The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 05, 1916, Section One, Page 16, Image 16

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Men and Women in Many Walks of Life Give Reasons Why T hey Will Cast Ballot for Republican Nominee.
'HT are you going to vote for
Hughes for President?" A
reporter going- here and there
about town, dropping Into stores, of
fices, shops and factories, asked this
question several dozen times the past
week. s
Herewith are printed the answers re
ceived, with the names of persons he
Interviewed. There was no effort to
select in advance a list of those to see;
purpose was to talk with the average
voter and find out the elements in Mr.
Hughes' candidacy that appeal to him.
Here are the interviews:
A Itallroail Man.
E. C. Robbins, passenger department.
Northern Pacific I seem to findi many
big- reasons why I am going to vote
for Hughes for President. One of those
reasons is that the Democrats have
removed the tariff on shingles and
other lumber materials. We cannot
hope to compete on a free trade basis
with other countries that hire cheap
Tabor. The time has passed, when this
nation must depend on other nations
for its foodstuffs, etc. But we cannot
protect our industries and become self
supporting through free trade. An
other reason for my support of Hughes
is found in the fact I heartily dislike
the foreign policy of the present ad
ministration. A Street Car Conductor.
J. M. Berry, 400 North Twenty-fifth
street I am going to vote for Hughes
because I think he will protect the
lives and interests of American citi
zens Ibetter than any other man I know
of. Then I believe Republican prin
ciples make for better business.
A Clerk in a. Business House.
Chester "V. Vosper, 1284 Rodney ave
nue I believe this country will thrive
better under the operation of Repub
lican principles. That is one reason
why I shall vote for Hughes. Then as
a man I prefer Hughes to Wilson.
A Business Woman.
Miss Jessie C. Hines, Hotel Benson
I shall support Mr. Hughesi because I
think he is a statesman superior to
Mr. Wilson. I also believe that the
country would be better off under a
Republican, administration.
A Secretary.
Harvey L. Moreland, 554 East Sal
mon street I shall vote for Hughes
because I believe in the principles of
the Republican party. I believe in a
protective tariff. Under the free trade
programme the Democrats' have ruined
temporarily the industries of the
A Public Official.
F. M. Brown, May apartments I am
going to support Hughes because the
principles he has championed are the
soundest for the American people. Also,
I believe Hughes to be the highest type
of statesman, whose executive ability
is unquestioned!. I think a nation
should protect Its citizens abroad as
well as at home. During Wilson's ad
ministration we have had little pro
tection outside the United States.
A Soldier.
B. E. Lewis, the armory Why am- I
going to vote for Hughes?- Because
I believe he will- uphold the honor of
the American flag, which the Demo
cratic administration has not done.
That should be reason enough for any
Kx-Government Employe.
J. C. iuckey, 560 Elm street We
have had too much Wilson. Hughes
is the better man. We have always
hadt better business conditions under
Republican administrations. Hughes
is a man of courage.
Social Worker.
Miss Mae Norton, Court House Wil
son has been dilatory in a. number of
things. Procrastination and vacilla
tion are two of his characteristics.
There are many things in his adminis
tration that merit Just criticism. I am
a Republican, and) I believe the coun
try always thrives better when Repub
lican principles prevail.
A Chimney Sweep.
G. B. Monroe. 227 V? Washington
street I don't like the so-called eight
hour law. It is class legislation. It
benefits but a. few. The Democrats
never did a damn thing for the Amer
ican people. Free trade is not what
the American people want. They want
and need protection.
A Detective.
Robert Craddock, Police Headquar
ters I am going to vote for Hughes
because he embodies all the principles
of the Republican party. I am willing
to see him elected because of his rec
ord while governor of New York. The
country has prospered under Repub
lican policies, and what prosperity
there is in the United States today is
but temporary because of the immense
amount of money invested! in the man
ufacture of war munitions. Then I
hate to see tho affairs of this country
so mismanaged that the greatest
amount of good will not come to the
entire American people.
