TTTK SUNDAY OttFGONTAX, PORTLAND, SEITE3IBETI If), 1D1G. IT FOR SALE. Motorcycles. EXTRA BARGAINS THIS WEEK IN USED MOTORCYCLES. -H. P. DAYTON, equipped $ 90 7-H. P. INDIAN, equipped . 0 9-H. P. 2-fipeed DAYTON, tull..aK equipped '$loo 1914 2-speed HARLEY DAVIDSON, with iamp. Presto. -4 tandem and apeedometar $140 1914 Two-t)pd Indian. electric equipped $165 Several other good machines at reason able prices. DAYTON CTCLH CO.. 210 Broadway. 191G-4-CYLINDER HENDERSON NOW ON DISPLAY. EE THEM BEFORE YOU BUT. MOTORCYCLE) A SUPPLY CO. 209 Fourth at. Sacrifice sale of used motorcycles. $25 and up, overhauled and guaranteed. Have you seen the 1917 Harley David eon Giant Worker? Come In and let us demonstrate to you. Agents for Harley Davidson. We are the largest exclusive motorcycle dealers in the state. BARGAINS IN USED MACHINES OF ALL MAKES ON EASY TERMS. Your old machine taken In trade. 1915 3-speed Indian, fully equipped, $150. A few 4-h. p. motorcycles at $10 down and $5 per month. Write for complete list. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE) CO., 44 GRAND AVE. AGENCY FOR H ARLE Y-DAVTDSOX, FLYING MERKKL AND MLAMI POWER BICYCLES. IvEW and used motorcycles. Look ouia over, they are better and cost you less. All makes. INDIA-N AGENCY, 273 Third St. For real bargains. READING standard motorcycle, good condi tion, tools, etc, for quick sale, $45; $15 cash, balance $10 per month. 445 Haw thorne ave. "poPE, BIG 4 MOTORCYCLE 1615 model, perfrjct condition; cost $1S0 new; a snap, $."i0: terms If desired. Benjamin E. Boone & Co., 514 Alder. Main 1&1L HARLEY, single, $25. Good condition. 1913 Twin Pope, cheap. R. H. BLOCKER, 276 Taylor St. EXCELSIOR motorcycle, excellent condition. Presto tank, head and tail lights, tooLs, pump complete. $80; $30 cah, balance $1J per month. 445 Hawthorne ave. PARTY wants a good twin motorcycle rea sonable. Call Sunday between 8 and 4, 639 Vancouver ave. Phone Woodlawn 2182. FINE lCl4 two-speed Indian, electric light, tandem, fine tires. Price $110; $25 down, $12.50 monthly. E. B. Hyatt. 850 Alder. EXCELLENT Twin De Luxe motorcycle, P H. P., fully equipped ; bargain. AB 787, Oregonian. TWIN THOR 1 fully equipped, condition guaranteed, new tires, $05 cash or terms. Main 8230. room 8. BF 803, Oregonian. ONLY $25, Harley Davidson single. with lamp and tandem; good Urea and In good running condition, iiugnea, ast oo4i. B RAND NEW $10 motorcycle presto tank, with clamps. $6. E. B. Hyatt, 850 Alder. 1912 HARLEY -DAVIDSON, landem, light. etc; good condition; cheap. Wdip. 558. Machinery. FOR RALE One 5-llxS-lnch fore and aft compound marine engine, with Roberts pipe boiler; one pair GxO-inch marine on fines, with Westinghouse water tube oiler; one pair 6x44-inch atern wheel ma rine engines ; one 25-horsepower gasoline marine engine; one steam engine in dlcator. F. W. Miner. Newport. Wash. MACHINERY. Our 50 H. P., box bailer, our IS H. P. our CO H. P., our 80 H. P. upright engines, slide valve. SO-18-12 nd 40 1L P.; one drag saw, 4 H. P. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP, Main 6323. 260 Front St. COMPLETELY equipped $23 Star drill out fit, first-class condition, little used. Sell at sacrifice. Miscellaneous THAYER & CHANDLER air brush, value $22.50; Wold air brush, value $25; 100-lb. pressure gauge, with reducing valve, value $10; all perfect condition. First party witn $25 cash gets all. Call 004 Northwest bldg., G:h and Wash., at noon. , ONE pump Jack, saw arbor, Leffell water motor, VY'ltte 2 h. p. gas engine, vises, fan .blowere, Morgan box-making machine, 2i-h, p. Campbell Marine engine. North west Lead, Machinery Co., 811 Front st, FOR SALE, cheap Restaurant fixtures, showcases, cash registers, electric fan, coffee urn, shotguns, ritles, bicycles, fur niture, moving picture outfits. 123 1st, near Alder. $17.50 buys nearly new visible typewriter, standard keyboard ; a bargain if you can use it. Phone King, Main 8376, or type writer can be seen at 418 Oregonian bldg. .veek days. FOR SALE 25-20 Winchester carbine, al most new, $10; .22 cal. Remington, if'J; 12 gauge, double hammer shotgun, ?5; single barrel shotgun $4, 979 Tillamook street. FORCED to seil 18-ft. Sponson non-tlppable canoe, powered with Roberts 6-h. p. 2-cyI. lightweight motor. No reasonable offer re fused. Call Sell. 1135 or see caretaker at O. Y. C FIN E i-counter National cash register; registers to $99. oy, detail and total er; cost $450, price $250; $50 down, $20 monthly. E. B. Hyatt, S50 Alder. FOR SALE One swell full dress suit and one cutaway suit, both almost new ; both suits 38 chest; a snap. Woodlawn 1313. W 707, Oregonian. FOR SALE at a bargain, one 30-inch "Ad vance" paper cutter in first-class condi tion. KAFKA BROS., 272 Front St. A $35 OFFICE desk as good as new for $12.50; filing case In good condition, 12.50; will sell both together for $20. ir. Rosinske, 417 Washington, cor. loth et. LAi:OE quantiti s email oak wood, large ne fir. All well seasoned. Hplit oak and Frank L. Smith. Smlthshire, Scappooae, f tretion. FiRST-CLASS Edison horn machine, fine cabinet and 100 records, $18.50; $5 down, $2 monthly, Hyatt Talking Machine Co., ;i50 Alder. FL'LL set first- year's Students Law Bocks, Northwestern College of Law, good as new, cheap. Hale, Main 851 7. 1000 PHONOGRAPH records, 10c and 15c. Portland Phonograph Record Exchange, 128 1st. near Alder. PRUNES 2 V and pears 1 cent pound. Turn in field at 35th and Alameda. Take Broad way car; bring baskets. STORE fixtures for sale cheap; counters, tables, shelving, etc. Call 1ft Grand ave. North, cor. Burnside. ONE practically new 9x12 Axminster rug ana one large oaK dining t able, very rea sonable. Call Woodlawn 1878. 2TENTS. 10X12 and 12x14. 2 fly-for same extra large. Marshall 345. Mt. Tabor car 7iid st. la 4 E. Madison. HALL'S safe, fireproof, with burglar-proof cnest ; insiae aimensions 2tx20xi3. W. L, Page. 107 Sherlock bldg. DIAMONDS sold on commission by Beldins the Jeweler, 245 Alder st.. bet. 2d and 3d. Tel. Main lti92. OA K bar fixture, front and back bar. com plete with mirrors, refrigerator and "show cases, cheap for cash. S47 Multnomah st. FIRST-CLASS second-hand cook stove for cash. 702 Commercial st. FOR SALE 2 heating stoves cheap. Call Sellwood 4yS. ENGLISH call ducks for sale. Inquire Wood lawn 4402. FOR SALE Savage .303 rifle. -perfect con dition. AE 821, Oregonian. MEDIUM-SIZE fireproof safe, half price. 1 1; 4th st. FLOOR-CASES and wall-cases for sale cheap. L. A. Hall. B12 Panama bldg. POTATOES, $1 per sack, delivered to our home. Phone Broadwav 21!1. tiO. 1 dry ash wood for sale. Star Wood & Coal Co.. 343 3d st. ilOVING PICTURE machines bought, sold and repaired. P. Sabo. I-I51 hi Washington. ONE-KARAT perfect blue-white diamond; bargain, or part trade. Marshall -1889. $75 DRESS SUIT for $25 cash; good as new. Call Tabor 5755. KITCHEN range in good condition; private party only. .168 N. 23d st. -FOOT wood counter, $3.50. Berger, 240 Taylor st. TEN cords fir wood on Cornell road, $2 per cord. Sellwooti 1605. FOR SALE Elite range water coil, $8. 5004 33d ave. S. E. LATE style piano, $125; will take phono graph as part payment. 