The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 05, 1916, Section One, Page 18, Image 18

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flalv-RinpInu Fartinn Ic Fy.
pected to Seek Revenge
V nn Cnnnnil Mainritv.
Further Meetings 'Will Be Lilvely,
Kay Watchers, Who Note Race
for Title of "Watchdog of
V Treasury of City.
Lively doings are In store in the City
Council chamber this week over the
1917 budget figures. Each individual
Commissioner is sharpening his ax for
the fray which is to come o-er the
6 per cent general cut forced down the
throats of Commissioners Daly and
Bigelow by Mayor AJbee and Commis
sioners Dieck and Baker.
Somebody is going- to get hurt finan
cially and somebody else politically.
The financial sufferings will drop on
the shoulders of many employes. The
political sufferings will fall on some
of the Commissioners who are receiv
ing credit from City Hall attaches for
staging economy propaganda in the
interest of their political futures.
The big fireworks display which Is
to come this week was touched off on
J-'riday when Commissioners Daly and
Bigelow, under Daly leadership, were
cocked and primed to pull a. big econ
omy programme in departments other
than their own.
Promoters Get Own Remedy.
This was to come In spite of the fact
that they, with the other Commission
ers, had gone down the line and cut out
everything In every department that
looked "cutable."
Commissioner Dleck, who was to be
one of the prime losers by this arrange
ment, blossomed forth with a real
economy programme that sank the gaff
into the departments of Mr. Daly and
Mr. Bigelow along with the others. To
have economy shoved down their own
throats was a horse of a different color
nnd revenge from the Daly-Blgelow fac
tion is expected at ensuing budget
meetings. Where the trouble will end
Is purely a matter of conjecture. The
economy title, so much coveted In pre
election times, still hangs high and no
effort will be spared on the part of
some to gee it- 11 is a vaauaoie asseu
Padded Budgets Denied.
The Daly-Bigelow faction Is herald
ing forth to tneir constituency mat tne
Dieck, Albee and Baker budgets were
padded and that their own were not
and that, therefore, the three could
spare 6 per cent cuts while the others
could not.
in that case. They assert that every
.budget was gone over carefully and
every possible item trimmed out by all
1h 7rmTnisKioners n nrt that then the
proposed programme of gigantic slices
in "the other fellow's budget" was pre
sented by Mr. Daly and Mr. Bigelow.
Having had the economy title
snatched out of his hands. Commisslon-
. er Daly Is expected by those watching
the tussle to make another run for it.
It is now expected at the City Hall
that he will attempt once more to stage
'his cutting programme in "the other
fellow's department," or he may even
go to the bat with a programme of
till another 5 per cent cut.
Reduction of Lights Rumored.
Revenge may also pop up in the form
of cuts where some of the Commis
sioners do not want it. Mr. Daly may
make his entire 5 per cent cut in his
-department in the item of street light-
. Jng. It is whispered about the City
Hall that this is what he has in mind.
-although he has not publicly said as
" much.
The rest of the Commissioners are
trying to save all- the employes they
can out of the proposition. Each is
cutting as deeply as possible into the
appropriations for supplies and mate
rials and leaving as much as possible
of the salary appropriations.
Even at that, vast sums will have to
be lopped off the salary columns. It
is said the programme will necessitate
the cutting out of something like 20
' policemen and detectives and a large
number of firemen.
Mayor Albee said yesterday that he
has not been able to get the pro
gramme mapped out yet. He -says he
intends to try to save enough out of
the remains to give the firemen their
one day off In five in place of one
day in six, as at present. He says
they have earned this and should
have it
Concerts May Its Eliminated.
The cutting means that next year
the city will do nothing. Street main
tenance will have to be given up al-
' most entirely. It may be necessary to
cut out concerts In the parks, and
either to cut out part of the play
grounds and swimming tanks and park
Improvements or cut down the season
to a few weeks.
