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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1916)
17 BALLOT FOR NEXT TUESDAY'S ELECTION IS GIVEN FOR VOTERS Names of Candidates and Titles of Measures Just as They Will Appear at Polls Are Here Given. TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 5, 1916. 4 ELECTION INFORMATION. Election day next Tuesday, No vember 1. Polls open 8 o'clock A. II., close at 8 o'clock P. M. Voters otherwise qualified who have not registered may be sworn In at the polls In Multno mah County on affidavit of six freeholders; outage of Multno mah County, on affidavit of two freeholders. This is the first Presidential election in Oreg-on at which women vote. Suffrage was granted Oregon women at the Presidential election in 1912. This is also the first Presiden tial election at which persons holding first naturalization pa pers only may not vote. Only those who are full citizens, with final papers, if naturalized, may vote. Persons who have removed from precinct in which they were registered since registra tion books closed may vote In new precinct by obtaining cer tificate of registration from County Clerk. Election bulletins will be flashed by The Oregonian on a screen at Sixth and Alder streets Tuesday night, beginning at 6 o'clock. The Oregonian has also ar ranged for electric light signals announcing the election result to be flashed in residences of Portland, Oregon City. Salem and Vancouver, according to & cod printed elsewhere In this paper. ON the Multnomah County ballot this year are names of 122 can didates, of which 44 are Repub licans.' That there are so many addi tional names is due to the faot that the Democrats, Socialists and Prohibi tionists have tickets that are almost, but not quite, complete. Five candidates on the ballot are not opposed, having the nominations not only of their own party, but of at least One other party, as well. Walter H. Evans, Republican nom inee for District Attorney of Multno mah County, Is also the Democratic and Progressive nominee. The same is true of John M. Lewis, Republican nominee for County Treas urer. However, in Mr. Lewis' case, this Is nothing new. He Is a candidate for his eighth successive term as County Treasurer. The voters are getting so tised to voting for Mr. Lewis that it is rare for anybody to oppose him, even for the nomination. The Prohibition ists and Socialists have not named any body to run against him at this election. Robert Tucker, Republican nominee tor Circuit Judge of Department No. 3, has the Progressive nomination also. The Democrats have no candidate. t For Constable of Multnomah District. M. M. Squires. Republican, has the Democratic end Progressive nomina tions to boot. ' B. F. Rollins, Democratic nominee for Justice of the Peace, Multnomah Dis trict, is also indorsed by the Repub licans and Progressives, and has no opposition. Though the present ballot is quite long, it Is not nearly as long as the ballot at the Presidential election four years ago. There are 10 measures on the ballot this time. In 1912 there were 42 measures to be voted on in Mult nomah County. There were also more candidates than there are now. LISTER SURE OF VICTORY GOVERNOR. EXPECTS MAJORITY F AT LEAST 23,000. Nearly Every County of Eastern WMk ington Is Placed on Safe Side, With King: nnd Pierce Helping. SEATTLE. Wash.. Nov. 4. (Special.) In closing a hard day's campaign in King County, with a total of' ten speeches to his credit. Governor Lister declared tonight that he was certain of re-election by a majority of at least 25,000. Governor Lister believes that one of the most potent factors which will bring about his success at the polls is the record he has made in the past four years as Governor. "I believe that there is no question but that 1 will carry practically every county in Eastern Washington. I have assurances that many of my Repub lican opponents admit this fact. 1 figure that we will come to the moun tains with at least 10,000 majority. I received 7000 majority in King County four years ago, and I think that I will carry this county again by that mar gin. "While we will -undoubtedly lose some Western Washington counties, they will be lost by a close margin, and with my home county of Pierce giv ing me a good majority, I am convinced that when votes are counted I will he elected by 25,000." CHURCH AND UNION LINKED f Increased Activity to Prevent Labor Troubles Is Suggested. DES MOINES, la., Nov. 2. By unan imous vote Kansas City was chosen as the meeting place of the 1917 National convention of the Churches of Christ. The date for the meeting will be de cided on later. The committee on resolutions recom mended Increased activity on the part of the church to prevent labor trou bles, pledged the church to do aTI in its power to bring about closer amica ble relations between employers and employes and the ultimate consumer. It also called attention to the settle ment of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Com pany strike by personal intervention of John D. Rockefeller. Jr. MULTNOMAH COUNTY TO HAVE 375 POLLING PLACES TUESDAY . ; . . , ' Portland Has 344 