3S3 Ruise!!. $20 PHONOGRAPH, horn with 10O 2-mln. records, $13.75. 22S Henry bldg FOR SALE A Majestic range, alsri small sas range. Tabor 5050. 1002 East Grant st. FOR SALE One Stewart range, cheap; good baker. Tabor 4900. WOODS AW Will soli cheap. Henry Funk Auto Co., 15th and Couch. FOlt SAXJB. Miscellaneous. BUY WIRE ROPE NOW AT THESE PRICES! Standard six-strand plow steel. All right lay. We've received some big orders this week. Don't delay If you want to buy wire rope at these unparalleled low price. Such concerns as F. B. Maliory Co. are buying it from us and reselling to thiir customers. Why pay the price for new rope when we guarantee this to be worth within 4 per cent of new? Most of It nas never been on a logging engine drum. We ship to any responsible concern on abso lute approval. Don't delay act nowl l-ln. six-strand plow steel rope, 30c. 1 h. -in. slx-sLrand plow steel rope, aao. 1 e-in. six-strand plow steel rope, 17 c. GET OUR NEW BARGAIN BULLETIN. . Just off the press. It describes and lists unmatchable bargains in new and cecond-hand ENGINES BOILERS PULLEYS. MILL SUPPLIES LOGGING SUPPLIES Write or call for your copy. $25,000 STOCK NEW "BALATA" BELTING, ONE-THIRD LESS THAN WHOLESALE. All slees from 1 to 18-inch. All kinds of rubber belting at tremendously low prices. PIPE! PIPE PIPE! We are the largest dealers In used pipe In the Northwest. All sizes, blade and gal vanised. Get our prices. M. BARDE & SONS, 240-244 Front St., Corner Main. THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS. PIPE! PIPBI PIPEI Sizes 2 to 6 Inches, at very low prices. COMPLETE TOILETS, $18. Wo sell bathroom outfits, kitchen sinks, range boilers, gas water heaters, pipe fit tings, direct to you, 10 per cent less and save you big money on your plumbing bills; let us submit cur figures before you decide on your plumbing work; attractive prices for laying sewers ; our estimates are free and all our work is guaranteed. NORTHWEST PIPE) CO.. 187 Front St. Main 663 L THREE DIAMOND BARGAINS. Solitaire, 112-100 blue-white, and per feet 65-100 blue-white gent's solitaire three-stone Rent's rine. blue-white, ner- feet ; total weight over two carats Fred erick L. Miller, 543 Wash. St., bet. Broadway and Park, opposite Morgan UlUg. SHOWCASES FOR SALE, 1 six-foot plate case. 1 six-foot case for shirts, etc. 1 three-foot case. Apply to BL'FFUM & PENDLETON CO., 127 Sixth St. TWO Buffalo Pitts road tractors, 14 Buffalo ir'itts double wagons, 7 cubic yards ca pacity; will be sacrificed; counties or iinns requiring roaa ea moment, investi gate. Address W. T. Perkins, box 248, The Portland Hotel, Portland, Or 5 DhufriKAl) tewing machines, complete, with attachments, in good sewing ordr. $8 to $25; sewing machines rented $2 per month ; machines cleaned and repairea. E. R. Sten, 152 Grand ave. B ZMil. Kcst 23.rj9. PIPE Second-hand and new, black and gal aniu. any amount or anv size. ;t ou . prices and we'll get your order. M. liarde aons, tne House or a Million Bargains, Main and Front sts. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used bcvwux maciiines . nn mattes, win r oi .-. n out. Dropheads, $5 and up; box tops 'Z and up. S. S. Siegel, two stores, 383 .Alder st. and 242 Aider st. PENINSULAR RANGE with water coll, $1S; Jewel gas range, serviceable, $5; 3ti.3 Savage 6-shut, light weight, sights, and case, fine shape, $20. 347 K. 6 let; Hawthorne car. NEW 5x7 English view camera, complete, with lens, shutter, tripod piate hoic.r, etc.. at a bargain; can be seen at photo dept. Columbia Optical Co.. 0th St.. near Alder. $175 BUYS electric baseball machine, com plete, with. Portland right; big money maker. Harry Grayson, 815 Oregonian bldg. Main 7070. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and shotguns, cameras, kodaks and lens s, bought, sold and exchanged. Hochf eld's Camera Exchange, 85 3d st. Main 3581. 0x12 AXMINSTERrug, chiff onler71tlonaI bookcase, mattress, bees, super. hive, portable chicken coop, wire, Vulcan white enamel gus range. AE 824, Oregonian, BARGAINS Sewing machines, ail kinds, all makes; we need the room; we'll sell from $3 to 55 each; all guaranteed. 349 Morrison st. Main 1S45. FOR SALE Kitchen range, kitchen cab inet, water-power washer, set Stoddard Lectures, George Elliott, William Shakes peare. Call Woodlawn 3652. TWO guns for sale cheap; one Winchester, one high-grade L. C. Smith, 12 gauge. Layman sight, silver recoil pad, elegant case, a snap. Call Marshall 4117. SUITS pressed, 35 cents; Frencti dry or steam cleaned. $1 ; why pay more ? Autos call and deliver free. Unique Tailoring Co., 3M Stark. Broadway 514 FOR SALE Housemovlng outfit, handsaw, stationary gasoline engine, 6 H. P., all in first-class condition. Phone Tabor 7255. 5 E. 37th st. LOTS of second-hand books on hand yet for high schools and grammar schools for both city and county; good bargains. 2oO 1st, bet. tfelferson and Columbia FOR SALE CHEAP tent house 12x14, chicken bouse 10x12, also 200 feet of chicken wire. 1022 Vernon ave. Woodlawn 2954. SEWING MACHINES, new and second-hand, at reduced prices. Sewing Machine Empo rium, 100 3d st. Main 9431, A 8626. CASH REGISTERS, slightly used; our prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange, 353 U Washington st. Main 606. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnside st. Broadway or A 5674. FOR SALE 1 Morse canoe and outfit. Call at 640 E. Main, between 8 A, M and 6 P. M. Phone E. 441. S. A H. GREEN trading stamps brought to 439 Morgan bldg. will be redeemed for $1.10 per book. FOR SALE Outfit for restaurant end cafe teria, mahogany tables and equipment T 811. Oregonian. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale; all grades; large selection, pacific Staty. & Ptg. Co.. 107 2d st. Main 1971. FOR SALE Vacuum cleaner, suitable for office building or apt. Inquire J. E. Forest el. Phone Broadway 741. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co., 7G 1st. Main 23U3 DUCK HUNTERS Have fine, lartr place on Sa-uvies Island for duck club. Phone East 73. BARGAINS in unredeemed guns and re volvers; all makfe; cheap. B3auresard . 7 c 6 Main et.. Vancouver. Wash. NO. 1 dry ash wood for sate. Star Wood & Coal Co., 343 3d St. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 8d st. Main 797. MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N. W. Lead & Machinery Co., 311 Front st. FINE duck lake to the right party on Sauvles Island. G 807, Oregonian. MTw of new "ash and doors to sell at a bargain. 417 Board of Trade. East 0201. POSTAGE stamps for collectors, 30 to 12 M. SOS McKay bldg. Marshall 3703. TWO flat-top deks, 1 roll-top desk, 1 filing cabinet; also chairs. 91 Park st. EVINRUDB motor. Al condition, cheap. Reese. M a i n 8308. , $15.50 ORIOLE for $0 50. Phone Eaat 127 or cail "31 E. 12th et. S. SUPERIOR gas range, nearly new, cost $65;' price 535. 135Q Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Second - hand furnace, 633 Chamber of Commerce. LARGE standing mirror, 3x7, for $20. Main 7 SO 5. FOR SALE 00 gram sacks In good shape. Box 555, Rainier, Oregon. NO. 1 dry ash wood To- sale. Star Wood & Coal Co., 348 3d st. