The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 05, 1916, Section One, Page 13, Image 13

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only American rights shall be-put on
a black list by any foreign nation."
That is a flat statement. Does it not
mean that if the black list Is not with
drawn Mr. Hughes will, as President,
ask Congress to place an embargo on
munitions for the allies?
3. The Adamson bill Is the subject
of Mr. Hughes' determined attacks.
Within a year the provisions of that
bill automatically expire. The Presi
dent has set forth his definite pro
gramme on this subject with much
Mr. Hughes has a creed. He "believes
In arbitration." but has he a pro
gramme? 4. - Mr. Hughes has arraigned Mr.
Wilson's measures for aiding the
American merchant marine.
Does Mr. Hughes believe in ship sub
sidies? 5. Mr. Hughes has spoken dispar
agingly of the Federal reserve law.
How does he wish that law amended?
6. Mr. Hughes accentuates his own
Does that "Americanism" Imply com
pulsory military service? 1
The list of queries might be extended
Union to Go in Force to Try to
Induce Repeal of License - .
f .W. &r $
Commissioner to "Attempt to Pull Or
ganization Oat of Hole Into
Which He Put Them Labor
Behind Demonstration.
Waving got the jitneys in a hole by
asking- the City Council last July to
pass an ordinance forcing them by
November 15 to obtain a franchise to
continue in business. City Commis
sioner Daly will now try to get them
out again. He prepared an ordinance
yesterday repealing the franchise or-L
The repeal ordinance will be before
the Council first "Wednesday, when
the Central Labor Council and the
Jitney interests, which are affiliated,
will stage a big demonstration. The
plan is to pack the Council chamber
with jitney men and their families and
try to induce the Council into passing
the Daly ordinance. Mr. Daly's part
in the affair will be the presentation
of his proposed ordinance.
When Commissioner Daly announced
in July that it was useless to try to
regulate the Jitneys by the license
method and asked the Council to pass
the franchise measure, it was the plan
to give the Jitneys a franchise at their
own terms. The outcome would be
that the Jitney Drivers' Union would
pet the franchise and would have the
exclusive jitney rights in the city.
Square Deal Is Issue.
But when the Council got to figur
ing on the franchise proposition thero
cropped up the question of the pro
priety of the city granting a franchise
to jitneys allowing them to run when,
how and where they please, when the
city 'already has given franchises to
the street car company, imposing se
vere regulations. The question of a
square deal with no favoritism came
tip as an is,sue.
As the case stands now. Mayor Al
fcce and Commissioners Dieck and Ba
ker have announced that they stand
for treating all alike. Commissioner
Daly stands for giving the jitneys the
franchise at their own terms. Com
missioner Bigelow has not expressed
himself, except to say that he does
not favor letting the jitneys dictate
what they will have rather than the
City Council saying what they will
give, us has been done in connection
with street car franchises granted in
recent years.
The Council majority asked Commis
sioner Dieck to prepare a proposed
franchise for the Jitneys, imposing reg
ulations comparable with those im
posed on the street car company. He
prepared a list of routes which he
thought the jitneys should accept and
Submitted these to the Jitney Union,
with the announcement that if they
Were unwilling to accept the routes
there was no use considering any
other provisions of the franchise.
Labor Calls for Demonstration.
The list of routes was tv- by the
Jitney Union officials about two weeks
ago, and is still being held. The next
move is on the part of the jitneys, and
the move will be to try to induce the
repeal of Mr. Daly's franchise ordi
nance by packing i Council cham
ber with jitney drivers.
In the current Issue of the Libor
Press, the official publication nf the
Central Labor Council, there appears
a. call for the demonstration. All or
ganized labor people are asked to go
to the Council chamber to oppose the
unfair" (meaning open shop) Port
land Railway, Light & Power Com
pany, and to support a "loyal union,"
meaning the Jitney Drivers' Union.
Familiar but Oft Answered Query
Comes Again From Boston.
