The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 15, 1916, SECTION FIVE, Page 10, Image 70

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Centennial of Organization of First General Conference to Be Observed.
ALL the churches of the Evang-elical
Association and the United Evan
gelicals in and around Portland,
will hold a point celebration today at 3
o'clock in the First German Church,
Tenth and Clay streets, to observe the
centennial of the organization of the
first general conference and the erec
tion of the First Evangelical Church.
This will be in response to the call of
the general superintedents of the Evan
gelical Association church or denomi
nation. The services will be conducted In the
English language and good speaking
and music will be provided. A. Schulk
necht. Rev. N. Schupp and Rev. J.
JBowersox will give addresses.
The choirs of the First German
Church, the First English Church of
the association and the United Evan
gelical will sing. A special German
service will be held at 10:45 o'clock.
President Lee, of, Albany College,
will conduct the service today at Cen
tral Presbyterian Church. There will
be a big rally Thursday to be held be
fore the arrival of Dr. Arthur Bishop,
the new pastor who will be here Sat
urday and who will occupy his pulpit
October 22.
"The Flaw in the Rock" will be Dr.
Luther R. Dyott's theme at 11 A. M.
today in the First Congregational
Church and tonight Dr. Dyott will dis
cuss "Our City at Its Best: Are Our
Assets Sufficient?" Special music will
be rendered by the quartet, morning
and evening.
Preceding the morning service, the
regular session of the Bible school will
be held in the Bible school rooms. There
are classes for all ages in the 'school,
and of particular interest to adults
will be the presentation of the drama
"Antigone." by Sophocles, which will
be given by Mrs. W. K. Royal In her
class room Sunday morning. All mem
bers and their friends are Invited to
The past week has been one of more
than the usual activity in the First
Congregational Church, the outstanding
event being the annual harvest lunch
eon given under the auspices of the
Ladies' Aid Society. In, addition to the
social feature of the occasion, the beau
tiful decorations and table appoint
ments, a programme of unusual inter
est was given immediately following
the luncheon. The work of the state
educational institution, among the girls
in particular, was the general theme
of the speakers. Mrs. George T. Ger
linger, regent, represented the Univer
sity of Oregon: Mrs. Clara Waldo, re
gent, represented Oregon Agricultural
College, and Miss Jessica Todd rep
resented the Oregon Normal School.
The Business Girls' Club, the Guild,
the Silver Circle also held their regular
monthly meetings during the past
week. The regular Thursday evening
prayer meeting was in charge of the
social service department of the church,
with Mr. J. D. Neilan. chairman of the
department, presiding. The speaker
of the evening was Judge Arthur Lang
guth. Dr. Luther R. Dyott, pastor of the
ch,urch, has been attending the annual
conference of Congregational churches,
held, in The Dalles, Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday of last week.
Supplies Are Provided for
White Temple.
Rev. J, AVlnblsrler, of Los Anfreles,
and Ir. Franklin to Be Heard.
geles, will preach at the White
Temple at "both services and will re
turn to speak again Sunday, October 29.
Tr. Franklin, of missionary fame, will
occupy the pulpit October 22.
The temple quartet will sing at the
morning service, "The Lord Is My
Rock," by Woodman, and for the of
fertory, "Glory to Thee," by Gounod.
In the evening the quartet will render
the anthems, "O Worship the King,"
by Hanscom, and "Savior When Night
Involves the Skies," by Shelley.
Frank Hilton and A. L. Veazie are
now in Chicago, where it Is possible
they may interview preachers who are
being considered for the pulpit of the
White Temple.
Rev. Oliver S. Baum will preach
morning and evening at Calvary Pres
byterian Church. He has. chosen a
unique subject for his evening sermon,
"The Lotus Eaters." which will be
both interesting and instructive. The
morning theme will be "The Law of
Cost." Excellent music will be ren
dered. Strangers are cordially invited
to attend these services.
Rev. John Ovall, pastor of the Swed
ish Methodist Church at Oregon City,
was honored oi Wednesday at a re
ception given by his congregation and
friends to celebrate his return to them
for another year. A purse was pre
sented to Dr. Ovall. Refreshments
were served and a general good time
Norwegian Lutheran Church
to Hold Special Services.
Morning Sermon Today Will Be In
English Strangers Especially Are
IN the West Side Norwegian Luth
- ean Church, on Fourteenth, between
Couch and Davis streets, the service
this Sunday morning at 11 o'clock will
be in English. Rev. Wilhelm Pettersen
will preach on "True Greatness."
Strangers especially are invited. Seats
are free.
In the evening the service at 8 o'clock
will be in Norwegian. The pastor will
speak on "True Liberty." On tomorrow
evening the Men's Club will entertain
the women of the church. A good mu
sical programme will be rendered and
B. G. Skulason, attorney, will deliver
an address. The full programme will
be announced later. On Tuesday even
ing the Young People's ' Society Will
give a programme festival."
Dr. Lynn Harold Hough will preach
this morning at 10 o'clock in the Rose
City Park Methodist Church. He is
spending the week with the students
of Willamette University. He is a bril
liant teacher and preacher. Graduat
ing from Scio College and Drew Theo
logical Seminary, he was pastor of
Summerfield Church in Brooklyn and
Mount Vernon Place Church in Balti
more before being called to a profes
. sorshlp In Garrett Biblical Institute,
Evanston, III. He is in great demand
for Epworth League Institutes and ad
dresses. Portland is highly favored in
the opportunity of hearing him.
The Daughters of the Temple, a class
of young women at the White Temple,
entertained recently for Mrs. A. W. De
Long. The party was held at the home
of Mrs. W. D. Hinson. The honor
guest was presented with a handsome
gift in token of the appreciation which
the class members have for her.