A Salesman.
A. MacKenzie. 72 North Third street
I am going to vote for Hughes be
cause I believe in putting the affairs
of a big, honest nation in strong hands.
I thoroughly believe in Hughes as a
man and in his principles, and as thor
oughly detest a bread line that Demo
crats and Democrats only create.
A Lumberman.
Samuel Connell, Fifth and Flanders
streets One cogent reason why I
should vote for Hughes is because I
honestly believe that the prosperity of
Oregon depends upon the lumber in
dustry, and that business cannot thrive
under a Democratic policy of no tariff.
I also regard Mr. Hughes as an able
man with fixed' opinions, in striking
contrast to the incumbent.
A Police Iileutenant and Spanish War
Jj. A. Harms, 1545 "Vincent avenue I
am going to vote for Hughes because
he stands for real, red-blooded Ameri
canism. He is a true American from
head, to foot, and as such I think he
is entitled to the support of all true
Clerk of Municipal Court.
Neal R. Crounse, 673 Johnson street
T am supporting Hughes because I
think his election will sound the knell
f the trouble in Mexico. With Hughes
in the President's chair and a strong
llepubllcan policy put into effect I am
of the opinion that the shipment of
sirnrs into Mexico will bo no longer
permitted, with the result that the
fighting will end because of a lack of
munitions with which to carry it on.
An Attorney.
James W. Crawford, Northwestern
National Bank building I am support
ing Hughes because I want to see gen
eral prosperity restored, to this sec
'ion. If Wilson is elected I am con
fident we will have four years mere
of hard times. I am of the opinion that
big business men are waiting for a
change in Administration before they
are willing to invest their money.
Chairman of Public Safety Commiuhi,
Harry P. Coffin, 4 63 East Broadway
I intend to support Hughes at the
polls Tuesday because he Is a safe man
.and I am a firm believer in "safety
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Miss Hester E. Hosford, of Cleveland, O., who will make tho concluding;
Hughes address of the campaign in Portland, Monday night. Is a lecturer,
author and social worker of note. She is just completing a speaking cam
paign tour through the Middle Western and Pacific Coast states, under the
auspices of the Republican National Committee.
Miss Hosford will speak at a Hughes rally Monday night in the Eliot
School, Rodney avenue and Knott street. There will also be a musical pro
gramme. I
In 1912 Miss Hosford was an effective and enthusiastic campaigner for
Wilson, but like many who were for Wilson in that year she is now an ardent
Hughes supporter. She campaigned for Wilson in California under the aus
pices of the Democratic State Central Committee.
A speaker of brilliancy and much vigor. Miss Hosford is also an able cam
paigner. She is author of "Woodrow Wilson, His Career, His Statesmanship
and His Public Policies." published in 1912.
In 1915 Miss Hosford was first assistant -organizer of the International
Panama-Pacific Exposition Peace Conference. She is a Daughter of the
American Revolution and a charter member of the Woman's National Demo
cratic League. She is one of many Democrats In politics who are working
actively for Charles Evans Hughes.
first." Countless men and women are
today praying for peace, quiet, order.
But the realities of the modern world
are ever before them. We are living in
a maddened, sphere with the roar of
cannon and tho clank of small arms
all around us. New problems are to
be faced-, new decisions are to be made.
Justice Hughes has always met trying
conditions unflinchingly, producing a
record entitling him to rank as a thor
ough statesman.
A Detective.
C. E. Baty.Captain of Detectives, Po
lice Headquarters We have seen all
the commodities rise almost beyond
the reach of the laboring man and
there has been no corresponding in
crease in wages. In fact, in many in
stances wages have decreased while
foodstuffs were soaring. There must
be something radically wrong to cause
conditions of that sort and I shall vote
for Hughes because I believe his ad
ministration will remedy that existing
A Business Man and School Executive.
O. M. Plummer, Portland Union
Stockyards I am going to vote for
Hughes because Theodore Roosevelt
says to. Hughes represents all the
ideals and progressive principles that
were embodied in Roosevelt.
