THE SUNDAY ORE GONIAL. PORTLAND, AUGUST 6. 191G. EDITORS' SESSION IS BROUGHT TO GLOSE . E. Brodie, of Oregon City, Is v Elected President; Meeting : Voted Red-Letter Affair. WOMEN ARE ENTERTAINED Ashland People Hosts at O pen-Air Reception and Luncheon Fol lowing Motor Trip Last Day Is Busy One. MEDFOHD, Or. Aug. 6. (Special.) Declaring- oy resolution that the Med ford session Is tbe- "red letter" session in the history of the association; com mending the work of the University of Oregon school of journalism; recom mending that University of Oregon and Or .fcOn Agricultural College combine r.nd iurn3si to the newspapers of the state 8 "ready print" -service without address at a price over cost, and recom mending the formation of a Tri-State Newspaper Association to meet in 1918, the 125 ueleeates to the Oregon State Editorial Association brought their session to a close tonight with the elec tion of the following officers: President. E. E. Brodie, Morning En terprise!, Oregon City; vice-president, A. E. Voorhies, Rogue River Courier,, Orants Pass; secretary and treasurer," Phil S. Bates, Pacific Northwest, Port land; member of executive committee for three years, E. V. Aldrich, East Oregonian, Pendleton. I'endleton an-i Eneene Rival. Requests for the convention In 1917 were received from Pendleton and Eu gene, and the former city probably will be selected. An interesting programme was held by the editors in the Convention Hall, while the women members of the party were entertained with a motor ride through the valley by members of the tireater Med ford Club and the College "Women's Club. John E. Gratke. of the Astoria Budget, spoke on guaranteed advertising, and said a crisis confronts the newspapers of Oregon and the country In regard to the rise in the price of white paper. The price of paper, he said, had doubled in the last two years, while the rates of the news papers had remained the same. "If the price of cattle rises," said Mr. Gratke, "the packers raise their prices. The newspapers should do the name. C. E. Ingalls, of the Corvallis Ga-Bette-Times, speaking on the party label, took a hard slap at all of the to-caned non-partisan press or ore gon, declaring those papers that claimed to be non-partisan were not to be trusted politically, for no paper could be effective and be sincerely non partisan. Convictions Should Be Stated. "By this I do not mean that party Regularity should be a shrine at which to worship, but every paper worth while should have the courage of its convictions anrt be out and out and whole-hearted in its political faith and political support. "Without partisan ship this country never would have had John Brown, George Washington or Abraham Lincoln. They all believed neart and soul in certain principles. A newspaper should do the same, and not be ashamecx of it. The following committee was formed to work against the Government prao tice of selling printed envelopes at cost. President Brodie maintaining that this was an Injustice to tne legitimate printing business: Charles H. Fisher, Salem; Erio W. Allen, Eugene; Elbert Bede, Cottage Grove. Committee on professional education to work with school of journalism at Eugene was ap pointed as follows: Edgar B. Piper, J. E. Gratke, Clark Wood. Colonel E. Hofer, of Ealem, followed this up by advocating a resolution op posing state printing and printing at University of Oregon and Corvallis at ptate expense, but strong opposition to this developed and no action was taken. Study of Conditions Urged. An appeal to the editors of Oregon o study carefully the effect of the present political system of the state Upon the affairs of the people was made at the banquet at the Hotel Medford tonight by Edgar B. Piper, editor of the Portland Oregonian. Mr. Piper said he had recently been reading a political history of the state .winch he found most enlightening "I appeal to the editors of this state." said the speaker, "to study the present system for themselves and candidly de termine whether or not this system reeds renovation and modification, radical or moderate. I frankly admit that I tread on dangerous ground. What J ask Is that the editors of the state. as leaders of political thought and the political betterment which we all de fire, express candidly the opinions which honest study and a thorough Konsiaeration or our present system ana its actual, tangible results will Eive. Ihe banquet attended by the dele Bates to the editorial convention and over :00 men and women of Medford was a fitting climax to the two day oi lestivity wnicn nave marked the rresent session. Poems were recited By colonel w. D. G. Mercer, of Salem