The annual prayer conference of the
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Workers in Oregon in Washington will
be held in the Gospel Tabernacle, cor-
ner East Ninth and Clay streets, from
October. 18 to 22, inclusive. No meet
ing will be held Saturday.
The evening meetings at 7:20 on
Wednesday and Thursday, and at "10
A. M., 2:30 and 7:30 P. M-, Friday and
Sunday, will be open to the public, and
all who come will be welcome.
On Friday morning the subject will
be "The Deeper Life in Christ," and
at 2:30 P. M-. "What the Bible Teaches
on Divine Healing and Prayer for the
The Rev. E. J. Richards, home secre
tary of the society, will preside at the
A free beginners class in theosophy.
psychology and occult science com
menced Thursday, October 12, and will
continue to meet every Thursday at 8
P. M. at Theosophical Hall. 212 Cen
tral- building. Tenth and Alder streets.
The fourth annual harvest festival of
the Immanuel Lutheran Church was
held on the main floor of the Worces
ter building. 70-72 Third street, Octo
ber 5, 6 and 7. From point of view
of attendance, as well as programmes.
attractions and financial results, it was
a remarkable success.
Pastor Will Reoccupy His
Former Pulpit.
Rev. H. S. Templeton, ?Vow of Van
couver, Wuh. to Preach at West
minster Presbyterian' Church To
CHURCH, East Seventeenth and
Schuyler streets, will have the pleasure
of having in the pulpit, both morning
and evening, a former pastor. Rev. H.
S. Templeton, now of Vancouver, Wash.
He had a large part in the success of
Westminster Church in former years
and has many friends there who will
welcome him heartily. His subject at
10:30 is "God's Column in Who's Who";
in the evening at 7:30, "The Tragedy of
a Single Word."
On the following two Sundays, Octo
ber 22 .and 29, the pulpit will be in
charge" of Rev. Lewis E. Lee, D. D., of
the Evanston Presbyterian Church, of
Cincinnati, O. A brother of Dr. Lee
was first pastor of Calvary Presby
terian Church of this city. Another
brother is president of Albany College.
Federated Church Movement
Representatives Coming.
Two Prominent . Religious Workers
Will Address Meeting at V. M. C.
A. Monday Noon, 'October 23.
HE Commission on Federated Move
ments of the Federal Churches of
Christ In America is sending two rep
resentatives on a tour of 30 cities In
10 states. These men will be in Port
land Monday to Wednesday', October
23 to 25.
Their purpose is to help federate
religious and social work and work
out plans for comity, missionary educa
tion, Sunday school work, uplift and
welfare movements. They plan to ad
dress ministers and laymen, Chambers
of Commerce, clubs. - students, etc.. in
order to educate and arouse co-operation.
Dr. Roy B. Guild, the secretary of
this commission, at one time was min
ister of a large church of 1000 mem
bers, 43 per cent of whom were men.
He was one of the leaders of the men
and religion forward movement, and
will speak out of personal experience
on Christian co-operation.
James A. Whitmore has been an in
ternational secretary of the Y. M. C. A.
for six years, was promotion secretary
of the Men and Religion movement.
and has made a specialty of boys'
work. It is expected that a noonday
luncheon for ministers and laymen will
be held at the Y. M. C. A. on Monday
noon, October 23. Dr. Guild, an honor
ary member of the Rotary Club, will
address the local Rotarians at the
noonday luncheon on Tuesday, October
Further announcements as to the
various meetings will be made lajter.
Reception Will Be Given to
Warrenton Pastor.
Congregation to Hold Welcome for
Rev. Alfred - Bates, Who Begins
Third Year of Ministry.
WARRENTON, Or., Oct. 14 (Spe
cial.) Tuesday at 7:30 P. M. a
reception will be given Rev. Alfred
Bates, who has been returned as pastor
of the Warrenton Methodist Episcopal
Church for the third year. A' pro
gramme of vocal and instrumental
music will be given and many interest
ing speakers will give addresses of
welcome. The Ladies' Aid Society will
serve refreshments. The reception will
be held in the Commercial Club rooms.
Rev. Alfred Bates will preach at the
Warrenton Methodist Episcopal Church
on Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock and
the quartet, the Misses Leona Towns
end. Ruby Taylor, Runa Sigurdson and
the pastor, will sing special music.
Mrs. A. V. Sigurdson entertained 17
members of the Ladies' Aid Society, of
tne Aletnoaist episcopal Church, at her
home on Wednesday last when an en
joyable afternoon was spent.
A large number of men brought their
hammers, saws, etc., to the Presby
terian parsonage on Clatsop Plains on
Friday last and built a new barn there.
The women of the community served
Forbes Church Welcomes
New Pastor and Wife.
Speeches Are Made by Representa
tives of Various Branches of Or.
Kanf Bfltion and Refreshments Are
T AST Wednesday night the members
and friends of Forbes Presbyterian
Church tendered a reception to Rev.
William MacLeod, pastor-elect, and Mrs.
MacLeod. Mr. Allston. one of the
pioneer members, presided and spoke
of the present standing of the con
gregation. Speeches of welcome were
made by Messrs. Robertson and Wilson,
representing the officers of the church.
Mrs. Donaldson, representing the
women, welcomed the man from Edin
burgh in Gaelic
Brilliant addresses, flowing freely
with wit and humor and now and again
with kind words of feeling and
sympathy, were made bv Rev. Mr.
Montgomery, representing Portland
presbytery; by Rev. Mr. Rarlck, of Cen
tral Methodist Church, and by Rev. Mr.
Bevin, of East Side Baptist Church. The
response was given by Rev. Mr. Mac
Leod, who "represented Mrs. MacLeod"
and was well received by the audience.
Refreshments were furnished and
served by the women.
