The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 05, 1916, Section One, Page 15, Image 15

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Portland's Struggle to Relieve
Distress of Unemployed Is
Recalled by Voters.
Private Aid, Associated Charities
find Salvation Army Taxed to
V Iiimit During Adminlstra-'
" , tion. of Mr. Wilson.
Portland's struggle to relieve the dis
tress of the unemployed during: the
administration of President Wilson Is
influencing hundreds of citizens to vote
for a return ' to Republican policies.
Every resident of the city remembers
the relief measures necessary during:
the last few Winters, and realizes that
the situation was not remedied until
the effects of war prosperity became
The official records show that the
city has spent $118,606 and the county
$27,867.72 on special relief measures
for the unemployed during the Wilson
administration. Detailed accounts of
how this money was applied appeared
in The Oregonian yesterday and Fri
day. But the expenditure of public
money was only one phase of this
work, made necessary by Democratic
hard times, brought on particularly by
the Underwood tariff. Private relief
work was also a big factor in taking
care of the large bodies of men thrown
out of employment.
Soup Houses Established.
The establishment of "soup" bouses
Jn various parts of the city, where
meals were furnished men at a nom
inal expenditure, was one of the relief
measures adopted. 'The place known
as the Working Men's Club, which was
established on Front street by Ben Sel
ling, was one outgrowth of this move
ment Meals were furnished at the
place at less than actual cost. During
the existence of the place, from No
vember 6. 1914.- to March 1, 1916, a total
of nearly 400,000 meals were served to
the unemployed, made jobless by "Dem
ocratic prosperity." The place was only
discontinued last Spring, when the ef
fects of war prosperity began to be
felt in Portland.
Another soup house, which had. an
existence during about the same pe
riod, was that established by William
Margulis on Burnside street. It served
thousands of 5-cent meals to unem
ployed working men, and was finally
discontinued for the same reason as
the Working Men's Club. Many other
houses In the city served cheap meals
es a sideline for the Benefit of unem
ployed men, who were often compelled
to take up another notch in their belt
rather than eat.
Repetition la Feared.
Speaking of the situation yesterday,
Ben Selling said:
"It is my unqualified, opinion that
unless Mr. Hughes is elected President
next Tuesday, that we will have a repe
tition of unemployment only greatly
increased over the years 1914 and 1915.
I believe further that If by any un
foreseen circumstances Mr. Wilson
ehould unfortunately be President at
the close of the war. that practically
universal bankruptcy would be the con
dition of the United States. And it is
only out of consideration for the wel
fare of the working people of this city
that I so strongly urge the election of
Mr. Hughes next Tuesday."
- More than 48,000 beds and meals fur
nished by the Industrial Department
of the Portland Salvation Army for the
fiscal year ending September 30, 1916,
is one record made by the Democratic
administration. And that was for a
year which is admittedly not so bad
from the standpoint of unemployment
as previous years In the administration
of President Wilson.
The report for the year shows: Beds
furnished for labor, 9771; beds fur
nished free. 2781: meals furnished for
labor. 27,979; and meals furnished
free, 7818.
Other Relief Given.
This Is but a portion of the work of
the Salvation Army, necessitated, by
the hard times. Their work also In
cluded the giving of large quantities of
baskets during Christmas and relief
work conducted among families all
over the city.
The Men's' Resort, on Fourth and
Burnside streets, has been one of the
Institutions in the city which has been
compelled to bear the brunt of the
hard times during the present admin
istration. A report for the year end
ing March 81, 1916, shows that institu
tion to have furnished 12,423 beds and
to have given 3718 meals. During the
previous year, which is considered to
have been the worst from the stand
point of unemployment in the city of
Portland, the Men's Resort fed 7800
men frees and sheltered 7100 men free
of charge. In addition 10,000 men con
tributed a nominal sum for what they
received in the way of food and
lodaring. "
The Associated Charities, which re
cently changed its name to the Public
Welfare Bureau, has also been com
pelled to assist thousands during the
present administration. The records of
that organization show that for the fis
cal year ending October, 31, 1916, a to
tal of 1376 families, single women and
homeless men were assisted. For the
preceding year families, single women
and homeless men to the number of
2497 were assisted.
