12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 10, 1916, HELP WANTED FEMALE, LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. require the services of a thoroughly experienced saleswoman for china and glassware department; references required. Ap ply Supt.'s office Monday between 9 and 10. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Perma nent positions for young women ; salary po!d while learning. Apply to the Pacific Tel. tic Tel. Co., Oth. floor. Park, and Oak. sts., between 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. WA XT ED, MO XD AT. 40 women for work In fruit can nery; chance to earn $2 and up per day; about 10 days' work. Apply main otf Ice, 14th and Johnson sts., or Women's department. City Hall. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. EXPERIENCED PEWINQ MACHINE OPERATORS. Steady work and good pay. Apply Gar ment Factory, Oregon City Woolen Mill. Oregon City. SV'ANTED A thoroughly competent and ex perienced saleslady of good personal ap pearance and pleasant address as recep- j tionist and saleslady in first-class photo studio; good wages to the right party. AB "K, Oregonian. ft'P.ACfiCAL housekeeper for occasional demonstrations of cooking appliances in Portland at ores; employment not perma- t nent. salary $15 per week; write letter about yourself, stating age, business ex perience, phone. AO t08, Oregonian. AT ONCE Ten ladles to travel, demon strate and sell well-established line to our dealers. Previous experience not neces sary. Good pay. Railroad fare paid. Good rich Drug Cfc. Dept. 511, Omaha, Neb. VOMEN Full-time, salary $13, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer; 25c hour spare time; permanent; experience un necessary. Wearproof Hosiery, Norris town, pa. AiUNl.lirAl-, Bureau for Protection of Wo men is now located at room S03 new Po lice Headquarters. Information, protection or assistance given to women and girls. Interview confidential. iVANTED A lady over 25 for position of ttust; must be well educated and accus . tbmed to meettmg the public; possibilities $40 weekly. Apply room 23 A ins worth bidg. .WANTED A girl to help with general housework who can go home nights, liv ing in the vicinity ot Woodlawn. Mrs. C. is. Harris, 843 Ains worth ave. WOMEN, Government jobs; $70 month. Write immediately for list of positions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 7o3R, Rochester, X. Y, 418 WEEK, expenses advanced; women to travel, appoint agents concentrated food flavors in tubes. Reliable Mfg. Co., 0U3 Como biug., Chicago. Experienced gin to do general house- work in country for family of 3. Apply to Mrs. Goorge Kelley Hotel Benson, Suu day between 3 and 6. JNTELLIGENT and ambitious young lady to assist in laboratory and X-Ray work; col lege trained preferred. Write, stating qual ifications. It 809, Oregonian. HEAD BILLER, for Remington typewriter, with Wahl adding attachment; must be thoroughly experienced. Answer, M 819, Oregonian. V'IDOW on small farm wishes housekeeper ; no objections to small child ; wages $10 to $1- mo. Address Mrs. J. We 11a, Hood River, Oregon. WANT eehool girl to stay and help for board and room ; close to Woodmere School. Inquire 6916 S. K, Portland, Gist ave., Tremont. "WANTED Nice old lady to cook for 4 peo ple; no other work ; wages $10 a month, room and board. Call after 11 at 52 3d at. "WANTED 2 reliable laaies to help me represent guaranteed goods; no experience necessary. Call 343 Tillamook .Monday. 1 o'clock. GANoL, put e, non-alcoholic fruit llavor and toilet articles. American Product Co., Cin cinnati, Ohio, represented 343 Tillamook street. ."WANTED Competent, experienced maid for work in small family; must be good cook; good wages. East 4562. 449 E. ,24th st. X. fWANTED Competent maid for general housework small family, good wages. 449 E. 2fth sc North. EXPERIENCED typew fiter, btHer for Rem ington machine, with Wahl adding at tachment. Answer R 800, Oregonian. HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. In dividual Instruction, start any date. 502 Orpheum bldg. Positions secured. fcanitary Beauty Parlors College for ladles only; make yourself independent with good trade. 400-412 Dekuiu bldg., 3d and Wan. WANTED Olrl to assist with housework and room at home. Call 304 East 22d, near Hawthorne J A PAN ESE woman for general housework ; family of four; state wages and give ref erences AL 791, Oregonian. LADY, past 30, for light housework ; $20; references. 501 E. 53d at. N. Hose City Park car. WOMAN to assist with housework and care of invalid; wages $20. Call Sun day. 505 Webster st. EXPERIENCED operators wanted on hem stitching and power machines. Apply 85JA Cth st., room -03. CsOCOLATE dippers wanted ; must have experience. Henry Ross tic Son. 93 Union avenue. "WANTED Girls for 49 show with carnival. Apply in person, Mr. Kennedy, Hotel New Houston. EXPERIENCED girl for general house v ork. 558 Montgomery Drive, Portland Heights. Main 949. UIDDLE-AGED companion for elderly lady in small town: good reader; very quiet life; give phone. H 813, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced fur finishers; high est wages. Hudson Bay Fur Co., Ill Broadway. AVI LL give high school girl board, room and cart are In exchange for light services. Phone Tabor 2702. WANTED First-class talloress who thor oughly understands pressing; no other need apply. 205 Columbia bldg. "WANTED A fitter on ladies' coats ; must be a quick worker. Call on J. K.. Stern, ladies tailor, 447 Alder. YOUNG girl to assist wltn baby in exchange for good home. 24 E. Sth N., near Burn side. Call Monday. COMPETENT hairdresser and hair worker. Apply Lipman-Wolfe Beauty Parlors, mezzanine rioor. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work ; good wages ; 2 adults. East 7720, -, E,. -ISC St. N. COOK, thoroughly experienced, for private family. English, Scotch. or Norwegian preferred. Tel Sell wood 1072. LADIES, LEARN NEW METHOD BEAUTY CULTURE; FALL CLASS. 502-3 COLUM BIA BLDG. WANTED Experienced millinery sales ladies at once. Xo others need r.pply. Wonder Millinery 6th and Alder. LADIES do crocheting at home. Call 1 to 5 P. M., 468 Washington, office 202. Is EAT girl for general housework. Call lit 1115 Wasco street. T. 588. THIS AD, 250, MASSAGE, MANICURE. 502 8 COLUMBIA BLDG. LADIES FALL WORK; $1 to $3 la made 502-3 Columbia bldg. FIRST-CLASS manicure wanted. Oregon Ho tel barber shop. WANTED Responsible cutter, fitter in dressmaking shop. 412 Morrison st. "WANTED Girl to assist with general house work. S10 Overton. WANTED Experienced millinery maker; no others need apply. Lowengart & Co. W ANTE D A school girl Tto assist with housework in a small family. East 6167. WANT girl to do light housework. AG 741, Oregonian. GIKL wanted to assist with general house work. Apply 7O0 Flanders st. WAITRESS wanted. Call 11 A. M., 352 Al der. GIKL. general housework, 4 in family, good home and wages. East 2726. GIKIj for housework small family. 141 12 60th. il R L, experienced general housework ; good wages. 