THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. NOVEMBER 5, 1916. H CALIFORNIA-SAFE i! FOR REPUBLICANS u l Johnson's Efforts to Roll Up i Big Majority Certain to fi Help Hughes. PAKTY IS FULLY REUNITED : i . Governor May Win Senatorsliijt by Margin of 1 75,000 Liquor Men ( Now Believe Both Aniend - ments Are Beaten. S :. IV '. m i I, j is : 3 : V, - 1 - fail to appear by an early hour In the afternoon, efforts will be made to find where they are. Steamships May Delay Sailing. Steamship companies have been re quested to withhold their sailings un til such an hour on Tuesday as will permit all residents of the city to vote and big commercial concerns have called in their salesmen at the request of business interests. Several thousand automobiles are to, be out for the day and any voter who telephones to headquarters will be carried to his polling place. This is not a caso of getting out any particular vote.' No questions are asked. The civic bodies want to poll a record vote and they are riot concerned with whether a man Is lor Wilson or HugHfes. Californians and San Franciscans as well are concerned with measures that are purely local, although of tremen dous importance hereabouts. One of the big- things on the state ballot is the Issuance of $15,000,000 of road bonds to complete the work that has already been done for good roads in the state. There are laterals to bo constructed and necessary improve ments to be made if the state is to have a road system well worth while. So far there has been no opposition organ ized, at least and the automobile as sociation, which is fostering this meas ure, believes that it will go through with flying colors. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 4. If political wiseacres count for anything and if the placing of wagers Is an indication of the future, the following predictions have some ground for their making on this, the eve of the Presidential elec tion in California: Charles Evans Hughes will carry the state. Governor Johnson will be elected f nited States Senator by an overwhelm ing vote. Both prohibition amendments will be defeated No. 1. or total prohibition, by an overwhelming vote, and No. 2 by a vote that will be decidedly smaller in comparison. Such at least Is the treni of public opinion at this writing and while the prophets are as likely to go astray as astute bettors are to be wrong, this Information is given for what it is worth. Johnson Forcn for Hughes. Two or three weeks ago the Republi can forces were willing to concede they had a hard fight on their hands to carry the state for Hughes. Today, although the Democrats are naturally counting on a divided Republicanism to help them out, the Johnson forces, wlio are In full control, declare that California Is safely within the ranks of the Republican party. Betting odds run: Even that Hughes will be elected President of the United States. 'Ten to seven that Hughes will-carry the state. Four to one that Johneon will be elected Senator. Even that Johnson will defeat Pat ton by 175.000. Four to one that amendment No. 1 (complete prohibition) will be defeated and even money that No. 1 will be de feated by 125,000 votes. Two to one that amendment No. 2 (which would prohibit the sale of liquor In ' less than two-gallon lots) will be defeated. A fortnight ago it was no better than even money on Hughes to carry the state and the switch is an indication that the supporters of the Republican nominee are confident. Johnson Is Galjilng. The price likewise denotes that John son's strength throughout the length of the Golden West is gaining. Two weeks ago the most the ardent sup porters of the Governor would tlaim was that he would have 100,000 over Patton. Today that has been advanced B0, 000 votes. Indeed, it Is the support attracted to Johnson that has caused people to figure the head of Progressive-Republicanism will carry with him Mr. Hughes. Not so much in San Francisco as in the farming regions Johnson has been waging a strong fight for the Re publican etandardbearer, and since Hiram W. himself has so many staunch supporters. It is believed he will be able to carry hundreds of them with him to Hughes. There is no bitterness, and as Cali fornia is normally a Republican state, there is much reason in the theory that it will not desert to President Wilson and the Democrats. Old-time politicians are unable to ac count for the burst of popularity shown by Governor Johnson in his