13 FOR RENT. FnrniHhed HotUM. l. CLIENT whose business necessitates his leaving the city has placed In our hands to lease his beautiful furnished house con taining living, dining, breakiast rooms, two iled bathrooms, 4 large bedrooms and sleeping porch finished in mahogany, old Ivory and oak. Beautifully furnished, in cluding Oriental rugs and Chickerlng pi ano. A high-class home. References re quired, phone information. J.- C. Corbln Co., lewia bldg. CKT out of stuffy apartments; If you call today you can get a good ti-room home, close In, completely furnished, strictly modern, large, vine-covered porches and lawn, piano, sewing machine; can be had long as desired for $15. month and board youriK man, owner; water and phone free; fine for small family; inveti&ate today. E. q'JJIj. S!54 E. 20th st. OVVNER leaving city, will rent 7-room house, large sleeping porch, Huud water neater, nice lawn; Hawthorne district, best car and Jitney service. Partly fur nished if desired. Reasonable. Call mora ingi. 3T4 E. 3Tth, cor. Harrison. 1.vjE CITY BUNGALOW (5 rooms, cicely furnished. In excellent condition, modern throughout; has exceptionally fine fire place and living-room. A real home, 2S. A. H. BIRRELL CO., HIT Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. I'OR LEASE One year or longer, my mod-, ern home, 7 large, neatly furnished rooms, piano, etc; large, beautiful grounds, lot of trees and shrubbery, large garage, paved street. Owner 1.5 E. 6-id .". $3 south M. V. car. I'OR REXT Modern five-room bungalow - with sleeping porch, garage, fireplace and furnace; completely furnished, with piano and electric washer. 503 Greenwood ave., 60 ft. off R. M. carllne. Phone owner. fcellwood 1600. ATTRACTIVE home. 6 rooms, modern, large living room, fireplace, hardwood floors, sleeping porch inclosed; splendid furnace, fine garage; owner going East; rent very reasonable. Rose City district. AV 6u6, Oregonlan. I'OR RENT Modern furnished house. 7 rooms, sleeping porch; can cook, sweep, wash. Iron and sew with electricity; pre fer adults and desire to rent until April, 1&18, but would consider shorter period; references desired. X 768, Oregonlan. ttRVINQTON Elegantly- furnished 8-room house, garage, strictly modern, hardwood floors throughout, old Ivory finish. Ori ental rugs, mahogany furniture, responsl ble people only; no children. East 0O6. JSKfi this pretty 6-room bungalow, complete ly furnished; beautiful grounds. fruit, near school; very reasonable to permanent party. VR car to 539 E. 37th St. After 6 phone Main 1339. 12-ROOM house, with 5 sleeping porches, excellent condition, close in; will sell fur niture cheap and give lease to responsible party or lease furnished or unfurnished. M5 W. Park st. 6 ROOMS, well furnished, corner E. 19th and Stark, near Washington High School. C. DeYoung & Co., 514 Chamber of Com merce. 6-ROOM cottage, furnace, wood and gas range, electric and gas lights. 247 E. 23d, near Hawthorne ave; J2o per month. Call afternoons. 1IS 8-ROOM house, fairly well furnished, only 7 blocks from Broadway bridge, easy walking distance. J. J. McCarthy. Sellwood i"Jor .uam eM jwonaay. v'iL.L. lease for 1 year, large corner bunga low, in central Irvlngtoa, furnished or unfurnished, pretty lawn, shrubbery and flowers. Phone East 4002. 6-ROOM, modern home, Portland Hts., fur nished or -unfurnished, near car, school, 752 Montgomery Drive, week days. Main 5456. B-ROOM house completely furnished, gas range, wood range, piano; water rent paid; $16 month. 411 Sumnsr. near Al berta and Union. Phono Woodlawn 527. HIGHLAND district; modern eight rooms, two sleeping porches; plenty of fruit, good enr service. Phone Monday, Woodlawn 1122. LADY employed will rent modern home fur nished complete for room and board, pi ano, 2 adults. Call Sunday after 2. 321 Holladay. WA or 1J car. 6-ROOM furnished house with eiectrio lights, bath, basement, etc., but two blocks from cr station, S12. Inquire 1352 Bur rage st. IvV'ILL rent my beautiful completely furnished modern bungalow home in Piedmont to right parties; references required. 1210 Mallory ave. Woodlawn 4470. MODERN 7-room house, well furnished, near Sunnyside car; will sell furniture, snap. 145 E. 27th st. or call East 6032 or East 1308. fVV'ILL rent, furnished, my new, modern res idence; hardwood floors; sleeping porch; unsurpassed location. H. H. Herdman. Main 5847. $20 MONTH Completely furnished 7-room modern house. In Rose City Park. Call 473 East 56th st. North or 417 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 6256. 3TOR RENT, furnished, our ..modern. 12-room home, very large, beautiful k rounds. double garage, 2 blocks from school, close in. M .77, Oregonlan. IRVIXGTOX Desirable modern home, sleep ing porch, piano. Neuhausen Co. Main 8078. TOR RENT Elegantly furnished 7-room house; beautiful view. phone Marshall .'i'.'lo. 37U Aspen st. 7-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. $20 modern large rooms, close in. East Side. Smith-Wagoner Co- Stock v.-r W b'LL-FLRXISItED 4 rooms, first floor; . one 6-room house with garage, unfur nished. 549 E. 17th. R. M. car. 620 HALL. ST. Delightful 4-room Summer cottage, large porch, gas and oath; cheap rent. IFOR RENT Modern, furnished house, for Winter. 453 E 28d North. Phone ast .ATTRACTIVE bungalow, furnished. fire place, furnace, garage, near Franklin High school. Tabor 2400. Snmroer Resorts. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK WRITE COLONEL WHITE for Infor mation about Glacier National Park and Flathead Lake, both nestled In the heart of the Rocky Mountains, offering tourists wonaerful, awe-Inspiring scenery, un. equaled In the world, on the Great North ern Railway, the only line reaching Flat Head Lake, and both entrance of Gla cier National Park. Address Colonel White Hotel Portland. Glacier Park Hotel, Montana. General office. Poison. Montana. FOR RENT For the reA of the season. 5 , room cottage, well furnished; , block. , fenced in; lawn, running water, beautifully , located; 1 block from the surf; Beach Center, next station to Seaview. Wash Inquirs 291 Morrison st. Phone Main U29U. SEASIDE Good 4-room cottage, partiy f ur , nished. one block from beach, on lm- p1ri've7. BireSt: wUl Be" cheap or will con sider light 5-passenger car if In good con 45n" Pnone Main 9404 or Woodlawn CAMP sites by day. week or month at Lake ?lr.ove, .Pswego Lake. A quiet family flSfV, boatJh?. bathing, fishing. Call at 600 Concord bldg., or take big red cars to Lake Grove. FOR RENT 5-room completely furnished cottage on the river at Jennings Lodge S cross from Cedar Island: boating and .thing. East 5361 or ABi 723, Orego- 6ECLRB RESERVATIONS from the Gilbert Company. 384 Yamhill st., for Hotel Becker, Cannon Beach; It will pay you; hotel new, attractive, reasonable; fronted J "'"'-A ttut-n. ittum tibOt .CONG BEACH, SEPTEMBER finest of yeai TEXT HOUSES furnished $5 week? HOTEL ROOMS facing ocean $1 day NORTH BEACH INN. Long Beach, Wash PORTLAND Phono Marshill Jaoa. WAN-TEDCottaye at Seaside for SeTTenT ber north of Moort Hotel on Boardwalk, veil equipped, clean and modern. Caii Monday. Main 7164. Mrs. Seward. FROM September 1., S-room cottage at Twin Rocks, Tillamook Beach water in house, sanitary plumbing, fireplace Phone fcellwood 8 So. " BEAUTIFUL and desirable Summer cot tapes for rent and for sale at verr at ENSS ALEX- GILBERT SON'. OCEAN? front cottage, modern. 