A Skating Rink Proprietor.
C. J. Lentz, Oregon City I believe
in having good times. Good times do
not come during Democratic adminis
trations. The people have little con
fidence in Democratic principles.
A Lumberman.
J. B. Laber, Broadway Building
We want to go back to manufacturing
lumber products. We want to open the
mills again. We have had enough of
Wilson and his policy of free trade.
The removal of the tariff on lumber
and the repeal -of the Panama Canal
tolls bill have ruined Northwest in
dustries. I am for Hughes.
A Phyniclan and Surgeon.
Dr. F. E. Smith, Stevens building I
shall vote for Charles Evans Hughes
because I believe him to be a man of
unquestioned executive ability, fair and
fearless in judgment, and an exponent
'- .-.-I I ' -MSA M r
Hanny In the St. Joseph News-Press.
of the highest American Ideals. I be
lieve in the protection of the American
workingman as well as the large inter
ests, the same standard of sincerity and
integrity in the administration of Na
tional, as well as individual affairs,
and a Government that will defend its
citizens and its flag wherever they
may be.
A Timberman.
C. Lv Byron. Imperial Hotel I al
ways have lost money under Pemo
cratic administrations, and always
made money under Republican admin
istrations. That Is enough of a reason
why I should support Hughes for
President. .
A Banker.
T. H. Johnson, B43 East Twenty
thiri I always have voted the Repub
lican ticket but there has never been
a Presidential candidate who deserves
the support of the people as does
Hughes. His merit is tried. As a
statesman I consider him the foremost
of the Nation.
A Sheepman.
J. N. Burgess, Pendleton There are
a thousand reasons why I should vote
for Hughes. One of them is because he
is a clean man- and a true American
imbued with American principles. Then
above everything else I believe that
the Republican policies are the best for
the American people.
A Hotel Clerk.
Harry Hamilton, Imperial Hotel I
am going to vote for Hughes because
I believe he will uphold the rights of
American citizens firmly wherever
they are found. Wilson's policy in this
connection has been extremely weak.
A Commercial Traveler.
A. Xa. Fisher, Transient I believe In
Hughes' tariff policy and the strong
policy in dealing with international
questions. Then the United States
cannot thrive under Wilson's free-trade
A Commission Merchant.
J. B. Burnett. 143 Front street I
think a change of Administrations,
and, therefore, policies, will change
business conditions. There is too much
uncertainty in business today. You
never can tell what to buy nor at what
price, for the markets aro so unsteady.
It seems to be an abnormal condition.
I believe under a. Republican Adminis
tration things would have more stability.
A Telephone Operator.
Ann Coleman. 202 West Park Street
I am going to vote for Hughes be
cause I am a Republican and I believe
he represents the best Republican
principles. I shall vote for him because
I am a working woman, I wish to see
wages increase instead of the cost of
living. I desire continuous employment
atigood wages. I love my country and
my flag and I wish to see that flag
the absolute guarantee of the freedom
and protection of th lives and prop
erty of American citizens in every
country and on every sea. I am a
woman who wishes to see women have
an equal chance with men in the Gov
ernment. A Manufacturer.
Dennis C. Fillsbury. Secretary of the
Columbia Engineering Works I shall
vote for Hughes because I believe he
will, if elected, rise above political ex
pediency and select as his advisers
capable men to whom he can trust ex
ecutive responsibility; because I be
lieve he will discard personal preju
dices In shaping the Nation's policies
and Insist upon full recognition of
American rights at whatever cost; and
lastly, because I believe his leadership
will restore to the American people
something of those sturdy ideals for
which their fathers fought and bled
and died, and thus regenerate the Na
tional self-respect which the last four
years have all but destroyed.
Prominent Suffraa-lst and Clubwoman.