triumphal march the length of the state. Some time ago Johnson's star seemed to be on the wane. There were certain in dications in votes on measures advo cated by the Governor to cause people to believe he had reached his limit. But since he gained the Republican nomination for the Senate there has has been only one question Just how large will his majority be. Of late the former running mate of Roosevelt on the Progressive ticket has been chiefly concerned with running up as large a vote as possible. SI any Climbing- on Bandwagon. How well he has apparently suc ceeded is indicated, as has been Inti mated, by the betting odds. To carry California over a Democratic opponent "by 175,000 votes is a stupendous under taking, yet such seems to be the pros pect. It Is a case of everybody even former enemies getting behind the nominee. Naturally, with his success. there are a lot of people who like to clamber aboard the bandwagon, and they will all count when the vote is totaled next Tuesday night. Men in the liquor business are far more cheerful over the situation than before. While they have all agreed that the No. 1 amendment stood no chance of passage, chiefly because of the wine interests, they were decidedly concerned over No. 2, which would have wiped out the saloons and done away with the sale of liquor In clubs or restaurants. Much money has been spent by the allied interests in the campaign and only this week has there developed a : " belief that No. 2 stands no chance or I . winning. Prohibition interests, which T '- have made a spirited campaign for sev- I eral weeks to carry No. 2. have dropped i ' away and there is no longer concerted I action on the part of the drys." SL In any event. It would not mean lm 2 mediate action. The sponsors of No. 1 amendment have provided that It should go into effect in 1920, providing. . of course, that it secures enough votes v while No. 2 would not be effective for two years, or 1918. giving the liquor ' interests something of a chance to get . out from under. Large Vote Will Be Polled. There is every Indication that the largest vote will be polled in Califor nia in the history of the state. The total registration eligible to partici- i pate In the general election nextTues day will be 1.300.000, an Increase of 80.000, according to an estimate made this week by the state election depart ment. All but six counties of the state have made their reports, but, accepting fig ures of 1914 for outstanding counties. the total vote will have increased at least 80,000. At the last state elec tion the total vote was 1,219,000. As eight counties have failed to seg regate the electors according to party affiliation. Secretary Jordan will be un able to furnish the total registration by parties. Los Angeles has divided its figures Into city and county, there being 224, 50 voters in the city proper and 136. 4 60 in the rest of the county, or a total of 360,910. San Francisco civic bodies are mak Ing special . efforts to see, that every registered voter appears at the polls, The San Francisco Chamber of Com' merce, augmented by 3000 volunteer workers, win keep tab on the early vote ana. where those who are eligible TRIBUTE PAID MOTHER SOX RETURNS AFTER. 70 TEARS TO MARK GRAVE WITH MONUMENT. R. I.. Dnshtel, of Dallas, Or., Goes to Louisville, Ky, to Put up Shaft to . "the Beautiful Lady on the Hill." LOUISVILLE. Ky, Nov. 4. (Special.) R L Dashiel, a native of Louisville and now a resident of Dallas, Or. came here after an absence or 70 years to honor the memory of his mother, "the beau tiful lady on the hill," arid has now returned to his Western home after attending the dedication of a monu ment to his mother on the old bury ing ground of the Dashiell family. For two weeks Mr. Dasblell. old and gray-bearded, superintended . excavation on the site of the cemetery of 70 years ago, which later was the site of a fort built by General Don Carlos Buell at the approach of Bragg's troops from the South. The old man confided bis ecret to none of the residents of the vicinity, hence aroused much curiosity. At the end of that time there was ex cavated the remains believed to be those of his mother. Mrs. D. W. Dashiell. The expense of the trip, location, ex cavation and monument was borne Jointly by Mr. Dashiell and his brother. Dr. D. v. Dashiell, a noted physician in the early days of Kentucky.. When the Oregon man was only 6 years old his mother, the central figure in the famous old