5-room fur" Sent S23. week 17- v,nf.V ! one-room cottage $10 Sept. Ma. E. L. Hart' Twin Rocks. Or., Till. Co. 2s. F. A H K A H N I E BEACH Furnished cottage for rent Sept. 1-15, $12.50; 6 rooms. Fine view. Phone Main 2S53. FOR RENT At Rockawav J?eaeh. th-. room furnished cottage, reasonable. Tabor .ROCK AWAY BEACH, furnished cottages nu ri. xv. icina iui rent, ?a ana Up. r. Schrantz, Rockaway, Oregon. MODERN furnished cottage on Willamette iver iot monui or beptemoer chean ah 721, Oregonlan. CANNON BEACH Rent a cottage for Sep tember, best month in the year. M. j3. McKay. Ecola. COMPLETELY furnished 2-room cottage in grova, near beach, lo to Oct. 1. Wood lawn -ouu or tuu uantcnoem ave. fJi-LAMOOK BEACH, cosy bungalow for September;- rates very reasonable. East 4213. SEAVIEW Furnished house tent, under peautirui trees; weeK. Main ros. TENTS and rotiages to rent. Cannon Beach. Sellwood 1023, evenings and noons. bASIDE 6-room cottage overlooking uveu.ii, lur rout rcaBuuHUja, a aoor 40J.0. DESIRABLE furnished cottage, facing ocean ai aeaview; ior aept. Manor bhmi. SEASIDE, Or. Glenmar Cottage for rent tor oepiemDer. laoor ov3. 3-ROOM cottage- and large tent at Saltalr, FOB REXT. Summer Resort. $25 6 rooms, modern, completely furnished. fcStt E. Taylor, near E. 2tli. $65 8 large rooms, besides sleeping porch and servant's room: handsomely fur nished; garage; large grounds. At 1137 Mallory ave.. Walnut Park. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Main 8699. WILL sacrifice my two desirable cottages at Seaside, Or., for cash or trade. Ad dress 715 Swetland bldg. Store. DRUGSTORE AND WAITING-ROD M. Front and Madison, brick bldg., bridge approach, near depots on two interuruan lines. The right location for good store. Reasonable reat. A. H. B1RRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bnk Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. GKUCEKY and meat market rooms In new brick building, fine location at 41st st. and Division; 15 and (20. Also lunch room with 5 living rooms in rear, only 412.50 per month. See owner, J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5129, or residence. N. E. corner 39th and Division. FRONI-ST. STORE. Near Jefferson st., size 25xl0, brick bldg. Close to S. P. and O. E. depots and Haw thorne bridge cars. Will make rental at tractive. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. toil RENT Store on Morrison St., between 5th and 6th; 40 feet front by 23 feet deep; long lease. Apply Sherman, Clay & Co-. 2 STORES 23x94, first St. south of Hall. 15 each. E. H. Collls, 216 Oregon bldg. GOOD store for tailor, kaisommer, plumber; $10 or exchange work. Woodlawn 3528. Office. DESIRABLE office space on ground floor, $5 per month; desk, office equipment, telephone. etcfree. SOd Oak st. FURNISHED private offica adjoining attor ney, $10 month. Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. WELL-FURNISHED private office, aiso desk room. $J and $1. 723 Cham, of Com. OFFICES, $7 up. Furnished office,, desk room reasonable. 303 Swetland bldg. VliOL'.ND floor, furnished office or small business; cheap. 68 10th. Halls. ASSEMBLY HALL. capacity about 100; terms reasonable. Inquire 701 Northwest- ern Bank bidg. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT Duck lakes on Sauviea Island. Box 234, Portland, Or, TO LEASE. 4 BLOCK for lease or sale a,t 16th and Taylor, West Side. East 2818. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PARTNER or $3000 wanted to operate large - hewn-tle contract on which I easily clear 5c a tie; need man to look after business end, or will pay l',4c a tie for usa of money. Haerle, 621 Yeon. BUSINESS man visiting Eastern cities about Sept. 1 will attend to your business, make appraisals, collect information. place agencies, etc. Phone Marshall 4536, 610 Dekum bldg. BLACKSM I T H ' S tools and stock for sale at invoice; we have got to sell, as one of partners 1 going away; good place for horseshocr and general repair man. Address AV 00 , Oregonlan. STORE and bakery for rent cheap; good lo cation; 20x0o feet; bakery fully equipped and. fine brick oven; flats 6 rooms and bath above; gas and eiectrio light. In qulre 1007 Division st. . COUNTRY BANKERS, will buy and sell your controlling interest or any part con fidentially. JACOB BACKER. Investment Broker, St. Paul Arcade. St. Paul. Minn. VERY profitable milk and cream plant for sale: has full line machinery, etc.; owner will show you can make $250 month, busi ness increasing; $1800 required. Call 248 Stark St. ; PICTURE show, best equipment. East Side location; owner has two, wants to con fine self to one; rash and terms. $1150 re quired. 829 Morgan bldg. WANTED Man with capital for fertilizer business: also deal in lime, cement, seed, etc. Prefer man with knowledge of soils and agriculture. Y 779, Qregonian. FOR SALE Confectionery and lunch coun ter, across street from depot; a bargain. Call or write. Hendershotts Co., McMinn ville. Or. CLEANING. DYEING PLANT, modern equipment, ideal location, auto service. Investigation will prove; sacrifice deal. Owners. P 790. Oregonlan. 325 DY'EING and cleaning works; old es tablished business, paying per week net. Mr. XeForest. 2o7 Board of Trade bldg. OFFICE buslneFs, owner wants a reliable partner to he.p In office, a. so some out side work: good pay. Small investment re quired. Call 248 Vi Stark st. tiH BUYS nice business for man and. wife; clears per montn: wui taite ngnt auto as part payment. Mr. DoForest, 2u7 Board of Trade bldg. DAIRY lunch, established 5 years, modern equipment; clears $125 monthly; Wash. st. location; will accept clear city lots, $1300. 329 Morgan bidg. UNEXCELLED opportunity to open a boot and shoe store in a new town in Oregon ; get In first. &ee Cascaden & Readen, 207 Ry. Exch. Stfoo WILL HANDLE, balance trade, a good patent uru&. toilet orticle, stationery, ice cream, confectionery store in live town. Owner, Lockbox 613, St. Helens, Or. FINE opening for a millinery and ladie' raady-to-wear store in a tine town 'm Ore gon. Sea Caacaden & Readen, 207 Railway Exchange. PARTNER wanted In one of Portland's old est. betit-estaMished auto repair shops; must be experienced; each draws $lo0 monthly and profits. 329 Morgan bldg. MAKING MONEY EVERY DAY. Dry goods and shoe business, around $3000 stock; Columbia River town. AK 776. Oregonlan. HOTELS. HOTELS, HOTELS. Telephone Main li."5, we have just what you want; large and small. Van Duyn fc Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. MANUFACTURING- establishment would like from $3000 to $5u00 to be invested in business; good proposition. AP 778. Ore gonlan. ' GROCERY store for sale; clean stock. In room zuxxs; also three or four living rooms; cheap rent; a good opportunity for man and wife. N 767, Oregonlan. BICYCLE store and shop cheap for cash : pnee is ngnt; investigate ana yoa will buy. N 770, Oregonian. GOOD blacksmith shop and house for rent, $10 month, contents of both less than cost. 255 7tfth st. N. Tabor H.M6. Garden. CONFECTIONERY and light groceries; do ing $15 day; 3 living-rooms; take Ford part iaymenl 431 Chamber of Commerce. FINE confectionery; big stock, highly at tractive place; on big corner: cash sales average $35 dally. Badley, 621 Yeon FOR SALE or lease, 8 -chair barber shop, Newport, Or. Address Box 804. Newport, Or. RESTAURANT, fine location; rent $15; must sacrifice on account of sickne-sa, N 781, Oregontan. FOR SALE Well established, good-paying small general store in the country; no agents. AR 747 Oregonian. WELL established tailor shop for sale; good location; opportunity for the right man. nslM: 3d st. GirOD cash business; want partner; guaran tee $200 month ; money fully secured. Millership. 