T1TE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, rORTLAXD, XOVE3IBER 5, 191 C. WILSON ENDS WITH -CRY OF "COERCION" WILSON CAY PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN AT SHADOW LAWN. Lumbago Belts- "Warm, light, porous, elastic, washable, inexpensive, "every size and case. Each $1.00 If you can't come in, send your body measure, with stamps and we'll mail it. President Charges Political Capital Is Made Out of , , Unsettled Questions. a f , y si CONFIDENCE IS ASSERTED In Concluding Speecb of Campaign at Shadow l.awn Charge la Made That the Republicans Try to Dictate to Voters. tOG BRANCH. ST. J., Nov. 4. Presi dent Wilson closed his campaign for re-election today at Shadow Lawn with a speech in -which he accused the oppo sition of attempting to coerce working men and charged that political -capital is being made out of unsettled ques tions, which if not settled wisely might bring this country at any time into the world conflict." Predicting Democratic victory next Tuesday, the President declared: "Having despaired of an issue they are filling the country with alarm. They are not only filling the country with alarms, but they are attempting coer cion of their laborers. They imagine that these men are not their own mas ters and dare not vote as they think, but at last. I thank God, the American laborer is awake. Pulse Rising, Says Wilson. "Let them fill the country -with alarms; the alarms are their own, not ours. They used to control the credit of the country, now they control noth ing but the betting. "So, my fellow citizens," he contin ued, "I feel rising In my pulses already the inspiration and Impulse which Is to come, not only to the United States, but to the whole world next Tuesday. I do not identify myself with this. To me has fallen the unspeakable good for tune of happening to be the spokesman of the American people at this critical and fateful time." Mr. Wilson asserted that the Repub lican party had fallen back on the pro tective tariff as its only issue. "They know perfectly well," he said, "that all the pretenses about the pro tective tariff have been torn away," adding that the industries with the highest protection have paid the lowest wages. Local Situation Discussed. "The difference between the Republi can party and the Democratic party is this." he continued. "The Republican party offers them masters; we offer them comrades and leaders. The Re publican party offers to take care of them; we offer to go into the fight ehoulder to shoulder with them to get the rights which no man has a right to give them." The New Jersey political, situation was handled directly by the President. .He said that any man voting for the Republican ticket in that .state is vot ing for Invisible government:- A The President's address was deliv ered before a large gathering, which came from Jersey City. Newark,- Tren ton and other towns and cities in the state, including a delegation of Prince ton professors and students. Governor Fielder of New Jersey presided. In the course of his address President Wilson said: "Invisible government never existed in more hateful form than it has ex isted in past years in thisi state of New Jersey, and that . Invisible government never had more successful places of concealment than It had in such locali ties as Atlantic City, from where the candidate for Governor on the Repub lican side has been chosen, and It never received more successful and persistent defense than it has received from the newspapers which he owns and con trols. New Jersey Issues Discussed. "When I see this unblushing, this im pudent attempt to reinstate these forces without any concealment of any kind, do you wonder that I would like to get out again and denounce the whole crowd as I know them? Be cause their purpose is to do exactly with the government of New Jersey what they used to do in the old days of the highest tide of their power, when in private conclave they used to do the things that no man would care to do in public, and when this state was governed not by its Legislature, not by its accredited servants, but by men who contrive things for their own interest without taking the public into their confidence at all back-stairs gov ernment. I cannot speak with too much emphasis on this subject because I know what I am talking about. "It is delightful to fight the things that are wrong. It is delightful to hit something that is worth destroying. The only thing that is disappointing in contests of this sort is that these fel lows dodge and will not get hit. They sneak and will not reveal their pur pose. They have no sand or stomach for the fight in the open and they erect things that look like bulwarks, but are mere pretenses. Tariff Issue Belittled. "But after all, my fellow-citizens, the thing that is being attempted in New Jersey is only part of what is being attempted in the United States and be ing attempted in the United States with more and more transparency of pur pose. Look how the campaign has gone! First of all, an attempt to set up some kind of handsome issue. Not a very interesting attempt, because the issue was a new one every week. As