play. "The Beautiful Lady on the Hill," and said to have been one of the most beautiful women In Ken tucky, died. She was buried in the orchard near the old Dashiell place and a massive brick wall, 40 feet square, was built around the burying ground. A year later, taking his two little boys, the physician went nest. This was in 1843. Much history is connected with the Dashiell place. The house, built in 1835, still stands. In it were enter tained at different times Henry Clay, President Zachary Taylor, George D. Prentice and other Kentucky notables. The monument, dedicated by two Louis ville pastors, has the following inscrip tion: v "Erected to the Memory of My Mother, Mrs. D. W. Dashiell. the Beau tiful Lady on the Hill." 4 '. m - ! - 3 E WESTERS SUFFRAGISTS ARB RUN- AIXO FOR CONGRESS. States ot California, Washington and Montana Have Candidates Rep resenting Two Parties. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 4. At next Tuesdays' election California contrib utes as a candidate one of several women running for seats In Congress n the Democratic. Republican and Progressive tickets. She is Mrs. Josephine Marshall Fernald, of San Francisco, Democratic candidate for a seat In the House of Representatives from the Fourth Congressional District of California, and is thereby opposing Julius Kahn, ranking Republican mem ber of the House committee on military affairs. Mrs. Fernald Is Incidentally the first California woman to run for a Federal office on either the Republican or Dem ocratic tickets. The other Western women running for Congress are Jeanette Rankin. Republican, from Montana, and Mrs. Frances Axtell, Democrat, from the Second District of Washington all Western women. AmERiGAN DOCTOR -IN MEXICO KILLED Chinese and Arabs Executed Summarily as Enemies of Villista Cause. SANTA ROSALIA IS TAKEN Capture of Purral and Jiminez Is Also Confirmed by Refugees. Carranza Troops Retire Before Attackers. CHIHUAHUA CITY, Mexico, via Kl Paso Junction, Nov. 4. Dr. Fisher, an American physician living at Santa Ro salia, was killed by the Villa bandits under General Baudelio Uribe, accord ing to the statement of a Mexican refugee who arrived here from Santa Rosalia late today. Dr. Fisher was one of the few Amer icans known to have been in Santa Rosalia at the time the Villa bandits captured the town. Chinese and Arabs Executed. General Uribe's bandits also executed several Chinese and Arab residents of Santa Rosalia on October 26. General Uribe. In a speech delivered after the capture of the town, accused foreign ers of being enemies of Villa's cause, and then ordered summary executions of the Chinese and Arab residents. Jimenez, the junction point on the Mexican Central Railroad of the Parral line, has been evacuated by Carranza forces under General Fortunato May cotte, who has fallen back upon Esca lon, about 80 miles south of Jimenez on the same railroad, a semi-official report received here from the south states. Villa Uses Captured Train. According to this report. Villa forces abandoned Santa Rosalia and proceed ed south on Jimenez, using a railroad train which had been captured from General Maycotte s forces north of Jim' enez after a brief skirmish between the Carranza train guards and r' ' van guards. As Jimenez was not considered of especial 4 strategic importance, and as it was not thought suited for de fensive action, it was evacuated by General Maycotte's forces, which fell back upon Escalon as a base, accord ing to this same report. As Escalon it is said thnt a Junction will be effected with General Murgia's division of 6000 troops and the forces of General Domingo Arrieta and those of General Herrera. The report that General Maycotte expected to effect a Junction with the forces of General Herrera at Escalon is believed to confirm the report that Par ral was evacuated by ttie Carranza forces under General Luis Herrera, as he is the only Carranza commander by that name operating in this zone. EL PASO. Tex.. Nov. 4. Government agents here received what they claim to be reliable information today that Santa Rosalia, Parral and Jiminez have been taken by Villa bandits. It is not known whether these towns were held by the bandits after their capture. American mining mn also received what they say is additional confirma ton today of the report that Tarral was taken on Tuesday. Herrera's Troops Retire. The government agents say they have reports showing that General Luis Herrera moved out of