The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 05, 1916, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Portland Agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications Latest Fall Styles Now Shown
8:30 A. M.
9:00 A. BL
5:30 P. 3L
6:00 P. M.
"Great Demonstration for Re
publican Nominee Closes
Campaign in New York.
Republican Managers Await
Result at Rolls With the
Utmost Confidence.
A 2LJ2
The Most in Value
-The Best in Quality
Extraordinary Values at This Great Sale of
Women's Fashionable
,..- -V,:--. ...
x?i '; - ,
Explosion of l-Iashlight Starts Hu
mor of Throwing of Bomb, but
Result Is Not Serious and
Hughes Is Unperturbed.
NEW YORK. Nov. 4. Charles E.
Hughes closed his campaign for the
Presidency in this city tonight with
a big meeting at Madison-Square
Carden. The speech he delivered was
his fifth of the day and followed four
In the open air in different parts of
the city in the afternoon.
Before the night meeting Mr. Hughes
rode at the head of a great torchlight
procession called a "'wheel of flame,"
the nine "spokes" ol which converged
on Fifth avenue. Many thousands of
men. each carrying a flaming torch,
were in line as me processions came
together, one after another. Fo long
was the parade that it was split into
two sections, one of which marched up
Fifth avenue and the other up Madison
avenue to the Garden.
The broad avenues were filled with
long ribbons of light as the Republican
cohorts moved onward. Interspersed at
frequent intervals were bands which
played martial and patriotic airs. The
car in which the candidate rode was
the only automobile in line.
KlashliKlit Kxploalon Alarm.
Much excitement was caused by an
explosion in North street only a few
feet from Mr. Hughes as he sat in his
automobile waiting for one of the di
visions of the parade to start. It was
believed at first that a bomb had been
hurled at the nominee, but Inspector
Egan, of the Bureau of Combustibles,
declared a photographer's flashlight
powder caused the explosion. The only
persons injured, the police said, were
two newspaper men, who were slightly
With Mr. Hughes in his car were
A. B. Hepburn and two detectives. The
nominee did not seem perturbed by the
incident and smilingly , acknowledged
the plaudits of the crowds through
which he passed as the paraders moved
on, 14 abreast.
A drizzling rain, which began falling
Just as the parade bejran, dampened
somewhat the ardor of the demonstra
tion which greeted the Republican can
didate, but cheering crowds lined Fifth
avenue from the time he passed under
the Dewey Arch in Washington Square.
Police Arrangements Improved.
More adequate and elaborate police
arrangements at Madison Square and
in that vicinity prevented a repetition
of the crush which greeted President
Wilson Thursday night. The big build
ing was comfortably filled at 7 o'clock,
but most of the crowd which had gath-i
ered evidently wanted to see the pa
rade before seeking admission. Every
seat was taken, however, when the
blare of bands heralded the candidate's
Mrs. Hughes, accompanied by her
three daughters. Helen, Catherine and
Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Hughes. Jr., and several friends were
among the early arrivals. They occu
pied a box in the center of the garden.
The Columbus. O.. Republican Glee
Club of 100 voices entertained the
crowd inside the garden with patriotic
songs prior to the arrival of the Pres
idential candidate.
William A. Prendergast.' Controller
of the city of New York, formally
opened the meeting at 7:50 o'clock.
Speaking of a re-unlted Republican
party he referred to that "wonderful
American," Theodore Roosevelt. In
stantly the crowd began to cheer and
the demonstration lasted several min
utes. Demonstration Lants 40 Minutes.
Mr. Hughes entered the hall at 9:15
while Governor Whitman was speak
ing. The Governor's speech was
abruptly ended by a prolonged roar by
the audience. The crowd then began
to shout "Hughes, Hughes, Hughes;
we want Hughes." The nominee waved
a small flag. The crowd settled down
sfter 15 minutes to a steady rythm of
"Hughes, Hughes. Hughes." The cheer
ing had been going on 26 minutes when
Mrs. Hughes was escorted to the bal
cony beside her husband. At this the
nudience redoubled Its noise. Charles
r.. Hughes, Jr.. and his wife followed
then the nominee's daughters, so that
the nominee's entire family was
grouped around him.
