The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 29, 1916, Section One, Image 1

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Section One
Pages 1 to 18
82 Pages
VOL. XXXV. XO. 44.
Old Hutch' Mark of $2
Is Threatened.
Corn Never Higher and Flour
, Goes to $10.30 a Barrel.
Issuance of Circular, Advising That
Cu Tinod Goods Prices Be Iu
' creased, Brings Swift Ac
tion by Government.
CHICAGO. Oct. 28. (Special.) Two
dollar -wheat loomed on the Board of
Trade horizon today as the actual price,
for December wheat shot up to $1.90
a few minutes after having- opened at
$1.88 to $1.87. Traders predicted
that the "Old Hutch" record of $2 the
price engineered by B. P. Hutchinson
during a corner in 1888 would soon be
December wheat opened at $1.87 to
$1.85'.S and aviated to $1.88. a gain
of 2 to 3 cents, while May closed at
$1.86 to $1.864. a gain of IVt. cents.
Corn Prices iever H Inner.
The cash corn market attracted most
attention on the Board of Trade, and
even overshadowed the big upturn , in
wheat. Old No. 2 yellow reached a
price- today which had never before
been attained in the history of the Chl'
cago board. This price was $1.12, or
half a cent above the high level estab
lished shortly after the Civil War.
Flour, too, took another jump in
price, fancy patent brands going to
$10.30 a barrel wholesale.
"While the speculators were being car
ried away by excitement, there was a
pall of gloom for the "ultimate con
sumer" in the fact that there was no
wheat for sale to meet the demands.
ProKecutlons May Result.
An Investigation was launched today
by United States District Attorney
Clyne, which it was declared might re
sult in the prosecution of Chicago
wholesale grocers under the Sherman
anti-trust law. The inquiry is based
on a circular alleged to have been dis
tributed by a wholesale firm to its cus
tomers advising them to raise the price
of canned goods in accordance with the
market prices.
"The evidence will be presented to a
Federal grand jury if the investigation
fehows conspiracy exists," said Mr.
Clyne. "An injunction also will be
sought to restrain dealers from carry
ing out instructions in the circular."
Outalde Frcmure Felt.
Officers of the concern alleged to
have issued the bulletin will be called
in for examination by Mr. Clyne, as
well as officers of other firms said to
have advised merchants to boost prices.
Pressure upon the Chicago provision
market from eastern parts of the coun
try where crop failures have hit hard
this Summer is a new contributing fac
tor toward keeping up food prices. F.
J. Kelloway, of Silver Creek. N. Y., to
day bought potatoes on the Chicago
market to ship for consumption in
Chautauqua County, formerly a great
potato-raising section. The Concord
grape has suffered the blight of the
fierce Summer in that region.
HlSgm Join Upward Move.
A shortage of 25 per cent in the egg
arket this year exists to force up
prices, according to dealers in South
Water street. Eggs sold at 26 cents
a dozen a year ago. They are now of
fered at 30 cents wholesale and 48 to
BO cents retail. Speculation in eggs
(Concluded on Page 6, Column 3.)
A - .
Commissioner Baker Ttesents Idea of
Reducing Pay of Veteran Who
Grows Old in Harness.
A cut of $10 a month in salary is
what Ferrie, Henshaw, for 25 years an
employe in the office of City Auditor
Barbur, is to get out of next year's
city budget. The cut wae made by the
City Council yesterday.
Auditor Barbur recommended a cut
of $20 a month in Mr. Henshaw's Salary
and asked that this $20 be distributed
among four other clerks receiving $95
a month each. This motion was put to
the Council and cartied by vote of
Commissioners Daly; Bigelow and Dieck.
Mayor Albee and Commissioner Baker
voted against it. After the vote Com
missioner Baker declared that the ac
tion was unjust.
"I don't believe it's a right policy for
the city to trim a man's salary like
this because he has grown old in the
service." said Mr. Baker.
Commissioner Dieck said he believed
this was right and announced a willing
ness to compromise on a cut of $10 a
month. Thie cut was adopted. The
four other clerks did not get their in
creases. Mr. Henshaw's salary has
been cut twice before in recent years.
Unidentified Pugct Sound Vessel Be
lieved to Have Grounded.
BELLINGHAM, Wash.. Oct. 29.
Sending up distress signals, an uniden
tified boat is grounded a half mile off
shore in the bay here. A tug made an
attempt to reach it but turned back.