Precincts 109 on West Side, and 235 on East Side, In cluding St. Johns, but Not Linnton, Which Is Grouped With 31 in "Country VOTES for President of the United States will be cast in more polling places in Multnomah County next Tuesday than in any previous Presi dential election. There are a total of 875 precincts in this year's list, with election officials numbering more than 3700. Of the precincts 344 are in the city of Portland proper, with 109 on the West Side and 235 on the East Side. This does not include the precinct of Linnton, which is still grouped with the "country" precincts in the num hering, but does include St. Johns. The Portland precincts number from 1 to $99 inclusive, with 1 to 98 on the West fcide and 99 to 299 on the East Side. There are SI "country'' precincts, numbering from 300 to 326V.. There are 43 precincts having "V4" numbers, 11 being on the West Side, 34 on the East fciide and four outside of Portland. In all but a few outlying precincts there are two election boards, one serv ing in the day and the other at night. Each is composed of two "Judges and three clerks. Some f the smaller pre cincts have only one board of live members. The polling places are open next Tuesday from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. A list of them follows: IPrecincts and Location No. ICarson Garaga, Tburman, between S2t1 and Kugby. Xo.2 -Terrace Grocery, S, W. .corner 2Sth end Thurman. No. i N. W. corner 23th and TJpshur streets. No. 4 S. W. corner 25tfi and Thurman. No. 5-464 24th street North. No. ti 3.2 North 23U, corner Savler. No. 7 Gb7 Wilson street, between 2lBt Und 22d. No. 8 652 Thurman, between 20th and 21st streets. No. u 365 North 17th, between Savler and Thurman. No. 10 12 Gllsan, between 5th and 6th. No. 11 S. E. corner 14th and Marshall No. 12 217 N. 17th, between Marshall and Northrup. No. 13 290 N. 21st, between Overton and petty grove. No. 14-i-N. W. corner 21st and Northrup. No. 15HU1 Military Academy, 821 Mat. SlisU. No. 1ft Engine house, 24th and Johnson. No. 17 Col. Tailoring Co., 171 NT. 21st, between Irving' and Johnson. No. 18 153 North 23d. No. 19 Garage, 23d, between Iloyt and Irving:. No. 20 Hartford Apts.. N. W. corner N. lFt and Flanders. No. 21 Fisher's Garage, 21st, between Ke.nney and Lovejoy. No. 22 t8 Glisan, near 21 st street. No. 23 University of Portland. 17th and K farney. No. 24 Portland Van Storage Co., N". W. corner 15th and Kearney. No. 25 X. K. corner 18th and Glisan. X". 25a Basement Wellington Court, X. W. corner 15th and Everett. No. 2 Engine house, 511 Glisan. No. 27-f3 North Broadway. No. 28 rt-t N. 3d. between Davis ft Everett. No. 2fl 310 Everett, between 5th and 6th No. 8o 122 N. loth, between Burnslde and Couch. No. II Garage, 27. N. 10th, between Burns'il and Couch. No. 82 Speedwell .Motor Co., S. W. corner 14th and Couch. No. S3 600. Washington, between 19th and Trinity. Ko. 84 54 N. 21st. between Washington nd Everett. No. 84 Vi 633. Washington, betweea Trin ity and 20th. No. S3 58 Tv". 23d, between Washington r.'l Kverett. No. 33 '.-i--707 Davis, between 21at and 22d. 'o. 3 Garage, 220 Cornell Road, head of Lovejoy. No. 8718 12th street, between Burnslde and tark. No. illla Ramapo Hotel, 475 Washington. N""S S3 413 Stark, between 11th and 12th. No 9 S. W. corner 6th and Pine. No 40 Engine house. 2d and Oak. No. 41 S3 5th street, between Oak and BtarH No. 42 544 Washington street. No. 43 .V7 Alder, between W. Park and 10th street". No. 44 135 10th street, between Washing ton and Alder. No. 4 t1 I511, Morrison street, between 12th and 13th. No. 45 1!0 Washington, between 14th and loth. No. 40 Covey Motor Car Co., S. W. corner 7isr ana wasnington. Ko, 47 6-1 .fsfferaon street. No 4B OG Washington street, between V ins and t. Clair. lo. 4 Garage. 16th street, between Tarn Mil and Taylor. No. 50 171 11th street, between Morrison and Yamhill. No. 51- Garage, 188 10th street, between Yamhill and T.ylor No. 52Y M. C. A. 6th street, betweea Yamhill and Ta;'lor. No. 63 Engine house, 4th and TamhllL No. 54 2 Bd. between Salmon and MalL. No. 65 Fourth-street entrance, Court- nouse. No. 56 Palgo Motor Co- S. Clay, between corner 14th and 56 Palgo Motor Co S. E. corner uroaaway ana xayior. No. 67 White Temple Church, S. E. cor ner 12th and Taylor. No. 58 209 14th street, between Madison and Jefferson. No. 5.'. 211 14th street, between Taylor and Salmon. No. 0j Dundee Garage. N- H. corner Xa tilla and Jefferson streets. No. 60 4u3 Jefferson street, between Tenth and Eleventh. No. 61 T.add School, loth and Jefferson. No. 62 Fourth-street entiance, City Hall. No. 63 248 Main, between 2d and 3d streets. No. U4 233 Clay street. No. 65 347 First street, between Market and Mill. No. 06329 3d street between Market and Mill. No. C7 315 4th street, corner Clay. N'o. OS Corbett (' fit e Rrnailu,. mnA Columbia. No. 68 Church basement, 8. W. corner W. Park and Jefferson streets. No. 70 312 12tn street, Frank's Garage. No. luhi 2D5& xlth street, corner Columbia-street store. No. 71 4oO Jefferson, between 18 th and 14th streets. No. 71M Basement, 607 14th and 16th streets. No. 72 Basement, N. E, Montgomery streets. No. 73. Store, 652 Jefferson street. S E. coi ner No. 74 5 Market street. No. 75 Engine house, Lomudalt and Montgomtry. No. 76 372 X. E. corner 11th and Mont gomery streets. No. 76 Store. 