At the end of 30 minutes the -crowd
had settled down to a steady stamp
ing of feet in unison. A band played
a verse of "Auld Lang Syne," and when
it stopped the cheering and stamping
began again.
A mammoth flag was unfurled from
the ceiling, the band played the "Star
Spangled Banner" and the audience
ceased cheering to sing. Mr. Hughes
was introduced at 9:55 o'clock after
the demonstration had lasted 40 min
utes. "My voice is worn but my heart is
stout and my confidence . is complete
that we are marching to a triumphant
victory next Tuesday. ' "began Mr.
Hughes. "When I first heard your
greeting it seemed to sound like a con
vention, but after a while I thought
It sounded like an election.
National Prestige Desired.
"It has been quite apparent for some
time that the American people were
about to record a very decisive con
viction. I think I can forecast the
determination which is to be recorded
next Tuesday. I believe that the
American people have determined that
this Nation shall regain its interna
tional prestige and the rights of Amer
ican citizens shall be protected
throughout the world.
"The way to preserve peace is to de
serve respect. It is idle for anyone
to say that a criticism of the policies
of the present Administration implies
either a desire for war or a tendency
to war. We propose that this Nation
shall stand erect before the world with
conscious self-respect, prepared for
every emergency, devoted to the ideals
of justice, not truculent, not threaten
ing, but exhibiting firmness and con
sistency and indomitable spirit which
will show that we mean what we say
and that we say what we mean.
"We cannot maintain our peace if we
let any nation be under any misappre
hension as to the true sentiment of the
United States. We ought not to per
mit misunderstandings of our true in
tentions and firm convictions. We
should in that way merely aid in the
creation of feelings which would in
dubitably breed resentment and in crit
ical emergencies out would flame that
old spirit of American patriotism.
I'nflt Men Merit Distrust.
"I say to the American people that
they cannot trust an administration
which has permitted itself to place at
the head of our great bureaus of ad
ministration men conspicuously unfit
w " i :
Photo by Underwood.
Miss Jeannette Rankin decisively swept the state of Montana in the pri
maries for nomination for Congress on the Republican ticket. If she is
elected she will be the Nation's first feminine Representative.'
Here is the platform she expects will land her in Washington: ' National
woman suffrage, child welfare, tariff revision, prohibition for state and Na
tion, greater publicity in Congressional records.
Miss Rankin is small, slight, with light brown hair not red, no her
friends say, rather heatedly. She is a graduate of the University of. Mon
tana and of the School of Philanthropy of New Tork City. Congress would
be greatly benefited by her beauty. Other accomplishments of Miss Rankin
are the making of her own clothes stunning ones, too and her hats, and
she is also an excellent cook.
to discharge the duties thus devolved
upon them.
"I think that the Amecican people
are about to record their dissatisfac
tion with the state of our industrial
preparedness. I think that they are
alive to the very serious situation in
which we are placed at this time. It
will not do to make light of it. It
will not escape attention by various
animate versions and destructive criti
cisms with regard to American business
Mr. Hughes referred in detail to the
situation in Europe, reiterating his
conviction that a protective tariff
would be necessary to aid American in
dustry in meeting commercial competi
tion with Europe after the war.
"We are told that a tariff commis
sion has been created. I believe in a
tariff commission. But a tariff com
mission does not pass bills. Congress
passes bills.
"Our opponents talk as though by
creating an agency they had provided a
remedy. They created an agency,
which can be disregarded as they
chodse. Only today, in the face of
these economic facts which .should en
gage thoughtful attention of the Ad
ministration, when every nation in
Europe is adopting the protective prin
ciple, even Great Britain preparing to
aaopi tne protective principle, we nave j
protection, without any serious thought
with regard to the necessities of safe
guarding the interests of American
labor and American enterprise.
Class Bitterness Denounced.
"I am not interested in a country
devoted to the special prosperity of a
few. That is not my conception of the
aim of the administration of our coun
try, but when I hear anyone denounce
class bitterness, class antagonism and
the lawful results of arraying group
against group, I want him to take care
that he does not stimulate that very
class bitterness and class antagonism
which is thus justly denounced.
