The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 06, 1916, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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British Withstand Furious As
saults in Defense of
Suez Canal.
long-Prepared Assault Made In Ori
ent Great Force Carries Its
Water 10 Miles or More
V to Field of Battle.
IXJXDON. Aug. 5. The British posi
tions near Roscani, east of Port Said,
are being- attacked by 14,000 Turks,
according to an official statement Is
sued by the War Office. The Turks
are attacking along a front of seven
to eight miles, the statement says, and
have so far been repulsed.
The text of the British official state
ment says:
"The following report, timed 11:10
P. M., on August 4. has been received
from the general officer commanding
In chief in. Egypt:
' 'Since midnisrht of Ausrust 3-4.
Turks, -whose strength is estimated at
14,000, have been attacking our posi-
xion near Kominl, east of Port Saiu
on a front of seven to eight miles.
Turku Are Belns Held.
"The position at dusk on August 4
was that their attacks had made no
impression on cyur fortiifed position
while on the southern flank the fight
ing also was Koine: on in our favor and
between 400 and 500 prisoners had been
captured there.
" 'Ships of the royal navy rendered
valuable service from the Bay of Tina.
" 'Fighting still was in progress when
cms report was dispatched. The tern
perature during the day reachel 100
degrees in the shade.' "
The Turkish attack on the British
positions In Egypt to the east of the
Suez Canal comes as no surprise to
those who are in close touch with the
operations In that part of the world.
CSeneral Sir Archibald Murray, who
commands the British army there, has
Jong realized that the Turki, with the
assistance of the Austrians and Ger
mans, might make a serious attempt
on the canal, even at the hottest pe
riod of the year.
AVate? Is Chief Problem.
Austrian and German engineers for
many months have been digging for
water which, close to the Mediter
ranean Coast, exists in many cases at
no considerable depth under the sand,
although it mostly is too brackish for
use of European troops. The Turks
must therefore have made very thor
ough arrangements for the storage and
transport of water, the country being
a pure sand desert, with small, widely
scattered oases of date palms growing
around ancient wells.
At Roman!, where fighting is In
progress, the Turks must bring up ev
ery drop of water from Aughratina,
some 10 miles away.
It is understood the Turks have with
them some 1000 Austro-German Infan
try, as well as a large number of Be
douin Irregular horse.
Their choice of, the coast route in
; ' etead of the caravan road from Katia
to Kantara, which they took the last
time, brings their flank under the fire
of warships in the Bay of Tina.
BERLIN, via London, Aug. 5. Rus
sian detachments which penetrated
- the German positions across the
River Sereth near Ratyseye were forced
to retreat, it was officially announced
in the statement given out today by the
German army headquarters. Near
Meidzygory and Tchistopady, the state
ment adds, the Russians are making a
stand on the southern bank of the
Official reports issued here today
"Army group of Field Marshal von
Hindenburg Attempts by the Russians
to cross the Dvina near Dvinten were
"The number of prisoners captuured
near Rudka-Mirynskaia has grown to
o61 men.
"On the River Sereth, northwest of
Zalosze, repeated enemy attacks were
Russian detachments which had
penetrated across the Sereth near
Ratysese were forced to retreat before
our counter attacks. Near Meidzygory
and Tchistopady the enemy is still
maKing a stand on the southern bank.
Army group of Field Marshal Arch
duke Karl During successful Carpa
thian battles, 325 Russians have been
taken prisoner up to the present and
two machine guns captured."
Western front According to sup
plementary reports these battles north
of the Somme, which we reported yes
terday, took place on an extended front
and against strong British forces. At
the end of the day, fighting was still
in progress at some points. British
troops advancing in the sectors stretch
ing from north of Ovillers to Four
neaux wood were repulsed with heavy
losses at certain points after stubborn
hand-to-hand fighting. New battles de
veloped today near PoziereaT
"A partial advance by the French
south of Maurepas during the after
noon was repulsed.
"In the Aisne ' region, the enemy
carried out numerous patrol operations
which were everywhere without result.
