The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 05, 1916, Section One, Page 7, Image 7

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Chicago Tribune Obtains Re
ports of Unprejudiced Po
litical Observer.
Ttopublieans Uelieved Reasonably
Certain to Have 270 Votes in.
Klectoral CollegeEarly Dem
ocratic Gains Are Offset.
(Continued From First Page.)
forecasts of election results have
proved reliable in the past.
There are 531 votes in the electoral
college, and 266 constitute the ma
jority necessary to election.
Analysis of the reports shows that
Hughes appears to be assured of 270
votes; that he probably -will receive
324 votes, and that he may receive
S63 votes. Wilson is sure of 13D votes,
probably will receive 168 votes and
may receive 207 votes.
Electoral Vote Analyzed.
A summary of the analysis follows:
Klectoral Votes.
22 Rtates sure for Huarhes 270
r ftntes probably for Huffhes ............ M
13 states sure for Wilson . ............... 139
f states probably for W ilson ............. -0
8 staled chances even 39
, 531
The detailed classification of the
utates on the basis of the reports fol
lows: Sure for Hughes.
California 13'New Mexico 3
Idaho 4 New York 4."
Illinois 20
North IJakota o
Oregon 6
Pennsylvania. ..... 38
Rhode Island 5
South Dakota..... 5
Utah 4
Vermont ......... 4
'vVyoming 3
Indiana .......... liv
Iowa ............ 13
Minnesota . . .
Nw Hampshire..,
New Jersey ...... 14
Total 270
Probably for Hughes.
Connecticut 7lV"isconsin 13
Dplaware 31 -
Ohio 24 Total 64
Washington ...... 7
Don lor w uson.
Alabama ........ 121
Arizona 3
Arkansas i
Florida 6
Oklahoma 10
South Carolina.... 9
Tennessee 12
Texas 20
Virginia 12
Oeorgla .......... 14
olina... 12
North Carol!
Probably Democratic.
Colorado 0 Nevada . .
Maryland 8
Montana 4 Total...
Nebraska ........ 8
Doubtful. Chances Errn.
Missouri .
131 West Virginia 8
1SI .
uotai 3
Situation In Uoubtf ul States.
In the list of states regarded as sure
for Hugrhes there are only two which
the Democratic managers seriously pro
fess hope of carrying for Wilson. These
are South Dakota, with five, and Utah,
with four votes. This hope, however,
does not seem to be substantiated by
the Tribune's reports.
In the list of doubtful states classed
s probably Republican is Connecticut,
which the Democrats have begun to
lose hope of carrying. Likewise the
chances of a Republican victorv - "hio
and Wisconsin have improved so much
in the last 10 days that the CRpture
of their 40 electoral votes by Wilson
is now deemed distinctly improbable.
The only state among those classed
as sure for Wilson which the Repub
licans profess hope of carrying is Ari
lona,' but th non-partisan reports re
ceived by the Tribune do not bar out
this expectation. In the list of doubt
ful states that probably will be car
ried by Wilson, Maryland and Nevada
arc claimed by the Republican mana
gers, but the reports give the Demo
crats the decided advantage in both.
Democratic Gains Offset.
In all of the states approximately
the same forces are operating to decide
the election. President Wilson has won
thousands of Republican votes by the
arguments "Let prosperity alone" and
"Wilson kept us out of war." The
effect of these arguments has been
more noticeable In the West than in
the East.
The Democratic gains from this
source have been offset to a consid
erable degree by the defection of Demo
crats who repudiate and fear the
"peace-at-any-price" tendencies of the
Wilson Administration. Democrats who
condemn the .Mexican fiasco. Democrats
who believe that the country will need
a protective tariff after the war, and
those German-Americans and Irish
Americans, normally Democratic, who
regard Mr. Wilson unneutrally favor
able to the allies in dealing with the
Kuropean belligerents.
Next in importance is the Adamson
law, raising the wages of train oper
ating railroad employes 25 per cent.