924 E. Salmon. Tabor 5176. MIS M ATTINGLY'S SCHOOL. Shorthand Typewriting. $5 mo. 269 14th. Main 3893! EXPERIENCED waitress. Apply beTween 10 and 11 today. Alexandra Court. 53 Ella st. WANTED Experienced housemaid ; must have references. Apply Main 39.S5. ' WANTED Experienced second girl. Phone Main 20S5 or A 1306. WANTED Experienced pressers; ladies r referred. City Dye Works. GIRL wanted for general housework, small family. Tabor 784. PRIVATE home for children, any age; 15 years' experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Phone Main 6313. GIRL to assist in general housework. AddIv mornings. G99 Lovejoy. COMPETENT girl for general housework. References. 454 E. 21at st. X. COMPETENT girl for general housework; 7 in family. East 1179. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COMPETENT, willing, discreet young worn an, age 20 to 30 years, for general office work, aiternoons; must be able to take dictation, understand filing, billing on L. C. Smith, etc; 25c per hour : chance for advancement and all-day work to right person. Prefer one who is familiar witn automoDiie terms. Permanent; tran sients need not apply. A 810, oregonian WANTED Experienced .short-hour wait ress; references. Apply, Monday between 9 and 10 A. M., Miss Allen, ninth floor, Meier & Frank store. WANTED Two-hour ranee helnar. Arynlv. Monday between 9 and 10 A. M., Miss .-ieu, i i ii in iioor, jueier tic rranic to tore. $150 SALARY, 60 days' work paid woman each -town, distribute free circulars, take orders White Ribbon concentrated flavor ing. J. S. Ziegler Co., Chicago. HELP WANTED MALE OR EE MALE. 100 HOPPICKERS WANTED. SPECIAL TRAIN SUNDAY. On Horst ranch, largest hop ranch In Oregon, to replace registered pickers who failed to come on account threatened rail road strike; we have 507 acres to pick and will start to .pick on the 6th and pick about 21 days; our crop is. good and clean and on high trellis and we furnish free baskets, good tents, apples and plenty of pure water; camping grounds under marshal, clean and sanitary and provided with large camp stoves. For further in formation apply Robert Langley, 525 Im perial Hotel. 100 HOPPICKERS WANTED. Special Train Sunday. Will send few more hoppic.ers to Llve sley, Lakebrook yard. Best yard and ac commodations in the state. $1.70 round trip Free tent, wood and straw; good apartment-house; about two weeks' more pick ing. Pickers will leave next Monday, gall and get ticket and accommodations at Dorcas Bros., 221 Pittock block. 10th and Wash, sts. Phone Broadway 3216, A 1717. THE ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COL LEGE will teach you the trade in eight weekii, pay you while learning, give you a set of tools, scholarship and diploma, get you position. 32 schools in U. S. and Canada Write for free catalogue. Cor. 2d and Burnside. WANTED Fraternal organizers and Insur ance solicitors; & few good hustlers, both men and women, who can pro'uee results, on a part salary, part commission basis, for an order of 80,000 members. ' Write for appointment, M. H. Learnard, state manager. BP 795. Oregonian. WANTED In the upper Okanogan Vaiiey. applepickers at 5c per box for sorted fruit; work starts Sept. 15; long job, cen tral packing-house. S. R. Harold, Okano gan Growers' Union. Omak Growers' Union, Okanogan and Omak, Wash. THOUSANDS Government jobs open to men, women, $75 month ; steady work, shot t hours; common education sufficient Write immediately, free list positions now ob tainable. Franklin Institute, Examiner U Rochester, N. Y: LITTLE WIZARD LABOR SAVER. Washes clothe without rubbing; pack age 15c (5 warnings . two or more de livered. R. E. Edwards, 1824 Sandy blvd Tabor 4305. HOPPICKERS WANTED Large yard, fine picking, long job, good accommodations. Store, butcher shop and confectionery on grounds. Apply A. J. Ray & Son, 330 Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 842. ilUHLER BARBER SCHOOL Men and women to learn the barber trade In 8 wetiks; position guaranteed, tools free, paid while learning. Expert instructors, scalp and face massage a specialty. Tui tion reduced. 38 X. Second st. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks; position guaranteed, tools free, paid while learning; tuition reduced. Can earn from $15 to $25 a week. Expert instructors, 20 years in business. 233 Madison st. HOPPICKERS wanted, families preferred, long job, large crop, fine accommodations, vegetables free. For full particulars see Conrad Krebs. HO 10th st. Broadway ' 211 0. 50 HOPPICKERS wanted; will pay $1 per hundred pounds; large yard, on Oregon Electric; will furnish tents for partfes of 3 or more. Call A 4913 or Main 5937. 612 Worcester bldg., Monday. PROFESSIONAL musician wil coach ama teurs desiring orchestra practice or train ing for professional try-outa. If Inter ested phone East 7477. WANTED Hoppickers; pay $1 per hundred; start Monday. Inquire at St. Charles Hotel for Frank Felton. JAPANESE Free Empt. Bureau. Mn. 2191, A 1070. Jap. Ass'n of Or., 213 Henry bldg WANTED Hoppickers. Inquire St. Charles Hotel for Frank Felton. MIPS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, A LI SKY' BLD., 3D MOR'N. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. GET WELL FREE. Every day from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. and evenings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7 to- 9 P. M. THOUSANDS OF SL'FFE KER3 WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any way are Invited to attend these clinics in our big clinic hall. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will examine and diagnose- your case and direct your treatment. FREE TO ALL. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane, sure and modern science of curing and pre venting diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause; health returns. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, 433 Hassalo .St. at 7th. East Side. Phone East 6536. Dr. Elliott. Director of Clinics. PACIFIC COLLEGE OF CHIROPRACTIC Is now register! tig students In both day and night classes ; learn to be a chiro practic doctor; a most lucrative and dig nified profession. Inquire for full par ticulars to PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, 433 Hassalo St. at 7th, East Side. Phone East 6530. Dr. Elliott. Managing Director. $10 A DAY gathering evergreens, roots and herbs; 10; brings book and war prices Particulars free. Botanical-7, New Haven, Conn. WATCHES cleaned 75c; mainspring, 75c; work guaranteed. 21S Commonwealth bldg., ( . t h and A nkeny. NAMES of men, IS or over, wishing Gov ernment Jobs, $75 .month. AV 424, Orego nian. PITTATrOXS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks, STENOGRAPHER - BOOKKEEPER, all around office man, cge 32, railroad and commercial experience, open for lmme d iate service ; good penman ; references. Room 329. Marshall 1950. SINGLE man, 35. long banking and legal experience, desires employment evenings in those or any occupation calling for in telligence and ability; best references. AF 823. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER. 10 years actual experience. Furnish references. Will go out of city. Reasonable salary to start if chance of advancement. K 80'J, Oregonian. RELIABLE, thoroughly experienced book keeper, account and office man, desires position ; married : best references. East 0445 or Main 1086. EXPERT bookkeeper, office man, salesman, with ability, accurate, rapid, desires posi tion. Excellent references. AG 815, Orego nian. ENGINEER wants position as chief en gineer and Supt. of large apt. bldg. equipped with modern equipment ; first class references. Phone Sell wood 1149. CLERICA L position wanted ; reliable, young man. good penman, rapid; local experience, chance to advance most important. AC S09. Oregonian. WANT set of books to keep after banking hours and during spare time. H 809, Ore gonlan. BY accountant, eight years' experience con struction, railroad, wholesale, purchasing; best references. AG 80S, Oregonian. YOUNG man. 24, wishes clerical position; 6 years' office experience; good references. V. 811, Oregonian. WANT wood-hauling contract, by car or cord, with large truck. Phone Sellwood 328 or Main 5783. OFFICE manager and accountant; under stands freight tariffs, desires executive position. R 812, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER-CLERK, competent, re liable, experienced automobile and whole sales, married. Tabor 1508. MALE stenographer, 4 years experience, wants position. Phone Main 0O78, East 1214. WANTED Position as hotel clerk, janitor or watchman, industrious, reliable, trust worthy. AB 799, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED Brickwork, hollers, chimneys, plastering, cement work; day or contract; city or country. Burley. 40S Washington. Marsha II 2 9 63. MAN and wife. Man employed wishes care of apts., flats or home, exchange for rent. 113 commercial st. x ro-t. oregonian PLUMBING repairs at reasonable prices. Phone Sellwood 1120. SINGLE tailor, best reference, city or town. H 814. Oregonian. YOUNG mm desire work ; will do anything. H 812, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Misceitaneoait. ' CONNECTION WANTED CLASS "A" ORGANIZER, SALESMAN, SALES MANAGER . Will organize sales-force and put your commodity on the market if it is sale able; age 34, experienced, proven capable; business of nature; automobiles preferred; no pipe-dreams; 'no investments; a clean cut man for a high-grade Job. Write for appointment. Advertiser, 933 Henry bldg., Seattle, Wash. FIRST-CLASS CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC. Young man licensed chauffeur with wide experience, both driving, repairing and overhauling, any make of motor car a, wishes good and steady position in pri vate family or comm rcial ; have all necessary tools. A good man to those who need service of high order; Al ref erences. E 813, Oregon ion. WANTED A position running prune-drier, by an experienced and practical man ; also another handy man wants position. C. F. Stauffer, Gervais, R. R. No. 2, Box 44, Oregon. WANTED Position as manager of jewelry store or watchmaker, jeweler and dia mond setting; have had all kinds of ex perience; in Portland or outside; can give Al references. BP .717. Oregonian. JAPANESE, reliable man, wants situation, cook and housework; garden care and washing with housework; janitor or por ter of hotel, club, etc. Care Japanese Mission. Main 3093. RELIABLE Japanese has many years' ex perience in general house w ork ; m ants position In private family. AP 805, Orego nian. AMBITIOUS young man with fair educa tion wants good, steady position; can fur nish references; 7 years at Last place. N 797, Oregonian. PRINTER Foreman, wants position, live weekly or daily; fifteen years' experience; capable; reliable. Al references. AG 820. Oregonian. YOUNG man, 22, married, with Ford car, would like position with reliable Arm; can give good reference; collecting, delivering, salesman. C 813, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED married farm hand want steady place with house, can give the bes. of references; good all-around man. H. McElroy, Gervais, Or, LIVE newspaper man, 16 years weekly and uauy papers; energetic, capable, respon sible; married; best references. AG 81, Oregonian. ELDERLY man wants comfortable home ana small wage for services; bandy in side or out; can milk if required. Y 816, Oregonian. JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL graduates ex-stuaents want position; also sev eral boys in school desire work afternoons and Saturdays. Phone Woodlawn 2603. EXPERIENCED show curd writer wants po- bilioii in .rortiauu or out-or-town store; can also do any other kind of painting. F 809, Oregonian. WANTED. By young man of ability, attending den tal college, position for odd hours ; best of references. Address AV 619, oregonian. WANTED office building: to look after, experienced janitors and elevator men ; understand plumbing and electricity; ref- rences given. AC 821, Oregonian. YOUNG man, experienced auto-mechanic. wisnes position driving or repairing; bes-. of references. F 811, Oregonian. MAN, single, age 35, wants farm work, for- eign-oorn ; no farm experience here. F 81 o, Oregonian. POSITION wanted as cutter, salesman or tailor, with wide experience in clothing Industry; refs. furnished. Y 815, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS driver and mechanic wants position in snop, driving truck or private car. AF 820, Oregonian. WALL tinting with muresco, decorating, carpenter wont, cneap now. Aianny, Sell wo od 2421. MARRIED man wants work on fruit, stock or k i a i ii rancn, enner wages or snares. Address AV 613, Oregonian. BAKER First-class on everything, with gooa reierences; marriea; will take posi tion, city or country. X 793, Oregonian. Y'OUNG man wants work in garage or as cnauneur in private, lamny. f &iiit Ore gonian. FIRST-CLASS cook wants position in hotel or private ramiiy; best reference. Phone Broadway 2103 or write 340 Glisan st. WANTED Steady work with team, 1500 lro., wood hauling preferred. Will lake anything that is steadv. &06 Oreconlan. RELIABLE Japanese, useful in private fam- nian. FOR reliable work on' building, repairing. painiing, can beiiwood louo. Exchanges considered. MIDDLE-AGED couple want apt. house to manage anu care for; references. V 811, Oregonian. PRACTICAL bread, cake and paatry baker. ions experience, wants steaay position. j 803, Oregonian.- PAINTING, papering, tinting by day or cuniraci. riion aunuay or evenings. Main 679V LANDSCAPE gardener,- garden and house work; reierence N. A. Main 8592. George Schmidt. YOUNG man attending Holmes Business College wants work for room and board. Phone M aln 513. TAILOR. Al coatmaker. desires steady w teaiy position witn tailor or as fitter for clothier. AO 787, Oregonian. SYSTEM ATIZER, steward, practical cook ror notei, resort or club; employed, but open to offers. J 811, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man wants a position driv ing jitney or private car; best of refer ences. Phone East 5032. SITUATION wanted by an Al milker and nam man; married; nave wife two chil dren. A V G33. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by general farm and orciiarciing manager; small family. AV 034, Oregonian. MAN of 35 years, sober and industrious. wants position as notei nignt clerk. AB 790, Oregonian. CH EF Cook,- first-class, wants situation ; notei or institution. AD Jsos. Oregonian. GOOD tecond baker, cakes or bread. Brooklyn. irop card. O. D. Smith. CUTTER, first-class coatmaker. AO 788, Oregonian. KALSOMIN'INO $2.50 a room. W guaran tee gooa nouse painting work, iast 3 J 7 . KALSOMIN'INO. painting. plaster - patch ing; reasonaoie. wooaiawn i:4;Hj. WANT elevator operating. $5 reward, $50 jod. write ii oregonian bldg. Main 3392. ESTIMATES furnished on all kinds of ce ment wotk ana garages, woodlawn 2278. SITUATIONS WANTED FEM ALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers, GENERAL office work; thoroughly experi enced young iaay o pieasmg personality ; efficient typist and billing clerk. Elliott Fisher, Remington-Wahl or Underwood op erator. Good penman ; private exchange operator. East 2051. . EXPERIENCED and reliable bookkeeper wisnes position ; capable or doing any kind of office work; references. AC 813, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER 10 yrs.f legal experience. desires position onenng advancement; leave city If necessary; best references. S &00, Oregonian. WANTED Permanent position by woman oooaaeeper. 14 years experience; reliable and competent; good references. O 811, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires em ployment; permanent or temporary. Call Tabor 580J; mornings. STENOGRAPHER, some experience, desire position, start ; mmu.11 aiary. Alain 6426 before 11 A. M. POSITION as private secretary or of re sponsibility in omce; la years experience. City references. Phone East 595. EXPERIENCED clerk wishes position; has some knowledge of bookkeeping. Call Woodlawn 2452. CAPABLE, thoroughly experienced lady. uooKKeeper ana cannier, wisnes position. Phone Woodlawn 3155. STENOGRAPHER wishes a few clients; win can lor ana a e liver work. Rates reasonable. Main So4. ALL-AROUND office girl, knowledge of Bieiiogrpuy aiiu uuo&aeeping. rnone Mal.i 2115. STENOGRAPHER - BOOKKEEPER wants extra wora mornings, spare time, or after 5 P. M. Main 1608. REFINED young lady wishes position as tvpist or in aoctora ornce. Half or full day. East 4983. EXPERIENCED stenographer, knowledge of uooKKeeping. wants position. Main 8105, apartment 27. YOUNG lady staying at home desires posi tion in doctor s or acnnsi s onice. w S05. Oregonian. TWO Jeftersoii High School graduates de sire permanent stenographic positions. Phone Wdln. 2603. EXPERIENCED A-l bookkeeper. stenog rapher, desires position. Tabor 0S. ..lENCED dictaphone operator deal res position. Main 537-S. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper-stenographer. l rzt recoil inn. GIRL would like position as bookkeeper iiso BienuKrupurr. aii iot. OO-t. STENOGRAPHER with three years experi ence ueeires ponmwn. war. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion. j a 1 !, uregonian. EX PER I EN CP' D stenographer desires work. permanent or temporary. Phono East 4.05. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and Stenographers. BOOKEEPER and stenographer, 10 years' experience; Insurance and mercantile lines. B bob. Oregonian. lrebmakeni. FASHIONABLE dressmaking parlors, 363 i'amhill si either fancy or tailored skirts a specialty; fit guaranteed. Prices rignt. Alain ZIIj. YOUNG English woman desires dressmaking and fine hand sewing; $1.75 day; A-l ret. Main 292. SEWING by day by experienced seamstress. You furnlsa your own patterns; $l.to and can are. u.. aa-ttf, room x. DittibAlAKING at home, designer and fit ter, with Chicago experience. Phone Mar. 1131. A GOOD, neat seamstress wants work in dressmaking shop. Address P. O. Box 704, Lents, or. DRESSMAKER desires sewing in families; good on suits and expert iu making-over; $2 per day. Tel. E. 959. DRESSMAKING $2.50 per day; good fit, quick work ; references. Main 9451. WANTED Dressmaking, plain and fancy; reasonable. Woodlawn 1717. $2 PER DAY by experienced dressmaker; quick and accurate. Mar. 1570. SAVE money, be your own dressmaker; will instruct you at my home. Marshall 15U9. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants bewing by day. Tabor 2351. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloress will sew by day. Phone E. 7671. MAKEOVER SHOP, 202 FUedner. Suits, gowns to order, or remodeled. Main 3201. FIRST-LASS dressmaking done by day; $250 day. Call Main 7615. MILLINER designs and remodels hats at your home. Prices reasonable. B 2750. EASTERN designer, gewns. suits, coats, lat est style, your home. Mar. 2200. QUICK, reliable dressmaking, $2 day. Wood lawn 2lt59. Norses. SITUATION wanted Practical nurse. 10 years experience ; willing to leave city; also experience in care of Infanta and children. AE 813, Oregonian. NLRSE, kind, competent, maternity cases or any kind ; references; reasonable. Main 2064, apartment No. 9. NURSE, kind, competent maternity, other cases; city and physicians' references. Marshall 4069. TRAINED nurse, IVx years hospital traln ing. P hone E. 849. PRACTICAL nurse, nursing by hour, day or week, reasonable. East 3S54. CASE wanted by good practical nurse, use ful companion; good reader. East 4769. PRACTICAL nurse will do housework. Doc tors' references. East 6798. H o in-ek ee n rs. THOROUGHLY competent middle-aged lady, good seamstress, would like position as chaperon, housekeeper, where will have full charge ; good manager; must be modern home; not afraid of work. AC 808. Ore gonian. YOUNG, refined lady, trustworthy, good cook, neat housekeeper, wishes position In family of 2, or reflned widow er or bachelor's home. Phone Marshall 265, 9 to 11. RESPECTABLE, good-appearing woman, age 34, position housekeeper, widower or bach elor; must have good home. Amy Reed, general delivery, Portland, Or. A RESPECTABLE lady wishes position as housekeeper in widower's or bachelor's home. Only apply by mail. Mrs. G. Warner, 699 S. Mead St., city. REFINED, capable woman. 