BOSTON, Mass.. Oct. 20. (To the
fcditor.) Will you allow a long-distance
but always interested reader of
your paper to apply to you for Infor
mation? Since the present campaign
began It has been my privilege, in com
mon with most of my fellow citizens, to
listen to many discussions as to the
advisability of electing the Republican
or Democratic candidate. Like most
men, I have come to regard such quad
rennial disputations as a very valu
able part of my political education,
but, to my disappointment, the current
debate has been hampered by the fact
that the followers of Mr. Hughes have
In every instance which happens to
have come under my observation been
unable to assert just what are the
principles of their champion on sub
jects conceded by all parties to be of
Immediate and large importance. The
candidate's frequent adoption of the
terms "correct policies" and "American
Ism" as defining his own -position seems
to many observers to intensify the
convictions of his followers without
corresponding enlightenment. It will
be granted, I think, that the coalition
supporting the Republican ticket is
made up of large bodies of men .who
think very variously upon these sub
jects, and the voter of independent
mind is not unnaturally confused as to
the all-important question of Mr.
Hughes' own convictions.
Under these unusual ciroumstances.
Is it not fair that The Portland Ore
gonian, a paper of peculiarly -distin
guished antecedents, which has during
tne campaign shown a generous hospi
tality to the expression of interest
Jngly divergent views, but which ha:
consistently advised lis readers to vote
the Republican ticket, should answer
clearly and tersely a few questions not
designed by their phrasing to catch or
Trip, Dut to elicit genuine and mucn-
needed information?
1. Mr. Hughes declares that he
favors a "new and consistent" policy
toward Mexico which shall protect
American lives and property. His most
prominent supporter. Colonel Room.
veltj who has an acknowledged genius
In bnaping the issues of a political cam
paign, makes a passionate demand for
the employment of force in our dealing
wicn me aoutnern republic, ana cer
tainly creates the impression that in
so doing he is voicing the determina
tion of the Republican Partv.
Is it not fair, then, to ask whether
under existing conditions Mr. Hughes
ineueves in active Intervention in
2. The most significant assertion of
Ms foreign policy was 'made by Mr.
iiugnes in Milwaukee. His speetfh
there leaves the clear Impression that
he wishes to see the allies' blockade
broken by methods quite as vigorous
as tnose applied to Germany. In Phil
avlelphia with absolute definiteness he
aid: "No American wbo la exercising
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Eiick ChrUrtopbenon.
Erick Christopherson. a resi
dent of Monitor, Or., for a quar
ter of a century, died Friday, Oc
tober 27 at his home there. Mr.
Christopherson was born in Son
derby Sjelland, Denmark, April
22, 1S20, and was more than 86
years of age at the time of his
death. He served two years in
the Danish army, and came to
America in 1867. His family fol
lowed a year later, and they made
their home at Yorkville," Racine
County, Wisconsin.
Mr. Christopherson moved with
his family to Monitor, Or., in 1892,
and farmed there for 24 years.
Besides his wiBow and imme
diate family he leaves 23 grand
children. Services were held from the
Seventh-Day Adventist Church of
to a greater length, but I will not make
further demands upon your space. I
simply submit it Is extraordinary that
after he has made several score of
speeches such general doubt can exist
regarding Mr. Hughes' policies.
If you will answer these questions as
fairly as they are asked, you will do a
service to hesitating voters.
The Oregonlan published on Monday,
October 30, an editorial article written
in reply to the letter of its distin
guished correspondent. It was Intended
at the same time to print the Sedgwick
letter, but It was found, when the edi
torial was in type and ready for publi
cation, that Mr. Sedgwick's letter had
been mislaid. ' Now a copy has been
procured, and It Is herewith published.
Any one Interested in The Oregonlan's
discussion of the seevral Inquiries made
by Mr.- Sedgwick is referred to last
Monday's issue.
Presidential Election to Decide Inter
national Relations Wilson Baa
Failed, lie Says.
WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Nov. 4.
(Special.) Judge Stephen A. Lowell, of
Pendleton, spoke at a Republican mass
meeting in Walla Walla this evening,
and, among other things, said:
"Far and beyond the ordinary issues
of the campaign now closing is the
question as to the future of this re
public as a wdrld power. The great
war is giving birth to a new Europe.
Out of the chaos of blood and iron will
come a new civilization. Even as the
Napoleonic era destroyed feudalism,
the conflict now raging will destroy
the industrial systems, and with it may
go old systems of government.