431 Chamber of Commerce. DRESS making and small drv roods star to trade for auto or sell half price for chsq; no agenis. iiA, uregonian. WANT partner ta handle loan and insurance department of established business. Con rad K.reDS. 75 H. P. SAWMILL, 10,000,000 feet yellow fir, easy terms. Price $12,000, Conrad Krebs, 110 10th. WANTED Good location for drur store. country or apartment-house section tre- CHICKEN ranch, 8 acres land in crop, 4ou laying hens; clearing $200 month; bar gain. Millership 431 Cham. Commerce. TO exchange gilt-edge Portland property for OWN two theaters, cannot attend to hnrh? will sell either one et sacrifice. Good at- tractive proposition. A J 7oU, Oregonlan. IF you want to open a clothing store in a good town with a future In Oregon, see agciuen neaaen, i rty. Kxcn. OLD-ESTABLISHED offie business; one partner wants to retire; goon pay to ener getlc man. 329 Morgan bldg. BLACKSMITH shop, good farming commun ity; low rent; part cash. Box 132. Trout- ciaie. t-r. FOR SALE Small cash rrorrv W Side; Washington st.; good location; cheap rem, guvu ouameii ; oargain. .wo agents FOR RENT to reliable party only, paying Address AV 507, Oregonlan. RESTAURANT, near R. R. shops, net profit $25 weekly. $000 rfequired, 329 Morgan WE are offering the best grocery In Port- iana at invoice, rsaaiey, oat Yeon. BARBER SHOP for sale, $230; rent $10. Call 736 Alberta. CASH grocery, $30 daily sales, rent $10 monthly; $ou required, gsp Morgan bldg, BARBER SHOP for sale, 193 4th st. BUSINESS OPPOBTCNIT1ES. FOR SALE ELEGANT HOTEL la JUNEAU. ALASKA. Right party with few thousand dol'ars can secure this hotel on very liberal terms. A money-maker and can be managed by a lady. Particulars A. O. Box 1082, Juneau, Alaska GROCERY SACRIFICE Have grocery doing a fine business, in the center of thickly-settled residence dis trict. Nice, clean stock, and good ilx tures. Owner needs money, and will seil at a big sacrifice of 51500 for stock, fix tures and building. The stock and. fix tures alone invoice over $1700. F. FL"LTO.V, 21 YEON BLDG. POPULAR yeai-round beach resort which has averaged to present owner yearly for 10 years $200 monthly , hotel, store, P. O., garage." restaurant, dancing pavilion, teams, poultry and other valuable equip ment, very desiraole as a home, besides being money-maker for energetic man ; $5750. $3250 cauii, bal. $50 monthly with out interest. 329 Morgan bldg. THIS is a money-making bakery located in best East Side payroll district, no com petition near; run by same owner over 4 years, makes steady money,; fixtures and equipment complete, $500; stock at invoice, fiour contracted at low price. This is a splendid opportunity. See Haerle. tJ21 Yeon. CAPITAL OBTAINED, corporations formed under laws of any state, charters secured, industrial enterprises, oil and meritorious mining companies promoted and financed by the sale of stock and bond issues on commiESsion; in business 10 years. Edward L. Dwlght &. Co., Penobscot bldg., Detroit, Mich. m FOR SALE Specialty store, featuring needlework, pictures, gift goods, framing, dry goods, kooaks, etc. ; well established, big trade, good profits on sales 120 per cent: clean, salaMe stock. Invoice IowjO to $5500-; owners goln; into wholesale. Address AV 502, Oregonlan. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS. Join me in developing Missouri sine mining property, ground floor, first lease, low royalty, an opportunity of merit sel dom offered to the public without restric tion: investigate; zinc prices never higher. Address U 7tH, Oregoni&n. FOR SALE A $8.00 hardware and furni ture stock in Douglas County, main line town. In the center of a good farming and fruit growing section. Store doing a good business. Must be sold to dissolve the , partnership. A money-maker for aozue body. C 777, Oregonlan. MILLIONS Just had patent issued for one of the most vital parts of an automobile; several Eastern car builders ask for de tails and prices; one well-known concern ascs price on lots of 10.OOO; will sell quarter interest $15,000; Investigate. uuara, xacoma, waen. WANTED Man to Invest $500 in small company manufacturing dairy supplies. Big demand and good profits. Prefer man who can give working interest. Call Mon day for Mr. Margeson, at Httel St. Charles, from noon to 3 P. or write F. W. Margeson. Gaston, Or. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. The beat business of its kind In Port land. Everything strictly f irst-clasa and in the best business district in the city. Account of sickness the ownur will sell very cheap. F. FULTON, 021 YEON BLDG. FORD APPLIANCE. Want partner with $750 to help me put on selling compaMn of patented Furd de vice; have exclusive agency for U. S. ; every Ford shouid hav one; we should make a fortune with this article. BF 777. Oregonian. CAFETERIA AND RESTAURANT. Washington st. ; rent only $35 ; good business ;md very attractive place; fine chance to add bakery goods ; J ust the ptace for man and wife; $750 takes It. ilr. DeForestj 2U7 Board of Trade bldg. AUTOMOBILE" GARAGE Here's a chance to get in a solid business that will pay 30o month and your money will be fully secured. Opo to full investigation be fore Investing one dollar. Call 21Sfe Stark st. HELP! Swamped with business! Have all we can handle. Increasing right along; Taking in over $"0 a day and make 40 per cent profit. $2000 cflsh will give you possession of this splendid business. Haerle. 621 Yeon. WANTED An idea! Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas, they may bring you wealth ; write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent." Randolph at Co., Dept. 3S0, Washington, D. C. "ESTABLISHED FOR YEARS" Grocery store, $4500. stock and fixtures; will sell or trade for residence. See Blumenthsl. at HAKTMAN & THOMPSON fOor. 4th & Stark.) FOR SALE Old-established general mer chandise store ; tine loca tion ; good cash trade; stock and fixtures wUl Invoice about $(00U: very liberal discount If taken soon. For information address P. O. box 38, Castle Rock. Wash. GROCERY stock, confectionery and gas fill ing station, located on carllne. Will In voice. If you want something good, look this one up. No delivery. Phone Main 1105 any time. AUTOMOBILE business; have opening for energetic man in old-established business, pays over all expense $20 monthly ; can be increased; $auu required. 329 Morgan, bldg. LIGHT MANUFACTURING Patented ar ticle ; easily manufactured at home; pleasant work ; stock on hand worth dou ble amount aked; $500 will handle now. AL 777. Oregonian. FOR. SALE In Portland, interest In in corporated lumber fuel and grain firm, doing $35,0OO business per year; profits last year $2000. besides good salary; price $:;t00. Call Tabor J 742. Monday. MILLINERY STORE Will be sold Monday at great sacrifice; party has to leave for the East at once; place cost me $1200; will sacrifice for $400; come and see it. The Arvilla Hat Shop, 32i Alder st. FORCED to sell my rug-weaving factory, Marhfield. on Coos Bay; doing fine busi ness, chance of lifetime for man and wife. Sell $300. half cost price. See owner, 363 Yamhill st. AUTO garage and repair shop on business street of neighboring city, 100x40 cement fioor space; very low rent; splendid open ing for business man ; $4(io cash will handle. See Haerle. 