35, with daugh ter. 15, wants housekeeping position, wid-ow-jer or bachelor: best references; reason able wages. AP 814. Oregonian. EDUCATED woman past middle age desires poHition as companion-nurse for elderly person, assist in light housekeeping duties. Cll Tabor 6700. N EAT, experienced young lady wants housekeeping for club of men ; excellent cook. A 805, Oregonian. COMPETENT housekeeper with 5-year-old girl wishes position in city. References. East 7780. t WANTED By refined lady. 55. light house keeping In respectable widower's home; good cook. M 810, Oregonian. OUNO won Call Tabor woman wants housework to 00. or 3079 Monday A. M. between 9 and 11:30. CA PABLE woman and good cook wishes position as housekeeper. Apply 810 E. 10th S. E. WIDOW, quite refined, desires position as housekeeper. AE 81 5, oregonian. Domefcttcs. COMPETENT middle-aged woman wants general housework; good cook. Y' 602, Ore gon larn w EXPERIENCED second maid desiras posi tion in good family, temporary tt per manent. A R 811, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants cooking or general work, private family; city refer ence; wages $35. R 815, Oregonian. " . WANTED Position in small family by re fined middle-aged woman. AG 813, Ore gonian POSITION as housekeeper by experienced girl in refined family of 2 or 3. Phone Woodlawn 4016. - FINNISH girl wants housework; wages $35. Phone Woodlawn 43. PLACE to do housework by woman with small child. Phone Marshall 3727. WANTED By middle-aged Eastern woman, housework or cooking. Main 6292. STRONG, willing woman wants houseclean ing and washing by the day. Main 4,'0Ki, M ifrrcllaneouH. WANTED Tutoring; have B, S. A M. S. degrees; best of references. O 812, Ore gon ian. WIDOW wants work, washing or cleaning by day or permanent housework. Columbia 297. EXPERIENCED private exchange operator wishes a position; best of references. Call Tabor 2694. LESSONS given in grammar grade stud lea, 5ic. Backward pupils specialty. Main 5721. WANTED Crocheting at home; yokes, dollies and centerpieces. Mrs. F., 3S24 62d st. Southeast WANTED Position by experienced " tele phone operator in hotel or private onice. East 5032. WANTED By thoroughly competent fitter, position out of city; references. G bll. Ore gonian CA PA BLE, reliable woman wants to cover comfortables at her home; price reason able; references. East 6609 or A 1517. TELEPHONE operator desires position as . private exchange operator. Phone Sell wood 2807. WANTED A home for my company nluMs; respectable woman ; can r'i vo reference. AB 803, Oregonian. YOUNG lady, living home, would like posi tion in doctor's office. AP 804, Ore ponlan. 1 Y'OUNG LADY going to Business College will help nights Tor room and board in small family. C 820, Oregonian. EDUCATED woman wants French seam stress work; all kinds of fine work; $2 day; references. East 6609. COMPETENT woman would like mending and darning by the day or hour. East 2776. WANTED By refined and educated young woman, position in store or office. Phone Woodlawn 1722. A TEACHER of 10 years experience eives lessons on the piano for 25 cen's. Modem methods. Sellwood 731. SITUATION wanted hy a woman to do pantry work or boarding house; go home nights. AG 822, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman will do day work. Marshall 1748. WOMEN want work by the day or hour. AF 814, Oregonian. CAN always find lady to work by day or hour. Mar. 792. WANTED, by undergraduate, work In sani tarium or maternity home. Marshall 2775. LACE CURTAINS, blankets. dolMes hand laundered. Work guaranteed. East 5023. EXPERIENCED - chambermaid wantawork. BF 802. Oregonian. LACE curtains laundered ; 13-year expert. Mrs. Scott. Tabor 5933. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants day work. Phone Tabor 0336. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Phone A 4030. EX PERIENCED chambermaid wants posl rion hotel or rooming-house. Marshall 429. COLORED woman, any kind day work ; ex perienced laundress. Broadway 335. YOUNG Swedish girl wants chamber work. Tabor 446S. WILL care for children in my home, $10 per month. Sellwood 402. SWEEP, dust. wash. Jron ; best city ref erences. Tabor 6048. ORGANIST desires position in or out town. AC 812, Oregonian. WANTED Position as pianist in movie the ater all or part time. Woodlawn 1717. WASHING and ironing for Monday and Tuesday. Call Main 2692. FRENCH and piano. European teacher. Class $2 mo; rapid progress. M. 6474. T II V I? T . V Ixlu mill ta Vo, 7T? V. 11 ELDERLY lady will take care of children pveningi;. t c and rarf:tre. East 2 1 6. WOMAN wants day work, phone East 7730. 8ITUATIONS WANTED FKM A US. Miivcellnaneous. WAN TED Position as doctor's office as sistant; 3 years' experience ; can do all kin us of dressings, help with anesthetics, thorough understanding of sterilization. Call Lents Home phone and call 532 1, or address Verna S. Wallace, Gen. Del., Port land. CULTURED, capable. New York woman wishes to gain practical nursing experi ence; private sanitarium or doctor's of fice preferred ; services in return; good appearance, pleasing personality. AP 796, Oregonian. LADY employed during day desires room and board, good family, in exchange for company; lady alone preferred; would care for children evenings. Main 202, Room 58. NEAT, middle-aged woman for housekeeper in rooming-house. Not much work at pres ent. Good chance for woman with husband employed. Small w ages. AK 796, Orego nian. POSITION by young laoy demonstrating tr selling goods, clerical or cashier work; competent, honest, not afraid of work; good references. N bu5, oregonian. LADY wishes day work or Janitor, kitchen help; hard, honest worker ; must have work. Address AB 804, Oregonian. 'or call Tabor 5S4S. A ul'.NG woman employed days wants room, board in exchange for company nights; willing to help with work even ings. Phone Main 5613. A REFINED lady employed will give light services mornings and evenings for room and board in private family. Call Main 2U8. Monday. YOUNG ladv living at home desires po sition In dentist's or doctor's office. AF 88, Oregonian. NEAT, good laundress wants work by hour; good ironer. Phone Sellwood llllr COLORED mornings. rirl wishes a few hours work Tabor 2146. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED To rent 2 floors in centrally lo cated building auitable for lodge hall and clu broom. A B 800, Oregonian. Ilounes. 7 OR 8 ROOMS Must be modern, well and completely furnished, hot water heat pre- fered. Will lease for 6 months or more, three In family Including baby 10 months old. Telephone or write, W. D. De arney, Pacific Telephone Company. HA V E RENTED 7 DWELLINGS LAST WEEK. CAN RENT YOUR VACANT HOUSE I F MODERN AND IN GOOD CONDITION. G. G. ROHRER, 301 PANAMA BUILDING. WE CAN renr your house for you; free auto service for imrection of properties. Phone Main 5195, A 1051. 0 THE ERNEST YOUNGER CO., 105 Park St. FURNISHED modern 5 or 6-room bungalow, flat or apt., near St. Johns or Bdwy. car, 3 adults; unfurnished considered if very desirable, about Oct. 1. L 816, Oregonian. MODERN HOUSE WANTED, East Side, north of Broadway ; reliable tenant; give excellent care ; would lease two, three years; not over $25. AP 8u0, Oregonian. LARGE, well-furnished apartment wanted in Nob Hill district for 3 months at least. Must have 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. Ad dress Box 171, Prlneville, Or. WANT To rent 5-room bungalow, unfur nished, clean, with furnace, by 2 adults. Alberta or Irving ton preferred ; references furnished. AB 791. Oregonian. WANT 5 or 6-room furnished bungalow, near Peninsula Park preferred; give fuil Information, price Urst letter. P bl6, Ore gonian. WE need more houses. List yours with us. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg.. Marshall 3718. A 6291 WANTED To rent unfurnished modern 5 or 0-room bungalow, Irvington or Rose City district, for family of 2. Call East OT42 or write C. M Will, 2S5 Couch ft. WANTED A 5 or 6-room modern bunga low to rent; on with two lots preferred; must be reasonable; references. S 790, Oregonian. WAN r unfurnished modern 5 or 6-room housp, with nice yard, Oct. 1, near SS or Mt. T.ibor car; permanent, respon sible couple. East 6252. ' WANTED To rent 5-room bungalow, near Russell-Shaver or Williams ave. carline. Family of three ; no children. Address K 802, Oregonian. WANT to rent a 3 or 4 -room furnished cottage or flat. Low rent. West Side preferred. Y 813. Oregonian. WANTED By responsible tenant, a mod ern house on Portland Heights or Nob hill. A J 746. Oregonian. WILL do carpenter labor for rent of small furnthed cottage and some cash. Will rent for a year. A R 815. Oregonian. WANTED To rent furnished house by 3 adults; wanted for care of same. L 817, Oregonian. WANTED Modern 3 and 4-room unfur nished bungalow, not beyond 30th st., if on East Side. J 810, Oregonian. TWO 5 or 6-room houses, modern, good neighborhood, close together. Sellwood iil04 or o 813. "Oregonian. THREE adults want 6-room furnished house; must have furnace and be absolutely clean; will pay $2.". Call Tabor 8033. WA NTE D To rent 4-room modern cottage. AF 822, Oregonian. HOUSES tinted, repaired and rented ; for prompt service, call Tabor 6290, WANTED To rent furnished house in Ladd School district ; cheap. M a in 7095. and 6-room houses call T. 6290. Apartment. 3-1. OO M modern, well-furnished apartment or flat, with 3 or 4 rooms; must have porch, walking distance. West Side pre ferred. C 80. t, Oregonian. YOUNG couple desire modern apartment, furnished or unfurnished; good neighbor hood; close In ; reasonable; give particu lars. AF 812, Oregonian. YOUNG lady dressmaker wants to share apartments with lady; reference exchanged or would like a large front mom with board In private family. C 814, Oregonian. WANTED To lease or buy first-class smalt apartment-house; must be a bargain and on the West Side. Write to AC 818, Ore gonian. Kooms. BY an elderly, refined, reliable couple, 2 rooms, bath and kitchen, unfurnished apartments ; good view, or will join In sh rmg a flat where there is steam or furnace heat. Reasonable rent. Or would cure for a place in absence of owner. 8 years in hotel business. Address F 801, Oreironlnn. Y'OUNG man wants furnished room In re fined, private home, on West Side pre ferably in apartment and room with li brary table; would like late breakfast, also. AE 816. Oregonian. TWO heated rooms near Broadway carline. Two adults. State particulars. Ali 798, Oregonian. Rooms and Board. BUSINESS woman wishes room and board in small select boarding-house or room with board In vicinity; sleeping porch if possible. Irvington or West Side; state al! particulars. AJ 744. Oregonian. LA DY employed desires room and board near St. Johns line; would consider being companion or keeping children evenings. A E 825. Oregonian. YoUNG lady employed wants room and board with private family. West Side, walking distance. AC 817, Oregonian. Y'OUNG man desires room in strictly private family, no other roomers; homelike; fur nish Al references. V 806, Oregonian. YOUNG couple desire room and board In refined private home;- reasonable. State price and particulars. " AD 8or, Oregonian. WANTED Dinner in family of several adults or In small boarding-house near List and Northrup, Phone Marshall 53 S. YOUNG lady, employed, wants room and board in respectable private famllv; apartment-house preferred. K 815, Oregonian. LADY wants board and room. Central West Side. BC 807. Oregonian. FOR KENT. ELEo ANT room, all modern conveniences. $2 per week. 1231. 14th, cor. Washington. MODERN room, hat and cold running water; $1.5o per week and up. 205 5th st. Furnished Kooms. STANDISH HOTEL, C48 WASH. ST., COR. 17TH. Clean, cool, comfortable rooms, ier week: $6 per month and up. $1 50 LIGHT ROOMS, $2 PER WEEK. Free telephone. Northwest heat, running water all rooms, central location. Hotel Netherlands. 126 13th, corner Washington. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th st. Strictly modern ; private baths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main a FURNISHED rooms $1.50 week and up; free phone and bath. 291 V Hawthorne ave. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance, both phor.es, reasonable. 402 y 3d st. The Warrenton. Main 7771. HOTEL OfKLEY Morrison St. at 10th. RATES 50c day up. Weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phones and baths. H OTEL YA kTma, North Yakima, Was"h7" Remodeled, reopened. Bertha B. Johnson, Prop. Maxwell Hall, 207 14th; strictly modem. us of parlor; real home. $1 .50 up. M. 11 53. MAKE the Bnslininrk your homo : rooms from $L75 up; modern, 565 Wash, FOR RENT. Furnished Boonis. FURNISHED rooms for young men In all pari ok me city, aiso in 1. M, C. A. build ing, fireproof, telephone In each room, shower baths, $1.75 to $4.75 ner week, in cluding full association membership priv ileges, gymnasiuui. swimming pool, hand- ua.ii court, anu many oiaur cuo privileges. Y. M. C. A. HOTEL RITZ. Park and Morrison. Beautiful furnished rooms, with without bath, hot water 24 hours. Phone Jn every room ; elevator service. Special rates to pernio, nen t guests. FOR home comforts try TOURIST HOTEL; modern conveniences; reduced rate; front rooms $3 week and up ; 5bc, 75c and $1 per aay; no extra cnarge zor two in room ; tourist trade solicited. Morrison ami 1st tb. CORIXNE, 374 THIRD STREET. Main 110. A 1136, Modern, single rooms, equipped for light housekeeping, women only ; $ 10 and up ; laundries, parlors and sewing rooms for use or occupants. fc ELTON COURT HOTEL, Yamhill at 11th. Large, beautifully furnished rooms, with or without private baths, telephone, ele vator service, j to u per weea. 1 rr- slents. 50c to $1.50 per day. MainBiWl HOTEL EATON. West Park, at Morrison. Can accommodate few more permanent guests. Most central location ; modern conveniences; $3.oO week, $12.o0 month up, WASHINGTON iiO'l EL. Absolutely fireproof; beautifully fur nished, cool outside rooms, modern con veniences. Special rates to permanent. Central location, 12th at Washington st. ANSONIA HOTEL, 324 14 th St., Corner Washington St. A fireproof, uu-to-date hotel, offering accommodations at very low figures to permanent ana transient guests. FOR RENT Nice, light sunny furnished room with bath and phone, very reason- ante K.atiieruie Apts.. l-ja J.sa st. HOTEL NORR1S, 533 Alder; strictly inod ern. $1.50. $2 and $2.5Q a week. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. NICELY furnished large, airy, front room with fireplace ; also furnace heat, very reasonable ; also large room witn winaow seat and kitchenette, completely furnished, hot and cold running water, free gas, electrUitv and .phone. 