430 Harrison street, be tween 11th and 12th. No. 77 Store. N. W. corner 6th and Hall streets. No. 78 Garage. 429 6th. between Hall and College streets. No. 71) Engine house. 4th and Mont gomery. No. 79 Ms Garage. N. E. corner 4th and Lincoln streets. N'o. so si 1st street. S. W. corner Mill. No. 1 -411 1st street. No. b2 Cottel Drug Co., 1st and B her man streets. No. 83 Store. N. E. corner 6th and Lin coln streets. No. 84 Garage. 435 W. Park street, be tween Hall and College streets. No. 655-23 Lincoln street. No. Sti 548 Vista avenue. No. 67 Engine house. 20th and Spring No. 6 Strohecker store. 733 I'atton road No. bl 663 H 1st street, between Sher man and Arthur 'streets. No. 90 Failing School. Porter and Front streets. No. 81 2S1 Hooker street, N. W. corner 4th street. i No. 92 475 GlWbs, corner 11th J7. E. No. 03 Fourth Presbyterian Church. 1st and Glbbs streets. No. 14 803 Corbett street, between Pen noyer and Gaines streets. No. 95 Holman School. Corbett and Ban croft streets. No. !Hi 1104 Corbett street. 8. E corner Seymore street. No. 07 Fulton School, Sd and Mile. No. 98 1587 Macadam street, corner Ke vada. No. 9814 1435 Macadam street, corner Da kota. No. 69 1695 Bast 13th. between Uma tilla and Harney. No. 100-1748 East 13th, between Marlon and Clatsop. No. Ill 1603 East 13th. near Tenlno. Ne. 1025ti6 L'matilla, between East 13th and East 14th. No. 103 Sellwood Y. M. C A.. East 18th and Spokane avenue. No. 104 551 Spokane avenue, between East 12th and 13th. No. 103 Garage. 1503 East 11th at. No. 105H Real estate office, Bybee. near AlilwauKie. No. 106 Midway Houi No. 107 Campbell's garage, 1138 Mllwau- kl and Ellis. No. 10S Berkeley Clubhouse, East !9th and Nehalem. No. 109 44 22 Woodstock avenue, between 44th and 45th. No. 110 Woodstock M. E. Church, East 44th and Woodstock. No. Ill 5305 East 41s. corner 83d ave. No. 112 5010 41st street. No. 313 5630 60th avenue S. E., between cstn ana eitn. No. 114 Buildln. Millard avenue station. 1 f u aum, wv cveauwi STUB TO BE TORN OFF BY THE CHAIRMAN STUB TO BE TORN OFF BY TIIE FIRST CLERK Official Ballot for Precinct No. , Multnomah County, Oregon, Nov. 7, 1916 MARK X BETWEEN THE NUMBER AND NAME OF EACH CANDIDATE OR ANSWER VOTED FOR CXITED STATES FOR ELECTORS OP rRMIDRNT AST "VICE-PRESIDENT OK TUB T7KITEO STATICS VOTE VOll FIVE. 12 Butler, R. R., of Wasco County, Republican 13 Cottel, Willis I., of Multnomah County, Rep 14 Keady, W. P., of Multnomah County, Republican 15 North, W. C, of Multnomah County. Republican. 16 Wilson. J. 1'.. of Multnomah County. Republican. 17 Coahow, OUver P.. of Douglas County, Dem 18 Haney, Bert E., of Multnomah County. Dem. . . . . 19- Neff, Porter J., of Jackson County. Dem 20 theahan, Daniel W., of Wallowa County. Dem. . . 21 Stevenson. John It., of Multnomah County. Dem. 22 Coe. Curtis P., of Yamhill County. Prohibition. . 23 Pennine ton. Lev! T.. of Yamhill County. Proh. . . 24 Kheak, Henry, of Benton County, Prohibition. . . 23 Swope, M. Frances, of Multnomah County, Proh. 26 Walker. Cyrus H., of Linn County. Prohibition. . 27 BurtThoizer. Max. of Lane County, Socialist 2H Johnson, frank W.. of Clatsop County, Socialist. 29 McCone, Belma J., of Multnomah County, Soc. . . . 30 Jv'ikula, August, of Clatsop County, Socialist. . . . 31 Tipton, W. il.. of Washington County. Socialist. S3 Callahan. Kmmett, of Multnomah County, Frog, For President. Charlea Evan. Ilnshea. For Vice-President. Charles Warren Valrksski For President. W'oodrow VYllsjtta. For Vle.-Presld.nt. Thesias It. Markbuall. For President. J. Frssk llaaly. For Vice-President. Ira Laadrlth. For President. AlLasi L. For Vice-Preeldent. GeorKCj IU Klrkpa trick. For President. For Vice-President. John M. Parkfr. For Representative In Conjrresm, Third District. Multnomah Connty -Vote foe One 33 Jeffrey, John of Multnomah County. 34 Lafferty, A. W., of Multnomah County. , 8a McArthur, C. N.. of Multnomah County. S Ktreiff. Albert, of Multnomah County. . Democratic. Progressive-Independent. Republican. Socialist. TATE. For Secretary of State Vote for One. 37 ' Cannon. E. L.. of Marion County ISociallst. 3 Olcott. Ben W.. of Marlon County IRep.-Dem.-Prosr. S9 40 41 43 43 For Justice of the Snnreme Ceaurt Vote for Two, Prohibition. Republican. Socialist. Republican. Democratic Bright, C. J., of Wasco County Burnett, George H., of Marion County. .., Hosmer, J. E., of Marion County Moore. Frank A., of Columbia County. . . . Oliver, Turner, of Union County For Dairy and Food Commissioner Vet. for One. 4 i McKinnon. Donald W., of Lane County. 45 Mickle, John D.. of Multnomah County. 46 Rempel, A. Ci., of Polk County. . ; . . . . Socialist. Rep.-Dm.-Prog. Prohibition. For Commissioner of the Pnblie Service Commission ef Oreajon, District Com posed of the Counties Lyinsr West of the Cascade Mountains Kenton. Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia. Coos. Cnrrr, Dousrlas. Jackaton. JoMpkinr, I.anc. Lincoln, Linn. Marten, Maltnomah. Polk, Tillamook. Washlaston and Yamhill Counties Vote for One. 47 Buchtel. Fred GTTof Multnomah County IRepubllcan-Prosressive. 