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. PIPE, PIPE. PIPE. Galvanized and black, new and second hand, from i to 12-inch. Prices lowest In tne city; we carry a complete stock of plumbing supplies, new and second-hand. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP. Main t325, 26V Front St. BRAND NEW. NEVER USED. Double-barrel, 12 - gauge hammerless shotgun. A bargain for cash. Phone Mr. King, Main 8376. Gun can be seen at 413 Oregonian bldg. week days. FURNITURE WANTED. CAoH TALKS, We buy second-hand household furni ture, rugs, stoves and ranges; also of fice furniture. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., 1S5-187 First St. Marshall 508L LEVIN HDVV. & FURN. CO.. 221 Front St. We buy, sell all kinds of household goods, furnture, carpets , and ranges, restaurant outfits, hardware, including tools of any description; alo trunks, valises, suitcases, guns, rifles. Main 1072. WILL PAT" CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332. A 2567. WANTED Dining table and chairs, wood heater and range with coll. Phone Wood lawn 603. DRESSER, dressing table, chiffonier, chairs. nan rack and table; must be h igh-class goods at bargain. C Mo, Oregonian. WANTED 100 folding chaira cheap. Mar- snail jw. WILL pay cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call T. Washburn. Marshall 4788. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. pays you all your furniture is worth. 168 1st. Main 4633. BE WISE, sell your fnrnlture to the Ford Auction Co. Main 850L 191 2d St. WILL pay cash for used furniture, 10 to ou rooms. Tabor 0144. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays the best price for your furniture. 204 1st. Main 4627. WE want good second-hand furniture and will pay the price. Marshall 1822. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MARSHALL 3225. 209 MADISON ST. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SUITS, COATS. PANTS. OVERCOATS, SHOES AND OTHER MERCHANDISE. PEOPLES SECOND-HAND STORE. MARSHALL 8225. Sti9 MADISON ST. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING $7.50 PAID FOR SUITS $7.50. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' SUITS, SHOES. AND EVERYTHING IN MERC HAN DISS MAIN 2080. GLOBE STORK. MAIN 2080. 25 FIRST ST., NEAR JEFFERSON. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. M E Y ER, THE TAILOR. PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR - SECOND-HAND SUIT'S. HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER, MAR. 1221. ZJfj MAD J SON ST. FREE If It's a moss agate, opal or avatl- aDie garnet, we will cut It tree lor a llm lted period. No strings on this. We do no mounting. 7004 tilst ave. S. E. Phone Tabor laiT. WANT one carload. 15 to IS coros, second growth fir cordwood ; state price, etc. American Type Founders Co., 2-34 Front street. SANITARY type writer desk. 32x53 inches, In medium dark golden oak; three drawers on each sliie, typewriter drop in center. Cheap ior casn. J3 I2, oregonian. WANTED Machinery, pipe, etc We buy or dismantle old plants. Call our Junk dept. for your Junk. M. Barda &. Sons. Ma:n C63, A 1603. THE Invincible Tailors, 167 First St., will pay you the full value for your second- nana ciotnes. fnone Aiain i4uo. HIGHEST prices for rags, metal and? otner kinds of junk; also old automobiles Cor Junk. Call Marshall 8225. WHO has a 32 special carbine or 80-80 car bine Winchester to sell for $5 7 Answer by letter. C, Brown, Portland, 174 13th st. W A N T ED sSmail cook stove for laundry use ; girl's second-hand bicycle, library or office table, labor V&o. GEM material wanted ; agates or any other etone suitable for Jewelry. American ut- ton Co., 815 Broadway, Denver, Colo. WANTED To buy bed mattress and spring In good condition, cheap. Phone Sellwood 1122. WANTED 10 sacks of vetch, may be mixed with other grain up to 60 per cent. Mar tin Rickets. Winlock, Wash. WANT man with auto truck to unload and deliver car of wood, Inqutre 140 Broad way. CASH for your old gold, silver, platinum and h)gh-graae ore. li, m. Pickering, mi g. jeweler. 218 Oregonian bid g. WANTED For cash, a Du-fold davenoort must be reasonable and In perfect order. rhone East 7o. A GOOD second-hand cuoklng rang cheap. AO m ( , oregonian. W A N'T ED National cash registers. 606. 351 Washington st. Main WE buy and sell new and second-hand suit cases ana trunKs. jaain a lit. WANTED Wood; -one or two oars. Phone E. 4U1. WANTED To buy Fox terrier dog; call Mr. siaticy, aiarsnaii buo Monaay. SUBSCRIPTION premium goods wanted. Ad dress Box 444, Salem, or. WANTED Adjustable dress form. E. 7114. Phone WANTED Floor showcase. 44 Grand Avo. Phone East looo. HIGHEST cash prices p:iid for second-hand trunks and bicycles. Main 9072. PHONOGRAPH WANTED If you have one for pale, call Main 13 ii. WANTED A No. 1 shotgun, cash or trade, what nave your v-t otn st. WANTED Hot kett'e fr roofing; must be cheap. SeLwood 437. LUGER or other automatic gun wanted; cheap and accurate. AO uo, oregonian. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED. CALL MAIN 4776. OR 246 FIRST ST. SXKLP WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED parcel post packer for large mall order house; steady work If satisfac tory. Answer in your own handwriting. AH 800, Oregonian. TWO men wanted, experienced In spring bed work. Apply Carman Mfg. Co., 1214 Macadam road. WANTED A registered druggist at the Ore gon Soldiers Home. Phone Woodlawn 3134 Sunday, after that Roneburg, Or. BE a detective; earn $100 to $300 per month; travel all over the world. Write Supt. Lud wlg, 731 Westover bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Wide-awake young man as clerk in large industrial office ; state age and experience. W. 7bS, Oregonian. WANTED A coatmaker, $0 and up. D. 1. Peters, 10 W. Main st. Walla Walla, Wash. WaNT painting, kalsomlnlng and renovat ing !n exchange for good lots; some cash. K 808, Oregonian. WANTED Christian barber, man or wom an, non-union shop rtft per cent. Phone or write Woodfin, 24 State, Salem. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. Uncalled-for Suits $3 50 Up. Orpheum Cleaners, 58 Stark, cor. Park. MEN wanted to work on river steamboats. $45 a month and board. Apply W ashing -ton-st. dock. BECOME a detective, inexperienced appli cants everywhere, write. Be r tillion Secret Service Institute, Chicago. WANTED Man who works days to do-Janitor work mornings and evenings for apartment. S28 Mill. EXPERIENCED, single, stock and dairy man, first-claes, clean milker, with mod ern methods. G 8"9, Oregonian. trapper wanted, experienced, congenial and able-bodied. In good place. Address h, Hl'J. oregonian. FIREMEN, BKAKEMSN, beginners. $120; no strika service. Railway. Care Orego nian. KALSOMINER, to exchange work for mod ern furnished or- unfuiilshed apt. Main 0857. V "ANT E-D Electrician who is familiar with carpenter and sheet metal work; attrac tive offer to right man. Y 812, Oregonian. I O.