There will be no new construction,
police and fire protection will be ma
terially cut down and all the other ac
tivities of the city will be curtailed
to a minimum.
Among the most serious propositions
that may be eliminated is that of the
O.-W. R. & X. grade crossings on the
East Side, a project involving an ex
penditure of about $800,000. most of
which would be spent by the O.-W. R.
& N. Company.
City Will Hare o Cub for Months.
Also it means the city will get far
ther in the hole financially than it is
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there will be about two months at the
beginning of next year that there will
be no money to pay salaries or bills of
the city.
Provision is made in the budget as It
now stands for making up part of this
deficit, which dates back to the time
, $300,000 a year In liquor license rev
enue was lost. But the way the thing
is going now this money allowed for
making up the deficit will be eaten up
next year by special appropriations
which will be necessary to keep up the
city s activities.
In the appropriations for the present
'.. year provision was made for wiping
out part of this deficit. But during
the year the money has almost all been
. used up by emergency expenditures,
nnd it is thought the same will hap
. pen next year under the present ar
There was much complaint at the
beginning of the commission govern
ment administration In Portland in
l'.)13 about needed things in the way of
expenditures having been passed along
; by the former administration. Among
the special things mentioned was in
sufficient sums to provide adequate
sinking funds for bonds. At the pres
.tut rate the next administration will
find 200 or 300 per cent more "passed
- dlone burdens than the present ad
J ministration got from the old adminis
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Long-Distance Phone Call Is
to Convert Western Women.
Plea Will Be Last for Election of
Republican and Extension of
Suffrage to Unenfranchised
Sisters by Victory.
The last plea in the present campaign
of the Eastern women to the Western
women, asking the latter to vote ror
Mr. Hughes and thereby for a step in
the way of Federal equal suffrage, will
be made tonight when, from Chicago,
Mrs. Harriet Stanton Blatch will speak
over long-distance telephone to Oregon
women, bidding them cast their vote
for the Republican nominee.
The mezzanine floor of the Multno
mah Hotel has been fitted up with a
number of telephone receivers and half
dozen transmitters. A committee ol
Portland women, who although former
ly of Wilson leanings are now avowea
supporters of Mr. Hughes on the broad
principle of woman's rights, has been
selected to respond to Mrs. Blatch.
Prominent Women on Committee.
This committee includes, among oth
ers. Miss Emma Wold, aiiss liertruae
Talbot, Miss Cornelia Cook. Mrs. w.
J. Hawkins, Mrs. Andre Fouilhoux,
Mrs. Lewis McArthur, Mrs. Woodruff.
Mrs. Hepburn and Mrs. Mary Gertrude
Kendall, the last named a Maryland
representative of the Woman's Party,
who has been working in Oregon with
Miss Margaret Whittemore. of Michi
gan, in the interest of Mr. Hughes and
equal suffrage prospects.
The ceremony will begin at 6 o clock
Portland time. The affair is open to
the public, and a large gathering of
women is expected. Receivers have been
installed to accommodate a good num
ber, and the transcontinental conver
sation will be made public. Mrs. Blatch,
who has been actively identified with
the major woman movements of the
country for a number of years, will
send a special message of hope to the
Oregon women.
The telephone conversation prac
tically winds up the work of the Worn
an's party in Oregon, as the representa
tives here are sanguine that Oregon
will return a successful vote for Mr.
Hughes. The party has enlisted in its
ranks the last few months a large num
ber of Oregon women who were openly
advocates of Wilson's re-election, but
who have swung to the Republican
standard bearer on the suffrage Issue as
paramount to others at this time, from
the women's viewpoint.
Oregon Women Kot Members.
The Woman's party does not number
in its membership, however, the Ore
gon women, because the party is com
posed of women who belong in the
states where the suffrage right has not
yet been granted. The party leaders
have made it clear to the Western
women that the party was not organ
lzed to dictate but to appeal to th
W estern and suffrage state women.