A charity concert will be given at
the Latteroay balnts Church. Twenty,
fifth and Madison streets, Friday, Oc
tober 20, at 8 P. M.
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1 Bishop R. Dubs, D. D. 2 H. I. Bltt
J. L. Hcrshmer. 8 A. C. Boyd. O
Proposed Amendments Be
fore Open Forum Tonight.
Discussion Is to Be Held In Unita
rian Chapel, With Professor Hud
son B. Hastings Presiding. j
THE so-called brewers' amendment,
the Prohibition amendment and the
proposed amendments for tax limita
tion, single item veto, rural credits and
negro suffrage will be discussed at
the open-forum meeting In the Uni
tarian chapel, Broadway, between Yam
hill and Taylor, tonight, at 7:45 o'clock.
Professor Hudson B. Hastings will
preside and the discussion will be led
by Harry H. Moore, executive secretary
of the Oregon Social Hygiene Society,
and Horace Miller, of the senior class.
Reed College.
The remaining initiative bills will
be taken up on the following Sunday.
Dr. Boyd to Observe 30th
Year as Minister.
EV. JOHN H. BOYD. D. D.. pastor
of the First Presbyterian Church
of this city during the past five years,
is passing the 30th anniversary of his
entrance into the ministry. He will
preach this morning on "Certain
Changes and Movements, in the Life of
Sunday Services in City Clrurclies
Advent Christian, 438 Second street, near
Hall iitreet Rev. J. 8. Lucas, pastor.
Preaching. 10-30. Sunday school. 12: Loyal
Work-in. 6:3l; preaching. 7:30; prayer meet
ins, Thursday evening. 7:80.
Central, East Eleventh and Everett streets
P. C. Hayward, minister. 10. Sabbath
school: 11:15. church service; prayer meeting-.
Wednesday. 8-9: Y. P. 8.. Friday. 8.
Tabernacle. West Side. Knights of Pythias
Hall. Eleventh mod Alder H. G. Thurston,
pastor. Sabbath school. 10: preaching. 11.
Montavilla. East Eightieth and Everett
J. F. Beatty, local elder. Sabbath school.
10; preaching. 11: Y. P. meeting, ; prayer
meeting. Wednesday. 8; Helping Hand so
ciety, 1:30. Tuesdsy.
Lents, Ninety-fourth street and Fifty
eighth avenue Southeast D. J. Chltwood.
local elder. Sabbath school, 10; preaching.
11; prayer meeting, Wednesday evening. 8.
t. Johns, Central avenue ana i:naneston
E. . Hurlburt. local elder. Sabbath
school. 10: preaching. 11; prayer meeting.
Wednesday evening. 8.
Mount Tabor, East Sixtieth and -Belmont
streets J. M. WlUoughby, minister. Sab
bath school, 10; preaching, 11; prayer meet
ing. Wednesday, 7:48.
Alblna (German), siciaraore ana Mauory
H. J. Dlrksen. minister. A. C. Schweltser.
local elder. sabbath school, lu; preaching.
11: prayer meeting. Wednesday. 7:45.
Scandinavian. Thirty-ninth avenue snd
Sixty-second street Elder O. E. Sandes, pas
tor. Sabbath scnool. ji; preaching, Ai;
prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:43.
Temple of Universal Fellowship Rsv. J.
H. Dickey, pastor. Service at 282 Eleventh
street, corner Columbia, at 7:45 P. M. ; oc
cult lessons on the Bible, followed by answer
ing questions.
Advanced Thought, Chrlstenaen's Hall,
sermon lecture snd healing by Alzamon Ira
Lucus at 11 o'clock.
Chrlstenaen's Hall, Eleventh and Yamhlfl
streets. 3 P. M.. discourse by A. A. Yerex;
8 P. M-, illustrated lecture by A A. Yerex,
subject, "The Supreme Architect and His
Pint, White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor
streets 9:50, Bible school; classes for all
ages; 11. preaching by Dr. J. F. Wlnblgler.
theme, "Perfect Peace": 6:30. B. Y. P. U. ;
7:45, preaching by Dr. Wlnbigler, theme.
"Testimony of Experience."
East Side, East Twentieth and Ankeny
streets Rev. W. O. Shank, D. D., pastor.
10, Sunday school; 11. preaching by the
pastor, theme, "The Doctrine of Sonahip with
God"; 7:45. preaching by the pastor, theme,
"The Wickedest Woman in the Bible" (sec
ond sermon in series): 6:30, B. Y.-P. U.
Glencoe, East Forty-fifth and Main streets
Rev. A. B. Waltz, pastor. 9:45. Sunday
School; 11, preaching by the pastor, theme,
"The Promise of the Holy Spirit"; 6:30,
B. Y. P. U-; 7:30, preaching by the pastor,
theme, "Encampment of the Evening."
Grace, Montavilla Rev. H. T. Cash, pas
tor. 10. Sunday school; 11, preaching by
the pastor, theme. "The Soul's Great Affirm
ation"; 6:30. B. Y. P. U.; 7:30, preaching by
the pastor, theme, "The Heart of the Eter
Arleta Rev. w. T. S. Sprlggs. pastor.
9:45. Sundaw School; 11. preaching by the
pastor, theme, "The KnighLs of the Armor
i ! t i A WW,
ner. 3 J. Bowersox. 4 H. Kchuknecht.
F. J. Strayer. lO. A. Shlenk. 11 J. A.
Religion During the Past Thirty
At 7:30 P. M. he will preach on
'Why Men Succeed and Why They
Fail," based upon the observations and
experiences of his life as a public man
in a position to study men and life.
The evening sermon will be especially
adapted to young people and those who
are perplexed about the meaning of
success and failure.