Fourteen Charities Taxed.
This is but a small portion of the
work found necessary in Portland be
cause of the unemployed situation dur
ing the early part of the Wilson ad
ministration. All of the 1 charitable
organizations in the city were taxed
to their utmost to handle, even in a
small measure, the situation. In addi
tion, work done by churches and indi
viduals reached into thousands of dol
lars. Relief workers are unanimous in de
claring that the situation was one such
as they had never before experienced.
Orient and Occident Mingle in Sympathetic Understanding at White
Temple, as Last Rites Are Said for Chinese Philanthropist and Merchant-
A GROUP of men with bowed heads
trod slowly down the central
aisle of the White Temple yes
terday afternoon. Before them the al
tar was hidden with great chrysanthe
mums, green ferns and glowing roses.
Behind them was borne a casket of
gray. Its silver handles gleaming in the
semi-dusk. As by one Impulse the hun
dreds arose from the filled pews, from
the gallery and the ante-room. Rev
erently they stood, and the soft tones
of the organ swept about them.
Seid Back, son of Seid Tow King and
China, an honored gentleman of Ore
gon, was with bis friends for the final
hour before Kiverview and rest.
Framed in roses, a life-sized likeness
of the well-loved philanthropist and
merchant, stood by the pulpit.
The great church chamber was very
quiet. Side by side they sat. Oriental
and Caucasian, in silks and cotton, in
broadcloth and second-hand, met to pay
tribute to a common friend.
It had been Seid Back's wish that
his friend of many years. Rev. George
Campbell, of McMinnvile, might con
duct his funeral service, but a sudden
illness prevented this, and in his stead
Rev. George B. Whitman, himself a
missionary of long service In China,
opened the service with prayer.
"May the good that was in his life
be reflected in others," petitioned the
minister. "May those traits that have
endeared him to many be preserved in
his family and his friends."
Sympathy Is for Widow.
With the closing . words a rustle
crept through the crowded church.
Above it. rose the low sobbing of the
widow, black gowned and veiled. A
thousand glances of sympathy turned
toward her.
Speaking from his long years of as
sociation and work with the Chinese
people, and voicing his regret that he
had not known Seid Back, Rev. Mr.
Whitman with deep feeling, but kindly
forbearance, attacked the prejudice of
race, cited the -strong virtues of the
Chinese people and expressed his un
derstanding affection for a people that
had produced a man "such as this
huge assemblage is met to honor in
"Some day that time will come," he
prophesied, "when we of Amefica will
recognize all races as our equals." He
spoke of the attributes of the dead
merchant, of his charity, his warmth
of heart and sense of responsibility to
the community. "The question of race
is a question that Is altogether aside
it is those things that have endeared
him to you!"
Tribute Is Thrilling.
Loyalty to a friendship, he declared
to be inherent with the brothers of
the Orient, and to his lips sprang a
tribute eo genuine and impetuous that
his auditors thrilled to hear it.
"If I were in a place where my life
depended unon the watch of any human
being, I 'would rather entrust that
watch to one of my Chinese friends
than, to anyone I know." His eyes
kindled. "You cannot do them a kind
ness," he asserted, "but it comes back
to you, in a measure heaped to over
For a moment he looked upon the
mass of white bloom that covered the
kindly clay. "I am here this afternoon
to lay my tribute with yours upon that
coffin . . . and to pay tribute to the
Chinese people.
As one who was "an intimate friend
and acquaintance of Seid Back for
many years," Judge Henry E. McGinn
was introduced by Dr. E. H. East. Few
debts of friendship have been paid in
eloquence as this one was. Judge Mc
Ginn spoke slowly, searching his way
through an evident maze of emotion
until the fire came into hl3 voice and
the words leaped in phrases of feeling
Seid Back's Arrival Told.
He spoke of the treaty of 1868. known
as the Burlingame treaty, permitting
the entrance of Chinese to America.