This has won thousands of votes for
Mr. Wilson among trainmen who are
normally Republican and among other
workingmen enrolled in the ranks of
organized labor, which hitherto has
been reckoned about 23 per cent Re
publican. Drift Less Than Kxpccted.
The drift to Wilson from this cause,
however, is less than it first appeared
Agony of Leg Sore
Stopped by D.D.D.
Woman Tells Pitiful Story.
'"I am the mother of 12 children. T took
a varicoso ulcer on my leg at the birth of
last -hild five years ago. I used every oint
ment that is made. I was laid up for nearly
five weeks with a doctor attending me who
did nothing tut treat those kind of things.
Doctors told me to lie in bed, but where
there is a big tamlly one cannot do that.
Then I heard about D.D.D. and as I used
to t-ar my le at night until it was a
bleeding- mass. I determined to trv a. bottle.
1 can't tell you the ease It gave me. I never
used to sleep for the pain. Many & time
j nearly feu with dizziness In my head
from want of sleep.
Now my l.--g Is healed up, thanks to the
niessea u.u.u. i never exported It to cure.
1 only got It to take away the terrible itch.
By degrees 1 sav - the big sore getting
smaller." MRS. STOTT.
202 N. Weston Rd., West Toronto, Ont.
Cnnie to us and we will tell you more
about this romarkable remedy. 25c. iiOe and Your mon-y back unless the first
itottie relieves you. Kiumore Drug Com
pany. The Owl Drug Company. Adv.
to be. The Republican leaders have
stemmed this tide of defection by a re
markable campaign of education, dem
onstrating the falsity and the danger
to union labor of euch legislation as
the Adamson law, which takes from
labor the right to bargain with capital
for its pay.
Finally the Democratic gains credited
to the Adamson law have been offset
largely by the defection of thousands
of small tradesmen and farmers,
normally Democrats, who art alarmed
by the spectacle of the Government
bowing to organized labor and by the
assurance of increased freight rates
which the President gave the railroads.
Both parties have made a special
bid for the votes of the women in the
ten equal suffrage states. With tons of
literature and lurid pictures of war
scenes the Democratic managers have
played upon the fears and sympathies
of women to the tune of "Wilson kept
us out of war." The effect has been
gratifying to the Democratic leaders,
for the response of women to this ap
peal furnishes the chief basis tor plac
ing several far Western states' In the
Wilson column.
Gospel of Fear Vnpopular.
This movement among the women
has been offset by the defections from
the Democratic party of some women
and. many men who have not been able
to stomach the Democratic preachments
of the gospel of fear.
In every state there is a varying pro
portion of Republicans and former
Thousands of Hughes pictures
are displayed in the windows of
Portland homes. Other thou
sands of Hughes supporters have
not secured portraits suitable for
posting. Those who desire to
display the likeness of the Re
publican nominee will find an ex
cellent life-size reproduction on
the first page of the magazine
section of The Oregonian today.
Progressives who will vote for Wilson
because of his theoretical altruism and
his "passion for humanity." But there
is also a varying proportion of Demo
crats who will vote for Hughes be
cause of the conviction that the Presi
dent is impractical, vacillating and
generally incompetent in handling the
affairs of the United States.
Willcox and McCormlck Claim Vlc-
tory, Eacli for His Party.
NEW TORK, Nov. 4. Informal state
ments issued here tonight by the
chairmen of the Republican and Demo
cratic National committees eachmade
positive claims of victory in the elec
tion next Tuesday.
Vance C McCormlck, th t Democratic
chairman, prophesied that 30 states
surely would be Democratic He
claimed nine more, with 52 votes, as
probably Democratic, and classed three,
with 45 votes, as doubtful.
Mr. Willcox, Republican chairman, re
ported to Mr. Hughes that his minimum
majority in the electoral college would
be 100.