A social hour of double significance
will be enjoyed at the First Church
on Tuesday evening, when the session
of the church will give a large re
ception to the members and friends of
the congregation In recognition of Dr.
Boyd's long and active ministry, and in
appreciation of his devotion and suc
cess in the work of the First Presby
terian Church of Portland. In connec
tion with this celebration of the pas
tor's 30th anniversary of his ministry
the reception will be designed ' espe
cially for the pleasure and social ben
efit of the 30 new members who were
received into the church last Sunday
The officers of the church, the worn,
en's societies and all the various or
ganizations of the church will be pres
ent to act as a reception committee.
Dr. Boyd will give a humorous talk,
recounting some of the experiences In
the ministry of the church.
Special musical numbers have been
arranged and refreshments will be
served by the missionary societies and
associations. All who are Interested in
Dr. Boyd and the First Church will be
cordially received.
of Light"; 6:30, B. T. P. IT.: T.30. preaching
by. the pastor, theme, "A Specimen of New
Testament Evangelism."
Calvary East Eighth and Grant streets
Rev. J. E. Thomas, pastor. 10, Sunday
school: 11 and 7:30, preaching services:
6:30. B. Y. P. IT.
Swedish-Finnish Baptist Mission meets at
T:45 In the lower Whits Temple. Twelfth and
Taylor streets.
Lents Rev. J. If. Nelson, pastor. 10.
Sunday school: 11 and 7:30, preaching by
the pastor: 6:30. B. Y. P. U.
University Park. Flske snd Drew streets
9:50. Sunday school; 11 and 7:30, preaching
by the pastor: 6:30, B. Y. P. V.
Mount Olivet. Seventh and Everett streets
Rev. W. A. Magett. pastor. Services. 11
and 8; Sunday school. 12:30.
First German. Fourth and Mill streets
Rev. Jacob Pratt, pastor. 9:45. Sunday
school: 11 snd 7:80, preaching by the pastor.
Second German. Morris and Rodney 9:45,
Sunday school; preaching services, 11 and 8;
B. Y, P. U.. 7.
The Young Men's Class (H. T. M. C.) of
the HJghlsnd Baptist Church. East Sixth
and Alberta streets, meets at 9:45 A, M-
Sunday. -
Italian Mission. East Eighteenth and Tib
betts streets Rev. Francisco Sannella, pas
tor. 10. Sunday school; 10:30. short ser
mon for English-speaking people; 11. preach
ing service; 7. pastor's circle (prayer serv
ice); 8. preaching service.
Swedish. Fifteenth and Hoyt street Rev.
T. Gideon SJolander. pastor. Services, 10:30
A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis streets
Rev. E. V. O'Hara. Mass, 6, 7:15. 8:30.
9:45; high mass. 11; evening service. 7:45.
St. Lsm-rence. Third and Sherrasn streets
Rev. j. C .-turtles. Mass, 6. 8:30; high
mass. 10:30; evening service, 7:30.
St.' Patrick's. Nineteenth and Savler streets
Hev. E. P. Murphy. Mass, 8; high mass.
10:3O; evening service, 7:80.
St. Francis. East Eleventh and Osk
streets Rev. J. H. Black. Mass, 6, 8, 9:
high mass, 10:30; evening service. 7:30.
immaculate Hiart or Mary, Williams ave
nue and Stanton street Rev. W. A. Daly.
Mass. 6. 8. 9; high mass) 11 o'clock; even
ing service. 7:80.
Hoiy Kosary. Eaat Third and Clackamas
Rev. C. J. Olson. Mass. 6. 7. S. 9; high
mans, 11: evening service. 7:?.
The Madeleine. East Twenty-fourth and
Siskiyou Rev. G. F. Thompson. Mass. 7:30.
DAY. A11 - chnrch snnouncements and
notices must reach the editorial
rooms of The Oregonlan before 4:30
o'clock Thunday. if they ars to ap
pear in the Sunday paper.
9: high mass. 10:30: evening service. 7:45.
St. Andrews. Kast Ninth and Alberta
streets Rev. T. Klernan. Mass. 8: high
msss. 10:30; evening service, 7:80.
Ascension. Esst Yamhill and East Seventy
sixth Franciscan Fathers. Mass. 8; high
mass. 10.30; evening service. 7:30.
Blessed Sacrament. Maryland avenue and
Blandena street Rev. B. V. Kelly. Mass.
8: high msss. 10:30; evening service. 7:30.
Holy Redeemer, Portland boulevard and
Vancouver avenue Rev. P. H. Miller. . Mass,
6 9. E. Davis. 6 C. C. Pol In sr. 7
Hollenbaush. IS A. II. Johnson.
Bishop Hughes to Preach
This Morning.
Services at First Methodist Episco
pal Church Will lie of Unusual In
terest, THE morning service at the First
Methodist Episcopal Church will be
one of unusual interest because of the
fact that Bishop Matthew Simpson
Hughes will be present and address
the congregation. Bishop Hughes not
only has a reputation throughout all
Methodism for eloquence and power as
a preacher, but for many years pre
ceding his election as a bishop was
the pastor of one of the greatest
churches of the denomination and will
doubtless bring a timely and inspiring
message to this congregation.
At the evening service. Rev. Walter
Lee Airheart will preach, having for
his theme "The Task That Confronts
Us Now."
The music will be under the leader
ship of the director, Hartrldge G.
Whipp and special numbers will be
rendered by the quartet and vested
chorus. At the morning service the
chorus will sing "He Shall Come Down
Like Rain" (Dudley Buck) and the
quartet will sing "The Lord Is My
Light." In the evening the chorus will
sing "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled"
(Foster) and a duet will be rendered
by Miss Peterson and Mr. Whipp,
i "Come. Jesus Redeemer."
