6 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTHA-ND, NOVTOIBER 5, 191G. WASHINGTON ISSUE IS frl U G H Hi COUBT Republicans Claim State by 35,000, While Democrats . Predict Lead of 25,000. HUGHES FORCES UNITED tiister Organization, on Other Hand, Falls to Work In Harmony and Turner, Dropping Between ? Factions, Is Deserted. SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. 4. (Special.) The Issue of next Tuesday's election in Washington so far as the office of President was concerned is considered tonight to be in doubt. It seemed prob able that Che remainder of the Repub lican Federal, state and county tickets, with the exception of Representative C. C. Dill in the Fifth district, would be elected. The fact that Dill's re-election was regarded as at least possible was indi cated during the week by the fact that Senator Miles Poindexter canceled all his West Bide speaking dates that he tnigh remain in the Fifth District and speak for the Republican nominee, Tom Corkery, of Spokane, former Progres sive and one time member of the State Legislature. . Woman Wine Democrats. Democrats and the radical Progres sives are making a desperate effort to elect Mrs. Frances C. Aitell, of Bell ingham, as Representative in Congress from the Second District, but the odds favor the incumbent. Lin H. Hadley, of Bellingham. Into this district every issue, state or National, as entered. Mrs. Axtell has appealed to voters on the theory that Washington should send the first woman to Congress and that she is best qualified to represent the "dry" interests. In the First District, where two for mer Mayors of Seattle are running, it is apparent John F. Miller, Republican, will defeat George F. Cotterill, Demo crat. The Democrats have not paid much attention to Cotterill in this cam paign. He seems to have been an un welcome entry to the Congressional race. Nobody wanted to contest the nomination with him, for the First Dis trict is recognized as probably Repub lican and the Democrats who could have run did not want to spend the money necessary to overcome Cotter ill's natural lead. Turner Is Deserted. So the bourbons of the first district went into the fight soured on Cotterill, and he will be knifed generally. Apparently the Democrats have had little hope of defeating either Albert Johnson, of Hoquiam, in the third, or W. Ij. La Follette, of Pullman, in the fourth district. Kx-Senator eGorge Turner, Demo cratic nominee against Miles Poindex ter, has been unfortunate. He fell in between the two factions when Gov ernor rnest Lister broke with the state committee and both factions have let him shift for himself. in a measure. Turner was responsible fir the situation himself. He was a rarty to the Lister agreement at the North Yakima convenition whereby it was understood that Julius Zittel, of Spokane, would be Democratic state chairman, and Hugh C. Wallace, of Tacoma, National committeeman. Turner insisted upon Zittel's election, thereby displacing the Federal brigade, and. though gaining the Lister indorsement, did not get support enough, to over come the losses he suffered. Move Made Too Late. Then, too. Turner did not move in time to catch the antl-Polndexter vote after the Republican primaries. As a matter of fact, there was very little personal feeling involved in the sup port of Representative Will E. Hum phrey agaln6t Poindexter for the Re publican Senatorial nomination. There was a principle at stake, and when Poindexter promptly announced his allegiance to the Republican Pres idential nominee and to the proective tariff policy, especially as it affected Western Washington products he healed up the breach. Then Poindex ter spent a great deal of time on the West Side and became enthusiastic over protection, preparedness and other is sues. Republicans See Victory. At political headquarters all factions made extravagant claims of victory. The Hughes Alliance makes the best prediction because because that or ganization puts forth an argument. BEST LIVER AND BOWEL LAXATIVE FOR FAMILY USE "Cascarets" Regulate Women, Men and Children With . out Injury. Take When Bilious, Headachy, for Colds, Bad Breath, . Sour Stomach. ftp 0 tjWORK WHILE YOU SLEEP Instend of nasty, .harsh pills, salts, castor oil or dangerous calomel, why don t you keep Cascarets handy in your home? Cascarets act on the liver and thirty feet of bowels so gently you don't realize you have fatten a cathar tic, but they act thoroughly and can be depended upon when a good liver and bowel cleansing is necessary they move the one and porson from the bowels without griping and sweet en the stomach. You eat one or two at night like candy and you wake up feeling fine, the headache, biliousness. bad breath, coated tongue, sour stom ach, constipation, or oaa cold aisap pears. Mothers should give cross, sick, feverish or bilious children