"On the right bank of the Meuse
(Verdun front), 468 prisoners be
longing to four different divisions
were captured during our counter at
tacks yesterday in the Fleury sector.
"In the region of the Thiaumont work
bitter fighting again developed.
"Two enemy biplanes were brought
down during an aerial battle in the
Somme district."
Our troops.
position on
developing in our favor,
after consolidating their
tne right bank of the river, captured
two more villages by assault and part
of a wood situated southeast of one
of them and a. height situated between
the two.
"Especially fierce fighting occurred
in the villages, where it wu necessary
to drive the enemy out of nearly every
street. The' enemy made nine counter
attacks from the neighborhood woods.
All these were repulsed and the enemy
suffered heavy losses. More than 1200
men were taken prisoners and fresh
prisoners continue to arrive.
"The situation in he Caucasus re
mains unchanged."
British Rip Through Foe Near
Pozieres, While French
Hold Firm at Verdun.
Birmingham, Ala., Newspaper Man Al
leges Reflection on Business Hon-
or and Is Challenged.
BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. Aug. 5. War
rants for the arrest of Victor H. Han
son, publisher of the Birmingham News,
and E. W. Barrett, editor of the Bir
mingham Age-Herald, were sworn out
before the City Recorder today by Arlle
Barber, Commissioner of Public Safety,
who alleges he had reason to believe
that the two men intended to fight a
The warrants are the outcome of a
controversy between the two papers
culminating in the publication of a card
in yesterday morning's Age-Herald,
signed by w. H. Jeffries, business man
ager, which Hanson declared reflected
on his business honor.
Mr. Hanson telegraphed Mr. Barrett
In Ashville demanding that he either
disavow or assume personal responsi
bility for the attack. The Age-Heraid
published the Hanson telegram this
morning, together with one from Mr.
Barrett accepting full responsibility
and offering to meet Hanson at any
time after next Tuesday.
Commissioner Barber r.lso swere out
warrants charging criminal libel
against Mr. Barrett, Mr. Jeffries and
C. M. Stanley, news editor of the Age
Herald, alleging publication or an ar
ticle that would tend to provoke a
breach of the peace.
Members of the Birmingham Rotary
dub today persuaded Mr. Barrett and
Mr. Hanson to submit to arbitration
their personal differences.
The Commissioner of Public Safety
refused the club's-request to withdraw
the warrants.
LONDON, Aug. 6. The main Ger
man second-line system on a front of
2000 yards north of Pozieres,. on the
Somme front, has been captured by the
British, it was officially announced by
the War Office this afternoon. The
statement says:
"North of Pozieres a local attack last
night in which Australians and troops
of the new army took part was com
pletely successful. The German main
second-line system on a front of more
than 2000 yards was captured, severai
hundred . prisoners remaining in our
"Repeated counter - attacks subse
quently delivered against the position
captured were repulsed with very heavy
loss to the enemy.
"Except for some mining activity
near Sou,chez and Loos, there was no
incident of importance on the re'
mainder of the British front."
The British official statement Issued
at 10 o'clock last night reads:
"Including the capture of the Ger
man trenches reported this morning,
.we, during the last two days, pushed
forward our line north and west of
Pozieres some 400 to 600 yards, over a
front of about 3000 yards.
"Troops from Australia, Kent. Surrey
and Sussex participated In this oper
ation and consolidated the position
won, despite the shell Are, which was
especially heavy near the Pozieres-Ba'
paume road.
"Our artillery shelled La Courcelette
and Miraumont, causing large explo
sions in both places. The gun emplace
ments and three ammunition stores
were destroyed. The ' enemy attempted
to seize a crater near Souchez, but was
repulsed with bombs.
"There was some artillery activity
between Hooge and St. Elol, where the
enemy exploded a small mine, but no
movement followed.
The enemy's aircraft showed little
enterprise. Eight of their machines
scattered when engaged by three of
ROME, via London. Aug. 5. Italian
troops yesterday made a vigorous at
tack on the Austro-Hungarian positions
ther ground yesterday and , captured
325 prisoners and two guns.