6. 8: high mass. 10:30; evening service. 7:30.
Holy Cross. 774 Bowdoln street Rev. C
Raymond. Mass 81 high mass, 10:30; even
Ing service. ":30.
Sacred Hesrt. East Eleventh snd Center-
Rev. G. Rohl. jlass, 8; high mass. 10:30;
evening service. 7:30.
6t Agatha. Esst Fifteenth and Miller
Rev. J. Cummlsky. Mass, 8; high mass.
10:30; evening service, 7:3o.
St. Joseph (German). Fifteenth and Couch
streets Rev. B Durrer. Mass, 8; high
mass, 10:30: evening service. 7:80.
St. Clsres. Capitol Hill Franclscsn
Fathers. Rev. Father Modestus. Low mass.
7:80; llgh mass snd benediction. 9:20; ser
mon at both masses.
St. Ktantslsus ltallan. Maryland avenue
and Willamette boulevard Rev. T. Mathew.
Mass, 8; high mass, 10:30; evening servloe.
St. Petis. I.snts Rev. p. Buetgen. Mass.
8; high msss 10:3O; evening service. 7:30.
bl. inements, smith snd Newton streets
Rev. C. Smith. Msss 8; high mass. 10:80:
evening service, 7:20.
St. Charles. Thirty-fourth and Killings-
worth Rev. G. Snlderhorn. Mass. 8; high
mass, 10:30: evening service. 7:30.
St. Rose's Fifty-third and Alameda
streets Rev. J. M. O'Farrell. psstor. Masses.
8 snd 10 A M. : evening devotion. 7:30.
St. Michael's (Italian). Fourth and Mill
Jesuit Fsthen: M. J. Balestra. 8. J.. pastor.
Low mass. 8:80; high mass. 10:30; evening
service. 7:80.
St. Philip Ner!, Esst Sixteenth and Hick
ory Rev. W. J. Csrtwright- Mass, 7:30. 9.
blrh mass, l:30: evening service. 7:30.
6t. -Ignatius. 3220 Focty-thlrd street East.
Jesuit Fathers Ksther Wllllsm J. Deener.
rector. Msss, 6:30, 8, 9:15. 10:30; evening
service. 7:30.
Flnt. Psrk snd Columbia streets Rev.
Harold H. Grlffls. pastor. Morning service
at 11. subject. "Why I Am a Disciple cf
Christ": evening service 8. subject. '-Seeing
Without Eyes"; Bible school, 9:45 A. M.,
Y. P. S. C. E., 8:30 P. M. ; workers- con
ference and prayer service, Thursday at T
o'clock P. X.
Esst Side. East Twelfth snd Taylor streets
A. L. Crum, pastor. Morning subject.
"Visions That Disturb": evening subject.
"Oregon Dry snd Why."
Woodlswn. corner East Feventh and Lib
erty streets W. L. Mllllnler, minister. Bible
school. 9:45: morning worship. 11: Chrlstlsn
Endeavor. ; f.v,nins service. 7-3o
Vernon. Esst Fifteenth street North and
Wygant street Regular services 10:80 and
7.30. Preaching both morning and svenlnff.
The Christian Yoga Association will meet
Sunday evening at ft o'clock In room A.
Central Library.
First, Everett, between Eighteenth and
Nineteenth streets Services. 11 and 8:'sub
Ject of lesson sermon, "Doctrine of Atone
ment": Sunday school, 9:45 and 11; Wednes
day evening meeting at 8.
Second. Kast Sixth street and Holladay
avenue Services. 11 snd 8: subject of les
son sermon. "Doctrine of Atonement":
Kundsy school, 9:45; Wednesday evening
meeting at 8. ,
Third. Eaat Twelfth and Salmon streets
Services. 11 snd 6; subject of lesson ser
mon. "Doctrtne of Atonement": Sunday
school. 11 snd 12:15; Wednesday evening
meeting at 8.
Fourth, Vancouver avenue and Emerson
street Services. 11 and 8; subject of lesson
sermon. -Doctrine of .Atonement ; Sunday
Christian Missionary Institute
Will Open October 22.
Session Will Bo Held nt First Pres
byterian Chnrch House, on Inter
- national Basis.
AX tia
MISSIONARY institute for Chris-
an workers of all denominations
will be held October 22-25 at the First
Presbyterian Church House under the
direction of the missionary educational
movement. It is an outgrowth of the
laymen's missionary convention held in
the city last February.
The purpose of the institute is to dis
cover, develop and train missionary
leaders for work in their own churches.
The institute is being organized upon
an interdenominational basis and will
be open to the workers in all the
churches and religious organisations of
the city.
The institute will be opened with a.
rally for delegates, committeemen and
all others who may be interested on
Sunday, October 22, at 4 o'clock and
registration for class work will take
place at that time. During the three
days that follow, classes and confer
ences will be held, in which there will
be studied courses In missionary in
struction and methods for Sunday
school teachers and church workers.
Separate classes will be organized
for the study of the following text
books: "South American Neighbors."
"Old Spain in New America." "World
Missions and World Peace" and "Living
Christ for Latin-America." There also
will be a pastors', class dealing with
the topic, "The Pastor and Missions,"
school. 9:45 and 11; Wednesday evening
meeting at 8.
Fifth, Myrtle Park Station Services. 11
A. M. ; subject of lesson sermon, "Doctrine
of Atonement"; Sundsy scbpol, 9:30 and
11; Wednesday evening meeting at b.
Christian Science Society, Holbrook block.
St. Johns Services, 11 A. M. ; subject of
lesson sermon, "Doctrine of Atonement";
Wednesday evening meeting at 8.
First Church, Park and Madison streets
Luther R. Dyott. minister. 9:50 A. M..
