The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 06, 1916, Section One, Image 1

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80 Pages
Section One
Pages 1 to 16
Candidate Has Zest for
Campaign Trip.
Trunkloads of Data About
Mexico Taken Along.
Republican Nominee's Wife, Though
Close Advisor, Keeps in Back
ground and Wants No Re
ception In Ifer Behalf.
NEW YORK, Aug. B. (Special.)
Charles Evans Hughes, accompanied by
bis wife, several newspaper correspond
ents and representatives of three press
services, started today Tor a tour of the
country that will cover approximately
11,000 miles, during- which Mr. Hughes
will make about 30 speeches and shake
hands with many thousands of persons.
, When the tour is ended the people, on
two lines from the East to the Pacific
Coast will know a great deal more
about the personality of Mr. Hughes
and his speeches will also leave noth
ing to the imagination as to where he
stands on every proposition, acute and
prospective, that the America. Nation
is facing.
Mr. Hughes E( for Trip.
"I am entering upon the trip with
the greatest zest," was the assertion
made tonight by Mr. Hughes, candidate
for President, just before be started
on the journey.
"It will be most gratifying to have
this opportunity of meeting the people,
and I am anticipating a very interest
ing series of meetings," he added.
Mr. Hughes inspected the new head
quarters of the Republican Nationa
Committee in Fifth avenue this aft
ernoon. When shown the reporters'
room he remarked:
. . "The seat of government, eh?"
, Trunks Filled With Data.
Mr. Hughes carries several trunks.
They contain, some clothing enough to
meet any occasion or emergency, tut
chiefly they are crammed with data
concerning Mexico, the condition of th
Army and Navy, effects of the tariff
and many other topics.
Mr. Hughes expects that his speeches
will be assailed in the Democratic press
as he progresses across the country
and back and that in every city he will
encounter some new Issues raised by
the opposition. He is loaded with facts
anj data to meet every such emergency.
Mrs. Hushes Keenly Interested.
Mrs. Hughes, who is a most impor
tant member of the party, is proud of
her husband and most intensely inter
ested in the campaign. She is proud of
hij entire public career and particular
ly of his record as Governor of New
York and on the supreme bench. She
shares his Intense fervor in the present
campaign and will be his confidential
adviser on the trip, as she has always
been in all his public career.
At the same time Mrs. Hughes has
made it clear to the reception commit
tees all along the line that she does not
desire any receptions in her behalf. She
prefers self-effacement nd says she Is
traveling as the wile of the Presiden
tial candidate and that he, r.nd not she.
is the person, the people desire to see
and hear. She has a wonderfully clear
and analytical mind and after each
meeting she will be abli to tell her
husband unerringly Just what sort ot
Impression he made and why.
Mr. Hughes does not expect to get
back to New York before the middle
(Concluded on Pane B. Column
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Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, of Stanford
University, Says Simple Life
Is One for Students.
Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur. Stanford Uni
versity's new president, grave a minus
mark today to the. automobile as a
factor in college life in an address
to parents of Stanford undergraduates
and prospective students in the uni
versity. Comfortably fat allowances
contriDuiea mommy oy parem-o
more well-to-do students were scoreu
as time-wasters and handicaps In the
college students education.
'We particularly regret that stu
dents are often given too large an
llowance of money, ' and some are
given or loaned automobiles, by their
parents, or others." President Wilbur's
letter reads. "A student's principal
business is his studies. He needs
money enough to buy food, lodging.
simple clothes, books, stamps and the
like, and to pay certain fees and dues.
admissions to a few entertainments
and special dental and medical bills.
Any money supplied beyond these
simple needs means that time will be
wasted in spending it. A surplus of
money is one of the biggest handicaps
possible for the youth who expects to
be a good student.
It takes time to run an automobile
and it often leads to life off the cam
pus, to extravagance and much fool
ishness." 'There is no need," President Wil
bur told parents, "to supply money
for orchids for dance partners, or for
taxi hire. ' The student who cannot be
content to lead the simple, clean, in
dustrious life expected on the Stan-
lord campus, should go elsewhere.
Providing Education for 1 6 Worries ;
Auto Track May Be Necessity,
ACKUr-.-v. vvan.. Aue. o. tope-
claL)-To provide education for IS pu-
w .
plls, the Board of Education here may
find itself compelled to purchase an
auto truck to bring these children from
their homes to the - school buildings
this year.