The 30 states claimed by Mr. McCor
mick as "properly in the Democratic
columns" were: Alabama, Arizona. Ar
kansas. Colorado. Connecticut, Dela
ware, Florida, Illinois. Indiana, Ken
tucky. Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi,
Missouri. Montana. Nebraska, Nevada,
New Jersey, New York, North Carolina,
Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Ten
nessee, Texas, Virginia. Washington,
West Virginia and Wisconsin.
The nine states classed as "probably
Democratic." by Mr. McCormlck were:
California, Idaho. Kansas. New Mexico,
Oregon. South Dakota, North Dakota,
Utah and Wyoming.
The three doubtful states were said
by Mr. McCormick to be Michigan, Min
nesota and Massachusetts.
This leaves six states which "look
Republican" to the Democratic chair
man. They are: Iowa. Maine, Penn
sylvania, New Hampshire, Vermont and
Rhode Island.
New York Times Finds "Safe Ma
jority" for Neither Candidate.
NEW YORK, Nov. 4. (Special.)
Here is a summary of the prognostica
tions made by the New York Times'
correspondents in their dispatches,
after interviewing political leaders of
both the leading parties and making a
survey and analysis of the situation
in their respective states:
Electoral votes from "safe" Wileon
states, 207.
Electoral votes from "safe" Hughes
states, 158.
Vote from 10 doubtful states, 121.
New York, unassigned, 4 5.
Total, 531.
Necessary to a choice, 266.
From the dispatches of the Times'
correspondents it appears that the truly
pivotal states In Tuesday's election are
Ohio and Illinois. Both are in the
doubtful column.
Straw Vote Indicates Wilson Will Win,
bat Unknown Factors May
Prove Strong Influence.
NEW YORK, Nov. 4. (Special.)
President Wilson leads in the New York
Herald's National straw vote. Based
on straw-vote figures, a total of 307
electoral votes would be indicated for
the President, and 224 for Mr. Hughes.
The Herald says that the opinions of
some correspondents are at variance
with many of the inferences that might
be drawn from the straw-vote canvass
and Republican leaders express confi
dence that they have checked the drift
to President Wilson which bad caused
them alarm up to a week ago.
Out of a quarter of a million straw
votes cast. President Wilson leads by
2672. In the total of the poll last
week, Mr. Hughes had a lead of 722.
In its summary of the situation, as re
vealed by the straw vote, the Herald
"The situation rests on a balance so
delicate that a hair's weight may
swing it in either direction.
"From the straw vote it might be
inferred that with a little added im
petus the .drift, which has been mov
ing steadily in the President's direc
tion, might grow into what political
writers have termed a "landslide."
"On the other hand, a back drift at
the eleventh hour might result in the
election of Mr. Hughes by a small
margin in the popular vote of the im
portant states, giving a preponderance
of votes in the electoral college."
Missing Girl Is SaTe.
The disappearance of Nina Grimes,
14 years old, which was reported to the
police Friday night, was solved yes
terday morning by the girl's volun
tary reappearance at her home, 171
Thirteenth street. She told her mother
that she had visited a girl friend. The
girl was employed at the home of
Frank L Gollehur, 495 Myrtle street
She went down town Friday afternoon
and did not return, occasioning her
friends and relatives much alarm.
In one day Martins Ferry. O.. used 6.OO0.
nno gallons of water. The town has a
population of 12,000.
Third Annual Horticultural Ex
hibit at Corvallis Declared
Great Success.
Gymnasium Transformed Into Eng.
glish Garden and Divided Into
Three Sections for Pomology,
Flowers and Vegetables.
LEGE. Corvallis, Nov. 4. (Special.)
The third, annual horticultural show.
which opened in the men's gymnasium
last evening and continued until to
night, was the most artistic and suc
cessful from the standpoint of variety
and quality of the exhibits that has
ever been held here. Fully 2500 at
tended the show on the. opening even
ing. The gymnasium was transformed
into an English garden typical of the
time of Richard III, and the Interior
was divided into tnree sections, each
separated from the other by a hedge
of fir boughs, which contained the
pomology, f loricultural and vegetable
gardening displays.