745 lioyt at. Mar fc hall 4753. LARGE front room, east exposure. In mod ern apartment, with private family of 2 persons; suitable lor teacher, liDrary worker or business peruon; $15 per month. 295 12th, st. A 5052 or Broadway 132. HAN DSOM E suite of three rooms, newly furnished, suitable for 2 or 3 men or Lusiness women, velvet carpets, brass beds, firt place. bath, telephone, private en trance, very close in. 267 Broadway. X Wo large nlceiy furnished rooms with lavatory between, suitable for four. Other large, pleasant rooms, home comforts, ga rae, walking distance, 6S9 Everett st. Phone Alain 3741. 2 ROOMS for gentlemen, nicely furnished, furnace, bath. all modern; reasonable; very close iu, est Side; no other roomers. M ain 8291. 322 Broadway. West Side. rooms; piano, phone, electricity free; close in; all llht; large garden; $10. Alar shall 3214. FOR RENT Large, modern, sleeping room, beautifully furnished. $5 a month, for el derly lady or lady who works out. llbu E. Harrison. Tabor 5524. STEAM HEATED outside rooms, with bay windows, all conveniences, plenty of hot water, phone private, YS est Side, walking distance. Mar. 4639. Chetopa Apt. EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished, home like rooms In house with no children ; ery close In. 207 Broadway. TWO delightful rooms and sleeping porch In strictly modern home: nic location ; best car service. lv6 E. 30th. Tabor 55ul. ROOM, witn private garage. $12 for both; 1 blocks from Washington st., on 20th st. Phone Marshall 1030. 179 Stout st. LARGE front room, twin beds, hot and cold water, all modern conveniences; $13 montn. zj iuth cor. Main. NICELY furnished rooms, modern conven iences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. PLEASANT, comfortable rooms, modern home, very reasonable; breakfasts if de sired. Tabor 2845. FURNISHED rooms. Nob Hill, gentleman preferred ; very reasonable. 590 Couch- Mar. 492 J. ON E furnished room for rent, with bath and phone, 95 a month. 790 E. 6th st. N. Woodlawn 243S. LARUE, modern, homelike rooms, phone. bath and use or piano; should De seen to be appreciated. Call 361 loth st. NEWLY furnished rooms, papered and paint ed, from 1 to $2 per week, private fam ily 206 Harrison st. Marshall 2493. EMPLOYED lady, who has a home, wants women or girls to room, with home privileges. Tabor 7452. THREE nicely furnished rooms for rent In private family. 262 12th st. Phone Main 6292. LARGE sleeping room, ath, phone, in pri vate family ; $1.50 a week ; 2 blocks from Washington st. Ma rail all 293. FU RMSHEU room in private home, steam heat, use of kitchen and laundry if de sired; walking distance. East 051N5. TWO large well furnished. 1 large house keeping, furnished; modern, occupying Ktu and lOlh. 327 6th. PLEASANT, well-furnlshd front close In; reasonable. Main 35S7. NICE furnished room in private family. 736 Hoyt st. $1.50 WEEK, nice front room, bath, phono; close in ; 4201 Jefferson. K00M in private family; reference. 343 Tillamook st. PLEASANT front room for 1 or 2, line sleeping porch for 1 or 2. 414 Salmon. LARGE front room, 3 w Widows, fine, mod em home. Ladd' s Addition. Sellwood 1739. FURNISHED room and breakfast; private family. 729 Glisan st.. West Side. FURNISH ED room, $1.50 a week, walking distance. 504 Flanders. PLEASANT front room, also single room, heat, reasonable. 381 Taylor. Main 6034. NICE lare, light, furnished room, reason able. 4uS College st. ATTRACTIVE fiont room for gentleman; 54 Liictetia St.. nr. 23d Ae Wash. Mar. 6006. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in good home; references; Nob Hill. 73S Johnson. ONE or two rooms in beautiful home, run ning water, shower bath. 655 Everett. $1.50 PER W EE K Ver y pleasant room ; walking distance. 329 West Park. ONE week's rent free, good clean rooms, $1.50 week. 223 West Park. PLEASANT, neat room, five minutes' walk from post of f ice. 474 Yamhill st. ROOM for gentleman in private Jewish family. Phone Marshall 1782: WIDOW with nice home would like con genial roomer; close in; cheap. East 622. FURNISHED front room, private family, $6 a month. 208 Va 22d st. N. $S MONTH Largo modern room for gen tleman : fi54 Yamhill. Marshall 5892. W EIL furnished room ; convenient loca tion for gentleman. 251 10th sc PLEASANT front sleeping-room, nice home, 4ti0 Main st. 20S PARK Dandy front room In modern flat ; furnace heat ; fine location. J0 CLEAN, airy room, modern conven lenres. walking distance. 325 12th st. CLEAN, cheerful rooms, one block from Li brary, 1 .5o to o.50. ;tS Salmon. WANTED Young lady, to share apartment. Marshall 1162. MoDERN room. Ford haun A pts., 23d and Washington. Marshall 16S4. VERY desirable room. 170 E. 18th St., near Itelmor.t. Phone East 7692. FKuN T room, side- room, pleasant, reason able, to employed women. ,"61 Everett. 446 TAYLOR Neat single front room for gentleman; close in; reasonable, modern. SLEEPING porch and warm dressing room for two. with breakfast. Marshall 34 S. FURNISHED front room, modern house ; no ot her roomers. Adult s. Phone E&st 6105. ROOM, gas plate, double sleeping porch, central; telephone Main 4177. NICELY furnished room In an apartment; walking distance; $lo. Mar. 39S. LA KG E front room, home comforts, good German cooking. 331 Montgomery st. CLE A N. sunny room ; family of adults; close In. 255 11th. m-ar Main. $10 MONTH, large room in exclusive steam heated apt. Marshall 1392. 44S TA YLOR ST. Clean, sunny, furnished sleeping rooms; rent reasonable. DON'T SEARCH 2-room light, clean suites, gns nnse. bath, electricity. .'Umh 4th. Kooini With Board. THE MANITOU, 261 13TH ST. An attractive home-like place, double or single rooms, good board, reasonable BOARD and room, with home comforts; Piedmont. 1178 Williams ave. Woodlawn 2585. THE HEREFORD 735 Hoyt St., residential hotel. The cuisine and location unexcelled Phone Main 3305. ANNA LEWIS HALL, M0 Flanders, business girls and students, $4 to $5.75 week. THE STRTKER. 554 Couch Family hotel, rooau single or en suite; xeonarie rates. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. HOTEL CAMPBELL, 23d and Hoyt, Phone Marshall 6SL THE CAMPBELL HILL. 23d and Washington. I'hona Main 7584. MODERN RESIDENTIAL HOTELS. American plan, on carline. 5 to 10 min utes from business center. Attractive dining-rooms. , Resiuent rates to permanent guests. RUSHMORE HOTEL 710 Washington. 15 minute walk, transportation every min ute; the best furnished rooms and excel lent board ; home cooking ; private bath and phone in every room, at a very tea sonable rate. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 923, A 668. ALEXANDRA COURT. 53 Ella Street. An American Plan Residence HoteL Suites Single Rooms Excellent Taols. A 6211. Main 461 L A HOME AWAY' FROM HOME. Modern rooms ; American and European plan; special rates, to permanent guests. KARL HOTEL, Broadway at Taylor. xnr, i 1 1 O K D LANE, 215 Broadway Spe cial rates, ooard and room, or table board, strictly home cooking, iruit and vegetables from our own farm. Marshall 241. THE WHITEHALL 253 6TH. Renovated and ready tor ousiness; popu i?11" ?; Wumen cooks; 3 blocks from P. O., 6th and Madison: owner manager. PARKVIEW HOTEL " 886 Montgomery m.. South Broadway. Waiklng distance, mouet a family hotel ; rates reasonaoie. Phone Mam 373. FIRST-CLASS board, home cooking $20 and up. The Wellington. 