Recently Aberdeen was allotted the
school children from the Wishkah dis-
trict. The School Beard advertised for
bids to transport the boyg and cirls to
school daily, but none of these are said)
to be satisfactory and it may be found
necessary to buy an automobile have
the truant officer learn to drive the
car and hava him round up the children
every day.
Montana Miss Wades in Abandoned
Dredge Site and Drowns. '
BANNACK. Mont., Aug. 5. Dorothy
Dunn, aged IS, daughter of Mr. and work at 7:3o and had gone through re
Mrs. Ed Dunn, of Bannack. was drowned porta of tne fiKhtir)g last night and
yesterday while wading in an aban
doned dredge site near here. Two girls
were wading with her, when they sud
denly stepped oil a ledge into deep
Smith Paddock, aged 12, hastened to
the rescue and succeeded in extricat
ing her companions, but life was ex
tinct in the body of Dorothy Dunn when
it was finally brought to the shore.
Representative Murray Loses in
Oklahoma Primary.
OKLAHOMA CITY, Aug. 4. It ii
certainty that Representative William
H. Murray. "Alfalfa Bill." was defeat
ed fo rcnomination in Tuesday's prl-
mary election and the proposed literacy
test and other constitutional amend
ments were beaten.
Judge T. D. McKeown. of Ada, will
supplant the picturesque "Alfalfa Bill'
on th,e ballots in November. The Dem
ocratic nomination virtually assures
French General Says
War Has Turned.
ColIapSe Of German EffOftS
Said to Be Certain.
Leader of New Allied
Offensive I
Points Out Increasing Power of
French, . Russian and Oth
ers in Great Conflict.
General Joseph Joffre, generalissimo
of the French army and the guiding
spirit of the united army of the entente
allies, today received the Associated
Press correspondent here and for up
ward of an hour talked freely and fully
on many interesting current phases of
the war.
He expressed the view that the turn
ing point of the great conflict had now
been successfully reached and passed
i , . . ... I
emu wiin L no umieo, action ot me njues I
iimuy iiuuia iiiey
wero pressing
forward to the certain collapse of the
German efforts and to an assured vic
Command Is Wide.
It was an exceptional opportunity to
see and talk with the military com
mander who not onlv Is head of the
II -
French army, but also is in supreme
authority over the French. British and
Belgian forces on the western front
and the French, British and Serbian
armies of half a million men around
Saloniki, as well as being the senior
commander in the united action by
which the allies are conducting; slmul-
taneous campaigns- in the Russian.
Italian. French and Balkan theaters as
Part of one systematic whole.
-it Is this recent co-ordination of the
commands on the many fronts that has
permitted General Joffre to give .full
scops to his military talent, which
probably has beer, exercised over more
I men of the allied nations than ever has
fallen to one military commander.
General Joffre was in r-' nrivate of
fice at headquarters
when . "y
I of American correspondents arrlvea. the
v's,t Having been arranged for the an-
It was 10 O'clock in the moraine- hut
tne General had already begun hl
early today, on the Somme front and at
Verdun and also along the Italian and
Russian fronts.
General Pellee, his chief of staff, and
a number of staff officers were about.
but except for this there was little out
ward evidence oi warfare, and none
of the confusion and roar of battle
heard along the fighting line.
Joffre Not Unlike Grant.
General Joffre presented a striking
p'cture " ho tood ther among his
stall oiiicers. xxis square Duiia ana
sturdy figure wore a dark blue service
uniform with little gold braid and dec
orations. His face has the red glow
of good health and perfect physical
condition, but its striking feature was
the indomitable firmness and calmness
shown in that square Jaw and open
countenance. Most French officers are
scrupulously well tailored and groomed.
and while General Joffre was not lack
ing in this, yet there was something
suggesting General Grant's disregard
of the little conventionalities of uni
form and surface appearances. His
heavy gray mustache and bristling
iConcluded on Pare 2. Column 1-
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. TS-
degrees; minimum, 63.5 decrees.
TOOAf'S Fair; northwesterly winds.
French withstand Curious German ' assault
in Delvllle wood. Section 1. pace a.
Official reports. Section 1. pace S.
General Joffre says victory is now assured.
section 1, pace 1.