The Democratic party leaders told the
suffrage petitioners that they did not
believe the women were to he reck
oned with as a political force, and the
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Mrs. Harriet Stanton Blatch, Who
Will Talk From Chicago to
Portland Tonight In the Inter
est of the Election of Mr.
Jonathan Rollins, of Alton. H-, ape
7f. In successfully driving his new auto
V TTiobilo. He drove to Dover a few days ago,
' which was the first tlms he had viit the
- place In 40 fears.
Woman's party was organized to prove
that they were. For that reason, while
the party numbers many Democratic
women, it has lent its influence to
piling up a telling vote for Mr. Hughes.
Mr. Hughes la the candidate who has
come out in the open and espoused the
rights of women.
Philadelphia school children, by contribut
lng pennies, have endowed a bed in a hos
pital for consumptives.
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Oregon Troops on Border Are
Waxing Impatient.
Three Officers Mentioned for
Colonel of Third Oregon.
Captain K. P. Williams and Lieuten
ant-Colonels McAlexander and
3fay Are Suggested First
Two Regular Officers.
General orders for tho election of
successor to Colonel Clenard Mc
Laughlin, late Colonel of the Third Ore
gon Infantry, who has been ordered
back to duty as Captain with the Sev
enth United States Infantry, a part
of General Pershing's command in Mex
ico, were issued yesterday by Major
W. W. Wilson, acting Adjutant-General
of the Oregon National Guard.
The election will be held at 8:30 P.
M. at the Armory, in this city, Wednes
day. November 15. Field officers and
Captains of the Third infantry are
eligible to vote. Colonel Creed C. Ham
mond has been designated inspector of
Three officers are being mentioned
as possible successors to Colonel Mc
Laughlin, and these are the only names
that have so far appeared. Friends of
Cafrtaln Kenneth P. Williams, United
States Army, who has been Inspector
instructor on duty with the Oregon Na
tional Guard, and who made a notable
record during the mobilization of the
Oregon National Guard for border serv
ice, has been besought by a number of
officers to become a candidate, but he
thinks it will be impossible for him
to do so as he Is likely to be ordered
Lieutenant-Colonel John L. May, of
the Third Oregon Infantry, will be a
candidate. It is expected, for tho post
Just vacatedi by tne departure of Colo
nel McLaughlin. He is well known In
Portland, and his many friends in the
Guard will, it Is expected, give him
loyal support.
Lieutenant Colonel Ulysses G. Mc
Alexander, United States Army, who
has been commandant of cadets at the
Oregon Agricultural College, a duty
from which he was recently relieved,
since that time having been attached
to Oregon National Guard headquarters.
also is expected to be a candidate for
the post.
Husband Punishes Prisoner for At
tentions Paid to His Wife.
When Edward Ralston was placed in
the same corridor in the County Jail
with Earl Hanson Friday trouble
brewed. For Ka,lston had been sent to
Jail by Judge McGinn for failure to
pay his divorced wife $30 a month, and
the woman on whom he was alleged
to have spent some of the money his
wife didn t get was Mrs. Earl Hanson.
Consequently Hanson appeared at
breakfast yesterday morning with
ugly cut on his lip, and Ralston hove
on the scene with two blackened eyes
It was a silent battle, for no one In
the corridor was aroused. Hanson, who
is 30 years old and weighs 190 pounds,
is said to have provoked the fight with
Ralston, who Is 50 years bid and weighs
40 pounds less. The older and lighte
man came out unofficial victor.
Hanson is in jail for non-support.
BY 100,000 LIKELY
Assessor Reed Shows How
Development Would Be Re-
tarded by Measure.
Portlanders Wonder at Their Deten
tion at Calexlco After Washing
ton and California Soldiers
Are Mustered Out.
Why. are the boys of Battery A de
tained on the Mexican border with no
apparent need for their services?