and Dick Posey, of Medford. Shor speeches thanking Medford were made ty Phil Bates and Dr. Ford, of Salem j. spienaia musical programme was rendered during the evening, a feature neing a violin solo by Miss Lori Gratke, of Astoria, the diners not de parting until Wilr-G. Steel, of Crater Lake Park, entered the hall at mid night and announced the cars for the trip to the lake would be ready at A. M. Twenty-five cars will take the party to crater Lake, where several Infor mal meetings and a big campfire will ce held, the delegates returning to their homes via Medford Monday after. noon. pressure on all sides by the allies, who' now have had time to form their plans, thanks to the sacrifices which the French nation has made at Verdun. Pressure of Allies Gala In;. . We must also pay full homage to the splendid part our allies are tak ing in the increasing eforts along the Somme and on all other fronts. The Russian effort has now succeded in organizing and putting forth larger and larger forces of men. drawn from their apparently inexhaustible sources of human material and at the same time fully arming these masses. The plendid results of their efforts are shown in what they have accomplished in Galicia and along the entire east ern front. 'Once more the chance has fallen to Eugland to show the vast extent of her resources both in men and ma terial, and the extent of her efforts shown in what has been accom plished on the Somme front. The Italians have had - a much harder task and a more limited sphere of action, and you know how admir ably they have fulfilled their part of this common action. As for the re organized Serbian army. It la only just beginning to take its full part In the war." Evidence of Weaknen Given. General Joffre now turned his at tention to the German side of the cam paign, taking up the evidences of weakness which have been shown in the quality of their attacks and in the number of reserves they are able to move to various countries' fronts. 'If on the other side we consider the condition of our enemy," General Joffre continued, "we know for certain that aitnougn tney are lighting as desper ately aa ever they are drawing on their last reserves from one point to an other and -from one front to another. but with the united action of the allies on all fronts our enemy finds such a course impossible now and will find it increasingly so in tbe future. It Is not for me to say how long the strug gle Is going to last, but that really matters little. Verdun Turns Scale. We know the crash is coming, and you feel as well as we do that we have already reached and passed the turning point. The five months' resistance of our troops at Verdun has shattered the hopes of the Germans and has turned the scale. But still, do not Imagine that there is a complete weakening of the German effort on the Western front. We know there are still op posed to our armies on the Western front two-thirds of the best flght- ng forces that Germany can put in the field that Is 122 divisions of their best troops against the French and British line on the west, and 50 Ger man divisions operating with the Aus trian forces along the Russian front." lieneral Jonre was speaKing witn great earnestness as he referred to the extent of the German forces massed on the western front, but he now turned to another topic, saying: 'But, although It is a pleasure for me to give you this information, yet think it is the best thing for you to see what is going on for yourselves. Allied Spirit Unbroken. 'Ton will see on the front an army of which the spirit and energy have remained exactly the same after two years of war. Not only that, but the number of our soldiers at the front is actually greater today than it was at the beginning of the war. You will understand the determination to see the war through to a victorious conclusion. 'We are fighting not merely for the interests of our respective countries, but aleo for the liberties of the world. and we shall not stop until the liber ties of the world are definitely as sured." General Joffre concluded the inter view with a renewal of his cordial feeling toward the American people. MANY RAILWAY i t OPPOSED TO STRIKE Pension Rights Are Put Above Demands Made by Or ganized Trainmen. ENTHUSIASM IS WANING Eagerness of Floating Workers to "Get Even" by Filling Places Causes Some Unionists Hope for Arbitration to LABOR TO PLAN FIGHT SAX FRANCISCO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO BE COMBATED. Conference of All Unions la Called to Devise Means of Preventing Establishment of Open Shops. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 5. The million dollar' fight for the open shop in San Francisco, declared sev eral weeks ago by the Chamber of Commerce, reached a crux today when the San Francisco Labor Council sent out a call for a conference of all local union labor federations and depart mental councils, to devise ways and means "to protect organized labor against the efforts of tbe Chamber of Commerce" to establish the open shop in San Francisco. Supervisor Andrew J. Gallagher, delegate to the San Francisco Labor Council, on whose motion the action was taken, said: "The action was taken when all per sonal and political differences should be forgotten. It behooves us to get together and meet the enemy with as much strength and power as we can command." Michael Casey, a' union labor of ficer, said: "The Chamber of Commerce with all Its backing cannot destroy the organ ized labor movement in San Francisco if labor does not destroy itself." The Chamber of Commerce, which declared its open-shop war when tbe longshoremen's strike was on, took an active part In the strike and since has interested Itself in the bomb out rage prosecutions and the more recent strike of culinary workers. It an nounced that it has 1600,000 with which to make, the fight on the closed shop and that 11,000,000 Is available if necessary. NORDICA'S WIDOWER LOSES Late Singer's $1,000,000 Estate Goes to Three Sisters. GEN. JOFFRE SEES VICTORY (Continued From First Pase. hair gave some suggestion also of Gen eral Phil Sheridan, the great cavalry leader. "I want to express my satisfaction in meeting you, gentlemen, and through you to express our feelings toward the American people," said General Joffre, speaking in an easy conversational tone. Friendship Is Emphasised. "A feeling of deep friendship has always existed between France and America, and it is particularly oppor tune now, after France has been fight ing for two years for the ideals dear to both countries, that this old friend ship should be renewed and strength ened-' Turning bis attention to the actual condition of the campaign. General Joffre continued: "Although the fighting is getting more and more bitter, everyone recog nizes In the complete unity of the allies that destiny has shaped its course and everyone can clearly see what the final outcome is going to be. The unity on all fronts is a great characteristic of the campaign now going on and the effect is now apparent of the constant FREEHOLD. N. J., Aug. 5. George B. Young, husband of the late Lillian Nordics, lost his fight for possession of the $1,000,000 estate of the singer in a decision given by Judge Lawrence here. Judge Lawrence held that the will of 1914, leaving the bulk of the estate to three sisters of Mme. Nordica, should be admitted to probate, throw ing out the will of 1910, which named the husband as the chief beneficiary. The will executed In 1910 was filed In New Jersey, and the one executed in 1914 was filed in New York. The last will was made while Mme. Nordica was ill on Thursday Island, where she died. Many local railroad employes whose pension rights will be jeopardized are said to be seriously opposed to the Impending strike, wnlch is expected to be called next week. The hundreds of other employes of tne companies who will be thrown Into Idleness in the event of a walkout, without receiving strike benefits, the same as the mem bers of the unions involved in the struggle, are also antagonistic to an act which will cause them great fi nancial loss, without the nossibllity of any benefit. A large portion of the thousands of workingmen employed in other indus tries, who will also be rendered idle by shutdowns if the strike occurs, are also Baid to be strongly opposed to any arbitrary action on the part of the trainmen which will not only paralyse business here, but will do the same thing throughout the country. Long-shoremen Oppose Trainmen. A considerable percentage of the floating class of workingmen. who. follow the harvest and railroad con struction work, while not particu larly opposed to a walkout on the part of the trainmen, are said to be against tne latter on general principles. Last, but not least, many of the members of the Longshoremen's union and their friends are said to have it in for the trainmen because some of the latter are accused of knowingly carrying strike breakers and guards to various points along the coast, from places in the East. So far as I know, the I. W. W.'s will take no part in the strike," said the local secretary of that organization. Any rumor that the members of this organization are ready to scab on the trainmen because some of the latter in times past have made them pay to ride on freight trains, or