Parral before the approach of the Villa bandits and retired to San Francisco del Oro, in the mountains near Parral. It is be lieved by State Department officials that the Americans in Parral accom panied this column. An employe of a Parral mining com pany arrived here today by way of Torreon. Mexico, and Eagle Pass, Tex., and said Parral was in the hands of the Carranza forces when he left there on October 27. He said he had talked with Carranza soldiers at Jiminez, whose ears had been cut off by Villa bandits at Santa Rosalia. The mining man added that the Car ranza soldiers reported that the bandits had unspeakably mutilated at least 10 of the Carranza soldiers at Santa Ro salia. SAN ANTONIO. Tex., Nov. 4. Gen eral Funston received a report from General Pershing today on the recent engagement at Santa Ana between 110 cowboys doing guard duty on the Sabricora and Namlquipa ranches and a band of about 60 Villa soldiers. The report said several of the bandits were killed, in addition to those taken pris oners and turned over to the Carranza military authorities. JMottice to . Votes9 Eastern Oregon is looking to Portland and.Western Oregon and asking for your support and votes for the Eastern Oregon Normal School measure. The need of more trained teachers is great. Eastern Oregon has no institution of higher learning. The cost is small only 4 cents a year on a thousand dollars of taxable property, Pendleton is ideally located to serve the country east of the Cascades and to offer the site of the proposed Eastern Oregon Normal School. Do you want YOUR children taught by inexperienced and unskilled teachers? Don't you want to help secure experienced teachers for the children of those who live in Eastern Oregon? Help to raise the educational standards of the state and train up useful and intelligent citizens by voting Yes 308. THANK. YOU. NORMAL SCHOOL COMMITTEE. By J. H. Gwinn, Secretary. (Paid Advertisement.) ; Buy Furniture This Christmas: TTnlverslty Library Gets Operas. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eu gene. Nov. 4. '(Special.) To show his interest in the work of the uni versity, C. A. Burden, of Eugene, for mer director of the men's physical training department, presented the University library with a number of opera scores and cantatas. Samuel L. Simpson's "Beautiful Willamette," ar ranged in cantata form by y. Dom inic as "Ad Willamettam"; Shuberfs Miriam's Song of Triumph," Gensen' Feast of Adonis," Romberg's "Lay of the Bell and Mendelssohn's "Elijah are among the 20 .volumes contributed. Up to date about 240O t'i of steam rail roads In the United States have been elec trified. Use It Three Times! t&'JPW te J PORE TREATMENT A Marvelous -MEALING QIHIMENT (JuuaJnetto r?tyle) Takes place of porous plasters, pain tablets ana internal mecicinei in tne rener or almost every ill. Rubbed over the affected parts it relieves the worst casts of neuralgia and rheumatism. Rubbed over the nerve centers along the spine it stops headache and soothes the nerves. Try it for stiff neck, ore lungs, sore throat, bad coughs or nasal catarrh. To overcome kidney trouble and lumbago, apply plentifully and let it absorb. As a clarifler and beautifier of the kiri aud complexion it Is simply magical. Ke rn ves freckles, chaps and wrinkles. Three sizes. y-c. oc and at drug prists. Ijaow-4ioc Co., Pasadena. CaL Superfluous Hair a smooth, hairlens akin alwaya fol lows the use of Demount. It will not injure or discolor the akin, la easily applied and removes super fluous hair or fuzz in two minutes, a single application sufficing; un less the hair is unusually thick. ' Neither smarts nor disfigures and does not stimulate the growth of new hair. Demosant is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. Generous trial size postpaid In plain wrapper, lor 25c. or large Jar, perfumed, 50c, or any druggist can obtain either package for you. If he hasn't it in stock. Esbencott Chemical Labora tories, Portland, Or. ooo nnn oco coo enn ooo ooo Dan ooo ooo nnn ooo n cna ooo DO YOU SUFFER FROM BACKACHE? When your kidneys are weak and torpid they do not properly perform their functions: your back aches and you do not feel like doing much of anything. Tou are likely to be de spondent and to borrow trouble, just as if you hadn't enough already. Don't be a victim any longer. The old reliable medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla, gives strength and tone to the kidneys and builds up the whole system. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a peculiar combination of roots, barks and herbs. No other medicine acts like it. because no other medicine has the same formula or ingredients. Accept no substitute, but Insist on having Hood's, and get it today. Sold by all druggists. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A Nfw Home Care That Anyone Can Use ithtout Uiscomfort or Loss of Time. We have a New Method that cures Asthma and we want- you to try It at our expense No matter whether your case is of long standing or recent development, whether it la present as occasional or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter in . what climate you live, no matter what your age or occupation. If you are troubled with asthma, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send It to those apparently hopeless cases, where all forms of inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our own expense that this new method Is designed to end all diffi cult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms at once and for all time. This free offer is too important to neglect a single t?ay. Write now and then begin the method at once. Pend no money. Simply mail coupon below. Do it today. FREE ASTHMA COCFOX. FRONTIER ASTHMA CO.. Room 1085A. Niagara and Hudson 8ts.. Buffalo, N. Y, irenci free trial of our method to: Li coo cna ooo coo una ooo ooo cna ooo ooo ooo j ooo nca ooo ana coo n coo nan ooo 1 ULI ooo cno ooo ooo pen ooo Brings EDWARDS' Ever-Famous "Co 4 H mi or i iecmiier Right to Your Home ous Edwards "Comfort Recliner" will be a greatly "Xmas Gift" Buy now for Xmas deliv ery. SAVE $7.15 ALL that may be desired in an easy chair for the giving of complete comfort and relaxation is found in Edwards "Comfort Recliner." The back and seat are made more luxurious; style, finish and construction are of the best. Being equipped with the reclining back and disappearing foot rest, a true combination of chair comfort and beauty is possessed. For the Best $22 COMFORT CHAIR An .astounding value is shown in this eyer-f am- "Comf ort Recliner." A small payment each week of $1 will soon pay the balance WE CHARGE NO INTEREST THERE is a place in every home for just such a chair as this. Long afternoons and evenings will be more pleasant with this "Comfort Recliner" at your service. Back, seat, arm rests and foot rest are all upholstered with fine Spanish leatherette. Steel arm which operates reclining back is built in, and is completely concealed the same as foot rest, when chair stands erect. OUT-OF-TOWN FOLKS: Being ever solicitous of your needs and anxious to serve your every want, a special department known as our "mail service" division awaits your call. An illustrated catalogue will be sent you upon request. It's free. You must order this "Comfort Kecliner" Derore saturaay nigni 10 Bei mc pcuai pit u.u Please add 60c to secure safe packing; also state whether immediate or tnnsimas aenery is nicu. iTirT "L-Paso" Steel Range installed in your home for only $goo CLl" Cash J Thanksgiving Sale $36 Dining Tables Balance at $1.00 Week Your Old Stove Taken as Part Payment 'Greato. Portland Quarter -sawed top, pedestal and legs. You can buy many things with the $7.20 saved on this table. The grain on this top is especially clear and select. Fatronlz th rl<y Man. Thml'B tho Cn roriland Flan 8 pa- Buy Furniture This Christmas S-Foot En IS-Inch Extension f v'd Top WITH w ' d nd shallow Mill! firebox, cut. out fira linings, sllda damper, supreme oven c o n t r u ctlon, polishd ffteel top. beautiful nickel trimmings and white enamel splasher back and oven door, you set a range of which you will feel proud in years to come. After the first meal has been made on !u you'll aay: "It's the best 1 flyEl ever law," at 9iJ A GOOD PLACE TO TRAPE C ESS mm mam rao OAK STREET: Selected oak only haa been uaed in its construction its rich and smooth wax finish has appealed to the most criti cal eye. and. as only etx tables of this particular number re main, it behjooves you to order early, because a 0 per cont cut means "iulk fale. We will deliver it the day bfor T h a 11 k s r 1 vtng if ou don't want it no. linn 0E30 oao 2 Blocks Off Washington Toward Union Depot, locaoi nr-ioi locaoi ooo CCD ooo m ooo ooo inn ooo nca ooo 'll ooo naa ooo nr in II uo ooo 1 iUkJ ooo ooo 050 1 ooo ana ooo nn ooo naa ooo ooo nnn in. ceo ooo 1 ooo ooo inn i! I!! UU'J ooo ooo in ill ooo nsa ooo inn ilili! m