soon as you app'roached what was said to be the issue. It seemerf t fnrt H disappear and there was nothing for yu iU gmsp grappie. And after finding that the search for an issue was in vain, they came down nnr. mnrs to the only thing they have in recent ears ever Known how to talk .bout and that was the protective tariff. "They know perfectlv well tht 11 the pretenses about the protective tariff have been torn away, not by the oratory of Democratic speakers, hut by the patent demonstrations - of fact "Coercion" Is Charged. "And now what do we witness? Hav ing despaired of an issue, they are filling the country with alarms. They are not only filling the country with alarms, but they are attempting coer cion of their -laborers. They imagine that these men are not their own mas ters and dare not vote bs- they think, but at last. I thank God. the American laborer is awake. He at last judges Ms friends by what they do and not by wnat they say. He knows that he has found friends because he has found men who will do the things that he has demanded should be done in Justice and equity to him. "It is a crisis because some of the fundamental things of the life of the world have to be determined. That is one reason why we have been saying so much about the apparent desire of some people to have our public policy determined by European reasons and not by American reasons. We have seen that unless we could unite and direct and purify the forces of this country we could not do what it was necessary to do for the world through the instrumentality of America.'; . Y -- ' 11 i ri i.. PRESIDENT ADDRESSING CROWD, c Photo Copyright. Underwood Handshaking is a strenuous side issue to every political campaign, and no one can testify to this better than President Wilson, who is now carrying one of his fingers in a leather protector. Despite this slight Injury, President Wilson delivered a scathing attack on the Hughes campaign doctrines when this picture was taken at Shadow Lawn October 28, "Wilson day." The usual hearty handshakes that ordinarily accompany the President's speeches had to be foregone due to the injured finger. HUGHES LAWS' CITED Statutes to Improve Condi tions of Workers Reviewed. ALL PROVE OF BENEFIT Salem Branch of College League Finds Former New Yorkers Are for Hughes Becaruse of BTIs Record as Governor. SALEM. Or., Nov. 4. (Special.) The Salem branch of the Hughes National College League, with a membership of 75, -which has waged an active cam paign in this section In support of the Republican nominee for President, has summarized the record of Mr. Hughes while he was Governor of New York. In citing the measures which Mr. Hughes succeeded in having enacted while Governor, it Is pointea out now all proved of inestimable benefit to the people of that state. A. A. Hall, secretary of the Salem branch of the Hughes National College League, and a native of New York, said today that he had interviewed manv former residents of the Empire state now living in this county, and. tihat being familiar with Mr. Hughes record, they were almost unanimous in favor of his election. Former JVctt Yorkers for Hughes. "In the light of their previous ex periences with Mr. Hughes and the knowledge of his past creditable rec ord." said Mr. Hall, "It is not to be wondered that we from New York are very desirous to see him President. Mr. Hughes has proved himself worthy of confidence and has shown that he can and does make good his promises. "While Mr. Hughes was Governor he signed 56 labor laws, including amongj them the best labor laws ever enacted in. any state. He also urged the enact ment of labor laws in his messages to the Legislature; even going so far as to place the demands for a labor law In one of his messages to an extra session of the New York Legislature. In the 133 years of the history of New York state up to Mr. Hughes' retire ment as Governor, 162 labor laws were enacted, one-third of which were en acted and signed while Mr. Hughes was Governor." many- Good Laws Gained. A summary of a portion of the good laws for which Mr. Hughes was respon Bible while Governor of New York, as prepared by the Salem branch of the Hughes National College League fol lows: . One Against bif odds and after a direct appeal to the people of the state, he succeeded in abolishing racetrack gambling. Two Hhe brought about the en actment of a workmen's compensation law, one of the first in the country. Three He inaugurated a greatly Im proved system of factory inspection! Four He secured a measure defi nitly limiting the hours of labor of women ana children. Five He extended . the 10-hour law for railway employes in cities of 50,000 and upward. Six He had transferred from local boards of health to the labor depart ment enforcement of laws and regula tions governing employment of women and children in mercantile establish ments In first-class cities. Child Labor Restricted. eseven -tie caused to De enacted a law urged by railway brotherhoods- providing for payment of wages twice a month instead of once. Eight He approved a law facili tating the enforcement of sanitary pro visions in lactones. Nine He fostered