Germans set setback at Verdun and on
Somme. Section 1. pace &.
Turks advance on Port Said. 8ectlon 1.
pace S.
Home resolution calls for investlcatlon Into
reasons for raisinc embargo on munitions
to aaexlco. section 1. pace a.
Democrats vote to tax smaller Incomes. Sec
tion 1. pace 1.
Democratic Senator's Irs roused by Hughes'
speech. Section 1. page 6.
Spies In evidence at Panama Canal defenses.
section 1. page o.
Motors and fat allowances for collegs Boys
disapproved. Section 1. page 1.
Miss Lydla Lopokova, Russian dancer, is
bride.. Section 1. page .
All surface lines In New York halted Br
strike. Section 1. pegs 1.
Mr. Hugbes begins long campaign tour. Sec
tion 1. du. 1.
Jack Adams Is best drilled man of Troop A.
Section 1, pace 4.
Tug Tlmmlns- may be en routs to meet
.Bremen, section 1. page l.
Pacific Northwest.
Coos Bay and Coqullle Valley plan entertain
ment durins Jubilee. Mcuon x. y -
Josephine County get flood of queries from
prospective grant land nomesteaucie. ca
tion 1. page a.
Moses Alexander to run again for Governor-
snip of ldabo. Section 1. pace a.
Southwestern Multnomah. County gets gas
Section 1. pace V.
Three thousand persons attend Newport
barbecue railway, celebration, section .
pace T. i
Editors- session at Medford is brougnt to
close. Section 1. nase 2.
Cattle breeders hold meeting near Chehalla,
Section 1. page 4.
Flax growers protest against order to leave
foul fields unharvested. Section 1. page T.
Decision In theater rase lifts Sunday lid In
Dallas. Section 1. page T.
Cars are gathered at Camp Wlthyeombe to
convey recruits to border. Section 1.
page 7.
Tmj-iri.- C'nmat Tnui results: Portland 8.
Oakland or Vernon S. Los Angeles 0; San
Francisco 8. Salt Lake 3. Section 2.
pace. 1. .
fall fnni i . all before mem
" r ' . ., a
T n m tMirnimanL Section . Page a.
Red Sox iton Browns. Section 2, page i.
Reds lose two games to Boston. Section 2.
page 2.
Johnston and Griffin defeat Alexander and
Behr In lnter-sectlonal contest. Section 2.
page . "
More than 175 entrants in Murraymead play.
Section 2. page .
Inter-club play on Laurelhurst courts' to
" -
DetroPtflscUon I P-g.
begin tomorrow, section 2. page a.
Detroit. Section 2. page
Entries coming in for Gearhart tourney.
Section 2, pace S,
Inter-City games arousing Interest. Section
2. page 3.
Kenworthy leads league as fielder. Section
2. page 3.
Beaver and Oak Vaughn and Crandall
old teammates. Section z. page a.
Third Baseman Evens to play this week.
Sectlan 2. page 2.
Rlckenbacher wins Taeoms classic Section
2. page -
Commerelal and Marine.
Schooner Is launched at St. Helena and
christened "June." Section 2, page 16.
Mayachl Mam arrives after steaming 1
days in f--s Section 2. page 15.
Salmon pack to be short. Section 2, page
Heavy wheat sales made at high prices. Sec
tion 2. page i.
Portland and Vicinity.
Governor accepts Senator McBrlde'a resigna
I Camp wtthycombe recruits have Jolly time
tion, section A. page o.
as guests
at Oaks Park.
Section 1,
page lu.
Judge puzzled over question of law to save
cima trom stigma ot iiiesiiimacjr.
tlon 1. pag 11.
Draft of Jitney franchise framed.
Section 1.
pace lu.
Columbia Beach opens. Section 1. pace 11
S. A. D. Puter asserts his innocence in land,
rrant locations. Section 1.- page 10.
Bids for new postofflce building to be opened
tomorrow, section i. page 10.
Coos Bay special to be home of Portland
Cnamber delegation. Section 1. page 12.
Three new Reed College records being pre
pared. Section 1. page 14.
Pythlans res,dy to get down to real work of
Manager Ober, of Hotel Portland, resigns.
Section 1, page 5. ,
Weather report, data and forecast. Section
2, page 7.