"Let us go forward, not in words, not
in phrases, not denouncing class an
tagonisms while we do our utmost to
stimulate them; but let us go forward
sincerely desirous to put America in
the foreground of achievement because
of her sense of social justice, because
of her feeling of co-operation, which
inspires everyone concerned in her
"There has been much talk in these
later days about labor vote. I want
to say this: You cannot buy the labor
vote; you cannot coerce the labor vote;
you cannot frighten the labor vote;
you cannot impose upon the labor vote
by talking about invisible government
or by any kind of vilification of mo
"If I am elected President, and I
expect to be elected President, we
shall have an administration which
has no interests but the interests of
the United States; which shows no pol
icy but the supreme welfare of the
people of, the United States. It will
not be .coerced by threat from any
quarter. It will not be deflected by
any alien machination. It will not be
made to subserve any ulterior purpose.
Administration "Will Be American.
"We propose to have an American
administration meeting the problems
of the 30th century in the American
manner; that is according to the rule
of reason; and thus we expect to have
a dignified place in a new rivalry a
new commercial rivalry among the na
tions of the 20th century.
"We have a great opportunity of
service, but we cannot avail ourselves
of that opportunity if there is any
doubt or misunderstanding of our own
"We want men to feel, wherever
they are. that if they are prosecuting
their lawful business: if they are ad
hering to the principles which govern
them so far as their rights are con
cerned under international law, that
they have the full protection of their
"There is no hope for America if
American citizen anywhere in the
world is not as proud a title as a man
can bear."
On his way to the meeting- Mr.
Hughes reviewed a section of a pa
rade which was still passing, five
nours after It started.
Two Steamers in Collision Off
Coast of Ireland.
Storm Is One of "Worst Ever Known
in Irlsli Sea Many Hodles Are
Bcins "Washed Ashore and
Some Cattle Are Alive.
LONDON, Nov. 4. In one of the
worst gales ever known In the Irish
Sea, the British steamship Connemara,
with passengers and a cargo of cattle
from Greenore. Ireland, for Holyhead.
Wales, collided last night just outside
the Carlingford bar with the British
steamship Retriever, loaded with coal.
Both vessels sank immediately. Ninety
two lives were lost. Only two persons,
a member of the crew of the Retriever
and a passenger on the Connemara,
were saved. There were DO passengers
and a crew of 31 on board the Conne
mara and the Retrievers' crew num
bered 13.
Many bodies are being washed ashore
on the Irish Coast. Numbers of cattle
are being washed up, some alive.
The Connemara, 1106 tons gross and
272 feet long, was built in Dumbarton
in 1S96.
The Retriever was 190 feet long, of
674 tons gross and was built in Goole,
England, in 1909. She was owned by
the West Coast of America. Telegraph
Company of London.
A steamer service is maintained by
London & Northwestern Railway be
tween Holyhead. Wales, and Greenore,
Ireland, a distance of about 80 miles
across the Irish Sea.
Best Grade of Bacon Goei I p Half m
Cent Salad oil . and Dried
Peaches Are Dearer.
While there were no advances in the
past week in the leading grocery sta
ples, like flour and sugar, other com
modities continue to move up in price.
The most important change an
nounced yesterday, which will be ef
fective tomorrow morning, will be an
advance of half a cent In lard, which
will put the wholesale price of this
necessary article, for the first time in
the history of the Portland trade, on
the 19-cent basis. There will be a
similar advance in compound lard to
the 15-cent mark. "
Ham prices have not been changed,
but the top grade of bacon will be
half a cent higher at 31 cents a
Salad oil. put up locally, will be
higher by 25 cents a case of a dozen
bottles, the new price being $4.25.
Wholesale grocers yesterday report
ed advances of half-a cent to a full
cent in dried peaches. The cheaper
grades of canned meats, which did not
keep pace with the rise of a few weeks
ago, are now higher, and American
sardines have also advanced.