get off and walk. is unfounded. If any action is taken by this organization, it will be favor able to the strikers. The only thing think we will do, though, is to extend the railway men our moral support.1 Trainmen Fear Antagonism. Because of the antagonistic attitude of many workingmen not affiliated with them, it was rumored in Portland yesterday, that many of the trainmen are now wishing that the threatened strike will not occur and are hoping that the difficulty will be settled through arbitration. They are apprehensive, it was said, that this resentment felt toward them would take a tangible form in the event of a lockout and that hundreds of men would flock to the aid of the railroads and that the latter would be easily able to get sufficient numbers to man the trains. Hundreds of men working in the mines, mills, logging and railroad con struction camps and on the ranches in the West, are able to Jump in and take the place of men operating trains," said a workingman on Second street yesterday. "Many of this class of laborers knock around the country a great deal and usually they travel by freight. It has been a common thing in the past for trainmen to maKe mem pay $1 a division, or, if broke, get off and walk. Most of them remember such occurrences and would like chance to get even. Many Conld Man Trains. "It Is no great trick to do the work of either a brakeman, a conductor, a fireman or an engineer. A large num ber of men comprising the floating labor class could Jump in and do it without training. The only difficulty would be in acting as switchmen. And the fellows who knock around would hate to take the places of the latter, as a rule, because the yardmen are gen erally good fellows and always ac commodatin g." With thse different laboring ele ments opposed to them, many of the trainmen are now said to De learrui of losing their Jobs permanently if they go out on a strike, and for that rea son it Is thought that in a showdown many of them will refuse to walk out. Most of the trainmen are without trades, having been recruited from the ranks of unskilled laDor, it is asserteo, and if they are compelled to seek em ployment elsewhere than with the traf fic companies they would have to fall back on Jobs that pay much smaller wages, and entail work that is much more arduous. Optimistic Feeling; Wanes. While the majority of the men on the roads centering in Portland are still certain that the anticipated strike will occur some time next week the opti mistic feeling over such an occurrence did not seem to be so prevalent yester day. With the railroad companies offering to arbitrate, many of the men seem to think that a-refusal on their part will cause resentment on the part of the general public, which will be shown by a gigantic wave of indignation and a huge volunteer offering of men to take charge of the trains abandoned by the members of the union wno walk out. The railroad National executive com mittee and the strike committee of the railroad men's unions will meet again next Tuesday, at which time the repre sentatives of the company hope to in- duce those from the labor organizations to resume negotiations for an amicable settlement of the trouble. If this fails an effort will be made by the railroads and business men in all parts of the country to have the Government inter vene to prevent a strike, if possible. G0ULD-HE1NZE SUIT IS UP New Yorker Trying to Recover on Judgment From Estate. NEW YORK, Aug. E. In an effort to recover part of the ll.2trt.598 alleged to be due him from a Judgment against F. Augustus Heinze, obtained in Octo ber. 1914. attorneys for Edwin Gould filed yesterday in " Supreme Court two suits agalst Mrs. Llda F. Fleitmann. sister of the late financier and adminis tratrix of his estate. Mr. Heinze died few weeks after tbe Judgment was entered. The suit asks the appointment of receiver for the Eeinze estate and the setting aside of alleged transfers to Mrs. Fleitmann of life insurance poli cies aggregating 1275,000, Interest es timated at $200,000 In what is known as the United Copper Company loan, and American Smelting &. Refining Com pany rights said to be worth (250,000. According to tbe complaint, the money is due on a promissory not for 1. 