48 V an Dresar. E. L., of Multnomah County Democratic. For Judsre of Circuit Court Fourth Judicial District, Department Number One, juuiuobub taani vole ror use. jn Allen, Q. W., of Multnomah County TTbemocratlo-Independent. 50 Kavanaugh.,John P.. of Multnomah County IRepubllcan-Progresaive. For Judsre of Circuit Court, Fourth Judicial District. Department Subcr Three, jiujiDODiss VjOqii 1 7 i oie xor use, 51 Tucker. Robert, of Multnomah County IRepubllcan-Progresaive. For Jadsre of Circuit Court. Fourth Judicial District. Department Number Five, iiiuiiBomaa ouniy ote lor one. 62 Gatens-W. X.. of Multnomah County. . . 63 Grant. Frank S.. of Multnomah County. Democratic-Independent. Republican-Progressive. For Ft 65 56 B7 6? 59 60 1 2 63 64 65 66 Senator, Thirteenth Senatorial District, Multnomah Count Farrell, Robert S.. of Multnomah County. . . Huston. S. B-. of Muitnnmah Conntv . Moser. Gus C, of Multnomah County. -Veto for Five. .uuca, U n V. , K't. ,juuiiuiiiau vuuiuy. .......... Olson, Conrad P.. of Multnomah County Orton, A. W., of Multnomah County Holman, Frederick V., of Multnomah County. . . Bwett. Isaac, of Multnomah County Pratt, Geortre B., of Multnomah County , Anderson, Charles J., of Multnomah County, . . , Boyd. L. G., of Multnomah County. ............. Ockwig-. C. G.. of Multnomah County Smith, W. E.. of Multnomah County Strelff. Peter. Jr.. of Multnomah County Republ lean-Progressive. Republican. Republican-Progressive. Republican-Progressive. Republican-Progressive. Democratic Democratic. Prohibition. Socialist. Socialist. Socialist. Socialist. Socialist. For Senator. Thirteenth Senatorial District, Multnomah' County, for Unexpired Term Ending First Monday in January, 101U Vote for One. f 67 Aylsworth. W. C. of Multnomah County. . . , 68 GUI. John, of Multnomah County , . (Socialist. E jRep.-Dera.-ProeT. REFERRED TO THE PEOPLE BY THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Submitted by the Legislature. Slncrle Item Veto Amendment An amendment to Section 15 of Article V of the Constitution of the State of Oregon authoriz ing the Governor to veto single items In appropriation bills. - Vote YES or NTQ. 800 Yes. 301 No. Submitted by the Legislature. Ship Tax Exemption Amendment An amend ment to Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Oregon exempting from taxation until January 1st, 1S35. except taxes for state purposes only, all ships and vessels of fifty tons or more capacity, engaged in either passenger or freight coasting or foreign trade, whose home ports of registration are in the state of Oregon, for the purpose of encouraging registration of such ves sels in Oregon, which would otherwise register la other states. vote xeb or NO. 802 Yea. 203 No! ' " - , Submitted by the Legislature. Negro and Mulatto Suffrage Amendment - An amendment to the Constitution of the State of Oregon, removing the dis crimination against negro and mulatto citizens by repealing Section 6 of Article II thereof, which section reads as follows: "No negro. Chinaman or mulatto shall have the right of suffrage." vote Iks or no. 804 Yes. 305 No. PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE FETITION. Initiated by Oregon State Federation of Labor. T. II. Burchard, President; E. J. Stack. Secretary, 302 Oregonian Building, Portland, Oregon; and the Central Labor Council of Portland and vicinity, Eugene E. Smith, President; A. W. Jones, Vice-President; E. J. Stack, Secretary, 162 Vi Second Street, Portland. Oregon. Full Keutal Value Land Tax and Horn-makers' Loan Fund Amend ment Purpose A constitutional amendment declaring and defining (a) peo ple's power and right; (b) citizen's right to use of land; (c) public ownership of land rent; (d) public policy of Oregon; defining (e) the word "land"; If) method of appraising land rent; (g) land improvement; providing for h levy of permanent land rent tax; (i) publication of assessment; (J) delinquent tax Bale; (k) maintenance of private property rights; (1) separate assess ment of land rent; (m) standing timber; (n) assessment and collection of tax; (o) duly of Governor and State Land Board; (p) how personal property and land improvements may be taxed by vote of people only: (q) distribution of revenue from land rent tax; and (r) establishing nomemakers' loan fund. Vote YES or NO. 7 806 Yes. 807 No. Initiated by the Commercial Association of the City of Pendleton, W. E. Brock, President; C. K. Cranston. Secretary. For Pendleton .Normal School and Ratifying: Location Certain State Institutions Purpose To provide for locating a State Normal School at Pendleton. Oregon, upon a site to be donated therefor, appropriating $125,000 for buildings and equipment and levying an annual tax of one twenty-fifth of a mill on all property In the state for Its maintenance, and ratifying the location of certain state Insti tutions heretofore located away from the State Capital. Vote YES or NO. 810 Yes. 811 No. Initiated by Lor a C. Little. Anti-Cempulsory Vaccination Bill Purpose To prohibit compulsory vaccination, inoculation and other such treatment for the prevention or cure of contagious or infectious diseases, and providing a penalty therefor. Vote YE3 or NO. 310. Yes. 811. No. ' For Senator. Fourteenth Senatorial District. Clackamas. Columbia and Malts mast Counties, for Lnexnlred Term La Jlu- Fiist Monday In January. 