-W. R. & N. FREE EMPLOYMENT OF FICE, s4i ti woucn st. aii vva. iruv. PORTER WANTED for barber shop. 473 H Washington st. UPHOLSTERER wanted. Hey wood -Bros. & Wakefield Co., th and Irving. WANTED Competent union steam fitter; w agea - cuss, nanu, w isiun, iuuhu WANTED Apprentice cjunaer pressman, irwin-Hodson Co. MAN wanted for wood saw; will pay good wages, can ouuuny. uomawo ooju. WANTED Platen press feeder, Kubli-How- ell Co. WANTED Boy with bicycle. 1C S. Ervin Co., o. fceinng u;ug. POPE-HARTFORD roadster cheap. Mil waukie Garage. TH H EE- coupon salesmen ; new proposition, 2-14 plttock block. jEMAKER wanted; first-class jack man WANTED-Bricklayers. Call Eat 5044, HELP WANTED MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. DISHWASHER, mill hotel, $40 and found; pot washer. city, $11; kitchen helper, $35; dishwasher, $10; flunkey, $4U; second cook, (45; restaurant and dairy lunch help of all kinds, hotel and camp helpers wanted. Milker, $50 and found; 8 milkers, $40 up; 10 farm hands. $40; 10 men to work around hoppicking machine, $2,50 to $2.75; straw stacker, $2.50 and board; sack handler, $2.50 and board; 2 box drivers. $2.50 and board; man for hay baler, $2 and board; choraman and feed hogs. $:iO and found; 8 hay pitchers. $2.50; spud cultivator, $2.50; farm hand, 1.25 and board; ail kinds of dairy and farm help; man and wife, farm, $00.. Carriage rider, $2.75; offbearera, S2.50 up; grauer and tallyman. $3; feeder. Stetson-Roaa sixer, $3; grader behind planer, $2.50; mill oiler. $2.5o; planer feeders, $2.75, close to city; yard teamsters, $2.50; 0 common laborers around yard, close In, $2.25. hotel board, steady; MILL WRIGHT. $3.5t; cutoff man, $2.50; line up man for edger, $2.50, etc. FARE ADVANCED TODAT TO WE-ST-PORT, WAUNA. WESTMINSTER. WIND RIVER, GRAYS HARBOR, BRIGHTON, ASTORIA, ETC., ETC. S"t of fallerm. $3.75 and $3.25; buckers. $3.25 ; loader engineer, $3.50 ; engineer, $3.2. ; choker setters and rigging men, $-t.5(; wood bucks, $3; 5 wood bucks, $2.75 ; skldroad men, $2.75; head swamper, $3.25; 10 handy men around donkeys, $2.75, etc. PAINTER, camps. $3; block pliers, $2.75; grader, flooring and ceiling, $2.75 to .; concrete mixer engineer, gas $4; all kinds of miscellaneous work. 15 laborers, new log railroad, $3; 25 laborers, new highway work, north, $2. 1 5, 8 hours; laborers, pew work near Ken ton, $2.50; Jobs, of all kinds coming in at all hours. See us today. TO GRAYS HARBOR, WASH. FARE ADVANCED. Ton can get steady work the year around and get a good Inside Job by booking up now for employment with the biggest lumber firm In the NORTH WEST ; there Is a chance for rapid ad vancement in the various departments, and the best chance in the world to learn the lumber business inside and out; this firm appreciates brains as well as brawn, and men equipped with either will find it profitable to get on this com pany's paytoll; we shall make a shipment today of younar men who wish to start right at wages from $35 and board to $75 and board. FARH ADVANCED. A re Koinr to advance fare tonight to WBSTPORT for some steady men at $2.50 up, board and bed onlv $5 per week, and. believe us. It's good; this Is 0,,tnt and it runs steady. FARE ADVANCED. tA1?0 jyVESTIMBER for the EAGLE LUMBER CO., a good man fashion con cern. Their Mr. BAKKK instructs us to ADVANCE fare to TFTN men at $2.50 per day to work around the plant as laborers. The board la rood and the work Is steady. FARE ADVANCED. OPEN TODAT., OPEN TODAT. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, "TCZ BIO OFFICE," CORNER 2D A:D BURNSIDE STS. Aieaicai Pickwick, a National medical iiianzine, wants a permanent representa w'th selling experience for Oregon and tributary field to call on phvstriana. dentists and druggists. The position of rero interesting and profitable employ ment for man or woman of energy and abllltv. BnttHrnrtnt-v rc.fAnAA. i T. 7 i -Manager, Medical ; t - xv w it n. x-rees, oiuu Morgan Louis. Mo. St. NEW MILL STARTING. ougn carpenters, $2.75. building , ' iiaiuiiMK mincer, s.oo 8; monKey,; miiimen, cut-orr man, $2. so. TJiis is close In. Men for ,ath mill, $2.75. tarried men, $2.75. 3-room bungalow free. Steady work. A. : 'u"cys, u ana noara. Call today. 7 A. M. to 2 P. M BUTTS. 11 N. 2d St. LIPMAN. WOLFE St CO. Require the services of several young men be tween the sges of 1G and IS; expe rience not necessary references re quired. Apply Supt.'s office Monday between 9 and 10, iiUOKkE.PER, $100; band filer, $125; and helper furnished. Band sawyer, $0; sales man, state foreman. $100; fenographer, yard foreman, send-ln-man, Ibr. Inspector, $100; electrician, stationary engineer. $HiO Many other high-class openings In several diiferent desirable states. Mack's Little Rock. Ark. ADVERTISING solicitor for leading devel opment magazine; special and regular edi tions; must be high-grade man with best references; no pikers need apply: this is a man's Job. T 814. Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS clothing salesman for town of 6000 population in Northe-n Montana. Small town experience necessary. Give age and references In first letter. Thrs is a steady position with a good future Address AV 037, Oregonian. WANT young man who can leave city to work and be partner In developed mine must furnish some money for expenses therefore must be one who will take sporting chance for large returns. Y bOd, Oregonian. STARTING miil Monday after shutdown; men wanted for yard work at $2.25 per day; good opportunity for strong bov over 16 years old; those applying Monday will be given position. West Oregon Lumber Co., Llnnton. YOUNG man of good appearance to make himself generally useful in a store; good opportunity to learn retail business: age between IS and 22. Apply room 201 Flied ner bldg., Washington and 10th st today, between 11 and 12 o'clock. COMPETENT Instructors in physloloKv. his tology, gynecology, bacteriology, dietetics obstetrics, university text ; two to three hours a week in each branch must be competent; .give full particulars. Y 814, Oregonian. RAILWAY mall, P. O. clerks, carriers, cus tom nouse employes; $75 to $150 a month; life Jobs; no strikes, no layoffs; exams, an nounced Jan. 15; "Free Book." Paclttc States School, McKay bldg., city ARE YOU WILLING TO SUCCEED T JOIN OUR FALL CLASS. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. DRIVING OREGON AUTO SCHOOL. 420-31 BELMONT ST. MAGAZINES and newspaper solicitors can iimi an a i proposition, either trains or local, by applying 208 Ablngton bldg., Monday morning at 8 A. AL Salary guarantee. STEADY employment, good wages, day and nlprht classes; few months learning profit able work; position secured. Watchmaking-Engraving School, 218 Commonwealth bldg., fith and Ankeny, Portland BOY wanted by corporation to learn trade: must have mechanical aMlltv; tradeschoo graduate preferred; good advancement E S15, Oregonian. CARPENTER to raise and repair roof and omerwiBo ii x up o-room nouse In Hol.a day Park for rent of house. Key at 873 Clackamas WANTED A salesman In a merchant tai loring store; must understand window trimming. Maxwell the Tailor, 289 Wash ington st. ACTIVE, willing young man with motor cycle, to work In motor car repair shop and run errands. . State age; references. B 813. Oregonian. HAVE a good side line for Columbia River Willamette Valley and Coast points Want man already established In ten. tory. Plummer, UOO Third st. NAMES hign-class men who desire positions South America; write regarding positions foreign countries; postage for particulars. P. N. A. Co., Los Angeles. WANTED Men to distribute circulars. Ap ply Monday, 7 A. M., Kelly Adv. Co., 42t E. Morrison. WANTED Pastry cook, only high-class all around man considered. Give recommen dations. A 80S, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS mattressmakers; steady em ployment. Crescent Feather Co., San Fran cisco. EXPERIENCED delivery boy with wheel; good steady position. Inquire 828 Morrison street. WANTED 5 solicitors; salary and commis sion. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 402 "Washington st. WANT salesman with late Ford car to dem onstrate and sell Venti-Vlsion attach ments for Ford windshields. 101 6th st. WANTED Solicitor; no house-to-house can vasslng. good money. 191 gd a. WANTED An experienced marker; eplen did position; good pay. Oregon Laundry. WANTED Two cabinetmakers. King Sash, Door & Lbr. Co.. Spokane. Wash. BLACKSMITH helper. $2.75 per day. ply 1233 Northwestern Bank bldg. Ap- WANTED Delivery boy with wheel. Rem Ington Typewriter Co.. 88 Broadway. BOY to run errands; apply Monday, 7 A. M. 31 ispaiaing oiag. T WO mer. with selling ability; good pay. 40 Morgan bldg., 9 to 12 A. M. I RIGHT boy to lean hardware busi nees ; as lo nave Dicycie. 4 01 h iu bouth. HELP WANTED MALE. ADVISORY-EMPLOYMENT DEPT., Y. M. C. A. Conducted for the specific purpose of serving boys and young men seeking em ployment or advice. We are daiiy re ceiving many calls from employers for boys and men in clerical, technical and com mercial lines. Every young man desiring employment or a better position should be registered in tnis department. Stamey Baker, Sec'y. LEARN ADVERTISING The newest, least crowded, fastest growing, best paid of all professions. The same amount of brains, education and experience as wiil equ.p you to make $100 a month in or dinary fields will qualify you to earn tloo a week In the advertising game. The . C. S. offer the most practical, most thorough and most successful training in advertising known to the educational world. Call for particulars. 815 Oak. TRAINED ALTO MECHANICS MAK.E liiG MONEY. We give complete repairing, driving. Ignition, welding, lattery and machinist courses; best quipped automobile school In America; established li05;' Individual and practical instruction ; we help stu dents earn livlnK w hlle learning ; write tor tree catalogue and low rates TODAY. NATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Ia , ANGELES. WANT man and wife for dairy farm; Danes preferred ; farm and buildings right In nice little country town ; modern con veniences; prefer mnn and wife without family ; will pay $50 per month and board ; part? muet understand thoroughly dairy farming; 12 to 15 cows to milk and other farm work; parties applying give name and address of last employer. Ad d rt-sa A V tiTiO, Oregonian. SALESM EN I You know that everyone Is talking logged-off land people are buy ing more and more frely. e can use a lew salesmen of principle, on the road. who can sell honest land in honest fash ion. Big money in it for workers. Pre vious land experience not necec.ary. Com mission only. Brong-Wynn Wilson Co., 40 tliamber or Commerce. MoN j Y advanced w eekly to active e'derly men or ambitious young men selling complete line fruit and ornamental nursery - stock ; guarantee true to name and free irom pest or disease; exclusive territory in Central and Southern Oregon; experi ence unnecessary ; permanent, prontaDie. independent work; free outfit. Toppenlsh rsursery company, Toppenlsh, Wash. WANTED By non-resident, a thoroughly experiencea manager, on salary and snare of profits, for his ltfo-acie fruit ranch, who understands handling help and gen eral farming and will board the perma nent employes; applicants must give their ag?, say how many in their family, and give full detail of work done heretofore. iu. Kietx, Hood River, Or. ELDEKLY MEN, YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Many elderly and young men make good money selling our hardy, guaranteed or namental and fruit stock ; cash weekly ; experience unnecessary; the prestige of the Washington Nursery Co.. 13 years In busi ness, 15.000 orders annually is back of you. Address, Toppenlsh, ash. AN OPPORTUNITY for any Intelligent per son, either sex. of good education and busi ness ability, to start a small mail order business in your own home or office; can be managed in spare time at first. Grows rapidly. Send for particulars. Niagara, bo7 neacocK nuiiaing. L,ocKport, is. y. SECRET SERVICE: American. traveling foreign. Immediate opportunities, officers, a Lao Inexperienced persons; preparation wneri necessary oy leaning w oria s ex pert. Asiatic-Pacific Agency. San Fran CISCO. JIMMY DUNN'S NEW LOCATION, second floor Filers building. Broadway and Al der; $25 value suits for $15; $30 value suits for $20; $3 hats for $2; $4 pffnts for i,atty-corner xroux fan tag es neater. CHAUFFEURS, repairmen are In demand. We want sober, reliable men whom we can recommend for positions, to take cur course in automobile repairing and delv ing, nawiiiorna Auto school, -ito iiaw thrn a ave. WANTED Young man, high school gradu ate, in orrice or large corporation ; stan ographer preferred: excellent opportunity for advancement; must have good, clean rocora ; pien ty of energy ana amoition. IV Tn i ELDERLY and middle-aged, men make money selling our hardy, guaranteed or namental ana iruit stock, casn weeaiy. Outfit free. Experience unnecessary, n asn. Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. REAL ESTATE MEN ! For Quick sale or trade. 110 acres, all or part, take email city property; one miie or Leoanon; vauey iana; $ioo casn, long time on balance. Box 413, Lebanon, YOU LEARN to be an optometrist and od tictau ; it is profitable; day or evening classes, l he De iveyser institute or Op tome try. Inc. Send for catalogue or cal at 202 Columbia bldg., 305 Washington st. GOOD pay everywhere for trained me chanic, take course in steam, gas or elec trlcal engineering : work helus oav tat tion; free catalogue from Seattie En gineering School, Roy st.a Seattle ALL-Alio U N D printer wanted for country office; mut have median leal knowledge of linotype; steady Job for right man write, giving experience. AV 021, gonian. Ore WA N T good o flic e man, $100 per month who can invest or loan IiioOO; money se cured, established business. L 815, Ore gonian. YOUNG man for office work: business col lege or high-school boy; must be good at xigurcs ana last worker; goou opportunity. a i' e io, urtgonitn. BRIGHT young man for beginner's clerical position, state age ana education. an swer in own handwriting. AB 7U6, Orego man. YOUNG man. neat appearance, for treasure: traveling company this vicinity. Must have $2o0 cash bond, best of references. K M3, Oregonian. WI DE-AWAKE, energetic salesman for va cancy in Oregon territory; excellent oppor tunity, iiowara big a co-, -no Patterson, Cincinnati. O. Yol'NO man for collecting; must ride wheel and know city; give age. salary expected and references. AJ 1 47, ore goulan. WANT cleaning and Dressing establish men in gooa residence section or fort iana low rent, living-rooms in connection Phone 0708. MESSENGER In railroad general office $'J5. Add ress in own handwriting, glvln age, schooling and reference. AF 816, Oregon lan. WANTED AT ONCE Experienced dru clerk, between 30 and 4 years oi age. Address M sio, uregonian. 