The Kingston a small steamer plying
between here and Seattle touching sev
eral island points, has not come in. She
was due about midnight and it is be
lieved this is the boat aground. The
steamer Koko Head from Australia was
due here lastnigiit and it may be this
Australian Minister -Made Target by
Would-Be Assassin.
MELBOURNE, Australia, Oct. 28. via
London. An attempt was made re
cently to assassinate William Morris
Hughes, the Australian Premier, at his
home in New Victoria, according to a
Reuter dispatch from Sydney, which
says the information was obtained
from close friends of the Premier.
A man is said to have forced a
window at night and to have fired a
revolver shot into the Premier's bed
room. The bullet did not take effect.
The would-be assassin escaped.
Los Angeles Woman Reports Drop
ping Gems on Street.
LOS ANGELES, "Oct. 28 Diamonds
valued at $4000, which Mrs. Virginia
Don was taking to a safety deposit
vault today, wrapped in a. handkerchief
and placed inside her dress, slipped to
the ground and were reported to the
police as lost.
Ramon N. Saavedra was detained by
the police when there was found on
him a handkerchief said to be the one
in which the diamonds were wrapped.
Man Who Threatened President
Eludes Observers.
PITTSBURG, Oct. 28. Morris Dia
mond, of Bay City, Mich., who was
sent to the City Home at Marshalsea,
a month ago, after his arrest here for
sending threatening letters to Presi
dent Wilson from Cleveland, escaped
from the institution last night.
Diamond has been under observa
tion by physicians to determine his
Wilson Day Observance
Held in Portland.
3000 at Armory Hear Colonel
Wood Praise President.
Criticism of Administration Pro
vokes Resentment, Respects, to
Roosevelt Are Paid and Bid
Made for German Vote.
Portland Democrats celebrated "Wil
son day with an automobile ana
marching parade last night, preceding a
mass meeting at the Armory, where
3000 persons cheered a brilliant address
on Woodrow Wilson by Colonel C. E. S.
Led by Captain James P. Shaw as grand
marshal and headed by Brown's band.
the parade left the Park blocks shortly
before 8 o'clock. Seventy automobiles.
laden with shouting Wilson supporters,
who waved flags and banners and cried
the name of the President as they rode.
and about 200 men and women on foot.
moved through the downtown streets to
the Armory.
Crowd Applauds Marcher.
The Saturday night crowds in the
streets along which the paraders passed
in many instances applauded them
heartily. Many persons followed the
procession to the Armory.
Captain Shaw was assisted as grand
marshal of the parade by W. E. Finzer.
ex-Adjutant-General of the Oregon Na
tional Guard, as chief of staff, and by
W. M. Hendershott, Elmer Lemberg and
A. W. Cau thorn as aides.
Among the organizations represented
in the parade were the Woodrow Wil
son League, thj Jackson Club, the
Democratic Woin's Club and the Dem
ocratic Equality League.
Audience Rbtm for Hymn.
The Armory meeting began at 8:30
o'clock, when H. M. Esterly, Demo
cratic National committeeman for Ore
gon, who was chairman of the evening,
explained its purpose to honor Wood-
row Wilson. He said similar meetings
were in progress all over the United
The audience rose while "America"
was sung and then Colonel Robert A.
Miller, president of the Jackson Club,
read Woodrow Wilson's Shadow Lawn
speech of yesterday on "Wilson day'
and the honor paid him by its observ
Campaign Sonic Pleases.
Following that came the singing of
the Democratic campaign song, "The
Ship Named U. S. A.," by Mr. Irwin.
It brought prolonged applause and the
singing of one of the verses and the
chorus as an encore. Then Mr. Esterly
Introduced Colonel Wood, the speaker
of the evening.
The Colonel was in his usual ora
torical fine fettle. He devoted the first
part of his address to praise of Presi
dent Wilson, ius Administration and
its achievements. He spoke scorch
ingly of those who have criticised the
Hatches Attacked for Critlrinlns.
Criticism of the President, the Colonel
said, was "shameless" and "degrading.1
He hauled Mr. Hughes, unmercifully
over the coals for having criticised the
President, termed him "the protector
of protection," and said he didn't have
any respect for him.
In the latter part of his address the
Colonel defended specific acts and poll
cies for which the President has been
(Concluded on Pago !. Column 3.)