Featuring the first-named exhibit
was a floor map of the United States,
prepared under the direction of R. G.
Atwood. which gave a birdseye view
of the fruit production of this country.
The kind, amount and quality of the
production of each state was graphical
ly represented by a. certain number of
fruits each of which represented, an
output of J400.000.
Fruit of Many States Shown.
A sectional exhibit of apples, pears
and nuts, which represented fruit
growing districts in Illinois. New York,
Washington, California and Oregon
contained a class of products typical
of the best quality of fruit to be ob
tained anywhere. Exhibits made by
alumni of the institution were included
in this division.
No less interesting was a display of
sub-tropical fruits, arranged especially
by Paul von Schooley, of Santa Ana.
Cal. Grapefruit, oranges, papayas,
pomegranates, dates and olives were
included. Artistic arrangements of
fruit baskets prepared by co-eds were
shown in this section.
The showing of fine flowers by the
floricultural department of the college
was still another feature of the dis
plays. The beauty and artistic ar
rangement of the many varieties of
chrysanthemums and other flowers,
prepared under the direction of Z. E.
Dorris, a student in the department
of landscape gardening, was a revela
tion to visitors.
Br-Produrts Are Displayed.
Native chinkapin trees were scattered
throughout this part of the garden.
The west section contained a show
ing of vegetables, by-products, and a
number of utensils used in the can
ning of fruit. A model prune dryer,
an electric evaporator and a model
greenhouse, containing benches of let
tuce, featured this section. Cabbages.
onions, cauliflower, broccoli, melons of
all sorts, several species of tomatoes,
peppers, squashes of various varieties
and peppers were arranged in artistic
array and Illustrated the possibilities
of vegetable production in Oregon. ,
Different kinds of root vegetables
were given prominence and a large
number of vegetable salad crops were
featured. Different kinds of canned
fruits, grape Juice, cider and evapor
ated fruits composed the dry-products
The entire amount of decorating, ar
rangement and preparation of exhibits
was done by the students of horticul
ture, and their efforts resulted in a
show that for artistic beauty and com
pleteness of displays has not been ex
celled here.
Monroe Alumni Wins First.
Alumni sectional exhibit J. F. Cur-
rin, of Monroe first: H. A. Cardlnell.
Watsonville, Cal.. second: C. E. Schus
ter. Wenatchee, third.
Student sectional exhibit W. J.
Kochen, Umpqua Valley, iirst; F. A.
Motz, Yakima. alley, second; B. P.
Cohen. Fargo. Or., third.
Three-plate exhibit J. Y. McDonald,
first; W. J. Kochen, second; E. S. Tan
ner, third.
Single-plate exhibit H. Humneld
first; J. Y. McDonald, second; I. E.
Dickerson, third.
Student sub-tropical exhibit W. S.
Wright, San Gabriel. Cal., first; E. II.
Chapman. Rivera, Cal., second.
Portland Girl Is Winner.
Co-ed fruit baskets Doris Sawyer,
Palem, first; Marie Bartmess, Hood
River, second; Miriam Tufts. Berkeley,
Cal., third: Vesta Gardner, Salem,
fourth; .Zelta Feike, Portland, fifth.
Estimation of placing of co-ed fruit
baskets Mrs. H. P. Barss, Corvallis,
Professor W. S. Brown judged the
sectional and sub-tropical exhibits, and
the plate exhibits were scored by Pro
fessor V. R. Gardner. The fruit bas
kets were Judged by Miss Grace Gil
lette, of the home economics depart
ment; Miss Edna Flarida, of the art
department, and Mrs. Frazer, of San
Historical Associations AImo Studied
on Jannt Mapped Ont by Rec
reation Committer,
"Perfectly wondererul 3ay was
spenc yesterday by, about 50 member;
of the Portland Grade Teachers' Asso
ciation, who journeyed to Oregon City
in the morning and. returned last night.