621 Yeon. RESTAURANT MEN. ATTENTION. For sale, for $450 catm, workingmen's restaurant, clearing $75 to $lou per week. This Is a live place at a sacrifice. MK. DE FOREST, 207 Board of Trade bldg. AUTO RE-FAIRS One of Portland's best shops; clears $:00 monthly above all ex penses; rare chance for energetic man with moderate investment. 32k) Morgan bldg. OWN your own business. With a working capital of $100 we can place you In charge of exclusive territory ; a proposition of merit; will stand thorough investigation. Call 301 Columbia bldg. MUST SELL a good confectionery store, location and business is good, hut the owner is sick and must get out; $G5o handles it. Mr. D Forest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. SOLID, paying mercantile business, handles specialties; owner wants partner to tend office and help meet customers. Pay $125 month and share of profits. Closest in vest i g atl o n soli c It e d Cai 1 248 H Stark st. FOR SALE at sacrifice. 10, 15c and sta tionery store, in good fishing and lumber ing town of S5O0; $4500 stock for $30m. terms. $2500 cash or part trade. Box 425, PARTNER wanted In light manufacturing and repair shop; requires small amount money; owner will guarantee $18 week and show profits. Call 24HH Stark St. 'UNTRY STORE proposition, dairy coun try; clean; steady trade; age and sick ness compel owner to sell. N. W. Merri f ield. 810 Wafch. t., Vancouver, Wash. V CHANCE for a good hardware merchant to - open a store In a good town; fine agricul tural district in Oregon. Cascaden & Rea den. 207 Railway Exch. BAKERY -Ftilly equipped, new building, brick oven, lunch counter and 3 living rooms in connection; rent $15: price $500. xr. uerorest. y7 Board of Trade bldg. HOTEL for sale in Eastern Oregon town thriving wheat country : rood business: completely furnished. For address of owner can jiou nawinorno. rnon xaoor 004.1. VOR SALE 26-room hotel, doing fine busl - ness, fine location; must be soljl; $5O0. For Information call Columbia 8L PARTY with $3o00 to interest himself in a small growing manufacturing business. AJ 7S6, Oresan.-s.TV RESTAURANT and delicatessen; bargain If taken at once; muet sell account of slck ness. Ownr, 28 3d st. LUUGSTORE or sale In Central Wash., good business, small investment, full par ticulars free. AV 569, Oregonlan. SMALL confectionery anu lunch, transfer corner; must sell on account of heaith. 54 Union ava.N. or call East 5543. $40O CASH rakes grocery doing fine cash business; good fixtures, fine corner; wish to retire. 421 E. Burnside. $550 HANDLES downtown confectionery and lignt grocery; big snap. Mr. De Forest, 207 Eoard of Trad bldg. GOING business $5000 Printing office. Portland, for quick sale at less than of value. S 7G0. Oregonlan. BEAUTY parlor, up-to-4iate established busi ness for sale at sacrifice. Give phone numoer. aj ij, oregonian. GROCERY store, 10th e Pavis ats.. rent $8. $150; CLEAR lots for small grocery, restaurant or roommg-noui au uregonian. CIGAR stand, soft drinks and card room, 523 Union ave. N.. cor. Russell. "WANT partner to manage selling of good line thai, I make. See Badley. b21 Yeon, BVS1NKSS OPPOKTCNITIES. BE A DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC. A most lucrative and dignified profes sion. The Pacillc. Chiropractic College is now registering students for both day and night courses. For full particulars in quire PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, 433 Hassalo St., at Seventh, East bide. Phone East 53& DR. ELLIOTT. Managing Director. STOCKS. BONlS BOUGHT AND BOLD. WANTED. 3000 Port. Home Tel. 5's. 10 Merchants Natl. Bank. 100 Port. Home Tel. stock. 10 Pacific States Fire Ins. 80i) Idaho Gold & Kuby. 25 0u Alaska Pet. & Coal. And many others. WM. E. DAVIDSON CO., S14-S13 Lewis Bldg. Marshall 2394. WHERE THE REAL MONEY IS. Bankers and financiers get wealthy 'be cause they get in "on the ground floor" on real enterprises. I can offer you a . banker's or "underwriter's" chance on a sound, legitimate money-making proposi tion if you wiil just ask for details, M. K, Eastman. WeaverviUe. Cal. WOULD like to get in touch with a few American families that would join me In taking up land In B. C. Fishing from a commercial viewpoint will be carried on. Do not am. this if you are broke, as each one will be required to have a few hun dred dollars. Sunday and Monday after IX o'clock. Room 23, Barton Hotel. FORTUNE for Investor; millions are spent for advertising novelties; astounding new Invention ; should revolutionize the busi ness; nothing to compare with It ; several patents already secured ; want associate financially able to market the proposition; none others need reply. Address Inventor. R 7S6, Oregonlan. A K ELI ABLE manuiacturer wants general sales manager to establish office and man s se salesmen, liberal contract ; 300 to $700 capital necessary; money-making possibilities unlimited; will pay expenses to Chicago if you are man w want. Sec mary. 1Q1 a Republic ildr.. Chicago. PATENTS Write for list of patent buyers and inventions wanted; $1,000,000 in prizes offered for inventions. Send sketch for free opinion as to patentability; our four books sent free. Victor J. Evans &. Co., (W2 Ninth. Washington, D. C. FOR SALE Profitable.) well-known, old-ts-ta-blinhed cafe, county seat. Southern Ore gon, double value in sight as new rail road will soon start construction wotk. Full particulars to principals only. In vestigate. .tuv0 cash. P. O. box 712, Klamath Falls, Or. BILLIARD PARLOR $750 under value; best suuuroan district in portiana; corner room with plenty light; low expense, se lect patronage ; good equipment ; five im proved tables; will bear closest inspection; $15oo for quick sale; ownur, AR 7a0, Ore gonian. EXCEPTIONAL chance; $17,000, general merchandise. Willamette alley agricul tural and mfg. town. Best location, leajo, terms. Al stock and business. Disagree ment of partners only reason. No trades or trlfltrs. Owner, 660 E. An ken y, morr- Uigs. ESTABLISHED paying business, located In Portland, fully equipped and with very bright future; part or all of retiring part ner's stock for sale; this business wiil stand the CLOSEST INVESTIGATION and is a mot pleasant occupation. AP 777, Oregonian. ESTABLISHED Illinois corporation wants capable representatives; high-grade guar anteed specialty ; every merchant pros pective customer; big" profits, exclusive territory, $JU to $3i0' aill finance. Niag ara Sales Corp., 29 S. La-Sal le, Chicago. S N A P CIO A R, CO X F EC. SNAP. Cigar, tobacco, confectionery and ice cream, soft drink store, large storeroom. 3 living-rooms or card rooms. Cheap rent. Will sell below Invoice if sold Monday. 225 Burnside st. MANAGER WANTED One who can handle lady demonstrators and take half interest in the business, including stock on hanu and L". S. patent ; this is a quick money maker ; $0uU required. 