11S oto far One. 69 Lewis. Herman A., of Multnomah County Ilnd. and non-partisan. 70 Patton. H. M.. of Multnomah County Short term. Independent. For Representative, Seventeenth Representative District, Clackamas and Mult nomah Co suites Vote far One. . TT 73 Burton, A. H.. of Multnomah County. . . . Lampmcn. Rex, of Clackamas County. . . i Rep.-Prog.-Proh. (Democratic For Representative, Eighteenth Representative Vote for Twelve. District. Multnomah Count 73 Callan. A. C. of Multnomah County , T 4 Corbett. Hamilton F.. of Multnomah County. . , 75 Goodc. E. J., of Multnomah County 18 Gordon. Herbert, of Multnomah County , 77 Kubll. K. K., of Multnomah County 78 Laurgaard.O., of Multnomah County. ........ 79 Lewis, D. C, of Multnomah County 80 Mackey, Lionel C of Multnomah County. .... 81 Mann. John M.. of Multnomah County . sl Matthiau, Stephen A., of Multnomah County. M Stott, Plowden, of Multnomah County 84 Willette. George T-, of Multnomah County. .. . 5 Alexander. George F., of Multnomah County. . US Goldstein. Barnett H.. of Multnomah County. . 87 Hidden. Maria L. T.. of Multnomah County 88 Hudson. William Maurice, of Multnomah Coue 89 Nissan. Juno, of Multnomah County 0 Schneider. C. G.. of Multnomah County 91 Sloeth, MatUe M.. of Multnomah County 93 Wlllison. R. A., of Multnomah Countv 93 Mallett. Mary L-. of Multnomah County , 94 Oppenlander, 1 G.. of Multnomah County. . .. 95 Sherman. O. J., of Multnomah County. ....... 96 Anti. August, of Multnomah County 97 Axelson, A. H of Multnomah County 9 Barxee, C. W.. of Multnomah County 9! Brandes. Katherine, of Multnomah County. . . 100 Coleman, Ina, of Multnomah County 101 Halley, Georgia, of Multnomah County 103 Hesse. Max, of Multnomah County 103 McCone, Victor J., of Multnomah County 104 Stokes, R. C, of Multnomah County 105 Wesley. August, of Multnomah County Republican, Republican. Re p.-Pro ir.-Pro h. Rep.-Prog.-Proh. Republ lean-Progressiva. Republican-Progressive. Republican-Prog restive. Republican-Progressive. I tt-p. -Dem. -Progressive. Republican. Republican-Progressive. Republican-Progressive. Democratic Democratic. Democratic. Democratic Democratic Democratic Democratic-Prohibition. Democratic Prohibition. Prohibition. Prohibition. Socialist. Socialist. Socialist. Socialist, Socialist. Socialist, Socialist, Socialist, Socialist. Socialist. COCNTY. For District Attorney, Multnomah County Voto for One. 106 Evans. Walter IL. of Multnomah County . . . . Rep.-Dem.-Prog. For County Judge Vote for One. 107 108 McBride, George JL (Independent. Taswell. George . Rep.-Dcm.-Proc. For feisty Commissioner -Vote for One. no in Arnett, Lee Menzel, George. Muck. A. A i Democratic ISociallst. I Republican-Progressive, For County Sheriff Vote for One. 112 Bishop. H.J 113 Hurlburt, Thomas M-. . 114 Jackson, George W.. . . 115 Wallace, H. L ISocialist. i Republ lean-Progressive. 1 nuependent. Democrat ic. For County Clerk Vote for One. lift Reverldge. Joseph 'W Rep.-Prog.-Proh. 117 Dana, Marshall N (Independent. 118 Farney. Edna L. Socialist. For County Treaaui Voto for One, 119 Lewis. John Ml , lP.ep. -Dem. -Prog. For County Assessor -Vote for One. 120 CfiuSek. V 121 Reed, HenrvE 122 Rowland. Theodore. ISociallst. Ren. -Dem. -Prog. I Independent. 121 Alderson, W. C 124 Hall. J. O 125 Roudebush. Harriet W.. For County School SuperlntendcatVote for One. Republican. Independent, Socialist. For County Surveyor 126 Bonser. R, C 127 McQ u Inn. John A, -Vote for One. Republican-Progressive, Democratic. For County Coroner -Vote for One. 128 129 Amos, William F Dammasch, F. H Socialist. I'.ep.-Dom.-Prrg. Constable. Portland District Vote for One. 130 131 Harms, A. W Petersen. Mark W. Democratic-Independent. I II epubl iean-Progressive. For Justice of the Fence. Multnomah District' Vote for One. Tao" TTT Rolllns, B. F. . . i Dem.-Rep.-Proj: For Constable. Multnomah District Voto for One. Squire, MTM.. . , I Rep. -De tn. -Prog. Initiated by Committee of Independent Retailers' Association of Portland. Ore gon. Dan Ivellaner, President. 13j'i liranil Avenue, Portland. Oregon; Hen A. Bellamy. Executive Committee. 