Also of the measures that were after
ward necessary to check the flood, lest
disaster attend the process of assimi
lation. This, he said, he felt in his
heart was Just, yet he was prepared to
speak for the splendidly human quali
ties of the Chinese race.
"Of those who came under the Bur
lingame treaty, when he was but 17
years of age, without friends, without
money and without the language of the
new land, was the one in whose mem
ory we are now congregated. Seven
teen years of age when he came here
not yet 65. His own way to make, and
nobody to make it but himself. Briefly
he sketched the rise of Seid Back from
common laborer to honored affluence.
"Think of it the boy that came here
without friends, to become the medium
of communication between the white
man and the yellow man."
"You might have asked the bankers.
or the cannerymen. How good is Seid
Back's word? They would have told
you. The cannerymen would have said,
"He put up our fish for us and we had
no writing. We did not need a writ
ing.' Not according to the letter of the
contract, but according to the spirit.
Seid Back Kindly Man.
For almost 50 years, said Judge Mc
Ginn he had known many men, men of
business, of science, of letters, men of
culture and wide prominence. Yet
"I have no hesitancy in saying that
in all those years I never knew a
kinder man than Seid Back. Why,
there never was an old dog that was
driven away by Seid Back, or that he
would suffer to be driven. That's
something to say for him, isn't it?
There never was a man that came to
him for employment, that he did not
find something for him to do. Dr.
Whitman is right In saying that the
Chinese have many spiritual traits
which it would be well for the white
race to Imitate." His voice lowered a
bit. and he smiled whimsically.
"Should the good Lord give me a
long life." he ventured, "and should I
sit on the western piazza waiting for
the sun to go down, I probably will
not be able to recall any friendship
dearer to me than that of my good
Chinese friend, Seid Back."
He quoted Robert Ingersoll's com
ment on the death, of the actor, Law
rence Barrett. "'Will the curtain rise
again? Will the scenes be shifted on
another stage? Hope whispers "yes."
Reason says "perhaps."
There was no . infidelity there, said
Judge McGinn, rather the trust that
somewhere there is a meeting place of
old friends. "It is implanted in all of
us, and we cannot rid ourselves of
belief." he said.
Acquaintance Held Privilege.
"I shall remember with great grati
tude that it was my privilege, in my
pilgrimage through this world, to have
known this splendid Chinese gentle
man. He was a true man In every re
lation of life. . He has nothing to fear
now." A pause, while something came
into his voice that was not eloquence.
"I loved this man whilst he was
living. I reverence his memory now.
Dear, good friend, goodby."
Of the last hours of Seid Back a
few words were spoken by his at
tendant physician. Dr. E. II. East, who
had long betn his close friend.
"He who is not ready to live is not
ready to die." declared Dr. East. "And
he who is not ready to die is not ready
to live. When the time came for our
departed friend I saw a scene that all
of you would have loved to witness.
'Papa,' they said to him. Papa!' Seid
Back lifted his eyes to them. Tray,
he told them. 'Only prayer to Jesus
will help or can help.' And so he
crossed the river on the only bridge
that crosses from earth to Heaven.
God bless his memory." .
The Rev. Chang Sing Kal. whose
daughter Is the wife of Seid Back's
only son, Seid Gain, more widely known
as Seid Back, Jr., spoke in the Chinese
language. A man of forceful eloquence
is he, though his Caucasian hearers
must content themselves with the sub
tie changes of voice, gestures and the
play of the expression. Yet words of
English were scattered through, as the
speaker sought for freedom of expres
sion. "Nearer to God ... good
bye . . . don't cry . . . God
took Seid Back! . . . and
meet again."
Favorite Hymn Is Sung.
The service concluded with the sing
ing of Seid Back's favorite hymn, "Pass
Me Not, O. Gentle Savior." by the
White Temple quartet, and with prayer
in the Chinese tongue, offered by the
Rev. Lm Toung, pastor of the local
Cninese Baptist. Mission.
The solo hymn, "Some Day He'll Make
It Plain to Me." as interpreted by Ml
Anna Johnson, was of rare vocal beau
ty and sympathy.