Mrs. Alva Lee Stephens, 693 Wasco
Street Among the reasons why I shall
vote for Mr. Hughes are: I am strongly
in favor of National woman suffrage,
of a protective tariff that only the Re
publican administration affords, and
because Mr. Hughes can be depended
on to carry out what promises he
makes to the American people. He
seems to be a man of strong moral
courage, a quality much to be desired
in a President. If elected I believe Mr.
Hughes will restore public confidence.
A Hotel Bellman.
Billle Gibson, Head Bellman at the
Imperial Hotel I believe that under
the Republican form of government
there are more factories in operation.
More factories mean more wholesale
houses. More wholesale houses mean
more traveling men. More traveling
men give better business to the hotel
and to the public at large. That' Is why
I favor Mr. Hughes.
A Taxi Service Operator.
R. C. Long. East 3249 There seems
to be greater confidence in Republican
principles and there results greater
prosperity. Greater prosperity brings
tourists. I shall vote for Hughes.
An Insurance Man.
H. E. James. 88 Tenth Street We
have had enough of the Democratic
party. We wish to have business con
fidence restored in this country. If
we are to have good times that arc
permanent and not war Induced, we
should give the Republican party the
heartiest support. People have not the
same confidence in Democratio prin
ciples as they have in those of the
Republican party,
A Club Woman and Suffragist.
Mrs. Lee Davenport, 88 East Nine
teenth Street I have three good rea
sons for supporting Mr. Hughes. First,
I believe he Is big enough for the Job.
I was a resident of New York when
Mr. Hughes was Governor and I had an
opportunity to go through with meas
ures that he thought to be right in the
face of the greatest opposition from all
sides. Then I believe we will get Na
tional woman suffrage quicker under
a Republican administration. Then
with National suffrage assured, we will
be able to get National prohibition
through the awakening of the Ameri
can women.
Insurance Commlsaloner.
Harvey Wells. Salem I am going to
vote for Hughes because he represents
the progressive and constructive Ideals
of the Republican party. Ho is a man
who will stand- for the new American
ism. A Law Student.
John L. BiaUer, Hammersley Court
I disapprove of Wilson's foreign policy.
That is the main reason why I am
going to vote for Hughes. Foreign
countries should not be able to tell this
Nation what course to pursue when she
should be taking the lead of all na
An Advertising: Man.
R. F. Tallmadge. 341 Montgomery I
shall vote for Hughes because he
stands for the best type of American-
ism. He scorns vacillation and a pol
icy of "watchful waiting." I also feel
that business conditions, especially in
the Northwest, will be benefited great
ly by a Republican Administration.
An Expressman.
C. Fetters, 991 East Thirty-first
street I am going to vote for Hughes
because I am a Republican. The Demo
crats never did anything for this coun
try except to throw honest workingmen
out of employment. Then, I don't be
lieve in class legislation. That's what
the Adamson bill appears to be.
A Livestock Dealer.
Ben F. Hunt, 70 Schofleld street I
believe in the protection of American
industries. That is one of the reasons
why I shall vote for Charles Evans
Hughes for President.
A Retired Business Man.
E. A. Fearing, 22 East Fifty-third
street North It is rather difficult to
tell in a few words why I shall vote
for Hughes. There are so many rea
sons they cannot be crowded into a
small space. One big reason, however,
is that there never was a time in the
history of the United States when we
needed a man at the head of this Gov
ernment like we need Charles Evans
A Jeweler,
J. P. Jaeger. 131 Sixth Street T shall
vote for Hughes not only because of
his own record, but also because of the
record of the party which he repre
sents. The Republican party has done
the big things for this country. The
Democratio party, on the other hand,
has never been representative of the
big men of tho United States.
Attorney and Mnsiclan.
R. Burns Powell. 1524 Yeon Building
I feel that Wilson is imbued with the
spirit of humanity and that be has the
interests of the people at heart, but I
am going to vote for Hughes because
I must have more in my pockets than
sentiment. You can't live on sentiment.
A Cashier of a Movlng-I'lcture House.