505 Merchants Trust bldg. " CAUTION. HL tfERS. Before cloning deal for so-called interest in established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Rtalty Board. PALL A. COWUILL, Sec'y. 202 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE Established drug business in Sacramento; prominent corner, profitable business, money -maker, stoca and fix tures. $10, W0; sell for $7o0o, on account of retiring ; bargain for the right man. Address P. O. box 01, Sacramento, Cai. ADVERTISERS, get posted ;our guide, list ing best advertising mediums, together with 30 mail-order plans, aeiu upon re quest. Dearborn Advertising Agency, 517 Franklin bldg., Chicago. OWNER of building and butcher shop fix tures will arrange with butcher on hard times basis ; room for groceries ; G-roorn fiat above store. Exceptional opportunity. Tabor 2994. DRUG business, established, on prominent business corner; money-making, prontab.e business; on account of retiring will gve bargain; good proposition for young dtug gist. p. Norton, 637 Washington st. TO&. SALE Old established drugstore in f:ood .Valley town ; good location ; good ease. Would take good real estate as part payment. Address AV 5s5, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Meat market and slaughter house in country town; have other busi ness; must sell ; price $5C0; net profit $oo a month. Address AV 002, Oregonlan. oN account of going to Alaska, I will sell my theater; well equipped, ready for busi ness, and good location ; price very reas onable if sold at once. Address 2 in 4s First St. $5U0 BUYS a money -ma king confectionery, located in one of tht best towns In the Willamette Vall; no trades; inaet sell on accounwof health. Address AV 477. oregonlan. FOR SALE: Hotel, confectionery, blllArd hall, on public highway : will trade for 5 lrohjo. .a ETAlONllRTDLLSHKaoin or 10 acres Improved, land close to Fort land. G. A. Simklns, Aurora, Or. FOR SALE Fully equipped vulcanising plant in city of Portland doing a good business; good reason for selling; will In voice at $2000; sacrifice for quick sale. B 7h7, Oregonian. AJ--LE manager wanted by Chicago manu facturer, opn office, employ salesmen; should net $500 first year; $30'i to $w capital required. Rlxford, 14 East Jack son, Chicago. FOR SALE Fmly equipped restaurant and home bakery, chance for enlarging stock; hospital trade; deal with owner for cash. Marshall 1211. FiK.M for agency for state of Oregon for auto truck made on this Coast ; must have some capital; good opportunity lor right party. AM 736. Oregonlan. $25 MAY make $2500," invest $2 monthly; driiling October 18, may get oil gusher. Bennett Co-operative Co., 3bO First Na tional Bank bldg., Houston, Txas. GROCERY with living-rooms anted binall place! give full particulars by letter of what you have, city or country; answer return mall. V 773. Oregonian. GOOD GROCERY. Ice cream, tobacco atoro, cash business. $500 or invoice: 6 living rooms, rent $10; leaving city. AV 508, Ore gonian. VERY thorough young man wishes super intending of engineering of office build ing; very best references. A 771. Orego nian. FOR SALE A suburban theater, teat loca tion In city; terms to responsible parties. E 777, Oregonian. $650 CASH takes grocery and confectionery stork and fixtures; living rooms. Wood lawn 4672. A LADY, business ability, wishes to meet gentleman, partner in business proposl tion. L 77. Oregonlan. GOOD paying hardware store, $8000, to trade for Improved city property or furin; owner has other business. Q 778, Oregonian. GROCERY, delicatessen, bargain; rent $25, including 6 living rooms. Other business claims Immediate attention. 430 Harrison. $13O0 EQUITY in $2500 bearing orchard for rooming-house, grocery or auto worth $500 owner. J 78Q. Oregonlan. WANTED A gentleman or lady to take half interest in a good vorkingman'i ho-t-1; good money-maker. G 77, Oregonlan Confectionery, lunch goods, cigars. t bacco. etc. If sold at once a snap. Owner, 253 Madison st. MILLINERY store for sale; stock and fix tures; only millinery store In town. Mrs. Llllle Miller. Athena. Or. FOR SALE Old established garage and re pair business for less than inventory. AL 770. Orcgonlpn. FOR SALS A clean stock of dry goods and notions; a busy center; $5000 wll. handle. AK 772. Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY, Ice cream and light gro eery store; large living-room, goooV loca tion. Owner, phone Main 7504. FOR SALE Nice neat restaurant. Call ai 538 Williams ve GOOD lunch and soft drink place for sale, Washington st. Q 778, Oregonlan. PACIFIC Bakery, 340 Front, lully equipped; long establighed; for rnt. FOR SALE At bargain, grocery and con fectionery, back living-room. East 8492. RESTAURANT for sale; will sell cheap; leaving city. 05 Jefferson St., city. GOOD PAYING restaurant for sale or trad for Ford. Inqulre728 E. Salmon st. FOR SALE Good paying dairy In town : account of other business. Call Wdln. 670- 500m6rtGAGE to exchange for rooming-house or business. BC 77b, Oregonlan. BARBERS One-chair shop, a real bargalu, going East, must sell. AN 770. Oregonlan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 6AWMILL with planer and donkey engine. 7000-foot capacity, 2O0 acres laud; about 2.000,000 feet standing timber; good soil and well watered; b miles from railroad. Must be sold to satisfy creditors; f.UKj't. 315O0 cash, balance terms to suit. D. L. Wheeler. McMinuville, Or. FOR SALE Blacksmith shopu tools, larse lot. good trade, $HMJ0. -W5 Portland road, Saiem, Or. WO R KING MAN'S It E.STA I'RA NT, clearing $!0 per month and can be Increased. Mrs. E. R. Wrigh;. 2t3 Hawthorne ave. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES W'ANTEO. HAVE Portland corner lot, value $1HjO. that I will trade for stock of groceries; will pay iomo cisii difference, but not over $2O0; can also put in other real estate up to $1800 together; let us know what you have. Carl Brostrom. Cherry Grove, Or. v WANTED To buy or rent, furnished or unfurnished- rooming-house. 20 to 30 rooms ; must be strictly tirst-cla and modern and 1n best location. Bargain for cash; re fere n res. D Oregonian. WANT general mdpe., $3 GOO to flO.000; country preferred. Have good real estate. Can pav some each difference if suited. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg. WANTED To rent furnisned hotel In live town. Give rent and full particulars in first letter. AM 735, Oreg o man. RURAL iocatlon wanted; will put in com plete stock of general merchandise in good new location. AV 563, Oregonian. GROCERY wanted, must be sacrifice for cash up to $lu00. Describe fully or no attention. X 179, Oregonian. WIDOW wishes full charge of rooming or apt. -house; might consider buying later; best references. S 772. Oregonian. WANTED General store; owners ouly $3'J00 to $ti00; not too far from Portland. AG 7'JO. Oregonian. WANT to buy or lease an eating house on highway. L 77S, Oregonian. WANT to buy a paying established truck route. (AK 777. oregonian. CASH and clear Income property for good going grocery. Badley, 621 Yeon, Main 4S1. HAVE up to $5000 for going, paying mfg. business. Badley, 621 Yeon, Main 481. KOOMiG-HOr-ER. 14 ROOMS. 6 completely furnished for housekeeping; best West Mile district, well furnished and filled with best class of tenants: wilt bear strictest investiga tion. Owner won't give .away or svp for a shoestring, but If you are willing to pay a fair prite for something that will net you a fair prout on your investment, let me hear from you. Dealers need not reply. AO 778. Oregonlan. LADIES, HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. 