Italian front The Italians pene
trated our positions on several points
on Monfalcone ridge, but everywhere
were ejected after hand-to-hand flght-
ing. We captured 230 unwounded pris
oners and two machine guns."
CONSTANTINOPLE, via London. Aug.
5. Further reverses for the Russian
armies in Persian territory are report
ed In the Turkish War Off Ice . state
ment, under date of August 4. which
'On July 29. in a battle near Bukan.
Persia, the Russians were compelled to
retreat northward, abandoning 200
dead. We captured three machine guns
in good condition, with all their ap
purtenances, a quantity of munitions
and rifles and cattle."
to the east of Monfalcone, on the Carso
Plateau, it was officially announced to
day by the War Department. The
Italians took 145 prisoners, including
four officers.
VIENNA, via London. Aug. S. The
official statement issued today by Aus
tro-Hungarian headquarters reads:
Archduke Charles Francis Joseph's
troops in the Carpathians gained fur-
Saturday' S War Moves
IN a successful effort to straighten
out their line between Pozieres and
Thiepval. north of the Somme, British
forces have captured the main German
second, line system of defenses on a
front of 2000 yards north of Pozieres.
The attack, which was made by Aus
tralians and troops of the nen
Kitchener army, resulted also in the
taking of several hundred prisoners.
German counter attacks against the
newly won positions were repulsed
with heavy losses, London asserts.
further than stating that a new
battle was developing near Pozieres,
Berlin makes no mention of the latest
British advance. British attacks, how
ever, against the sectors from north of
Ovillers" to Foureaux wood were re
pulsed 4y the Germans.
On the French front in the Somme
region, Paris says there has been little
activity while Berlin claims the re
pulse of a French advance south of
On the right bank of the Meuse in
the Verdun region the fighting between
the French and the Germans continues
to be bitter. Paris says the forces of
the German Crown Prince made unsuc
cessful efforts to drive the French from
the Thiaumont work, recently captured.
The Germans also bombarded heavily
the sector of Thiaumont and Fleury
Berlin mentions bitter fighting at
thiaumont work and reports the cap
ture of 468 prisoners during German
counter attacks in the Fleury sector.
Speaker Clark Frankly Discusses
Presidential Contest.
BALTIMORE. Aug. 5. Referring to
the Presidential contest. Speaker
Champ Clark, in an address last night
at Leonardtown, St. Mary's County,
eaid that "whoever wins, the American
people are not buying a pig in a poke."
Wilson and Marshall and Hughes
and Fairbanks are men of known pub
lic service. Air. Clark said. He then
devoted his attention to the Legisla
tive record of the Democratic Admin
istration. Paraphrasing a sentence
from a speech by Roscoe Conkling,
the Speaker said the foundation for
Democratic success in this campaign
"rests not alone upon things written
or things spoken, but upon arduous
greatness of things done.'' .
PARIS, Aug. E The official com
munication issued by the War Office
tonight reads:
"On the right bank of the Meuse the
enemy made no attempt in the sector of
Thiaumont. We have organized the po
sitions conquered immediately west of
the road from Thiaumont to Fleury
and in the village, the entire southern
part of which we hold.
"After a violent bombardment which
lasted the entire day, the Germans
launchedt two powerful attacks in the
Vaux-Le'Chapitre woods. One of these
attacks, broken by our .fire, was not
able to reach our lines. The enemy.
who in the course of the second at
tack had succeeded in penetrating
some elements of our trenches, was im
mediately driven out by counter at
tack. Our front remained Intact.
"The usual cannonade occurred on
the rest of the front.
"Aviation: The German aeroplane
which fell near Moranville and was re
ported in the communication of this
morning, was brought down by Ser
geant Lenoir. This is the sixth enemy
aeroplane accounted for thus far by
this pilot.