a bill designating ST L k 1 tin" - - 1 ' '" - ' - - I J 1 ' ftTj "rr1 ' rWrJiwnlw.4t,w nwyMWMf the number of occupations in which children under 16 may not.be employed. Ten He approved an amendment de fining the scope of the eight-hour law and the law concerning the employ ment of children in mercantile estab lishments. Eleven He secured the passage of an act reorganizing the department of la bor and simplifying its administration. Trade Schools Established. Twelve He put through a law pro viding, for the establishment of indus trial and trade schools and giving em- ployers and employes a voice in the management of such schools. Thirteen He brought about the in vestigation of the unemployment prob lem by a commission appointed to con sider the subject of employers' liability. Fourteen He fought for and secured the enactment of laws placing private banks under state control, and provid ing for the more effective regulation and inspection of all banks and financial institutions. This was a greatly needed reform. It was designated to curb un wholesome speculation with the funds of depositors, and met -with the almost solid opposition of all the great finan cial interests of New York. ALBANY HEARS HAWLEY BIG CROWD CHEERS REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN SPEECH. "If Present Prosperity Is Staple, Why Don't People Bay Land and Raise WhMtr" Representative Asks. ALBANY, Or., Nov. 4. (Special.) Greeted by frequent and hearty ap plause, Willis C. Hawley, Representa tive in Congress from the First Dis trict, spoke here tonight in the clos ing Republican rally of the campaign in this city. Several hundred people filled the Albany Opera-House for the meeting, many standing throughout the speaking, and, with the exception of the Mrs. Hanley meeting. It was by far the largest political rally of the campaign here. E. D. Cusick, State Senator from Linn and Lane' Counties, presided, and a neat chalk talk by George H. Crow ell, of Albany, and musical numbers preceded Mr. Hawley's splendid ad dress. Representative Hawley devoted most of his address to a discussion of Na tional legislation, citing facts from first-hand observation. He tola how the Democratic press of Oregon has misquoted Mr. Hughes in an alleged statement that he would repeal every thing passed during the Wilson Ad ministration. -He showed, however, that many measures should be re pealed, and that the beneficial laws of the present Administration were In augurated by Republicans or passed by Republican votes. He discussed at length the tariff, and what would hap pen when the war ends. "They say we have prosperity," said Mr.THawley. "It Is true wheat is high, but land can be purchased for 25 per cent ' less today than four years ago. If this prosperity Is sound and stable, why don't people borrow money from the banks, which they say are burst ing with money, buy this cheap land and raise $1.50 wheat. You don't hear of any sales, for if the war ends the bubble would burst. Wheat dropped 6 cents in as many minutes when a peace rumor struck the Chicago Ex change the other day." Cliamoer to Receive Returns. Election returns will te flashed in the dining-room of the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday night. A special wire has been run into the dining-room and on account of the difference in time between the East and West in the iatter's favor, returns from the Eastern states, especially where they have voting machines, will start at 5:30 or 6 o'clock. More than 150 dinner reservations have been made, but the membership has been Invited to con gregate at the dining-room, whethet for dinner or not. The returns will be Interpolated with the Oregon and Northwest returns as fast as they &r compiled. - St A .... -S ' I PAST IS RECALLED Detroit Remembers First Un derwood Tariff Days. CRISIS DELAYED BY WAR Men Ask "Will ye Have Job Wlieu Var Is Over?" Situation as Bad or AVorse at Flint and on Peninsula Iron IXange. DETROIT. Nov. 4. (Special.) In the closing week of the campaign the echo of the hunger cry of the nine months of the Underwood tariff before the flood of war orders came to the rescue of the country Is having a telling ef fect on Detroit worklngmen, who are asking: "Will we have jobs when the war Is over?' That was a period, of fighting to reach the employment agent's door, of evading the clubs of the police and the water from the hose of the city firemen quelling bread riots. It was a period of public souphouses, public buildings thrown open to shelterless men, women and cnildren, and of more appeals to public charity than ever be fore had been known in the city. People in Riots for Jobs. Rioting for jobs at the Ford auto mobile factory started January 12, 1911. City and county police were called in to protect the plant against men who wanted work at any wages. Windows were smashed and men crawled through the broken sash to reach the employment agent. With the tempera ture at zero men stood in the streams played upon them from fire hose rather than surrender their places. At one big automobile plant there were 5000 ap plications a day for positions. At an other plant the applicants