1 FIREMAN. 6 men. 6 boys to work In bo factory. Oregon Box & Mfg. Co., 132 M acadam road. FIRST-CLASri surface grinder wanted. Apply Optical Department, Jos. Mayer Bros.. Sent tie. Wash. FOUR men, trap. Alaska and B. C. coast; everything furnished; cost each man 1jv. 270 6th st.. room 7. Help Wantci -Agents. FREE sample, particulars Delbare's naptha washing tablets; wash clothes without rubbing: guaranteed not to Injure finest fabric; no acids, lime, caustics; manufac tured, sold. Naptha Washing Tablet Co., 714 la. Dearborn, Chicago, 111. KO ALINE- Marvelous Coal Saver! Mil lions will use this sure repeater. No com petition. Responsible agents wanted. Send stamp and references. Wedet Company. Stuart building, Seattle. Wash. MAKE $30 to $00 a week selling our alumi num u'ensil cleaner. Every housewife will hue; 4 no other fast sellers. Answer quick. Div. SH2. American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont, II".. LARGE manufacturer wants representatives to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery .dresses, waists skirts, direct to homes. Write for ' free samples. Madison Mills, COO Broad way. New York City. ' HERE'S a winner. Fast-selling article, 100 per cent profit ; nearly every phone sub scriber needs one; particulars free. Yuba Distributing Co., CO Main st., Campton- vllle, Cal. $1 MADE first day by Apple gate with Khornoecope. Miss spencer 3 rirst nour. Snei tit -rtmfim. universal demand. Writ- quick. ShomJTScope Mfg. Co., 540 West ilith st., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED 3ood, competent ladles for house-to-house solicitors; fast-selling ar ticle; can build up good money-making trade in short while ; big repeater. 633 E. Grant st., Portland, Or. 'PRESTO" cuts gasoline coat 50 per cent; eliminates carbon; every motorist buys; bonanza for agents; particulars free. Ed word F. Lee, box 887, Spokane. Wash. TAILORING AGENTS Get greatest line of men's made-to-measure suits: retail $15; good profits; Fall - vVin ter samples ready. Leeds Woolen Mills. Chicago, 111. FREE catalog, samples, new goods, quick sales, big profits make $5 to $a, daily; no experience: world's greatest specialties. Cruve r Co., Jackson & Campbell. Chicago. PORTRAIT MEN I ship prints, finished work or frames In 24 hours; have SO artists. Write for catalogue. Roberts, 1420 McGee, Kansas City. AT ONCE Agents wanted; either sex; for rapid-selling household specialties. Make $.".0 every week. Write B. A. Co., Dept. M2, San Francisco. Calif. GOOD proposition for man or woman who can eell. city or towns, Oregon, Wash ington or Idaho. Answer Monday. J 804, Oregonian. OK NTS To advertise our goods by dis tributing free samples to consumer; 0 cents an hour. Write for full particulars. Favorl Co., 2636 Rex St., Dayton. Ohio. AGENTS" WANTED A good side line ac cessory for salesmen covering Oregon by automobile C. W. Jones Co., 3O0 Railway Exchange bldg. WHY sell inferior? Our hospital -policy cotts no more. 301 Board of Trade bldg. JIT.LP WANTED MALfv Help Wanted Agents. 50O PER CENT PROFITS $30 to 100 a week; tnat s what agents are- maKing see ing new metallic sin letters, olfice win dows, stor t" run is, glass signs of all kinds; no experience necessary; anyone can put on and make money right from start; one agent says: "Have already put up 14 signs In this little burg, more in sight; your letters are best thing I have seen In years ; will soon be in position to buy 5tH)o lots." Another says: '"Getting all work I can do and letter have given eniire satisiaction everywhere." Are daiiy receiving such letters from our agents ; this Id only field not overcrowded ; there is bijc demand for window lettering every where; can sell to near-by trade or travel all over country ; w rite today for free sample and full particulars. Metallic Let ter Co.. 431 N. Clark St.. Chicago, eveiTy home. farm. SMALL TOWN or suburb needs and will buy wonderful Aladdin kerosene coaloll mantle lamp; five times as bright as electricity; lesttr-d and recommtnded by Government, 31 lead ing universities; awarded gold medal; one farmer cleared over $500 In t; weeks: hun. dreda with rigs or autos earning $10O to $SOO per month : no capital re4 ulred ; we furnish goods on time to reliable men ; writ quick tor sample lamp, free t rial, distributor's proposition, secure appoint ment in rxel usi e territory. Mantle ITnp Co.. 7"4 Aladdin bldg.. Portland. Or. YOl'R opportunity Is right here to estnb- nsn a business oi your own. e finance you on biggest money-making line of aluminum cooking -utensils aud specialties in Amertci. We are original manutactur ers of aluminum ware, our sales plan en ables you to call on customers by appoint ment only. Our men are cleaning up to $100 a week; free sales course teaches you; bi agent's monthly magazine Tree. If vou are strong enough to stand pros perity, send us a postal today and a cure your choice of tonitorv. Dlv. 1:2, Ameri can Aluminum Mtg. Co.. Lemont, 111. CHANCE to make money; new Invention: enormous demand; whirlwind seller; agents coining money. "Perfect" self-heating iron; new kind, automatic starting and heating; takes like wildfire; cent does aii Irpnlng; guaranteed; low pri-e; all can-afford it; all want it; make $300 to $S00 a month. Territory being snapped up. New selling plans. How to get one free. Postal today. Home Manufacturing Company. 471 Wright bldg.. Cincinnati, O. WANTED For big cleanup during politi- vtwuyoaxu. Agents, canvassers, street men, and men to work the fair with beat novelty ever offered the public. " Pells f-r 5 and 10 cents. Two hundred per cent profit. Everybody buys. Act quickly. Address Dept L, Kooin 3, 121 2d st Sun Francifco,Cal. ST A KT you in business, furnishing every thing : men, women, $r0 to $L'(o weekly, operating "New Bystom Specialty Candy Factories," home, small room, anywhere; no canvassing; opportunity lifetime; book let free. Kagsdale Co., box S, East Orange, N. J. AGENTS. Our Non-Alcoholic Powdered Flavorings i o wninwina seners ; Dest and cheapest household necessity on the market. Big profits. SCIENTOL FLAVOR CO., Underwood, Wash. BIQ MONET Show automoblllsts how to burn free air instead expensive gasoline ; sell LITL FIEND, a friend for power, mileage and gasoline saving ; "New Wild fire toeller." Free details, Edward Ho man. Sales Dept. D, Cincinnati. O. ZXSYDE TYRES, Inner armor for auto mobile tires. double mileage, prevent pnetures and blowouts; quickly applied ; cost little; demand tremendous; profits unlimited. Details free. American Acces sories Co., Dept. 28. Cincinnati, O. Bid opportunity for sales agents, capable or interviewing business men. Exclusive territory for new fast-selling adding .ma chine, selling at S7.50; does work of ex pensive machine. Western Sales Office, Htd K. 7 th st., Portland, or. AGENTS WANTED to cover States of Ore gon, ushiugton, Idaho on a commission basis, rOc ou the dollar. For informa tion write L. E. Mears, c.o. Hotel Corne lius, Portland, Or., or Hotel Congresa, Seattle, Wash. AUtiMb WANTED New, up-to-date arti cle, good selier, good repeater, good profit. 