a whole Cascaret any time they are harmless and eftfe for the little folks. Adv. while the others merely assert some thing to be true. Said the official prognosticator of the Hughes Alliance yesterday: "We will carry Washington by a majority of between 25,000 and 80.000. This estimate Is based on our personal polls and from a close study of the Times-Herald returns. Working out Wilson's percentage of increase from the Times-Herald returns, we cannot figure where he has a chance to carry the state. In King County and this is a fact we have 42,000 signed pledges from registered voters, who say they will support Hughes. We figure this represents 40 per cent of the vote that will be cast, and if that number signs up, we are confident we will carry the county by a good ma jority." Democrat Claims 25,000 Chairman F. C. Harper, of the Repub lican state committee, declares Hughes will carry the state by between 15,000 and 20.000 plurality. He predicts the election of McBride by between 25,000 and 30,000, and the success of Poindex ter by between 35,000 and 60,000 plur ality. J. B. Fogarty. Democratic state chair man, claims the state for Wilson by a plurality of "Oh, between 25,000 and 30,000," and the election of the entire Democratic ticket. Ex-Governor Henry McBride con tends he will win by not less thaa 30, 000 plurality and that he confidently expects his lead to run between 60,000 and 60,000. Democratic nominee Ernest Lister fixee his plurality at 25,000; his crw n committee chairman, H. S. Todd, says it will be 35.000, while a Lister press agent puts it at not less than 20,000. Getting down to county affairs, Relph A. Horr, Republican chairman, declares Hughes will carry King County by be tween 15,000 and 20,000. while George A. Custer, Democratio chairman, claims the county by 25,000. Both contend their party tickets will carry. The fact remains that on past per formances Governor McBride has been the best guesser among all those who have been quoted. The farmers fear the effect of free trade in all their products and are fighting for a pro tective tariff. Team Falls to Back Star. In the state fight the Democrats seem to have abandoned! a well-considered and admirable campaign scheme. If a political fight can be compared to the building up of a. foot baJl team, the situation Is that the Democrats built their ticket around one star Governor Ernest Lister. Then, with everything set for a cam paign behind one man, the first thing the Democrats did was to quarrel, and they haven't healed the breach yet. Next, they failed to get the ticket pull ing together, behind or with the star. Among other things that contributed to a lack of harmony was the fact that the Lister crowd took its well-filled camp:n barrel away from Democratic row in the Lyon building and fought an independent campaign from the Transportation building. Every time a bill came into one of the Democratic headquarters the chair man in charge and everybody was a chairman of something or other thought rather peevishly of his own depleted treasury and Lister's well filled purse. It does not contribute materially toward harmony to hit one's pocketbook, and Democratio teamwork for this reason was impossible. Republicans Are United. On the Republican side McBride was the only candidate. The rest of the ticket practically was composed of a veteran team. Even the treasurer, W. W. Sherman, had Beven years' experi ence as a deputy, and was working in harmony. When the Republican campaign started the party directors found they had the veterans and then found that they had accumulated as two assets the unexpected harmonizing strength of the former Bull Mooser, Miles Poin dexter, and the Roosevelt Republican, Henry McBride. Also, instead of work ing Independently, both Poindexter and McBride placed themselves under or ders of the state chairman and both volunteered to keep up their private organizations for the benefit of the entire ticket. To anyone at all familiar with poll tics, the difference between having to protect a star from injury and having an entire team willing and eager to fight as one unit, spells the difference between a winning combination and a loser. $9000 flOTE WELLED SALEM WOMAN DECLARED VICTIM OF CONTRACTORS, Court Sets Aside Claims of Welch Brothers, Asserting Cost of -Hubbard Block $35,000 Too High. SALEM. Or.. Nov. 4. (Special.) Cancellation of a note and mortgage for $9148.65 held by Welch Bros., Salem contractors, against Mrs. Fannie Hub bard, owner of the Hubbard building here, was ordered today by Circuit Judge Galloway, who held that the note and mortgage were obtained through misrepresentation. A claim of 55000 for attorney's fees was cut to $750. The decision was given in the suit brought by the Alliance Trust Com pany, Limited, against Mrs. Hubbard and Welch Bros, to foreclose mort gages on the Hubbard