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 66
decrees; minimum, its decree.
TODAY'S Rata; strong- southerly winds.
Henry Ford to spend $100,000 for Wilson.
Section 1, pafie 3.
Hughes appeals to farmers for votes. Sec
tion 1, pace 2.
President Wilson savs opposition wants peace
obtained by "braggarts." Section 1,
page 3.
Republicans gain steadily in Washington.
Section 1, page 7.
Democrats In Portland observe Wilson day.
Section 1, page i.
Republican campaign rallies to be.held in
every town of state. Section 1. page 111.
Hughes sentiment gaining rapidly In Cali
fornia. Section 1, page 2.
Western campaign managers prepare for
hot finish. Section 1, page li.
Mrs. Hanley frequently halted by cheers
at Albany. Section 1, page 1.
Teutons hold firm on Western front. Section
1. page 4.
Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs confi
dent of victory. Section 1. page 4.
Roumanla reports that Teuton advance In
Transylvania is checked. Suction 1.
page 4.
Mexican commissioner bitterly assails Amer
ica for alleged neutrality violations. bec
tion l, page 1.
Foreign. ,
American railway builders to tap every dls
trict of China. Section 1. page 9.
Skillful counterfeiter leads Federal agents
to his plant for making spurious bills
Section 1. page G.
Pacific Coast League results: Portland 4
San Francisco 1: Los Angeles lo. Vernon
4: Oakland 8, Salt Lake 8. Section 2.
page 4.
Minnoifotans rush lowans off feet In 67-to
O game. Section 2, page 2.
Doblc's men beat Whitman, 87 to 0. Section
. page 1.
Harvard shatters Cornell's champion title
hopes. Section 2, page 1.
Russell Smith retains golf title of Waverley
(-iuo. Section 2. nags 3.
Johnny Altken wins century race and makes
new American record. Section 2, page 3.
Fred Fulton picked by "Tex" O'Rourke as
man to defeat Jess Wlllard. Section 2,
page o.
Washington and JefferBon likely rivals for
championship. Section 2, page 3.
Houck. Portland pitcher, holds down Ken-
worthy's batting average. Section 2,
page 5.
Oregon sets stage for big game with Dobie's
eleven next Saturday. Section 2, page 2
Radical cnange In Aggies' lineup to be made.
section 2. page 2.
Stanford holds rugby better than Amerl
can game. Section 2, page 7.
Pullman shows reversal of form and defeats
Montana, 27 to O. Section 2, page 6.
Show proves interest in horsu. Section 2.
page 6.
Ponies and youngsters have own matinee
at Horse Show. Section 2. page ti.
Bad spill at dosing performance of Horse
tnow. section 2. page o.
1'aclfio Northwest.
Witnesses testify that Mrs. Olive B. Dudley
Is sane. Section 1. page 9.
Potk County thought safe in Republican
column. section 1, page f.
Portland man held at Hillsboro an forger
suspect. section J, page iu.
racmc (.oast Logging congress winds up
at noquium. section 1, page 8.
Oregon City Mayor learns Reed College
racers laoor, too. section l, page a.
Teachers of three Katern Oregon counties
to meet at Lji orande Wednesday. Sec
tion l, page
Commercial and Marine.
Car shortage checks wheat buying in North
we i. section page id.
Unatitefl foreign demand sends Chicago
wneat prices nigner. section 2, page li
Copper shares strong feature of Wall-street
maraet. section 2, page 15.
Apple growers alarmed by scarcity of cars.
section z, page li.
Astoria launching is gala affair. Section 2,
page, JO.
Work win start this week on Alblna ship
piaui site. c-ecuon page JO.
Portland and Vicinity.
Women orators address big crowd
J3eker Theater. Section 1, page 7.
Senator Lodge accuses President of having
snmy policies. section 1, page 0.
vv nson aay - is oay or numillatlon, say
itooseveit. section l, o.
R. E. strahorn denies he is in railroad
supremacy contest. Section 1, page 11,
Captain W. II. Hardy, survivor of Perry
expedition, stirs campaign. Section
page 12.
Portland Elks to celebrate 27th anniversary
ox tounaing of local lodge. section
page 12.
Council stands by action in playground mat
ter. Section 1, page 13.
Property owners to oppose closing of Van
couver avenue. Section 1, page 12.
Eugene flax experiment declared success.
Section 1, page 13.