Ocean Vessel Takes to Water at Su
perior, Wis.
SUPERIOR. "Wis.. Nov. 4. Anna Kon
kel, 9-year-old daughter of Mayor and
Mrs. J. S. Konkel, today christened the
Cleveland, the first ocean vessel to
be built at the head of the Lakes.
Plans were made as soon as the ves
sel was off the ways for laying the
keels of two more boats for unnamed
owners. The Cleveland is to be oper
ated by a Norwegian company. To get
it in service this w inter, it was launch
ed without machinery and will be towed
down the lakes ahead of the freese-up,
to be finished at Detroit.
Women's Leaders Summarize Result
of Campaign "Kept l"s Out of
War" Slogan Reacts To
ward Campaign's Close.
CHICAGO, Nov. 4. Managers of the
Western Republican and Democratic
National headquarters finished their
work today and ended the National
campaign in the- territory under their
direction, which embraces the' states
lying between Ohio and the Pacific
Coast. Heads of departments in both
headquarters left for their homes to
vote next Tuesday. Alvin T. Hert.
manager of' Western Republican head
quarters, issued his final statement on
the outcome of the Presidential elec
tion, which reads as follows:
"Hughes and Fairbanks are sure-to
carry the following states, and thereby
will secure a lars:e majority in the elec
toral college: Maine. New Hampshire,
Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island.
Connecticut. New York. New Jersey,
Pennsylvania. Delaware. West Virginia,
Ohio, Kentucky. Indiana. Illinois, Mich
igan. Wisconsin. Minnesota, Iowa. Mis
souri, North Dakota, South Dakota,
Kansas, Wyoming. Idaho, Utah, New
Mexico, Washington, Oregon and Cali
fornia. "The Republican ticket also probably
will be successful in Nebraska. There
is a good prospect of carrying in addi
tion such so-called doubtful states as
Colorado, Maryland, Montana, Nevada
and Arizona."
Suffrage Utrntrn Analysed.
Miss Harriet E. Vittum. director of
the women's department at Western
Republican National headquarters, is
sued the following statement analyzing
the situation in the 12 woman suffrage
"The swing of the last 10 days to Mr.
Hughes has been perhaps more notice
able In the women's department than
in any other. As the reports come daily
from the 16 Western states, they are
more and more con-lncing. Thousands
of women who three weeks ago were
accepting Mr. Wilson because they be
lieved he has kept us out of war have
been influenced by the presentation of
facts and perhaps more than anything
else by the statement of the Judge-advocate
of the Army that legally and
technically we are at war.
"Out in Wyoming the 'kept-us-out-of-war"
cry had its effect until a few
weeks ago, when their own boys were
ordered to the. front. Idaho and Ne
vada were for a while in the doubtful
column, but the women of those states
have" responded to the cry of their un
enfranchised sisters of the East, and
their votes will largely go to the sup
port of the nian who stands for the
Federal suffrage amendment, who has
promised to push it through Congress.
California Reclnred In I
"California early swung Into line, and
the women of that state. Republican
and Progressive, are working together
in a campaign for tho election wf Mr.
he following statement was Issued
John C. Eversraan. secretary of the
Republican Congressional Campaign
Committee, which has directed its light
for a Republican Congress ffom Chi
cago: "The next House of Representatives
will be Republican by a margin of at
least 43. Most of the gains will come
from the Western states. This estimate
gives the Democrats the benefit of all
doubtful districts. I have received re
ports Indicating Republicans will gain
Congressional seats in Arizona, Ken
tucky. California. Colorado. Illinois.
Indiana. Iowa, Kansas. Michigan. Min
nesota. Missouri, Nebraska. New Jersey.
New York. Ohio, Oklahoma. Pennsyl
vania. Rhode Island, South Dakota,
Tennessee, Utah, Washington, West
Virginia 'and Wisconsin."
Mrs. George Baw, who has been in
charge of the woman's department at
Western Democratic National head
quarters, issued a statement saying in
Our hopes are high for victory ior
President "Wilson. As the campaign
draws to a cloee I think it will be con
ceded that one of the outstanding fea
tures of this Presidential election has
been the fact that the woman vote is
the balancing factor.