building for J70.000. The mortgage ordered can celed today was made subsequent to those held by the plaintiff company. In his decision Judge Galloway de clared that Mrs. Hubbard had ben "treated like a fat duck to be plucked by everyone connected with this unfor tunate affair in charging her over $35,000 for work that might have been done by reliable contractors for the sum of $19,000." The court sets forth that the entire building should have cost Mrs. Hubbard less than $60,000, approximately $16,000 less than claimed by Welch Bros., and $5000 less than they already have re ceived. , Decision as to the mortgages held by the Alliance Trust Company and others is reserved for a future date. OREGON MEN BUILD WINTER QUARTERS Troop and Battery at Calexico Prepare to Stay as Long as They Are Weeded. GOVERNOR LAUDS TROOPS Executive Write Letter Offering Services to Aid Soldiers on Bor der Duty or Their Depend ents at Home. BT WILL G. MAC RAE. WITH THE OREGON TROOPS, Camp Calexico. CaL, Nov. 1. (Special Cor respondence.) Troop A and Battery A have gone into Winter quarters. This means that while the Oregon soldiers are still under canvas, drilling and doing the things which a soldier must do, they have become carpenters, many using saw and hammer with the skill of trained workmen. It would be interesting to the wives, mothers and sweethearts of the Oregon soldiers, could they drop into Camp Calexico and see their men doing their Winter house building. To be true, the Winter quarters are not finished affairs, with carved gables and mission fronts, but they are comfortable and when good kind Uncle Sam issues stoves, the men In olive drab will have the near comforts of home with the home folks missing. AH this would indicate that the stay of the Oregon troops on the border is to be prolonged. Tet in the Army one never can tell. It is a cinch, however, none of the Oregon soldiers will be home to vote. And now that there is no chance for this vote, both officers and. men are satisfied to remain on the border until the word "go home" is flashed over the wire. Men Would Like to Go Home. To say the members of Troop A and Battery A are not anxious to go home would be saying something which is not true. They all want to return, but now they have been long enough at the soldier game to like it and if they could look into- the future and see at the end there would yet be a chance of their being sent into Mexico, the re joicing would be Just as great and as cheerfully received as would the going home order. Next week will be one of activity for both Troop A and Battery A. The rifle range that has been in the course of construction for the past 10 days Is about finished. Two things have de layed the completion of the rifle pits, the signing of the lease and because of the intense heat In the middle or the day. Because of the heat, it was pos sible to work only a couple of hours In the early morning and late in the afternoon. About four full hours in which to do work with comfort is all that can be expected. Governor's Letter Pleases Men. Governor Withycombe has won the hearts of tWe Oregon soldiers In Camp Calexico. He wrote a letter of com mendation of the Oregon soldiers now serving on the border. The letters were sent to Captain George A. White, of Troop A. and Captain Helme. of Battery A. and the letter which each captain received was read to the troopers at retreat. The letter to Captain White follows: "State of Oregon, Executive Depart ment, Salem, Oct. 25. Captain George A. White. Troop A, First Oregon Cavalry, Calexico, Cal. My Dear Cap tain White: It Is now four months since the members of Troop A were called from home for active service and it seems quite fitting that I should send a word of greeting to the officers and men of your command. Certainly, I want you and them to know that your continued service on the border Is ap predated by myself and by all of the people of Oregon. v e all realize that the soldiers who are staying on the border are making big sacrifices and I want each and every one of them to know that their patriotic service is appreciated. I hope the Oregon boys will be home soon, but as tonar as they have to remain in the field, they may rest assured that they are being thought of and honored for the good work they p.re doing. If there is anything I can do to make easier, either the lot of the troopers them selves, or their dependents at borne, you may rest assured that I will con sider it a pleasure to be of service to them, very truly yours, "JAMES WITHTCOMBE. "Governor." WOMEN ARE SATISFIED PARTY THTXS SEX MAY DECIDE IS. SITE IX SOME STATES. Mrs. Blatch to Send Long-Dlstange Telephone Message to 12 States to Vote Against Wilson. CHICAGO, Nov. 4. Officials of the National Woman s Party expressed sat isfaction today with the campaign con ducted against President Wilson in