"Belgian communication: Our bat
teries of all calibers successfully
shelled the German works in the region
of Dixmude today. The enemy replied
PETROGRAD. via London, Aug. 5.
The official statement from headquar
ters today reads:
"The battles on the rivers of Gra-
berki and Sereth, eouth of Brody, are
On the Russian front the most Intense
fighting is reported as taking place
south of Brody, in Galicia. The Rus
sians crossed the Sereth River, cap
tured positions in the region of Peniaki
Tchistopady and repulsed an Austro
German counter attack against them.
Berlin says Russian detachments which
crossed the Sereth near Ratyseye were
forced to retreat before Austro-German
counter attacks. Northwest of Zalosze,
in the same district, Russian attack
were repulsed. Petrograd admits the
retirement of several detachments from
mountain passes in the Carpathian
southwest of Kuty in the face of
heavier Austrian forces.
The British positions at Romani, 22
miles east of the Suez Canal, are being
attacked by Turkish forces estimated
at 14,000 men on a front of seven to
eight miles. The attack, London asserts,
has made no impression on the Briti
positions while on the southern flank
the British have taken between 400 and
500 prisoners.
Rome reports slight progress on
Trent! no front against the Austrians.
An Italian attack east of f Monfalcone,
on the Carzo plateau, resulted in
the capture of some prisoners.
Milwaukie Jury Gives Verdict to De
fendant Wlien Trial Comes.
MILWAUKIE, Or.. Aug. 5. (Spe
cial.) A peculiar case involving only
J10.75. in which the cost piled up more
than double that amount, occupied the
Justice Court here this week.
C. E. Kleppey and wife, of Eagle
Creek, were defendants, and George W.
Kinney, of Gresham. complainant. The
action was brought to collect a grocery
bill assigned to Mr. Kinney by the
Tulful Mercantile Company. Kleppey
held a receipt for the account, but
Kinney Ignored the receipt, asserting
the money had been paid to the wrong
person. The verdict of the Jury was
for the defendant-
The cost of the action was $18.50,
Drive on Somme Jlade at Point
Where Line Had Been Lightest.
English Gain Front of Sev
eral Thousand Vards.
LONDON. Aug. 5. (Special.) Ter
rific fighting, in which the British have
cleared out between two and three miles
of German second-line trenches north
of Pozieres and me French have re
pulsed fierce German attempts to
regain the ground lost before Verdun,
has continued all day along both battle
fronts in the west.
The struggles have been hand-to-
hand and knife-to-knife in many places
and the losses on both sides, especially
the German, are understood to be ap
Dead Filed in Windrow.
The fiercest struggles and the
heaviest German losses came tn the at
tempts to recapture the Thiaumont
urrtvlr nit V, ruin, t TTlllt-V. The
attacks on Thiaumont were abandoned i
after several had broken down under
the withering fire of the French rifles,
leaving the dead piled In windrows
along the lines of trenches. These at
tacks lasted from 9 last night until
after daylight and were almost as
desperate and bloody as those which
finally wrested Douaumont irom tne
French three months ago.
There were similar and equally futile
attacks on the French lines In Fleury
and these are still going on. though
they have made no appreciable change
in the situation.
French Flabt from Cever.
In both these fights the German
losses far exceed those of the French,
who fought under cover. Finally, see
ing the uselessness and terrible cost
.if t.iA ririvea here, the Crown Prince
shifted' his attack.
The French successes are considered
far more important morally than from
a military point of view. Thiaumont it
self is of little value, as it is so com
pletely swept by the artillery of both
armies it can hardly be used even as
base for the attack on Douaumont.
which is expected soon. Fleury is of
greater use, as the French, holding it.
protect the approaches to the line of
forts beginning there.
British Attack Surprise.
On the Somme front General Haig,
with his customary deliberation, struck
when he was ready when the big guns
had been brought up. The attack is
declared to have been so sudden and
powerful that the British losses were
surprisingly small. The drive was made
north of Pozieres. where the British
gains have been the smallest. It cleared
the main second-line positions and cap
turned several hundred prisoners. West
of Pozieres, also, the lines were pushed
rorward, and the total front on which
gains were made were several thou
sand yards long.