591.975, with interest at per cent. executed by Mr. Heinze in 1908 in favor of Mr. Gould and upon which $738,625 was paid. During the hearing on the suit in 1914 Mr. Heinze alleged the con ditions of making the note involved no obligation to pay. MOOSE INDORSE WILSON Francis J. Heney Elected Head of League in California. SAN FRANCSCO. Aug. 5. President Wilson was unanimously indorsed to day at a conference of California Pro gressives, who also completed the or ganization of the Woodrow Wilson League and laid plans for participating in the campaign of the Nation s execu tive for re-election. Francis J. Heney. of Los Angeles, ex-Progressive candi date for United States Senator, was elected president. A platform which lauded tbe Presi dent's work of the past four years was adopted by the league. The platform declared that "the President's success in keeping America out of war brands him as one ot the truly great men of the world." Telegrams were read from President Wilson, Francis J. Heney, Secretary of the Interior Franklin K. Lane. Vance McCormick, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and Joseph H Price, chairman of the executive com mittee of the Woodrow Wilson Inde pendent League. Messages were sent by the league to President Wilson and leaders In Washington. Kirschbaum Clothes and Fine Furnishings Reduced for Quick Clearance Buy Now for Your Future Requirements $18.00 and $15 cT 1 O Suits, now. . . .ip A -jyj $22.50 and $20 cl C CC Suits, now P JL KJmJVJ $25.00 Suits, C? "I O HO now $30.00 Suits, now $23.00 FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS AT CLEARANCE SALE PRICES Phegley & Cavender At the Sign of the Cherry Tree Corner Fourth and Alder Streets Copyrignt 9ifc.v - A. B. KWnchbaum Ca LEAGUES MEET HERE Wilson Clubs to Form State Association Tomorrow. EDITORS VISIT ASHLAND Association at Medford Slakes Auto Tonr. Session ASHLAND, Or.. Aug. 6. (Special.) Following a trip of inspection of the Siskiyou Mountain unit of the Pacific Highway yesterday, in the way of an automobile tour, the State Editorial Association, in session at Medford. were the guests -of Ashland citizens in the parks last evening. Dainty luncheons were prepared for 150, and the social reunion which fol lowed was intermingled with speeches and music the latter being furnished by the boys' band, of Oakland. Gal which is now touring Oregon. The festivities ended with a dance at the bungalow. Fred Lockley, of Portland, leading in the grand march. The town of Simla, India, Is built on a hill so steep that it Is often Doxlbls to step from the tiireshhold of one houss to the roof of another. DR. C.J. SMITH TO PRESIDE Mass Meeting Monday Night and Banquet Tuesday Will Feature Gathering of Democrats . From Many Points. The first state conference of Wood row Wilson Leagues of Oregon will open In Library Hall, Tenth and Tam il 111 streets, at 10 o clock tomorrow morning. If all come who have prom lsed to come, representatives from 38 Woodrow Wilson Leagues, situated In 23 of the 35 counties of the state, will be present. The purpose of the conference, as ex plained yesterday by G. T. Harry, state organizer of woodrow Wilson Leagues, is to complete the organization ot state association of the leagues. Two sessions are scheduled on the programme of the conference. The first session, opening at 10 o'clock to morrow, will extend to the noon hour or later. The conference will be called to order by Ir. C. J. Smith, preslden of the Woodrow Wilson League of' Portland. Amonr the speakers at this first session will be state Organizer Harry, who will outline tbe reasons for the state organization. Mass Meeting. Banquet Planned. The conference will reconvene at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning to complete the election of officers and other de tails of the proposea state organiza tion. In the meantime, a public mass meet ing of Democrats Is to be held Monday night in Library Hall to hear speeches Indorsing Mr. Wilson and his policies. Ex-Governor Oswald West will preside at this meeting. Mark V. Weatherford. of Albany, and O. P. Coshow, of Ross- burr, will De the speakers of the even ing. There also will be a musical programme. A banquet at the Portland Hotel at ( o'clock Tuesday night will close the convention. r. C. J. Smith is to br toastmaster. The principal address of the evening will be made by Governor Ernest Lister, of Washington. Other speakers on the programme are Mrs. Alexander Thompson, of The Dalles, and Judge JSamuel White, of Portland. Democratic state chairman. There also will be music A quartet of old soldiers is to sing and there will be solos and Instrumental music At a meeting Thursday night. Mr. Harry organized a Woodrow Wilson League at St- Johns, with Howard O. Rogers as president. Mrs. Ruby R. Da via vice-president and A. W. Markie secretary. tlons of the Wllltamxon and Sprasruo rivers to logging is favored by Com missioner of Indian Affairs Cato Sells. This was learned yesterday when Cap tain J. W. Siemens. Robert Strahorn. K. B. Hall. C W. Kherleln. S. O. John