret busy at once with 'Wyeth'i
Sare and Sulphur Compound and look
years youngcer. This ready-to-use prep
aration is a delightful toilet requisite
and not a medicine. It is not Intended
for the cure, mitigation or prevention
of disease. Adv.
CouAt fifty! "Your cold in head or
catarrh disappears. Your clogrged nos
trils will open, the air passages of your
head will clear and you can breathe
freely. No mo'ro snuffling, hawking,
mucous discharge, dryness or headache;
no struKglinpr for breath at night.
Get a small bottle of lily's Cream
Balm from your "drugrgist and apply a
little of this fragrant antiseptic cream
In your nostrils. It penetrates through
every air passsage of the head, soothing
and healing the swollen or inflamed
mucous membrane, giving you instant
relief. Head colds and catarrh yield
like magic. Don't stay stuffed-up and
miserable. Relief Is sure. Adv. -
rssg -Tbotlxaclie
i"5 ornno
- ill r
W'-OAthe ache
CalJ . A 4C.
jfHiii C S. Dent & Ce.