This constitutes the most Important
British success of the last week. The
breach which has now been made in
the German lines running south by
southwest behind Thiepval and Poz
ieres increases greatly the threat to
the communications of Thiepval. and
may shortly lead to the German aban
donment of this powerfully fortified
post. It is a vital position for the
Germans if the British are to be held.
The British advance is now slowly
approaching the farther edge of the
ridge running by Pozieres. Once this
is attained, the military opinion here
holds, the Germans will not be likely
to be able to maintain the yard-by-yard
defense which has been met so
far. It Is thought far likelier that they
will have to yield a large area of
It was again the Anzacs. the men of
the Australian-New Zealand army
corps, who distinguished themselves In
the storming of Pozieres, who were
chosen to break the German line. With
them were men. of the new Kitchener
army, who fought like veterans. The
German lines were cleared In a re
markably short time.
At once the German artillery began
its pounding, while the British dug in.
The counter attacks were launched al
most immediately, but the colonists'
rifles were too deadly, and after hours
of assaults the lines were still hold
ing when night fell. The German dead
were piled before them.
Hawaii Mam Bound for Tacoraa
Quarantined With IS Cases.
YOKOHAMA. Aug. 5. There are 32
cases of cholera in Yokohama. Tokio
has declared a quarantine against this
A dispatch from Yokohama August
3 said the Japanese steamer Hawaii
. Maru. bound from Oriental ports for
Tacoma. had been placed in quarantine
at Yokohama with 15 cases of cholera
on board. It is presumed that the
cases mentioned in the above dispatch
represent 17 more aboard the steamer.
$140,000,000,000 WAR LOSS IN TWO YEARS.
WASHINGTON, July 30. The American Peace Society estimates the
total cost of the war at the end of two years at more than $140,000.
000.000, basing its estimate on the conservative figures of some of the
foremost European statisticians.
The tremendous daily increase In the cost of the war may be seen
in comparing these figures with those for August 1, 1915, when the
total cost was estimated at something like $55,000,000,000. The cost to
the various nations at the end of the first year, excluding Japan, Tur-.
key and the Balkan states, waa as follows:
. Direct. Indirect.
Belgium. t 1S5.000.000 2.450.000,000
France 2,770,000.000 5,165,000,000
Russia. 3,000.000.000 4.000,000,000
England. 3.540,000.000 6.400.000,000 '
' Germany 4.690.000.O00 13.875.000,000
Austria. 2.810,000.000 7,510,000,000
The cost of the war to the end of the second year is estimated aa
Belgium. .
Russia.-. ..
England. .
Germany. .
Austria. . ..
. 565.000.000
. 7.400.000,000 -.
8.775.000.000 -.
. 15.305.000.000
. 8.790,000.000
S 4.975.000,000
To this must be added the approximate cost to Italy., estimated at
about J5.000.000. 000 direct cost and $6,000,000,000 indirect cost. The
present daily cost of the war is conservatively estimated at $28,000,000
for England, $15,000,000 for France, $25,000,000 for Germany. $15,000,000
for Russia and $8,000,000 for Austria.
The total property loss of the five principal nations engaged may be
said to be about $25,000,000,000, and the capital loss approximately $20,
000.000.000. Minister Guyot, of France, has declared that "this vast drain on the
world's finances is calculated to put three-fourths of the world in pawn,
were it to continue four years longer, leaving the United States as the
only solvent nation on earth."
Ralph W. Hoyt, Chauffeur's Employer,
Certain Driver Waa Lost In
Private Fishing- Fond.
Acting on the belief that D. C.
Reynolds, chauffeur for Ralph W
Hoyt, was drowned Friday morning in
me private iisning lake of the Meadow
Lake Club, about 30 miles west of
Carlton In the Coast Mountains, divers
will leave this city today to grapple
tor tne body.