son and W. A. Delzell motored to Kiwn ath Agency and had a conference with Commissioner Sells. Mr. Sells has been cn the reservation for several days, and It is thoug'-t that his study of conditions there caused him to change his mind. About two years ago he gave an order closing the rivers to logging operation. Hoqulam School Date Tentative. HOQCTAM. Wash.. Aug. B. (Special.) The publio schools of this city prob ably will open Tuesday, September 5. the day following Labor day, accord ing to announcement made today by Hubbard Tuttle. secretary of the Board of Education. The date for opening the schools Is not definite, however. Mr. Tuttle stated, as word has net been received from Superintendent L. I McDonnell. MR. SELLS VISITS KLAMATH Opening of Indian Reserve Streams to Logging Is Favored. KLAMATH FALLS. Or, Aug. S (Special.) Opening of the lower sec- mm if A toll sSsI STOPS THE ACHE CLEANSES HE CAVITY PREVENTS DECAY Sold everywhere -15c C S. Dent & Co. (TSULL1VAN FUNERAL SET Sen-ices Will Be Held Tomorrow at Holy Redeemer Church. Mrs. Hanna L. OSulllvan, of 1234 Delaware avenue, died at St, Vincent's Hospital Friday afternoon at the ago of 62 years. Funeral services will be held Monday morning at 10 o'clock from the Holy Redeemer Church, Porr land boulevard and vv Ullams avenue. Rev. E. J. Power will celebrate the mass and deliver the funeral sermon. Mrs. O'Sulllvan came with her fam ily to this city seven years ago. She Is survived by her husband, J. J. O'Sul livan. and children. Mrs. Anna Han (on. Mary, Thomas. John, Dennis and Francis O'Sullivan. Pallbearers will be J. E. Banberry. W. E. Cook, J. J. Hogan. M. J. Keat ing, J. J. Layton and P, E, Sullivan. HOW TO REDUCE . YOUR WEIGHT A SErlFLE. SAFE. RELIABLE WAT. People who are overburdened with super fluous fat know only too well the discom fort and ridicule that over-stout people have to bear. If you are carrying- around five or ten pounds of unhealthy fat you are unneces sarily weakening- your vital organs and are carrying a burden which destroys tbe beauty of your fig-ure. There is no need of anyone suffering from superfluous fat. If you want to re duce your weight in a simple, safe and reliable way, without starvation diet or tire, some exercise, here Is a test worth trying. Spend as much time as you can In the open air. breathe deeply and get from Lue Davls Drur Company or any good druggist a box of oil of koreln capsules: take one after each meal and one before retiring at night. Weigh yourself once a week so as to know Just how fast you are losing weight and don't leave off the treatment or even skip a single dose until you are down to normal. Oil of korein Is absolutely harmless. Is pleasant to taice and helps digestion. Even a fer days treatrnent has been reported to show a noticeable reduction In weight. footsteps beccme lighter, your work seems easier and a lighter and more buoyant feel, in it takes Doe session of your whole belnc Every person who suffers from superfluous fAt should five tms treatment a.,- Adv. inra p I S si t Furniture Carpets Rugs Credit-Giving Unrestricted 'Savings One-Fourth to One-Half Read This. It Tells the Reason Why. After displaying mattresses, pillows, brass beds, dining: tables, rugs, rockers, etc, they become more or less shopworn, soiled or marred. Ordinarily we put these pieces in the Exchange Department and sell them at a big redaction. This year we have decided to put them on sale during August and let them go for what they will bring, their former cost having nothing to do with the price for which they are now offered. Out'of-Town Folks Ordering Extra. Specials, Inclose SOc Extra for Packing Library Table EXTRA SPECIAL Nicely finished. Beautiful grain. Size 26x42. 10 only on sale. 50c Cash, 25c AYk. This Luxurious Rocker EXTRA SPECIAL $9 n o Qu Table EXTRA SPECIAL j 1 I J , --- Quartered Oak Top. H CS? 1 A f Cl 1 MlllMtn SoUd k base - IB -T! I CL T J Six-foot Extension. D Vff JL jbt J O SW"42"'11011 PUnk Top" 1 1 H ' fr Golden o """V. r(Jj I C- H ""Vj Fumed Oak. j i f -1 r -i i "i wiii-A- GOOD PLACE! TO TRADE Cag? ' $1 Cash 50c Week Only the best of springs used in the construction. Covering is best grade brown imi tation Spanish Leather, and will wear for years. A beautiful piece of fur niture for your living-room or library. Regular price $15.00. On sale this week only. n High-Grade Felt Mattress Soft and Sanitary EXTRA SPECIAL 75c Cash, 25c Week. Try it at our expense if it doesn't come up to every claim we make. Built up layer upon layer of thick, springy, sleep inducing luxury, far superior to any other mattress for the money. A test will tell. SPECIAL PRICES ON REFRIGERATORS