Bible school; 6.10. Y. P. S. C. E. Dr. Dyott's
themes, 11 A. M-. "The Flsw In the Rock";
7:45 P. M.. "Our City at Its Best: Are Our
Assets Sufficient?"
Sunnysde. East Taylor and East Thirty
second streets Rev. J. J. Staub, D. D.. pss
tor Services at 11 A. M and 7:45 P. M. :
Sunday school, lo A M. ; Junior Christian
t-ndeavor. 3 P. M. : Senior Christian En
deavor. 6:30 P. M. Subjects of sermons.
morning. "The Declsratlons of the Gospels
on the Coming of Christ"; evening. "The
Great Alternative."
Pilgrim, Shaver street and Missouri ave
nue. Kev. W. C. Kantner. minister. 9:45
A. M.. Sunday school: 11 A. M . "He Knew":
3 P. M . Junior Endeavor; 0:30 P. M.. Y. P.
S. C. E.; 7:30 P. M.. "Why Smith Does Not
Go to Church."
Unlversjty Park. Haven street, near Lorn
ssrd Rev. F. J. Meyer, pastor. Sunday
school. 10 A. M. : preaching. 11 A. M. and 8
P. M. ; mid-week service. Thunday 8 P. M.
Finnish Mission CongreKatlonat Church.
107 Skldmore street Samuel Nevala. pas
tor. Yonng people's meeting at 6; preaching
at 7:3U; prayer meeting Thursday at o:lo.
St. Mark's. Twenty-first and Marshall
streets Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector; Rev.
John G. Hatton, associate. Services. Sun
days. 7:30 A. M . holy euchartst: 9:45. Sun
day school: 10:15. matins : 11. holy eucharist
and sermon; 7:45 P. M., service and presch-
Ing in preparation for the mission; week
days holy eucharist dally at 7:30 A. M.
Trinity Church, Nineteenth snd Everett
streets Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector.
Holy communion. 8AM.; morning prsyer
and sermon 11; evening prayer anil ,er
mon. 8; tiunday school. 9:45 A M. Slrangen
Invited. '
Church of St. Mloheel and AH Angels.
Brosdwsy and East Forty-third street North
Sermon. 11; holy communion, lint Sunday,
11; third Sunday, 7:3a
Grace Memorial. Weldler and East Seven
teenth streets North Ktv. Oswald W. Tay
lor, vicar. Holy communion, a, excepting
on first Sunday In the month; morning
prayer and sermon, 11; Sunday school, lo.
No evening service.
All Saints. Twenty-flftn and Savlsr streets
Sunday school, 10; morning prayer and
sermon, ll; celebration of ths holy com
munlon the flnt Sunday In ths month at 11
and the third Sunday at S.
St. Paul's, Woodniore Rsv. Oswald W,
Taylor, vicar. Holy communion, llrst Sun
day of month, a; evening prayer and ser
mon. 4. except the first Sunday of month.
St. John's. Mllwaukle Rev. John D. Rlre.
vicar. 8. holy communion, except on tint
founday or month; lo. Sunday school; 11,
-morning prayer; 7 :3A). evening prayer; holy
communion, tint Sunday of month.
St. John's. Sellwood Rev. John D. Rice,
vicar. Prayer, 8; holy communion, 8:30
flnt Sunday of month,
Church of Our Savior, Woodstock. East
orty-flrst street and Sixtieth avenu
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. Sunday
school. 10 A. M.; service and sermon at li
A. M.
Bishop Morris Memoalal Chapel. Good
Samaritan Hospital Holy communion, I
A. M.; evensong. 7:15.
St. Andrews. Hereford street, opposite
Portsmouth School Archdeacon Chambers
In charge. Sunday school, lo A. M. ; service
and sermon. 11 A. M.
St. Matthew's. Corbett and Bancroft
stnets Rev. W. A M. Brack, vicar. Sun
dsy school. 10: services and sermon. 11 A. M.
Churcn of the Good Shepherd. Graham
and Vancouver avenues Rev. John Dawson,
rector. Sunday school. 9:45 A si. ; morning
service. 11: evening service. i:au.
Pro-Cathedral, bl Stephens the Martyr.
Thirteenth snd Clay streets Rev. K. H. Mc-
Colllster, dean. Holy Communion. 7:45
Sunday school. 10; morning service. 11; serv
ice for colored people, 3; evening service.
7:45 o clock.
St- David's, Twelfth and Belmont
Preaching by Rev. C Bertram. 11 o'clock,
"What This Land Needs"; 7:30 P. M., "Uow
to Reach the .Bible Intelligently."
The Swedish Evangelical Fres Church,
corner of Missouri avenue and Sumner street
H.. G. Rodlne. pastor. Sundsy scnool.
9:45; preaching. 11 A. M.; young people's
meeting. 6:46; preaching. 8 P. M
Fint German, corner Tenth and Clay
streets G. F. Iteming. Sr.. pastor. Sunday
school at 9:30 A. M. : preaching service by
the pastor at 10:45 AM: Young People's
Society services at 7 P. M., and preaching oy
the Dsstor at S P. M.
Third Reform. Lents W. O. Llenkaemper,
pastor. Sunday school at 10 A. M. ; preacn
lug service at 11 A M. ; catechetical class.
Saturday at 10 A. M.
Norwegian Danish. Sumner and East
Twenty-third street North Morton Oisen.
nastor. Service Sunday at 11 A M. and 7:oU
P. M.; Sunday school st 10: young people's
meeting st 6:30; prayer meeting, weonnoay
at o'clock.