Mr. Hoyt is positive that his chauf
feur was drowned. He was alone in a
boat, trolling in the lake, and is
thought to have slipped and fallen into
the water, perhaps being rendered un
conscious by striking his head against
the gunwale.
A tew minutes before the empty boat
was discovered. Reynolds was seen
near the middle of the lake. The
water is 25 feet deep, rendering efforts
to recover the body by diving futile.
Additional difficulty was met with In
the presence of large stumps on the
lake bottom.
Reynolds is known to have been a
fine swimmer, and had been warned
against the recklessness of standing
in the boat to troll. On Wednesday
last he took the Hoyt family to the
lake. ' He had been a professional
chauffeur In this city for a number
of years.
His parents, a brother and two
sisters live at 1045 East Lincoln street.
He waa married and made his home
at the Davenport apartments. A
brother-in-law in Kansas has been no
tified and is expected to arrive in the
city today.
Our Store Will Close at 1 P. M. on Thursdays During July and August. Thus Allowing
Our Employes to Enjoy a Weekly Half-Holiday Each Week During This Hot Period.
Will You Co-operate by Arranging to Do Your Shopping in the Forenoon Thursdays?
8:30 A. M.
9:00 A. M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
5:30 P. M.
6:00 P. BL
A 2112
Annual August Sale of
Iet the Alluring Prices Tell the Rest of the Story
Don't Fail to Profit by Our Midseason
Sale of Under muslin
A. Stock-adjustment Sale That
Brings to You the Most Un
usual Savings Gowns, Che
mise and Combination Suits
Regularly Sold to
$1.75, to Close at.
Where is there a dressy
woman, the country o'er, who
does not love new and crisp,
snowy undermuslins ? And
where, too, is there a thoughtful woman hereabouts who would
neglect to add a few of these dainty garments to her wardrobe
at the exceptional savings made possible by this sale? One can
hardly imagine Night Gowns, Dainty Envelope Chemise and
beautiful Combinations, that embody all good materials and pre
cise workmanship, that you will find in this offering selling at
such a low figure. Regular values up to $1.75, broken lines, all
this season's styles, are to be closed out at one price, QC
Your Choice, Garment ...OOC
The alert and thoughtful woman will need no second calling; be
here early is all we ask, for choosing will start off double quick.
No phone or mail orders at uim
Embroidery Offerings
We Are Deliberately Planning on
Doubling the Volume of Business in
Our Embroidery Section Over Previ
ous Seasons and We Are Offering
Values That Are Totally New and
1 r YD. For 19-inch Embroid
DC eries. Worth to 35c Yard.
An extensive showing of imported
Flouncings and Corset Cover Em
broideries in the popular 18-inch
width for underwear, infants' and
children's dresses extremely pretty
patterns on fine batiste and heavy
nainsook, 25c and 33c qualities a
trade-winning special at, the " ?
YD. For 45-inch Flouncings
Worth to $2.00 a Yard.
At a Bargain Price Our Entire Stock of
Sport Stripe Suitings
One of this season's most important Wash Goods sales a timely
clearance of best? Btandard qualities our entire stock of Sport
Stripe Suitings hundreds of yards, including all wanted weaves,
weights and colors; up-to-the-minute styles in dependable qual
ities selling regularly up to 85c a yard priced to close O C
This Sale at m..,OC
All Our 40-inch 25c Voiles fl All Sport Stripe Remnants, to
to Close at special, the 1 0 I close at special, the
All New Styles Regular 35c Grade.
Regular $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Qualities
at Half Price, $1, $1.25 and $1.50 Pair.