This Is a Question that the families
and friends of the boys at home in
Portland are asking, and one that is
giving the boys themselves more or
less food for thought.
Since President Wilson has tailed to
follow his sensational mobilization of
the troops with any move that looks to
definite settlement of the Mexican
problem, the members of Battery A are
beginning to feel. It is reported, that
their further detention on the border
is distressing to them, annoying to
their families and useless for the needs
of the country.
The sentiments of the men are pretty
well expressed in the following letter
Just received from a friend on the
border after he had heard expressions
of opinions from the battery members
who, for obvious reasons, did not want
their names used:
Nation's Call Answered.
"Four months ago President Wilson
deemed the Mexican situation so criti
cal that he felt Justified In dispatch
ing the greater part of the National
Guard to the border. This move was
presumably for the purpose of pro
tecting us against border raids by law
less bands of Mexican bandits, and pos
sibly armed Invasion of our territory
by Carranzista forces.
"A possibility of American interven
tion in Mexican affairs was no longer
in the background. But. what really
happened? America was aroused.
Never since the days of '98 was such
a spirit shown.
"Confident that the country was in
urgent need of their services men
everywhere rushed to the colors, sac
rificing their positions, homes, their
families need of them, and what not.
for the sake of their patriotic duty.
ae first military organization to
actually reach the border and report
for duty was Battery A, of Portland.
This is a splendid bckly of men and
is, without doubt, second to none among
11 the militia organizations In the
United States.
"I saw a number of these men calmly
resign their positions when the mobili
zation order came; others left their
families, thus depriving them of their
only means of support; some left par
ents In destitute circumstances; In fact,
one could go on Indefinitely citing
numerous instances where great sacri
fices were made by the militiamen.
And those who have called these men
tin soldiers. In derision, how much
did they sacrifice?
"Ever since July 1 has Battery A
been stationed on the border at Calex
lco, Cal., and after patient days and
weeks, yes, months of hardships, drill,
toil, excessive heat and. in fact, all
that goes to make a soldier, the men
of the battery are asking why they are
compelled to remain longer while so
many of the other troops have been
ordered home.
"In short, they have come to feel that
they have done their part, and there
is no Justification in their further de
tention there.
War Now Remote.
"It cannot be said that a Mexican
war is imminent, for such is not the
case. Never since the Mexican trouble
first began has there been a more re
mote possibility of war than now.
Press reports Indicate that the confer
ence of American and Mexican com
missioners on the Atlantic Coast has
been satisfactorily concluded.
At any rate. Calexico is in a peace
able locality, and Governor Carter, of
Lower jaiirornia, can 111 afford to
Incur our ill favor, for his own best
Interests lie in continued friendly- re
lations with the United States.
"Some may argue that it is the need
of drill or experience that prohibits
an early removal; or it may be said
that the battery Is insufficiently
equipped; but neither are sound argu
ments. "Battery A is known to have a high
rating at Washington In efficiency, and
now, after their present experience on
the border, they should be permitted to
return to their respective walks in civil
life, meantime holding their complete
equipment which they have at present,
and. upon resuming their regular drills
at home, it may be seen that they could
always be kept in a high state of pre
paredness for time of war.
"Were troubled conditions prevailing
on the Canadian frontier it is not rea
sonable to suppose that the War De
partment would muster out the Wash
ington troops and meanwhile detain
Oregon or California troops there in
their stead. Nevertheless this is Just!
what is being done on the Southern
California border, since practically all!
of California's troops are ordered home 1
to be mustred out field artillery as
well as infantry.
"But In the meantime Battery A, of
Portland, continues to remain on the
Mexican border at Calexico. What do '
the people of Oregon think?"
Revenue Kaised Would Not Provide
for Governmental Expenses and
Would Only Be Satisfactory -During
Boom Periods.
The full rental value land tax amend
ment to the constitution will be over
whelmingly defeated next Tuesday, ac
cording to County Assessor Henry E.