"The coming of peace ,will mark
America's opportunity. If America is
ready to grasp It. Opportunity alike
to impress upon the old world those
ideals of civil liberty and human rights
which lie at tne roundatlon of popular
government and to participate as the
dominant force in the council chambers
where terms of peace are written.
"Those voters who catch the vision
must realize that the present executive
never can replace this Nation in its
lofty position of influence. Through
him that has been lost. It must be
regained through the leadership of an
other President stronger, abler, with
assured policies and assured principles.
Never will the statesmen of Europe in
vite Mr. Wilson to participate in the
determination of problems so stupen
dous, issues so far-reaching. They have
already weighed him in the balance
and found him "wanting."
J. 1
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Series of 3 5 Rallies Held to Oppose
Brewers' Amendment.
ALBANY. Or.. Nov. 4. (Special.) A
scries of 35 rallies held in Linn Coun
ty in the last few weeks in opposi
tion to the Brewers' amendment and
in favor of the Prohibition amend
ment was ended last night with a big
meeting in the First Presbyterian
Church here. The speakers of last
nighty meeting were the Rev. C. E.
Gibson, pastor of the First Methodist
Church, of Albany, and the Rev. D'.
Iioyd Morgan, pastor of the First
Christian Church, of Albany.
Under the direction of the Linn
County branch of the Anti-Saloon
League., meetings have been held dur
ing the last few weeks in all sections
of the county, and many big rallies
have taken place. H. Bryant, chair
man, and J. F. Emmett, secretary of
the Anti-Saloon League committee in
this county, have handled the campaign.
ith a CrasK That Will Be Heard Over All the Northwes
Just think, think, think Dry Goods, Notions, Men's Fur
nishings, Cloaks, Etc.
Never again, in this age, will you be able to buy as cheap
such clean, new and up-to-the-minute merchandise
as you will'at this REMOVAL SALE!
Where is this gigantic sale going on? At
Truguay has employed scientists from the
United. States to organize and conduct a
government institute of geology, ,
; ! Extra
ir J k
i i
tfil StrestJ
aaid Morrison
Start at
9 A.M.
Tell Your Friends to Come Early
J nil S M: L
1- - ii i ii miii - - - urn i im i " M
Klamath Falls Business Men Will
Entertain Visitors November 8.
(Special.) Thursday, November 9. will
be Community day In Klamath Falls.
The celebration is planned by the
Klamath Falls Business Men's Associa
tion for Klamath people outside of
Klamath Falls. The day's programme
will Include music by the Klamath
military band. a big free dinner in the
Moose Hall to the visitors, free admis
sion to any theater In Klamath Fall
and community -welfare speeches by
prominent men.
Several premiums of $2.60 will be
riven for products grown by visitors.
The premiums may be redeemed at any
store In Klamath Falls for merchandise.
Cnlversitjr Mas Services Today.
At 4 o'clock today vesper services
will be held at the administration
building of the Portland! University, at
Seventeenth and Lovejoy streets. Rev,
Charles A. Hoy will deliver the address.
His tluma will be. "How to Learn
How." Special musio will be provided,
under the direction of the department
or music Light refreshments will be
served by the University Association.
Mr. Rcames to Visit at Home.
Clarence L. Reames, United States
District Attorney, will arrive in Port
land tomorrow morning: on a hurried
trip from San Francisco, where he has
been conducting- the prosecution of
Vtnd-fiaud cases for the Government.
Mr. Reames will leave tomorrow after
noon for Medford, hia former home, on
the way back: to San Francisco, where
he will resume the conduct of the land
P. A. McPherson, Insurance Man.
Passes in California.
"Word -. was received here yesterday
of the death, in Crescent City, Call,
cf V. A. Mcl'hersoii. lor nitny ytars
a prominent insurance man of Port
land. Mr. McPherson moved from Port
land five years ajo. and iine has
lived in California. Me is survived by
one son. Walter McPherson. now a
resident of Canada.
In Portland Mr. McPherson was well
known throuch his insurance connec
tions. He was the founder and o r
ranlzer of the Independent Ord?r of
Lions, now merged with the Western
Indemnity Company, of Chicago.
The output of Nnvalrt lirHnn b!-vts
ourluj the last year amounted to S730,-