1 5-room commercial hotel, no meals; rate $l per uny single, with private bath $1.50 ind $2; first-class furnishings; modern fireproof building; rent $50; price of furnishings $1650; half cash, balance to suit; live town, 10,000 population. Mr. LeKorebt. 2J7 Board of Trade bldg. POTTER Hotel. 48 rooms. Just cleaned throughout; southeast corner 2d and Jef ferson sts. : rent $75. PARKISH. W ATKINS &CO.. 106 2d st. Phone Main 164-1. $1500 HANULKS 200-room apartment house, best location in Portland; absolute ly modern, brick building; rent $350; will take part trade for the furnishings. Mr. DeForest, 207 Board of Trade bldg. CO-ROOM beautifully furnished hotel,40 rooms v. 1th private bath ; $050 handles It ; see tuls tf you want something abso lutely good for little money. Mr. DeForest, 2v7 Board of Trade- bldg. AM leaving city and have for sale furniture or i a rooms, near east end of Broadway brldae. furniture cooU. rent che&D and always full; deal with owner. Call East l-'4 7. $500 CASH hand tea 40-room downtown - rooming-house, corner brick building with hot and cold water in rooms. Rent only $100 per month. MR. JJE FOREST, 2o Board of Trade bldg. CHEAP for cash or pa ments, & rooms, n-wy decorated, well furnished, electric llRhts. Call at 69 North 23d at., ring jan itor's bell. J0-ROOM HOUSE FOR $100. Tet close-in, uptown location; nice building: yard : great barraln ; two days on iv. . i m.i t an sua t-aimon st. v EST SI DE. walking distance, 11 -room housekeeping and sleeping; owner. Cheap . ior cain and quick sale. A dandy inet ment for $300. V 787, Oregonian. FOR RENT 80-room modern brick room lng-houee. Sell furniture for amount of mortgage. i erms. bengstaae at Lyman. Ml. Henry bldg. $1800 LEADING family hotel. 45 rooms, best location. 5-year lease: $100 mo. Wiil consider 'easing f urnisned to responsible party. Aoaresi dux uu, Aiarsmuiu, or. 22 ROOMS,' housekeeping, low rent, well furnished, making good money, fine lo cation. $S0O; easy terms. Wells & Ander son. io3 w eat Park. WILL TRADE 50-room apartment-house; strictly modern and clear of debt, making $125 .per month net. Mr. DeForest, 2u Hoard of Trade bldg. "mrs. m. e. lent " Leading Hotel, Apartment-House Agent. Oldest Reliable Agency In Cltv. 5?4 X. W. Bar.R Bldg., 6th and Morrison. 12 ROOMS, housekeeping, rent $25; good furniture, fine location. $35u; $joj cash. Wells & Anderson. 163 iWest Park. 8-ROOM house for rent, furnished fine, close in. West Side. Wells Ac Anderson. 163 West Parle B-ROOM house, high-class furniture, elec tric light, cloee In. leaving city. 163 Wist Park MODERN. 16 rooms, suitable for rooming or boarding-house; close In, West Side, fine neighborhood. Phone Broadway 2313. ll-ROOM house, furniture for sale. In good order, $500; each buyers only; good loca tion; close in. Marshall 764. HAVE splendid rooming proposition in hitch class neighborhood. Apply AN 777, Ore gonian 51 MODERN rooms, will sell oneap; might consider good bouse, lot. See Howard. 131 11th st. APARTMENTS or rooming-house on shares or take charge for use of apartments. f'Ril room 321 Anson'a Hotil. HAVE customer for good rooming house; only bargains considered. BaUiey, U21 Yeon. Main 4S1. 18-ROOMv housekeeping a pis., cheap for cash or trado for auto. East 7741. o5 IvO.Vi S Clojie in ; rent reduced to $50. J. J. Oeder, Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. tOST AND FOUNT). THE following articles were left In cars of tae Poland Raiiway, Light & Power Company. August 25. 1V16: 1 cap, 1 ear ring, 1 b.-Il thread, 2 suitcaies. 1 package celery, 1 packntce clothing. 2 pails, 1 rub ber tube. 1 draw shave. . 1 bundle letters. 3 bundle streetcar tickets. 1 pin. 3 pack ages, 1 sack of sacks. 1 lunch basket, 2 parasols. 1 undershirt, 2 magaslnes, 1 pair roller skates, 1 pot flowers. 1 basket, 1 handbag, 1 grip, 1 lady coat. 1 pair gloves, 1 scarf. 1 umbrella. Owners may obtain property at station. First and Al der streets. . LOST At Peninsula Vark, purse containing three rings, key and about $7; reward for Information concerning same. Ca"U at buo E. 7th No., or notify Mr. Sullivan, Park Superintendent. MAN'S gray coat put in wrong auto by mistake near Oneonta tunnel. Columbia Highway; name on inside pocket. Pleas) phone Tabor 1151. LOST One bay hors. weight 8 years old. 10 hands high, no brand, snow, s signs of the heaves. Model Stables. 5tn and Davis. Will pay reward. LOST Small flowered silk puree, res lin ing, containing about $7.50 key an" card of John Clausen. Reward. Phone Main 6582. LOST Light brindle female, English bull pup, S months old, white breast and stub tail: liberal reward. Ib7 Green ave. Main 434S. LOST Umbrella with gold and pearl han dle, either at Olds &. King's or Meier Frank's; reward. Call Sellood 2205. TAKEN UP Sorrsl horse, by Japanese gar dener; owner call at K. Kobayashi. be tween Falrvlew and Troutdale on Sunday. LOST Two coats, tan covert and gray rub berised, on Columbia Highway ! riday, Aug. 25. Phone Marshall 56- u LOST A cameo bpooch on Council Crest Friday evening. Finder call East 1x17. Reward. ON Rosa Island. Thursday, near Wlnde muth baths, gold bracelet. Reard if left st 735 Everett st. FOUND A breastpin, lest week; owner or It can call at No. 710 Polk sr, 6u Johns, at 6:30 evenings. LOST Book of travelers' checks, payable to Helen F. Boyle. Return to Campbell Hotel. 23d and Hoyt. Marshall 881. LOST Star brooch set with pearls, valued as a keepsake. Phone Tabor 3776. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICE. Proposals Invited. NOTICE. Bids will be received by Court M. Sar gent, secretary of St. Maries. Idaho, for construction work and material for drain age District No. 2. Benewah County. Idaho before 12 o'clock noon on August 31. 1V16I Engineer's estimate of yardage. 120.hjO cub is yards embankment, 23.LM10 cubic yards ditches. Certified check for H per cent of aggregate bid to accompany proposal. Right to refuse any and all bids reserved.. Write to M. S PARKER. ENGINEER. ST. MARIES, IDAHO, or the secretary, for details of work and con ditions of bid. SPF.CIA LN OT I CK Proposals Invited. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of tl?e undersigned, 4U court house, until 3 P. M. Thursday, September 7, ltl. for plumbing of the Benson Poly technic School and alterations to heating equipment of Lownsdale School. Bids wit be opened in room 304 Courthouse at 4 P. M. Deposits are r quired as follows: Benson Polv technic, plumbing. $25 00 Lownsdale. heat::ig $ 5 oO Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of F. A Naramore, super intendent of properties. 303 Courthouse. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount of proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of directors reserve the rigut to reject any and all proposals. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk Dated August 24, 116- M iMellHurou. NOTICE OF MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD CF EQUALIZATION Notice is hereby given that on Monday. September 11. 