Conrreration Beth Israel. Twelfth and
Main Sabbath services every Friday even-
ins- st a and Saturday morning at io:ju
reli.-ious school at 10 A. M. Sunday; atone
ments. Saturday, October 7; bootns, inurs
day. October IX
Latter-dsy Saints, Esst Twenty-fifth and
Msdlson lO o clock, bunoay acuooi; servic,
at 11:45 and svenlug service at 1:30.
St. Paul's. German, East Twelfth and
Clinton streets. A Krause, pastor. Ger
man and English, Sunday school, 9:30 A
t - German service.- 10:30 A. M. : English
services. 7:30 P. M. ; Bible study snd young
neon ' meeting, l nursaay. o f. M.
West Slds Norwegian Lutheran. Four
teenth and Davis streets Wilhelm Petter
son. psstor. English services, first and third
Sundays of each month at 11 A. M. and
econd and fourth Sundays at' 8 P. M.
Norwegisn services flnt and third Sundays
of each montn at a Mr. ana secona ana
fourth Sunders at 11 A. M. : Sunday school
at 10 A. M. : English and Norwegian Men's
Club the third Monday at 8 P. M. ; Y. P.
Tuesdsy evening; EngUsu Bible class, Friday
Levenlngs: vesper service st 5 P. M. eacn
Sunday In ths nail on ths corner or ruieenu
and Alberta.
Bethel Free. Stuben Hall. Ivy street and
Williams avenue Rev. G. A. Sta.ey. mm
lster. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 8 P. A.
Sunday school. 10 A. M-
Bethany Danish. Union avenue North and
Morris street. M. C pas
tor. Services. 11 and 8; Young people
meeting. Tuesdsy. 8 P. M.
Our Savior. East Tenth and Grant streets
Georra Henrlksen. psstor. Sundsy school
and Bible class at 9:30; English servic at
10:15; .Norwegian servloe at 11:10.
under the leadership of Rev. T. W. Lano
and Rev. John II. Boyd, and a laymen's
class led by William H. Lewis and
using the textbook. "Efficiency Points."
For one hour every day an open par
liament will be held for the discussion
of various phases of missionary educa
tion. An effort will be made during the
coming week to secure delegates to the
institute from all of the churches of
the city.- A special attempt will bo
made to secure the interest of members
of Sunday schools and. young people's
Call of Norwegian Church
Accepted by Ex-Pastor.
Rev. Ellas GJcrdlns: Preaches First
Sermon In Portland Today After
Absence of Tut Years.
REV. ELIAS GJERDING. who for tho
last two years has been in Oak
landvCaI.. and who came back to Port
land on account of Mrs. GJerdlng's
health, has consented to the urgent
call of the district superintendent and
the quarterly conference of the First
Norwegian Danish Methodist Church to
become the pastor of the church.
The field of work is not a new ona
to Rev. Mr. Gjerding. it being only two
years ago that he served the samo
church as its pastor. The congrega
tions is not strong numerically, but it
owns valuable church property in ono
of the finest parts of the city and it
is hoped that the friends of the church
will rally around their new pastor and
help him build up a strong church in
this community. Rev. Mr. Gjerding
preaches his first sermons as pastor
today at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.
Immanuel (Swedish). Nineteenth and
rvlng streets Rev. J. Richard Olson, ess-
tor. Services. 1 1 A. M. and 9 P. M. : Sunday
school. 9:45 A. M. ; Y. P. Society. Tuesdays.
8 P. M.: Ladles- Aid. flnt Wednesday, i
M.: pipe Orgsn Society, first Friday.
P. M.
Trinity German (Missouri Svnndv Wil
liams and Gnham aveues J. A. Relnbach,
pastor. Services. 10:15, 7:30; Sunday school,
9:15; business meeting, 2:30.
St. Jsmes Er-eliah. W .., T,rk mnA T-f
ferson streets Rev. Mr. Bussard, pastor.
Services 11 A M. snd 8 P. 3L; Sunday
school. 10 A. M. : Luther League, 7 P. M.
Trinity German (Missouri Synod). Will-
Hams and Graham avenues J. A- Relnbach.
pastor. Services. 10:15. 7:30: Sunday school
at 9:15 A. M.
First Norwegian Danish. Hovt and Elrh.
eenth streetH Kev Kiiu. .
I'reauhinx at 11 A. M. and ai & 1 M : V f'
Society every Tuesday night. 8:15: prayer
u.eetiug 1 nursaay night at 8 o'clock.
Monnt Tabor, corner of Kast stark and
Slxty-flnt streets E. OUn EMrldge. psstor.
frescoing n a. M. and 7 ::o y m .i.r.rt.
morning. "Heavenly Overtures." evenir.K.
True Wealth.: sundav .(-h.w. i n-r. i -
Junior League. 3 P. M. ; Epw'orth League!
b:30 P. M. : mid-week nmver mnii nr.,..
service. Thursday evening b o'clock, llieme.
mi nun 1 uat .-ever r 4111.--
WoodlSWn. East Tentli nrfh nri TI ! ,H
land streets Rev W. E. Kloster. putor.
Sunday school. 10 A M. ; morning service.
11 A. M. : Epworth League. 7 P. M : evenms-
servlce. 7:45 P. M. ; prayer meeting. Thurs
days. 7:45 P. M.
Flnt- comer Of Te.lfth nH T,vt.i,
Joshua Stansfleld, D. I).. and Waller Les
Alrhear- ministers. 10.30 A. M-. address
by Bishop Hughes; evening sermon. Kr
tAslter Lee All heart, "The Tusk That Sow
Contronts Ls."
Hose City Park. Kandv hni,l.r'
East Fifty-seventh street William Wallace
1 OUllKSOh. DaStor. f)-4-k 2MnHi.l. - II
Dr. Lynn Harold Hough will speak: 4:3i.
vesper hour. Dr. Younjtuon v. HI ad mi nailer
the sacrament of baptism.