510 Dekum bldg., Portland, Or. Help Wanted Salesmen. WANT ten specialty men, steady, effective workers, with initiative, strong personality, to introduce an entirely new system for building permanent cash business In retail stores; every town good field and all non competing merchants In town can be sold. Experienced man can make $5w a month and up on original orders, have a steady Income from reordera Address P. H. N. X., 15(7 Great Northern bldg., Chicago. SA LF.SM EN Selling restaurant, hotel, cafe, cigar, pool, drug, general store trade, can do big business with new live pocket side line; Merchants towns lOO.uuo under want It; $5 commission each sale; no collecting; no expense or risk to merchant; take back oil unsold goods. Canfield Mfg. Co., IIOS Blgel St.. Chicago, 111. EXPERIENCE unnecessary, earn while you learn; write for large list of openings and testimonials from hundreds of our students who earn $100 to $5U0 month. Address, nearest office. Dept. 311. Na tional Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago. New York. Han Francisco. H i tH -G HAUB salesmen. Ford car. travel, demonstrate to dealers "Auto Motor Pulley"- transmits atito power to farm, other machinery; something new; sells easy; ids commissions; fast money-maker. Arm strong Power Appliances Co., National Life bldg., Chicago. CANVASSERS WANTED By the big Ore gon Nursery Company ; elderly or middle-aged men preferred ; experience un necessary; outfit supplied, cash ad vanced weekly. Address Nursery, Orenco, Oregon. SALESMAN to call on grocers, general stores and confectioners small country towns; can easily earn $250 per month; commission contract, with $35 weekly drawing account. Crown Cider Co., 6u9 Chestnut St.. fet. LouLs. Mo. JAPANESE salesman, traveling and local, to sell fcinnrt made-to-measure clothes to Japanese good dressers; if you can sell f0 suits or more season, write for exclu sive young men's line. Kay &. Co.. "0 W. Jackson Mvd.. Chicago. HUSTLING specialty salesman can make money with this patented toy and auto mobile accessory ; can be manufactured In your own home; stock on hand; ex clusive manufacturing and selling rights; only $."0O cash required. N Sod. Oregonian. W A NT K L Expel in need city salesman, ac quatnted with eTVug trade, as local repre sentative; niut he high-class, capable mar ; In ansverlr.i- give age, experience " ,,, icinem-rs. r. t ury At to. Monroe st., Chicago, HI. Lus W. CAPABLE specialty man for Oregon: staple im vu new nu exceptional terms ; va cancy now; attractive commission con tracts; $33 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co., 26-37 Cariin bldg., Cleve- WANTED 10 house-to-house salesmen. We pay a liberal commission or a guarantee to men who can produce business. Live wire proposition. Permanent position snu auvancemeni to men wno can qual ify. Ideal Tea Co., 711 Union ave. N. OLD concern offers permanent Doaition salesman, sell general trade Pacific ten i tory; new merchandising plan; commission contract; liDerai weekly advance: vacnncy now. O. R. Williams, sales mgr., C3-37 continental oiag., Cleveland, Ohio. VACANCi bept. lo.; old house; permanent posit lor. cover Oregon, staple IIn excep tional terms, nign commission; 535 weekly advance. Sales manager, suite 70, 800 Woodward, Detroit. SALES MGR. wanted: somethlnr new: busl ness necessity; retails $5 to $100; enormous profits; no competition exc. territory. Free samples. Sayers Co., 450, Walnwright, Louis. SALESMAN to sell our check protector. It sells to every person who writes a check. Circulars and information free. Sample h."c. Terry uif. co., xz coiton oiag., To ledo. O. HA YE 110 st tion for live salesman to sell motor truck attachment to- manufacturers, m-cnants. Portland Nationally ad vertised ; prefer man owning Ford car. Maremont Mfg. Co., 01 S. Waibash, Chicago. III. SALESMEN wanted: laces. embroideries. edde line: 1-V4 per cent commission; an rn rles llfrht : only men with trade now traveling need apply. Merk A Co, 410 Broadway. New ork. CHICAGO manufacturer wants salesmen, in troduce new auto specialty to dealers, owners; practical; Jujt out; sells on sight. g. W. D. M. CO.. 105 Van liuren St., Chicago. TRAVELING salesmen; best side Mna on earth: something new: entirely different ; $ commission each order, repeats. Pan Mfg. Co., 5.'8 Cottage Grove. Chicago. ENERGETIC salesmen, cover Orenon itanle line; salesmen now matting to 00 per month commission, payable weekly, Harry Hughes, 27 S. 5th ave., Chicago. LI V E side line; something new ; 9 minutes time pays $9; pocket samples; prompt commissions; state territory covered. Elwood Mfg. Co.. 1118 Michigan. Chicago. SALESMAN with automobile runs car 10 miles further to gallon, no cost after In stalling. K. Twyford, South Houstou Texas. MAP salesman; big chanace now; big com missions: maps ready for Immediate deliv ery; printed September 15. AV 64 7, Or gonlan. YOUNG girl of 14 or more with some ex jerlence to assist with housework on farm. Cloud home, some wages. Write full par ti ?ulnrs. rt '.:. oregonian . COMMISSION salesmen wanted by manufac turer; big line men's fancy neckties sold direct to retail dealers at bargain prices. .Newark ecKwear o.. Kansas city. Mo SALESMAN, well acquainted with city, can make $100 a month, commission only. BC bin. Oregonian. SALESMAN To call on the best people; must be first class and good appearance. 211 Plttock block. HEP? WANTKD MALE. Help Wan t ed &alfHmen. T A UjOKINO sales agents ; largest made-to-liitasurt tutoring- house in country ue tirc:s to increase force- saies aems; if ou v. ant to vsiablisit yourself lu rmy 1:1 tailoring business, makt- r to $50 ween Irom si.urt, lie re is opportunity of luv limt; no motley iieeuvu.; snip complcie, expeuMv e tailoi inc line, chai ges prepaid . )ou take or del a iiiado-to-uitriLire clollt- fi om uno; perfect lit, t-tst orKinansiiu;'. i.ixhest satisfaction guaranteed; ha started hundreus in bue.ncss, now ieaumg mcrcnaiu ui' tneir tiUfd, it you want i make big money establish yourseif l"i b ui in ess. write at oiu'e full detail, fc- i vi i experience as tailoring sales a-;vrii, if ni;. H. E. Mc"ull. sales maiiar. Lock l No. 43. cub ago. $i,iou.UuO ILLlNC'tci corporation compo.-nl strongest. lieM-known Luifl ttet-jj. i .rwinv . 