Misd Ava C. Lewis, 267 Morrison
Street I shall vote for Hughes, first
because he is a Republican and so am
I. Then Hughes will Insure better
times because he represents the
policies under which tho American
people are most prosperous.
An Attorney.
Robert V. Maguire. C20 Corbett
Building As a Progressive . Republi
can who believes that we need a Presi
dent who will unhesitatingly and un
swervingly protect American lives and
American rishts wherever threatened
For Sectors of President ajid
1 i a a
12 f BUTLER, E. X. Republican
13 rcOTTEL. WTT.T.T3 t. BepaoUcaa
14 X KEAD7' W. P., Republican
15 V MOBTH, W. C, Republican
wiuson, j. r
I 82
. op YsMHTT.Tr ootnrrr
k atc; EEUJtV.
23, CYRUS H,
B3- JOHNSON, FRANK W. Socialist-'
2a VcCOKB, BELKA Socialist
SO Nik U LA, AUGUST Socialist
Voters do not cast their ballots directly for the candidates for
President at a Presidential election. As provided by the Constitution
of the United States, they vote for Presidential electors, who in turn
cast the vote of the state for President.
Each political party on the ballot has a ticket of Presidential elec
tors. In Oregon, each political party has five candidates for Presiden
tial elector as many as the state has Senators and Representatives
in Congress. To vote for the candidate of his party, the voter should
put the mark "X" opposite the names of each of the flvo electors of
that party and candidate.
For example, to vote for Charles Evans Hughes for President,
the voter should vote for the five Republican Presidential electors.
Opposite tho names of these five electors are the words on tho ballot:
"For President, Charles Evans Huirhes. Kor Vice-President. Charles
Warren Fairbanks," so that it is easy to find tho five electors for
whom to vote.
The five Republican electors are R. R. Butler, of Wasco County:
Willis I. Cottel. of Multnomah County; W. P. Keady. of Multnomah
County; W. C. North, of Multnomah County, and J. F. Wilson, ot Mult
nomah County.
The voter should put the mark "X" in indelible pencil opposite
the names of not only one or two of these electors, but every ono of
them, if ho is voting for Charles Evans Hughes.
or endangered, and who cannot be co
erced by any faction into a betrayal of
his trust, I am for Charles Evans
A Candy Maker.
J. Merrithew, Lents, Or. I am erolng
to vote for Hughes because when he
says he will do a thing- he does it. Ho
doesn't "watch and wait." I think he
would make a. very strong-minded and
capable executive.
A Woman Prominent In Women's Cluba
and Chnrcta Circle.
Mrs. K. Eggert, 263 Fourteenth
Street Why am I going to vote for
Hughes? I really cannot think of any
reason why I should not vote for him.
We want to return to the principles of
the Republican party. Hughes stands
for thoso things that will place this
country in the foremost rank of the
nations of the earth. We want an
American for Americans and I am go
ing to help restore a lost power by
voting for Hughes.
A Civil Engineer.
C. E. Carter, F22 Spalding Building
I shall voto for Hughes because I be
lieve in the principles of the Republic
an party and because I think we need
firmness and sound business meth
ods, and less theory and indecision at
the head of our Government.
A Hotel Proprietor.
rhtl Metchan. Jr., Imperial Hotel
Hughes stands for protection of Ameri
can rights under any and all circum
stances. Under tho Republican tariff
policies the infant industries will pros
per. Hughes la a man of decision and
character and one in whose promises
the people of this country can honestly
rely. For that threefold reason and
many others will I voto for Charles
Evan Hughes for President of tho
United States.
A Confectioner.
W. K. Rayl. 328 Washington Street
I am going to cast my vote for Hughes
beoause he represents the principles of
the Republican party. And I consider
those principles to be the proper ones
for American people.
An Insurance Ajcent.
Miss Harriet U. Buford, 215 Broad
way Wo need a different administra
tion. This is not a question of the
individual. It Is a question of policies.