401 Hawthorne Avenue, Portland. Oregon; S. S. Rich. Lxecutlve Committee. -67 Morrison Street. Portland, Oregon; C r. Munro, Executive Committee, I4S Alder Street, Portland, Oregon; Leo R. Merrick, Executive Committee. Commercial Club Builaing, Portland. Oregon, 11111 Repealing and Abolishing the Sunday Closing Law Purpose To repeal Section 125. of Lord's Oregon Laws, which prohibits keeping open of any store, shop, grocery, bowling alley, billiard room, or tippling house, for the purpose of labor or traffic, or any place of amusement on Sunday or the Lord's Day, excepting theaters, drug stores, doctor shops, undertakers, livery stables, butchers ana DaKcra, under penalty ol a line or not less than la nor more than too. ote TLs or NO. 8 13" Yes. 313 No. Initiated bv Kauai Rights for Homo Industry Committee. C. E. 8. Woood. Chairman, 254 Vista Avenue, Portland, Oreron; C. T. Haas, Secre tary. 206 Stock Exchange Building, Portland. Oregon. Permitting; Manu facture nnd ltcsmiated Sale Four Per Cent Malt Liquors Purpose To amend Section 36, Article I, Oregon Constitution, which prohibits manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor, by permitting the manufacture of fermented malt llauors containing four per cent or less of alcohol, for shlDment outside of this state ai.d for sale and delivery within the state by the manufacturer in original packages only, in quantities and under regulations which may be provided by law. Until otherwise provided such sales within the state shall he limited to the same quantity as may now be imported, hut same person cannot, within any one period fixed by law, both Import and Buy locally v oe i r.s or 814 815 Yes "No. Initiated by Oregon Prohibition State Committee. J. P. Newell. Chairman. 82S Spalding Building. Portland, Oregon; J. Sanger Fox., Executive Secretary, 414 Belinke-Walker Building, Portland. Oregon. Prohibition Amendment For bidding Importation of Intoxication; Liquors for Beverage Purposes Purpose This Is & constitutional amendment extending the existing constitutional nrovinon. relatlna- to the nrohtbltlon of the manufacture and sale of Intoxi cating liquor, by also prohibiting the Importation of intoxicating liquors for Beverage purposes. ote it,3 or f-. 3 16Yea." ; 817 No. Initiated by the Oregon Referendum League: C. E. Spence, Master Oregon State Grange, Oregon City, Oregon: J. D. Brown. President, Oregon-Southern Idaho Farmers' Educational and Co-operative Union, Arlington, Oregon; T. H. Burchard, E-I'resldent Oregon Stte Federation of Labor, 829 East Eleventh Street, North, Portland. Oregon. itural Credits Amendment Purpose To bond state for not over two per cent of assessed valuation of all property therein for "Rural Credits Fund." Bonds from 825.00 to $1000 in series of $50,000, maturing In not over 86 years, interest four per cent, exempt from taxes. State to loan said fund to owners occupying farm In nils, on mortgages not over half land value nor $50 per acre, nor less than $200 nor more than $5000 to one person, small loans preferred. Loans made for: (a) payment for land; (b) purchasing livestock and equipment and making improvements; (c) satisfying incumbrances Incurred for such purposes; interest five per cent , Vote YES or NO. 818 819. Yes. No. Initiated by State Tax Payers League, Walter M. Pierce. President, I -a Grande, Oregon; C. L. Hawley, Vice-President. McCoy, Oregon; J. A. Westerlund, Vice-President, Medford. Oregon; A. M. Lab'ollett, Vice-President, Salem, Oregon: Robert E. Smith. Secretary-Treasurer, Roseburg, Oregon. state-Wide Tax and Indebtedness Limitation Amendment Purpose Limiting tax levies of Stale, County, municipality or other taxing power to not more than the total amount levied tiie last preceding year plus six per centum thereof, except for paying bonded Indebtedness and interest thereon, or by vote of people, any increase so voted excluded in determining subsequent tax; limiting power of counties to Incur Indebtedness to $u000, either voluntarily or when Imposed by law, except to suppress insurrection or repel Invasion, or not over two per cent of assessed valuation for perma nent roads on vote of people; and invalidating debts, payments and taxes V exoeedlng such limitations. 320 " Yea. 821 ?ote YEd or NO. No. No.- 113 Woodman Rail, Woodmer. sta tion. .No. 116-r-n62 T2d, corner 60th avenue. Ko. 117 tireen resldenoa, SMS Last 74th. near Powell. Ko. 118 Woedstoek avenu. and Q2& atrest. Willlams Realty Company. No. lift- liulidiag, Woodstock avenue, 87th street, Lents. No. 120 Coffman's garage, B2d. street, near Woodstock avenue. No. 121 Fire hall, L O. O. F. batlQlns. Lents. No. 122 Grange Hall. Lenta , No. 123 BuUdlns. 5407 East 724 street, between 54th and 55th avenue. No. 123 Engine house. East 67th aad 45th avenue. No. 14 3!09 Eaet 7rth S. E. No. 15 W. O. W. Hall. East BSth. be tweea 4rth avenue and Foster. No. 126 Laurelwood M. E. Church, 4223 East Sixty-third street. No. 11IS14 6003 East 37th avenne S. R. No. L!7 Old South Mount Tabor School, 65th and Division. No. 12S 1KK6 Division, opposite East 60th. No. lil 5."a3 Foster road. No. 130 Osborn building. Archer Place. 40th avenue and Foster road No. 131 4717 Sixty-first street, between 47th and 4Sth avenues. No. 132 Creston School, East 4Sth aad PowelL No. 133 3421 East 60th S. E.. near PowelL No. 134--rHall. East 43d and Dlviy'm. No. 133 Richmond garage. East Sita aad Division, : . No. 139 Engine house, Francis and Ore en wood. No. 137 Bulldinr. Gladstone avenue, be tween Last jittia and sOta straeta. No. 13s--efi3 East Slst. saw Powell. No. 13U-CUnton Kelly fioheel. 87th and FrautUn. No. 140 Gars are. 88th street, between Di vision and Clinton. No, 14H Southeast eorasr Xast 84th aad East Clinton. . No. lil B08 Clinton, between 28th and 26th. No. 143 719 Cllpten. betweea 20th and 2st. No. 143861 Mtlwaukle. between Brooklyn and Woodworth. No. 144 004 Mllwsukle. comer Rhine. No. 145 -775 Mllwsukle. corner Bismarck. No. 140 404 Grand avenue, corner Ivon, Ne. 147 405 East 6th street. No. 146 Enclne house. East Tth. between Stephens and East Harrison. No. 14!) 