The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 05, 1916, Section One, Page 20, Image 20

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to labor. After election Is safely over.
we shall try it out. and then we shall
But I am rig-ht In surmising that I
Wilson Is popular with the social up
lifters because ha has (lately) shown
such a magnanimous attitude toward
labor, or Is It for the reason given by
the faculty children that "he kept us
out of war?"
Comparatively speaking, he has done
this. By forgiving and forgetting, al
lowing Germany to sink the Lusitania.
and from time to time whatever ships
t rotests Over Spokane Stand
to Be Made by Railroads
and Terminal Cities.
they see, fit to sink; allowing England
to rifle our mails, we have adroitly
kept ourselves out of war. Down In
Mexico, so they say, we had more I
Americans killed than during the
Spanish-American war. but even then.
we have bravely 'avoided war. and
emulated the great Lincoln in his
policy of "charity for all, with malice
toward none.
Except under the guidance of an
as as B-''
I 1
Position Is to Be Taken at Hearing
Before Commission Next Month
That Charges to Interior
Should Be Changed.
Shippers in Portland, Seattle and Ta-
coma and the transcontinental railroads
probably will stand together when the
Spokane rate case is opened for re
hearing late this month.
While the railroads and the shippers
will act independently in the proceed
ings, it is apparent that they will con
tend for the same point.
That ie that the rates to interior
cities shall not be intertwined in any
way with the terminal rates.
In other words, they want the Com
mission to establish reasonable rates
to the terminals the reasonableness to
be governed by water competition -
and then to establish separate
to the interior cities.
Lower Kates Possible.
The interior rates, according to this
theory, can be based on the cost of the
transcontinental haul itself, or on the
terminal rate, plus the local rate back.
If the terminal rate plus the back
haul rate Is lower the interior points,
of course, would be entitled to that
rate. If the straight transcontinental
rate is lower they would take that rate.
In either case they would be allowed
the lower rate.
Spokane, it is expected, will main
tain its well-established position, that
the rates to the interior cities shall
be no higher than the terminal ratee
Inasmuch as the Interstate Commerce
Commission has decided to reopen the
case, the shippers as well as the rail
roads are of the belief that the whole
transcontinental rate situation is to be
reconsidered, and that possibly the
Commission will establish a new policy
in rate making.
Katea Novr Unsatisfactory.
The present transcontinental rate
fabric is wholly unsatisfactory to ship
pers In Portland and the other Coast
terminals. The interior rates are based
fundamentally on the terminal rates.
If the terminal rate is reduced, the in
terior rate, by force of this rule, must
be reduced with it.
An arbitrary ratio of differentials
has been established ty the Commis
sion to govern, 'in a measure, the rate
relations between the Coast and- the
Interior. The rate from Missouri River
territory, for instance, cannot be more
than 7 per cent "higher to th3 interior
than to the Coast; from Chicago ter
ritory the limit is 15 per cent, and
from Buffalo-Pittsburg Territory. 25
per cent.
The Coast preferential is based on
water competition. The Commission
established the policy that th interior
rates are reasonable, but that water
competition forces the carriers to
charge "less than reasonable" rates to
the Coast.
Separate Rates "Wanted.
But the Coast shippers contend that
this plan is like putting the proverbial
cart before the horse; that if the termi
nal rate is less than reasonable any
rate based on that rate might be less
than reasonable as well, or, possible,
more than reasonable.
So. in the new hearing the Coast
cities will insist that the interior rates
ahull "stand on their own bottom.
Pending the result of this hearing it
Is improbable that the terminal cities
will -protest the proposed advance on
certain commodity rates proposed by
the carriers, effective January l.
These advances are in response to
n order of the Commission for re
moval of the differential in favor of the
Coast. This order was entered as a re
sult of Spokane's protest that the water
cnmiietit on. wnich formerly jusimea.
the differential, had been removed,
rnvlner to the removal of wcean-going
shiDning from the Pacific Ocean and
the temporary suspension of
through the Panama Canal.
Code May Be Cited.
Tt is -nossible. however, for the Coast
shippers to bring a protest against the
proposed advance on the ground that
the Interstate Commerce code provides
specifically that rates, when once re
duced to meet water competition, shall
not again be advanced, excepting for
causes other than the elimination of
wtaer competition.
Now the Spokane protest was
brought precisely on the ground that
water competition had been eliminated.
But until the new case is disposed of it
is not probable that the Coast cities
will take advantage of this situation.
Tavor of President Wilson at Reed
College Symposiums Regretted.