1 uien in America, is mar tiling qu-K-s ing Natlonully-ad vertied aulniu:uio frj- -cialty retailing irom i0 to 0; exclUM . ; rights covern.g tciriiory tius s:a;-, one or more counties or whole state. i spoiisitile man or company uhle to mm., u topnotc'i references. al,e to buy m rclian dise for c:ih ; no bo nus asAed ; st raj . t merchandising proposition, iiorai ui count; amount of me.rcniini.lse to be pur-' chased determined by number automobin'i In territory; vtouderful money-making op portunity lor man vho can qualify, fci- ei:in experience. r fere nets uicl inline t ieat one bank. Write or wire promptt. 'I ireobi Company, Chicago. REAL salesman of ability to sell property owners a visible and everyday economy costing from to $SO0 each. Small drawing account until comm lslons equal good salary. This is a good proposition t hat entitles you to attention and respect as well as pay. No has-beens or failures need answer. T need a successful, prosperous gentleman salesman. Address D bli). Oregonian. fcALKsMAN WANTED Tie Merchants' Publishing Co., Kalamaroo. Mich., estab lished 1 man vil act u re ra of advert Lsin g calendars, tans, blotters, elgr.s and leather specialties, desire a salesman for Western Oregon; season opens January 1; exclusive territory assigned ; commissions liberal : we do not require money for samples nor ask anyone for a deposit; we have an interesting proposition for real salesmen over 3 who mean business; the rij; h t man can make hi? con nect ion w 1th our bouse permanent; correspondence solicited right a wav. 1CKLP WANTED JKMLE. A WOMAN to take chatgo of waist und pet tleoat department and be an assistant buyer ; mut possess good taste and be an A 1 saleslady. Give full details of ex perience and salary wanted ; give phone number. P 820, Oregonian. A CAPABLE, experienced saleslady In waist store; must possess selling ability and be a good stock keeper ; tiate experience, salary wanted, and give your phone nmu ber. O hJJ,cregonlun. PHOTOPLAY POINTK RS Model secnario tree to beginners. Write photoplays spai o time. Want ideas, accept any form. Ex perience unnecessary. jura mount l-'hoto-piays Co.. Hoi l-lOU, Lo Angeles, Cal. N iiAT, in lell; tent k irk assist w ith house work and take care of 4 - ear-old child: family of three; will treat as one of famny; will kWo pood home and wages to ri h t part y . ood ! a w n 1 7o. WANTED A woman as assistant cook. Ore gon Normal fcchool dormitory ; good wages. See J. H. Ackerman. Seward Hotel, Monaay, Sept. 11, Detween 11 ai;d 12 A, M. WANTED Stenographer, lumber experi ence preferred ; light office work ; state experience and give references. AO S0;, regoiiian. WANT a girl for shooting gallery; muat be gooa-100 Ring, neat in appearance an J. good disposition ; will pay $C0 per month. AV tVJ.i, Oregonian. WANTKD At Oresham cannery, 50 women. workers for canning pears : one-half of railway fare paid. For Information, caii Tabor lfiOS. WANTKD An unincumbered woman to an very light housework for room and board. Call Monday between 10 and 12 A. M, at 6607 ti-'d ave. 8. E. WANTED Help four hours daily washing. ironing, general nouse work or care or one child ; references required ; $12.50 per month. AJ 743, Oregonian. EX.PERI bNCluD cook, general housework. experienced second or assistant bouse work girls wanted. Cat hollo Woman's League, 4th St.. second floor. v 1D0WEK lth three children wants housekeeper; good home for right woman. Call. Sunday. 21 Page et., or East 141S. N EAT, competent girl for general house work. Call. Monday, J. A. Henry, J05 Lntld ave. Phone Sellwood 2211. FIRST-CLASS makers and salesladies want ed immediately. Apply Muller & Haas, Morgan bldg. - WANTKD Experienced girl for general B34 E. nouse work. inquire mornings, lrtth N., cor. Weldler. WANTED Young woman for general house work, small family. Experience unneces sary. MarHhall 5'7S. UNINCUMBERED middle-aged widow for permanent position; two in ramlly; rel erences. AO 80. Oregonian. YOUNG lady attending school, help in home ior room and ioard. west Sine: one In family. Call mornings. 709 Kearney st. LADIES. LEARN BEAUTY CULTURB. Good proposition. 3u7 Northwest bidg., th and Wash. COMPETENT girl for cooking and down- stnlrs work; no laundry. Phone Tabor 11S7. lot',? E. Purnslde st. HIGH SCHOOL girl to assist with house work for room and board and smalt wages. 1185 E. Ash. Tabor 232. GIRL for general housework, small family. 1 mi at oua 10m st. ro. or pnone &;aat C1S0. WANTED Washington Uigh School girl t assist with housework. Call Tabor G3S-. R M7. Oregonian. COMPETENT young lady for housekeeper. pi-iiu cook, O-room flat, u adults; wages $2rt. 2r0 N. 18th. phone Main 2189. WANTED Young girl to assist with light housework and care of baby ; small fam 1!v. Tabor 1123. K. PER1ENCED body ironer, $D per week 1 steady work. Twin City Laundry Co., North Bend. Oregon. WANT EjI Housekeeper without children for w blower on ranch. Call Main 030. Ask ff J. Nelson. W ANTED A maid for general housework ; one accustomed to chl Idren references required. Call fli2 K. lth st. N. WANTED Reliable girl for general house work and a?Mst with children ; references. Woodlawn Kiatf. GIRL to assist with housework, small fam ily ; good horn. Phone Tabor 0312. N I cook. $ l.r.O liuv ; w alt reuses, $'.". S'iO Howe's, room 3.. 270 u. Washington. WANTED An expert and swift Ironer. Wdln. 21.VT. after U P. M. MIDDLE-AGED lady, lieht housework; one who can sleep home preferred. oft2 3d. TO LOCATE S:rah. who worked for Mrs. Carson. Phone Main f622. GIRL wanted for general housework. Fam lly of 4 adults. 7i2 Lovejoy. EPERIENCED girl for end cooking. 8 adnlts. general housevork 73 Kearney. GOOD home . School girl. and carfare for Lincoln High Main 7352. GIRL to assist in general housework. 633 1-3. 19: h st. North. YOUNG girl or middie-aged woman to help In kitchen, etc. Main 3730. GIRL to asslet work la nice home, at 411 Cook ave. HIGH SCHOOL girl to assist with house work, email wages. Phone East So 20. WANT two ladies for show work, one handle snakes. R 818, Oregonian. GIRL to assist housework and car of chil dren. Phone Sellwood 1478. YOUNG girl for light housework. E. 4.1st Tabor 4278. WANTED Competent second maid, small family; beet wages. Apply 7Q3 Fianders st. LADY for traveling vaudeville sketch; pmall part. E 806. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for housework; no washing. 1?.R7 MiFstsftppl ave. WANTED Young woman for position; V0 per month. AD PQ'J. Oregonian. WANTED A girl for company at nights. No charges for room. East 1QQ.V GUS? WORKER wanted, $30 and Campbell Hotel, 23d and Hoyt. WANTED An experienced second girl. Tel ephone Marshall B30. WANTKD Girl for in family. Main general housework; four PRIVATE lessona shorthand two evenings week; $5 er month. AB 707, Oregonian. NEAT young girl to assist housework and ere of child. Tnbor 22-.V YOUNG plrl in family. want' k. 'd. gt M4. neral housework. EXPERIENCED maker wanted at Wolcoit's millinery store, 42 14 Washington st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, no washing. 8'0 Hancock. East S3IM. W A NT ED G irl for light housework, Rodney ave. Dl TAP HoN E operator and stenographer; rrtlrnri. AE 17. nreon!an. EXPERIENCED woman or girl for eral housework. frJO Kearney et. Gi!:l. fir See 1 a -.irk am, assist with car iiM. 714 l-vfl1oy. ; GlrU-t for housework, TUtf Lovejoy.