Canvass Indicates fraud In single-tax peti
tions. Section 1. page 14.
Chamber of Commerce programme of devel
opment Is outlined. Section 1, page 15.
R. R. Duniway points out dangers ot single
tax measure. Section 1, page 14.
Weather report, data and forecast. Section
2, page 10.
Levy of 0.3 mills would cover present city
expense estimate. Section 1, page 10.
City employe for 25 years is reduced In
salary. Section 1, page 1.
Tag day for Lithuanians arranged for
Wednesday. Section 1, page 10.
Prices ot shoes leaping upward. Section
1. page 7.
Oregon Hlstorrent Society mavrfl pimns at
dinner. Section 1, page 10.
Speech Is Frequently
Halted by Cheers.
Open Season on Americans in
Mexico Blamed to Wilson.
Sweden's Success With Reprisal on
England's Seizure of Malls Is
Compared With Failure of
America to Get Rights.
ALBANY. Or., Oct. 28. (Special.) To
an audience which filled the large Al
bany Opera-house until no standing
room was left. Mrs. E. B. Hanley. or
Medford, talked here tonight. It was by
far the best rally of the campaign in
tills section of the state and one of
the most enthusiastic meetings Albany
ever held.
Alternating her witty shafts at
Democratic doctrines with sound facts,
she kept the large audience laughing
or wildly .cheering throughout her
splendid address. Time and again the
applause interrupted her sentences.
Speech Cnptlvatea Instantly.
Mrs. Hanley had been advertised
here as "the sensation of the cam
paign." The audience, which included
people from Lebanon. Harrlsburg and
other nearby cities, was expecting a
treat. It was not disappointed. Mrs.
Hanler made good. Her talk of an
hour and 15 minutes made an instant
She said she had been advertised as
"the polltilcal Billly Sunday" and sur
mised it was perhaps because she used
a little slang- In her talks. But she
said President Wilson had used so
many words that mean ' nothing that
it was time someone used words that
meant something.
Throat Appears Strained.
Mrs. Hanley was Introduced by Mrs.
H. C. Harkness. of this city, and pre
ceding her talk Mrs. F. M. Powell, of
Albany sang. The speaker's throat
bothered her at first and she told how
the campaign committee had promised
her tonight off, but she responded to
a call from Albany.
"When they want me to go and talk
for Hughes I'll go even if my throat
gets so bad I can't call the cows any
more," she said.
She told of her meeting in Aberdeen
last night and how up there it was
regarded as a disgrace to be a Demo
crat. "It will be the same here," she
said, "after November 7. Many of them
are ashamed of it right now, for they
are calling themselves nonpartisans.
There ain't no such thing. A non
partisan is a Democrat who is ashamed
of it and is trying to cover himself up.
Journal Blamed for Disturbance.
"I won't say that down In Portland
all Democrats are rough-necks, but all
rough-necks are Democrats," said Mrs.
Hanley in Introducing a story of how
the women of the Hughes special were
treated there. She told how she pitied
Dr. Equi, but blamed the Portland Jour
nal for stirring up a spirit of hatred
which resulted In such disgraceful
Mrs. Hanley made one of her greatest
hits with the constantly applauding
audience when she discussed the slogan.
"He kept us out of war." She told how
some women will evade questions about
tariff, and all other issues with this one
statement, which after all is illfounded.
"What war did he keep us out of?'
the speaker demanded, and then pro
(Concluded on Page 5. Column
Portlander Devises Means of Clean
ing Automatically Water From
Glass Fronts of . Vehicles.
Seid Back. Jr.. who has Just received
patent rights on a -new rain-vision
windshield of his own design, is be
lieved to be one of the first. If not the
first, of tho Chinese race to acquire
Government patent in the United
Mr. Seid's
principle of
invention works on the
the speedometer, being
connected by
wheel of a car.
tubes with the front
Seid Back, Jr., was born, raised and
schooled in Portland and has been ad
mitted to the bar in this state. Mr.
Seid. Jr.. will make arrangements to
have the product manufactured In
"The primary object of my invention
Is to provide a device for removing
automatically any foreign matter, such
particles of water, snow or con
densed moisture of any description
from the surface of the windshield,
whereby clear vision may be main
tained at all times.
'Long ago, while riding in the front
vestibule of a streetcar, it occurred to
me that the obstructed vision was dan
gerous to life and limb, and since that
time, while operating my automobile,
have studied the situation until ar
riving at my invention. I have so pat
terned the invention that it will apply
to streetcars, automobiles, locomotives
and like conveyances.