The funeral cortege, a glistening line
of- motors in the fading afternoon,
passed In review to Eleventh street.
thence to Morrison, thence to' First
street and so to Rlverview Cemetery,
Honored of all men, the kindly Chi
nese emigrant, who won respect and
affection from the clutch of racial
prejudice, passed to his rest.
Seid Back, merchant, contractor and
philanthropist, died at his ranch near
Independence, on Wednesday. Novem
ber 2, as the result of a malady in
duced by a severe fall In September.
He was born at San Way Chung Sar,
in China, on November 18, 1851, and
came to this country when a boy of 17
years. Since then his home has been in
Portland, where he rose from laborer
to wealth and influence. He was a man
of many sincere f rlendshlr...
Seid Back is survived by his widow
and his only son. Seid Gain. The es
tate is reputed to approach $1,000,000.
Rousing Words Are Joined With Tuneful Music Supplied by Local Girt.
Composition Breathes High Patriotic Spirit.
' Orchard Specialists Employed.
ROSEBURG. Or., Nov. 4. (Special.)
Dan G. Middlekauf. a graduate of the
Oregon Agricultural College, has been
engaged as pruning and spraying spe
cialist for the Overland Orchards, situ
ated In Garden Valley, and managed
by Charles A. Brand.
Get a small package of HamburgBreast
Tea, or as the German folks call It, "Ham
burger Brust Thee," at any pharmacy.
Take a tablespoonf ul of the tea, put a
cup of boiling water upon it. pour
through a sieve and drink a teacup full at
hny time. It is the most effective way to
break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the
pores, relieving congestion. Also loosens
the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once.
It Is Inexpensive and entirely vege
table, therefore harmless. Adv.
. y vjr. j ' ' A V , -
ANXIOUS to do his part to promote
the candidacy of Charles E.
Hughes, Fred R. Alexander, of
Portland, has written a patriotic song
which includes a tribute to the Repub
lican nominee. Mr. Alexander is an op
erator on the Morrison-street bridge.
The song has been set to music by Miss
Lucy Kirkendall, also of Portland.
- Mr. Alexander had hoped to have the
song in circulation earlier in the cam
paign, but there was delay in securing
plates for printing the music. They are
being made in Chicago, and the song
will be printed by a Portland bouse as
soon as they arrive.
Here are the words of the song:
The fathers of our country came from for
eign lands.
Ia search of equal worship, with no stain
upon their hamls.
They assembled close together, brave men
'and wives so tnie.
To do unto their brothers as they wished
them to do.
Three cheers for the Stars and i Stripes
And the cause they represent.
We must defend unto the end
The emblem of our states.
Then take off your hat to Old Glory,
March with the Just and true.
Salute the stars In that old flag-.
For they symbolize true blue.
The red. the white, the blue are true to
laws of common. sense.
They appeal to law and reason, honor and
Then lift your hat ffently, with reverence
to thoco
Who designed our Xation's banner and sub
dued our common foes.
Extra chorus
Three cheers for our Chief Justice.
We win see what he will do
To make all nations honor us
And protect our Interest, too.
Then take off your hat to Old Glory,
And give three cheers for HuKhe.
Salute the stars In that old flair.
For they drive away the blues.
Three cheers for the S'.ijs and Stripes,
And the cause they -present.
We must defend unto the end
The emblem of our states.
Then take off your hat to OM Glory,
And sive three cheers for Hushes.
Salute the stars in that old flag-, ' '
lor they dive away the blues.
J7 Designed for the 1917 Shows
The Mitchell Limousine
Winter Gar Idea,
Which Most Folks are Adopting
Advance Designs Nearly Sold Out
This, we believe, is our last an
nouncement of Mitchell luxury
models this fall.
' These are advance designs
models for next year's Shows.
Only a limited number were built,
so we secured but few.
We hope you will see them all
of you before the last model is -.
i Many New Ideas
- These Mitchell models are h;a
tended to combine all the new
ideas in existence. All the latest
models, European and American,
were examined by the Mitchell
You will see here, therefore,
what is coming in the way of lux
ury cars. ' You will see more up-to-date
attractions than any other
car yet combines.