96 pairs of odd lot Curtains one to six pairs of a style, to close
at this sale at one-half regular selling figures. They come in
dainty scrims and bungalow nets, good widths in 2 and 3-yard
lengths, but only in ecru color qualities regularly sold at $2
to $3 a pair to close at .. HALF PRICE
600 yards of manufacturer's short lengths of Curtain Mar
quisette, 16 to 5-yard lengths in white, cream and ecru. 1 (
Regular 25c quality. This Sale at JLpC
A Clearance Men's $1.00 Sport
Shirts at S5d
Without reserve we place on sale our
entire stock of Men's Sport Shirts,
all sizes and styles: those OC.
selling regularly at $1.00, for '
A Clearance Men's 35c
Hose at 25c
A splendid wearing line of Men's
Fine Fiber Silk Hose shown in as
sorted stripes in various colors all
sizes in a quality and make sold
everywhere at '35c a pair O C
priced for This Sale at OC
A Clearance $1.50 Leather
Handbags at 9Sd
In order to immediately readjust our
stock of Women's Leather Hand
Bags we offer unrestricted choice
from 34 popular styles and sizes at
a bargain price. They come with
silk poplin, fancy silk or leather lin
ings and all have coin purse and mir
ror fittings; all are A black leathers,
lines regularly selling up toQQ
$1.50, Your Choice at .17 OC
A Clearance $2.00 Leather
Handbags at SI. 49
About 100 fine Leather Hand Bags
in this lot, all good styles in Moroc
co and crepe leathers and all silk
lined lines selling up to C' ACk
$2 To Close at P A
German Regiments Are Cut to
Bits in Hot Attacks.
Three Candidates File.
OLTMPIA, Wash, Auk. 6. Candi
dates tor office to be voted for in the
primary. September 12, filed notice in
the office of Secretary of State today
as follows: W. A. Spalding; Seattle,
United States Senator, Republican: W.
V. Tanner, Seattle, Attorney-General.
Republican: Edward Parker. Xachex.
Yakima County. Congress, Fourth Dis
trict, Republican, ' -
British Permit Foe to Come to 'With
in GO J let era Before Opening
n Murderous Fire From
Many Machine Guns.
PARIS. Aug-. 6. The correspondent
of La Llberte in Northern France sends
the following- account of the fighting;
la the region of the Somme:
"While furious cannonading is going
on night and day. destroying- the ad
versary's entrenchments, the Germans
are trying desperately to take the
French positions in Delville Wood and
at the Monacu Farm. Repeated at
tacks, however, have been in vain and
prisoners confirm the extent of the
German losses.
"The 14th Bavarian regiment, which
was seriouslv affected at Bethincourt,
was reformed and hastily sent to the
Somme front on July 10. One of its
battalions was wiped out. while the
second and third battalions lost 60 per
cent of their strength. A major and
seven officers of the third battalion
were taken prisoners.
"The 11th regiment also sustained
heavy losses which are admitted in
service note found on a prisoner. The
note ended with these words:
"From this day. July 11. the seo
ond battalion peases to exist. The men
belonging- thereto are oroerea to join
the first battalion.'
"One of the French machine gun
companies was able to concentrate
fire on the Germans debouching from
the Maurepas road and inflicted heavy
losses on them. All day yesterday the
Germans bombarded violently our work
there and the adjoining sector, but
French battleships replied energetic
ally and reduced a number of the
enemy guns to silence.
"The efforts of the Brandenburgians
to retake the Delville Wood were fu
tile la face of the courageous resist
ance of the South African troops. At
one point the British allowed the
Brandenburgians to come within less
than SO meters of the British positions.
There they were met by the simulta
neous fire of machine guns and only a
few escaped the massacre.
"The news of the retaking yesterday
of Fleury was received on the Somme
front with much enthusiasm. Officers
and men sang the 'Marseillaise.' their
voices sounding as far as the adver
saries' trenches. At C , the soldiers
hastily constructed a triumphal arch,
putting on it the inscription 'We will
get them.' "
in this vicinity was never better and
of larger size than it is this year, and
has also never been so late Inmaturing.
aa the hill berries are at this time just
at their best. Many persons, including
a large number of Indians, are making
good wages picking for the market, as
they readily get II for a 10-pound pall
of berries.
Norwich and Lowestoft Industries
Also Raided by Zeppelins.
AMSTERDAM, via London. Aug. 5.