Reed, who has made an active cam
paign against the measure.
Mr. Reed estimates that the major
ity against the amendment will be up
wards of 100.000. He says it will be
beaten worse than any other measure
of similar character ever submitted to
the people of Oregon.
Four years ago a graduated land tax
amendment was rejected by more than
60.000 majority. Two years ago an
amendment providing a super tax on
land was beaten by nearly too'. 000. This
year's decisive defeat of the rental
value Echeme. together with the fact
that the Fela Fund Commission will go
out' of existence on December 31. miv
be expected to give Oregon some relief
in the future from proposed legisla
tion of this character.
Billion In Property Included.
In his addresses in various parts of
the county. Assessor Reed has asked
his audiences to bear In mind that the
land-rent tax Is not only a proposed con
stitutional amendment, but because of
Its effect upon the sovereign power of
taxation, practically proposes an entire
new state constitution.
It concerns the 800.000 people now
in the state and property which the
Tax Commission values in the neigh
borhood of 1.5O0.000. 000.
Notwithstanding the possible effects
of the adoption. It has been drafted and
put upon the ballot oy a small group
of persons and recommended to the
electorate as a cure-all for the ills of
mankind. No conference of people in
terested In tax legislation was called
and no attempt made to ascertain the
sentiment of the peopje at large with
regard to the need of the measure.
Paralysis of Development Forecast.
One argument which Mr. Reed has
used effectively is that the destruction
of the selling value of land, which
would be a logical consequence of the
taking of the full ground rent, would
paralyze agricultural development in
Oregon through the medium of rural
Both the Federal farm loan act. now
in force, and the pending rural credits
amendment to the constitution of Ore
gon, take the land value as the basis
of loans on farm lands.
Both lend upon the basis of 60 per
cent of the value of the land, with an
additional allowance by the Federal
Government up to 20 per cent of the
value of the permanent, insured lm-
full ground rent, there would be no
value to mortgage cither to Federal
Government or the state for loans.
As the laws of Oregon, if tl.e land
rent amendment xhould be adopted,
would not afford sufficient protection
to mortgages of the kind authorized by
the Federal farm loan act, it would
be the duty of the Federal Govern
ment to put Oregon In the list of in
eligible states for farm loans, there
to remain until it should recover from
its dream of making land common prop
erty by confiscating rent.
Assessor Heed has impressed upon
his audiences that Oregon should not
spurn the chance now offered to co
operate with the Federal Government
in the development of agriculture. Tne
iovernment. he says, will be able to
lend money to farmers at u per cent
on loans running from five to 40 years,
which are better terms than can be
obtained by the owners of the best
retail land in the city of Portland.
Ownership Not Eneoursa-ed.
Under present condition farmers
pay from SU to 9i per cent for their
money on short-time loans, and are
burdened with an interest charge
which weighs them down and hampers
their progress.
Another argument made by Assessor
Reed, which appeals strongly to home
owners is that the amendment, if adopt
ed, would not encourage home owner
ship, as has been claimed by its spon
sors and advocates.
He has shown from official figures
of the United States Government that
tho percentage of owned farm homes
in Oregon increased from So in 19u0 to
xa.2 in 1910. In the City of Portland.
the percentage of owned homes was
30.5 in 1S30. and 31.4 in 1900 and 46.3 in
Portland Percentage lllaK.
With the exception of Oakland. Cal..
and Spokane, Wash.. Portland has the
greatest percentage of owned homes of
any city in the United States, whose
population exceeds 100.000.
"Portland's progress in home
making." says Mr. Reed, '"has been
achieved under existing laws relating
to the acquisition, ownership and taxa
tion of land No legislation of the
type of the pending amendment is re
quired to encourage further advance
ment in the direction of home-owning.
In fact, such legislation tends to dis
courage home-owning."