The party visited -the manufacturing
establishments there and reveled in
the historic associations of the place.
The Jaunt was mapped out by the
recreation committee of the associa
tion and was a thorough success. The
trip was not only entertaining but
highly informing.
The morning was spent in visits to
two big paper manufacturing plants
at Oregon city, to the Oregon City
Woolen Mills, and to the generating;
plant of the Portland Railway, Light
& Power company.
After lunucheon the visiting teach
ers were taken to the old home of Dr.
John McLaughlin, now preserved in a
park at Oregon City, where the his
toric associations of the place were
recalled by Mrs. Eva Emery Xye In a
short talk.
Visits were made to the grave of
Dr. and Mrs. McLaughlin, to a com
manding point in the city, where it is
proposed to erect a statue in Dr. Mc
Laughlin's honor, and to other land
marks of the place.
Some Electioneering of Our Own
Copyright Part Sen f f nrr it Mara
Portland's Largest
Exclusive Men's Store
Norwegians Find Process for
Using Paper Mill Waste.
Process Tested to Satisfaction of
Home Interests and Powder Pro
duced Ik of First-Class
Calorific Value.
WASHINGTON', Nov. 4. Manufacture
of coal from waste materials of paper
factories an industry which holds
forth promise of recluclngr the cost of
paper and furnishing at small cost an
excellent substitute for coal as fuel
product Is described in a report made
public today by the Department of
Commerce,! rom American Consul-General
Dennison at Christiania, Norway.
The project 1s said to be practicable
and an exploiting- corporation already
has been formed by Norwegian in
terests. Department officials were keenly In
terested in the report and discussed
whether such a project could not be
undertaken successfully In the United
States, particularly in paper-producing
localities, and pointed out that, if this
were done, it might provide some re
lief from the threatened coal famine
and prove valuable to paper manufac
turers. Coal Produced an Powder.
The Inventor of the coal is named by
Consul Dennison as R. V. Strelenert, a
Gothenburg engineer. The process is
said to be that of producing coal in
powder form from sulphite lye.
"It Is said that this process," the re
port says, "produces a 'coal powder" al
most equal in calorific value to first
class coal namely, 6900 calories,
against 7000 in the case of the best
English coal. The process has been
tested and proved to the satisfaction of
Norwegian interests. A company under
the title of Sulphite Coal, Limited, has
been formed, with a minimum capital
of $428,000, tq exploit It.
"It is estimated that if the coal
powder is made of all the sulphite lye
refuse of Norway, 30 per cent of the
import coal will be replaced."
Briquettes to Be Made.
Accordng to Dr. Strelenert's method
the lye will be mixed with some foreign
materials after the boiling of the sul
phite and then it will be transferred to
a larger kiln, where it is boiled again
under high pressure. Under this proc
ess the lye is changed and the sub
stance which is converted Into coal
sinks to the bottom and Is then taken
out in the form of a thick, black paste.
The water which remains in the paste
is then removed In a centrifugal ma
chine and the residue is coal in the
powdered form. The powder will then,
in all probability, be made into bri
quettes and used in the same manner
as coal.
$8000 to Bet on Hughes Finds No
Takers in Portland.
Here's a chance for some Democratic
prosperity money to show itself.
Clark Hadloy. a timberman, last
night announced he had (8000 to bet
on Mr. Hughes. No takers at midnight.
A draft for $5000 to be bet on Mr.
Hughes awaits at the desk of Hotel
Benson. It is the money of an Eastern
man stopping at the hotel. No takers
early thl morning. -
Governor and Mayor Are to Open
Exhibition Thursday Klglit.
Work Is progressing rapidly at the
Ice Palace with the construction of
75 exhibit booths for the National Food
Fete and Chrysanthemum Show, which
opens Thursday night. November 9, at
8 o'clock. E. A. MacLean. consulting
architect for the Grocers' ami Mer
chants' Association, under whose aus
pices the exposition is being given,
is rushing the work day and night and
says that the work will be finished in
ample time.