the 12 woman suffrage states. They do clared that the final reports received from th'ese states will be the deciding lactor in tne election. The National Woman's Party will close its campaign with a mass meet ing in Chicago tomorrow night. at wwen sirs. Harriet Stanton Blatch will send this appeal to the 12 equal suf frage states by lon-dlstance telephone: "Woman voters, remember Wilson kept us out of suffrage. Do not return to power a President and Congress hos tile to political freedom for women. vote against Wilson and the Demo cratlc candidates for Congress." Nigeria has been added to the landa !n which valuable depoalta of coal aave tun tuaoovarwi ta veceai yeaxj EUROPE TO HEED CREDIT LIBERAL POLICY BY AMERICA BANKERS IS ADVISED. Partner of J. P. Morgan, After Trip Abroad, Denies Allies Threaten Demonetization of Gold. CHICAGO. Nov. 4. Henry P. Davison, of J. P. Morgan &. Co., New York, to. night told bankers of Chicago and the Middle West what he had learned of the credit situation in Europe on his recent trip there and its effect on financial affairs In this country. Mr. Davison and Charles H. Sabln, president of the Guaranty Company, of New York, were guests of George M. Reynolds, president of the Continental and Commercial National Bank at dinner also attended by a score of the leading bankers of the Middle West. While the meeting was confidential. It was known that one thing talked of was the necessity of a liberal policy of extending credit to the Luropean coun tries buying American products. The suggestion of a greater use of accept ances in extension of credits was also discussed. - Earlier in the day Mr. Davison em phasized his faith in the solvency of Great Britain and France. He deniei a published report that a demand would be made by the Entente Allies that Americans accept unsecured loans or face the demonetization of gold. "After the war Is over Europe will buy where it can buy best." he said, "not only in the matter of prices but in the matter of credit. To do our share of the business we roust extend the credit." Kennewick Rejoices Over Rain. KENNEWICK. Wash., Nov. 4. (Spe cial.) Wheat growers were rejoicing tonight over the first rain in two months. Roads were improved, the rain laying the accumulation of dust. .!l:ii'.';;i;i:'i,!i':,:ri:!i iMMMm The Portland i. nil. Ml I Jrilii .iSlcSi jiiiin;iiuh.i.;ni.n. .iil'il.lltl.MI 111 mm1 ,r ' ., i , ,: .,; i l:.:V!ii'ii!';iii!;;i':ii;;:h;j;v,;l- i;:ik!i!i!:'!i!liP;:' li'ii'iiijliliii'i!!!1!!!,::!:: V'1 imv-: ;i I !'iiiv: !:l Hotel THE admirable location and pleasing environment of this hotel render it particular ly desirable for social and club functions. Our service is one of unfail ing courtesy, sincerely desir ous of giving pleasure to the truest. Dinner Dance every week day evening: from 6:30 to 8:30; music from 6:15 to 8:15. Serv ice Table dllote at SI, or a la Carte. Sunday Table d'Hote Dinner at $1, from 5:30 to 8:30. Orchestral Music Evenings. We will receive and an nounce election returns Tues day evening, beginning: at 6:30. The public is invited. Richard W. Childs, Manager. Elbert S. Kobe, Asst. Manager. 3 VILLISTAS SHOT Colonel, Boy and Indian Exe cuted in Juarez. TWO VOLLEYS NOT ENOUGH Commander and His Companions In Agony as Firing Squad Bangles Work "Mercy Shots" Fin ish Border Tragedy. EL PASO, Tex., Nov. 4. Colonel Rosarlo Garcia, Villa commander from Sonora. and two of his men were exe cuted In Juarez early today, after be ing convicted by a military court on charges of treason. They were cap tured at Hacienda Santa Ana. near Namiq.iipa, and were brought to Juarez yesterday. Colonel Garcia weakened when the moment of death came. After march ing to tho Juarez Cemetery in front of a guard of 11 Carranza soldiers and an officer. Colonel Garcia asked permis sion to write a last letter home to his family In Sonora. Seated on a log in front of the sex ton's house, the Villa commander wrote long letter, which he read aloud to the group of witnesses. In this state ment he declared he was not a Villa bandit, but was a Constitutionalist and said he had been forced to carry papers to Villa. Tied to Colonel Garcia were two oth ers of his command. One was a beard less boy of 17 years, who licked his dry Hps continually and wiped . the tears from his eyes with a soiled handker chief. The other was a Mayo Indian In denim, who sat and smoked a ciga rette while Garcia wrote his statement. After delivering this statement to the I officer. Colonel Garcia made an impas sioned plea for his life in a voice which broke with emotion and ended with a request that his family be cared for after his death. Shoot me through tho heart." he said, sitting down in front of an adobe wall, pockmarked with the bullet holes or other executions. The boy next to him also sat, while the Indian squatted against the wall, smoking. The