PORTLAND, Nov. 4. (To the Edi
tor.) I notice with some satisfaction
that the Presidential campaign has
drawn the attention of Reed College
to present-day affairs. I also notice,
with some concern that President Wil
son is the favorite candidate.
Having heard a number of Reed
College symposiums, I presume that
social uplift is the keynote of this
fervor. The social welfare measures
of the Democratic Administration I
almost said campaign are doubtless
quite near the Utopia of Reed College
idealists. Has not our President shown
his love for the poor working and
voting classes?
Now that the Adamson law increases
the pay of trainmen, let the social up
lifters pray for legislation which will
help the poor section hands. They get
18V- cents per hour, and one of them
said: "I work dam hard." But unless
he unionizes, and threatens the coun
try with a strike, how hard will he
have to work before Congress grants
him an increase in wages.' When Mr,
Wilson said: "The class formed by
lahor organizations and leaders is
formidable enemy to equality." he
merely paralleled Dr. Morgan's story
of the big dog. litle dog, and tne Done,
The present example is that striking
trainmen sret a salary increase, while
section hands do not.
Now that the Adamson law is passed,
the social uplifters will not worry
about the poor trainmen, for most of
them may get extended credit from
the grocer and butcher. The only rail
road wage slaves which remain for Mr.
Wilson to emancipate are the section
hands, switchmen, yard hands, train
dispatchers, trackmen, office employes,
workers in railway shops, and other
employes of railway carriers. No doubt
they will be emancipated if they
threaten to tie up the country just be
fore election. But how unfortunate
that these poor souls were not also
on strike when Congress passed the
Adamson act! For some railroad men
have considered that it a great blessing
J. N. Hall.
J. N. Hall, who died at Med
ford October 10, was at one time
an officer of the One Hundred
and Thirteenth Ohio Regiment
in the Civil War. and was known
for many deeds of daring. He
was imprisoned 19 days at An
di-rsonville and eight days at
Libby Prison. Once he effected
his escape by cutting the bars,
but was recaptured.
He was born in Carysville, O.,
October 2, 1835. and had lived
in Oregon for a long time.
insurmountable prepossession that
Huerta was a greater cutthroat than
Villa or Carranza, when we altruistical
ly interfered in Mexican affairs, we
have not engaged in the Mexican revo
lutions. We have had a few battles
of our own, and a few soldiers and
sailors killed. More people were
killed during the Republican Adminis
tration in industry, when industries
were running.
But all of this peed not bother a
Democrat who has faith or Democratic
offices, of which thousands have been
created during this Administration.
international treaties, after all, are
only "things," National honor is only
thing, platform pledges for free
tolls, single term, abolition of useless I
offices, extension of civil service.
economy, and "pitiless publicity are
only "things"; and as we know the
President holds a high regard for
human beings, and a disregard of
things" as the only praiseworthy at
titude of an executive. Claiming his
attention will be offices for deserving
Democrats, and rewards from the pork
barrel. Here are matters for our stu
dents of politics.
Intoxicated Motorists Offend
Each Is Assessed $25.
Three charges of driving automobiles
while intoxicated were on the Municipal
Court docket yesterday morning. Two
were disposed of by convictions and
fines, while the third will be heard
A collision with a streetcar caused the
arrest of D. Mori mo to. a. Japanese
driver. A charge of driving while in
toxicated was placed against him.
Morimoto pleaded guilty yesterday.
rather than have the case prolonged
by the absence of his attorney. He was
fined $25.
Perry Graves, defendant for a similar
offense, pleaded not guilty. The testi
mony of the arresting officers was that
he was slightly under the influence of
liquor. A fine of $25 was imposed.
The case of David Posey, a Jitneur.
charged with driving while intoxicated.
was postponed.
Gas Slain Being Laid to Gresham.
GRESHAM, Or., Nov. 4. (Special.).
A crew of men under the employ of thi
Portland Gas & Coke Company is busy
digging trench for gaspipe to connect
with the main laid here this Summer
when the streets were hard-surfaced.
In a few weeks gas will be available
for light and cooking. The line is
being laid along the north side of the
Base Line road from "Ventura Park.
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RIDGEFIELD, Wash., Nov. 4. (Special.) To handle advantageously the increasing number of school children
from rural communities outside of Ridgefield, it was found necessary to employ a bigger conveyance, with the re
sult that now a large three-ton automobile truck is being used by the local livery men who have the contract to
carry the school children to and from the school. The school children have named it the "Kidmobile." and almost
any morning and evening it can be seen, "loaded to the guards." bringing the children to school or taking them
homeward over hill and dale. As high as 60 have been transported in one load. Children from the communities
north and east of Ridgefield, in School District No. 30. attend the local schools. Ernest II. Oleen is master pilot of
the "kidmobile" and takes great delight in this particular work.