Tho policy of protection is the best
for the American people. We need a
man who embodies those principles and
also will stand pat on what bo says
he will do.
A Naval Officer.
George F. Blair. Oregon Kaval Mili
tia I am going to support Hughes be
cause h is outspoken In. his views for
national defense and he believes in a
Vice President of theUnited
B- : 2
strong army and a strong navy. He
also believes in leaving the Mexican
situation without any half measures.
His attitude on foreign relations I con
Blder excellent. He believes in making
a clear statement as to what the for
eign policy of this country should be,
and in upholding that policy with force
If necessary. Under such a firm mili
tary policy International complications
would undoubtedly be eliminated.
A Capitalist.
J. S. Cooper, Independence. Or. I
don't believe the people of tho United
states wish any more retrogression.
I believe that this nation should be
highly repescted and should go for
ward to place Itself at the very top of
ail nations commercially. That Is one
of the reasons why I am- going to vote
for Mr. Hughes.
A Hop Merchant.
R. C Dorcas. 221 Pittock Block I
am going to support Hughes because
I believe we should have a protective
tariff to hold up our protits and elim
inate the "soup houses." We want a
man who will not say he is going to
d-o one thing and then do the oppo
site. You also hear tho cry set up that
"Wilson kept us out of war." There
wouldn't be. in my mind. 1-alf the
chance for the American nation going
to war with Hughes as President as
there wouldi be with Wilson.
A Timberman.
T. J. Seutert. S01 Title and Trust
building' Tho foreign policy of the
present administration has been en
tirely too weak. The knocking off of
the tariff on lumber has injured all
the Industries of the Northwest. Wil
son's Mexican policy is also very weak
and vacillating. Those are but a few
of the many reasons why I an going
to vote for Hughes.
A Carpenter.
H. Wells, general delivery I am go
ing to vote for Hughes because I think
his election will be for the benefit of
the country at large. We must stop
this free trade movement. There would
be much better wage conditions if the
protective tariff would again become
operative. It is to the best Interests
of all working classes to support
The Mother of Two Boys.
Mrs. J. II. Watson. 1045 East Twenty
first street North Hughes is the man
of the hour. We need a man as Presi
dent who is wide-awake and who will
inspire the American peoplo with new
ideals. That roan is Hughes.
A Real Kstate Mas.
H. IX King, Bay ocean There aro so
many reasons why I am going to vote
for Hughes. prosperity, i oeiieve.
would be assured with a Republican
administration. Then a strong man
8 3
f S. So
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rt g to
at the head of the nation's affalra la
absolutely necessary. Hughes Is that
man. Oregonians particularly should
give their support to Hughes.
A. R. Paue, Clackamas. Or. I am
going to vote for Hughes because ha
is. In my Judgment, the best man to
put Into that office for the next f oar
years. As soon as the war In Europe
is over the American markets will bo
crowded with European products tin
less there is a decided change In tbo
tariff policy, and tho American, manu
facturer is given protection.
A Timber Dealer.
C S. Lowe, Imperial Hotel My strp
port shall go to Hughes because I be
lieve he will best serve the Interests of
the entire United States, as well as my
Fraternal Society Organiser.
William 8, Mowry, Redman organiser.
8a7 Killlngswortb. avenue I am going
to vote for Hughes beoause I think
times will be better If we have a Re
publican President. I don't believe,
either, there la as great a possibility
of our being drawn into war under
Hughes as there la under Wilson. Also.
Hughes understands. I believe, judicial
procedure better than does Wilson, and
would, therefore, bo better able to deal
with, tho mass of legislation.
A Barber.
Will Iavis 1500 Martha street I do
not like the weak foreign policy of the
present administration. I believe that
the American flag thould stand for ab
solute protection of American rights
and property in every land or on any
A Cattleman.