341 11th. EXCELLENT home cooking and" very de elrable rooms. 331 Jefferson, near Bdwy. Rooms With Board) in private Family. WALKING distance, near Washington st.. large, light, airy, weil-furnlshed room In modern home; best home cooking; all home privileges: no better location on West Side. 53 Lucretla bt. ELEOANiLY furnished room, suitable for man and wife; 5o fare; fresh milk. eggs, butter aud vegetables; real country home; electrio lights; reasonable rates. Tabor 5ti5S. VE RY pleasant front room, exceUont board, one or two people; large closet, fine bath and very pleasant surroundings ; walking distance; everything congenial. Main 3280. YOUNG hady, who will share room with daughter, A will tind good home and board for $4.50 in refined fnmilv ; ref erences exchanged. 607 Glisan, Marshall 1117. LARGE ROOM, finely furnished, w ita or without private bath ; excellent board ; modern new house ; piano, 10-minute ride Hawthorne car; ra tes low. 3u4 E. 22d, near Hawthorne. Phone East 66;i6. WAN T gentleman boarder ; nice room ; want to be like one of family. .tarshall 4872. Call Sunday or before 9 A. M., or after 6 P. M. LARGE furnished room, 2 windows, home cooking, large closet. sleeping porch, plenty hot water; terms reasonable. Main 0253. NICELY furnished large airy front room, suitable for 2, in modern home. Portland IleiKhts; excellent homo cooking, no other boarders. M nrshall 1 720. PROFESSIONAL pianist may have room and use of piano for $10. Breakfast free In exchange for music lessons; modern; Nob Hill. AB 801. Oregonian. LARGE pleasant room, suitable for two, with board, in private family; all home priv ileges. 369 East 7th. st. North. Phons East 2075. SHARE our bungalow suite of 2 rooms, front porch and bath connected; 2 people no objection to children; good table, rea sonable. Tabor 4778. T WO pleasant front rooms, large one suit able for two; nice home. Walnut Park, convenient to Jefferson High. Tel. Wood lawn 22.;0. NICE, large, front room, modern and ele gantly furnished ; well heated, large porch and yard, excellent table, nice people. ii60 10th, cor. Mont. Mar. 5475. FRONT room, with meals; private family: wonderful view; sleeping porch, splendid home cooking; no other boarders; refer ences. Marshall 511. RESPECTABLE young lady to room and board w'lth young couple, 2 meals, alt home privileges Including piano and phone at $4 per week. 4i2 E. Clay st. WANT to boaid refined girl of 15 in home with mot her's care, near Lincoln lih School. Give phone number. B 822, ore gonian. NICELY furnished room, excellent board, by widow with no children. 422tj Jef ferson. Main 6746. LOVELY, sunny front room, with board, in homelike place; waiklng distance, suitable for two. 451 10th. Marshall 1269. TH E SOU LE Clean, li lit rooms, hot, cold water, lirst-class home cooking, (5 and up; 191 11 th st. Main 9121. LOVE LY room and board in refined family ; homo cooking; fine neighborhood. 31 Park st. TWO men to share room and board with private family. $4.50 week each. 27 Graud ave. East 7S04 NICE large room for 2 men. with or with out board. Good home cooking, E. 6798 or 564 Union ave. RooM, board, in modern suburban home for elderly people, either sex ; terms moder ate. X hu7, oregonian. ROOM and board, home comforts, use of piano. $20 month at 549 E. Seventh st. S.. or phone Main 79.VJ before 2. Sunday. PLEAS A NT room facing park, with board. 2 meals, woman employed. 302 1'ark, corner Columbia,. LARGE room with board In private family for lady; permanent home: 10-minute ride. Union ave. Phone East 8 40. A LONE lady will bha-e her room witn another ladv and board, reas j'.iaoi. can Marshall 2:3. WANT little girl to care for, 5 years or older; good home. Mrs. C. Van Avery, 962 East 27th N. ATTRACTIVE, newly furnished room, excel lent board, young people, music; ct in i o. walk downtown or City Park. Marshall 577. ROOM and board for 3 students, J10 per month; home privileges. Phono Sellwood YOUNG man wants roommate In nice home on river. Choice moorage. uie reieeiv In first letter. K 814. oregonian. PLEASANT rooms, facing park, with board, 2 meale. women employed. 3o2 Park, corner Columbia. LARGE room with board for 2 young men, separate beds, home prlvil pea; very rea sonable Main 6726. 263 13th st. LADY with modern home would like 3 people to room and hoard, home comforts, reasonable. Tabor 6785. ELEGANT room and 2 meals in beautiful Irvington home ; sleeping porch, garage, tiled bath and shower. East 51 16. LARGE, well furnished room, appropriate for two ; bath in connection, in modern home; walking distance. Main 3267. iToom AND BOARD in private famil ; everything modern ; $1H per month ; 2d Hall st. Marshall 3292. TH E ROBINSON. 32S 10th St., rooms wit h board ; home-cookea meais, not ana com water, walking distance. Main 7795. BOA RD and room for 1 or 2 In privats family; aauits; an noma privileges. a. kuui 94. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen; rates rea sonable: warning aistance. ti- noimuay ave. Eat 733. WE have for rent a furnished room with board If rtesirea. inquire j.oi r. si. Main 5nn9. NT. comfortable room in Ross Friend Apt., breakfast If deMred. Broad wa v and Jefferson. Phnn Mar. 1 3l. ROOM and board In private lamlly near Franklin High cnooi ior two leacners. Phone Tabor 1109 PLEASANT room in attract! . modern home, i rvington. r-none r.at i.t.m. ol) hm.-. near school. Tr litUe girl. C S. prererreu. la'ior CARE of chftd. 3 to 6 years of aw: private family; no other crmaren. .via in ,d TWO pleasant rooms, board If desired. l.five.ioy st. Mfiin FINE room, new house, home cooking, reas onable, near Mult. Ciuu. .viam FritNISHED ROOMS, v ith board; sleeping Vorch : "20 1 1 th st. Main St. ONE or two children to care for: have no other children. Woodlawn 1 mo. LARGE front ronm. suitable for 2 or 3; also single room. 347 Han. jiarsnaii iaio. ROOM, board, at private home. 1 gentle man. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. W I LL board a ch'ld under 5 years, best jf care. 35 E. 521 st North. ROOMS with or without board, modern. 3;'.2 Ifiih rt. M ain 69 1 9. , W 1 DOW earnestly desires 2 people, slea ni- he;tel rooms ana meais. Marsnll 4 i m. Rik M with first-class board, modern, pri vate home. r.ast l . i . WOULD like to board child 5 to lo years; sen ool near : god home. 4"i0 Hal: st. WANTED Children to keep; fine home. best of care. Tabor 2627. NICE room and board in private family. irvington :ine. vv oon 'awn v l . G Ot room and board reasonable; 346 Col- eji,' BI Marsnail i".v WANTED 1 or 2 children to care for In gooa Christian home. Tabor 6547. tji'NTKY home for 1 or 2 children. school; ittuluer's cars. Marshall 5Jk3.