1016. the Board of Equal ization of Multnomah county will attend at the office uf tne County Assessor, at the Courthouse in Portland, and publicly examine the assessment rolls tor tne year 1016. and xorrect all errors in valuation, description or qualities of lands, lots or other property, assessed by the County As sessor. And It shall be the duty of per sons interested to appear at the time and place appointed. If it shall appear to such Board of Equalisation that there are any lands or lots or ot her property as sessed tw ice. or incorrectly assessed as to description or quality, and In the name of a person or persona not the owner there- of , or assessed under or beyond the actual full cash value tnereof, said Board may make proper correction of the same. If it shall appear to such Board that ny land, lots or other property assessable by the Asoessor are not assessed, such Board snail assess the same at the full casa value thereof. HENRY E. REED. County Assessor. Portland. Oregon. August 19. li16. BARGES for rent shall 5454. Capacity 50O tons. Mjt- FIXAXCIATU QUICK LOAN SERVICE. $200,000 CASH READY. $250 TO $5000 ON FIRST MORT GAGE. 7-8 PER CENT; WILL BUY FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES OK CONTRACTS. WTLL LOAN MONEY TO ASSIST IX BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. WILL LOAN UPON (OR BUY) LIFE INSURANCE 'POLICIES. EQUITIES IN ESTATES. ETC.. UPON LIBERAL TERMS. IT UP. WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK US OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE 20 Selling Bids. CO., MONEY LOANED. Residence property 6 to 8 per cent. Business property ft to 6 per cent. Farm property 7 to 8 pr cent. WH1TMEK-K ELLY CO.. 711 Pittock blk. FIRST and second mortgages ; also seller's interest in contrarts purchased; Oregon or Wash. II. E. Noble, Lumbermen bltig. HENRY C. PRUDHOMME now 517 Hnry oMg.a mortgage loans. Insurance. Mam 7554. WE BUY m or t e a gs, bons and no tes. WESTERN BOX D & MORTGAGE CO., 80 4th St., Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED Reliable parti s to Join me- In purchase of esialiMshed country bank. Ad dresa i. 776, Oregonian. FIRST mortRSge of $14ik) for sale; S, per cent Interest semiannually ; security good. K 77U, Oregonian. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gagei purchased.Lewls & Co., 4 Lewis pldg. Monfr to Loan on Real TKia?e. PORTLAND WIL'sT & SAVINGS BANK. MAKT5S MORTGAGE LOANS ON Improved City Property. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. PORTLAND 1UV6T CO. OF OREGON. Sixth and Morrison St. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 64 PER .CENT Any amount. no ne.ays. Repayment privileges. CLARK. KENDALL CO.. 203. 2C6 Northwestern Bank Building. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A H. BIRKELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount on improved city and farm property; will consider good build ing loans. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, Main 6i15. 171 4th St. A 2S15. $1500. $J00. $'J5oO TO LOAN on good Ore gon or c larke Count v rarma. H. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man 510 Lewis Bldg. , MONEY TO LOAN. $10'u to $l"o.0uo oti Portland Improved real estate, ft to 7 bkt cent. Farm loans; lowest rates. MALL H VAN BOKSTEU 104 2d St. 5-YEAR MORTGAGE LOAN. Farm restaence or building property; will finance .t ml !uiM on your lot. PROVIDENT TRUST C'OiU'ANV, 212 Selling Bldg. PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley farm loans: no delay ; no commissions. Devereaux Mortgage Company, 60 Con cord bldg.. 2d anu Stark sts. $25,000 or more. 3 per cent, on choice busi ness property: other loans at current rate. Safe deposit box a for rent. Union Safe Deposit d: trust to., i:;4 oak st. 15'.M lo LOAN a: 7 tier cent on good close-in real estate security: will spilt into smaller amounts for desirable loans. r or particulars, call iw- Ptatt bldg. $U-tn TO $20,000 TO LOAN". 7 per cent. imp ro vca city or i a rm i o a r. s. CITIZENS' BANK, Grnd Av a-rf E. Alder, or East 401. $125 $50O $7o AND $1200. Amounts ready lor immediate loaning. I i ome in .Monuu,y. biuitii- w agoner Co., Stock Exchange. 5 PERCENT LOANS will h mode on cen tral retail business properties. 6 and 7 pr c- ni on ot her securities. EDWARD E. GoUDE Y CO.. Northwestern Bank bids. 7 PER CENT, payable any time; no com mission, no expt-r-se. C. F. Craig, special agt., 1035 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1492. 0 AND 7 PER CENT money to loan on lu proved property. C. DeYoung A Co 511 Chamber of Commerce. $looo TO $.VK0 private funds. 7 pr cent, on city Improved or good farm; No com m isslon charged. P 7o, Oregonian. 10.00" TO loan on farms, ciote to Port land. What hat ou? E. 4yl. CltUens Bank. CITY AND FARM LOANS. FARRINGTON. 80 4th St.. Portland Or. WILL LOAN $5000. country or city Im proved property, 7 per cent. B 766, Ore gonlan. LO A N 3. ANY" AMOU NTCifl write or phone Northwest Realty Co.. S22 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Marshall 2272. $20,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit founding loans, lowest rates. W. G Beck, 314-1-316 Falling bldg. Phone Main 3407. SEE US today for loans on Improved city property. 6 to 8 per cent; $2uo and up. , Celfars-Murton Co., 825 Yeon bidg UNLIMITED Eastern funds, 3 to 7 per cent, citv and farm property. POOLE Y & CO.. 312 Board of Trade bldg. $250,000 TO LOAN In amounts of $1000 and up; low rates; no delay; see us first. Krebs-Logus Co..' 110 10th st- MO N E YTO LO A X ON CITY OR FARM PROPERTY ; WILL CALL IF INTER ESTED. Phone Taoor 2620. 3 TO 7 per cent money to lend In amounts of $1000 to $50,000. O. W. Bryan, SOU Chamber of Commerce. Main 1063. $1im..uuO AT T PER CENT on choice Oregon farm or city property; f're Insurance. M'KKXZIE A CO., 615 Gerlln g er B Id g. TO LOAN $10o0, $1C00. $2000 and $3000on improved city property at 7 ptr cent. E. J. Geiser. 417 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN From $1500 to $ltoo at 7 per cent on city property. Call a; 254 Clacka mas street MORTGAGE LOANS UX A X Y AMOUNT, OREGON' IXV. A MORTGAGE CO.. INC., btock Exchange b)ug., 3d and Yambia. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A H. Harcing. 313 Chamber of Commerce. $200, $350. $000. $1200. $1800. Fred German A Co.. 732 Chamber of Com me w. free MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON A CO., 300 OAK ST. MONfcY Any amount, to 8 per cent H. Seitz. 310 Spaldirg. Main 65b4. W. $1600 AND sums Iff for first mortgage loans. Address V 74. Oregonian. $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN" on city or farm; no commission. P. O. Box 873. city. TO LOAN $5500 or JeFs. Improved city or farm property. AP 218. Oregonian. $1000 TO $300 for building loans. No com mission. Deshon A Hawk. Main 1165. LOANS on city and farm property. 5 per cent up. F. Fuchs. 42 Chamber of Commerce. $20oo TO LOAN Tabor 3411. on Irving ton improved. $10oo BY private party on city realty. 