Westmorelnnd. 1 1 !,l. i w
Maulden. pastor. Preaching. 11 and 7:30;
Sumlay school, 10: Junior Lesgue, 6:30.
Woodstock. Woodstock svenue and Forty
fourth atreet Southeast Rev. Frank Jsmes.
psstor. Sundsy school. 10: 1:1:13. class
meeting; 6:43. Epsrorth League: 11 and 7:43,
sermons by the psstor: midweek prayer
service. Thursday, b P. M.
German. Roaney avenue and Stanton
street T. A. Schumann, pastor. Sundsy
school. 9:43 A. M. : services. 11 A. ii.. and
8 P. M.: Epworth League. 7:15 P. M.
Sunnyslde. corner East Yamhill and Eaat
Thirty-fifth streets R. Elmer Smith, pas
tor. Sunday school, 9:30 A M.; preaching,
11 A. M.; Epworth League, 6:3V P. M. ; peo
ple a popular service. 7:45 P. M.
rtnlty. Esst Tenth snd Snerman streets
Rev. p. D, Sandlfur. pastor. Sunday school.
mit. . m , 11 ana e.
Lincoln, East Fifty-second and Lincoln
Rev. B, H, Morse., minister. Preachlng.
10 30 A. M. and 7:SO P. M. ; midweek serv
ice. Thunday, 7:30 P. M.
Clinton Kelly. Powell Vslley road and
East Fortieth Rev. A. B. Calder. -castor.
Sunday s- hool. 10 A. M. : morning servic
at 11 o'clock; evening service at 8 o'clock.
First, Union svenue and Multnomah
street W. J. Kenton. Dastor. Sunday ichooL
10. preaching. II and 7:30.
New Church Society. Ellen Hall. Broad
way and Alder street Rev. Samuel Worces
ter, pastor. Subject, 11 A. M.. "Elllah.
Under the Juniper Tree: or. th Earth
quake, the Fire and the Still, Small Voics'j
ouiiu,; scuooi. jv:io A. ja.
Hlghlsnd Psrk. 1193 East Fourteenth,
street North Rev. S, L. Mendel, pastor.
Sunday school, lo A. M. : preaching. It
A. M. and 7:30 p. M. ; prayer meeting,
Wednesday. 7:30 P. M.
Calvary. Eleventh and Clay streets Pe
Oliver S. Baum. pastor, will preach. 0:3i), .
"The Law of Cost": 7:30, 'The- Lotus
Eaten"; Sunday school, noon; Christian
Endeavor Society. 6:43.
Mlzpah. Nineteenth and Division streets -Services
at 11 A. M. and 7:43 P. M-: Sunday
school st 10 A. M.; Christian Endeavor, 1:4.7
P. M. ; Rev. Ievl Johnson, assistant pastor
Flnt Presbyterian Church, will couduct the
morning service.
Forbes. Graham and Gantenbeln avenues
Rev. Wllllsm MacLeod, minister, will preach
morning and evening at 11 and 7:30; Sun
day school at 10: Christian Emleavor. 6:30;
prayer service. Thursday evening.
. Westminster. East Seventeenth and Schuy
ler streets Preaching by the Rev. H. S.
Templeton. a former pastor of the church,
who will preach both morning and evening;
of Sunday. October 1.1: subjects, 10:30 A. M.,
"God's Column In Who's Who"; 7:30 P. M.,
"The Trsgedy of a Single Word"; Sundsy
school at noon: Y. P. S. C E., at 6:30; Jun
ior Endeavor at 3:30
Flnt German, Twelfth and Clsv O.
Hsfnee. psstor. Services. 10:45 and 8;
Sunday school. :3il: Y. P. L., 7.
Cnureh of the Soul. Auditorium Hall,
Third and Salmon atreets Rev. J. H. I.uc-aa.
pastor. Conference at 11 A. M. ; mediums
meeting, lecture and demonstration at 3
P. M. ; lecture and demonstration at S P. M.
by Dr. J. Waldrop.
Church of Our Father. Broadway and
Tamhlll atreet Kev. Thomas L. Eliot. D. D.
minister emeritus; Rev. William G. Eliot
Jr.. minister. Services at 11 A. M. and
7:43 P. M. : mornlnif sermon. "Christianity
After the War"; evening, open forum In
chapel. ''The Pending Initiative Measures."
Kei-d College students. Professor 11. B.
Hastings j.resMlng : Sunday school and morn
ing adult class ut 9:45; Young People's Fra
ternity at 6:0 P. M.
Flnt, Esst Fifteenth and Morrison streets
p. ,y. Bonebrake. pastor. Sunday school
at 10 A. M.: preaching at 11 A M, and
f. M.: Snde-ivor at 7 P. M.
Alberta. Twenty-seventh and Alberta
streets Clinton C. Bi ll, pastor. Public wor
ahlp 11 A M. and 7:3i P. M.; Sunday
school. 10 A. M. : Y. P. S. C. E. 6:30; prayer
meeting. Thunday. 8 P. M.
f.-ousjh. Sixty-ninth street snd Slxty-see-ond
svenue Southeast. Tremont Station -J.
E. Connor, pastor. Sermons. 11 A- M. and
7:43 p. m. : Sundsy school, 10 A M.; Chris
tian Endeavjr, 6:43 P. M.
Mission. 44o Jensup street Sunday serv
ices ss usual: Sacbatrt echool, 10: pnaching.
11. by Rev. C T. Carpenter; Christian En
deavor. 7; evening" service.
Third, comer Sixty-Seventh street and
Thirty-second avenue Southeast Herbert F.
White, pastor. Sunday school, 10 A. M. :
Rallv day; morning service. 11 o'clock, sub-
tCoucluded on lags ID