The One-Car Idea
One car for year-'round service
is the leading idea now. We at
tain it in several new ways.
One is a new type of Demount
able Top. A handsome Sedan
top, electric lighted, curtained and
upholstered. The sides disappear,
as in the Touring Sedan. This
top on a Mitchell Touring jCar
costs only $300 extra.
Then there is the Springfield
type Sedan, with every late im
provement. An ideal year-'round
There is the Cabriolet, conv
S-passenger Roadster, $1325
5-passenger Touring Car, $1325
7-passenger Touring Car, $1360
Equipped with TVmountable
Top Only , $300 Extra
4-passenger Cabriolet, $1775
4-passenger Coupe, $1850
7-passenger Springfield Sedan, $1985
7-passenger Limousine, $2650
jU prices f.CKb. Radnm
binmg a Coupe and Roadster;
There is the Mitchell Limousine
and the Mitchell Coupe in which
all windows disappear.
You will see here dozens of new
conceptions in models of these
Smart Car Gems
These Mitchell smart cars are
gems. They have been designed,
like the Mitchell chassis, under
John W. Bate. And they repre
sent his idea of efficiency.
Today they are new in many
particulars far in . advance of
other current models.
They are Mitchell advertise
ments of the highest order. As
such we want you to see them.
But our small supply is nearly
sold. So we urge you to come
this week.
Racine, Wis, XL S. A.
lis i i rtt r " ' tts tt-7"' ----s - - wt? i -
r vv - s vay
Springfield Type Sedan Windows Down
Mitchell Coupe.Roadster or Cabriolet
Mitchell, Lewis 6? Staver Co.
East Morrison and East First Streets, Portland, Oregon
Hard Fight for Countr Judge Cloaca
Willi Supporter Confident of
Success of IMoneera Son.
"George M. McBrlda -will bo the next
County Judge of Multnomah County,"
saM Secretary Smith, of the McBrlde
campaign committee, last night. "He
will beat his opponent by a handsome
majority. Every indication from every
section of the city and county point
to Mr. McBrlde's triumph ia Tuesday's
"Mr. McBrlde has made a phenomenal
fight. It has been ah uphill campaign
from the beginning. His record is
clean, however, and be conies of a
family that has lived in and peopled
Oregon since 1846 a pioneer family
that has left Its Impress upon the
state. The McBrides have always
stood for the best things in public
and private life.
"Mr. McBrido's father Is now sitting
on the supreme bench of the State of
Oregon. His grandfather was among
the first ministers of the Christian
Church in Oregon and served under
President Lincoln as Minister to Ha
waii. "Mr. McBrlde has made a clean cam
paign. It stands out In striking con
trast with that of his opponent."
Woodbnrn Store Is Robbed and Loot
Found Upon Suspects.
New suits, hats and shoes, together
with a long list of other articles, were
stolen from the Landon Mercantile
Company's store at Woodburn early
yesterday morning by Albert Logan. 16
years old. and Elmer Claughton, 15
years old. it Is alleged. The boys came
to Portland via Oregon City, and were
arrested at First and Madison streets
by City Detectives Ooltz and HowelL
In two suitcases they carried several
shirts, trousers, 24 Jack-knives, four
razors, neckties, gloves and other
plunder taken from the store. Each
had donned a complete new suit of
clothes, making the change In a mill
near Woodburn, where they left their
discarded clothes. An early morning
train carried them to Oregon City,
where they boarded an Interurban car
for Portland. The City Marshal of
Woodburn telephoned to the police, giv
ing descriptions of the suspects.
The Logan boy's home is in this city.
Elmer Claughton says that his parents
live in Seattle. Both have been wander
ing through California for several
months. They were returned to Wood
burn yesterday.
Men Sow Getting $3 Daily Want
Advance of 50 Cents.
Because of the conditions under
which they work, sewer laborers for
the city . have prepared a petition to
be submitted to the City Council, ask
ing for an increase of SO cents a day
in wages. They now receive 13 a day.