numbered 2000 a day. Souphouses were opened. Publlo meal tickets were issued. Cots were Installed in rooms and corridors and shelterless were permitted to sleep without cost. They even slept In re lays. In Flint, second only to Detroit In the automobile business, 12.000 men were idle when war prosperity struck. That was more than 25 per cent of the population. In Grand Rapids, greatest furniture manufacturing center In the world, every furniture factory had cut down its working force and nearly everyone had cut wages. Iron Range Suffers Severely. On the Iron range of the Upper Peninsula the effect of the Underwood tariff was even more severe. After & cut of 10 per cent in wages the men were worked in shifts. Then the single men were laid off. Next the heads of small families went. Lastly, the heads of larger families were discharged. The mining companies suspended the col lecting of rents and permitted the men to live in the company houses free all Winter. Ishpheming and Negaunce, al ways so prosperous that no charitable organizations had ever been maintained in those cities, found it necessary to do systematic charity work to prevent suffering. Ishpheming has 12.500 inhabitants. At one time during the Winter only 50 men were at work In the entire town. In the copper country wages and forces were cut from 10 to 20 per cent and the output of copffer was reduced one-fourth between the time the de pression began and the outbreak of the war. The first presidency of the Church of Latter-Day Saints has just decided a weighty problem. Mllchixedek It must be spelled here after, good Mormons scorning Melchlsedek, MelchUedeck and Melcliisedcc. 0 1 4 pi. -a Always Money Back if You're Not Suited. DOUBTFUL STATES Swing to Hughes Reported by Frank H. Hitchcock. OHIO REGARDED PROBABLE Northern Border State Voters Aware of Danger of Canadian Goods Flooding Country Cnder Kree Trade Following War. CHICAGO. Nov. 4. (Social.) There Is every Indication that Frank H. Hitchcock speaks advisedly when he places in the Hughes column the states of Illinois. Michigan, Wisconsin. Minne sota and Indiana. And. late develop ments indicate that he is Justified In his prediction that Mr. Hughes prob ably will carry Ohio. But that old Re publican stronghold, even today, must be listed as doubtful, because of the exceptionally efficient drive made by the Democrats there before the Repub licans woke up. There was a. time when Illinois prop erly was listed as aoubtful, but when it was doubtful, and when the Demo crats were most hopeful, they inad vertently exposed the weakness which they had discovered in the Republican armor the woman vote and from that day to this the Republicans have been working among the women voters of the state with most encouraging results. What would have happened had the democrats been content to make prog ress without boasting is Quite another story. BO.OOO Majority la Forecast. Today Illinois is set down as sure of a 50,000 majority for Hughes, and local campaign managers, or some of them, put the figure above 100.000. In no state have the Republicans built up and maintained a more effi cient organization than they have In jpl wolf once donned a lambskin and called on a floock of sheep. He looked "all wool" to them, but ! E5 Just so with much clothing one sees it looks all wool, but' And so, when we recommend to you a Benjamin Suit or Overcoat at $25, $30 or even $40, you are Ei getting real value and consequently strictly all-wool garments. We specialize on the famous Alfred Benjamin r clothes, and dependability is sewed into every seam. If you want the best in Portland, it's here. H Drop in and see our new Suits and Overcoats. $17 to $40 H Our entire second floor is devoted to Men's Clothing. Buff him &Pendletoii Co. Clothiers, Hatters and Haberdashers EE 127 Sixth Street 30 Easy Steps From Washington St. F. N. Pendleton Winthrop Hammond HIGH COST OF MANNING KEROSENE OIL-GAS PRODUCING BURNER gas from Kerosene Oil. fT f can be fMted 11 in any scove, range or heater, water heater, coffee Urn, 'O a n d y f u r n o. or. in fact, any V place that a I 11 good heat is lif hj t squired, JL without al- I I any of these appliances. TfOISEI-F:, SMOKELESS, ODORLESS. U.4IU DEMONSTRATION. COfNTV AGEXTS WASTED. EXCLUSIVE TEBRlfOBl SOW OS SUE. i H.TV. MANNING LIGHTING AND SUPPLY CO. 63 and. .63. Sixth Street, Portland, Orejon. Supporting Belts- for large people with pendulous abdomen (falling stomach), weak, aching backs (muscular weakness). These are made in our own factory; are strong, yet light, to suit every case. Give perfect support, en able the wearer to enjoy bodily exercise in safety. Skilled men and women fitters. Private fitting-rooms. Residence calls if desired. Catalogue and measurement blanks. AUUUJ STREET AT WEST FBK ---MAESHAU. Indiana. That organization is a won der. It was gotten together early, the slate leaders having realized the im portance of carrying the state, not alone for the Presidential vote, which is large and important, but because of the two Senatorships. As if to help the Republicans carry Indiana, the Democrats developed a fine young fac tional Quarrel, which Is