Model 75
Don't go through the winter
without the convenience
and comfort of one of these
cars to take you anywhere,
any time, in any kind of
weather and always in com
fort. The three kinds of automo
bile comfort are all yours in
greater degree in the $635
Overland than in any other
car in the inexpensive, eco
nomical class.
You get greater seating com
S B 5,275 0 H H Atl D H0V.1ST I r
Disbursements Darlnc Same Period
Are Reported to Have Amounted
to 1,005,515 In All.
In the first 10 months of 1916, there
was paid into the county general fund
a total of 1917.286.75, which, with the
balance of $173,606.88 on hand January
1. made a grand total of $1,090,783.63.
Disbursements during the same period
totalled 11.005.515.14. which left $85.
278.49 on hand November 1. There
were outstanding warrants, however,
of (8698.93; which reduced the net cash
available on November 1 to (76.579.56.
These are figures compiled in the of
fice of County Auditor Martin yester
day. The road fund of the county had
a balance on hand January 1 of only
(13.56. Receipts raised this in 10
I months to $611,368.48, or would have
if there had not been disbursements in
the same time to the total of (475.496.23,
making a balance of (135.872.25. Out
standing warrants November 1 reduced
this to (49,425.85 now available.
Chief receipts in the general fund
B, J. 9. b. Toledo
eal Comfort This Winter
Factory Branch: Broadway at Davis St. Phone B'dway 3535
were the 1915 taxes, which amounted
to (696.292.88, and delinquent taxes of
78.267.87. County Clerk's fees totaled
71,487, District Court fees. (15.070.85,
and Sheriffs fees, (11.350.09. The
Treasurer's interest on deposits was
(24.421.29.. and the rental of the Steel
bridge to the streetcar company
brought in (12,273.10 more. Tax re
ceipts altogether were (774.737.35. and
receipts from other sources amounted
to (142.549.40.
The road fund received (348.505.86 as
Its share of the 1915 taxes and (18.
825.90 from delinquent taxes. From
automobile licenses, it received (36,
819.11; from Circuit and District Court
fines, (2829. and from sale of rock, etc,
(4375.05, a grand total of (611.354.92.
Employes in the road department
drew down (475.496.23 in salary war
rants during the 10 months and those
in the other county departments, (793,
328.89 in the same period.
J. Blank Detained in California on
Portland Charge.
For his abrupt and unexplained de
parture from Portland, with an auto
mobile which he had purchased on
terms. J. Blank, a trading stamp sales
man, is under arresf at Stockton, Cal.,
on a larceny charge. The machine was
fort the $635 Overland has
bigger, roomier, better cush
ioned scats.
You get greater riding com
fort the $635 Overland has
longer wheelbase, 104 inches
bigger tires, 4 inch and
cantilever rear springs, 42
inches long.
You get greater mental com
fort the $635 Overland has
greater power, 31V2 horse
power motor greater beau
ty, full streamline body
"Made In U. S. A."
purchased from Ray D. Gould, of this
city, October 16. an Initial payment of
(50 being made. The balance was to
be paid In 60 days.
It is probable that Blank will be per
mitted to make payment In full, in
which case the charge will be dis
Burglara Smash Casli Drawer
Iron & Steel Works.
Burglars who entered the office of
he Columbia Iron & Steel Works. 462
East Market street, at an early hour
yesterday, found the safe invitingly
open, but empty. With a hammer they
smashed the cash drawer, and stole (4
sliver. Entrance had been gained
through a rear window.
Some months ago. in the height of
the trout season, the safe was broken
nto and a quantity of cherished fisti
ng tackle taken. Since then the man
agement has obligingly refused to lock
t. Detectives Coleman and Snow are
Dr. John IT. Boyd to Speak Inform
ally .at Y. V. C. A.
Dr. John H. Boyd, pastor of the First
Presbyterian Church. Is giving an In
teresting series of Bible talks to the
"When you use up all your en
ergy in your duties around the Jtft
home, a good tonic -will restore 4 ' jy
your strength, remove the stagnation, tone up the "
membranes, drive out the catarrhal symptoms and
make you well. ,
That's why thousands of women the country over are"
strong advocates of Peruna. Experience has taught
them that it's especially helpful in any run-down con
dition that leads to, or results in the stagna
tion we call catarrh. Peruna is invigoration.