The booths take the novel form of
massive pergolas finished in old Ivory
and covered with English ivy. The
grouping of these pergolas has been
arranged to provide curves, angles and
avenues to avoid the old-style straight
We are out for office; we want to be chosen to represent you
in the matter of good clothes.
We have a wonderful following now we want to increase it,
and here are good reasons why:
Your interest always comes first at this store.
Our salesmen ure hired to work for you not us.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes here they're the best in the world.
Because we sell these goods we are style leaders. Our values
can't be surpassed.
We can fit any man and guarantee absolute satisfaction or
your money back. This is our platf ora on which we stand.
' You'll find every style represented in these clothes.
Suits or Overcoats at
aisles. They will be beautifully and
elaborately lighted and the beauty en
hanced by banners floating from
standards on the top of each booth in
genuine exposition style.
Governor Withycombe has accepted
an invitation to preside at the formal
openinr,"and Mayor Albee has been in
vited to assist. Immediately after the
opening exercises on Thursday night
King Epicurus will be crowned with
appropriate cercauonies arranged by
Robert Krohn.
On Tuesday night Mr. Krohn will
also officiate in the ceremonies attend
ing the crowning of the queen and
her marriage to the king. The second
night will be High School night, during
which the high schools of the city,
comprising about 6000 students, will
compete for two handsome silver cups.
Certain points of credit will be given
for the largest attendance and the best
On Saturday night the royal chil
dren, one representing each exhibit
booth, will be christened. This will be
a novel feature and will also be ar
ranged by Robert Krohn. Saturday
night will be Red Men's night. An
specially drilled team of 60 or 60 from
Oregon City Council will attend in full
regalia and hold a pow-wow and war
On each of the remaining six days of
the Fete will be featured equally novel
and spectacular attractions.
Shipment Made In Settlement of Japan's
Credit Balance for Slanltlons
Financed by Allies.
SAX FRANCISCO, Nov. 4. (Special.)
The former Pacific Mail steamer Si
beria, now owned by a Japanese line,
today took out of this port 90 boxes
of gold, valued at $3,000,000. consigned
to Yokohama, and 61? bars of silver,
consigned to Hongkong, tne two fotm
lnj one of the largest (shipments of
treasure ever made from iian Fran
cisco. For some time every outgoing steam
er equipped for storing treasure has
carried gold, in lesser amount, to Ja
pan. These shipments are made in
settlement of Japan's credit balance,
which arlttes out of that country's trado
in munitions and war supplies with
the other allies, notably Russia. As
a large part of Russia's requirements
are being financed by Great Britain,
British credits are drawn on in New
York, which In turn orders Its local
exchange agents to make the shipment.
This process, however, requires that
the local supply of gold be occasionally
replenished. Only recently it was re
ported that the local mint had received
$8,000,000 in gold from Denver and that
another $7,000,000 was in transit.
The shipment of silver bars to Hong
kong has no special significance, as
China is constantly absorbing silver
for coinage purposes.
Darinc Aviator Was Pupil of Ohrlstof
ferson and Had Predicted Coast-to-Coast
Trip lm 40 Hours.
SAN DIEGO. Cal., Nov. 4. Making a
corkscrew high in the air with his
aeroplane, in which he had electrified
thousands with his flights at the Ex
position here, Joe Boquel, dare-devil
aviator, fell to his death shortly be
fore 4 o'clock today, wheh his machine
plunged to earth from an altitude of
1000 feet.
Boquel fell inside the Exposition
grounds, just north of the Cabrillo
bridge. Guards and spectators rushed
to the spot and found the aviator's
body badly crushed. Death was instan
taneous. Boquel. known as the "sky dragon."
was 32 years old. He was born in Nor
mandy, France, In 1884. He took up
flying first in 1912. Silas Christoffer
son. the San Diego aviator, who fell to
his death in Northern California a few
days ago, was his instructor.