In their petition they say they are
required to work under conditions
which are dangerous to health and life
and that they are required to -provide
themselves with boots and other
equipment' not necessary In most ordi
nary labor.
The Sunshine Safety Lamp Co., 602
Factory Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo., has a
new portable gasoline lamp which gives
the most powerful home light in the
world a blessing to every home not
equipped with gas or electricity. 300
Candle Power at one cent per night.
This remarkable lamp has no wick and
no chimney, is absolutely safe and gives
such universal satisfaction they are
sending it to any person In the TJ. S.
on 15 Days Free Trial. If you want to
try It send them your name and ad
dress at once. Adv.
Grebham Voters to Hold Kallics.
GRESHAM. Or.. Nov. 4 (Special.)
Gresham voters will hold two political
rallies Monday night, a Democratic
meeting at Metzger'a Hall, with ex.
Governor Oswald West as the speaker,
and a Republican gathering in the
Gresham moving-picture theater, with
Don T. Orput. of the University of Wis
consin, and Judge Robert T. Morrow
and local candidates In the limelight.
Xative Vanililll County Farmer Sur
vived by Widow and Children.
M'MIXXVILLK. Or.. Nov. 4. (Spe
cial.) .Joseph M. Garrison, whose fu
neral was held here yesterday after
noon, was born in Yamhill County Oc
tober 28, 1847. in a pioneer family of
14 children. Mr. Garrison, on Septem-
Humphreys' Seventy-seven
For Grip, Influenza
The first stage of a Cold is, diminu
tion in the size of the bloodvessels,
producing paleness, chilliness, shivers
or rigors, with goose-flesh, a disposi
tion to put on extra clothing, to creep
towards the fire, to take stimulants and
hot drinks, this Is the stage of depres
sion. The use or "Seventy-seven" at this
stage gives the best results, and is al
most sure to break up the Cold.
"Seventy-seven" contains nothing
harmful or Injurious and leaves no bad
after effects.
A small vial of pleasant pellets fits
the vest pocket, handy to carry, easy
to take. Dc at all Drug Stores In all
For the convalescent, for tho weak and th
wsary- Price. 1.00. at ail Drug Stores or
sent C. O. D. .
Humphreys," Borneo Medicine Co IBS
3Yll-m btreet. Kw York.
her 19, 1S69, married Miss Elixa J.
Derby, who was born at The Dalles
In 1S52 while her parents were cn ri. ute
to Oregon from the Kast.
His widow survives him. together
with one son, Fred M. Garrison, of Me--Minnville,
Mrs. M. O. Martin and Mrs.
Mizner, also of this city. He nad bom
a resident of this county practically all
his life, following farming until hid
retirement a few years ago.
It was early in tns Christian era thnt the
pe.ioh was introduced to Southern Kurops
from tho K.itt. It did not reach Uniaia
until the llth century.
Few people realize to what extent
their health depends upon the condi
tion of the kidneys.
The physician in nearly all cases of
serious Illness makes a chemical anal
ysis of the patient's urino. He knows
that unless the kidneys are doing their
work properly the other organs tan
not readily lo brought back to health
and strength.
When the kidneys are neglected or
abused in any way, eorious results are
sure to follow. According to health sta
tistics. Bright's Disease, which is really
an advanced form of kidney trouble,
caused nearly ten thousand deaths irt
one year in the stato of New Vorlc
alone. Therefore, It is particularly
necessary to pay more attention to the
health of these Important organs.
An ideal herbal compound that has
had remarkable success as a kidney
remedy Is Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver and bladder
Tbe mild and healing influence of
this preparation, in most cases, is soon
realized, according to sworn statements
and verified testimony of those who
have used the remedy.
When your kidneys require atten
tion, get Swamp-Root at once from
any pharmacy. It Is sold by every
druggist in bottles of two sizes 50o
and 11.00.
However, If you wish first to test
this great preparation, send ten cents
to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamrbn. X.
Y., for a sample bottle. When writing
be sure and Tnention The Portland.
Sunday Oregonian.