7vl. Oregonhin. AG $1000 FIRST mortgage, no commission. Mrs. Groes. Jaeger Apts.M.8104. MONEY Sururlian. clos-in properties; get my figures. Ward. 4u7 Saidlng bids. FINANCIAL. OUR installment plan Is the best and surest method of paying a loan, $:2 26 per month for 3fl months or $i!1.2l for 60 months, or $15.17 for 16 months pays a $1000 loan and int rest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or foi building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGm LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. "MONEY T AND 8 PER CENT. CONSIDER CITY OR FARM LOAN. $500 TO $3000 NO ATTORENY FEES. QUICK ACTION". ADDRESS C. EPPIXGER, P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND. MONET TO LOAN OV IMPROVED RKAL ESTATE FOR BUILD IN o PT-R POSES: VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACT?: NO COMMISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO 2o2 Stevens Bide Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, S06-307 DEKUM BLDG.. (An Oregon Corporation.) Operating Under State License, SALARIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motorcycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc Legal rates of Interest, without any brokerage or appraisal charges ; favor able monthly or weekly Installment terms of repayment if desired. Installment loans may be repaid at any time with Interest charged for actual time money is used. Business strict.y conflden- COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. 317 Falling Bldg. Salary loans on plain note. Also pianos, we do home. naL loans on household furniture, etc. at the lowfttii possible rates. REMEMBER, not remove furniture from your Salary loans are strictly conflden- You can repay us in small weekly or monthly payments. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., 317 Failing Bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry: legal rate ; all articles held 1 yr. ; established since JbbS. Dan Maxx, 23 Washington, Loans Wanted. LOANS wanted for 3 ears: $1200, e per cent, property valued $2000. $2K 0, 7 per cent, property valued $45o. $4iOO, 7 per cent, property valued .uu. $mo to loan at 7 per cent. $iO,oy to $25.1)00 to loan at 6 per cent. McKenzie Co., 515 Gcrlinger bldg. CHOICE MORTGAGE LOAN APPLICA TIONS t-ii st -class ecunt. 7 and 3 rr cent. OREGON 1NV. v MORTGAGE CO., INC., Stock Exchange blug., 3d ar.d Yam blU sts. MARSHALL 25. A4144. WANT $7500 for six months. Will pay 8 per cent In terest. Security real estate worth $20,0'0 cr more. ST CHARLES LAND CO.. St Charles Hotel. Front and Morrison. WANTED Loan of $."0 at 30 per cent and commieaion on personal prop rty worm $4i 0t. insured for $15o0. T 750. Orego nlaiu $750 AT 7 per cent on two full lots, with 5-room house. atM $! at f per cent on $:;jo acres a:u:ible timber. B. Lee Paget, tioj Oorhftt bldg. tlMHjj ON chmcu farm in Willamette Valley; ell stocked, pood huiliwuK. Wiil pay 6 per icui iu ti est. Principals only. Ad (Ir-)js K 77, Oregon 1. m. iii.Oi'O AT 7 per tent on large Oregon farm; ..Id lat month at $70,0uu. B. Lee Paget, Corht tt bKig. WANTED at once. O. 7 per cent, from private party, on -ll improved farm se curity, arrtn, 312 E. Madison. . W A N T E 1 $2O0 i, 3 years. 7 per cent, on modern 6-room houfe, Hawthorne metric-. Private party preferred. TaOor 4206. $400O WANTED from private party at 6 per cent; security, income city property worth $12.uoo. AL 77s, oregonian. WANTED, from owner. $1000. 3 for 1 securi ty. G pjr cent, 3 lu 5 jears. Y 775. Orego nian. . WANT $2250 at 7 per cent, no commission. Rose City Park Improved. H 776, oie gon.an. WANT $lTOf 1st mort., 5-room cottae,in sured $1500. Tit.e guaranteed. All 774, Oregonian. W ANTE D 1000." bungalow 5oo. brica builuing. C. Henry. $5 00 ; f ia'.s, Kingler, 22S WANTED $2'iO on unimproved land near Portlana; good security. A.D 7io, Orego- mun. ' $luoo WAN.'KD on modern 5-room horns at No. M'5 Pulton road, Portland Heights. ..lain 15v2. WANTED $1500 on unimproved suburban property; value $.5Q". v 77. Ort-yontan. WANTED H2uo, S per cent, on new house In Umversiiy Park. AG 77. Oregonian. WANT 5it 5-room cottage. West Side, ytrcet work paid. A B 770, Oregonlan. WAN T $7 50m, 6 per cent. Irving ton home, clear; owner. AO 770. Oregonian. WANT $Joto Portland Heights improved. Owner. II 7 V. Oreson'.an. W ANT $00 on clof e-in cl - ar lots, vu'.ued $2500. AN 746. Oregonian. uNE VUlAi cunty. AR 7 first-class approved se -, Oreronian. I WANT $5000 on modern brick apartment. 720 Chamber of Commerce tdu. iuain Uo.' TO "l.OAN $360. no commission, on good security. Taoor M3.V $300 ON Robs Ciry lot, hardsurface street. AC 7bJ Oregonian. $Tu o. & PER ("ENT, on $:i.u0 income prop erty. AC 77X Oregoi Ian. rEKSONAL. HAIR GOODS LOWEST PRICES. o0-l!icn wavy sitcn. 2 sep $150 24-in eh wavy switch. 3 p 1.00 All-around iraiikloi mauon 1.45 Hairun-ssing, 8h:iipooiiig. face massage, hair bobo.ng. nun tour ;ns. 25c. Hair re muvpil uy ttcctric neeuie. s itch maus of comb i uk. 'c W e buy your coinoaigs t-a Hilary Pai .ors, 4O0-4 12 Dekum bidg.. 3d and Wusnington. Marshall 17o2. PRIVATE HOME FOR XER VOL'S and mental cases, para.ytics a specialty: 15 wan' experience. Strict privacy in all cases. Ida E. Clarke, 634 Lovejoy. Mar shall 216. FEB V ET A H AN E BUT. leading wig and toupe makers: finest stock numan hair goous; liai.ui eii.s. manicuring, face and bialp treatment. cointy.r.KS niaue up to or der. 147 Broauway. Main 546. Gka i'o prompt. y relieves all forms of dys pepsia, heartourn, b.uaung, lu Nicest ion, ac.d fermentation anu pain exUin alter eating. r or ae oy rti nana uuici ru!' m c . cor. 6th and Morrison. 6L PERFLOUS HAIR; uioies permineui.y removed. Electric ueedie. Physi-Ji-tns' r terent ee. Spcmliat (lady . 105 4th St.. at Morrison. I loom 22. Marshall 1143. "IF YOU have common sense, have your horoscope cast." quotes E.la Wheeler Wil cox. Adams Astrological 6. hooi, 350 a Morrison st. Write or tali; best referenct-s. NX'RSE gives mental scientist treatments, rheumatism, lumbago. adlce on present health and future troubles. Iu7 West Perk room 2. fc-AT how to reduce it. Full particulars free. Hall Chemical Co., Dept. A -1.0. cl Louis, Mo. liEV. MRS. J- C. SCHORI I. aches i--ulh:-. health, reaus daily. 412 loth st-, car hii ft SunnMUe car. Mar. 2o74. MRS. STEVENS, 24 years in Port-arid; 20th century science in palm.stry taught; spirit ual readings daily. 875 Taylor st. GLiiMAN iranediu. ae iVtS 1 1 e;i l n.eu ;s for rheumatism. iutntago. neuralgia. etL. . massage and baths. 5 Iltn. Mi.r. 5c33 ELECTRIC trefc.tm-nts for poor circulation, rheumaii'm, lumbafco. facs and scaip. salt baths. 426 Clay st. lairi b35i. UMBRELLAS, all colors and styles; larget toc; recovering; new handles put on. Meredith s. 320 Washington st. tP 1 R IT U A L I S M Rev. Mary A. Price; circs Tuesdav. 2; Wd. and Sun. 6 P. M ; read ings caily. 202 Cay. ; Marshall 3i'6i. AS l'HINOENT treatments to harden tne flesh around the chin, face aad neck. Phone Tator 361. Lorena Casey. BALM OF FIG COMPOUND. Royal Tonic Tablets. 5o4 Pavls st. Phone Ma:n 23i3. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. D. Hill. - r aecner Dag. Main 3473 MAY ANDREWS teaches phreno.ogy and card readii g. 2S2 Park st. Main 754S. ELECTRIC treavment and manicure, mas sage. Room 10, Lafayette bldg. Mrs. Burn. MASSAGE treatments, electric vibrator' by trained nurse. 30S-C ud St. Ma.n 1049. iilSS JOHNSON, chiropodist, massage and light magnetics. Appointments ov.y. Mn 5o4. MA DAM E NONA teaches phi ,-nology card reading dally. S61 Y"Uh:lL. MAY 1RVIN, fHClal and scalp treatments. 201 Morrison st., room la. MANICURING Scalp, face, massage. Northwest b!dg.. fith and Wash. ELECTRIC treatments, scalp and message. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. FACE and scalp massage, shampooing Room 1. 350 Yamhill st. ROt-ENA TAYLOR Masseuse and sca.p specialist. P0 Park st Marshall Sl.. ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatisra Iwoui. .15, 350 is, orris oa st.