Western League delegate to meet here to
morrow. Section 1. page 2.
J, B. Teon ridicules complaint of E. VersteesT
feecuon l. pace o.
Sonthern California Citizen Tars on
Battleship Oregon.
SAN PEDRO. Aug. E. The Naval
Militia of San Diego. Santa Barbara
and Los Angeles left here tonight on
the United States battleship Oregon
for a two weeks' training cruise. About
320 -officers and men reported.
The Oregon will go to Fuget Sound
during the cruise.
Democrats to Recom.
mend Extension..
Single Persons Would Pay on
All More Than $2000.
Surtax on Earnings of More Than
TwoMllIIon Dollars Yearly Is
Increased to Bring in Keve
nne of 910,000,000.
WASHINGTON", Aug. S. Reduction of
the income tax exemption from f S000
to 12000 for single persons and from
$4000 to 13000 for those with families
was ordered recommended to the Sen
ate tonight by Democratic members of
the finance committee who are revis
ing the House revenue bill.
The change is proposed in an amend
ment which would put the additional
$1000 taxes in a separate classification
and Impose on it a normal tax of 1 per
cent. Instead of the 2 per cent as
sessed against Incomes of more than
$3000 for single persons and of more
than 14000 for married persons.
The amendment after an all-day dis
cussion prevailed by a majority of only
one vote, opposition persisting to the
Decision Bay Be Reversed.
After announcement of the result by
Chairman Simmons, some of the Demo
cratlc Senators said that the decision
was tentative and might be overturned
when the amendment waa submitted to
the full membership of the committee
next week.
The rollcall on the amendment was
not disclosed. Those who favored it
emphasized the grsve necessity for
additional revenue, and had estimates
before them showing that the proposed
exemption reductions would add about
$8,000,000 to the treasury. It probably
would Increase several fold the total
number of taxable Incomes, r
The amendment is the second change
in the Income tax proposed' by Senate
Democrats, who last night voted to
Increase the surtax on Incomes in ex
cess of 12,000,000 from 10 to 13 per
cent. It Is estimated that the surtax
change, will bring in $10,000,000 addi
tional revenue.
Excise Reduction Proposed.
The sub-committee on the munitions
section of the revenue bill. It was def
initely announced, has voted to reduce
the proposed excise tax on productions
of copper and to add to the munitions
list an excise tax on productions of
lead, zinc. Iron and steeL Senator
Stone, chairman of the sub-committee.
did not disclose the amount Tf the pro
posed taxes, -which hava not yet been
considered by the full Democratic mem
bership. "Personally." said Senator Stone. "I
would recommend a tax on all abnormal
profits on munitions ot war. A rea
sonable profit could be established by
experts and a tax levied on all above
that figure."
Motorcycle Rider Hurt.
Richard Lewack. 26. 302 Fourteenth
street N rth, was seriously Injured
yesterda) afternoon when his motor
cycle collided with a streetcar at
Fourteenth and Glisan streets. He was
taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital
by the Ambulance Service Company.
He received a deep cut on one side of
the head. His recovery Is expected.
Explanation for Trip Same as That
Given When Dcutschland
Came Into Port.
BALTIMORE, Aug. S. Indications
that the Bremen, tne second of the Ger-
n undersea liners, may soon arrive
in the Chesapeake Bay. came when a
farm wagon today unloaded at a pier
where the Deutacheland had been
berthed a quantity of provisions which
were taken aboard the tug Thomas F.
Tiramina. which figured so extensively
in the arrival and departure ot the sub
marine Deutschland.
One of the crew said the tug was
"Just going after some barges." It was
recalled that Captatn Cullison of the
Timmlns made a similar reply to
query when the tug waa waiting off the
Capes for the Deutschland.
The Tlmmlns is to have its name
changed to the Hansa. An application
for the change has been filed with the
United States shipping authorities.
Three or four days will be necessary
before the change takes effect.
The Hansa is scheduled to figure in
further submarine enterprises. Cap
tain Frederick Hlnsch. port manager
for the Deutsche Ozean Rhederel. oper
ators of the Deutschland. has indicated I
that the Deutschland's trip is but the I
prelude to a regular service
Baltimore and lermare porta.
ml - 1 . V- - . K nl.. WhATB
the Deutschland was berthed is to be
deeoened to a minimum low water
i ii n wesi vc.iu -. . -.
dentil of 25 feet and warehouse alter-1
atlons are to be made.