380 East Clay, betweea Union and Orand avenue. No. 14ft 4"'4 Hawthorne. l.'.o Evangelical Chureh, East 16th and Poplar. No. 151- 08T Division, between 83d and 84th. No. 152 23 East 83d. near Hawthorne. No. 133 IikH liawtuorue. betweea East 84th and SSth. No. 164 Lane Bros., 1073 East Llncojn, between East 37th and Marguerite. No. 104 ii -m-irt ul iJOi, surner East lelaceln. No. 135 Montgomery grocery, B. E. corner East 8?lh and Hawthorne. Na. 166 HH'm Hawthorne, between 4 2d and 43d. No. 166H 379 East BOth, between Lincoln and East Harrison. No. 107 Lincoln M. E. Churoh, East 82d and East Lincoln. No. 167 lo'3 Division, between East nth and East 00th. No. 138 Hawthorne avenue, oorner Union avenue. Nu. 15fJ 15SH Grand avenue, near Bel mont. . No. ISO 130 Orand avenue, Lambert bulldinr. ' No. 1 til S3 Grand avenue. Ne. loll L Frances Hail, Sast 11th and Pine. No. 183 East Side Library. East Alder and Et llth. No. Irt4 Frances Motor Car Exchange, East 13th end Hawthorne. No. 165041 East Madison, corner East 17th. No. 3ff6 Davies garsrev T?nst 14th, be tween Eait Morrison and Ttelmont. No. 167 Washington Hlh tichooL East 14th snd Stark streets. No. li.S i;:i3 East Morrison, between East 10th snd 2oth. No. lul J4J East 20th. corner East Mor rison. No. 170 70S H Hawthorne, between East 20th and East 21st, No. 17V Garage. 79 East Main st 2.1th. No. 1T1 -Belmont CWurs, bai, Sslmoot, coracr. at iUj. , No. 173 Oospel Ball. East 28th and East Stark. No. 173 1013 Belmont, between 83d aad 84th. No. IT Belmont, between East 83d aad 84 th. No. 178 Garage. East 38th, betweea East Main and East Madlon No. lid (-til East e7ih. oorner East Mad ison. No. 177 Engine h.use. East 85ta aad Bel mont. N'o. 178 1041 Belmont, betweea 84th and 85th. No. 1791153 Belmont, betweea East SSth and 8:th. No. 17'J'4 Zlmner a Ptoppelmann garage 1234 Bt'lmont. 42d and 43d. No. 10 Ka.-u 43J and East Madison. No. lhl Home Telephone Exchange bulld inir. East 45th and Hait Madison No. 1J 12U3 Uelmont, between East 44th and 45th. No. Ib3 Garnre, East Madison, between East 61st snd 52d. No. Is XiiKi Belmont, between 60th and 6!t. No. 1.1 17.H4 Belmont. No. lMl lu-4; East t-tark. apposite 78th. No. 1ST 20jti Kail Stark. No. Ihs Lupine house. East &2d and East Burnslde. No. lsD 11103 Fist Ftark. between East 79th and East AOth. No. JUO-ij. W. corner East 80th od East Glisan. No. 101 1SSJ East Gliaao, aorntr East 2i No. 1!2 1PS3 East OUsaa, betweea East T9th and both. No. l'."3 Greicorv. garage. Fremont street, between 721 and 73d. No. 14 Jenks" real estate ottlee. Seat 67th. near fcamiy bouteverd. No. lui I'nohy Hro. office, nota ana O.-W. K. N. Hallway. No. l.'J 177a Ei uiuan, betweea East 89lii and 70th. ,-.. No. ll7 174 East CUaan. between OOtn and C1f:. . , No. iyS 9. B. corner East 47ta and East G No.n'lS9 N. W. corner East B2d and East Gllsan. , No. -oo Pnrlns house. East bota ana Sandy boulevard. No. 2 l N. E. comer East 47Th and Tln.imook. , suit, ts. F corner East 47th and TCla mooi. carap.'. No. West end Lanrelhouxst. Trice East 3-r-. and East GUian. No. L'c; 5aaJ bouievard. No. ik4 4'J nVatt iMh street North. No. 2"3 a. L. comer feast as'.n, and East Ankenv. No. 2oti iwera School. East 27ta aad East Couch, , No. 207 Nealand's Garage. East 234 and EJit Aank.-ny Ftreeta No. n? i:.-rtlst Church, corner East xOtn and Eat At.keny. No. ivtt isiazior'a garage. East 16th and Ankcny. No. 1'OiJ Oarage, 574 East Conca. No. 210 Kas:lon StaMes ORrase. Ease, Flanders. b?t,n 11th and 12th, No. 211 liuunua ochoul. but lata ana BurnsMf. 11 '.j 2 East l?th street, between Ejst Ash aid V::a streets. No. 212 1-4 East Burualde, betweea East 6th and Tth. . No, 213 33 Fast Burnslde. between TTaion and Grand Hv.tiu-s. No. 214 I ti l o it avenue r. on n, No. 21. Manttry Karate. N. L. earner Cut 21st and Orejon. No. 2:1 Kasi ,il. near MuiTiom,n. Ko. 217 Mci.i f.iras Last Hsasslo. between East 0th and K'lh. N'X 21 ni-i::rt house, brana avenue ana MulmoMiah street. No. 21! 322 Hoiiadnr. Between lai ana ra. No. 220 2,7 lioiiflriav. Nv 221 lu2 liioauvtar. east end ef brliie. No. Tiascment. 4 14 Larmt-ee Bine- No. 22.'. 2ll Hroadav. corner Flint. No. 22 1 t'nlou avenue North. No. 22 lrviniou Garasd, Lst 14th and Broads sv. No. 224 Frailer Garage. East 16tn and Weld'.er. No. 226l McMomcs parage, alia ana Schuyler. No. 227 Vcrstee. 614 Broadway. No. 22-i Lasemcct N. li. corner 231 and TI 'lamooit. No. 22-.k Englre-house. East 24th, between Tillamook au.1 Thompaun. No. Kern wood School. East SSd and IXanuOi-'k streets. No. 230 Hill A Pons' grocery. East SSth and Samiy tou'.evard. No. 23 Uouluvard Garage. 1209 6andy boulevard. No. 2.11 Tloee Cltv Hardware Company, t32 Eit 67t:i street North. No. 2S2 estate oiiice, B2d and St:;dy roa .1. No. 2"2H G.irace, Thompson, between East 4tt:i and 47th. No. 23 lirtea garage. East 41 t und Knott. N'o. 2"1 M ilarkey's garage. East 24th snd Knott street.!. No. 2':.' oarace. 