R. P. McClelland. Philomath, Or. I
am going to vote for Hughes because
I think any man who has bis best In
terests and thofe of his fellows at heart
could not voto for anyone else. I have
seen tho livestock business, under a
Democratio administration, in ucu a
condition that money could not be bor
rowed on livestock, nor livestock be
sold. Seldom have t encountered any
such condition with a Republican at
the helm of tho Nation's affairs.
A Tailor.
Henry Chambers, 171 West Park
street I believe In protecting Amer
ican lives and property in all parts of
the world. I believe in never letting
the American flag trail in the dust. The
present Administration offers little
protection to the American citizen out
side of the United States and little pro
tection to tho American manufacturer
within tho United States.
A TcJca-rnphcr.
E. J. Carlson, Western Union op
erator The election of Charles Evans
Hughes will inspire business progress
and give employment to our working
men now being opposed by Oriental
If. C. Cnthbert, Acting Secretary, Tells
of Coast Plans to Have East
erners Ytalt Northwest.
Herbert Cuthbert, acting secretary
of tho North racific Coast Tourist As
sociation, was in Portland yesterday,
and. in company with C. C. Overroeyer.
president of the Portland Automobile
Club, made a trip over the Columbia
River Highway. It would be unneces
sary to say that he enjoyed it. Mr.
Cuthbert lives at Victoria, 14. C. and
declares that not even the famous Ma
lahat drive out of that city can compare
with the highway that is Portland's.
"Wo propose." said Mr. Cuthbert in
discussing tho plans of the tourist as
sociation, "to put on an organized cam
paign for selling tho cenery of the
Northwest as one tour. It is nonsenical
for each community to attempt a cam
paign for selling its individual attrac
tions. "We will send representatives to the
East and shrill probably open headquar
ters at Chicago as the most central
point. From there our agents will ho
sent out to interest all persons who
travel in spending their vacation In the
"It will bring tourists by the thou
sands, and they will stay at least a
month, instead of one day or a part of
a day. or part of a week.
"It will bring millions of dollars of
new money into the Northwest."
Mr. Cuthbert will ask that all com
mercial organizations and schools of
the state get behind a move to observe
November 23 as "Post Card Writing
Day." He suggests that every resident
of the Northwest send from one to 20
scenic post cards to Eastern men and
Otitis 5liov Little Change Since Elec
tion in Tine Tree State.
NEW YORK, Nov. 1. Betting on the
outcome of the Presidential election
was not materially changed by Mon
day's sweeping Republican victory In
Maine. Conditions In various places
were reported a4 follows:
Wail street Hughes supporters of
fered odds of 10 to 6, with no takers.
Ten to eight, with no Wilson money In
sight was tho offering Saturday.
Brooklyn Fred Schumm has SlO.oni
to place on Hughes at 8 to 5. btit Wil
son supporters want 2 to 1. He has
$2000 to place at something better than
even money that Hughes will carry
New York State and $1000 at 7 to &
that Whitman will be re-elected.
Omaha. Neb. Betting is at even
money, with but few bets recorded.
Odds that Wilson carries Nebraska.
Memphis. Tenn. No large wagers
made, although odds favor Wilson.
Denver. Colo. Odd are 6 to on
Hughes; 1 to 2 on Wilson will carry
New York State, and 10 to S Wilson
will carry Colorado.
Philadelphia No beta placed on
strength of Maine election.
Seattle, Wash. Odds even, with no
Wilson money offered.
Pennsylvania Railway Finds 'ortl
ost Product Superior.
Apple grown in the Northwest now
arc used exclusively for cooking and
baking on tho dining cars of tho Penn
sylvania Railroad system.
A testimonial of the superiority of
tho Northwestern product has Just been
received by tho Northwest Fruit Ex
change from H. H. Baker, superinten
dent of the Pennsylvania dining car
service, who writeu as follows:
"Wt are now using 'Skookum. Jona
than. Spltzenberg. Staymen and Rome
Beauty and dispose of about three to
five boxes dally. These apples havo
always given us satisfaction, particu
larly the Rome Beauty, which we use
altogether for baking and cooking purposes.'