In liquid or tablet forms, whichever is more
Manalin Tablets are the ideal liver tonio
and laxative. Delightful to take, certain in
No gripping, no habit forming. They re
new the liver action and aid the kidneys. 10
and 25 cents.
greater economy, 20 to 25
miles on a gallon of fuel
greater convenience, control
button on steering column,
complete electrical system,
magnetic speedometer, gas
oline tank under cowl dash,
one man top. These are the
things which give you peace
of mind mental comfort
in the ownership of an
See us today and get your
$635 Overland now.
women of the city every Tuesday at
2 o'clock at the Young Women's Chris
tian Association building. The talks
are Informal and are somewhat along
the new ideas now held.
In the opening talk Dr. Boyd said
people should look at the Bible witli
a telescopic rather than a microscopic
lens: that they should study it for the
whole purpose of finding out the one
thing it was meant to teach namely,
its relation of God.
It Is the purpose of Dr. Boyd In the
remaining talks of the series to tell
through what agencies and personali
ties this revelation of Clod has been
given to the human race.
The subject for Tuesday Is "The New
and Larger Significance of Jesus."
Women of all churches and creeds are
Invited by the T. W. C. A. religious
committee to attend the talks.
Liquor Seized as Evidence in Inves
tigation at Klamath Kali.
(Special.) Mrs. Mary Achuff. proprie
tress of the Gem rooming-house, was
arrested at 2:30 o'clock Thursday morn
ing by Deputy Sheriff Lloyd Low, as
sisted by Chief of Police R. T. Bald
win and Patrolman George Snyder,
charged with conducting a nuisance.
For some time the Sheriff's office has
suspected that Mrs. Achuff was con
ducting & disorderly house and selling
liquor. A search of the rooms revealed
a small keg psrtly full of whisky In
the bottom of a trunk in the parlor.
This wns seized us evidence.
s-7 -
I u 1 1 St. tl
;0c WO FllEE TO ANY mtitrer.
V'p In Syracuse, N. Y-. a. trentnieut for
rheumatism has bfn found t hat hundreds
of uttra say a wonder, reporting cases that
eem Mttle short of miraculous. Jut a. t w
treatment even In th very worst causes eeiu
to accomittish wonders even after other rem
edies hive tailed entirely. It seem to neu
tralize t h uric arid and lime salt deposits
In the Mood, driving all the poisonous vUk
Kinc' waste front the s btm. orenesn. pain,
stiffness, KclUng Jut seem to uivlt aa'
and vanish.
The treatment first introduced hy Mr.
lano Is so nood thst Its owner wnti very
hody who suffers from rheumatism or hn
has a friend so afflicted, to get a free 5c
packajre from him to rove Just what tt
will do In eery cui before a penny la
sn-nt. Mr. Delano says: "To prove, thst
the De?ano treatment will positively over
come rheumatism, no mstte- ho-a severe,
sr iibborn or lonit stand in k the I'ise. and
ev n after all other treatments hav fail d.
I will. If you have never previously uwl th
treatment, send you a full size Ouc pack ait
free If you wjil just cut out this notice ad
Jtend It with your name and add rejs with
lOc to help pay posture and distributiou
pt-nso to me personally."
F. H. Delano. 11"-X Wood Mdff . fivrBruJ".
X. Y. I can send only one Free .Package
to an address.
Stop Using a Truss
TRUSS WEARERS. HerV. Great. Goe4. New
Tiresome, Torturous Trasses can be thrown w? for
ever, and It s sli because STl: ART'S PLAPAO-HAD1
are different from the pstnful truss, being medicine
apoUcsturs made self-adhesive purposely to prevent
supping and to sJlord sn arrangement o bcud lb4
distended muscles securely la plsos.
cannot slto. so cannot chafe or Dress against the nubia
bone. Thousands hare treated themselves In the prlvac'
of the home most obstinate cases cured no deUs
from wortc 8ofl as Telvetessy to spp'T tnexpens-vs.
Process of recovery is nstursL, so fiennros no ue
for trusses. Awarded Gold Msdal Internstioosl Expo
iron, Rocnet Grsad frts at Pans. Wnn us today to
Throve tt by sezkdmtf TRIAL PLAPAO FKLE. Aduresa.
1 Rap Labormtorioas filtck 103 fiuLultHSIfr
Amimm rtmut m" th-
VV 1903 Kur-lwat- v - , ' J