641 East 21st V. No. 233 13 Hui.ey's aara.o, &td East 16ta North. No 236 W'cstn's caraca, RiO East lOtn N., between Hr.izee and Knott. No. 2.tVa Irvirvjton School basement. East 14tli aid Thouipaon. No, 2.'.7 .".Ts I'nlou avenue, near Graham. No. 2HS HIeld's garage. East 1HU and Thompson. No. iro Vr.lon avenue J., betweea Brazca ar.d Sacramento. N'o. 24u 413 Villon avenue X., near Baa Rafael. No. 2toii 177 TVI'Mams avenue N. No. i-ll 3.H1 Kii-Il. N'o. 242 .V. Williams avenue, betweea Knott and ;rafcnm. No. 243 7o Williams avenue, betweea Coi end Ivv. No. 214 72fl Williams svenue. No. 213 .".'"-7 Williams avenue. No. 24iJ 2ti3 Kuiseli. eutween Williams and Vancouver svnues. No. 247 1 42 KussoiU No. 24N 1H3 Ftus.sell. No. 24.1 "si Mississippi avenue, betweea Coe'n ar t Monroe. N'o. 2.v ilt Marvlar.d avenue No. 231 l-,o Wl'.lsmett. boulevard, be tween Ianver and Pay. No. 2M lj "a.:uibuire parage, 16 Willam ette boulvvard. No. 2i2 7 Fast K illlngsworth. betweea M:-souri snd Michigan. No. 2'2v3 2 1mm Klllinrswcrth. No. 23:i 111 SRiamor street, near Mis sissippi aven'ix No. 234 73 Mississippi avenue, corner Beech. 1 No. 2."S TTA Mississippi svenue. No. 2""i K'3 William avenue. No. 237 itVI AToU.a aveuue. between Prea CO'.t and Hiaiicllna. No. 2."7S 123 Willlnnis avenue be tween Skldmore and Golnn. No. 23S Norti 1'nrtiand Branch Library. 11 Kil ilnjes-.vort h enao. No. 2vt Srrt Williams avenue. No. 2tiki 133 Lcioji ateuue n., near Pres cott. N'o. 261 S. W. corner Union avenue and Alb' rta, 202 804 Union avenue K., between Beech snd FalilnK- No. 2j (;arafre, 407 Mason, betweea East 6th and Gr.r.,1 avenue. No. 23'7- 's.t Ka-nt pth. eorn-r Mains. No. 2C4 O'.is Ui.ion avenue, betweea do InK an1 wgur.t. No. 2tl4 332 Alberta, betwoen 12th and ISth streets. No. ri3 Prescott, near East 15th- Na. 2il ; 0;:4 Alberta, betweea ls.U and lfth streets. No. 2-7 721 Alberta, corner 21st. No. 2t;4 Ueal es-.ate olxioe. 2 llth and Mason, No. 2CS'i Copley's Hall. S. W. corner 2Sth ar..l Alherta. N'o. 2u4 Giiiluh'a garage, Faat 8," 4 and Alnerta. No. 27" Ileal estate office, N. Zt. oorner Ent 27'h au.1 Allefta No. 2701, c.araso, 1229 East M'th K. No. 271 Carroll's garage, N. K. comer East llth ar.d Kll'lnsw orm. No. 272 i.Tl Alberta, betweea ISth and lth streets. No. 272 '3 737 Alberta, between 21st and 22.1 streets. No. 273 55J Alberta, botwen 12tb aad 13th street. No. 274 3s7 Alberta street, near Union ave ti ue. No. 2751238 T'nlon avenue V. No 270 444 Dekum avenue, betweea East Tth and sth No. 277 riekum svenue. No. 27427 rurl.aiil avenue. No. 27i Yt'ooUiawu bchowl. Unloa avenne and Brvant. No. 2 mi Piedmont Presbyterian Chnroh, oorner and Jarrett. No. 21! Fast Klllincsworth avenue No. 22 11!- Kiilliiisworth. betweea Aliuna nr.d MlsslssUpl. No. 232'j iiil.l.e trnery. 3. E- corner Pat ion and Alum urtli avenue. No. 2S3 Kenton clubhouse, oorner Green wich and Rus- tt No. 253 liu Lombard, corner Mis sissippi No. 2st K-nwood l?olrtl. Kenton. No. t.s3 Ariiur l-le Fire Hail. Portland bo'.iievat i. neir Or. ei) . No. 20 Tlilem's procery. 92 Portland boulevard. Denver ar.d Campbell. No. 2"ife 143 Kliiliifsaortu avenue. No. 27 124 1 Grevley street, between Jes sup and Alusnrth. No. 2sa 13j7 Peninsula avenue, near Lombard. Nc. 2nStj, Lutheran Church. Peninsula avenue and Kllpalrlck street. N'o. 2v I'U lymbard. near Washburn No. 2'3i t'hurch basouient. corner Flake and Lombard. No. !! iii'2 Lombard, near Klske. N'o. 2i3 04 Iinitard. betweea Poxts mo:th snd Manf.Td. No. 2 Jj 1041 Portsmouth, oorner Lent bard. No. SCi 201 West Richmond street, near Ivsnhoe. No. 2'.tt- Sehll'lncs garage. Xvannoe. be tween llurr end Alma. No. 2 3 City Hall. Pt. Johna No. 2.HI 2J North Hayes street, betweea Trumbull and Kvssendon. No. 2-.-r4 3. E. corner Fessenden street and Portland boulevard. No. 2i7 St. Johns liranch Library, eoruee Charlestown nnd Kellocg. No. 20. First Trust ft Pavings Hank bulldinr. Midway and Fesenden streets. Nu. 210 N. K. corner Lindaie and Tren ton streets. No. 30o Park Rose, Kruse's store, sew buiidlnic. No. not P.uss-llvtlle, Granare Hall. No. 8o2 Huckley fchoolhoose. No. 3ls Calkin s HalL No. 304 Rear Farnswortb store, formerly Gate's store. No. BO.-. Ralrvlew. City Halt No. Hot Rockwood, Maccabees Hall. No. fit'T-lranaa Hall pleasant VsJiay. No. 8os Murphy Hall. Graatiam. No. 3U3 First State Ban bnJMtanV Qresnam. No. 3t'3H City Hal!. Gresham. No. SI" Tn'itdale. Ma.mlo HnJL No. nil A. H Elliott Hall. Powell Valley. No. 311 ia rvnnle Hall. Pleasant Home. No. 312 t'nlon Hlsh f-hool at Corbett, No. 8:3 Library at T3rloal Veil. No. 311 Hilda) Veil Lumber Compasa office st Palanur. No. 313 V. urrendale Store. Warrwndala. No. S 1 Schoolhouse. t-'auvloa Island, No. SIT F.moolhouso, Holbrook, Or. No. 81 City Hall. I.lnnton. No. 3131 FYank Johneon's boms, one eighth rrlie north of Intersection of ISkyUae boiileva-d an.' Germantown road. No. ;411 Svlvan. No. 3T' f atroale Schoolhouse. No. 321 Krta. No. "2i Kvan 1'lsee, cluhhous. No. R21i Ma;!ewooJ Pchooi house. No. 321 We-st Portia t.d choolhouse No. 32". Klverdnle 8.h"!ioUSg. No. 52'". F--er.twood Hall, corner Coeper and Mitthews N'o. r.M';-Rear rauag Slots, 42d gre-1 atul auui. tvcuutj