"Women's Vote Held Decisive.
'In many of the 12 voting states, not
ably Illinois, it is admitted that 'as
vote the women, so goes the etate.' In
Illinois, perhaps to a greater extent
than In any ptlier state, the women
have been and are the unknown quan
tity. "Our literature dealing with Presi
dent Wilson's record In keeping us out
f war and his successful efforts to
pass the child labor law and other
humanitarian measures has been espe
cially sought and our supply has not
been adequate to meet the demand.
"Our reports, based on trie Dest
sources of Information available, have
been encouraging from the beginning.
At the very outset there was a marKea
drift of the Progressive women toward
President Wilson. We have tried to
get the truth about President Wilson
and hia splendid record before the
women voters and leave the rest to
their understanding of the need of con
tinuing his Administration."
"Walsh Predicts Victory
Senator Thomas J. Walsh, manager of
Western Democratic National head
quarters, said his detailed tabulated
prediction regarding the outcome of the
election In the Western etates had been
incorporated. In the statement Issued
by Vance C. McCormick, chairman of
the Democratic National Committee in
New York.
"I have nothing to add to the state
ment that I Issued early In the day.
when I said that I believed that Presi
dent Wilson will be re-elected by the
largest popular vote ever given a can
didate tor President in the history of
the country," said Senator Walsh.
U-Boat Is Beaten Off After Battle
Lasting 4 5 Minutes.
TOULON, via London, Nov. 4. The
French liner Doukkala reports an at
tack upon her by a submarine, which
she beat off after a fight lasting three
quarters of an hour, conducted at i
range of 6000 yards. The submarine is
said to have fired seven shells.
The movements of the steamer Douk
kala have not been recorded in the
marine register since her arrival Jan
uary 19 last at Marseilles from Salontki.
She is a vessel of 4638 tons gross, built
in 1900 in Rotterdam, and owned by
the Morocco & Armenian Navigation
Company, of Marseilles.
Portland Woman Is Hurt.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Nov. 4 (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Ella Pollock, of Portland.
Charming: Models, Including; Tliose
Especially Becoming; to Stout
Women Suits Made to Sell Regai
larly to $35.00. This Sale at
Our Ready-to-Wear Section is rapidly gaining an enviable reputation for the beauty,
beeomingness and pood style of the garments specialized for stout women, and
this sale is of double importance because of the splendid saving made possible
through special price concessions secured from the manufacturers. The materials
are fine all-wool serges, poplins, gabardines and broadcloths in black, navy, brown,
green, plum, etc. Beautiful models in the most fashionable lines with seal or
beaver fur trimmings; large collars and cuffs, others with tailored collar, cuffs and
belt, still others are attractively trimmed with taffeta silks, etc. Faultlessly tai
lored Suits in every size from 16 to 42, made to sell regularly up to $35. If you
are in quest of a handsome suit don't fail to attend this sale, for you will find the
offerings to be extraordinary at Jj! 19.75.
Special Pre-Holiday Showing;
15cto $1.50
This department is stocked with
the choicest and most beautiful
Ribbons at moderate prices. Es
pecially attractive are those
suitable for Xmas fancywork,
hairbows, millinery ( and trim
ming purposes. Included are all
new and staple shades in plain
colors and novelty colorings,
stripes, checks, plaids, jacquard
effect?, moires, floral designs,
etc., ribbons in all widths suit
able for bags, coat hangers, pil
low ruffles, caps, slippers, cam
isoles, etc. A price to suit every
purse. Yard, 15c? up to $1.50
Sale of Shadow Laces
18-Inch Width, jj 24-Inch Width, y i
in Values to Sq in Values to Jjjf
50c, at 75c, at
A Special Purchase of the popular Shadow Lace Flouncings enables
us to offer our patrons these fine imported English Laces at about
half their actual worth. They come in white and in cream and are
shown in dozens and dozens of dainty new patterns two widths to
select from: 18-inch at 25 yard, 21-inch at Ji5 yard.
i W
$1 a Suit
One of the best-known makes of
Men's Jersey Ribbed Cotton Union
Suits made with flat lock seams
and fleece lined warm, durable
and perfect fitting. All sizes in
gray and in ecru. A splendid
value at $1.00 a uit.