still raging, and which is going to cut down the vote of both Democratic candidates for the Senate and the vote for Wilson as well. Early in the campaign Indiana Demo crats realized that Senator Kern could not be re-elected, and Senator Tom Tag gart was one of those who saw this. He therefore cut loose from Kern and made his own campaign. Kern Klghtlng Taggart. By way of retaliation, the Kern Democrats have been fighting Taggart, and the fight is going merrily on to this day. Because of it. the Repub licans are strongly hopeful of electing both their nominees for the Senate. It is notable that Democratic news paper men who have gone over Indiana during the past 10 days have come to Chicago conceding the state to Hughes. Hughes probably will carry Michigan by 50.000. The change of sentiment In Wiscon sin and Minnesota during the pat two weeks has been striking, and Is due solely to the appeal of Republican cam paigners to the reason and intelligence of the voters, in contrast to the Demo cratic appeal to their passion and their prejudice. In those two stales the Adamson law is proving a Democratic handicap. In those states fronting on the Canadian border there has been an awakening to the damage that Cana dian competition will do under a Demo cratic tariff when the war ends. BANK ROBBER, 16, CAUGHT Henry Zibley, Escaped From North Dakota, Taken at Wenatchee. WEXATCHEE. Wash.. Nov. 4. Spe cial.) Confined In the County Jail is a youth, Henry Zlbley, aged 16. who, in company with two other boys, at tempted to hold up a bank In Kargo, X. D. He was arrested and sentenced to the reformatory at Mandan and es caped two months ago. Zibley was picked up here two days ago by Sheriff Kenyon and held on suspicion of stealing a suitcase. Upon examination his story was unsatisfac tory. and he finally admitted that he FUEL SOLVED 7ro-KOME A6:7l had been arrested for holding up a, bank and his partners sentenced but he was acquitted. herifT Kenyon telegraphed the re formatory and received an answer thla morninn- to hold til" hov. SICK CHILD AT TONGUE Hurry. Mother! Remove Poisons from Little Stomach, Liver. Bowels. Give "California Syrup of Figs" if Cross. Bilious or Feverish. No matter what ails your child. a gentle, thorough laxative should al ways be the first treatment given. If your little one Is out-of-sorts. half sick. isn't resting, eating and acting naturally look. Motherl see if tongue is coated. Thla Is a sure sign that it'a little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with waste. When cross. Irri table, feverish, stomach sour, breath bad or has itomach .cho. diarrhoea, sore throat, full of cold, give a tea kpoonfu' of "California Syrup of Figs.' and in a few hours all the constipated poison, undigested lood and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griplnK. and you have a. well, playful child again. Mothers can rest easy after giving this harmless "fruit laxative." because it never falls to clean-e the little one s l.ver and bowels and sweeten tr.e tiuui Ich. and they dearly lo - its pleasant '-aste. Full directions for bubie-. chil dren of all ages and for grown-upa rinted on each bottle. that tt Is made by the "California Fig Srup Company." Adv. BIG EATERS GET KIDNEY TROUBLE SAMHOifllY Take a Tablcspoonful of Salts to 1 -luj.il Kidnrjs if Hack Hurts. Omit AH Meat From Kict if You Feel lllicumatic or Bladder Bothers. The American mm and women must guard constantly against kidney trouble, because we eat t--o much and all our food Is rich. Our blood is filled with uric acid which the kidneys strive to filter out. they weaken from over work, become i-'.ugfrish: ti: eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a gen eral decline in health. When your kidneys fel like lumps of lead: your back lrt or the urine Is cloudy, full of sediment or you ere obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheu matism when the weather Is bad. get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tabiespoon ful in a class of water before break fast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salt is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flusii and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neu tralize the acids in the urine so It no longer is a source of Irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive: cannot in jure. maVjs a delightful effervescent lithia-watef. beverage, and belongs In every home, because nobody can make a mistake by havinc a good kidney flushing any time. Adv. HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD Saj-s Cream Applied in Nostrils Opens Air Passages Right Up. 4. i n I I t t Instant relief no waiting. lour classed nostrils open right up; the air paiai;es of jo'r had clear and you can breathe treely. ?vo more hawking. snufflinsr. olowing. headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Oct a small bottle of Ely s Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It pen- erates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes In stantly. lfs just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up with a cold or nasty catarrh. Adv. YOUR IS CONSTIPATED! LOOK