6 73 Acres of Wheat Land Involved
in Pendleton Deal.
Or.. Oct. 28. (Spe
ciaL) Through i
a deal closed today in
Pendleton. Hey
Winn, well - known
Weston farmer, purchased the Joe
Hodgsen ranch, one mile north of
Weston, comprising 673 acres of whea
land, for a consideration of abou
Concurrent with this deal. Glen
bcott purchased the outfit and
lease on the 960-acre Juniper farm,
owned by Mr. Winn.
Both deals were made through W. H,
Morrison, of Helix.
Republican Has Voted With Party
Since Days of Lincoln.
ALBANY, Or., Oct. 28. (Special.)
I've voted for every Republican can
didate for President from Lincoln down,
and I'm going to vote for Hughes.'
This was the statement of Joseph Yates
pioneer citizen of Linn County, who
now resides at Corvallis and who
visiting his son, W. E. Yates, in this
Mr. Yates is 92 years old. His wife
is 89. He says that both will be at
the polls November 7, and it will mean
two votes for Hughes.
Temperatures Below Seasonal Nor
mal Predicted for Northwest.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 28. Weathe
predictions for the week beginning
Sunday, Issued by the Weather Bu
reau today, are:
Pacific states Generally fair, ex
cept rains are probable In Washington,
Oregon and extreme Northern Califor
nia first half of week. Temperatures
somewhat below seasonal normal.
British Defeat Bulgara.
SALONIKI, via London. Oct. 28.
Bulgarian troops yesterday attempted
to capture from the British the town
of Ormanli, on the east bank of the
Struma in Greek Macedonia, says a
British statement issued today, but
after artillery preparation the British
succeeded In driving the attackers
Washington not to Ig
nore Criticism.
Member of Visiting Commis
sion May Be Sent Home."
Belief Expressed Publication Is
Preliminary to Abandonment
of Effort to Compose Bor
der Difficulties.
plications with the Mexican de facto
government threatened today as a re
sult of a statement issued here through
the Mexican information bureau and
attributed to Luis Cabrera. It assails
in sharp language American neutrality
and the administration of immigration
laws as regards Mexico. Mr. Cabrera
is minister of finance in Carranra'3
cabinet and president of the Mexican
commission now participating in the
Joint conference over border difficul
ties, and there are indications that his
criticisms will not be Ignored at tha
State Department.
While refusing to enter into any dis
cussion of the statement at this time.
Administration officials characterised
it as extraordinary. Secretary Lansing
would make no comment. It Is known,
however, that steps to establish the
authenticity of the document were
taken under consideration immediately.
Arredondo In Seclusion.
Elisio Arredondo. Mexican Ambassador-designate,
denied himself to all
callers. Although the Mexican infor
mation bureau has been understood to
have at least serai-official relations
with the Embassy, its status has never
been clearly defined. Embassy officials
asserted emphatically that Mr. Arre
dondo had not been consulted before
the statement was issued and had no
knowledge that it was in contempla
tion, his first knowledge of it coming
after the bureau had distributed it to
the newspapers.'
It was said at the bureau that the
statement had been obtained from Mr.
Cabrera directly and was made publio
with his approval. Mr. Cabrera's status
with relation to this Government is not
the same as that of an accredited dip
lomatic consular official.
Baals for Action Is Problem.
Whether the names of the commis
sioners nominated by each government
were submitted for approval has never
been divulged, but if this was the pro
cedure the commissioners probably
would have definite diplomatic status
on which action could be based.
The fact that investigation of the au
thenticity of the statement was in con
templation was taken to mean that its
publication is displeasing to Adminis
tration officials. A question to be de
termined was whether the attention of
the de facto government formally
should be called to it as a violation of
dlplomatlo etiquette.
Among the theories advanced tonight
in quarters familiar with Mexican poll
tics was that Mr. Cabrera intended his
criticisms for consumption in Mexico
more than in the United States and
hoped they might placate his chief and
soften Carranz&'s insistent demand that
Cabrera have the American troops
withdrawn from the border.
Cabrera's ltecall Possible.
A phase whicn caused much specula
tion was its possible effect on the de
liberations of the Joint commission. If
the Washington Government should,
f Concluded on Page i. Column 1.