Boquel was recognized as perhaps
the most daring flyer in America, and
predicted a few days ago that a trl
plane would soon be driven from San
Diego to New York City in 40 hours.
He was married, his wife and a young
daughter residing in San Francisco.
Motorcycle Injures J. R. Davis.
J. R. Davis. 929 East Thirty-ninth
street, was hit by a motorcycle, ridden
by H. A. Gandall, Friday night, at
Grand and Hawthorne avenues. Mr.
Davis suffered, two fractured ribs, lie
$20 to $35
had stepped off and in front of a street
car Just as the motorcycle came along.
Imtiago Suit Filed.
For Injuries received when he was
struck by the automobile of Marshall
N. Dana, at the corner of Sixth and
Oak streets. August 27. 1915, D. I'.
O'Rourke filed suit in the Circuit Court
yesterday for damages of $5250.
Beaverton School Iteojens.
TIGAKD Or., Nov. 4 (SpeciaO
j Returns
j BY
Special Wire
5 P.M. to 12:30 A.M.
! NOV. 7
I Music 6 to 8 and
9:30 to 12
j Hazelwood
Confectionery and
Restaurant .
Washington at Tenth
Bulbs Now
3 Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus, Iris,
etc. Just Received
1 Rose Bushes
Shrubs, Hardy Flowering Plants
now ready at our
City Tree Yard, 4 th and Madison
Fall Catalogue
U 1
"ouail St. Itrt. Morrison and Alderg
At Factors- Sample Shop, 342
Alder St., Across From
Pantages Theater
Crowds could not be waited upon.
Sample Coats, Suits. I'lunh and Veiour
Coats are being sold at half price, and
the $25.00 suits at (12.95; Coats, values
$12.50 to 20.00. at J7.95. Remember
the place. Factory Sample Shop. S42
Alder street, across from the I'antages
Theater, near Broadway.
& CO.
Southeast Corner
. , Fifth and Alder Sts.
The Beaverton public school, closed for
over a month from fear of an epidemic
of infantile paralysis, is open again
this week. All danger is thought to be
-A I".
Every day physicians are warn
ing people about the dread diseases
cauM-d by bad teeth.
Delay is dngorouH. Tet nothing
Interfere with your duty to vou
and yours.
I will give you the very best work
it the least possible cost. Do it now.
I'ainlrBs extraction of Teeth.
orllinr Corsrr Mith anil
Washington. ortknrat lluildrng.
'bones Main 21 10, A SI lf.
ttttler Unarm 8 A. SI. to I. M.
Consultation Iree.
I Campbell Hill Hotel
741 tahlnEta St. Phone Slain 754
Z Sunday Dinner
Nov. . 19l, 5 Of. Bi.tO to 7k10 P. SI.
Cranberry Cocktail.
Celery. Queen Olives.
Cream of Tomato Soup with nice.
Fried Spring Chicken. Country
Mashed Potatoes. New String Beans
Tea Biscuits. Apricot Jam.
Blueberry Tie with W hipped
Cherry Nut Ice Cream.
Crackers. Cheese. Coffee.
Gaary Street. Hia off Union Square
Eursnean Plan $1.50 a day up
Breakfast 60c Lunch 50c Dinner SI. 00
Most Famous MeaJs in the United States
Hew steel and concrete structure. Center
of theater, cafe and retail districts.
On carltnes transferring all over city.
Take Municipal car lino direct to door.
Motor Bus meets camaanistoajncra
Seattlit's Famous
Fi ne central loc ation. Ever
modern appointment. Caaa
one of hocst on the Coast.
i nrr day vp with nae of hvtk.
J H pel day and up vkh private botSw
Buy a Piano
Most reasonable high-grade pianos
in Portland. No trucks or high-salaried
salesmen. Out of the high
rent district.
Easy Terms.
3S4 Yamhill Stmt
Pianos Pianos Pianos
Rented Bought Sold