Shirts S1.25
Custom-made Shirts of best qual
ity remberton flannel they come
in negligee style with regular
turn-down collar and arc shown in
neat new patterns. All sizes. If
you want a good, warm, durable
shirt at a fair price, purchase
from this line at SI. 25
Decidedly Attractive Values in
Black Broadcloths at
S2, $2.50, S3, $3.50 a Yd.
Enthusiastic customers tell us that there is not another
showing of Black Broadcloth in "this city that equals ours
in variety of weights and value-giving. They come in 52
and 56-inch widths and in a deep lustrous black broad
cloths of perfect finish in the most desirable weights and
qualities at S2.00, S2.50, S3. 00 and S3. 50 yard
Just Received! A Splen
did Line of the New
In 54-Inch Width, at
$3.50 Yard
A special value in the hand
some new Bolivia Coatings
awaits your inspection. A
pure wool fabric of extra
weight and rich, elegant
finish. Comes in all staple
and new Fall and Winter
colors the most popular of
all the plain-colored coat
ings. Comes full 5-1 inches
wide and mod- JQ
erately priced at D O .3 vl
Out-of-the -Ordinary-Sale
of Women's
The Most Attractive New Styles
Best of Materials and Trim
mings Values Up to
$1.50, This Sale at. . .
All are custom-made Gowns of
the best quality. Amoskeag 1921
cloth and heavy Outing Flannels
in checks, stripes, plaids and on
plain white. You have choice from
dozens of styles neatly and at
tractively trimmed. They come
with low, round or V-shape neck,
in the short or long sleeves, with
or without collar. Middy effects
with lace front, etc. All are
brand-new goods received within
the past few days. Gowns made
to sell regularly up toQQ
?1.50, priced this sale at fOC
Prudent Housekeepers Will Immediately Purchase
Needed Supplies of
Prices are lower now than they will
be in the near future, due to our
foresight in securing a generous
stock of such goods before the re
cent advance in manufacturere
prices. Immediate purchases may
be made at the following figures:
i-POUXD COTTON BATTS at 10e and 15c each.
'4-POUXD COTTON BATTS at 20c, 25c and ;$0r each.
1-POUND COTTON BATTS at :J5c, 4(C to 750s each.
3- POUND COTTON BATTS at Sl.OO, Sl.lO, SI. 15 to .$2 each.
4- POUND COTTON BATTS at St. 25 and S1.5U each.
COMFORT CHALLIES in 36-inch width, all new styles. 12i jd.
New Marquisette and Curtain Scrims in 25c
Quality on Sale at 19 a Yard
A complete showing of plain, open-work and border styles in new
Curtain Scrims and marquisettes in white, cream and ecru a spe
cial underpriced purchase enables us to offer our patrons 1 Q
these 25c Curtain coods at, yard XlC
was struck by an automobile as. she
was crossing tho ferry slip to go onto
the Vancouver ferry here last night
and was seriously injured. According
to the police report sne was dragged
30 feet by the machine before li
stopped, and she sustained a broken
ankle and severe cuts and bruises.
The auto was driven by Fred Orub-
In order that you may become more familiar with the splendid work
which we are doing, we will give, with every mattress renovated, abso
lutely oil paint photo of yourself, size 16x20, neatly framed,
valued at $7.50.
Our work is guaranteed and prices reasonable. We call for and de
liver goods. Don't miss this great opportunity.
United Mattress & Pad Co.
Phones: East 870, C 1345.
427 Hancock Street.
meyer. or :I Yamniii street, t'oruana.
who picked the woman up and took her
to St. Joseph's Hospital, where Dr. C
il B. Flasg dressed her injuries. The
accident occurred in a blinding rain
storm. Police Sergeant McCurdy ar
rested Orubmeyer on a charse of "reck
less driving, and he posted $l'."0 bail
for his appearance in court next Thurs
day, November !.
i - u