Referring to the experiments with
land taxation in Canada, whloh are ap
provingly quoted by advocates of land
rent legislation. Assessor Reed has
shown that they have been confined
mainly to young cities, which did not
have the complex problem of vested
rights to deal with.
Vonnr Cities Try Scheme.
Where the system of land taxation
has been Introduced land values were
Increasing rapidly and enormously, and
the transition to the land tax was made
under the favorable condition of an ex
panding tax base.
The same end could have been ac
complished in Portland in the period
of population increase and land de
velopment, which followed upon the
close of the Lewis and Clark Centen
nial Exposition.
However, the Canadian cities learned
their lesson long before the outbreak
of the general European war. With
the coming of the business depression,
which was common to Canada, as well
as to the United States, the experience
of the Canadian cities showed con
clusively thpt land values cannot under
all circumstances, be depended upon to
supply in a satisfactory manner the
necessary public revenue.
Not Knonr0 Krrcnoe Provided.
Such, also, would be the result In
Oregon if the land rent tax should be
approved by the people. The land rent
tax would not provide the necessary
public revenue for all the units of gov
ernment within the state, and could
not be made to do so.
Summarizing his objections to the
proposed amendment. Assessor Reed
has set forth that the benefits which
t promises would not accrue. They are
A bulldintr
Republican Nominee
Vote X 74
(Paid Advert Uemcnt.)
With the selling value of the land I visionary In the extreme.
taken away by the Imposition of the boomlet might follow the adoption A
the amendment, but it would be of
short duration. There would not he
continuous employment for labor
through the stimulation of construc
tion work for the Fimple reason that
there is not an unlimited demand for
People would not be encouraged to
go upon the land In times of stress and
unemployment and be expected to make
a living, because, without agricultural
training, they would fail.
Tho one sure effect of this adoption
of the amendment would be to dis
courage investments of any kind In real
estate and retard the development of
riffy-Flve Years Ao Cleveland Olrl
Bcrame Bride of I.awer.
LENOX. 'Mass:. "Oct. CS. Kifty-fivo
years acn Joseph H. Clioate was mar
ried to Miss Caroliue Dutcher Sterling,
of Cleveland. Ohio. Aside from con
gratulatory telegrams from relatives,
no special observance marked the day.
Hoth Mr. and Mrs. Choate are in ex
cellent health and are out every dty
in their automobile. They expect to re
main in Stockhrldge for a few days.
Samuel W. McC-ill. Governor of Mas
sachusetts. Mrs. M.Call and their two
daughters. Misses Ruth and Katherine
McCall. and Lieutenant-Governor Cal
vin Coolidge are at Stockbridge.
Arriving the other night were th
Duke and Duchess de Richelieu, of
Horse in Bole of Pickpocket.
CLEVELAND. O.. Oct. 3. A heavy
draught hose enacted a role of pick
pocket In Allentown. Pa-, recently. The
discovery was made by the driver, who.
while driving along the street, saw a
gold watch and chain dangling from
the animal's tail. The theory is that
as the horse switched its tail to keep
off the files it dexterously extracted
the timepiece from the vest pocket of a
pedestrian who was passing by.
S ffie JHIalf i lie Jnvestfmeiii
am lijbuF Car
7INTER with its rain
yW and mud is on the way
threatening to put the
good old car out of commission,
but don't exile the companion of
your fair weather days.
Stop and think that the dif
ference between safe and dan
gerous motoring is not the
summer or winter skies above
but the fires beneath Goodrich
Black Safety Tread Tires.
Look carefully over then
simple effective non-skid tread.
The common sense of the par
allel five fiingers and cross-tie
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why a v Goodrich tire grips
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bed-rock safety.
Rain or shine, it puts fair
weather under your motor car.
Rescue your car from months
of idleness '- save yourself the
loss of investment, comfort and
convenience by equipping
it with
Goodrich Fair-List Prices
30x3 $10.40 34x4 $22.40
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pi;??- J MV,
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