The following semi-official statement.
supplementing the German official ver
sion of the Zeppelin air raid on the
eastern and southeastern coasts of
England on the night of August 2, has
been published here:
"At Harwich the naval force in the
harbor was twice attacked and the
dock and railway works were bombarded.
"In the county of Norfolk, industrial
buildings and searchlight Installations
at Norwich were successfully attacked.
Then bombs were dropped on Lowestoft,
where a number of fires broke out in
factories. .
"The British seaplanes which at
tacked the airships were forced to re
Von Hlndeuburg and Austrian Heir
Apparent In. harge.
BERLIN, via London. Aug. 6. The
command of the entire Eastern front,
according to the Lokal Anzeiger. now
is divided between Field Marshal von
Hindenburg and Archduke Charles
Francis of Austria, heir-apparent to the
Austrian throne. Field Marshal von
Hindenburg-' front extends down to
the sectors in which General Count
von Bothmer commands, the latter
being under the supreme command of
the archduke.
It is sointed out. says the news
paper. that Archduke Charles dis-
tingutshed himself in the recent offen
sive against the Italians through well
planned and daringly executed ma
neuvers. His initiative is great and
he is therefore considered the best
available man for the operation against
the Russians.
Acid Stomachs Are
Nine Tentna of All Stomach Trouble) Du
to Acidity, Say a New York.
A well-known New Tork ph'yeician who
ha made a special study of stomach and
Intestinal diseases recently made the start
ling statement that nearly all IntesUnal
trouble as well as many diseases of the
vital, are directly traceable to ex
cessive stomach acidity commonly termed
sour stomach of heartburn, which not only
irritates and Inflames the delicate lining of
the stomach, but may often causa gastritis
and dangerous stomach ulcers.
Neglect, he says, easily leads to a chronlo
super-add lty. commonly mistaken for In
digestion and Is the principal causa for the
Indiscriminate swallowing of the various so
called patent digestive aids which bring
only temporary and false relief.
In an acid condition of the stomach no
artificial dlgestenta whatever should bo
employed, as these are likely to merely pass
the sour, burning acid on into the Intestines,
causing serious trouble there. Instead he
recommends the use of soma lrrtple. harm
less and Inexpensive antacid such as a tea
spoonful of b Is urate d magnesia, taken with
a little hot or cold water right after meals
or whenever distress Is felt.
This simple remedy In Just a few seconds
from Its entering the stomach neutralises
or sweetens all its .sour add contents. Dis
solve the dangerous acidity and there will
be no need for medicine, as all symptoms
of Indigestion will promptly cease, Suffer
ers from acidity, sour stomach or indigestion
should get a few ounces of the pare failu
re ted magnesia from their druggist and
give this treatment a trial. In view how
ever of the many varieties of magnesia us?d
for various purposes, stomach sufferofs
should be careful to get It only tn the
blsurated form (either powder or tablets
and in a sealed package to Insure Its purity.
ASSETS, $10,200,000.00
Dorchester, Nebraska, Jan. 22, 1916.
Woodland Berry Crop Good.
WOODLAND, "Wash.. Aug. 6. (Epe
ciaU The crop oC wild blackberries '
Mr. W. C. Wilson, President Old Line
Bankers Life Insurance Co., Lincoln,
Dear Sir: Allow me to thank you for
the prompt and satisfactory settlement
on my policy No. 7987. I can recommend
your company as the very best for one
who is desirous of safe protection for his
loved ones.
482 (Signed) EDWARD M. MATEJKA.
Fifteen Payment Life Policy
Matured in the
Old line Bankers Life Insurance
of Lincoln, Nebraska.
Name of insured. . .Ed w. Matejka
Residence. .Dorchester, Nebraska
Amount of policy $1000.00
Total premiums paid Co.. 445.50
Total cash paid Mr. Ma
tejka $589.66
And 15 years insurance for nothing.
It's easy to sell Bankers Xife Policies. They mature so much better than
- others. Why not try it T,