execution squad fired. Garcia and his companions rocked violently from the force of the fusillade. Garcla's knees doubled up with pain, he mo tioned to his heart and begged the squad to fire again. This was done deliberately, the bandit commander's body quivering in the agony of his wounds. The second volley failed to end his suffering and it was not until the Captain of the guard had fired two "mercy shots." point blank at his bead, that the bandit's body stilled. A "mercy shot" each despatched the boy bandit and the Indian, the boy still clutching his soiled handkerchief and the Mayo his cigarette. NEUTRALS TO BE SUNK CEIIMAST TO EXACT GUARANTEE REGARDING) DESTINATION. Any Part of Canto I.lkely to Reach Foe, Eve by Compulation, to Re Takes as Grounds for Destruction. LONDON. Nov. 4. A special dispatch from Amsterdam features a statement of the Berlin Kreuz Zeitung to the ef fect that Germany has decided to make the safety of neutral ships carrying How will you relish paying from 25 to 50 more for everything you wear than the price now prevailing? That's exactly what you will have to face when the present stock of clothing and fur-! nishings is exhausted. Better supply your clothes needs now, -while you can get good, dependable materials at moderate prices. You know that Chester field Suits and Overcoats are as good as can be made. They cost from $20 to $45 for suit or overcoat. Stetson Hats $4.00 and $5.00. Imported Borsalino Hats $5.00. Chesterfield Hats $3.00. Manhattan and Wilson Bros. Shirts $1.50 to $6.00. Cooper, Sterling and Vassar Underwear $1.00 to $7.50 a suit. Mighty glad to have you call. Store of Style and Quality M. GRAY Corner Washington and West Park Streets neutral cargoes dependent upon guar antees that no part of such cargoes Fhall be landed, whether through Brit ish compulsion or not. at any Uritish port. Such guarantees, according to the Kreuz Zeitung, can consist only in for mal undertakings by Great Britain, and such an undertaking will be recognized by Germany only from case to case. This Is taken to mean that in event of any neutral cargo or part thereof being landed In Kngland, the German government Immediately will cease to recognize the inviolability of neutral ships. The Berlin paper implies that the case of the Dutch freighter Bloorn ersdjlk. which was sunk by a German submarine off Nantucket on October 8, will be argued along these lines, and it will be contended since the inter mediate destination of the vessel was Kirkwall, there was no guarantee that the whole cargo would reach Holland. The British press also infers from a Berlin disratch summarized in the Koelnlsche Zeitung that Germany pro poses to sink all neutral ships, whether' bearing neutral carce.es or otherwise. unless Great Britain consents to aban don the right to compel discharge at Kirkwall of any part of a neutral cargo suspected of having au eceiny destination. WET ELECTION DAY IS DUE Forecaster Declares Ilain Is Likely to lilt Oregon on Tuesday. There is little hope of good weather In Portland and the Western part ot the state geuerally on Tuesday, elec tion day. announced Deputy oFrecaster Drake last night. Mr. Drake said that the barometer was rising at Portland and that indi cations were promising for improve ment in weather conditions, lie was of the opinion, however, that some rain will hit Portland on election day. The forecast sent out from Washing ton. D. C by tho National forecaster, predicts generally unsettled weather conditions, with occasional rain, on the r.iclllc Coast for the week bceinnlntr today. wmmmmmMm ! : : t 1 : : : 1 t t : ; t iJ;ifjijij i X i ,7 - o- .V Vftt : I .1 it Ml iff mm i?T A oaceaze c m Ike Ciarett9 tW They offer yon the charm uj v irginiu a sunsniTiu The golden tobacco leaf that ripens neath the bright, sunny skies of - Virginia is held by experts to be the finest-quality cigarette tobacco on earth. It is this self-same highest-grade Virginia tobacco that is in Piedmonts-T-they're ALL. Virginia! Mellow as Virginia's own sun shine Learn what Piedmonts can give you in cigarette enjoyment that lively zest called character, which belongs to Virginia tobacco alone. VIRGINIA TOBACCO PAYS NO DUTY ALL. THE VALUE IS IN THE CIGARETTE. f Piedmonts, please." yirinad. cigarette V The workman cleaning out the Paris assize court after the last day of Mm. ?alllaux' trial found, among other arti cles, two men's hats, two lawyers' gowns. ES empty bottles, 21 bananas and 15 peaches. Addn are most trrltaoie Just after r-eo-rerinn from hibernation, auX their toll Uiea x perilous, I? T .3 3 of Quality, lOfor SHsoTacked jo'c JO . 1 S Am elJ-tim Virginia garden tckere. in tho em if Settlement days, tobacco was plamudm NOTEi The handy s.iJe box ami the foil wrap pine protect the cigarettes cu i keep them fresn to that the last Piedmont ia in as good conditioa aa the nrtt. t