Koiiwtwwl Fire Station aiascot
Mourned by Many.
Old "Pouch" Is dead. For many years
this dog had been the mascot of tha
Kellwood Fire Station. No. 20. The sad
news came a few days ago that tne
dog had been struck by a passing auto
mobile and his back broken.
Fireman Sleighten investigated and
found Pouch dead on East Thirteenth
street, near the carbarns. The animal
between 14 and 15 years oi age
and was quite deaf. The old dog was
known by all old residents or senwooa
and was a favorite with children.
Governor of New Mexico Is for Sub-
mltting Vneeu-.
Governor W. C. McDonald, in a tetter
answering an inquiry made by a minis-
ter and made public today, says he fa
vors the lubmisaion of state-wide pro
hibition to the voters of New Mexico.
Thi could not be accomplished until
if tor the Legislature had acted next
Governor McDonald adds he Is not a
candidate for re-election.
John M. Thurston's Life Despaired
Of by Physicians.
OMAHA. Aug. 5. John M. Thurston.
ex-United States Senator from Ne
braska, who la 111. was reported today
considerably worse, his physicians add
ing that his death is a matter ot a few
K has been confined In a hospital
tne past three weeks following heat
Jail Sentences Given for Distributing
Hand Bills.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. t The first
conviction in the campaign h-ere
against anarchists was secured today,
when three men were sent to the
County Jail for so days for distributing
anarchist handbills.
Attemps were made to deport the
three, but failed.
Strike May Include1!"
and Subway Lines.
Steam Lines to New York May
Be Involved in Few Days.
Carmen found Working on Auto
Buses Women and Children
Hurl Rocks When Police
Charge Crowd of SOOO.
NEW YORK, Aug. 6. Surface-car
traffic ceased In tha borourha of Man-
hattan. the Bronx and Richmond at
, .....
nur "IT " the grip
of the most serious transit blockade in
its history.
Brooklyn was the only borough in
the greater city not affected by the
strike of motormen and conductors.
Only a fraction of the normal number
of cars was in operation in the borough
of Queens, although the railroad com
pany that operates the lines there was
more fortunate than the other publlo
service corporations affected In re
taining the services of a large number
of loyal employes.
Menace Grovrtag Hourly.
The menace of a general strike that
would include the elevated and sub
way lines was growing hourly more
threatening tonight- Union organizers
1 declared employes of the company were
I reporting constantly at headquarters to
oe enrolled. William B. Fitzgerald, tha
i sencrai organizer, declared that by the.
I miaaie or next week every employe ot
tne interDorough would be a member
A new element of danger, so far as
uie traveling publlo was concerned.
was Injected into the situation toJ
1 nigni. wnen imam IX. Marion, presi-
dent f th Amalgamated Association
of Street and Electrlo Railway Era-
ploycs. declared that a delegation ot
i tne Drotnernood or locomotive encin-
I eers, representing the men working on
the railroads running into the city;
had called upon him and asked tor a.
conference. They were Invited to con-,
ter tomorrow afternoon with union
officials. j
Steam Lines May Be Tied V.
It was announced a-t headquarter
that this probably meant the members
of the brotherhood would walk out
sympathy with the car men it it were!
I found necessary, and thus tie up thv
steam- and electrlo roads running Into:
New York.
At 8 o'clock tonight orders had been
issued by every street railroad In Man-
hattan and the Bronx, and on Staten
Island (Richmond), to discontinue serv
ice for the night. An hour later not a
surface carwbeel was moving in tha)
three boroughs. The management of
the Manhattan and Bronx lines saldJ
they would attempt to resume servicer
tomorrow morning, but no effort wouldj
oe maae until sionaay to operate car a,
on 6 tate n Island. i
Jitneys' Saddenly Appear. '
The number of passengers carried'
daily on the lines affected ia estimated.
it 2.500.000. Within an hour after
the halting of traffic, steady streams
of "Jitney" vehicles were flowine
through Broadway. Fifth avenue and
other streets running north and south.
as well as through the cross-town
For cross-town rides the regulation
charge is 6 cents, while longer trips
uptown and downtown coat from 6 to
(Concluded on Pace 5. Column l.